The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 18, 1916, Image 2

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Americans May Be Warned Not to
Travel on Belligerent Ships Which
Carry Guno for Protection Against
Submarine Attacks.
Washington, Fob. 14. Tho declara
tlon by tho central powcra of their pur
poso after March 1 next to regard
armed morchant ships as warships
and sink thorn on sight Is In oxact ac
cordance with tho now policy of tho
United States as laid down by the
American noto of January 18.
It Is expected President Wilson nov;
will give Instructions to all port o(
flclals directing thorn to consldoi
armed merchantmen as auxiliary
cruisers and to apply to thom tilt
rulos undor which such vessels must
depart within twenty-four hours uftor
arrival or after necessary repairs aro
mado or storos taken on board.
It is expected further that warnings
will bo Issued directing Americans not
to travol on bolllgcrcnt armed mor-'
chant ships.
Tho noto, by dlroctlon of tho secre
tary of stato to Amorican ambassadors,
was addressed to tho European bel
ligerents In connection with tho recog
nition of submarines as commorco do
stroyers and tho desirability of tho dis
armament 6f belligerent merchantmen.
Its text In part Is no follows:
"It Is a matter of tho deepest In
terest to my govornraent to bring to
an end, If possiblo, tho dangors of lifo
which attend tho uso of submarines as
at present employed In destroying
enemy commorco on tho high seas,
since on any merchant vessel of bol
llgcrcnt nationality thoro may bo citi
zens of tho United States who havo
taken passage or members of tho crow
in tho oxorciso of their rccognlzod
rights as neutrals.
"Whilo I am fully allvo to tho ap
palling loss of lifo among noncorabat
ants, regardless of ago or sex, which
has resulted from tho present method
of destroying morchant vessels with
out removing tho persons on board to
places of Bafety and while I vlow that
practlco as coutrary to thoso humane
principles which should control bel
ligerents In tho conduct of Chclr naval
operations, I do not feel that a bol
llgerent should bo doprlved of tho
proper uso of submarines In tho in
vasion of commerce since thoso In
struments of war havo proved tholr
effectiveness In .this practical Dranch
of warfaro on tho high seas.
"Your government will understand
that In seeking a formula or rulo I ap
proach It of necessity from tho point
of view of a neutral, but I boliovo that
It will bo equally clllcaclous in pro
serving tho lives of noncombatants on
merchant vessels of belligerent nation
alities. "My commentB on this subjoct aro
predicated on tho following proposi
tions: "1. A noncombatant httB a right to
traverse tho high seas In a morchant
vessel cntltlod to fly a bolllgoront flag,
tb rely upon tho observance of tho
rules of international law and princi
ples of humanity, and If tho vessol is
approached by a naval vessol of an
other bolllgoront tho morchant vessol
of enemy nationality should not bo at
tacked without being ordored to stop.
"2. An onomy merchant vessel when
ordored to do bo by a bolllgoront sub
raarlno should immediately stop.
"3. Sueh vcbsoI should not ho at
tacked after being ordorod to stop un
less It attempts to floo or resist. In
caso It ceases to lloo or roslst. tho at
tack should bo discontinued.
"4. In tho ovont that It Ib Impossible
to placo a prlzo crow on board of an
onomy morchant vessol, or to convoy
It Into port, tho vessol may bo sunk,
provided tho crow and passongors
havo been removed to a placo of safo-
"It would therefore appear to bo a
reasonable and roclprocally Just ar
rangomont If It could bp ngrood by tho
opposing bolllgcronts that submarines
should bo caused to adhoro strictly to
tho rulos of International law in tho
matter of Btopplng and searching mor
chant vessels, determining their bol
llgerent nationality and romavlni; tho
crows and passengers to places of
safety before sinking tho vessols as
prlzcB of war, and that morchant ves
sels of bolllgoront nationality should
bo prohibited from carrying any arma
ment wliatnoovcr.
"I should add that my government
Is Impressed with tho reaBonabloncss
of tho argument that a morchant ves
sel carrying an armamont of any sort
should bo hold to bo un auxiliary cruls
er and so treated by n noutral us woll
as by a belligerent government and Is
seriously considering Instructing its
oiriclalB accordingly."
U. 8. Ensign Pleads Guilty,
San KranclHto, Keb. l. ICnBlgn
Robort I). Kirkpatrlck, former oxoc
utlvo ofllccr of tho destroyer Hull,
pleaded guilty beforo a court-martial
on board tho battleship Oregon to tho
loss of tho codo book from tho Hull.
Lamar Must Go tr Jail.
Now York, Fob, 14. Tho United
States circuit court of appeals re
fused to rolitRtato tho appeal or David
Lamar, -"Wolf of Wall Street." and ho
must go to Atlanta prison for two
years for impersonating congressmen.
100 I w
German attacks wcBt anc southwost of Vlmy, In the ArtolB region,
resulted In the capturo of 800 yards of Kronen first-lino trenches. Paris says
tome of tho positions wero retaken later. Tho Artols region may bo tho
sceno of a new German offenslvo on a largo scalo It is known that thoro
havo been many new Gorman troops rushed to Klonders and northern Kranco
Decision to Accept Berlin Declaration
Made at Conference Held by
Wilson and Lansing.
Washington, Feb. 10. Tho contro
versy botwoon tho United States and
Germany over tho destruction of tho
British liner Lusltnnla with tho loss of
115 Amorican Uvea is settled.
Thus is passing into history an In
cident which at tho tlmo of Its occur
rence threatened to embroil tho United
States In tho groat world war and
which slnco has brought tho country
on sovoral occasions perilously close
to hostilities.
President Wilson and his cabinet re
garded tho settlement effected as fully
meeting tho original demands of tho
United States. Thoso domands were
set forth In a noto dated Mny 13 last,
immediately after tho Lusltnnla was
sont to tho bottom of tho Bea. They
1. Disavowal of tho act of tho sub
marine commander.
2. Reparation In tho form of an in
demnity. 3. Immediate steps to prevent tho
recurrence of such Incldonts.
Hero In effect Is what tho kaiser's
government Is roady to say and what
tho United Stntos has accoptcd In lieu
of a disavowal:
"Tho destruction of tho LuBltanla
was a retaliatory act and Germany Is
prepared to pay an indemnity for tho
Amorican lives lost."
Tho decision to accept tho Gorman
declaration was mado at n conferenco
on Tuesday botwoon tho prosldont and
Secrotary Lansing. Later tho cabinet
ratified tho decision.
American Tank Steamer Petrollte Was
Fired Upon and Food Taken
by Submarine.
Washington, Fob. 12. Secretary
Lansing announced on Thursday that
ho had sont to tho Austro-Hungarlan
government through Ambassador Pen
field a dlBpatch asking for an investi
gation and an explanation of tho at
tack .by an Austrian submnrlno on tho
Amorican tank Btcnmor Petroltto.
Tho Bocrotary's dispatch called at
tentlon to aflldavlts from members of
thn crow of tho Potrollta and to Infor
mation from other sources to tho offoct
that tho ship was stopped In thn Mod
Itorranean near Alexandria by mi Aub
trlan submarine which fired upon It
nnd wounded ono man who wps In tho
ongino room. Tho submorlno com
mandor asked for food, which Captain
Thompson of tho Potrollto rcfusod. A
boarding party was thon sont to tho
Amorican ship and ono American mem-
bor of her crow removed. Ho was
hold as hostnge whilo tho Ajistrlnns
took tho food thoy required from tho
Potrollto's stores.
Raltl Bomb Factory.
Lisbon. Fob. 12. Tho pollco rnldod
an nnarchlst bomb factory, cnnflsrnt
lng 40 loaded nnd 40 unloaded bombs,
many rifles and pistols and a great
quantity of oxploslvcs. Sovoral ar
rests havo boon mado
Steamer In Collision Sinks.
Deal. England, Fob. 12. Tho Nor
wegian Bteamer Correct. 1.03C tons
was sunk on Thursday In collision
with another vessol In tho North sea
off North Morolaud hoadland. Tho
crow waB saved
Declares President's Candidate for
Supreme Court Justice Guilty
of Infidelity.
Washington, Feb. 11. Gravo charges
againBt Louis D. Brandois, nominated
by President Wilson as Sunrnmn court
JUBtlco, woro mado on Wednesday In
a puunc Hearing beroro a subcommit
tee. Clifford Thorne. chairman of thn
Iowa railroad commission, caused a
sensation when ho deliberately told
tno commltteo that ho believed tho
president's candidate guilty of.:
l. inlldslity. breach of fnlth nmi
unprofessional conduct In connection
with ono of tho greatest cases of this
2. Committing himself as cannon!
for tho Interstnto commorco commis
sion to tho nronosltion thnt
of 7Vj per cont on railroad capltnl Ib
not adequate although tho commis
sion Itself had fixed that rato a3 an
adequato prollt.
Tho charges, dollvered In n. mlm
deliberate tono, took away tho broath
ot tno solomn Bonato subcommittee
and mado tho crowd in tho commlttoo
room gasp. Ho rovlowod in detail tho
conduct of himself and Mr. Drandcds
In tho railroad rato caso of 1910 and
l'J13 boforo tho Intorstato commerce
commission. Ho sought to show that
Mr. Urandois, nftor acting for tho Ship
pers in 1010, had become attorney for
tho commission In 1013 and had not
acted In good faith. Tho object of his
testimony was to show that tho con
duct of Unindola was unbecoming a
lawyer of "Judicial temperament." and
that on railroad questions tho Su
premo court candidate was already
committed and would not bo abio to
act Judicially If such quostlous oumo
boforo him na a Judge of tho highest
Armor Plate Companies Fight Passage
of Government Factory Program
Threat Not Heeded.
Washington, Fob. 10. Tho rtrmor
Plato companies, through Senator
Holes Pcnroso of Pennsylvania, sorved
notlco on tho sonato naval affairs com
mlttoo on Tuesday that if congrosB
passes tho armor plato factory bill
thoy will boost tho price $200 a ton
on all armor plato needed to carry
out tho present building program.
Tho throat did not deter tho naval
affairs commltteo from voting nine to
threo in favor of rocommending tho
passngo of tho Tillman bill appropri
ating ?11,000,000 for tho purcliaso or
construction or an armor plato plant
of not less than 20.000 tons annual ca
pacity. Czar Goes to Front.
London, Feb. 12. A Potrogrnd dls
patch to Itouter'a Bays Emperor Nich
olas has left thero for tho front.
Canada Enlists 1.000 a Djv.
Ottuva-Ont., Fob. 14. Each day for
mo nisi montn a thousand mon havo
unlisted In Canada for sorv ion nvnr.
Heas. It would bo dllllcult to provide
instructors, rules nnd clothing for a
larger dally nurahor of recruits.
Whltlock Acts as Best Man.
London, Fob. II. Brand Whltlock,
American mlnlstor to Belgium, was
best man at tho .wedding on Friday
In Brussels of Charles Cnratalra ot
Philadelphia and Holono Guinotto,
tho daughtor of a burgomaster.
Allies Given Time to Signify Intention
Towards the Note of United States
Proposing Disarmament of Mer
chantmen. Washington, Fob. 12. Gormany and
Austria havo notified tho stato depart
ment thnt after March I thoy will
constdor all armed merchantmen as
warships and sink thom without wnrn
lng. count von Hernstorff, German am
bassador, first dellvored tho notice to
tho stato department two days ago. It
was learned.
Baron Erich Zwledlnok. Austrian
chargo, has notified Secretary Lansing
that Austria concurred in Germany's
March 1 was fixed for tho dato for
tho order to b.pcoino cffcctlvo to givo
tho cntonto allies tlmo to signify tholr
Intention toward tho recent note of
tho United States proposing tho dis
armament of nil merchantmen.
Tho United States recently proposod
to all tho belligerents thnt the devel
opment of submarine warfare had
mado It desirable for all to agreo that
merchant ships should bo absolutely
unarmed, dismounting oven tho small
caliber guns which thoy havo hereto
fore been Dormittcd to carry for do
fenso. Tho memorandum went forward by
mall about two weeks ago, and no
replies wero expected Insldo of bIx
woeks. Tho proposal was based on
the theory that no merchant ships of
tho Germanic powers and nono of tholr
commerco destroyers, except subma
rines, wero at sea.
Tho Appam case, however, which
disclosed n German merchant raider at
largo, changed tho situation material
ly, nnd tho status of tho American pro
posal is in doubt
With tho approval of tho state de
partment, Assistant Secretary Peters
of tho treasury notified Collector Ma
lono at New York to permit tho Italian
steamer Stampalla to clear with guna
for defonso purposes only.
Berlin, Feb. 12. Tho government
contends the measure declaring armed
merchantmen warships is Justified by
explicit Instructions, issued by tho
British admiralty to merchantmen, a
copy of which Is said to havo been ob
tained by the Gorman authorities.
Theso instructions, it Is understood
hero, wero that tho merchantmen
should carry guns and attack subma
rines on sight
It Is also stated theso orders havo
a counterpart In Instructions Issued by
the governments of other countries at
war with Germany.
Opposed to Move In Connection
With Nomination for
Washington, Feb. 11. Ropresonta
tivo Slomp mado public on Wednes
day a letter from Juctlco Huches. de
claring: "I am totally opposed to tho
uso or my name lu connection with the
nomination and to tho selection or In
struction or any delegates in my In
terest directly or remotely."
Justlco Hughes' letter, made public
with his consent, was In reply to a
lotter rrom Mr. Slemp which inrormed
tho Justlco that Frank II. Hitchcock,
postmaster general undor President
Taft, had inaugurated a movement in
the South favoring tho Justlco for the
Republican presidential nomination.
Resolution to Help Navy Yards and
Measure Adding 300 to Entrance
Class at Annapolis Passed.
Washington. Feb. 11. Tho Rnnntn
passod on Wednesday the resolution
making JG00.000 avallablo for ro-equlp-ping
tho Mare island and Now York
navy yards and tho bill increasing by
300 tho ontranco class at Annapolis
naval academy. Tho measures passed,
tho house Monday and now go to Pres
ident Wilson for his npproval. Tho
naval academy incroaso bill was
passed without dobato. i
Tho Hnguo, Fob. 10. Dr. Anton Van
Gljn haa boon appointed mlnlstor or
financo for Holland.
Washington, Fob. 10. Tho senate
rorelgn relations commltteo voted
unanimously to rocommond ratlflca
tlon ot tho treaty establishing a pro
tectorate ovor tho republic ot Haiti.
Liner Appam May Remain,
Washington, Fob. 14. Disposition
or tho British liner Appam, taken by
a Gorman prlzo crew, has boon docld
ed by tho United States and will bo
announced later. Tho liner will re
main In tho United States.
Ask New Mohr Case Trial.
Providence, It. I., Fob. 14. William
H. Lewis and John B. Edwards, coun
sel for Henry Spollmnn and Cecil
Brown, negroos convicted or tho mur
der or Dr. Charles P. Mdhr, filed peti
tions for now trials on Friday.
Crawford will have a now post
offico buUdlntr, finely equipped. It
will 1k 30x40 feet In dimensions.
At a hog sale neur Hoca u row duys
ngo fifty head of Poland-China sows
and gilts brought an average price of
Tho citizens of Trenton are arrang
ing -to entertain tho meeting of the
Republican Valley Editorial associa
tion on Mnrch 6.
Tho Omaha municipal auditorium
lost $1,200 in tho first six monthn ot
it3 operation, according to figures
furnished by tho city.
The Konrney Country club has filed
articles of incorporation with tho
district clerk. Tho club is incorporat
ed to the sum of $10,000.
As tho result or Injuries sustained
when his hand became caught In a
cornshollcr, Emll E. Musll, a fanner
residing near Clarkson, lost his left
arm at tho elbow.
Ambroso C. Epperson of Clay Cen
ter hna announced that ho will bo n
candidate for dolegato-at-largo to the
ropuBUcan national convention at Chi
cago at tho April primary.
Miss Anna A. Gordon, national
president of tho Woman's Christian
Tcmpornnco union, will attend tho
mid-continental conference of tho un
ion at Lincoln March S and 9.
Seventh Day Adventists, at the
mid-west conference at Lincoln, an
nounced that pians nro under way to
conduct an Adventlst ovnngelistic
campaign In Omaha next summer.
At a special election held In Crof
ton Just recently a proposition to ox
tend the present wnter system 'car
ried by a good majority. Work will
be started as soon as weathor por
Health Commissioner Connell or
Omaha announces that thero aro now
215 houses under quarantine for scar
let fever and seventy-rour additional
patients at tho Isolation hospitals', a
total or 289.
Omaha Is tho eighteenth city In tho
United States In postofllce money or
der business, leading such cities' as
Now Orleans, Baltimore and Denver,
according to figures Just issued by
Postmaster Wharton.
H. H. Pease, editor of the Beemor
Times, has announced his candidacy
for the nomination tor representative
of the Twenty-first district, subject
to tho will or the republican voters at
tho primaries, April ISth, 191G.
Tho Nebraska Record, a monthly
paper published by George E. Ben
schottcr at Loup City, has suspended
publication. Mr. Benschotter haa
moved his plant to Hay Springs,
where ho expects to publish a paper.
C. W. Chambers or Table Rock be
camo champion checker player of
Nebraska, when ho won two games,
lost ono and drew three In tho finals
with I. T. Brooking or Funk at Hast
ings, during the 'stato checker tour
nament. A movement has been started In
Omaha to orgorilze a wireless signal
corps. It is paid there are ovor fitly
men in tho city who understand wire
less tolegraphy. Tho uso of Fort
Omaha will be asked Tor to carry on
operations. -
E. H. Kyser of Atlanta was winner
or tho sllvpr loving cup at the second
annual show or tho Southwest Ne
braska Poultry and Ppt Stock assp
clatlon which waH held at Holdrege
recently. Tho cup awarded was for
tho largest and best display in ono
Perhaps the most unusual funeral
In Nebraska's history was conducted
In Hastings when nearly 500 peoplo
attended the funeral of J. O'Connor,
nged recluso whoso body had gono un
burled for thirty months, whilo
claimants fought tor his $100,000
More than seven and a hair million
bushels or grain wero received on
the Omaha market In January, accord
ing to tho monthly report mndo by
Secretary Manchester or tho Omaha
Grain exchange. Tho receipts for tho
R.itro month In 1015 wero less than
hnir that amount.
Bayard H. Palno, or Grand Tsland,
has prepared Ma petition tor ono or
the nominations for district JUdgo and
will file the same In the near future
Thero aro at present threo candldntes
ftir tho non-partisan nomlnntion,
though It la expected thorn will bo
Word hns been received In North
Plntto that tho Union Pacific railroad
officials havo accepted plans nnd spe
cifications for the construction of a
$90,000 station to replaco tho depot
burned some time ago.
Syver Backoy, an old tlmo resident
of Brown county, but who died a
month ago at North Bond, Ore., and
who loft no heirs In America, willed
his estate, consisting or about $G0,000,
to tho Lutheran church at Drammon.
Norway, his old boyhood homo
Wolves aro getting so bold in Snrpy
county thnt thoy havo begun to chnso
children home rrom school. Many
rnrmers or Into havo boon losing
chickens, lambs, pigs and oven young
At the annual meeting or tho Y. W.
C. A. at Grand Islnnd reports show
that over G.000 cnlls by young and
elderly women woro mado at tho
headqunrters or tho association dur
ing tho past year, and that over 600
girls have been directed to work
through the agencies of this aKsocla-Uon.
Lincoln promoters aro planning or
ganization of an nnvtteur baseball
league tills year.
Tho citizens of Nlobrnra will Boon
voto on Issuing bonds ror a new
school building.
Evangelistic meotlngs will bo held
in Wymoro for the next six weeks. A
tabernacle has been built.
Tho Boy Scouta at Kearney nro agi
tating tho question of providing a
club room ror the company.
Tho Beaver City Flouring mills
burned to tho ground a row days ago
with a loss of $15,000.
Crawford has an organization ot
Seventh Day Adventists, with a mem
bership of thirty-eight.
Tho nnnunl meeting of group ono
of tho Nebraska Bankers' association,
will he held In Beatrice Mny 10.
Over 100 Eagles, members of aerio
No. 147, attended tho dedication of
their now $7G,000 home at Lincoln.
The postoffico grounds at Beat
rice and Holdrege aro to bo improv
ed at the expense of tho federal gov
ernment. W. J. Ilcrbcs, formerly publisher of
the Cedar Rapids Outlook, has pur
chased tho Lindsay Post from John.
M. llolley.
John 10. Bartholomew of .Columbus,
was found dead on the Union Pacific
right-of-way near Schoedors mill. It
Is bolie.ved heart failure caused his
Directors of. tho new Fremont Ho
tel compnny have elected Frank Fow
ler president. The new hotel Is to
be built In tho spring at a cost of
Tho dato or' the banquet for law
makers and former lawmakers of Ne
braska scheduled for February 25th
at Lincoln has been changed to Febru
ary 24 th.
The petition for a snloon at Crooksr
ton, which had a remonstrance filed,
against It, was withdrawn at the hear-
lng, which permits Crookston to bo
dry this year.
Lincoln, after a lively contest, suc
ceeded in landing the 1917 convention
of tho Nebraska Retail Dealers asso
ciation, at their meeting Vast week In
the capital city.
Whilo carrying homo a box of live
ducks, John Schipmann, a resident of
Fremont, slipped nnd fell on the icy
walk' and broke IiIb neck. Ho died!
almost Instantly.
A largo number of converts are re
ported in the revival meetings which
nro being held in tho Methodibt
church at Oakdp.le under the leader
ship of Mrs. Mabel Quam Stevens.
While soldering a barrel brought to
tho shop where ho is employed for
repairs, Elmer Bush of Morse Bluft
was quite badly burned when the re
ceptaclo exploded. Ho saved himself
rrom a severe burning by rolling in a
Tho Nebraska Telephone company
has purchased controlling interest lit
tho Edgar Home Telephone company
They have Just completed the con
struction of a complete outside Bys
tera, moving all poles to the alleys
whoro possiblo.
Along with paving construction
going on In Kearney thero is a dis
cussion as to the narrowing of tho
streets In tho residence section of
that city. Tho stroets as laid out aro
very wide, and the paving will bo
heavy unless the streets aro narrow
ed down.
One hundred Rud fifty-three pleas
ure cars, shown by sixty-one manufac
turers, twenty-six commercial cars
from nineteen firms, and a balcony
full of motorcycles will constitute the.
chief display at the Omaha Auto
Show in tho Municipal Auditorium,.
February 21 to ?G.
Omaha's new Grain Exchange build
ing, when finished, will have ono of
tho most elaborate systems or wiring
In any building in the country. Pres
ent wirfng plans call for about seven-ty-threo
miles of telephone, electriq
light and telegraph wires, none ot
which will Iip visible.
Leonard Nims, who lives near Ta
ble Rock, topped tho St Joseph, Mo.,
hog market recently with a carload'
of porkers of his own raising and
feeding. This Is the second year in.
succession In which Mr. Nims' win
ter shipment hns sold at tho top for
day on which they were sold.
Now that tho Nebraska State
leaguo haa disbanded, thero la talk in
a number 6f towna or tho defunct cir
cuit of organizing independent teams.
It Is possible an Independent leaguo,
with two or threo pnmes weekly, may
bo formed with HastlngR, Beatrice,
Falrbury, Kenrnov and ono or two
other towns in the league.
A load of lambs from tho leaders
Bros. lota at Richfield, sold for $11.
per hundredweight nn the South
Omaha market n few days ago. This
isjhe top mark or the season nnd tho
highest price ever paid this season
or tho year.
Tho building rover scorns to have
seized the population of Crete. Tho
now Congregational parsonage was
completed a few days ago; tho new
Mothodlst church Is nearly ready, and'
sovoral flno now residences aro boIn,i
JUBtlce Archer of Plattsmouth sen
tenced Georgo Hohson twenty days.
In Jail for killing quail out of season
Citizens or Beaver Crossing, nt a,,
meeting at that placo recently por
rected tho organization or a communi
ty club. A legislation, civic improve
ment, transportation, publicity nnd on
tertalnment committee was appointed.
Tho beet sugar company at Scotts
bluff paid $2,148,100 to farmers ror
sugar heots laet year and $GO,000 to
its employees. 246,000 tons or becta
woro made Into 70.1,000 bags or sugar,,
each ban weighing 100 pounds.