The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 08, 1916, Image 3

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Morro Velho, Located in the Gold
Belt of Brazil.
Was First Worked by Portuguese Dis
coverers In 1b93 Combined Depths
of Connected Shaft3 Have
Reach 5,324 Feet.
In a recent bulletin of tuo Pan
American Union there Is an account
of the world's deepest mine, written
by Benjamin Lo Roy Miller ot Lehigh
university and Joseph T. Slngowald,
Jr., of Johns Hopkins. The mine- Is
the Morro Velho, In tho gold belt ot
Brazil, where tho Portugueso woro
first Induced to sottlo by tho discov
ery of the yellow metal. Tho first gold
was discovered In 1699, near tho pres
ent city of Ouro Prcto. Tho gold was
coated with a black substanco and
henco vas called "ouro preto" black
gold Tho city which they founded
was called Villa Illca do Ouro Prcto
Uio ttich City of Black Gold a namo
winch wa3 somewhat cumbcrsomo
oven for tho Portugueso, so they final
ly shortened It to Just Ouro Prcto, tho
namo by which It is known today.
Onco it was the most Important city
In Brazil, tho valuable metal being ob
tained from tho gravel of almost every
stream In tho region. Not only tho
stream gravels yielded gold, but many
gold-bearing quartz veins woro worked.
Just when tho Morro Velho mine
was first opened is not known, but it
was being operated toward tho close
of the eighteenth century, and consid
erable work ad been done when tho
present company obtained control of
It in 1S34. The ore body consists of
a great vein of unusual persistence
and regularity that dips Into tho
earth at an angle of about 45 degrees.
It may bo likened to a gigantic knife
blade, held vertically and thrust Into
tho earth at this angle, with tho point
still lower than tho prosent dcopest
workings. And it is these workings
that luako tho mlno rnarkable. Tho
combined depths of tho connected
shafts glvo a total of 5,824 feet. In
other words, hero is gold mlno that
i being worked at a depth of more
than a mile below Mio surfaco of tho
I The rock temperatures incrcaso as
the earth's crust Is penetrated, in
Bcmo regions tho Incrcaso being as
much as ono degreo Fahrenheit for
each fifty to Blxty feet increase In
depth. At this rate the temperature
at the bottom of this mine would bo
over 100 degrees higher than at the
surface, and fried ham and eggs might
bo prepared for tho minors without
any other heating apparatus than tho
looso rocks lying about. Incidentally
miners would bo going through tho
frying process, too. Fortunatoly, how
ovor, in this mlno tho rato of Incrcaso
of tcmporaturo Is only ono degreo for
every 100 to 120 feet, giving tho
rocks a tcmporaturo of only 112 de
grees. By forcing cooled air down
into tho mlno by means of fans tho
tcmporaturo Is lowered to a llttlo less
than 100 degrees. Evon at that it Is
rather snug and tho miners usually
wear only shoos, donning trousers
when company is oxpoctcd. Tho mlno
has produced a total of about $55,000,
000 worth of gold, and Is being worked
now at a profit of something moro
than $700,000 annually.
Heeded tho Sign.
Near Springfield, Mass., there Is a
big parkllko cstato owned by a man
who has a strong detestation of tres
passers. To provont tho violation of
his prlvncy, ho posted all mannor of
warning signs on his placo.
Ono evening ho encountered a
strango couplo taking a "lovers' walk"
on his property.
"Can't you read?" growled tho
owner, as ho pointed to a sign.
"Wo can read, all right," said tho
"That sign thcro?" domanded tho
man, with another growl.
"Wo havo read It," returned tho
other. "It says 'Private,' and that's
Just why wo camo down hero." Ev
erybody's Magazine
His Liberality.
"H'm! This Is tho tenth tlmo you
havo been boforo mo," sternly said
Squlro Peavy.
"Yassah!" replied Brother Itam
dlddy. " 'Tls if yo' says so, sah, but
I was under do 'presslon 'twuz do
'loventh. I don't puhsoom to say ono
thing when a smart whlto man tells
mo dlffunt. But let it go, anyhow,
bah; I means to glvo good measure
Alius was plumb llb'ral dat-uh-way."
Scheme Never Works.
At ono of thoso largo affairs In a
studio a guest went up to his host
and asked for an introduction to tho
woman in pink.
"Why, certainly, I'd introduce you to
to her In a moment, but I can't re
member her name."
"Her name is Miss Smythe."
"Como along then. Er by tho way,
what's your name?"
Accounted For.
"Do you enjoy entertaining social
ly?" "In a way," replied Mr. Cumrox.
"When wo havo a party at my own
house so many people don't look mo
over and wonder how I happened to
get invited."
Whisky straight is tho causo a
crooked walk tho effect.
In Childhood
comes with proper training
which is right food.
-a most vital factor in
If a child is to gain physically and expand mentally
certain vital mineral elements grown in the field
grains are imperative.
These elements, such a3 phosphate of potash, etc.,
are lacking in many foods, but abundantly supplied in
the famous pure fcod
Made of whole wheat and malted barley, Grape
Nuts with cream or good milk supplies well-balanced
nourishment not only builds up the growing child,
but repairs daily the wear and tear of body and brain.
Grape-Nuts has a delicious nut-like flavour is
specially processed for easy digestion and is always
ready vo eat direct from the package. Economical
convenient and makes for efficiency.
"There's a Reason" for Grape-Nuts
Sold by Grocers everywhere.
San Jose Scale Blossom End of Pear Showing Scale, With Larvae and Adult
Lady Beetles Feeding pn Them A, Adult Beetle; B, Larva; C, Pupa.
(All Enlarged.)
of Missouri, College of Agriculture.)
Tho most effective and economical
method wo havo at present for tho
control of tho San Joso scalo In tho
orchard 1b to spray with ono of tho
best scale-destroying washes in tho
fall or early Bpring. There aro a
number of washes which aro entirely
effective when properly applied. Those
may be grouped In two main divisions
oil and lime-sulphur washes.
In somo respects tho oil washes havo
advantages ovor the llmc-sulphur,
while In other respects tho latter has
marked advantages. Tho oil washes
aro applied moro easily, spread more
ovenly and creep down Into cracks
and crovlces, where It Is difficult to
forco tho lime-sulphur wash. It takes
less of an oil wash to covor the samo
surfaco and tho nverngo fruit grower
Is likely to spray moro thoroughly
with tho oil washes, especially If ho
does not "retouch" trees Bprayed with
lime-sulphur. An oil wash, If used
at proper strength, Is moro quickly
fatal, which often enables it to destroy
tho scalo before dashing rains como
and wash it off. Among tho disad
vantages attending the uso of oil
washes may be mentioned tho price of
material, In caso prepared commercial
brands aro used, and tho greater dan
ger of injuring the trees by bucccssIvo
Tho lime-sulphur wash Is tho old
standard scalo wash. It has been in
use sinco the early introduction of the
San Jose Scale C, Mature Female
Removed From Scale, With Young
Insects Showing Through Body Wall
of the Parent; Greatly Enlarged;
D, Anal Plate, Still More Enlarged.
ficalo Into California and when proper
ly prepared and carefully applied is
extremely effective In controlling tho
scalo. Points in favor of tho llmo-sul-phur
wash aro tho cheapness with
which it can bo prepared, its secon-
Examination of Trees Should Be
Made Twice Each Year Use
a Sharp Pointed Wire.
Applo trees should bo examined for
borers at least onco or twlco each
year. In tho spring and early fall aro
tho times to look for borors. Probably
in tho early fall is tho bettor tlmo if
Just ono search a year is to bo mado.
Tho prcsenco of tho boror la discov
ered by tho brown castings thoy raako.
Theso aro found at tho baso of tho
treo. An incision is mado with tho
knlfo and a sharp pointed wiro with a
slight hcok Is inserted and tho borer
is drawn out. If tho holo does not run
straight it may bo necessary to soak
a wad of cotton in carbon blsulphld
and insert this in tho holo and then
seal tho opening wJt.h moist dirt. Tho
fumes of tho carbon blsulphld will kill
tho Insect.
Tho beetlos can b provented from
laying tholr eggs Jn tho trees by
painting with pure whlto lead and lin
seed oil paint mado pretty thick. Tho
dirt should be cleaned away to a depth
of about three inches go that tho trunk
can bo painted below tho surfaco to
a height of moro than a foot abovo
ground. After painting tho dirt should
bo replaced.
Best for Sweet Pickles.
Sweet Russet is ono of tho best
crop apples for sweet pickles Many
Mko it to eat out of hand. It is not
a good keeper, howover, and should
be planted only for homo use.
dary vnluo as a fungicide Its unlnjurl
ous effects upon trees, and tho thor
oughness with which It can bo applied
If ono goes to tho trouble of "touch
ing up" patches that aro missed by tho
first application. Tho principal factors
which mako this wash out of favor
with many fruit growers aro tho trou
bio accompanying Us preparation by
oxtcrnal heat and its caustic proper
ties, which make It disagreeable to
use. But with a llttlo oxporlcnco and
San Jose Scale Young Actlvo Larvae
Before Settling Down A, Central
View of Larva, Showing Long
Needlelike Setae, Greatly Enlarged;
B, Antenna, Still More Enlarged.
care, ono can preparo and apply It
without suffering tho least Inconven
ience. Tho destruction of tho scalo by
thorough fumigation Is moro certain
than cither dipping or spraying, sinco
a gaB is moro ponetratlng than a
liquid, but unfortunately tho ecopo of
its applicability is much limited.
Whero Infested stock can bo inclosed
in a tight box, or rooms in which tho
deadly gas is generated, it can bo com
pletely freed of tho scale. Tho prac
tice of fumigating finds Its greatest
usefulness In tho nursery, whero In
fested stock can, with llttlo extra la
bor and a slight oxpense, bo carefully
fumigated, which, If properly dono,
will not Injure tho stock and yet de
stroys every Bcalo present. Fumljja
tlon is also used with success In young
orchards where tho trees can bo cov
ered with a tont or box mado of
heavy cloth, well saturated with oil,
which makes it practically air tight.
Orchards of largo bearing trees havo
been successfully fumigated, but tho
expense of treating rapidly increases
with tho alzo of tho trees, and It
should not bo undertaken by tho aver
age fruit grower fn tho orchard. Ho
will get bettor results from fall or
spring spraying and run less risk of
injuring his trees.
Much Good Can Be Accomplished
by Destroying Larvae in Pack
ing Sheds and Cellars.
Not only aro tho hibernating larvao
of tho codling moth to bo found in tho
orchards right now, but thcro aro also
other places whero they occur plenti
fully. One of tho most common winter
ing harbors Is tho packing shed or
collar whero apples wcro boxed
throughout tho season. Wormy apples
are, of courBO, taken Into tho packing
BhcdB along with tho good fruit and
multitudes of tho worms leavo tho ap
ples nnd hide wherever a sultablo plaoo
may bo found. Cracks betwoen boardB,
nail holes, knot holes, boxes and rub
bish of ull kinds In tho shed aro fa
vorablo places for hibernation.
In ono packing shed examined n
whilo ago thcro wero a number of
boards with old nail holes In them and
nearly every ono of them contained
ono or moro larvao which had made
their cocoonB within and wero com
fortably located for tho winter.
Much good can bo accomplished by
destroying the larvao in tho packing
sheds and cellars. In some cases it
might bo posBlblo to screen sheds or
caves bo that tho moths could not get
out to lay tholr oggB upon trees In tho
Whilo this search for hibernating
worms Is necossarlly tedious, It is
doubtful If people In thoso sections
whero It is necessary to spray from
three to six times to keep down the
codling moth can afford to neglect It
stealth for
For Forty Years Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound Has Been
Woman's Most Reliable Medicine
Here is More Proof.
To women who arc suffering from some form of
Roman's special ills, and have a constant fear of breaking
down, the three following letters ought to bring hope:
North Crnndon, Wis. "When I was 10 years
old I got married nnd nt 18 years I rjavo birth to
twins and it left mo with very noor health. I could
not walk across tho floor without having to sit
down to rest and it was hard for mo to keep about
and do my work. I went to a doctor and no told
mo I had a displacement and ulcere, and would
havo to havo an operation. This frightened mo so
much that I did not know what to do. Having
heard of Lydia E. Pinklmm's Vcgetablo Compound
I thought I would givo it a trial and it mado mo as
well ng ovor. I ennnofc snv rmouirh in favor of tha
Pinkhain romodieB." Mrs. Matmb Asuach, "North Craudon, Wis.
Testimony from Oklahoma.
Lawton. Okla. "When I began to tako Lydia E. Pinkham'a
Vegotablo Compound I scorned to bo good for nothing. I tired easily
and had headaches much of tho timo and was irregular. I took it again
boforo my littlo child was born and it did mo a wonderful amount of
good at that timo. I novor fail to recommend Lvdia E. Pinkham's
Vegotablo Compound to ailing women becauso it has dono so much
for mo." Mrs. A. L. MoOasland, COO Havo St, Lawton, Okla.
From a Grateful Massachusetts Wpman.
Roxbury, Mass. I was sufforing from inflam
mation and was examined by a physician who found
that my troublo was caused ay a displacement.
My symptoms woro bearing down pains, backache,
and sluggish livor. I tried soveral kinds of mcdi
cino ; thou I was asked to try Lydia E. Pinldiam's
Vegotablo Compound. It has cured mo and I am
pleased to bo in my usual good health by using it
and highly recommend it." Mrs. B. M. Osgood,
1 Ilaynos Park, Roxbury, Mass.
if vou want snccial advice write to Lydia
E. Plnkliam Medicine Co. (confidential) Lynn, Mass. Yonr
letter will bo opened, read and unswered by a woman and held
in strict confidence.
Three Hundred Million
Farmers pay for tbeir land with ana year's crop
and prosperity was never bo great.
Regarding Western Canada as a grain
producer, a prominent business man
says: "Canada's position today is
sounder than ever. There is more
wheat, more oats, more grain for feed, 20 more cattle than
last year and more hogs. The war market in Europe needs
our surplus. As for the wheat crop, It is marvelous and a monument of strength
for businessconfidence to build upon, exceeding the mostoptimlstlcpredictions."
Wheat averaged in 1915 over 25 bushels pot acre
Oats averaged in 1915 over 45 bushels per acra
Barley a veraged in 19 15 over 40 bushels per acrm
Prices are high, markets convenient, excellent land, low in price either Im
proved or otherwise, ranging from $12 to $30 per acre. Free homestead
lands are plentiful and not far from railway lines and convenient to good
schools and churches. The climate is healthful.
There Is no war lax on land, nor la (here any conacrlpllon. For complete Infor
mation as to best locations for settlement, reduced railroad rates and descriptive illustrated
pamphlet, address Superintendent Immigration, Ottawa, or
W. V. BENNETT, Room 4, Dee Dldg., Omaha, Nebr.
Canadian Government Agent
That's the Way, Girls.
Tho Chicago Post roj)orts that tho
first Chicago girl to talco udvnntago
of her leap-year privileges landed hor
man and married him within an hour.
That's tho stuff. Look him ovor, girls,
and bo suro ho Is worth tho powdor
and Bhot It would tako to kill him,
and then uso tho hooltB. He can't get
away. Houston Post.
"Smlthors bought olght million
shares of mining stock yesterday.
"Great Scottt Whero did ho got
tho money?"
"Ho didn't ncod much. Ho got tho
stocks for a cent a pound as wasto
The Caso slated.
"Thcro Isn't a scrap of ovldenco
about this fight."
"Why, man, It was all scrap!"
Many an outwardly handsomo wom
an Is Inwardly homoly.
Peace nt Any Price.
"Do you lot your wife havo her owm
"Certainly; and moBt of mlno."
Boston Transcript.
Crusted With Dandruff Yield Readily
to Cutlcura. Trial Free.
Cuticura Soap to cleansotho scalp C
dandruff crustlngs and scallngs, ait4
Cuticura Ointment to sootho and beat
itchlngs and irritations. Nothing set
ter, surer or moro economical tbas
theso super-creamy omolllouts for bate
and scalp troubles of young or old.
Froo sample each by mall with Bock.
Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L,
Boston. Sold ovorywhoro. Adr.
All Off.
"How did tho bowling contest coots
out last night?"
"Nobody had any spare change far
tho plnboys, so thoy wont on a strike."
Caused by Disease of the Kidneys
Tho closo connoctlon which exists
betwoon tho heart and tho kidneys Is
woll known nowadays. As soon as
kldnoys aro diseased, arterial tension
is increased and tho heart functions
aro attacked. When tho kidneys no
longer pour forth wasto, uremic poi
soning occurs, and tho porson dies and
tho causo 1b often given as heart dis
cus o, or disease of brain or lungs.
It Is a good InRuranco against such a
risk to sond 10 cents for a largo trial
packago of "Anurlc" tho lowest dis
covery of Dr. Picrco. Also Bond a
samplo of your wator. ThlB will bo
oxamlnod without chargo by export
chemists at Dr. Plerco's Invalids' Ho.
tol, Buffalo, N. Y. When you suffer
from backacho, frequent or scanty
urlno, rhouraatlo pains horo or there,
or that constant tired, worn-out fool
ing, It's timo to write Dr. Pierce, do
crlbo your symptoms and got his
medical opinion, without charge a&v
solutoly froo. This "Anurlc" of Dr.
Plerco's 1b 37 tlmos more active than
llthla, for it dissolves uric acid In to
system, as hot wator does sugar.
Simply ask for Dr. Plorco's Anarte
Tablots. Thero can bo no ItnltaUoa.
Evory packago ot "Anurlc" Is sura to
bo Dr. Plerco's. You will find the ti
naturo on tho packago Just as you d
on Dr. Plorco's Favorlto Prescription,
tho over-famous friend to alUag
Worry is a frequent cause aai
Bomotlmcs a symptom of kidney dla
oaso. Thousands havo testified to lsa
medlato relief from these symptom
after using Dr. Plorco's Anuria Tablets
for tho kldnoys and backache.
Dr. Plorce's Favorlto PrescrlpUoa
makos weak women strong, sick
women woll. No alcohol. Bold ta
tablets or liquid.