The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 04, 1916, Image 5

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    KeeLocK, the Screwless Mountings
screws to work loose. Lenses can not work loose. Less
. breakage of lenses. If you arc having trouble with your
lenses working loose, ("and you sure are if you are
wearing Rimless Glasses), call and let us
NtWP the 0LD
show you our KeeLocK Screwless Lense Mountings
Look for the sign with tho ms nine- Registered Optometrist
Graduate Dentist
Office over the McDonald
State Bunk.
Loron Hastings is asslstinp lu C.
. Temple's office.
Harvey VanDoran has returned
from a visit with Jack Crowe at Coznd.
Mrs. W. 13. Brown will entertain the
members of the J. F. F. club Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mann have moved
from east Fifth street to the Grace-
land addition.
For Sale Fresh Milch Cow. A. S.
Gregg, North Platte, Phono 704F21.
Mrs. I. E. Trout will entertain ithe
Ilowena Circle next Tuesday after
noon. Mrs. Elizabeth Williams has return
ed from a pleasant visit In Gothen
burg. Mrs. Charles Calahan, who ha3 boon
very ill for some time, is Improving
Dr. Kennon, of Maxwell, spent a lew
days here this week on rrofesioual
G. E. Winslow has returned from
Keystone where he spent a week, oh
Miss Ellen McCarthy is spending
this week with the Trovillo family
west of .town.
Sam Poulos returned Tuesday from
a six weeks' visit in Chicago and other
eastern points.
Itufus-Stebbins has gone to Excel
sior Springs, Mo., to take treatmen:
for several weeks.
Frank Darbor has returned from
Lowellen where he transacted busi
ness for several days.
John N. Bonner left a few days ago
for Excelsior Springs to spend several
weeks taking treatment.
A. E. Huntington returned Tuesday
from Grand Island where ha itt mded
tho funeral of his father.
Mrs. Alex. Fenwick.. has r -turned
from a visilt with her daughters In
Cheyenne and Basin, Wyo.
Mrs. Omar Huff leaves tomorro-v
for Paxton to spend a coupli weeks
with tho McFadden family.
Nels Johnson and Myrtle Dancer, of
Collins, Neb., were married by Judge
French Tuesday afternoon.
Alfred Wilson resigned his position
with the Coates Lumber & Coal Co. this
week and left yesterday for Kearney.
Mrs. J. J. Halligan and Mrs. C. A.
Weir left yesterday morning for a
visit with friends In Paxton and Oga-lalla.
Mrs. A. J. Salisbury returned Wed
nesday from Grand Island whore she
visited Mrs. Maurice Fowler for a few
Miss Nancy Sale, of Paxton, return
ed homo Wednesday after spending a
week here with lior sister Mn. Glen
Miss Thelma. Frator has resumed
'work In the Rlncker drug stora after
an absence of sevoral weeks on ac
count of Illness.
Rov. B. A. Cram left Tuesday after
noon for Lincoln to attend the Metho
dist conferonco which is being eld in
that city this week.
Miss Harriot Dixon, who is attend
ing Grlnncll college, nnd sustained a
dislocated hip recently, was able to
resume her studies Wednesday.
Mrs. Floyd Jackson returned Wed
mesday from Grand Island whora she
was called by tho death of her grand
father, the late E. J. Iluntlngto.i.
Tho high school foot hall tim and
tho coaches tendered a surprho party
Friday evening to Coach Lesllj Bus
kins and passed several hours very
Dr. Everett Fonda, of Chicago, who
Is convalescing from an operation for
appendicitis, camo hero Wednesday to
spend several wooks with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Fonda.
Mrs. Georgo Zontmoyor antortaircd
tho Pan-Hellenic girls Tuosday after
noon. Eight members wore present
and spent sevoral hours vory pleasant
ly. NIcoly prepared refreshments
wero served.
Mrs. Charles Kilmer, of Kilmer, is
visiting this week wth her slse? Mrs
Clyde GIddeon.
The regular monthly meeting of the
AV. R. C. will bo held at tho I. 0. 0. F,
hall tomorow afternoon.
Judge Grimes Seeks Ho-Elcctloii.
Judge H. M. Grimes filed this weeV
for re-nomlnatlon as Judxe ol the
Thirteenth Judicial district, an action
which will unquestionably meet with
tho hearty approval of tho poplo liv
ing in tho several counties comprising
the district. Judgo GrlmJ3 Is now
serving his nineteenth year as judge,
and during that period hns made a
record which has been extremely sat
isfactory to the public. As a Judge ho
has proven fair and Impartial n lib
decisions and rulings, his conduct of
the court sessions has been such aa to
incur the least possible cxpoiuo to the
counties and to the litigants, and as
a man he has won and maintained tho
good-will of the people. Wo believe
that the standing of the Judge in such
that it will ho foolhardy for any ono-
to enter the race against him.
I'lny to g House.
"My Homo Town Girl" was present
ed Tuesday evening to an audloncc
that filled nearly every seat In the
house. The pla.y Is one of tho best
musical comedies ever seen in North
Platte; clean comedy, Jlnglln; rmuic
nnd flno scenery and costumes. Hy
mns Is a vory clever comedian, Leila
Mclntyro (his wife) Is flno as tho
"home town girl," and tho support giv
en tho two Is good. Tho chorus lb
above the average.
The audience was enthusiast u1. and
brought tho remark from Mr. ttyams
that North Platte would cerla:i?v bo
dated for next season. Several mem
bera of the company comphmcntel
Manager Garman on the splendid aud
ience nnd tho enthusiastic r'coptlon
given the company.
J. J. Gettman has been conllucd to
tho house this week by illness.
A baby girl was born to Mr. and
Joss Fellows Wednosday nfternoon
A. M. Mason loft yesterday morning
for Grand Island to spond-a few days
on business.
Dr. H. C. Brock, office over Stono
Drug Store. 103tf
Miss Myrtle Boyd, of San Francisco,
came a few days ago to visit her grand
mother, Mrs. 0. W. Pitt.
Attorney H. D. Rhea, of Lexington,
spent the fore part of the week In
town transacting legal business
For Rent Good Irrigated farm one
mile west of town, known as the Hin
man farm. Inquire of J. I. Smith or
phone 158. 5tf
Miss Teas Gamon, of Victor, Iowa
who is visiting her cousins, the Misses
Frye and Hayes, will remain here mi
til the later part of May.
Mrs. Ira LeMaster and children, who
had been visiting Mr. and Mrs. John
LeMaster for several weeks, returned
to DenveraTfew days ago. ' ' ' 1
Mrs. A. E. Huntington and daughter,!
returned Wednesday evening from
Grand Island where they attended tho
funeral of the late E. J. Huntington.
The Junior Jubilee will bo held at
the high school auditorium this oven
ing. Some vary clever stuiuj are
promised and attendant ara guaran
teed a rich return for their investment
in a ticket.
ThatT1 "jumbled" appearance of line
and words when reading is timely
warning ithat your eyes have reached
the limit of endurance and that you
should visit an optometrist. HARRY
DIXON, Registered Optometrist.
Thomas Gllmaiitln, formerly of this
city who has been at Akron, Ohio, for
several years, spent the first of the
week hero visiting his uncle John
Murphy whllo enroute to Sterling to
work for the American Express Co.
Earl Carlton has made arrange
ments to open a shoo repairing shop
in the back room of the Harry Shoe
Shop. Mr. Carlton has had a number
of years experience In this business
and will guarantee first class work.
Mrs. II. S. Ridgley, of Cheyenne,
has been spending this week In town
as the guest of her parents Mr. and
Mrs. Alex Fenwick. Mrs. Ridgioy has
been suft'crlng from acute axzema and
came down to take treatment if Dr.
The Yeoman drill team have set tho
date of their masquerade for Febru
ary 15th at tho Lloyd opera nouse. A
costumer from Omaha will bo ho:o for
several days previous and prizes will
bo triven to the best and most com'c
characters represented. Stamp's or
cheslra will furnish the music.
Frank Coker, of Sutherland, was In
town Wednesday and filed for tho re
publican nomination for sherlif. M
Coker Is one of tho pioneer -settlors of
tho Sutherland section and is well and
favorably known throughout tho coun
Keaton Arthur Merrick, tho two
year old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mor
rick, of Maxwell, died in this city of
pneumonia Wednesday after a short
illness. Tho funeral services were
held at Maxwell yesterday. Mrs. Mer
rick was formorly Miss Rosii Gregg
of this city.
Mrs. Elizabeth Kaar-Langston, who
was called to Lincoln several weelu
ago by tho critical Illness of hor fath
or, will roturn hero this weok to take
up her classes at tho School of Music
Georgo E. Ilanoy, or omana, ar
rived hero Wednesday to tako charge
of tho now hardware department
which will bo opened soon by Howo &
Malonoy. Mrs. Hancy and baby will
arrlvo In a fow days.
January Weather.
The highest temperature last month
was fifty-six degrees, tho coldest
twenty-two below zero and the mean
for the month fifteen. This is six and
four-tenth degrees colder than the av
erage for January. The greatest daily
range of temperature was thlrty-nlno
degrees, which occurred on tho 7th.
There were thirteen days In the u.ontn
when the temperature dropped below
The precipitation for the niontTi was
eighty-five one hundredths of an Inch
which is neaily double the normal for
tho month; In fact not since 1905 hnve
we had so much moisture In January.
More or less snow fell on tweWo dif
ferent days during tho month.
lhldlc Illicit (iocs South with Mack.
Eddie Bright, former sta,te leaguer,
goes south witli Connie Mack's Ath
letics this spring.
Bright performed with Jake Gett
nian's North Platte team last season
and hit over four hundred. Ho plays
ithlrd base. Ability to pilfer b-ises is
one of Bright's main assets. Omaha
Sees His Shadow.
Tho ground hog saw his shadow
Wednesday, in fact it was a bright
clear day from sunrise to ntnsct. If
the old saying is true, the ground hog
retired to his hole there to remain fitx
weeks, and during that period we wll'
have cold and stormy wenther. But
we will hope that for once, at liast, the
ground hog may prove a false phophet.
Presbyterian Church
11 a. m., Children's chotico, chil
dren's sermon. Nursery for the babies.
7:30, special service for youn? men,
address: "The Young Man in Business."
: :o: :
J. A. McMlchael returned the early
part of tho weok from Excelsiov
Springs, Mo., where he spent several
wcek3. He makes this trip annually
but remained longer this time and re
ceived greater benefit. Tho number
at tho springs while he was there wan
larger than usual.
Foster Bros., living twenty miles
west of Tryon, will hold a dissolution
salo February 17th and will sell 225
head of cattle, sixty horses, and other
personal property.
Real Estate and Insurance
Come nnd uco us for town lots In
difforent parts of tho city. Good In
vestments on easy tormB. Houses for
salo and rent. Wo have also good bar
gains In farms and ranches.
Cor. Front and Dowoy Sts.. upstulrs.
Fin or Million Soldiers.
Washington, D. Cj Conclusions of
tho general staff of tho army aa to tho
country's requirements for adequate
defenso was dolincaled by Its mem
bers recently before tho houao mill
tary committee, which is considering
tho administration's army Increusi
They held that 1,000,000 men--500,-
uuu regulars ana reserves
would bo needed along tho Atlantic
coajit and tho gulf from Penobscot,
Mo., to Mobile, Aln., that It taXM a
year to train a Boldior; that arsenals
nnd supply depots should bo situated
well In from tho coasts and at least
200 miles away from Canada or Mcx
Ico; that tho Philippines wore not es-
sontlal to national defenso and that
tho dangor points from. foreign oxpedl
tlons wero tho North AtlanUc cities
San Francisco and Puget Sound.
It was 10 o'clock at ulght. I wns sit
ting In nn easy chair In my bedroom
reading and smoking when I heard a
ring at the telephone bell in the hall.
Going there, I took up tho receiver and
placed It at my ear. I heard a re
markable confusion of sounds. The
speaker at the phono was a woman,
but there were others In tho room, one
of whom, a man, was shouting wildly
It was dllllcult to distinguish what the
woman nt tho receiver wns saying on
nccount of the other voices, especially
tho shouter. 1 will give my dialogue
over the phono as well as I can, with
Its Interruptions:
Voice at Transmitter Oh, my good
ness graclousl He's slashing right and
icftl He's going to kill ua alii
Voice of tho Madman Give 'cm the
bayonet! Rout 'cm out of the trenchl
Hold on there! Save thnt gun! Good!
Never mind
I asked again and again for nn ad
dress and flnnlly got 173 Wash
Man's Voteo (not nt transmitter)
Homember, men, thnt. you aro Cann
dtans, nnd whnt you do today
Voice at Transmitter Do come!
Will fs delirious. Ho fancies that ho
la leading his compnny Into
Woman's Voice (not at transmitter)
Oh, heavens! Ho'b got his awordl
I Never mind who I am. GIvo mo
your strcot and number.
Voice nt Transmitter Oh, horrors!
I hung up tho receiver, waited a few
second, took It up again nnd called a
cab to como In n hurry. Then I went
downstairs and out, walking In the
direction from which I expected It.
Seeing a vehlclo coming nt n gallop, I
headed It ofr, got lu nud told the driver
to take mo to 175 Washington avenue.
There was a Washington street In tho
city, but the voices I had heard came
from refined i .rsons, and Washington
street wns mostly taken up with shops
nud saloons.
I had some distance to go and shout-
cd to the cabmnn to move faster. Ho
enmo to n sudden stop, nnd I heard
him speaking with a policeman, who
had stopped him. I opened tho door
and told the policeninn to get In with
mo, explaining why I wanted him. But
ho got on tho box, permitting the driv
er to go as' fast as ho could get tho
horse to move.
I suppose we wero ton minutes In
making the distance. Ah soon as wo
reached the house I told tho policeman
that ho would bo expected to tacklo an
armed lunatic. lie demurred, snylng
thnt ho must telephone for assistance,
ami went off to a call box. I did not
propose to wait for him and, going up
tho steps of a stone front house, rang
the bell.
Whllo I waited for asslstnnco I heard
sounds in tho second story as I had
henrd them over the phono and nbovo
the din the lunatic's voice shouting:
"Lino up there, men! Como on, you
fellows, and fill these gnpa! Now nl
together! Forward!"
Tho front door was opened, nnd a
young woman aa -vvhlto ns n cloth ap
"I'm tho pnrty you got on the"
My explanation was Interrupted by
sounds of steel slashing wood nnd tho
shrieks of women nbovo. Tho girl,
without a word, led mo upstairs. Whllo
ascending I determined upon n plan of
nctlon. Whether It would avail any
thing 1 did not know. On reaching the
upper hall I found n girl crouching.
The door of n bedroom was wide open,
and a man was inside hacking a post
bedstead. Ills back waa to me, so
he did not see mn.
"Retreat!" I shouted. "The general
orders a retreat. Wo arc Hanked!"
Tho lunatic ceased to hack the bed
posts and backed through tho door Into
my nrms. I seized both of his, taking
his sword arm at tho wrist This I
held aa In a viae, for I waa stronger
than he.
Vud hero the girl who hnd ndmlttcd
me I learned afterward that alio waa
tho ono 'who had talked to mo over
the telephone allowed great prcsenco
of mind aa well as pluck. Taking In
the situation, at the risk of being stab
bed alio ran forward, clinched tho lunu
tie's list and dealt htm a blow on tho
back of tho hand holding the sword
Tho weapon dropped to tho tloor. Tho
girl stooped, picked It up and, running
to a window, threw It out.
I now got my arms over both tho
mnn's, pinning them to his aide. I be
lieved I could hold him till tho arrival
of tho police, but It waa not a pleasant
job, and If ho got nwny from mo ho
might yet do some damage. I naked
tho girls If they could get a rope, and
ono of them went downstairs and
brought up a clothesline. Sho tried to
get It around tho man's legs, but ho
kicked so Hint It was Imposalblo. Whllo
wo wero struggling wo henrd a patrol
wngon daah up at tho door, and in nn
other minute tho lunatic was secured
There wero In tho houso his moth
er, an old woman, nnd two young la
dies, hia sisters, no had been fighting
lu Belgium, In commnnd of his com
pnny, nnd had been wounded In tho
Since thnt time he hnd acted strange
ly nnd had been invalided homo. For
awhllo after his arrival ho had behaved
quite normally, but during tho pnst
fow days had relapsed. Ills mother
nnd sisters wero Intending to rcmovo
him to a sanitarium when ho been mo
I received their gratltudo for my In
tervohtlon, and I believe the pollcemnn
who waited to call assistance waa dla
missed from tho forco.
Miss Efflo WessbuVg loft yJtorday
morning for Omaha to. spend n week
with Jior slstor. '
Mrs. D. M. Tntum and daughter Mra.
Pnppas, went to Kearney yostorduy to
visit friends ovor Sunday.
K. T. Tramp hns been off duty at the
store for sovcral days on account of a
severe attack of the grip.
Miss Betty Hlnman left last night
for Chicago to spend sovcral wcokd
with frlonds.
Mrs. Edward Noble and children re
turned Wednosday evening from a vis
It with relatives In eastern Nobrnska.
Division Master Mechanic Hoary and
Bollor Inspector HonipJiUl spout Wed
nesday lu town and wont to Sidney
yestordny morning.
W. C. Hill la suffering with nn In
Jurod foot which was crushed with a
enko of Ico atl tho U. P. houaoa a fow
days a go.
Logan Mnrcott, of Brady, formerly
assistant lu the county superintend
ent'a office here, la spondlng a fow
days lu town with local frlondi.
The First National Bank
Member Federal Reserve Bank System.
One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars.
We have a car of Washington Apples, they are
packed in large boxes holding V2 bushels. Several
ine Saps. White Winter Pearmain
Black Twig. Arkansas Black.
Staymans and other Varieties.
$1.75 and $2.00 per box.
Order your's while we still have the different
kinds. They are going fast.
R. N. LA
fcgill I jilt
One Naturally Feels Chagrined
to see his neighbors making hnpovemcnts,
which arc just as badly needed on his own
premises. The thing to do is to follow suit.
You'll fee) better and your property will be
henefitted. Keep pace with the improvement
of the day and see us for
Lumber and Building Material.
Coates Lumber and Coal Co,
The Home of Good Coal Phone 7,
oney to Loan
Lowest Rates and Best Terms.
Plenty of Money on hand to Closo
Loans Promptly.
Buchanan & Patter on