The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 04, 1916, Image 7

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Death List Placed at Fifty. Many
Dodlco Dcjleved to Have Been
Carried Out to Sea.
General view of Cctlnjc, capital
I.ovcen, seven miles away
The dreadnaught Oklahoma, newest and ono of tho higgest of Uncle Sam's battleships, tearing through the
seas trying to beat the record of her sister ship tho Nevada. The Oklahoma attained a high speed of 21.47 knots,
but her avorago for five high runs was only 20.90, against 21.01 by tho Nevada. However, tho newer vessel beat
the speed required by her contract.
Miss Margaret Wilson, the musical genius of President Wilson's family,
playing In tho studio of her vocal instructor, Ross W. David, under whoso
guidance sho begins a concert tour in March. Miss Wilson has achieved an
enviablo reputation in this Held and haa appeared at many prominent gath
erings. MODEL OF CHURCH TO COST $5,000,000
Model of tho now St. Bartholomew's Episcopal church that Is to be
erected In Now York at n cost of ?5,000,000 or nioro. Tho model nlono coat
or Montenegro, which was evacuated
1 .'1 KSBPrtirm
after tho Austrlans captured Mount
noprcsentatlvo James L, Slaydon of
Texas who in a speech In the houso
warned the government of threatened
riots in his state because of tho un
avenged murder of Americans in
Mexico. Mr. Slayden lives in San
Stock of Castor OH Bean Is Getting
Low, and Importers' Supply
Is Cut Off.
Those youthful days of trouble,
"when a feller needs a friend," are
about to be ameliorated in one vital
instance The castor bean is getting
Castor oil Is made from the casior
bean, which has its main habitat
Eomowhero In the purlieus of Uombuy.
Yates & Co., who Imvo agreed to sup
ply tho municipal departments with
puro castor oil during tho present
llscal year at $1.14 a gallon, notified
the board of supervisors of their in
ability to fill requisitions and asked
to ho reloasod from tho contract.
Tho firm stated that tho three prin
cipal producers could not furnish l
on account of tho war and that each
had offorod premiums for castor beans
in all tho markets, but had been un
ablo to obtain them.
And here and there might be heard
In childish treble:
"Oh. 'Ski-nay! Skinny! Ma
couldn't got any nioro castor oil!"
San Franrlsco Chronicle.
San Diego, Cal. Looting, do
Bcrlbcd by Hear Admiral William F.
b'ullnin, commanding tho Pnclllc (Kct
as "the worst 1 havo over seen,"
brook out In tho stricken Otny val
ley wlille sailors nnd marines from
warships In San Diego bay tolled to
recover the bodies of tho fifty esti
mated victims of tho Lower Otny rc
Ecrvolr Hood. Marines and sailors
have orders to shoot looters on sight.
Owing to the dlfllcultlps experi
enced in penetrating tho dlsttlcts
Hooded, many days probably will
elnpEo bclnre the full toll of death
aken by the various Hoods Is known.
Fifty farm houses, according to
persons acquainted with the valley,
must have stood In tho path of tho
flood. It was estimated that from
four to llvo persons occupied each of
those, although these housing orient
als held a larger mimbor. Many of
theso nrc believed to havo hnd Umn
to escape, although It has been Im
possible to check in any way against
tho known residents of tho vallpy.
Tho estlnmto of the fifty dead Is con
jldered conservative.
Many bodies, It is believed, wero
carried out to sea.
Authorities and people hero allko
have not had an opportunity to take
complete stock of tho casualties and
property losses following In tho
wako of tho Hood of the Otay, Sweet
watjer, TIa Jutnn, Sun Diego, San
Luis Itey and San Pnsqual valleys,
conceded by all tho worst catas
trophe which has over befallen the
lower portion of southern California.
Three thousand persons are homo
less according to an estimate given
out by Ernest F. White, chairman of
tho relief committee organized by
tho San Diego chamber of commerce.
Zeppelin Raids Paris.
Paris. A Zeppelin dlrlglblo passed
swiftly over a section of Paris Jan.
30, dropping about a dozen bombs,
which killed twenty-four persons and
Injured twenty-seven.
The raid lasted about ono mlnuto
and a half, while In tho first visit
of Zeppelins to Paris on March 21,
1915, four of theso aircrnfs were over
or in tho neighborhood of tho capital
for nearly two hours. They camo at
that tlmo under entirely different at
mosphcrlc conditions, being plainly
visible In a clear sky. In the raid
Sunday, however, tho fog seriously
lntereferd with tho work of tho Parla
Aerial Guard.
Tho fact that only ono" German ma
chlno appeared leads to tho belief
that tho Zoppelin was making a ro
connoilering trip and tho supposition
is that the Germans havo In view a
similar operation on a largor scale
Bea6ts Driven From Haunts.
Denver, Colo. Flood nnd snow
conditions, which for tho last week
have harassed residents of Arizona,
Colorado and Wyoming, In some
cases blocking trnfllc and disarrang
ing wire communication, aro greatly
Improved. Southwestern Colorado
Is still snowed In. Slides running
in the Sllverton and Tellurldo mining
districts destroyed a nurabor ol
tnlno buildings from which occupante
had escaped. In the valleys rnnchore
and hunters had begun a campaign
of extermination against famished
wild beasts, which, driven from the
Ullls by tho heavy snow, were attack
ing llvo stock and other domestic
anlmalB. Snow began falling nsnln
lntho mountains.
Shippers Lodge Complaint.
Washington, D. C. Congrosnmnn
Sloan received from the Nebraska
Hallway Commission n telegram urg
lng a federal investigation of tho cai
shortage now causing grain flhlrpcra
and others in Nebraska much lofs
and Inconvenience.
Mr. Sloan Indicated that he in
tends to hold tho telegram In nhey
once until ho has an opportunity tc
prosent it to the houso committee or
Interstate and foreign commorce in
connection with a hoaring on his
bill for nn arms embargo.
Turkc Sent to Greek Frontier.
Pnrln.--ThP Fifth Turkish urmy
that had been operating ngnlnHt the
entente forces at thf Dardanelles has
been ordered to tho Greek frontier,
according to reports.
American Aeroplanes Inferior.
Washington. American aeroplanes
aro Inferior to foreign machined bo
cauffo of poorer high poworod motbis,
Itcnr Admiral Oil 111 n told the Iiouhu
naval committee.
Dies After Executing Two,
Raleigh, N. C Warden Sulo of tho
North Carolina penitentiary here, died
of apoplexy nfter lie had superintend
ed the electrocution of two negroes.
Ho appealed agitated as he unstrap
ped tho bodies from tho decide chair
and shortly after bocamo unconscious.
Columbian Wyandotte, White
(By nurnnT U 8TEWABT, Now Mex
ico State College.)
"What is tho best breed of poul
try?" This Is a question that Is so
often nskod that a fow words by way
of explanation might not bo nmlss.
In tho first placo there Is no such
thing no "tho best breed" for all lo
cations and conditions. Thero aro so
many things, that enter into tho selec
tion of abrocd of fowls that ono can
rtndlly seen how utterly Impossible nn
nccurato answer Is to so general a
In tho second placo thcra aro soma
twclvo distinct classes of chickens,
and in each class thero aro from thrco
to six breeds, and theso breeds dlvid
od Into from six to twolvo varieties.
Each class, breed, or variety has somo
points that mako it particularly well
adapted to tho purposo for which It
is intended. And right hero lies tho
Important point in deciding upon tho
kind of poultry to keep. First of all
docldo whether you aro to raise chick
ons for eggs, meat, or both, and your
problom is nioro than half solved.
Thero aro throo classos of clilckons
that tho farmer needs to consider in
solectlng his farm flock, viz.:
(a) Asiatic class, including tho
Brahraas, Langshans, and Cochins,
which nro largo In frnmo, rather
coarse and fairly clumsy, somewhat
unproductive, exceedingly broody in
Unsightly Disease Renders Plumpest
of Chickens Difficult to Sell
Grass Range Helpful.
Tho unsightly poultry dlscaso,
known as scaly logs, is exceedingly
injurious to tho marketability of chick
ens, making them objccttonablo Bights
to buyers. Moreover, it Is oxtromoly
contagious, ono dlscaBod fowl being
enough to infect an ontiro flock in
short order. This Information should
bo especially Interesting to South Car
olina poultrymon, slnco tho extension
poultry husbandman of Clcmaon col
lego states that ho has Been more of
tho scaly-log dlBoaso In this stato than
anywhero else ho has over boon.
Tho dlscaso appears only on tho
legs of fowls and is caused by tho
ravages of a mi to which boars tho
namo snrcoptcs mutaus. It Is more
llkoly to bo found whoro fowls aro
kopt in a small yard or on tho baro
ground. A good grass rango ia help
ful in overcoming tho dlsoaso.
To treat scaly logs, thoroughly
cloanso tho logs by washing with hot
water, soap, and a handy brush. Dry
them and lmmcrso them in n solution
of equal parts of coal oil, (koroseno)
and cottonseed oil. Treat tho fowls'
logs In this wny twico dally for a fow
days nnd thon onco dally until tho
shanks resume their natural appear
Wheezing or Difficult Breathing of
Fowl May Be Doctored With Lard
and Turpentine.
Boforo you Bhut up tho poultry
nouso for tho night, especially in bad
weather, listen for any chanco wheoz-
Ing or difficult broathlng. If you
hear unythlng ct tho kind locate tho
fowl Immedlntoly and put It by ltsolf
In Botiio well sheltered nook. Novor
leave a fowl of this kind with tho
whole- flock.
Coldo aro catching In fowls us well
as man. A first good doctoring with
warm lard mixed with half turpentine,
and a llttlo coal oil added, will ofton
bo all tho doctoring needed to rout
tiro wheezing or rattling.
For a grown fowl give a tcaspoonful
of tliis thrco times tho first day and
greaso tho throat outsido with tho
anio preparation.
Dust the Hens Occasionally,
Huns should be dustod with Insect
powder occasionally, but tho presence
of a good dust bath will makes thoso
ncccBsury occasions far fowor. Mix
about one pound of powdered sulphur
with each bushel of dust for tho best
Very Fciw Sick Fowls.
The poultry breeder who studios tho
condition of his fowls and gives thorn
comfortable surroundings Is the man
whu slice""'" nnd has very few sik
Leghorn and Whlto Wyandotte.
temperament, but mako poor mothers
bocnuBo of their clumsiness. As meat
producors they aro not very popular
bocauso they aro heavy oatcrs; thoy
aro, however, good aa heavy roasters.
Tho BrahmnB aro tho most popular
breed of this class.
(h) American class, which Includos
tho Plymouth Rocks, Wyandottoa and
tho Rhodo Island Itcds. This la li
dunl-purposo class, having reasonably
good production nnd oxcollont meat
qualltlos. Thoy aro hardy, nttracttvo,
and havo good material qualltlos. Tho
Plymouth Hocka aro tho most popular
breed gcnornlly, but all of tho throo
breeds In this class aro of wldo dis
tribution. Tho Oraington brocd be
longs to tho English class but has tho
samo general characteristics as tho
breeds In tho Ainorlcnn class.
(c) Tho Mediterranean class In
cludes tho Loghorns, Anconns, Minor
cas, Ilamburgs, Spanish, Andnluslans,
etc. This la distinctly tho egg
laying- class, and nro active, prolific,
nervous, small, non-broody but very
hardy. Tho Whlto Loghorns aro tho
most popular variety In this class.
Thoy lay a whlto egg of medium elzo
nnd reach tho period of production
earlier than any other class of blrda.
In other words, tho Whlto Leghorn
hen 1b tho most practical egg laying
muchlno that wo havo today.
Fowls With Long Toenails Aro Sel
dom Good Egg Producers Keep
Birds In Condition.
Tho success of egg production do
ponds lnrgoly upon tho activity of tho
bird. Tho reason tho Loghorns oxcol
in egg production Is largely bacauBO
thoy keop thomsolvoa In good physlcnl
condition. Thoy oxerclso. Tho hen
that is Inactlvo and shows long too
nails is seldom a good producer. Tho
hen that is first orf of tho roost In
tho morning, koopa busy during tho
day and Is last to go to roost at night
is tho profltablo hen.
Somo birds havo tho disposition to
tako oxerclso; others havo to bo
forced. This Is especially truo of tho
heavier breeds. Strains of Rocks and
other breeds nro Incllnod to bo lazy
and In a short tlmo got bo fat that
thoy cannot produco ogga In satisfac
tory quantities. Tho circulation o
blood to tho ovary is restricted by tho
oxccaslvo fat. This unquestionably
interferes with tho normal function
ing of tho ovnry and reducos egg pro
duction. Exorclso can best bo encouraged by
not overfeeding. Tho poultry houso
should bo boddod with a foot or moro
of straw and tho grain hurled in this.
Tho skill of tho poultry feedor Is tost
od by tho manner In which ho com
pels tho hens to oxerclso.
Overfeeding cnusoB Inactivity,
which will bo manifested by fow holes
being dug In tho straw. Egg produc
tion Is qulto largoly dopondont upon
keeping tho birds In condition. In
summer It can bo encouraged by sow
ing tho ydrdB and lotting tho hens dig
up tho grnln.
Wisconsin Expert Recommends Ani
mal and Ground Food, With Gen
crou3 Supply of Green Stuff.
"Animal food, ground food and a
generous supply of green stuff pro
duces tho best results for Inylng
fowls," says J. G. Ilnlpln, head of tho
poultry department of tho Unlvorslty
of Wisconsin.
An experienced poultryman says
that when his hens nnd clilckons havo
had access to charcoal ho has novor
hnd a ense of bowel troublo In UIb
Watch for Slight Colds.
Keop a shnrp look out for "slight
colds." Glvo light doses of opsom
salts In mash or In drinking water.
Make suro of dry floors and Utter,
plenty of nlr, but no drafts and let
tliu sunshlno In!
Fnncy Eggs.
Eggs aro "fnncy" when fresh, clear
and full bodied; when shells are
sound, cleun, bright and of uniform,
color; when they weigh 24 ounces or
moro to tho dozen. It pays to pro
d'ico und market fancy oggs.