The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 11, 1916, Image 4

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The Easy Way.
Thrift Savings Club
Accounts Opened
Every Day in the
Come'in To-Day.
Many Successful
Farmers, Business Men, and Railroad Men give
this bank credit, in a large measure, for their
present high financial standing.
We Want To Help You
Let us caslfyour next check. Our facilities for
handling your business are most complete.
McDonald State Bank
"The Bank Behind ThejThrift Movement."
Miss Irnm Huffman, of this city,
who Is attciulItiK a school of art and
expression In Chicago, hnd nn honor
conferred upon her Inst week whon
slie was selected as soloist on the pro
gram given at the sixth annual ban
quot of the Michigan Society held at
the Dlackstone Hotel In that city last
Saturday evening. This Michigan So
ciety composed of Chlcagoans who
were 1 rn In. Michigan Includes some
of the most prominent men of that
city, V. L. Park, formerly of this city,
being one.
To he placed on the program at one
of the society's banquets Is considered
very hlgli compliment, nnd Miss
Huffman was selected wholly by rea
son of her merit.
wsixl'SS in hast.
Dr. A. J. Ames, of Potter, is spend
ing a few days here on business
Eugeno Delatour of Oshkosh, Is
spending this week here on business.
Dr. J. S. Sims spent the first of this
week In Wallaco on professional biidi
7i ess.
W. J. Tlley left yesterday morning
for Lincoln to spend several days on
The quarantine for small-pox which
was on tho Sheets home was raised
Attorney Albert Muldoon went to
Sarbon yesterday to spend tho day
In business.
Guy Coleman returned yesterday
from Rawlins where ho spent a week
on business.
Mrs. D. W. Roberts, who is Inking
treatment at tho City hospital, Is get
ting along nicely.
A baby boy was born to Mr. nnd MrB,
M. L. MIshler of west Eleventh street
yesterday morning
J. E. Sebastian and J. A. Selby, who I
spent several days In Dickens on busi
ness have returned.
acttmnn's Hand Made Cigar, Cc. 2-0
Mrs1. Worth Miller, of Ogalallu, who
visited local frlonds here this week,
loft yeaterdny morning.
Miss Mabel Stacoy n registered
nurso of Central City camo hero Wed
nesday evening to locate.
"Edison Day" recital a Hlnckor
Rook & Drug Store, this afternoon
from 2 to (5. You are Invited.
Tho Lutheran Brotherhood will
ieet,'Mondny evening at tho homo of
Mr. grid, Mrs. Chnrlcs Sandall.' '
,WnV. Carroll, of Chicago, who spout
II. C. Roylo left a few days ago.
Mrs. Grace Klrsh.'who has been ill
for Bomo tlmo with an infection In tho
right foot, Is Improving this -week.
Mr1, and Mrs. 11. E. Orr, of Lincoln,
aro spending n few dnys bore transact
ing buslnoss nnd visiting friends.
Tho U, P. 0. Elks aro planning to
hold one of Ithclr social dances nt tholr
homo Friday evening of next week.
Wo have a wonderfully good show
ing of Ladles Coats and Suits and new
ones arriving dally.
Mrs. J. R. Murphy extended her hos
pitality to the Mothers' Club Wed
nesday afternoon. Tho ladles spent
Bovorul hours very plcnsuntly in social
conversation and konsington work.
Mrs. M. J. Roberts, of Cheyenne, ar
rived a few days ago to visit lier sons
D. w. and Walter Roberts for u counle
of weeks.
For Rent Seven room house with
bath and sewer connections on west
Front street. Inquire of W. V. Hoau
land. 8-2
Mrs. Chnrlcs Calhoun entertained
tho J. Y. M. club very pleasantly Wed
nesday afternoon. Unique games "were
Palma-Leo Cigar 10 cents 2-9
Mr. and Mrs. Claudo Tift, who were
married hero this week, left nt noon
yesterday for Omaha to spend their
Deputy Shorlff Roy Wilson return
ed Wednesday evening from Hastings
where ho placed William Fabllnger in
tho asylum.
Miss Hazel Preston resumed work
nt tho Trnmp store yesterday after be
ing confined to tho hoiuo by Illness
for a week.
Lcm Rnlley was called to Cozad
yesterday afternoon by tho serious
ill n oh of his mother, who Is In ad
vanced yeare.
Tho young daughter of Mr. and Mrs
Charles Miller who Is suffering with n
fractured collar bone Is slightly lm
proved today.
Julius Pizer and daughter Mayim
will leave Monday for Chicago and
other' eastern points to spend several
weeks buying spring goods.
Mrs. Will Hawloy is sufforlng with
a sprained nnklc which was caused by
accidentally tripping over a rocking
chair, a row days ago. ,
For Farm Loans see or wrlto Gono
Crook, room 3, Waltemath building,!
North J'latto. -jwfc 41tt
Carl Rrodbcck has resumed work nt
tho Urodbeck meat market after being
off duty for Bovornl weeks with blood
poison In his left, hand.,
MIbs Lononn Marovlsh who hns .boon
teaching In Wyoming was called here
yesterday by the serious Illness of her
mother, who Is ill at Stapleton.
Edward Soronson of Moorelold and
Miss Velma Davis of Hershoy wore
granted a anarriago Hcctiso by county
Judge French yesterday morning
::o:: .
P. J. DrENF.K & CO.
Real Estato nnd Insurance
Come and boo us for town lots in
different parts of tho city. Good in
vestments on easy terms. Houbcs for
sale and rent. Wo lmvo also good bar
gains In farms and ranches.
Cor. Front and Dowey Sts.. upstairs.
Mrs. A. J. Salisbury will entertain
tho El-A-VIrp club this afternoon.
Mrs. George T. Field cuUortnlned
tho P. E. O. society Wednesday after
noon. The J. F. F. Club will be oJitcrtnined
on Febrary 22d by .Mrs. E. M. Johnston.
Harry I. Hlock, of the
fitting store, returned
night from a three weeks trip to
Chicago and New York where ho
wont to purchase spring merchandise.
Mr. Rlock says New York was crowd
ed with reail merchants from coun
try towns, and in order to get waited
on nt the manufactories and Jobbers,
engagements were necessarily made in
ndvance. Tho cloth manufacturing
mills are short on material and orders
The Lutheran Girls' Club will give
a valentine party at the pnrish house
this evening.
Mrs. Leslie Raskins will entertain
the Club Nevlta on Wednesday after
noon. February IGth.
Mrs. Eevorett Rloyd will entertain
the Elite card club on Wednesday af
ternoon, February 23rd.
Miss Mario LcDioyt will entertain
Rlock Out- tho Catholic Git Is' club Monday ev-j
Wednesday cnlng. All members aro requested to;
bring valentines.
Mrsv Henry Waltemath nnd Mrs.
Chns. Hupfor will entertain the Har
mony club IMondny evoning nt the
homo of the latter.
The First National Bank
Member Federal Reserve Bank System.
One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars.
31 H
The Et-A-VIrp club and their Inn-
bands will be entertained at tho homo
from garment makers for piece goods f Mr- nnd Mrs- EdwaTd Ogicr Mon
aro invariably only partially filled, day. evening nt a valentine party
Tho mills aro unablo to secure Im
ported dyo stuffs on account of tlio
war, and as aresult there is a short-
ago in their output.
All classes of goods are higher than
last year and prices are being ndvan
Julius Hoga entertained the mem
bers of Harry E. Drown Camp, U. S,
W. V., Monday evening. A pleasant
evening was spent and plans for en-
ccd dally. Garments which sold nt $l tertainments during tlte summer were
one day were advanced to ?1S the next, discussed.
mill Hits nilvnnnn will nrwttnhlv lio fur. I
1 .... r i if .. ( . i it i . 1 1 , 1
titer ncceleratcd by the strike of luo ivnigius oi uoiumnus anu ineir
needlo workers which was Inaugur- ladies enjoyed a social dance at the
ated yesterday. Masonic hall last evening. Card games
So grent is the demand for goods ,nrn , I
. . , A j. I HIOU I iuiutu Ul u u Plenum D
ritlil on rrrnn t fTir o I i - r f f i m Mint vi n -n . i I " I
u ,av,tu nils nuui itiu Hint iuuuuwi . . i r t if 1
facturers are demanding in many in- "uhuwk uuiuuuii-u .in
stances spot cash for their products. "i niiunigtu.
Air. itmiIr Hnont twn wopla n Vow I
York and by putting in ten hours a MTS- i,arry i"cueu entertained me
day was enabled to secure all mer- M. M. M. club Wednesday afternoon.
chandlso desired, but it was a case of Progressive five hundred was played
nusuing an uie time.
and the prize awarded to Mrs. Guy
Swopo. Guests of the day were Mes-
.HAltKET dames Hucman, Baker and Zentmeyer.
Mrs. Frank Hork was tendered a
surprise party Tuesday evening by
1$c eighteen of her friends and neighbors.
several Hours were snout in cames
tin Wit amil music, the vocal solas bv Mrs.
TTnvnl TTnlilmi nf Pnlnrnrln SnrWcra
, , , , , , . i r .f,.!, i
i very enjoyame ana proniauie mus- nn,i -ua nini. Tvr-.,,.. vt.,
1, t 1 At t . MUU ilUWO -IV V, 11 111 Ik J11 J k 11 I JUiJIU
vffcii hk iir'ia lirin unilnr iltn mionlnnti nf "
tho Tillikum club in tho basement of Pcclally good.
Shoulder Hccf Vut Itoast per lb. 126c
Smoked l'ig Karon, ,1 to (i lbs in
crnijo pieces, jut lb
Mrs. Joseph Jessup enlertained tho
tho Episcopal church Wednesdny even-
.life, i ttuiio iiuiiiuvia IJV ... - . -t. , , t
somo of the best talent in the citv ami Elit0 card club Wednesday afternoon.
each was given generous applause. A In the games tho highest scores were
special feature of the evening wob the made by Mrs. A. W. Shilling nnd Mrs.
umiu iiuuriuLiu who ruimureu several TInrrv .Tnlmstnti r.i.ocfa nf ti,n ,inv
original comic songs in which were
mentioned prominent members of the
Tillikum club. They received n num
ber of encores. An ndmislon of twen
ty-five cents was charged nt the door
which Included the nice lunch nt tiie
close of tho program. The receipts
were twenty-livo dollars.
were Mesdames Ray Snyder and Tate
Sandall. A hand painted cup and
saucer was presented to the hostess.
Mrs. W. U. Brown entertained the
J. F. F. club Tuesday afternoon at a
valentine party. Prizes wero awarded
'h it !' ffl .?N I
A Practical Book
Planning a home is such a big prob
lem, you cannot afford to do without
the help we can give.
You will find "Attractive Bunga
lows" a beautiful little book filled with
illustrations showing tloor plans, in
terior and exterior views of homes that
have been built.
Wouldn't you like to have one to
look over in the evenings when plan
ning your home? Wc shall be very
glad to sec that you have one. It only
takes a request from you.
Come in and ask us for one.
I ho funeral of the lato Mrs. Elinor to Mrs. James Dorran and Mrs. Ed-
wiiKinson, uaugiuer oi iir. anu airs, wnni Hnrr(.imnii vrv mvinvni.i m
SZZro -re so.rved. Guests of the
day afternoon. Mmiy friends attend- wero Mesdames W. E. Monroe,
cd tho services and extended condol- Jack Sinclair, Asa Snyder and John
ences to the bereaved family. The McDonald,
pall benrcrs wero Messrs. Arthur
Tramp, Albert AVestenfeld, Percy Lou- The leap year masquerade dancing
don. if. Huckner, J. Allen and Louis party given at the Masonic hall Tues
SrpinJ"l,"::i:VaS ,mUl ,n the zoning attended by twenty-
... four couple. Tho costumes wore very
t a "iiK ui iiib nuyui iveigu- .,, .,., lnBtlv nf n nmln ri1r
i vuiiouuj' unci iiuun mi; i
bars held
following officers wero installed: A Program of popular dances was
President Mrs. K. H, York. vlce-Drerf- rendered and supper served at tho
ldent Mrs. Clarence Vroman "chancel- North Platte C.mdv Kltnlmn. Tho on.
vane Klllott, inner sentinel Mrs. Jos. "l Mi:auau":a "Bu j.
Spies, outer sentinel Mrs. C. Cohnnen. E. Flllion, vauney Lovo and Miss
board of mnnngers Mrs. E. Schott, Blanche Th'arnburg.
Mrs. A. E. Llerk. nnd Mrs. Jennlo
Moore. - Mrs. Fred Waltemath entertained
When tho need of glnsses is actually tuo Intl'a" crd club Tuesday after
evidenced, the child of TEN needs noon. The prizes wero awarded to
them much more than tho adult of Mesdames Charles Reynolds and
ijiuiiii. nervous ami muscular
strain, duo to eye defects In children,
net, as impediments to the mortal,
moral ami pnyoical devolonmont. O.
S. Clinton, Registered Ontometrlst.
ino sign wan tno big ring.
Thomas Ilealey. Assisting the host
ess wero Mesdames J. F. Clabaugu,
Charles Wier and C. R. Morey. Mrs.
F. J. Wurtele wn3 taken Into tho mem-
bdrship. An out of town guest was
Mrs. Johnston, of Piattsmouth, N. Y.
Tho Twentieth Century club met nt
S. R. Dorryberry has been in Lin
coln this week attending the fifteenth
annual gaUiorlng of tho Nebraska
Hardwaro Dealers' Association. t I Chamber of Commerce rooms Tuesday
tho opening of tho convention Mr. Dor- ovening. February 8th. The president
ryberry made the responso to the nd- extended thanks to nil who contrib
dress of welcome delivered by Secro- Uted to mako the municipal Christmas
tary Whitten of tho Commercial Club, tree a success, and also to thoso who
"laium. nv r.mi t ,,...,.. donated and helped dollver Christmas
1.....T. p .7i '.v,"u,v'1 baskets. A card of thanks from
... p "Kv?: ?"noon vea'chet,and pupllb for grafanola
lw u. 1Uu a.o u.vueu. was road and accepted. Several reels
James Henderson, who was a rosl- of pictures pertaining to baby week
dent of this city for a number of years will bo shown by Mr. Garmnti in nd-
nnu nns resided at Grunt s Pass, Ore., anion to ins roguinr program on snt
for sevornl years, will return horo urduy, March 10th. Miss Rokor will
about February UOth to take charge of bo in charge and oxplain the same. No
tho new hardwaro doparttnont which extra charge. Tho club decided to
llowo & Maloney will add to their bus- entertain tho city teachers on Sntur-
W. W. Birge Company.
I'jvuuguiiHi usenr i.owry, wno co
ductcit tlio evangelistic servlcos In
this city last May, closed a flvo weoks'
engMgement nt Clarindn, Iown, last
hunday with nearly one thousand con-
verts. Rev. Lowry will conduct a re
vival at McCook beginning next Sun-
Spring Jloilels ot Ladles' mid Misses
Suits, Ladles' Silk Dresses, Ladles
Coals, Ladles' Dress Skirts, extra
sizes Included, June .arrived nt .The
Robert DIckoy will lonvo for Oga-
lana and Pnxtom, todny to transact
buslnoss for sovoral days.
Dr. lorrlll, Dentist, McDniinl.l
Itauk Rulldliig. (
: :o: :
I'or Sale.
10 span of -1 year old mules. Sell
your old horsos nnd buy a span of
young mules. W. T. WILCOX,
North Platte, Neb.
day afternoon, February 26th at Odd
Fellows hall with a program and re
Telephone Youv
Grocery orders to 32
They will given prompt and
careful attention.
Flour Announcement
In connection with Sun Beam
Flour, we are now handling
David Harum, Short Patent,
Lexington 5X and Cream High
Try us for Flour. Best of
quality and prices very reasonable.
Eo T. Tramp & Sons.
There Are 16,774 Dealers in Lumber
We are one of them. Some what smaller
than the largest- perhaps, but considerably
larger than the smallest of them.
Some of them would have to go some to
handle more lumber, and for
We would'nt sit behind any of them.
Coates Lumber and Coal Co.
The Home of Good Coal.
Phone 7.
Washing You
Ever Did
Ono cent an hour for washinc and
wringing. That's tho avcraco cost for cur
rent. Sometimes it's lrss ilmn tw a,i
this machine reallv washnii. it
merely 'swash" the clothes around In a mass.
Its backward and forward motion thoroly
mixes tho suds with the elnthps
of them and tho result is a clean, white,
Bwcui-auiutiiiig wasuing. you ilon't have to
nami-riiD a stltcn. It never harms tho finnst
laces. Tho dollv and interior wMU nm en
tirely free from anything that would catch
Saves Time and Labor
1KT It'rrffFt 19
fry EUxtrlcity
It washes in but a more fraction of tho timo required by a hand wuhor
and so makes washing an ordinary task. Easy to operate?7 lJsf,r,?.r:
V " 1010 our "B' focuct, turn tho switch and there vou aro A U
reatlV. UOHt Rtnn wUnn if flriAo 1TI.-:-
nn.iM i' I """ -".wiric mecnanism
b. vuuwiy cuwumju. i luscasiorsana ball bearings.
Free Trial See Our Dealer
Ho will let you have
hi -'
one on 30 days free trial.
If It doesn't suit, you
nro not out a cent.
Grinncll, Iowa
ulrk-sandaii Co. North Platte Light & Power Co.