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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1916)
Semi-Weekly Tribune IJIA L. HAKE, Editor and Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year by Mail In Advance... $1.25 Oiic Yenr by Carrier In Advance.. $1.50 Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Postofllco as Second Class Matter. FIJI HAY, FKIIKL'AKY II, 1010. Hlxby Scores Preparedness. A. L. Dlxby, former North Platte resident, now the State Journal phll ospphor and poet, Is fernlnst Presi dent Wilson In his preparedness pro gram. Tho Journal says: "President Wilson's and all other preparedness programs were given a solar plexus blow by A. L. Ulxby In nn addross before nearly 800 men at .the Oliver theatre Sunday afternoon. At tho closo of his addrjtas thoro was no remaining doubt as to whore and how Mr. Hlxby stood on tho wnr question. That war preparation is In reality war; that to handle the Im plements of war must uontnmlnate one with war Itself; that tho navy league, sponsor of tho elaborato pre paredness program, Is an organization founded and encouraged for individ ual and corporate gain; that thoro Is no call for propnrednoss and thnt the wnr1 infection that had taken hold of politicians had even caused "our usually lovol bonded president to turn from a policy of peace to one of ,mod dorato preparedness and from Hint to n clear cut. advocacy of the biggest navy in: tho world" were a few of thd high spots touched by the speaker." ::o:: Walters Flics for Clerk. C. II. "Walters, the well known stock buyer of tills city, filed Tuosday after noon for tho republican nomination for county clork. Mr. "Walters is one of the most widely known, men in Lin coin county, having lived nt Wallace for a numbor of years prior to coming to North Plntto, nnd since engaging in buslncsn hero has met and become ac quainted with people from nil sections of the county. He has excellent cler ical ability, well qualified for tho po sition,1 In nil respects and will provo n strong candidate. :;o:: Lincoln's Only .Morning Paper. The publishers' report that the spj- clal $2 a year price now being mndo for the State Journal is resulting in thousnnds 'of now subscriptions. It is not much wonder as that is only about half rate. With the Sunday Journal including tho Fiction Magazine and colored comic, tho pi Ice Is only $'.1.50 a year. The Journal can reach most parts of tho state wlth,later nows than any other state paper. Thlwwlll bo a wonderful year for newspaper rend Ingram! The Lincoln Journal promln os to keep at the head of the proces sion. ,-Ordqr it today. ::o:: Mrs. George 13. Pressor was called to Norwalk, ()., Wednesday afternoon by tho sorlous Illness of her niothor, who Is ninety years of age. Thousands voted to tho service. i mi nnn.i . . . . ) Always Moving FARMERS SHOULD TKST TH C IK SKKD VOll Very llttlo of tho 1915 corn crop in western Nebraska will make good seed. Much of the crop did not ma ture before frost nnd scarcely anylwas fully dried before severe freezing oc curred. Corn which was not dry be fore freezing Is either killed or weak ened in vitality and therefore unfit for seed. Farmers tire advised not to wait un til planting time to find out whether their seed corn will grow. Tosts of 100 or more kornels from fifty or more cars should first bo mado. If the seed is found not to be good, the only way that it can be Improved Is to trfs't each ear and discard all tho poor cars. The Experiment Substation will as sist farmers who wish to determine the vitality of their seod corn. Hrlng or send 100 or more kernels from i number of cars. If you have any 1014 corn bring a sample of that also. Call upon tho Station for ndvlce regard ing tosts to be made at homo. A box of wet sand kept In the living room makes a good tester. L. L. ZOOK, Experimental Substation. Max llensolt Married Max llensolt, former agent for tho American Express company at North Platte, was by his friends called "girl shy" while here, but aftor leaving this city assumed groat courage, vide this notice from a Salt Lake papor: "A pretty wedding yesterday after noon took place at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. James Fenneinoro, 122(i E. Fifth South, when their daughter Miss Em ma Fennemore was married to Max II. Ilcnstolit! at 5 o'clock by the Rev. William Schmoock, pastor of tho Evangelical Luthoran church. Only the monibars of the Immediate family were present, and a prettily nppolntcd wedding supper followed. Pink roses were used In tho dainty decorations of tho table. Pink rosos, cnrnatlons and forns adorned tho liv ing looms. Mr. and Mrs. Ilenoolt will be at homo In tho Wood apartments. . Tho brldo belongs to ono of Salt Lake's old families and has many friends In the city, Mr. llensolt Is connected with the American Express company. ?::o:: Brood Sow and Hull Sale. On February 2(1. at V. P. bam. Lex ington, wis Ivlll sell 2 pure bred I.M Ml'.Vi: Poland China and 10 Huroc Jersey gills. .Aboul 20 are bred to furrow in .March, the balance In .May; ntso eight Red Poll bulls, ycnrlings nnd two year olds. If Interested, send for circular. .Mrs. A. has a few of her choicest llarred Itocks left. ti-U ' J. o. ANHKKSOX. . ' -o:: JninoVJensen and Miss Anna Lehr wore married a1 few days' ago by County Judge French and have gono to Omaha to spend their honeymoon. Harry Wilkinson, of Topoka, Kan sas, came Tuesday to attend the funor al of the late Mrs. Elmer Wilklnnori, who died in Californln and was buried horo yestetrday. of tho brightest minds in this development and improvement of Ahead Steadily and constantly some fault is eliminated, some method improved, or some obstacle overcome. To realize tho steady progress that has been made one only has to compare tho quality and quantity of the service today with what it was ton years ago. Even in the last flvo years the number of telephones in use has been practically doubled and the distance of telephono transmission multiplied many times. Our rates are the lowest possible nnd yet afford sufficient revenue to pay a reasonable return on the money invested, after paying fair wages and after providing sufficiently to rebuild or restore parts of the plant when destroyed by fires or storms, or when it is worn out or becomes obsolete. It is our constant endoavor to give the best service at the lowest rates at which it can be furnished, so we shall be able to connect every ono who will add to the sorvic? to others. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY L'dlson SlxlyOilnc Today. Thomas Alva Edison will celebrate hla sixty-ninth birthday today. Ho Is still hale, hearty and active and as deeply interested in what the coming year lias In store as a youth with all of life ahead. Edison was born at Milan, Ohio, on February 11, 1847. He early evinced a love for choinlsvry and its kindred subjects. Few men have ever run nt a swifter pace up the stopping stones fa fame. His first employment vas as n newsboy on the Grand Tnlnic Railway where he started on a small weekly paper which at one time had four hundred paid subscribers. He next took up telegraphy and soon be came an expert telegrapher. After five years of telegraphy he ciuno to New York where after a short time he gold his first Invention for about $49, 000. Then he plunged Into tho realm of invention whore his genus seemed to run riot. Take his major Inven tions ns they come: The Duplex and Quadruplex Tele graphs and tho Electromotograph, which revolutionized telegraphy; the Cylinder Phonograph In 1S87, now the Diamond Amborola Phonograph; In 1879 tho Electric light which needs n.) words to toll its wonders; In 1891. the Movfrtg Plctifrc, which today as "Tho Movies," are furnishing amueomont to thousands upon thousands; n method of crushing ore, by which rocks weighing as much as ten tons each are reduced to bits in a few seconds; th? Storage Hattery; then his last and favorite Invention, tho Dinmond Disc Phonograph. From 1809 to tho pres ent time Edison has filed more than 1,400 applications for patents. Just a few years ago Edison resum ed his research in acoustics whore ho left off when he invented tho Cylinder Phonograph. Ho was dissatisfied with tho efforts of other Inventors in this field. He set before tho goal of abso lute re-creation of music. After countless experiments nnd the expend iture of nearly two millions of dollars In experiments nlone, Edison an nounced that "he had succeeded in re creating tho human voice. He said that he had found the touchstone of ncoustics. The Edison Dinmond Disc Phonograph was glvon to tho world as the instrument of Music's re-croa- tlon. If has since been proved on num berless occasions that Edison's Re Crention of the human volco cannot be distinguished from the original. For tie purpose of demon grating Mils, Edison has given Tone Tests all over the United States, in which the artist sings with h'is or her records It being actually impossible to dis tinguish the living voice nnd ihs re crcatikm1 of the Diamond Disc Phono graph. . ::o:: Miss Ruth Fitzgerald, toif Lincoln, arrived a few days ago to visit her sis ter Mrs. Karl Hamilton for n fort night. G. A. Martin, J. O. Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. AV. F. Sterns of Crawford, are speiidlng n fo wdnys here this ."week. jtfTHB country are de Bell Telephone CITY AKD COUNTY NEWS. Ray Tlghe has gone to Lexington to attend a leap year dance this even ing. The Rebokah kcnslngton club will meet nt tho I. O. O. F. hall this nftcr- rn'oon. Elmer Sellor went to Grand Island Wednesday morning to spend several days on business. For Sale 0 room cottage on west Eighth street. Modern except heat. Phone Rod 301. - 8-G Tho quarantine for small-pox was raised from the Holllngsworth home the first of this week. Thomus Watts, of Grand Island, Is spending a few dnys In town on busi ness and visiting relatives. Mrs. J. A. McCormlck left Wednes daym rtrnlng for Hlg Springs to spend a couple of weeks with relatlvos. Mrs. AiTowsmlth of Ogalalla, spent several days this week with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Clough. The Woman's Home Missionary So ciety will hold an exchange at the Howe & Maloney store Saturday. Mrs. C. R. Moray and Mrs. J. S. Sims went to Kearney 'yesterday morning to attend the Nye-Chnse wed ding. Mrs. Clarence Lou. of Sutherland, left Tuesday evening after visiting her sster Mrs. John Vernon for several days. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS For Commissioner. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the republican nomination for County Commissoner from tho First District at the April primary election and solicit the support of the voters. I have been a resident of Lin coln county for thirty years. I. 1 1. MILTONI5ERGER. For Sheriff I respectfully present my name aa a candidate for the republican nom ination for sheriff at tho primary elec tion. My home is in Sutherland pre cinct, and I have been a resident of the county since 1885. Support given me will be appreciated. FRANK COKHR. County Attorney. I respectfully announce myself as a candidate for the republican nomina tion for County Attorney subject to the approval of the voters at the prl mary olectlon April 18th. P. It. HM.UGAN For Sheriff. I resiiecttully announce tliat I am cnndldnte for 'the republican nomiiia tion for sheriff and solicit the support of the voters at the primary election to be hold April 18th. I have been resident of the county for fifteen years, am a farmer and live in Hlnman precinct. THOS. McCONNELL. For County Clerk I licrby announce myself as candi date for the republican nomination as County Ulerk of Lincoln County, sub ject to tho decision of the voters at primary election April IS. Your sup port will bo appreciated. A. S. ALLEN. (Formerly of Walker Preclnct.l County Clerk. I respectfully announce that I am a candidate for tho republican nomina tion for county clerk at primary olec tlon In April, and will appreciate the support of the members of that party. C. II. WALTERS. North Platte. County Treasurer. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for tho republican nomination for county treasurer, in tho primary olectlon April 18th. Make inquiry about mo and if you think I am qualified and otherwise all right your support will bo appreciated. S. M. SOUDER, Asst. Co. Troas Former residence Deer CreekPreclnct . For Sheriff. I respectfully announce myself as a candidate for the republican noniina tion for sheriff, subject to tho will of tho voters at the primary election April 18th. A. J. SALISHURY For County Commissioner. I respectfully announce myself as a candidate for the republican nomina tion for county commissioner for tho Third Commissioner District, subject to tho decision of the voters at tho primary election April ISth. My homo is in Sellers precinct. JOHN W. FOWLER For Sheriff. 1 respectfully announce myself as a candidate for tho republican nomina tion for sheriff of Lincoln county, sub ject, however, to the decision of tho voters at tho primary election April 18th. Your support will be highly ap predated. G. T. STEGEMANN. North Platte, Neb For County Commissioner. I liorby announco myself us a can didate for tho democratic nomination for county commissioner for the First Commissioner District subject to the will of tho votors at tho primary olectlon April 18th. I have been resident of tho district ovor forty-four years. First .time In politics, need the offlco and respectfully ask your sup port. Rosldonco in Hlnman precinct J. W. (Buck) ROWLAND. Clerk of District Court I hereby anounco myself as a can dldato for tho republican nomination for clerk of tho district court, sub JecL'to tho wdll of the voters at the primary olectlon. Yotir support will bo appreciated. GEO. E. PROSSER THE NURSE BROWN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 1008 Wit Fourth Strt. Phone 110 Ethical, Moral, Efficient. An Institution for the treatment of Medical, Surgical and Confinement Cases. MRS. 3IAHUAKET II VLL, Supt. Hit. .7. S. TWLVK.M, Physician nnd Surgeon. T. II. WAT II EN, Auctioneer Ucncriil Farm Snles a Specially. Sat isfaction Guiirnntoed. For dates write ut Xorth Platte Ncbrnsliii. Hex 22.",. Phone ",S2. NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) Phone 58 723 Locust Sheet A modern institution for the cientific treatment of medical, surgical nnd confinement cases. Completely equipped X-Ray and diagnostic laboratories. Geo. B. Dent, H. D. V. Lucas, H. D. J.B. Rcdfie!d,M.D. J. S. Simms, M.D. Miss Elise Sieman, Supt. Office phone 241. Res. phono 217 L. C . DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. J. 13. REDFIELD. PHYSICIAN & SUItGEOJi rt A ouaiMUl wvQTfTAM s. QTTnrraMq wnqpiTAT HYSIGIAN & SURGEONS HOSPITAL Drs. Redfleld & Redfleld Offlco Phone 642 Res. Phone G7G Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention given to Surgery and Obstetrics. Office: Building and Loan Building PhnQ. I Office 130 Phones Residence 115 JOHN S. SIMMS, M. D., Physician nnd Surgeon Ofllco B. & L. Building, Second Floor Phbne, Office, 83; Residence 38. DR. J. S. TWINEM, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Gynecologj Obstetrics and Children's Diseases. Office McDonald State Bank Building. Corner Sixth and Dewoy Streets. Phones, Office 183, Residence 283 MINNESOTA MUTUAL LIVE INSURANCE CO. Founded 1880. It's tho household word In Western Nebraska. It's Old Line, the best mon ey can buy. It's what you need, for a savings bank and Insurance that in sures. They all buy It. "There is a lleason" For further information Phone, call or address J. E. SEBASTIAN, Gen'l Agent. The Old Line 3Ian NORTH PLATTE NEBRASKA. DEHIlYIJEItltY & FORBES, Licensed Kiiibalniers Undertakers and Funeral Directors Day Phone 234. Night Phono Black 588. .Not In- fur I'uMli'iitioii Serial No 030(12. lfinrliiiiit of tin Interior C. H. Limit Olllfi- nt North 1'latte, Nebr. Feb. a, 11' 10 Notice Ih hereby given Le'cy ('hitIkiui, of North J'lntte, Nebr.,, who, 011 Ic. L'i, 1912, iiuifle IIomeHtead f-ntry No. 05002, for S4 of SV',i. Section 1, Township 12, N. Hanne 31, W. iith Prin cipal McrHlliin, hns filed notice of Inten tion to make llnal three year Proof, to eHtahllHh claim to. the land above des cribed, bufore tho Hottlster .md Itecelv er, at North Platte, Nebr., on the 2"t.i day of March, 1U10. Claimant names an wltn. Carl Hroodor. Marshall I., orti is. 0,111 W FOwler, TliomuH Zlinmenn mi, all of North Platte. Nebr. .1. 10. I" NS. fh-Gw U.-niHter 12c Per Pound For Hides IF NOT FROZEN. 88 Per Ton for V Bones. North Platte Junk House Lock's Old Barn. Hospital Phono Black 633. House Phone Black C33. W. T. PltlTCHARD, Graduate Veterinarian Eight years a Government Veterinar ian. Hospital 218 south Locust St., one-half block southwest of the Court Housb. Ifl J mwm Bought and highest market prices paid PHONES Residence Red G3G Ofilce 453 C. H. WALTERS. Cigars in the Home I For the next five months smokers i spend their evenings indoors, nnd I mt ,s moro coimnIont and more pleasurcnblo than a box of cigars at home, easily accessible when you haTO au Inclination to smoke. Try a box of our homo-made and hand-made ci gars, tho kind that arc a llttlo better than you buy elsewhere for tho same price. "Wo also carry n full line of to bacco and smokers' articles. J. F. Schmalzried. Notice For Publication Serial 052S3. Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office, North Platte, Nebr. Feb. 7, 191G. Notice Is hereby given that Joseph R. Ellsworth, of North Platte, Nebr., who, on Oct. 14, 1911 made Homestead entry No. 05283 for N of NE and SW14 of NE14, Section 14, Township 14, N., Range 30, W. Gth Principal Merdian has filed notice of intention to make final three year Proof, to es tablish claim to the land above des cribed before the Register and Re ceiver, at North Platte Nebr., on the 2Sth day of March, 191G. Claimant names as witnesses: O. H. Covell, W. S. Bunting, Fred Simants, C. P. Campbell, all of North Platte, Nebr. J, E. EVANS, fS-Gw Register. Order of Hearing on Petition for Set- dement of Account. State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss. In the County Court. In the Matter of the Estate of Howard F. Jeffrey, Deceased. On reading and filing the petiton of Etta S. Campbell, nee Jeffrey, pray ng a final settlement of her final uc count, filed on the 7th day of Febru ary, 191G, and for a decree of distribu tion and descent of real estate and her discharge. Ordered that March 3, A. D. 191G, at 9 o'clock a. m., is assigned for hear ing said petiton, when all persons in a County Court to be held in and for terested in said matter may appear at said County, and show cause why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted; and that notice of the pen dency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, be given to all persons inter ested in said matter by publishing a copy cf tills order in the North Platte Tribune, a semi-weekly newspaper printed in said County, for throe suc cessive weeks, prior to said day of hearing. GEO. E. FRENCH, f8-3w County Judge. Order of Hearing 011 Original Probate of Will. State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss. In the County Court. In the Matter of tho Estate of Jos3ph llershcy, Deceased. On rending and filing the ootitlon of Hattio Maud Ilershoy, praying that the Instrument filed on tho 2d day of Fen ruary, 1910, and purporting to be the last Will and Testament of tho said edcensed, may bo proved, approved, probated, allowed and recorded as the last Will and Testament of tho said Joseph Horshey, deceased, and thai the oxecution of said instrument may be coinmittted and tho administration of said estate may bo granted to Hattio Maud llershcy as Executrix. Ordered, that February 23, A. D. 191G, at 9 o'clock a. m., Is assigned for hearing said potition and also for hearing on tho application of Hattio M. Horshey for nn allowance of $150.00 per month pending administration, when all persons interested in said matter may appear at a County Court to bo held in and for said Couu'.y, and show causo why tho prayer of petition er should not bo granted; and that no tice of tho pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof, be given to all persons Interested in said aiatter by publishing a copy of this order in the North Platte Tribune, a semt-weokly newspaper printed in said Countv, fcr three successive weeks, prior to taid day of hearing, GEO. E. FRENCH, ""W County Judge. 1 1 ' vtJXa Ik