The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 08, 1916, Image 1

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    ebn-Weeltfo (Tribune.
n flit
No. 7
Will Fabllnger was brought In from
Garfield precinct yesterday by Sher
iff Salisbury In a violently inaano con
dition. Ho was placed In a cell room
at the county Jail nnd will have a
hearing before the board of Insanity
Fabllnger became mentally derang
ed while serving as a Jurtor In the dis
trict court week before last. Ho is a
young man, married last June, and
under normal conditions Is n very
quiet, unassuming individual. lie was
devotedly religious and it is thought
that the evidence in the James nnd
Fear cases, on both of which ho sat
as a juror, shpeked his religious sens
itiveness and deranged his mind. The
cases involved the lionor of women,
and the testimony was consequently
at times such as to shock a man of
modest and retiring disposition. At
least this Is the supposed cause of
Fabllnger's Insanity, for prior to com
ing to North Platte to attend cour.t he
gave no evidence of mental derange
ment. The case is one that saddens all the
acquaintances of the afflicted man.
"North Platto Hoys as Authors
The Library has recently been given
some books to which an especial inter
est attaches because the authors arc
Xorth Platte "boys." Prof. E. C. El
lfott is the author of three of the
books, "City School Supervision,"
"State and County School Administra
tion" and "Portland Survey" which
was made by Prof. Elliott and one of
the faculty of Leland Stanforl Uni
versity. Prof. Ben. G. Elliott is one of
the authors of "Gasoline Automo
biles." All books' returned to the library
from 4iomes where a contagious dis
ease existed at the time the book was
in the possession of the family are
Ipromptly burned as it is practically
impos-Eble to properly fumigate a
iook. The work of destroying the
b6ok Is done 'at the library so. that
there may be no question as tf its
Weather forecast for North Platte
and vicinity: Unsettled and colder to
night and Wednesday. Highest tern
perture yesterday 27, a year agio 38;
lowest last night 19, a year ago 15.
Miss Flo Johnston will leave Satur
day morning for Omaha to take a
finishing course in millinery.
The German have still available to
fill the voids in their ranks approxi
mately 800,000 men according to a
French authority. He reaches this re
sult by taking 9,370,000 as the total
normal recruitment in Germany. This
is based on the liberal proportion of 13
per cent of the total-population.
The degree staff of the Rebekah
lodge are requested to meet at the
1. 0. O. F. hall this evening at 7:45 for
Mr. and Airs. .William O'Connell,
who have resided on a farm near this
city for several years, are making
arrangements to move to town.
A fellow named Townscnd was ar
rested at Qandy yesterday on the
charge of stealing a horse from Harry
P. Stevens living south of Maxwell,
and last night was brought in by
Deputy Sheriff Wilson and lodged In
Townscnd had been working for sev
eral months for Mr. Stevens nnd ap
parently coveted a very fine horse be
longing to the latter. As tfmo passed
tills desire to possess the animal In
creased, and finally he concluded to
assume the role of a horse thief. He
made ills get away with the animal
Saturday night. The disappearance of
the man and horse was discovered
early the next morning and Shoriff
Salisbury notified. The lattb. immedi
ately got busy with the telepTrone lines,
with the result that thirty hours after
Townscnd left the Stevons ranch ho
wbb in custody of the Logan county
shoriff. The horse was recovered, loft
at Qandy and will bo taken homo by
the owner.
The case against Townscnd is so
clear that he will undoubtedly plead
guilty, in which case ho will appear
before Judge Grimes within a week
and be sentenced. Thus will the pop
ulation nt the penitentiary credited to
Lincoln county be increased. '
: :o: :
To Auto Owners
Two weeks ago I started for town,
backing my car out of the garage and
left the engine running to warm up
and went to the house to get my ov
ercont and gloves. When I returned
my car was In flames, and was com
pletely destroyed before I ' could do
anything. I had tho car insured with
the Royal Exchange Assurance, C. F.
Temple, Agent, and received draft in
full settlement last week. I wish to
recommend said company and' agent
to anyone desiring insurance.
: :o:
t'or Sine.
10 span of 4 year old mules. Sell
vour old horses and buy a span of
voung mules. W. T. WILCOX.
North Platte, Neb.
The marble casing for the D. & F,
and Dixon show windows Is being
placed in position today. The. stjone
for this work was received some time
ago but arrived in shape that it could
not be used.
Gettman's Hand Made Cigar, 5c. .2-9
Miss Grace Mooney will leave this
week for Lexington to visit friends for
a week or longer.
Mr. and Mrs. George Brady were
called to Axtell this week by the sort
ous illness of a relative.
Miss Helen Schwaiger, underwent
an operation on her throat yesterday
and is getting along nicely.
Tho Socialist study club will meot
Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock with
Mrs. Levi Duke, S20 east Fifth street
A. S. Contes, of Sutherland, has filed
"(r tho republican nomination for
county commissioner tor tne
Mrs. John Foster returned yester
day morning from Omaha where sh
was called by the illness of her daugh
er last week.
: :o: :
For the careful investor !
few extra choice first mortgage loans
in sums of $2"0 and upwards, netting
7 to 8 per cent interest. Nothing bet
ter or safer for your Idle money. We
utleml to all details.
A fore taste of the charm and beauty of the
new spring fashions.
There arc distinct style features for spring that we arc
sure you wiH he anxious to see as early as possible.
This week's advance showing of spring suits and coats
is your first opportunity to get acquainted with the new
That our first showing of spring'gannenls might include
the most authoritative styles, we have arranged this remark
able attractive and complete collection of
Wooltex Suits and Coats
The Leaders of American Fashion.
This early showing of Wooltex tailored suits and coals
is an important event to every woman who takes pride in
her personal appearance.
Dy an inspection of these new Wooltex models you will
gain an intimate acquaintance with the correct styles.
And even though not ready to buy just now, we know
you will be glad to, sec the first presentation of the new
Jtdj 4820
The new Wooltex suits arc very moderately priced at S25 to $45,
The coals at $15 to 35.
The Easy Way.
Thrift Savings Club
Accounts Opened
Every Day in the
Comeiin To-Day.
Many Successful
Farmers, Business Men, and Railroad Men give
this bank credit, in a large measure, for their
present high financial standing.
We Want To Help You
Let us cashjyour next check. Our facilities for
handling your business are most complete.
Miss Alice Fltzpatrlck, of the Brady
schools, spent the week end with her
For Rent Five room house close in.
Inquire Marti Meat Market.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Marovish, of Suth
erland, are visiting relatives In this
city this week.
Ray Marovish, of Stapleton, spent
tho greater part of last week visiting
his sister Mrs. A. J. Frazler.
.Money to loan on real estate.
Harry Scott, one of the popular re3
taurant men, li'as purchased a four
ninety model Chevrolet car.
Miss Belle Harper, of the Wilcox
Department Store, left yesterday for
Moorefiold to visit her parents for a
few days.
For Pure Jersey Milk, Phono 783F14,
and it will bo delivered. 103tf
Miss Alice Luby, of Giltncr, who has
boon the guest of her brother Edward
Luby and wife for several weeks will
leave Saturday.
Wanted Neat girl for housework.
Mrs. Harry Flelsnian, 221 west Second.
K. M. Smith went to Omaha Mon
day. He will bring back three cars,
two of 490 models Chevrolet, one six
cylinder Haynes.
Mrs. A. J. Frazler lias returned Worn
Stapleton where she wascalled last
week by the illness of her mother,, who
is much improved.
W. J. Hell went to Omaha today, lie
will drive back in a new six cylinder
Haynes purchased through the local
dealer E. M. Smith.
Palnm-Leo Cigar 10 conts 2-9
Mrs. M. V. Mitchell ontertalned a
number of the local teachers at a din
ner last evening. Tho latter part of
the evening was spent in music.
Day Sowing. Work guaranteed.
Phono Red 3GS. 3-4
James Doyle, of Hershey, was taken
ill with small pox a few days ago at
the homo of Mrs. Mary Duggan nnd
they were placed under quarantine.
Tho C. W. 11. M. auxiliary of the
Christian church will meet nt the home
of Mrs. A. L. Mischke, 515 west II
street, Friday afternoon. All
of the church arc Invited.
Phone Illnck 398, Palmer Llntzfor
plumbing. '4-2
Leo Wherry, of Omaha, arrlvedMiere
yesterday morning to visit his sister
Mrs. George Yeoman for a week or
longer. Mr. Wherry was formerly a
resident hero nnd Is nowt employed
as cashier In the union station in Om
Mrs. W. D. Drown will entertain the
J. F. F. club this afternoon at cards.
'Mrs. Joseph Jessup will entertain
tho Elite card club tomorrow after
noon. Tho Cntlfolic ladles will be cuter-
tained at the home of Mrs. Thomas
Ilcaley Thursdny afternoon.
The Knights of Columbus have sold
a largo number of tickets for tho so-
clal dance which they ,wlll hold nt the
Masonic hall Thursday evening.
The M. M. M. club will meet Wednes
day afternoon with Mrs. Harry Mitch
ell, S01 west Sixth street, Instead of
with Mrs. Ilawlcy as formerly an
nounced. Mrs. A. E. Garllchs and Mrs. J. E.
Hegarty will entertain at a tea at
the ifegarty home Tuesday aftcrntaon
to raise money for tho Burgical dress
ing committee.
"TiTh. W. M. Drown entertal.ied the
Entre Nous club at cards Friday after
noon. The highest scores wero made
by Mrs. James Dorram and Mrs. .Tamed
Frazler. Very enjoyable refreshments
were served: Mrs. T, G. Thompson was
a guest of the club.
Lois Porter entertained ten
little grls Saturday afternoon in hon
or of her tenth birthday. Tho after
noon was spont In playing games and
the young hostess received a number
of nretty romembranccs. A nice lunch
was served In which was Included a
birthday cake decorated with colored
Mrs. Elizabeth Weston, of D street,
ontortalned tho Royal Neighbors' so
cial club and their friends Friday af
ternoon. Mrs. E. M. Smith and Mrs.
Lillian Wright assisted In entertain
ing. The house was dodoratcd in col
ors suggestive ofctho valentine Benson
which were also carried out in the
lunch served. An Interesting 'content
was held nnd first prize Avon by Mrs.
on Dailor.
Mrs. Fred Wnltesnintli will entertain
the Indian card club this afternoon.
Tho Mothers' club will bo tljo guests
!of Mrs. J. D. Murphy tomorrow after
noon. Mrs. A; J. Salisbury will bo hostess
to tho Et-A-Ylrp club Thursday after
noon. ' '
Mrs. Lawhead and Mrs. Johnston
will entertain the Entro Nous club
and their husbands at a valentine par
ty Saturday evening, Fob. 12th,
Mrs. C. R. Morey was hostess at an
nftornoon tea yesterday, a function
complimentary to her guest, Mrs. M.
N. Johnson, of Plnttsburg. N. Y. The
hours were from three to six and thirty
or more guests were present. Table
decorations wero carnations.
The Travel and Study club met last
evening at the home of Mrs. H. C
Drock and spent a pleasant evening.
Papers wero read on "Popular Au
thors" by Misses Florcnco Stamp nnd
Emma Smith. Refreshments were
served. An out of town guest was Miss
Jiosephino Heck, of Webster City, la.
Mr. nnd Mrs. M. K. Novlllo anl fami
ly will leavo next week for Florida
to remnln for several months.
Alvln Ellas resigned his position ut
the Llerk-Sandall grocery store yes
terday and will seek other employ
for 'rent
Some nice houses, burns, buy and
oilier lands: Storage room nnd safe
deposit boxes, by
Tho Episcopal ladies will hold a
social In the church basement Thurs
day afternoon.
Alter a year of abstinence from that
which Intoxlcatcr,, the '"wets'" and
"drys" will have nnotticr battle Toynl
In Kearney In April. Dotli factions
are now circulating petitions.
For Sale Dungnlow, six nooms, mod
ern In overy respect, situated in a
very desirable locality In south part
of town; good terms to the right par
ty. For Information phono blnck 581.
Mrs. L. R. Duke. it
(iet the best, ft Is wrltcii by
Telephone Yom
Grocery orders to 32
They will given prompt and
careful attention.
Lierk-Sandall Co.
The Statements of North Platte Res
idents Are Surely More Reliable
Than Those of Utter Strangers.'
Homo testimony Is real proof.
Public statements of North Platto
people carry real weight.
What a neighbor or friend says com-
pols respect.
. Tho word of ono whose homo Is far
away Invites your doubts.
Hero's a North Platto man's state
ment. ,
And it's for North Platto people's
Such ovidenco is convincing.
That's tho kind of proof that backs
Doan's Kidnoy Pills.
Charles F. Burroughs, 222 S. Pino
St., Nortli Platte, says: "Several years
ago I had occasion to uso Doan's Kid
ney Pills and found them to bo a good
kidnoy mcdlcino. I Buffered from
burning pains in tho small of my back
and my kidneys wore vary weak.
Doan's Kidnoy Pills soon cured mo
completely. I havo not been bothered
by kidnoy trouble since. I tako plcas
uro in endorsing this mcdlcino for tho,
benefit of other kidney sufferers."
Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't sim
ply ask for a kidnoy remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the snmo that Mr.
Burroughs had. Fostor-MIlburn Co.,
Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
Flour Annoimceiiiesi
In connection with Sun Beam
Flour, we are now handling
David Harum, Short Patent,
Lexington 5X and Cream High
Try us for Flour. , Best of
quality and prices very reasonable.
E. T. Tramp & Sons.