Semi-Weekly Tribune MA L. HAKE, Editor and Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Ycnr by Mull lit Adrnnco. . . .$1.25 One Ycnr by Currier In Advance. .$1.60 Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, PoBtolIlco as Second Class Matter. FJtMAV, FKimrAHY I, 1IB. Looking In Yuln. On authority of the Lincoln Jcurnnl the democrnts ure very busy trying to find u Hiiltnblo candidate for governor. In this trying process the eastern part of the stale alone constitutes the Held of canvass; those having the matter in hand forgetting Hint n big part of the stato lies west-of Grand iBlnnd, and thnt In this westorn territory It Is possible the suitable candidate re sides. Tito pcoplo of western Nebraska would llko to sco a western Nebraska mail occupy the governor's he republican or democrat. chair, be, If, us re ported, tho democrats of the east part of the state are in grout travail over tho selection of a man to phica before tho people, why not send a satiut Into this section? Keith Neville, J. 11. Mc Donald or Dr. McCabc could mention a dozen western Nebraska djmocrath any of whom would mako not only a strong candidate but a good governor; or porchanco ono of the three might bo found to bo In a receptive mood. Tho suggestion Is made gratuitously. - ::o:: Preparedness Xot Popular. In his trip through' tho middle wool In tho Interests of his prcparedne3J campaign Prosldent "Wilson hae boon accorded a warm reception which might bo oxpected and which Is nat urally proper. It is questionable, how ever, If tho prcsIdontB' recaption can bo taken as an endorsement of his preparedness program; In fact It Is probablo that his trip will not gain friends for that measure. TIio man who 1b n "mlxor," the ono win tnlks ono day with a bank president, the next day with a grocer, and Mir next with a day laborer, is pretty well con vinced that about t'our-Mftlis of those with whom ho talks arc opposed to putting this nation on a war basis spending hundreds of millions for sub or dreadnaughts, for fortifications, for an Increased standing army. Tho nverago citizen docs not see on tho horizon of tho future any possi bility of a foreign nation clashing with the United States; ho bollevon that tho tuitions now engaged will have, when tho presont struggle' Is con cluded, nil tho war they will desire for tho next century, and that If wo have differences with others not now at war, those differences can bo nettled without resorting to arms. Men eighty years of ago have gone through liio and preserved tholr dignity and rc- Bpect without resorting to fisticuffs; other "bad men" with chips on their shoulders are continually Involved In encountorn. A big navy and a big ar my haaji tondoncy to mako it country vnln-glorious; strutting around with a chip on tho shoulder and daring any nation to knock it oft'. -: :o: : Reckless 31 r. Itoosowll. If wo analyze Mr. Roosevelt's Brook lyu speech nrlght, it consists of two gonornl propositions. Tho first of these Is that tho United Statos Is unprepared fur war. Wo have nothing hut a twenty-two calibre pistol to fight with; a muzzlo londer at that. This is worso than nothing, Tho second of Mr. Rosovolt's propo sitions Is that It was "dishonorable conduct" on tho part of tho United Stntofi to Inko no action in tin mattor of tho violation of Holglum. Uv this ho means thnt wo should have Inter voned by force. He could moan notli lng olso, slnco in the samo speech ho denounces Prosldent Wilson for writ lng uotos to Gorinnny Instead of talc ing "offorttvo action" in tho matter o' tho submarine "murders." So evident ly ho would linvs fought Gormanj also; and on account of the Persia Austra-Hungory; and on account of the ArmenlaiiB, Turkey. That is to say, Mr. Roosevolt would havo had us attack aerinany, Austria and Turkey with a muzzlo loading twonty-two .calibre plstl which Is worso than nothing. Slnco :ho do nouncoB-the government for no. doliiK this, it Is evidently what ho would have dono If ho woro prosldo'it acnl Tills moans that If Mr. Roosevelt had bopn proaldont ho woull have led us to a glorious trounolns; twenty two calibre against forty-two conditio tros. Thnt would havo beon brave, bul dlscrotlon Is also a virtue We fear Mr. Roosovelt Is succeeding In con vine Ing his countrymon, as they feel thol heads still safe on their 'diouldors, that thoy aro glad Mr, Roosovelt has not been president of Ints. Stat'J Journal. Is the Tlmo PropitKloim? The Omaha Uoo declaros Mint No brnska needs n now stato houso and adds that the tlmo Is propIMotH for the presentation of a definite project to secure tho same. Thero will prob ably not bo a dental of tho main as sertion, for not only is a now stato houso needed for the accommodation of tho state's offices, but also a better and snfer housing of the stat library and tho valuable property of tho Htuto Historical society. All of thc3 mat ters could however have beon settled loiig ere 'this If Nebraska legislatures had not refused to permit the question of capital location to come before tho pcoplo and bo settled by a fair test of the vatlng sontlnient of the slate. It Is possible, and it Is not Improbable, that there would not have been ary change of capitol location, although it Is a fact that throo-fourths of tli. state is no longer best accommodated by tho presont location, which was named when thero was no populatloi woltli while outside of a small circle drawn in the southeast part of tho state. It Is1 doubtful now whether a change of tho capital could or would be effect ed, with a popular vote, but thero aro several portions of tho stato and many of its people who aro still, sore on all new state house projects for various reasons, not the least of which Is the falluro to permit tho location nucsMou to bo voted upon and settled n. a first step toward a satisfactory new capitol building. That feeling is naturally be coming less nn (I It may as .h; Bee says, that tho tlmo is now "propitious" for the presentation of such a project. Ilowovor, that may be, tho fact will still remain thnt tho best Interests ol the stato will never bo served by mak- ng Lincoln tlio permanent sent of gov- ornmont. This Is made without the least projudlco toward the present stale capital and without bias or Interest In any possible scheme for capital re location. A centor of Influence oolltical and otherwise, within the old jouthcast Nobrnska clrclo, not only remains nut will probably always remain, to the exclusion and disadvantage of the greater portion of the stntc. Lincoln, Heatrlco, Nebraska City, Omaha, Frt- mont, and possibly Columbus, are within that original clrclo of 'n(lucnc which ndt only preponderates political ly and commercially, but which arro gates to those within the "chnrined clrclo" tho divine right to treat the outlying sections as mcro provincial po-practices act. Neither the pcoplo of Lincoln today nor the pcoplo of southeast Nebraska are to hlamo for tho "Job" that re moved tho capital from Omaha ti Lin coln before the tlmo. was ripe for a change, nnd beforo any man knew where the futuro center of population would be. The question now 13 wheth or the people who camo afte and cliangcd the center of population, and who woro tho ones wronged, are dis posed to wipe tho old state clean go In for a new stato houso, and mak 1 th emost or tho geographical handicap that tho present location places upon them. Kearney Hub. co.innssioNiiHS' NtocmiiuMsa January 2S, llilG Boaiil met pursuant to adjournment Presunt Springer, Whlto and countv clork. 1 Claims allowed on bridge fund: L. C. Cecil,. bridge work, $2, Chas. Howard, bridge -work, i'J Oreoloy IUuuly,, bridge work, $23 Omaha Structural Steel Works, odti- niato No. 7, Platto precinct brldiio fund, $46G9.G4. Tho board proceeded to make and did make, tho annual estimate of ex penses for tho year 1010, to-wlt: County general fund, $00,000.00. County bridge fund, $40,000.01. County road fund, $40,000.00. Soldiers' relief fund, $1,000.00. Lincoln County Agricultural tJ cktv. $800.00. BIrdwood bridgo bond and Intorobt, $1,500. South Platte bridgo bond and Inter est,, $1,500. Dostwlek bridgo bond and interest, $500. Hershey bridge bond and Intel i-st $700. Platto bridge bond Ind Interest', $1,600. School district No. 1, bond and In- torost, $10,500. School district No. 23, bond nnd in terest, $350. School district No. 7, bond anil In- torost, $1,750. School district No. 37, bond and itv torost, $1,500. School district No. 37, Judgment $2,000. School district No. 47, bond and in Urost, $80. School district. No. 55, bond and In torost, $500. School district No. 98, bond and in torost, $200. School district No. 105, bond and In torost, $200. School district No. 120, bond nnd In torost, $50. School district No. 122, bond nnd In torost, $150. School district No. 3, spochl build Ing, $200. School district No. 20, special build Ing, $200. School district No. 33, special build lng $1,000. School district No. 59, special build lng, $250. School district No. CO, special build Ing, $200. Hoard continued checking trcusur or'a books and Btood adjourned until tomorrow. J c. w. 1 us 1 , uouniy uiern. January at, lltiG. Hoard met) pursuant to adjournment. Present Springer, Whlto and county clerk. Claims allowed on general fund, to wlt: J. E. Sebastian, expenses to Lincoln representing Lincoln county Agr.'ciu tural society, $31.80. The Hub, mdse county poor, SUC-HI. Chas. F.cholberry, mdso county poor. $25.88. Hilda Anderson, January salary clerk of county court, $50. Anna Anderson, caro county poor, $30. Alleon Gantt, salary, $138.18. Alleen Gnntt, traveling expinsoi!,)$25. Bessie Salisbury, clerical worK, $30. A. J. Salisbury, salary, $115.89. Jos. M. Wilson, salary nnd cash Items, $70.80. Jos. M. Wilson, care Mr. Gray, $10. Roy Wilson, salary, $75. F. I). Wostenfeld, mdso county poor, $32.05. C. W. Yost, offico cxpensos, $;;i.05. C. W. Yost, salary, $137.50. Nebraskaff Tolophono Co., rent for Eob., $18.75. John Frederlckoon, mdso county poor, $5.77. J. F. Koofc, attorney's fees, state vs. James, $50. A. B. Hoagland, mdso county poor, $5. W. II. Springer, services, 318.(10. D. B. White, servicos, $32.50. M. W. Hammond, road work district 40, $3.50. H. Hammond, road work dl'Jtrlc' 4G, 15.50. W. M. Dymond, bridgo work, $31. Continued checking books oi' treas urer and stood adjourned until tomor row. C. W. YOST, County Clerk. January :'!, 101 0 Board met pursuant to adjournment. 'resent Springer, White and count" clork. Continued checking books of county treasurer and stood adjourned until January 31. C; W. YOST. County Clerk. Nice Hunch of Hogs. W. S. Ross brought In five wagon loads of hogs Tuesday from his ranch n Myrtle precinct. There were forty-, eight In the bunch and thoy averaged 1 Iltle over 200 pounds each, a total of 9,700 pounds. He received seven cenU a pound for 'them. ::o::- NOKTII PLATTE EVIDENCE FOR NORTH PLATTE PEOPLE 'lm KllllnillPllf K nf 'nrli lMnHn Una Idonts Aro Surely More Rcllnblo mi ran n j i- , 1 nan xiioso 01 utter strangers. Homo testimony Is real proof. Public Rtatpmnntft nf Nnrtli PlnHn pcoplo carry real wolght. wnai a neighbor or mend says com pels respect. Tho word of ono whoso homo is far away Invites your doubts. Hero's a North Platto man's state ment. And it's for North Platto neonlo's benefit. Such ovldenco 13 convincing. That's tho kind nf nrnnf thnt linolrn Donn's Kidney Pills. Charles P. Burroughs, 222 S. Pino St.. Nnrtli Plnttr. hiivh. "Snvrn1 vnnro ago I had occaslou to uso Doan's Kid ney i-ius ami lounu mem to no a goou kidney medicine. I suffered from burning pains In tho small of my back and my kidneys wore velry weak. Doan's Kidney Pills soon cured mo completely. I havo not been bothered by kidney troublo since. I take pleas uro In ondorslng this medicine for tho benefit of other kidney sufferers." Prlco 50c, at all dealors. Don't sim- tllv Iisk fnr n klitnnv rnm1n crnl " - " ....... - . . . . v. i . j Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. iMuiuuKiiB miu. I'osier-Munurn uo., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. TOIOB Foster Bros., forty -fne miles north of Sutherland and twenty miles west of Trvon will sell at a public dissolution sale on Thursday, February 17th, 1916, commencing al 10 a. m. the following personal property to-Avit: 60 Head of Horses. Twenty of which are broke to harness, the balance to lead. , 225 Head of Cattle. of which 125 are cows, the balance yearling heifers and steers. Also three White Face Hulls. There will also be offered for sale wagons and hay racks and a lot of household goods and a Ford Car. TERMS All sums under $20 cash, above that sum eight months' time at 10 per cent interest, 3 pr cent discount for cash. FREE LUNCH AT NOON. FOSTER BROS. Col. Ben Wright and Col. Ike Weisgerbor, Auctioneers. R. C. Langford, Clerk. TOLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS For Commissioner. I hereby announce myself us a can didate for tho republican nomination for County Commlssonor from the First District at the April primary election and solicit the support of the voters. I havo been a resident of Lin coln county for thirty years. t I. L. MILTONBERGER. For Sheriff I respectfully present my ntunc as a candidate for tho republican nom ination for sheriff at tho primary elec tion. My homo Is In Sutherland pre cinct, and I havo been a resident of thu county slnco 1S85. Support given me will be appreciated. FRANK CO K Hit. For Sheriff. I respectfully announce that I am candidate for the ropubllcun nomina tion for sheriff and nollclt the support of the voters at the primary election to bo held April 18th. I have been a resident of the county for fifteen years, am a fanner and live In Illnman precinct. THOS. McCONNELL. For County Clerk I hcrby announco myself as candi date for tho republican nomination as County Clerk of Lincoln County, sub ject to tho decision of the voters at primary election April 18. ' Your sup port will bo appreciated. A. S. ALLEN. (Formerly of Walker Preclnct.l County Treasurer. I hereby announco myself as a can dldato for tho republican nomination for county treasurer, in tho primary election April 18th. Mako inquiry about mo and If you think I am qualified and othcrwiso all right your support will bo appreciated. S. M. SOUDER, Asst. Co. Trcas. Former resldenco Deer CreekPreclnct. For Sheriff. "I respectfully announce myself as a candidate for tho republican nomina tion for sheriff, subject to the will of tho voters at the primary election April lSth. A. J. SALISBURY. For County Commissioner, I respectfully announco mysell as a candidate for tho republican nomina tion for county commissioner for the Third Commissioner District, subject to the decision of the voters at the primary election April 18th. My home Is In Sellers precinct. JOHN W. FOWLER. For Sheriff. I respectfully announco myself as a candidate for tho republican nomina tion for sheriff of Lincoln county, sub ject, however, to the decision of the voters at tho primary election April lSth. Your support will be highly ap preciated. G. T. STEGEMANN, North Platte, Neb. For County Commissioner. I herby announco myself as a can didate for the democratic nomination for county commissioner for the First Commissioner District subject to the will of the voters at tho primary election April 18th. I havo been a resident of tho district over forty-four years. First time in politics, need the offico and respectfully ask your sup port. Residence in Hlnman precinct. J. W. (Buck) ROWLAND. Clerk of District Court I hereby anounce myself as a can didate for the republican nomination for clork of the district court, sub ject to the will of tho voters ait the primary election. Your support will bo appreciated. GEO. E. PROSSER. Nonnain Wilson, who has bron em ployed us a machinist In tho local round house resigned the flr3t of this week. Jnck Palmer received a message this week which stated that his father, who was advanced in years, had died in Central City. j Miss Jano dishing, of Omaha, ar 1 rived heri Sunday and will spend a , month visltng her sister, Mrs. Dorr , Tarklngton. a Sale HEALTH HINTS A cold may como from poor digestion nnd a laxative, a day In bed and a hot water bottlo may cure It. Do not wear damp shoes, or over cover your throat. Lotion for onlargement nnd redness of noso: Mur iate of Ammonia 1 dram, tannic acid dram, glycerine 2 o.t , rosn water 3 oz. Bind saturated cottton on tho nose alt night until cured. Let us mako tho lotion for you. em STOP 4 "v. V 3 V - W1 1 .lVtOv sV?. i 1 'Till' .NN ' THE NURSE BROWN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 1008 West Fourth Street. Phone UO Ethical, Moral, Efficient. An Institution for tho treatment of Medical, Surgical and Confinement Cases. 31KS. MAltfiAltKT II VLL, Supl. IHt. J. S. TWISEJf, Physician nnd Surgeon. NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) Phone 58 723 Locust Street A modern institution for the scientific treatment of medical, surgical and confinement cases. Completely equipped X-Uay nnd diagnostic laboratories. Geo. B.Dent, M. D. V. Lucas, M..D. J.B. RedlieldJl.D. J. S.Sirams, M.D. Miss Elisc Sieraan, Supt. Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L . C . D R O SJ , Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - 'Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. J. 13. ItEDFIELD. PHYSICIAN & SUItGEON Successor to IIYSICIAN & SURGEONS HOSPITAL Drs. Redflcld & Redfleld Ofllce Phone 642 Res. Phone C76 Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attenlion given to Surgery and Obstetrics. Office: Building and Loan Building Phones . Office 130 i nones y ReEidence 115 JOHN S. SIMMS, M. and Surgeon Omcp B. & L. 'Building, Second Floor Phone, Office, 83; Resldenco 38. DR. J. S. TWINEM, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Gynecologj Obstetrics and Children's Dlijeases. Ofllce McDonald State Bank Building Corner Sixth and Dewey Streots. Phones, Offico 183, Resldenco 283 MINNESOTA MUTUAL 1,11? Ii INSURANCE CO. rounded 1880. It's tho household word In Western Nebraska. It's Old Line, tho best mon ey can buy. It's what you need, for a savings bank and Insurance that in sures. Thoy all buy It. "There Is a Kensoji" For further Information Phono, call or address .1. E. SEBASTIAN, GenM Agent. The Old Lino .Mini NORTH PLATTE NfcV.RASKA. DEItltYlIEItllY Ss FORBES, Licensed Kmbalniers Undertakers and Funeral Directors Day Phono 234. Night Phone Black 588. Hoes aodCattle Bought and hightst market pricei paid PHONES Reiidenoe Red G3G Ofllce 459 C. H. WALTERS. THAT COLD! IF IT IS SERIOUS SEE THE DOCTOR before it becomes worse nnd bring us the prescription. If It is light or if you wish to pre vut it altogether, come to us in full Confidence; Our slock con. (uliis tested preparations for ex ternal and Infernal uso. In view of t ho bad Menthol mo have laid in a stock of Chamois Vests nnd various SuudrU-s thnt may como In handy very soon. Hotter look them otcr VOW! J. H. STONE DRUGGIST BERYL HAHN, TEACHER OF PIANO 412 East Third Street. Phono Itcd 101. Hospital Phone Black 633. House Phone Black 633. T,Y. T. PJtlTCIURD, Graduate Yeterlnarinn Eight years a Government Veterinar ian. Hospital 218 south .Locust. St., one-half block southwest of the Court Housfc, Plip!WI Cigars in the Home For the next five mouths smokers trill spend their ovonlngs Indoors, nnd tvliat Is ntoro convenient and more plensureable than a box of cigars at home, easily accessible when you have nn inclination to smoke. Try. a box of our home-mndo and band-made el gars, tho kjnd that aro a little better than you buy elsewhere for tho samo price. Wo also enrry n full lino of to bncco and smokers' articles. J. F. Schmalzried. PHOn.VTE NOTICH In tlip mattor of the estate of Melissa A-, ijiiiunay, ueceaseu. In the County Court of Lincoln Coun ty Nebraska, January 4, 1910. Notice is hereby given that the cred- Irnria nf unl.l .ln,. ,. .i ...... . . . Administrator of said Estate, beforo the v,uuuiy juugo 01 Lincoln county, Ne ut l" ouniy uourt Koom, 11 Sail! Colintv nn tVin HfV. n.. t"-.i. in 191G. ntlfl nn tlln 1 1 tli Anxr nt A.. mil! DONA nf lirnHnnMiu. tl.aT nnt, ' i m U tiutft u, 111, eucn uay, ior me pur . , .ih i uniting rut examination, adjustment and allow- in for utibtj. o.a. iiiuntiiH nre auoweu ror creditors to present their claims, and one year for the Administrator to set tlo said estate, from tho 11th day of February, 191C. This notico will be published in the North Platte Tribune, a lesat newspaper printed In said County, for four weeks consecutively, prior to February 11. 101G. H-tw County Judtre. l'HOII.VTU XOTICI3 In the mutter of the estate of Aloff B. Swnnson, deceased. In the County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, Jan. C, 1916. Notice is hereby Klven that tho cred itors of said deceased will moot tho Ad niistratrix of said estate beforo the County JudKe of Lincoln County, Ne braska, at tho County Court Uoom In said County, on the 11th day of Feb ruary, 1?1, and on tho 11th day of AiiKUst 191U, at 9 o'clock a. m. each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjust ment and allowance. Six months are allowed for creditors to present their claims, and ono yoar for tho Adminis tratrix to settle said estate from the 11th day of February, 1910. This no tico will lie published In the North I'lattc Tribune, a logal newspaper prlntud In said County, for four weeks succesBlvely prior to February 11, 1916. ... . GEO. E. FRENCH. J11'4"' County Judge I'U'WIVfK .NOTICtl In the Mnttor of the ISitnte of Mnr- Krathn llurke, Deeea.r.I. In the County Court of Mqwiii Coun ty, Nebraska, Nov. 26, 1915. Notice Is hereby given that the cred itors of said deceased will meet the Executors of said Estate before the County Judge of Lincoln County, Ne braska, ut the County Court Room, In said County, on the 2Sth day ot Janu ary, 1916 and on the 28th day of July. 1916, at 9 o'clock A. M. each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment nnd allow ance. Six months are allowod for rred Itors to present their claimr, and or,e year for the Executors to settle said J3s J?t.8 from tle 28th day of Jan.. 1916. North Platte Tribune, a legal newspaper printed In said County, for four weeks successively prior to January 28th, 1916. ,BD . GEO. E. FRENCH. 02S-4w County Judge.