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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1916)
THE 8EMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. THE BUOII r A GOBI The Natural Pride of Those Who Take Part in It. To thoso who havo built railroads through and across tho prairie of Westorn Canada, connecting that great empiro of grain nnd cattle, hors" and sheep with tho world's markota In tho oast, must bo awarded the prlvllcgo of looking upon their work, and Its results with pardonablo prldo. If they romlnisccnco, and toll of tho hardships and tho privations, why shouldn't they? Tho broad prairies on which tho buffalo roamed and fed, aro now alive with cities, towns and villages. Farms largo and Btnall on which machinery has chasod tho bugaboo of laborious work off tho farm, and mak ing farm life ono of tho most pleasant and prosperous of occupations aro bolng cultivated by men of tho highest stamp of manhood. Many of theso havo Inherited from their forebears the physical strength and tho high typo 01 manliness that was theirs In tho days when they bowed' their homos out of tho virgin forest, and made them what may bo seen today, beau tiful farms In tho cast. On the wholo tho western prairies breed a high typo of manhood, wrest from him faultB and diseases which would bo his woro It not for tho upbuilding Influence and character of prairie life. When tho builder of tho western Ca nadian pralrlo looks upon tho result of his work, why shouldn't his chest ex pand? It was probably somo of this feeling of prldo that took possession of Sir Donald Mann, vice president of tho Canadian Northern Railway tho other day In Winnipeg, when ho saUt "I am not In tiia habit of giving ad vice, but I havo no hesitation of advis ing tho young men of Canada, every young man, to get out and get a piece of western Canada's land that now can bo had for the asking and be their own masters." "It was 36 years ago when I first came to Winnipeg," ho said. "At that time there were less than 150,000 people west of Lake Huron in Canada, and the only bit of railway in opera tion was between St. Bonifaco and Em erson about sixty miles. Today there are nearly 20,000 miles of railway in actual operation and tho population Is over two and a quarter million, a won derful achievement In such a short pe riod you will agree, when you havo contemplated it a moment." "At that time all tho flour, meat and many other supplies for our contracts were brought from tho States. Now consider what tho west is doing to day. You havo a grain production ex ceeding a billion bushels and yet only a comparatively small area of tho till able land of the country is occupied. Five years henco you will bo more than doub""" tint." A'i"hrtiscmcnt. Don't think because a woman lfl out spoken that sho can bo outtalked. Piles Cured in 6 tc 14 Day Druggists refund money If PA.0 OINTilKNT fnll to cum ItcnlDK, lillnd, Mleedlne or 1'rutrudlnx Piles. Flnt application vires relief Mo. If all tho world'a a stago it's up to each of us to contribute something to ward tho elevation thereof. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle oi CASTOItIA, a safo and euro remedy for infants and children, and seo that it Bears the Signature of In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria j Pressing Need. M (stress What do wo need for din ner? Servant Sure, ma'am, and I've tripped over tho run an' wo need a now set of dishes. Philadelphia Eve ning Ledger. CONSTANT PAIN 111 BACK FROM KIDNEY TROUBLE I wish to tell you of my condition of nb -t four years ano. I was afflicted witii ( kidney and bladder troubles and had a constant pain in my back all tho time for about two or three months. I did not havo any appetite and could not rest at night ana I was hardly able to do my house work. I biiw Dr. Kilmer's ad vertisement and decided to nivo Swamp Root a trial; after taking four bottles of Swamp-Root I was restored to health and have not been afflicted eiaee. I will cheerfully recommend Dr. Kilmer'a Swamp-Root to others afflicted with kid ney nnd bladder troubles. Yours trtil v. SARAH FRAYKR. 803 E. 0th St. Coffeyville, Kan. State of Kansas )gg. Montgomery County 1 Ilo it remembered, that on this 17th day of April, 1915. before me. W. O. Bowman, a Not a it Public, in and for said County and State, camo Sarah Frayer, who is i i , i i.. ii... . i unuwn to mo in do iiic b.iiuu jcibuu wiiu executed the within btatement, and such perron duly acknowledged the execution of the same to be her free and voluntary act and deed. In testimony whereof, I have hereun to ect my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal tho day and year first above written. W. G. BOWMAN. Notary Public. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For Vou Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingliamton, N. Y., tor a sample sizo bot tle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet or valuable infor mation, telling about the kidneys and blad der. When writing, bo Ruro and mention this paper. Regular fifty-cent and one dollar size bottles for Bale at all drug tores. Adv. The New Geography. Knlcker What nro diplomats? Docker Bodies of mon ontlroly sur rounded by Blmosphoro. CTmil Corduroy Featured Besides fur-fabrics, which gave chance for a welcome variety in sep arate coats and jackets to bo worn with cloth skirts, corduroy has In creased its popularity for this purpose. Like fur-fabric it is moro effectively used as a wrap, with skirt of a plain material, than in suits, and It makes a handsome full-length coat for either street or dressy wear. Its adaptability to many purposes is explained by its manufacture in many colors and of cotton as well as wool or silk. Tho quieter colorings aro chosen for utility coats, tho bright hues for sports coats, and the rlchor qualities provide wraps for evening. The last aro almost always furnished with big fur collars and cuffs. An effective model In a corduroy short coat Is shown here. It is in taupe color with collar and cuffs of tho mate rial, and oven the large flat buttons covered with it. The skirt is of the heavy, glossy woolen cloth known as "kitten's ear," matches it in shade, and it seems that no other color is For tho small boy recently arrived nt tho dignity cf blouse and nothing radically new ha3 made Its appearanco In tho suits designed for spring. It is in little details of finish ing and an occasional minor change in construction that novolty may bo found. Those who wish to get tho Bowing for spring undor way aro safe in making up his washablo suits and play rompers of tho usual fabrics. Doited blouses and bloomers, or straight pants, are niado of colored chambrays or linens. Sometimes they combine a color with white, more often a plain and a striped pattern, nnd just about B3 often two colors, In the same suit Theso serve, with his rompors, as in past seasons for his daily wear. White linen suits fill in his needs for moro pretentious dress, and these or volvoteon suits bespeak his best effort to do honor to formal occasions. Rompors that look trim aro mado of chambray or sorgo, with straight pants and long, plain body, cut in ono pleco. They open down the back and at tho waist lino and havo a belt for tho ma terial hat buttons In front. It Is slipped through narrow straps of tho fabric stitched to tho body of tho gar ment. Tho nock Is round and split a tttlo way down tho front. It is fin- tmiriiiiTiw I Advance Styles for the Small Boy nro t mi MunwifxwoMai me rmm inim iwM v3 ww ;my . ;., U . , f i1crrm. .: i J IM1JJ 111 I ! I I IT I Hl r in Winter Wraps quito ho beautiful in theso fabrics. F!tt in the better qualities Russian green and warm brown leave nothing to bo desired in htrmony of color and material. They arc very flno in cordu roy. Tho ccat pictured Is a loose-hanging garment with a little definition given tho waist lino by a sash of the cordu roy drawn through narrow straps of it, that are sewed to tho coat. The sash ends aro finished with small silk tas sels. A of thin kind in any of the reserved or staple colors may bo worn over drosses in almost any color. Forecasting Short Jackets. Short Jackets will be worn this spring. Stylos tend moro toward tho 1840 and 1850 periods. Skirts will bo longer and ruflleu and waists will bo tighter. Paris Latter to Harper's Bazar. Lihed with a narrow sailor collar am tho alcoves with cuffs A small patch pocket at tho left side and .two short straps across tho split at tho neck, fast one', with a button at each end, Glvo a bit of snappy lialsh. A velveteen and a lines suit aro shown hero. Both nro mndo with straight pants nnd belted blraiso. Tho volvet blouso is plaited, with slashes under tho plaits through which tho bolt Is slirped. Tho shallow V at tho front or tho neck is filled In with a whito dickey, and tho small sailor col lar, wldo cuffs asd bolt aro all of liueu. Tho linen suit for nildsummor is rut on tho simplest lines, with sleoves nnd blouso in ono piece. It is easy to mnko and reduces tho work of laundering tu tho minimum. Fur on Transparent Rnlncuats. Tho transparent ralncoat3 that are mado of a flno silk fabric treated with certain oils which render It water proof have been worn a lot In tho East this year at winter sports. They aro often seen with fur collars and cuffs. I TV J Look and Feel Clean, Sweet and Fresh Every Day Drink a glass of real hot water beforo breakfast to wash out poisons. Llfo is not moroly to llvo, but to Uvo well, cat woll, digest woll, work woll, sloop woll, lo.ok woll. What a glorious condition to attain, and yet how very easy It Is If ono will only adopt tho tnornlnc lnsldo bath. Folks who aro accustomed to fool dull and heavy when thoy arlso, spilt ting headache, stuffy from a cold, foul tongue, nasty breath, ncld stomach, can, Instead, feel 03 fresh ns a daisy by opening tho sluices of tho systom each morning and flushing out tho wholo of tho Internal poisonous stag nant matter. Evoryono, whether ailing, sick or woll, should, each morning, beforo breakfast, drink a glass ot real hot water with a tcaspoonful of llmostone phosphato In It to wash from tho stomach, liver, kidnoys and bowels the provlous day's indigcstiblo waste, sour bile and poisonous toxins; thus cleans ing, swootonlng and purifying tho on tiro alimentary tract beforo putting moro food into tho stomach. Tho ac tion of hot wntor and Hmestono phos phato on an empty ctomach Is wonder fully Invigorating. It clcanB out all tho sour fermentations, gasos, wasto and acidity and gives ono a splendid op potito for breakfast. Whllo you aro enjoying your breakfast tho water at, phosphato Is quietly extracting a largo volume of water from tho blood and getting ready for a thorough flushing of nil the insido organs. Tho millions of peoplo who aro both ered with conotlpatlon, bilious spollB, Btomach trouble, rheumatism; othors who havo sallow skins, blood disor ders and sickly complexions are urgod to got a quarter pound ot limestone phosphato from any store that handlou drugs which will cost vory- llttlo, but Is sufficient to mnko anyone a pro nounced crank on tho subjoct of In ternal sanitation. Adv. Wrong Impression. A Quaker fell asleep In mooting and soon began to snoro. For awhllo tha nasal notes woro soft and smooth and did not disturb tho worshipers, but finally tho sloopor let out a fow ox tra kinks and tho offoct was a trlflo disconcerting. "Friend Ilczekinh," whispered an acquaintance digging tho othor In tho ribs. "I think thco had better arouso thyself." "What did theo say?. What did thoo say?" cried Hozokiah, somowhat con fused. "What Is tho matter?" "Nothing, Fried Hozokiah," was tho quiet rojolndor ot tho other, "only theo was snoring a llttlo, and I was afraid that outsiders might think tho spirit had moved theo to a trombono solo instead of an expression of thy convictions." Philadelphia Telegraph. Leading Question. In a school for feoblo-mlnded chil dren a haughty young tcachor was ono dny counting out her monoy, whilst standing at her desk facing her class. Presently ono of tho youngsters, who had boon watching . tho proceedings with undisguised Interest, broko out: "Pleaso, miss, Is them yer wage3?" Darting a gianco of Indignation at tho Inquisitive boy, sho remurked with curt dlsplcasuro: "Yes." "Oh," said tho boy, with wido-openod oyes and mouth, "when does yo wark for 'em?" Switzerland has women miners. Cor r EE WAS IT. People Slowly Lear.n the Facts. "All my llfo I havo been n slave to coffee. I kept gradually losing my health, but I used to say 'nonsense. It don't hurt mo.' "Slowly I wns forced to admit tho truth and tho final result was that my nervous force wns ahattercd. "My heart becamo weak and uncer tain in its action and that frightened mo. Then my physician told mo that I must stop drinking coffco or I could uovor expect to bo woll again. "I thought of Postum but could hardly bring myself to glvo up the coffee. "Finally 1 concluded that I owed It to myself to glvo Postum a trial. I got a packngo and carefully followed tho directions, and what a delicious, nour ishing, rich drink It was! Do you know, I found it very easy to shift from coffeo to Postum. "Almost immediately after I mado tho change I found myself hotter, and as tho days wont by I kopt on improv ing. My nrves grow steady, I slept woll and felt strong and well-balanced. Now tho old nervousness Is gono and I am woll onco moro." It pays to glvo up tho drink that acts on somo Uko a poison, for hoaltb is tho greatest fortune ono can havo. Namo glvon by Postum Co., Battl? Creek, Mich. Postum comes in two forms: Postum Cereal tho original form must ho woll boiled. 15c and 25c pack ages. Instant Postum a soluble powdor dissolves quickly In a cup of hot wa ter, und, with cream and sugar, makes a delicious bovcrago Instantly. 30c and 50c tins. Both kinds nro equally delicious and cost about tho samo per cup. "Thero'B a Reason" tor Postum. sold by Grocoru FARM t POULTRY MIXTURE FOR LAYING FOWLS Scatter Equal Parts of Cracked Corn, Wheat and Oats In Litter Mako Hens Exercise. In order to obtain eggs It 13 nocoo 6ary to havo healthy, vigorous stock, properly fed. A splendid mlxturo for laying bona Is equal parts of cracked corn, wheat, and onts, which should bo scattered In tho llttor. Bran or middlings nnd boot scraps should bo kopt In rocoptnclcs to which tho fowls havo access at all times. Plenty of oxorclso Incrcnsoa tho ogg yield. Provldo four or flvo Inchos of good, clean llttor In which to scatter tho grain. Cabbages, mangcla, potatoes, sprout ed oats, etc., makd oxcollont greon feed. When wot mashes aro fed bo suro thoy aro crumbly and not sticky. For tho first thrco days chicks may bo fed a mlxturo of equal parts hard boiled eggs and stalo bread, or stalo bread soaked In milk. Whon bread nnd milk nro used, caro should bo ox orclsod to squcozo all milk out of tho bread. From tho third or fourth day until tho chicks can oat wheat and cracked com, commercial chick feed Is n good ration. Plenty of puro, fresh wntor, grit, shell, and groon feed should bo avail nblo from tho first day. Thoro Is vory llttlo dangor of over feeding young stock. Feed tho chlckons about flvo times dally and only what thoy will oat up clean in a fow minutes, oxcopt at night, when thoy should rocolvo all thoy want. FEED HOPPER FOR CHICKENS Device la Easily Constructed Out of Old Soap Box Grain Supply Kept Properly Screened. A feed hopper for chickens can eas ily bo mado by sawing tho sldos of n laundry soap box as indicated. A lid is fastened on tho top by hingos, nnd tho feed is poured in nt tho top. The front slants, which koops tho feed al ways sliding down as it is taken out A Feed Hopper for Chickens. of tin opening. Tho opening Is covered with chicken wire to keep tho fowls from Btopplng Into tho feed and foul ing it. Tho dotted lines show tho orig lnnl construction of tho box. Popu lar Science. GOOD EGG-PRODUCTION HINTS Presence of Male Bird Has No Influ. ence on Number of EoQ8 Laid Infertile Eggs Best. Produce tho lnfortllo eggs. Infcrtllo eggs nro produced by hens having no ranlo bird with them. Removing tho male bird has no In llucnco on tho number of eggs laid by hens. Tho hen's greatest proilt-produclng period Ib tho first and second years, nnd unless a hen In an exceptionally good breeder Bho should bo disposed of at the end of hor second laying Hcuson and beforo stnrtlng to molt. Fow eg-;s can bo expected until tho pullets aro matured. If possible mark tho pullets that lay In tho fall, nnd ubo thom In tho brooding non for tho following Bprlng. Soft-shelled oggs nro often caused by fowls being conllned, becoming ovorfat, end from lack of mineral matter. CHICKENS NEED GREEN FOOD Cabbage Tied to Stake Is Excellent Long Stuff Is Liable to Cause Troublo With Heno. When grocn food Is given to hens In confinement it should always bo cut or chopped fine. A cabbago tied to a stako Is excellent, but a variety Is bettor. While clover, red clover, lawn grass, tops of vegetables, or oven young corn fodder, will ho rolishod by tho bona It chopped Into short longths so that thoy can easily cat it. Long food sometimes causes tho lions to bucomo crop bound. Grit Is Necessary. It Ib absolutely necessary to supply grit, In ordor to koap fowls healthy, as grit tukcb the placo ot tooth. PERUNA TONIC Are You Well? Whnt would you glvo to bo perfectly woll? All you havo got, of course. It may bo that your troublo Is ot a catarrhal naturo. Catarrh of tho head, Catarrh of tho Btomach. Ca tarrh of somo Internal organ. If bo, Poruna will holp you on tho rond to porfect health. If you want to bo convinced, buy ono bottle. No further argu ment will bo necosaary. Coughs Golds Oafarrh PERUNA TONIC Jealous. "What a boautlful complexion Mrs. Blank has tonight." "Ycb; l'vo noticed that, (oo. I won dor what druggist sho Is patronizing now." SYRUP OF FIGS FOR A CHILD'S BOWLS It is cruel to force nauseating, harsh physic into a sick child. Look back at your childhood days. Romombor tho "doso" mother inslstod on castor oil, calomel, cathartics. How you hated them, how you fought against taking them. With our children lt'o different. Mothers who cling to tho old form ot physic simply don't rcnllzo what thoy do. Tho chlldron'fl revolt Ib well-founded Tholr tendor llttlo "insldos" ar Injured by thom. If your nhlld'o Btomach, liver and bowolo nood cleansing, glvo only doll' clous "California Syrup ot Figs." Its action 1b posltivo, but gontlo. Millions of mothers keep this harmless "fruit laxative" handy; thoy know chlldron lovo to tako It; that It novor falls to clean tho llvor and bowols and sweot on tho Btomach, and that a tcaspoonful glvon today saves a Bick child tomor row. , ABk at tho Btoro for a C0-cont bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which has full directions for babies, chlldron of all agos and for grown-ups plainly on each bottlo. Adv. A dlot of ornngos will cloar muddy complexions and rcduco superabund ant curves. Hot Gray Xlalra bnt Tired Eyes make ub look alder than wo aro. Keep your Eyes younR nnd you will look younc, After tins Movlos Murlno Tour Byes. Don't toll your ncc Murlno Eyo Romedy Co., Chicago, Bonds ISyo Hook on request. A girl novor looks oldor than sho Is unloss Bho has her hair In curl papers. Dr. Pierco's Pleasant Pellets are the original littlo liver pills put up 40 years ago. They rcgulato liver and bowels. Adv. No man ovor rospoctB a woman who doosn't roBpoct horsolf. Why That Lome Sack? Morning lamoness, sharp twinges whon bonding, or an all-day back ache; each la causo enough to sus pect kldnoy troublo. Got aftor tho causo. Holp tho kidnoys. Wo Americana go it too hard. Wo ovordo, overeat and nogloct our j sloop and oxorclso and so wo aro BUfforors. 72 moro deaths than In 1890 Ib tho 1910 census story. Uno Doan's Kldnoy PlUo. Thou snnda recommend them. An Iova Case Frank J. Roonoy, STocor, 153 Jullcn Ave, Dubuque, Iowa, says: "I h a d rhouinutlo' pains In my loft hip, ofton extending Into my Bhouklor. I felt nervous and had llttlo ambition. I know my kidnoys weren't acting properly nnd I liosan uslni; Donn'o Kldnoy Pills. Thoy soon cutoil mo nnd toned up my uvntom T ntn lzlml to wiy that tho euro lias been perma nent." Get Donn' nt Any Store, BOe a Box DOAN'S 'VfJLV FOSTER-MILBURN CO.. BUFFALO, N. Y. The Army of Constipation la Growing Smaller Every Day. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS responsible th not only give relic they perma nently cure Coi lipttion. Mil-. lions use, them for Biliouineii, Indijeition, Sick Hqdchc, Sallow Skin. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature Waiitn I!. Coleman, l'Mti-nt ljtnvrrAVb&hlnrtoiL .IlV 0 im AdTlromiilhrmkltrM. lUlei rt-kjoiv bin, lllLhm retartnefe. Ileal rents. i(CfeV "JtwfT Ttt- r s ?- - 1-