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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1916)
NEWf THE (S: PERFECT LENS MOUNTING Your Glasses Can't Work loosewith our new moun OLD tin8- C S. CLINTON, Registered Opetomtrist. Look for tlio sign with tho Big King. DR. 0. H. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Oflice over tho McDonald State Bank. LOCAL A3fD PEBSOJfAIi. For Sale Xow houso cheap!" 1212 west 3d. Inquire at premises. S-3f Mrs. A. E. Huntington returned tho latter part of last week from Grand Island. Mrs Lem Bailey left Tuesday even ing for Cozad to visit relatives for a week or longer. For Pure Jersey Milk, Phone 783P14, and It will be delivered. I03tf Blaino KItznilller, of Denver, for merly of this city, is spending a few days hero this week. For Sale Property on Seventh and Willow streets. Good Investment. Phone Red 301. S-G .irs. j. j. Gettman was called to Hastings Tuesday by the death of her mother, Mrs. Amen. Judge II. M. Grimes has returned from Lexington where he spent the fore part of this week. i Wanted Neat girl for housework. Mrs. 'Harry Flelsman, 221 west Second. Attorneys P. It. Halligan and W. V. Hoagland spent the fore part of the week In Oshktosh on business. Mrs. C. E. Danielson, of Sutherland, is visiting her sisters Mrs. O. W. Size moio and Mrs. F. A..Ulrich this week. Mrs. Roy Mavorish, of Sutherland, was operated upon at the Nurse Brown hospital Tuesday and s getting along nicely. Mrs. Cad Wherry, of Omaha, who spent several weeks with her daugh ter, Mrs. George Yeoman, left yestcr day, morning. We have all the new Spring Models in 'the Henderson and La Pjlncesse Corsets satisfaction guaranteed. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. Mrs. Hudson, of Omaha, who was the guest of her sister. Mrs. Asa Snow, has gone to Ogalalla to visit' relatives for a week or longer. , - Lee Wherry, of Omaha, left Tues day evening after spending several' days here. He was the guest of his sister Mrs. George Yeoman. A petition was filed In the county court this week for an admlnstrator in the estate of Mary Ann King, de ceased, and David King was appoint ed. Mrs. A. J. Frazier received a mes sage Tuesday stating that her mother, Mrs Mary Marovish, had suffered a relapse at Stapleton and her condition was critical. For Sale A registered Percheron Stallion, three years old. A good one. Also a five year old mare in foal, weighs fifteen hundred. THOMAS E. DOOLITTLE, North Platte, Neb. 3-S A derailment at Korty caused by a broken flange on a wheel delayed east bound trains Tuesday. Three fruit cars were off the track and the con tents had to be transferred. "All in your eye" is a saying ex pressive of imaginary trouble. It is more probable that real real troublo will be all in your eyes. HARRY DIXON, Registered Optometrist. For Sale Bungalow, six rooms, mod ern In every respect, situated In a very desirable locality In south part of town; good terms to the right par ty. For information phono black 581. j Miles Lichty, of Denver, who spent the past week with his cousin Homer Musselman left Wednesday evening. Mr. Lichty was station agent at Ster ling several years ago, and Is well known among the local railroad men. Mr. find Mrs. Burr Lloyd, who re side northwest of town were tendered a surprise party tho latter part of last week by forty-two of their friends and neighbors. A good time was had by all present and the lunch was greatly enjoyed. J Hiram Waldo was nrrested tho first of the week for carrying concealed weapons and causing a disturbance at several houses In the Fourth ward. He was fined $10 and costs, total $15.50. Unable to pay ho will servo a jail sen tence. Prizes for tho Erector models were awnded at the Nowton store this week and tho host exhibits were made by Masters Harry Weinberger, Colla Bar ber and Lee Scott. The Judges were Messrs. W. B. Salisbury, C. F. Tracy and Chas. O.-.good. Mrs. Rose Garrison has accepted a position in tho Dickey confectionery store. -, Mr. and .Mrs. G. Weatcott, of Stor ling, cfiiuo tho first of tho weok to vis It local friends. Alison my" recital nt Rinelw Book & Drug Storo, this afternoon from 2 to G. You are invited. Mrs, Cordy, of Emporia, Kansas, was called here this weok by tho death of nor sister Mrs. Elinor Wilkinson Phone Black 30S, Palmer Lintz for plumbing. 42 Claude LeRoy Tift, ago 2S and Miss Effio Groves, ago 22, wore married Wednesday by County Judge French ror ite,nt Uigiit room house. In quire of Mrs. Louise Peters at Tim- merman hotel. Miss Kate Clark, who was ill with la grippe, rcsujned work in tho coun ty treasurer's office Wednesday Paul Haskell of Omaha, who is vis iting Dr. J. B. Redileld returned Wed nesuay rrom a trip to Oshkosh business. on For Sale Fresh Milch Cow. A. S Gregg, North Platte, Phone 7U4F21. Mrs. Orra Sailor and Miss Focla Jesson left Tuesday evening for Om aha and Kansas City to spend several weeks. Ted Koonta, of Des Moines), la., who spent several weeks with his sis ter Mrs. Magnolia Duke left Wednes day morning. Miss Ethel MeMullcn, of Omaha, formerly of this city, was operated up on last week at St. Catherine's hbspital and is getting along nicely. Mrs. Frank Elliott will leave to morrow evening for Omaha and Kan sas City to pui chase the spring mil linery for the Hub. Dr. H. C. Brock, office over Stone Drug Store. I03tf The Pan-Hellenic meeting which was to have been held Wednesday at the home of Mrs. J. S. Simms, has been indefinitely postponed. Mrs. William Killian, of Rock Springs, arrived here a few days ago to visit her sister Mrs. Joseph Fillion, Sr., for a couple of weeks. Mrs. Justine McCarthy of Ames, la., who spout several weeks with her par ents Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Mason, re turned home a few-days ago. Mrs. John Tiglie left Wednesday af ternoon, for Lexington where she will visit her daughter Mrs. Wilfred Stuart for a week or longer. Tho passenger elevntor for the Hotel McCabo was unloaded from tho car today and Is being put In position by workmen who were sent here for thnt purpose. Mayor Evans went to Kearney Tuesday evening to attend the state convention of tho league of municipal ities, which was In sesson Wednesday and Thursday. , Mrs. Wilson, of Paxton, spent the first of this week visiting her son Earl Wilson and family and left Wednes day morning for Peoria, 111., to spend several weeks. Spring Models of Indies' and Misses Suits, Ladles' Silk Dresses, Ladles' Coals, Ladles' Dress Skirls, extra sizes Included, June nrrhed nt .The Leader. Mr. and Mrs. Owen O'Noill, who have made" their homo west of town for several years will movo to this city in tho near futuic. Mr. O'Neill will have a sale of his stock and farm implements February 23. Corbin Jones who left a few months ago for Omaha to accept a position with the M. E. Smith Co. has been as signed the Fremont territory and be gan his duties as traveling salesmau tho first of this week. Frank JohnsWn, of Sidney, came hero Wednesday to attend the funeral of his sister, Mrs. Elmer Wilkinson. Miss Helen Johnston, of Pocatella, was cnlled here also and arrived Tuesday evoning. Plngues devastated wholo nations In olden days; now they are checked almost at the start. Eyo defects then thought to be Incurable aro now rem edied by timely application of lenses. HARRY DIXON, Rogstored Optome trist. Word was received Wednesday from Omaha that It was necessary to ro movo tho right eyo which Win, Mas tors Injured last weok while working with a wlro In a pump. Tho wire penotratcd tho eyo ball and destroyed the selglit. Mr. Mastors had been hav ing troublo with tho other oyo for some time and can only distinguish objects at a distance of six feet. WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE THE STORE THAT SELLS WOOLTEX. Early spring fashions are most cleverly portrayed in these Wooltex Suits. Many women have already asked to sec die new spring fashions. This early show ing is a splendid collection of desirable models, all of which correctly portray the new modes. You know already that spring fashions are to be very different. But until you see" them, you cannot realize how distinctively new and charming they really are. In these Wooltex suits you will see just what style features are authorative the youthful silhouette, the wing-like flare, the clever new plaits, the bell sleeves, the new skirts. Wooltex suits and coats embody such skillful variations of the season's principal style features. Then, too, their de signers have added just the right ornamentation embroider ed silk or linen collars, touches of braid and silk trimmings, all so artistic and harmonious, Harmony of design is hut one of the many pleasing features of Wooltex garments. II A Very Dressy Model. Only the most expert skill in designing and tailoring makes possible a suit of such stylish character as this new Wooltex model. Jucket has five short As to the tailoring, no point about our highest grade Wooltex suits and coats would be better tailored bv a custom uvkvb iiuo imu anvil t 1 1 1 f i plaits each side of front and ianor, yet uiey are ready lor you to sup on lor immediate back, the plaits embroidered In weir oval dqsign; embroidered fnlllo collar; bell sleeves. Wide skirt, shirred at waist. In finest gabardines, etc. (No. 4970.) All are most reasonably priced. .Modish Street Suit. A smartly tailored model for misses and young women. Jacket has novel sldo effects; silk fnlllo collar; rippling plaits bolow waist; turn-back cuffs. Wide skirt Is shirred nt sides. A Wooltex modol of mnrked stylishness nud superi ority of fabrics and tailoring. (No. 5SG0.) Suits, $25.00 to $33.00 Coats, $15.00 to $25.00 "lit AITOMOIULK LK'ENSLS ISSUED IX THIS COUNTY. Prom figures compiled by State Sec rotary Pool 5S.110 automobile licenses wore issued in Nebraska during 1015, an increase of 1S.G42 over 1914. Lincoln County Is credited with 743 licenses In1 1915, as compared with 444 in 1914, an increase of 1299. Tho population of Lincoln county in 1910 was 15.GS4, today it is not less than 17,000. It is therefore evident that there is one automobile for each twenty-three people in the county. Tho number of cars in Dawson coun ty, which in 1910 had 300 more pop ulation than Lincoln county, Is 594, Keith county has 121, Deuel county IOC and Cheyenne county 330. Dawson county has a car for each twenty-eight people, Keith ono for ench thirty, and Cheyeno one for eaqh fifteen. In pro portion to population Cheyenne has more cars than any other western county. Will Fablinger bad a hearing be fore tho board of Insanity Tuesday forenoon and. tho same evening wa3 taken to the Hastings asylum by Dep uty Sheriff Wilson and n brother of the demented man. Fablinger was very violent, and it was necessary to strap bis hands to his body, and even then It was difficult for tho two men to handle him. Mrs. Mnry Dunn left Tuesday even hg for Green River to visit her sister Mrs. Fisher for svcral weeks. Before returning slio will visit relatives In Ogalalla and Rawlins. Miss Dello Harper returned . Wed nesday from Moorefield whore she vis ited her parents for several dnys. I'LAX A WATERWAY .,000 31ILES LOXi. Washington, D. C. Tho greatest inland waterway In the world, extend lug 3,000 miles from New York by way of Buffalo, Chicago and St. Louis lo tho Gulf of Mexico1, is planned in leg islation Just submitted to congress by Senator Gore, of Oklnhomn. The wa terway would connect also witii all tho great tributaries of tho Mississippi river and the gulf of St. Lawrence. Of the total route, the Hudson river would constitute 212 miles with a depth of 12 feet, This length can be finished and ready for use in 1917 at a cost of less than $2,000,000, accord ing" to Senator Gore. The Erie canal would compose 3G5 miles of the route, not including tho Lake Chnmplaln and Lako Ontario branches. This can bo completed and ready for use In 1018, Senator Gore says. Tho Great Lakes would add ' S99 miles to the route with a minimum depth of 20 feet. The Chicago river and Chicago Drainage cannl aro al ready available for use from Chicago to Lockport with a depth of 21 feet. Tho state of Illinois lias authorized a bond issue of $5,000,000 to connect tho Chicago dralnago canal with the Illinois rivir at Utica, a, dhtance of about GO miles, with nn eight foot channel. Grant Hughes, of Gleams Ferry, Ida., formerly of this city, is spending a week here with local friends. He states 'that they aro well pleased with their new home In Idaho. Day Sewing. Work guaranteed. Phone Red 308. 3-4 Wm. Dymond who has boon em ployed on tho Blalr-Deinocrat for sev eral weeks, 'returned here Wednesduy. Dr. J. S. Twinom was called to Stapleton Tuesday to caro for Mrs. Mary Mnrovish, who Is critically 111. Alvin Raugh resigned bis position at The Leader the first of this week. nn IB ii I'TiTrwrTrrTTfrimiiii ihiHiimhwwii i HEALTH HINTS A cold may como from poor digestion and n laxative, a day in bed and a hot water bottle may euro It. Do not wear damp Bho s, or over cover your throat. Lotion for enlargement and redness of nos: Mur iate of Ammonia 1 dram, tannic acid dram, glycerlno 2 or. , rose water 3 oz. Bind saturated cottton on tho nose alt night until cured. Let us make tho lotion .'or sou. M. ! y STOP THAT COLD! 1' I TO rj in IF IT IS SERIOUS SEE THE DOCTOR before It becomes worso mid bring us tlio proscription. If It Is light or If you wish to pre vent It altogether, come to us In full Confidence; Our stock eon. tains tested preparations for ev ternul and Infernal use. In llew of tho bad weather vo have laid In a stock of Chamois Vests and various Sundries Hint may come In luiiidy u-ry kiioii. Retter look them (ncr SOW". . J. H. STONE Mrs. Cad Wherry, of Omaha, re turned homo yesterdny morning after visiting her daughter Mrs. Goorgo Yeomen for six weeks. Mrs. James' JenseaL, of Rawlins, who spent sovernl weeks visiting her sis tor Mrs. Fred Mnrti, left tho latter part of hiBt week. "COW BRAND" FLOUR I MAKES BETTER BREAD BUY A SACK. LIERK-SANDALL CO. Car of Boxeid Apples On Sale at the North Side Barn. Call and see them. We have a variety consist ing of Jonathan's, White Pearmain, Baldwin, Bellefleuer and York Imperial. They Are Selling Right. If you cannot come and see call us by Phone 29, The low prices will last only one week. Julius Mogeiisen. DRUGGIST Money to Loan ON FARMS AND RANCHES , Lowest Rates and Best Terms. Plenty of Money on hand to Close Loans Promptly. Buchanan & Patterson