9 Bargain Department North Platte will now have all the advantages that large city department stores afford in shoe values. These shoes are on tables and counters and if all clerks are busy, wait on yourself. IT WILL MAKE YOU MONEY. Lot No. 1 280 pairs Ladies' Oxfords, slrap effects, lace and but ton, black and tan, practic ally all sizes; good, easy lasts, which make them splendid house slippers. Bargain department price Lot Lot No. 2 310 pair high grade Good year well and hand turned Oxfords. Good styles, all sizes and widths; every pair worth $3.50 to $4.00. Bargain Department price 3. 200 pair ladies' high Shoes. This season's styles, and are values such as you nev er have been offered before. Bargain Department price $1.00 THE SOLES AND HEELS ARE WORTH MORE. Shoes are advancing in price and this is an opportunity to obtain your Shoes and Ox fords for the-coming season at prices less than factory cost. WE DO REPAIRING. FIRST DOOR SOUTH OF KEITH THEATRE NOTES PJI03I TUB CITY SCHOOLS Semi-Weekly Tribune Mr. nnil Mrs. O. II. Shlmmell who recently "came hero from, Cheyonnc bo i gnn house .keeping at 409 west Sov-J 1 : oath street Wednesday, IKA L. 11AIIK, Editor and Publisher. Mr8i H w Do(,emlorr, of 0ranti SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Islnnd, who hnd been visiting Mr. and v.. !..n i.. ..,...... mil- Mrs. Lawhead for ten days returned Ono 1 cur by Mull in Adwuico...,l.liu , , Wodnnmluv Ouo Vear by Carrier In Advance.. $1.51) llomo nl 1,0011 Wt-(Inolly- .w-,, MIhr Myrtle C1mse and brother Bert Entored at North Platto, Nebraska, , ('r, Wolllleot, spent,, the fori part of Poatolllco as Second Class Mattor. l' B wuuk. m wwu wmi inwiib. miss i:nuso was cnrouie 10 umnna to yisii vi:o,nA".MAS(iUi:jtAoi: hall PROVE BIG SUCCHSS. fhiuay, fimuiuahy is, LOCAL ANI PERSONAL. Joseph Wuytnnn Is noting as court bailiff during the illness of William Englo. ' Carrier Clyde Frlsto was off duty at the postofflco Wednesday on ac count of Illness. - Mrs. Maynard Osborne, of Sidney, who visited Mrs. Charles Perkins and Mrs, George Lnnglols loft a foW dnys ago. Mrs. It. A. Scott, or Suthorlnnd, ro turned homo Tuesday ovonlng aftor (spending tovoral duys with Mr. and Mm. M. E. Scott. Mr. and 4Irs. Hoy Wilson are on Joying a visit from tho former's father D. C. Wilson of Sutherland, who came hero Wednesday morning. friends. airs, nanus or umnhn, who was a guest at .the home of Mr. and Mrs John Lincoln, Sr., for a week while onroute liome from westotln points loft Wednesday morning The number of people attending tho YQomen Drill Team Masqucrndo Tues day evening at tho Lloyd opera hoiuu was tho largest that patronized any previous event In that hall. At eight o'clock tho seating capacity Qi tho gallery and door was taxed arid many of the three hundred and fifty two spectators were obliged to stand until tho hour of unmasking when tho greater number of them joined in tho dancing which continued un til ono a. m. One hundred and tweu-ty-llvo wore counted among tho mask ers and tho costumes were as varlod as they were unique. At ten ovclock 'Pit r fVitr Yft rrn rn t In ivli niul Mrs. W. J. Tlloy were Injured last:11 Brand march led by A. W. Shilling u,m.,n,. vi,4i,iin vm? ,. and Mrs. W. J. Tilcy was held which ; brought horo the flwt'of this wcok'B? tho bcvoii J idgos an opportunity und is being entirely rebuilt. ! o '-""Peetlng each costume and ' iiwmiuiiti pri.us. ror me uusi (roup Friends In tths city have received' of live a ten dollar prize was won by word of the marriage of Mrs. Mary iMesdames A. W. Shilling. lor Warrington, formerly of this city and the, Jack Sinclair, A. W. Brown and Harris Burnhmn a retired rnnchmnn Miss Mildred Fitzpntrie.k "who reprc- 01 uozuq, wmcn iook piaco nisi wohk sented "Folly" and were attired in at Los AngoloB whore they havo re- noat suits of black and white with Sale of Sliorlliorn Cattle W. W. Dirge and Frank Strolbcrg will hold a joint sale of thoroughbred Shorthorn cows and bulls at Mogen sen's barn in this city March 18. This sale offers to cattle growers of Lincoln and adjoining counties an opportun ity to buy high class animals and thus Improve their herds. Further partic ulars of-the sale will be given. :;t:: J. il. llcatty Dies A letter received from Long Beach, Cal., Inforinis us of the death of Ji M. Bcatty, of Pomona, that state. The end came several weeks ago, and was duo to pneumonia. Mr. Beatty was an early resident of North Platte, hav ing lived here from about 1873 to 1883. For a time he was dmployed In the Union Pacific car repair gang, and later opened a confectionery storo In a frame building situated on part of the present site of tho Waltonmth block. ::o:: A baby boy waB born to Mr. and sldod for some time. After a honey moon trtp through southern California they will visit New York City beforo Inking up tholr rosldcneo at Coznd. Congratulations are extended from lo cal friends. At tho last meeting of tho board of education Miss Lleryl Hahn was added to the list of music teachers approved by the board for giving prlvitto les sons to high school pupils fori credit. Miss llahn Is well known by the music people of the city nnd wns well recom mended both by her Instructors in tho University School of Music and by former patrons and pupils In this city. Tho complete list of approved music teachers Is as follows: Professor Garllc'hs, Mrs. Cramer, Miss O'llaro, Miss Ottensteln, Mr. Staimp, Miss Prater, Miss McKay and Miss Hahn. A photograph of the foot ball team of 1915 has been sent to tho publish ers of Spauldlng's Foot Ball Guide nt their request for Insertion In the 101G edition of that standard work. This photograph with a statement of tho games and scores nnd the names of tho playors will appear with the samg data for all of the big teams of the country. Tho high school boys have been un successful so far In getting a place to play basket ball this winter and It looks as though they will havo to wait until the new gymnasium is com pleted bofore they can have a basket ball team. A class of thirty Juniors and Sen iprs have taken up the study of Eco nomics under the Instruction of Prln. M. M. Redenbaugh. This Is a valu able study for youg people when n full class can bo secured. It is planned to glvo Economics and Zoology during alternate years, If thero Is a demand for either. Many people of this city do not know that tho boundaries of tho school district and those of the city do not coincide. The North Platto school district extends about four miles west of the city nnd the little school house, known as tho Baker School; located three miles west and north of hero is in this school district and under tho supervision of the local board of education. Supt. Tout mado a trip to this school tills week and found ev erything going along nicely. Miss Cathorlno Johnson Is tho teacher and she hns 27 .pupils. Tho attendance Is good for February and tho interest nnd spirit of the pupil3 was commended. In September, 914, Houston, Texas, opened up two elegantly appointed Junior high schools. The buildings had been erected for the future but tho second year they had 1000 students enrolled, or 400 more than the build ings were designed to accommodate. This indicates tho popularity of the Junior high school idea. North Platte will open up her first Junior high scuool next fall. M. Ellas, janitor of the Jefferson building had quite a fall last week and Is suffering from a bruised shoulder but with tho help of tho boys of that buildinir he has been nble tn attend tn I hiu flitHna : :o: : Lutheran Announcements for Sunday. 9:45 a. m., Sunday school. 11 o'clock, morning worship, ser mon Biibject "God's Choice of Ser vant." 4 p. m., Young People's Missionary, 0:45, Luther League. Topic "Ab ba, Father." 7:30, a (missionary service in which the women will take part. RovieW of the study book "A .Child in the Midst,' by Mrs. K. a. Hogg and a reading by Mrs. F. Martin and short address by the pastor. There will bo two numbers of special music by the choir and special m'ssionary hymns by all. The offering of the evening "Will be for missions and will be given to tho W. H. & F. M. society. Tho "Jcholda Chest" will be set out again at both the morning and even Ing services to receive the monthly offering toward the church building fund. Last month's offering was 3337. : :o; : F. W, Hcrmlnghauscn elsewhere an nounces his candidacy for the demo cratic nomination fcr counlty com missioner from the North Platte dis trict. Mr. Hcrmlnghauscn Is the present member from the North Platte district, has been very active In tho discharge of his (lutes, and seems to have sntsfled tho tax-payers as near ly as it Is possible to satisfy them. A county commissioner during his term of office has many vexatious prob lems to solve, nnd as often there are opposing factions, the commissioner gets hades If he does and hades If ho don't. Tho only course for a commis sioner to pursue is to keep within tho law and use his best Judgment. This Mr. Horminghnuscn hns aimed to do. W. Christie Adams returned Wed nesday evening from a week's stay In Omaha. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Cheapest Washing You Ever Did One cent an hour for washing and wringing. That a tho average cost for cur rent. Sometimes it's less than that. And this machine really washes. It doesn't merely "swash" tho clothes around in a mass. Its backward and forward motion thoroly mixes tho suds with tho clothes every inch o them and tho result is a clean, whito, sweet-smolling washing. You don't havo to hand-rub n stitch, It nover harms tho finest laces. Tho dolly nnd interior walls aro en tirely froi from anything that would catch uiv ginaiicsi nircau. W by LI, Saves Time and Labor xtrhlty 1 mi WashinMachine It washes In but a moro fraction of tho time required by a hand washer: nnd so makes washing an ordinary task. Easy to operate. Tust screw tho plug into your light socket, turn tliu switch and tuuru you aro. Always reauy. uosi stops wnen u aocs. liicctnc mechanism auu gears entirely enclosed, i xas castors and ball bean ngs. Free Trial See Our Dealer Ho will let you have ono on 30 dnys free trial. If It doesn't suit, you aro not out a cent. GIUNNELL WASHING MACHINE CO. Grlnncll, Iowa North Platte Light & Power Co. rosette and bell trimmings. W. ,1. Tlloy created much amusement and was awarded, first gentleman's prize fcr his tnko off of "Gloomy Ous." Mrn. W. J. Lundgrnf as u "Salvation Army Laaa was given first ladies' prize and Charles Thornburg as u fat, clumsy Dutchmnn won the prize for the moat comic chnrnctor. Each of tho abovo recelvud two dolars In cash. Tho judges were Mossra, Joooph Schat., Arthur Hush, Frnnk Distol, Cy Ask wig, llnlph Ford, AV1JI Waltcmnth and P. R.. Ilalllgan. For this occasion tho hall was decorated in red cuplds, largo hoarts and battlo-nxes tinted with gilt, designed and arranged by Mr. and Mrs. L. L. llorthe, and creat ed a protly effect. Tho bnlcony waa draped with red streamers and tho nnmo und number of the Yeoman Drill Team 11. A. Y. No. 3030 arrangod In red loiters. Tho Stamp orchestra furnlshrjl nn enjoyable progrnm of populnc dnnce music and tho lloor was In excellent condition. The re ceipts from the snlo of danco and spec tator tickets exceeded two hundred dollars and tho Yeomen aro to bo complimented upon Buch a Ruccec-5- rul and onjoynblo ontortainment ::o:: London Toklo dispatches stnto that tho Chinese rebels who Hdvnncctl from Yunnan provinco Into SzeChuon and enptured Luchow nnd ChunKIng, havo been Joined by government troops. Potrograd -It Is estimated that tho population of Potrograd Including every clnss of translont and rqfugoi), hns grown from 2,000,000 to tl.OOOji 000 slnco tho wnr began. Now York Tho Whlto Star steam ship Adrlatlo arrived from Liverpool bringing $30,000,000 In gold and no curltlcs for New York. Tho weekly dance of tho Yeomnn drill tenm which was to havo been held at tho Lloyd this ovonlng has been postponed for ono week. Mrs ing. Mrs. Gcorgo Christ left Wednes day evening for Stapleton to visit bar daughter,. Mrs. Will Brosius wcok or moro. C. II. Boylo Wednesday morn Mother and son aro doing well. for a The tiro department was called Wed nesday morning to tho former Barton house on cast Front street, which is occupied by Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Walk or. The fire originated under the lloor of tho kitchen Just back of tho steel rango and In order to extin giflsh It tlte flrdmen were obliged to wcrk underneath the house. Prompt work prevented any serious damage ::o:: Toronto. A full brigade of approxi mately 4,000 Americans now living In Canada will be recruited for service with tho dominion forces on the firing lino in Flnndcrs. . For County Commissioner. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the democratic nomination for county commissioner for tho First District, subject to the decision of the votors at tho primary election April 18th. F. W. HERMINGHAUSEN. For Representative. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the Republican nomination for state representative from tho Sixty-eighth district (Lincoln county) at the primary election April 18th. SCOTT REYNOLDS. For Commissioner. I respectfully announco myself as a candldnte for the republican nomina tion for coutny commissioner for tho Third District at tho April primary and support given mo will bo appre ciated. I havo been a resident of tho county for twenty-nine years and my homo Is southwest of Ilorshey. S. J. KOCH. For Commissioner. I hereby announce myself ns a can didate for the republican nomination for County Comml3soner from the First District at tho April primary election and solicit the support of the voters. I have been a resident of Lin coln county for thirty years. I. L. MILTONBERGER. For Sheriff I respectfully present my name as 1 candidate for the republican nom ination for sheriff at the primary elec tion. My home Is in Sutherland pre cinct, and I have been ,a resident of the county since 1885. Support given me will be appreciated. FRANK COKER. Counly Attorney. I respectfully announce myself a a a candidate for the republican nomina tion for County Attorney subject to the approval of the voters at the pri mary election April ISth. P. R. HMjLIGAN. ' For Sheriff. I respectfully announce that I am candidate for 'the republican nomina tion for sheriff and solicit the support of tho voters at the primary election to bo held April 18th. I havo been a resident of .the county for fifteen years, am a farmer nnd live In Hinman precinct. THOS. McCONNELL. For County Clerk , I herby announce myself as candi date for tlio republican nomination a3 County Clerk of Lincoln County, sub ject to the decision of the voters at primary election April 18. Your sup port will bo appreciated. A. S. ALLEN. (Formerly of Walker Preclnct.1 Count Clerk. I respectfully announco that I am a candidate' for the republican nomina tion far county clerk at primary elec tion in April, and will appreciate tho support of tho members of that party. C. II. WALTERS, North Platte. ''f.- ! l A25Z WHO'LL BE THE NEXT TO BUILD? Look What A. Wide Choice! A Good Store Building for use or for rent. A Nice Home, Cottage, Bungalow or Mansion A Good Barn, on the farm or in town. A Shed, for automobile, stock or machinery. A New Porch, or Addition to the House. A Hennery or Fence. Be the Next and See U For Lumber and Building Material. Coates Lumber and Coal Co. The Home of Good Coal Phone 7. County Trensurcr. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for tho republican nomination for county treasurer, in tho primary election April 18th. Make inquiry about mo and if you tnlnic 1 am ' qualified and otherwise all right your support will be appreciated. s. M. suuunui, Asst. Co. Treas. Former residence Deer CreekPrecInct. For Sheriff. I rosnectfully announce myself as a candidate for the republican nomina tion for sheriff, subject to the will of tho voters at the primary election April ISth. A. J. bAljlSUUU) . For Counly Commissioner. I rosnectfully announce myself as a candidate for the republican nomina tion for county commissioner for the Third Commissioner District, subject to the decision of tho voters at the primary election April 18th. My homo is in Sellers precinct. JOHN W. FOWLER. For -.Sheriff. I respectfully announce myself as a candidate for the republican nomina tion for sheriff of Lincoln county, sub Joct, however, to the decision of the votors at tho primary election April 18th. Your support will be highly appreciated. North Platte, Neb. For County Commissioner. I herby announco myself as a can didate for the democratic nomination for county commlsulonor for the First Commissioner District subject to tho will of tho voters ait the primary election April 18th. I havo been a resident of the district over forty-four years. First time In politics, need the office and respectfully ask your sup port. Resldenco In Hinman precinct. J. W. (Buck) ROWLAND. Clerk or District Court I hereby anounco myself as a can didate for the republican nomination for clerk of the district court, sub ject to tho w1U . pf. the, voters ait the primary election. Your support will bo appreciated. GEO. E. PRQSSER.