The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 04, 1916, Image 6

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OF 1915
Items of General Interest Gathered
from Reliable Sources Around
the Stato House.
Western Newspaper Union News Service.
Lincoln. Stato Auditor Smith's ro
port of expenses of tho stato govern
mont for the threo months ending Jan
uary 1 shows a total of $1,107,220.08.
Tho total exponded for tho provlous
quarter was $1,124,032.91.
A comparison of expenditures dur
ing tho two quarterly periods bIiowb
that tho cost of mlloaRo and travollns
oxpensos of stato olllcors and cm
ploycs during tho third quarter was
$15,430.85. During tho fourth quarter
this dropped to ?10,535.C5.
Tho record shows that among all of
tho departments tho llvo stock sani
tary board hcadu tho list In tho matter
of mileage and traveling expenses.
That board spont $1,157.98 In threo
months. Tho state railway commis
sion camo next with an expenditure
of $784.20. Tho game and fish commis
sion spent $740 for this purpose, whilo
tho stato suporlntondont's department
comes next with $C72.88 for milengo
and traveling oxpensos. Tho four
Btato normals spont $789 for traveling
expenses and mileage.
For salaries and wages tho stato
spent $409,114.20 during tho last quar
tor of tho year. It spent $5,415 for
postage $212,901 for pormanent lm
provements and now buildings, nnd
$109,331 for sundry claims and mis
cellaneous. The stato board of control which has
chargo of flftcon institutions oxponded
for all purposes $342,757, of which
$93,530 was for salaries and wngos and
$34,GG7 for now buildings and $10,2GG
for permanent improvements.
In tho threo months tho stato spent
$02,490 for food for its officers and
wards of tho stato. It paid $32,383 for
fuel and lights, and $0,220 for tolo
graph and telephones.
Tho following Is a summary of tho
expenditures of tho board of control
for fifteen Btato institutions during
tho period:
Summary of 15 Institutions and the Board
Ralarlea nnd whkon $ iij can 92
Transportation, tolcKinpli nnd 'M'630,9Z
telephone t sr.i sn
Clothifi0' ,00d ::::::::
doming , f en n.
Htatlonery, books, etc.: tu,7
Fuel, light nnd power ! 32 5m in
Machinery, tools, etc... r' 11024
General repairs 17 40117?
Miscellaneous " ! nr'src
Kurnlturo and equipment ZUc.'.M
Permanent Improvement It 2Ufi 24
New buildings nnd land awtnlsi
Tot11- $312,757.95
8ummary of State Normal Schools.
naianes , 57 3113 81
Otbor services and expenses. . . '. 22!ir,o;s3
nooks and prlntlnc . 6 170 OS
Telephone nnd telegraph 51" os
Postage nSMo
Mileage and traveling expenses. 7SQ22
Ofllce supplies 1 r.Zy nn
Kurnlturo and repairs q'smbi
llnlldlngs 1 34 011 51
Miscellaneous lo'finM
Toln- ?143,603,D1
Tho following recapitulation shows
tho comparison of oxpenscB of thu sov
oral departments of tho stato govern
ment for third and fourth quartors:
Balarlcs and wages ' 7" 0712
Oilier BorvlccH 111HI expenses 'w'en
llopks nnd printing '.7....: .... . ! ::' 25324 26
Telegraph nnd telephone ! 2 swift
Postage n 137 04
Mileage and traveling expenses .'.......I.'!.!.'!! isltholso
Offlco supplies ............ I (1 190 48
Furniture, repairs nnd equipment i&iXAl
Institutional libraries, binding cases and publishing
reports . t -MRIOS
Automobile number plntua .'..'..'..' C.'o75.'34
Use In prosecutions . 3 504 7C
A to agriculture .... . .. .. 7 845 89
Aid to Bchool districts ......I!.!...;... ..... . .S4H.
Normal training aid 'll.bbolo'o
Remodeling room In capltol 144000
Hupport of national guards, armory and rl tile prnctlco.. 13,495.5 4
Htato aid bridge 7') 480 72
ntiito fair topalr and premiums ; 7'.82',4S
Motion picture films 40141
Hlnglo miscellaneous ltoms 9 010 73
university departmental expenses ,, 12,403.14
Permanent Improvements, now buildings and lands.... 270,010.59
Articles of food 02 759.51
Btock feed C J39 05
Fuel, light and puwor 2o'.BC3'.73
Maoli nory, tools, etc , 0,590.90
Clothing 7 137 70
Glanders and dnurlno .... . .
8undry claims and miscellaneous , 79,435'.S4
Grand lotnla $1,121,032.94
Threo days' program for tho colo
uration to bo hold nt Lincoln for tho
flftioth anniversary of tho stato of No
braska bus been arranged for by tho
oxecutivo committee
By agreement botween Attornoy Gen
eral Reed for tho stato and attornoys
for oil companies doing business lit
Nobraska tho Injunction suits Insti
tuted In tho district court of Douglas
county to prevent C. B. Harmon, stato
oil Inspector, from collecting Inspec
tion fees wore dismissed. Tho com
panies will pay nil inspection foes to
Mr. Ilnrmnn, who will use as much of
tho funds as nocossary to pay tho ox
pensos of his various departments, tho
balanco of tho foes to bo turned over to
tho clerk of tho supromo court.
One hundred and twenty million dol
lars is passing directly out of tho
stato ovory year to mall order houses,
according to Nnthan Roberts, secre
tary of tho Stato Hardware Men's as
sociation, and a mombor of a commit
tee establishing tho Nobraska Retail
ors' congress, in addressing tho lum
bermen's convention. Ono of tho prima
objects of tho congress will bo to
nfllliato all retail organizations In tho
state, with tho oxproBB aim of fighting
mall order concerns and keeping
money within tho Btato.
Railway Commission Records Show
Big Increase In Shipments.
Live Btock shipments within ftho
state of Nebraska during the fiscal
railroad year ended Juno 30, 1915,
amounted to 05,281 carloads, being
nenrly 7.C0O carloads more than tho
preceding year. Shipments of llvo stock
from Nebraska to other states aggre
gated 41,970 cars, an Increase of nearly
Lumber shipments, both stato and
Interstate, havo been decreasing al
most Bteadjly for tho past six years.
Last year tho number of cars shipped
within Nebraska was 2,028, being less
than in any former year slnco 1908, in
clusive, and only one-fourth as many
as in 1911, Tho shipments of lumber
received from other states last year
came to 21,580 carloads, which was tho
lowest number in eight years.
Coal shipments in Nebraska for tho
fiscal year of 1914-15 wore only 1,158
carloads, or only a little over half as
many as in tho preceding annum.
Shipmonts from outside tho stnte to
Nobraska, however, reached 71,721 car
loads, being 5,000 moro than the year
beforo and tho largest of any year
except 1913.
The foregoing figures arc.oxhlbltcd
in a tabulation made up In tho ofllce of
the stato railway commission.
Rulings of Sanitary Board.
Tho Nebraska Sanitary Doard has
adopted regulations regarding tho ship
ment of stallions and Jacks Into tho
stulo of Nebraska that require a health
certificate This .health ccrtlflcato
mado aftor Inspection by a graduato
veterinarian must show that stallions
nnd assos brought Into tho state aro
froo from such hereditary, infectious,
contagious or transmlsslblo diseases
as: urothal gleet, melanosis, periodic
opthalmla (moon-blindness), laryngeal
hemiplegia (roaring), dourine, glan
ders, farcy, and that such animals aro
free from tho following defects or
blemishes: cataract, (glass eyo)
chorea, St. Vitus dance, string halt,
bono spavin, ring bone, side bone, curb,
with curby formation of hock, or Is
seriously defective !n conformation, or
vicious disposition.
Dr. Fast Goes to Hastings.
Dr. W. S. Fast, for tho last threo
years superintendent of tho institute
for fooblo-mindcd at Bontrlco, has
boon tendered tho position of superin
tendent of tho hospital for the lnsano
nt Hastlngo, tho largest In tho state,
to succeed Dr. M. W. Daxter, who re
signed rccontly following an Investi
gation by tho board of control into
hlo accounts.
Aftor a confcrcnco Friday with tho
board of control Dr. Fast accepted tho
now position, which gives him chnrgo
over twlco tho population as ho has
Buporvlsed at Doatrlcc, and broadens
his field of work.
Slnco the otato board of education
lands and funds authorized n roap
prnlsement of state Bchool lands in
Howard county, resulting in a decreaso
of $17,000 In tho total valuation, re
ported by tho county board, it Is be
ginning to hear from other counties.
Tho commissioners of Cherry county
complain against tho appraisement put
on school lands In their county last
spring, after Land Commissioner Beck
man and Secretary of Stato Pool had
been thcro to look over tho tracts.
There Is still sorao land in Cherry
county to bo appraised. Tho county
bonrd mombors thought It would bo n
good thing If members of the Btato
board would coma up and go over tho
ground with thorn.
Ono of tho fnrmors' most troublo
Bomo problems Is tho equalization of
labor throughout tho year. Among tho
suggestions glvon to tho students at
tho collogo of agrlculturo for wlntor
work nro tho following: Repair each
piece of farm maehiuory, mako tools
and do othor carponter and repair
work, oil and repair harness, haul
mnnuro, sharpen all tools, sharpon
mower sickles, sharpon posts for
fences, prune orchard and othor trees,
clean sood, repair buildings (particu
larly lnsido work, and market grain
and hay,
Stato Money for Irrigators
Somo of tho funds appropriated by
tho last legislature for tho encourago
ment of pumping Irrigation which was
loft to tho disposal of tho regents of
tho University of Nobraska, aro still
available. According to tho provisions
of tho bill, tho monoy may bo received
by anr responsible Individual or organ
ization in tho western section of tho
state who will contribute a llko amount
of his or their own funds. When tho
plant is comploto and tho woll has
proved to bo a buccosb, the contribu
tion from tho stato is to bo returned.
Uniform Day and Wage for All
Classes of Labor Coal Must Do
Weighed Before Being Screened and
Paid For on Mine-Run Baals.
Indianapolis, Jan. 31. Tho United
Mlno Workers of America on Frldny
adopted tho report of tho scalo com
mittee, which asked for a ralso of ten
por cent for tho bituminous minors
nnd workers about tho mines and 20
per cent for tho nnthraclto workers.
T r Till.. m T , 1 . . I . . . 1 . J ... n .1
villi uiiuur ui 1 iiiouui 1311 10 ijiiuiiuiiiu j
of tho scale committee Tho demands
will bo brought boforo tho bituminous ,
operators at Mobllo February 8 and
boforo tho anthraclto operators at 1
Now York February 21.
Tho demands follow:
For bituminous districts:
All coal to bo weighed boforo being
screened and paid for on a mlnorun ,
basis. .'
Ton por cont per ton Incrcaso nt I
tho basing point. I
Ten per cent lncreaso on all dead
work and yardago.
Twenty por cent incrcaso on all day
Uniform day and wago scalo for all
classes of outsldo and insldo day la
bor. Proper readjustment of tho machlno
differential at tho basing point.
Tho eight-hour day shall apply from
bank to bank.
All local inequalities and Internal
differences to bo referred to tho vari
ous districts affected for settlement.
Contract In offect for two years.
Weekly pays.
Every other Saturday an Idlo day.
Tho domands of the anthraclto min
ers formulated at their trl-dlstrict
convention held at Wllkosbarre, Pa.,
September 7 to 10, 1915, aro reaffirmed
and Indorsed.
Washington Asko Powers to Agree on
Set of Rules for Submarine
Washington, Jan. 31. A suggestion
that all tho belligerent countries sub
scribe to a declaration of principles
governing attacks on merchant ves
sols and forbidding tho nrmini? of
such vessels has been made by tho
United States in an offort to estab
lish in International law n general
policy disposing of many of tho vexa
tious problems arising from tho de
velopment of submarlno warfare.
Identical notes have gone forward
asking tho various countries at war
to say specifically whether they aro
willing to Join In such an agreement.
Tho declaration of principles would
That noncombatant8 may expect
protection under tho rules of In
ternational law and tho principles of
humanity when traveling on merchant
That warning must bo given boforo
a merchantman Is attacked.
That bolllgorent-owncd merchant
ships must obey wnrnlngs to atop.
That merchantmen shall not be
tired on except In enso of reslftanco
or flight.
That no merchantman shall tio
sunk except where It 1b Impossible
to supply a prlzo crow, or until pas
songors nnd crow aro placed In safety.
Tho noto voIcob a warning that this
government Is considering adoption of
a policy undor which all armed mer
chantmen that enter ports of tho
United States In futuro shall bo con
sidered war vossols, subject to tho
established regulations governing In
President Nominates Boston Lawyer
for Vacancy on Bench First
Jew to Be Named. -
Washlii.ton, Jon. 31. President
Wilson Bent to tho sonnto on Friday
tho nomination of Louis Dembltz
Brandols of Boston to bo Supremo
court Judgo, to All tho vncancy caused
by tho death of Joseph Ruckor Lamar.
Mr. nrandolB Is tho first man of
Jewish nationality to bo named to
tho Supromo court bonch.
Ho Is woll known In tho legal world.
Slnco 1897, when ho becamo senior
memhor of Brandcls, Dunbar & Nut
tor, ho has boon prominently connect
ed with mnny Important litigations.
Ho was counsel for tho shippers In tho
advanced frolght rnto investigation
boforo tho Interstate commerce com
mission; ho was also counsel for tho
pcoplo In tho proceedings Involving
tho constitutionality of tho Oregon and
Illinois ten-hour law for wonion. Mr.
Brandcls Is flfty-nlno years old.
Johnson-Wlllard Films Barred.
Boston, Mass., Jan. 31. Tho moving
plcturo films of tho Jack Johnson
Jess Wlllard prlzo fight at Havana
aro excluded from tho United States
on a decision handed down by tho
United States circuit court of appeals
Six Hurt In Powder Blast.
Philadelphia, Jan. 31. Thcro woro
four explosions In rapid succession at
tho Carney's Point (N. J.) plant of tho
DuPont Powder company and Blx work
men were Injured, threo sorloualy. Tho
accident occurred In No. 3 plant.
British Suffer Heavy Losses in Effort
to Cut Through to Kut-EI-Amara.
London, Jan. 27. While tho British
aro sacrlllcing thousands of mon In a
heroic effort to cut their way through
to Kut-el-Amara, where Genoral Town
shend and a British army are bottled
up by tho Turks, tho Russians to tho
north aro making tho Turks strain
ovory nervo to keep them from com
ing to tho aid of the British.
Tho grand duko's victory near Er-
zerum proved to bo oven greater than
early reports showed. According to
Reuter's Telegraph company 4,000
Turks were captured by tho Russians,
whllo tho number killed, wounded and
forced Into scattered flight was enor
mous. Tho dispatch adds that tho Rus
sians took scores of machlno guns
and n great quantity of munitions.
"Engagements continuo at tho Kut-
el-Amara positions," says tho report.
"British forces coming from imam All
Gherbl attacked on January 21 the
Turkish position near Menlarle, about
thirty-live kilometors (21 miles) east
of Kut-el-Amara, on both sides of the
Tigris river.
"The engagement lasted six hours.
Tho Turkish woro repulsed several
kilometers to tho eastwnrd.
"On tho battlefield tho British left
about 3,000 dead. Tho Turkish losses
wero comparatively slight.
"British soldlors taken prlBonor
stated that the British also hud lost
3,000 men In dead and wounded In the
preceding engagements near Sheik
President Delivers Preparedness Ad
dress Before Railroad Men U, S.
Should Rush Defence Plans.
New York, Jan. 29. "Plans for tho
readjustment of tho United States
army must bo formulated and carried
out without delay, for wo do not know
what tho circumstances of another
month or ainthor day may bring
This was the warning sounded by
President Wilson on Thursdny beforo
tho members of the Railroad Business
association at tho Waldorf hotel. It
was tho president's first speech In tho
campaign for preparedness and ho em
phasized tho urgent necessity for Im
mediate action nnd predicted that ade
quate methods will ho omployed to In
crcaso tho army and navy so that
America need fear no foreign power.
Inslstonco that tho American people
lovo peace, but must bo treated Justly
and must harmonlzo Internal racial
and religious differences, marked Ms
address beforo a conference of 1,600
Now York clergyman of nil denomina
tions. Ho declared that peace was In
consistent with abandonment of prin
ciples and loss of self-respect.
Tho president repeated his opposi
tion to nctlon by tho federal govern
ment on tho woman suffrago question
in speaking to 200 members of tho
Congressional Union for Woman Suf
frago who called at his hotol and
would not leavo until ho saw thorn.
Ho roitoratod his position that ho
would help U10 causo In Individual
states wherovcr possible but politely
turned aside efforts to cross-examine
Montenegrin Generals Surrender.
Berlin (via wireless to Sayvlllo, L.
I.), Jan. 29. Advices from Vienna on
Thursday Bay that General Vukavltch
has surrendered to tho Austrlans at
Danllovgrad, togethor with sovera.1
othor Montenegrin generals.
Russ Statesmen to England.
Potrograd, Jan. 29. Tho uppor and
lower houses of tho Russian parlia
ment will confer shortly on tho Bub
Joct of n visit of members of tho
dunm to England. This visit probably
will bo mado Easter.
Bachelors and Widowers Will
Forced to Serve in Army
Ireland Excluded.
London, Jan. 28. All that Is needed
to make military servlco compulsory
in Great Britain is tho king's signa
ture to tho conscription measure,
which passed tho houso of lords ou
Wednesday on tho third reading.
Tho bill was Introduced In tho houso
of lords after It had passed tho houso
of commons on tho third reading by
a vote of 333 to 3(5, many labor mem
bers who had been believed foes of
conscription voting with tho ministry.
Tho provisions of tho measure ex
clude Ireland from conscription on tho
ground that sho Is an allied but in
tegral kingdom.
Under the bill bachelors and wid
owers between eighteen and forty-one
years may bo forced to servo in tho
Married men, eligiblcs who havo
conscientious scruples against military
service, clergymen, mon engaged In
Indisponslblo government work, mon
who are sick, men who havo persons
dependent upon them for support and
cripples aro excluded.
England, Scotland and Wales are In
cluded In tho bill.
Tho king Is expocted to Blgn tho
bill at oncb. From its Inception In tho
brain of Premier Asqulth King Goorgo
has been an earnest advocato of the
conscription measure.
Bristol, England, Jan. 28. Tho Brit
ish labor conference, by a vote of 1,
847,000 to 206,000, gave its approval
to tho government's conscription bill.
Tho resolution In favor of support
ing tho government, was passed amid
cheers shortly after the three-day ses
sion of the labor conference opened.
Paris Admits Reverses as Great Teu
ton Offensive Continues Nleuport
Cathedral Destroyed.
London, Jan. 27. Apparently undis
mayed by tho defeat of their terrific
effort to break tho allied line near tho
mouth of tho Ysor, tho Germans re
newed their attacks and, according to
offlclal French admission on Tuesday,
gained a foothold In trenches on tho
Arras-Lens rond.
Germans mado desperate charges on
the Arras-Lens road. Though they
gained a foothold at soveral places, tho
French for tho most part dislodged
Berlin reports tho destruction of tho
cathedral at Nleuport by artillery flro.
Tho official statement ays:
"The tower of Complo and the cathe
dral at Nleuport, which offered excel
lent observation posts for tho enemy,
wero destroyed.
"East of Nouvlllo our troops attacked
ono of tho foremost trenches of tho
French, following somo successful
mlno explosions, nnd captured throe
machlno guns and 100 prisoners.
"A German aeroplano squadron at
tacked the military establishments
and aorodromo at Nancy, and tho fnc
torlos at Baccara."
Dunkirk, In northorn Franco, has
been shollod by Gorman aeroplanes, it
was officially announced by tho admi
ralty. Two aeroplanes woro in tho
squadron that attacked tho city. The
hospitals aro at Dunkirk.
Eight Lost With Schooner.
San Francisco, Jan. 31. Eight men,
tho crow of the steam schoonor
Aberdeen, wero glvon up for lost on
Friday when wrockago from tho boat
began coming ashoro two miles and a
half below tho harbor entrance.
Tourists' Baggage Burns.
Jacksonville, Fla., Jan. 31. After
thieves had robbed tho Union depot
hero thoy Bet flro to tho baggage room
and tho structure was burned to tho
ground. Tho luggago of many north
em tourists was destroyed.
Message From State Department Do
Clares That America Will Not Ad.
mlt Right to Search of Neutral Mall
on the High Seas.
Washington, Jan. 29. Tho text ol
tho American protest to Great Britain
against intorferonco with noutral
malls, made public on Thursday, ro
veals that diplomatic and consular
pouches havo been treated In a man
ner tho United States considers "voxa
tlously inquisitorial." Tho noto de
scribes tho practices of British offi
cials aB "unwarranted interferences,"
and urgently requesting a prompt re
ply, points out that "a strong fooling
i3 being aroused" In this country by
tho loss of valuablo lettors, whllo for
eign banks nro refusing to cash Amer
ican drafts becauso thoy havo no as
surances that drafts ure sccuro in tho
Tho United States declares that par
cel post articles aro entitled to tho
exemptions of neutral trado, and do
ilies tho right of Great Britain to tako
noutral mall ships Into British Juris
diction for purposes of search and
then submit thorn to local censorship
regulations. It also donlos that tho
British government has any authority
over neutral scaled malls on ships
which merely touch at British ports.
With tho text of tho American noto
was mado public Great Britain's ad
interim reply, saying that questions of
princlplo raised by tho United States
havo mado It necessary for Groat
Britain to consult her allies beforo an
swering finally, and indicating that
thero will bo no unnecessary delay in
tho negotiations.
Tho American noto is in tho form
of a memorandum to Ambassador Pago
at London, instructing him to fllo a
"formal and vigorous protest."
Paris, Jan. 27. Through tho offices
of tho International Red Cross com
mission exchange of French and Gor
man prisoners of war who aro suffer
ing from tuberculosis has been effect
ed. El Paso, Tex., Jan. 28. Tho bodies
of Benjamin Snell and Frank Woods,.
American cowboys, havo been found
west of Cuslhulrlachlc, according to
an unconfirmed report from western
Chihuahua, reaching hero on Wednes
day. Snell nnd Woods wero reported
last week to havo loft Cuslhulrlachlc
with Roy and John Kramer to rescue
tho father of tho latter, Dr. David Kra
mer, who had been wounded In the log,
by i: bandit, and who was hiding In
tho mountains.
Now York, Jan. 29. Eugeno Van
Schalck, millionaire president of the
Knickerbocker Oil and Gas company,
and a cousin of Col. Theodoro Rooso
velt, committed suicide at his ofllco,
30 East Forty-second street, on Thurs
day. Mr. Van Schaick, who was sixty
years old, ended his life by Bhootlng.
Chicago, Jan. 29. Fifteen thousand
dollars was taken from tho Washing
ton Fark National bank on Thursday
by five youthful automobllo bandits lit
ono of tho most daring robborios evei
committed in Chicago. II. W. Mahan,
president of tho bank, announced that
tho bank was fully protected against
loss. Tho men entered tho paying
tellor's cago and ordorcd tho toller to
glvo them tho monoy. Tho bandits
then escaped in an auto.
Four Other Soldiers Either Drowned
or Shot to Death While Swim
ming In Rio Grande.
Brownsville, Tox., Jan. 28. Two
American soldiers wero seized by
armed Mexicans and four others, fired
upon, were drowned in tho Rio Grande
at Progroso, Tex., on Wednesday.
Threo United States army officers who
led a rescuing expedition into Mexico,
havo been placed undor arrest. Tho
mon wero swimming In tho river and
hnd crossed to tho Mexican bank whon
two wero made prisoners by a band of
Mexicans. Tho others swam madly for
tho American shore, volleys of bullets
following thorn. Tho missing: Pri
vate William C. Wheoler, Prlvato 11.
Peterson. Tho drowned: Sergeant
Owen L. Clement, Corporal Michael F.
King. Prlvnto Henry A. Rohdo, Prlvato
Charles D. Wilton. A relief expedition
was immediately organized in an, offort
to rescue tho two captured men, but It
failed to find trace of tho Amer
icans. Clubman Leaps to Death.
Chicago, Jan. 31. Albert H. Schor
zer, president of tho Scherzer Rolling
Lift Brldgo company, consulting en
gineer and member of many clubs,
committed sulcldo by Jumping 16 floors
In tho Monadnock block.
Freighter Goes to Bottom.
New York, Jan. 31. Tho British
freighter, Chase Hill, 4,583 tons, which
loft Now York on January 18, for
Havre, has gono to tho bottom, accord
lng to word brought hero by tho Brit
ish steamer Indralema.