THE SEMI.WEEKLY TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. "I'vo had a good common school ed ucation," ho said, "and 1 wint to bo- ECONOMICAL WINTERING OF IDLE HORSES Chic Blouse of Fabrics como a loarned man, n gontloman. Tho president was interested. "But A Fool There Was you haven't been to high school," ho urged. "You'll havo to go thero, or, Blnco you'ro too old, you'll havo to pass our ontranco examination. And then to work your wny through why, my boy, your plan Is impossible. Olvo it up!" Tho better grades in cotton voiles, marquisettes, organdie and other sheer stuffs have proved themselves surpris ingly durable and are llko cropo do chine and crepo georgette In this re spect. They look as fragllo as flowor petals but woar as stanchly as Scotch, madras or any other of tho de pendable weaves that are relied upon for tho practical everyday blouBc. They are all In the running now that the time Is here for making up blouses for tho oncoming season. With the trend of tha public's taste constantly turned toward thin and sheer fabrics for all purposes, and tho demand for things washable, cotton voile is likely to stand near tho head of the list as a material wanted for Bprlng blouses. It is shown in many patterns employing color, in figures or stripes, on a white ground. These are either woven or printed in, with in creasing demand developing for the woven-ln designs. In blouses, as in dresses, there is a fancy for combining materials of two different kinds In one garment. By means of hemstitching, bands of col ored organdlo aro stitched to tho col lar or cuffs to form a border, in white blouses, and a llttlo embroidery, like the bands In color, provides a relief to the plain body of white. Voiles with colored dots in graduated sizes, and scalloped edges, finished with but UKmilj) ninm ImmmmiMiniiUMM Fashions of the Bags of embossed leather In oriental colorings and figures mado their entry in tho arena of fashions Just beforo tho holidays. Thoy made an instant suc cess, sharing tho favor given to novel ties in silk bags, and' nothing rooro beautiful Is likely to roplaco them for somo time. Thoy aro called Tokyo bags and aro mado in various colored leathers hav ing Chinese or Japanese figures wrought in many rich and harmoniz ing colors on a solid ground. They follow tho modo in tho matters of size and shape, as set forth by plain leath er bags, and aro beautifully linod with plain or molro silk. After theso con cessions to western needs their allo glanco returns to tho Orient in tho mat ter of handles. Anything less beauti ful than tho Btrands of silver beads and the Ivory and silver knobs would bo too tamo to harmonize with them, and their handles aro an Indlsponsablo fascination. Fashions of tho hour in handbags mako them a delight to tho orderly bouI. Thero is a place for everything In thorn, and everything in its placo, as In a watch or a kodak. Compart ments for tho card case, tho note book, the cola purse and a placo for tho tonhole stitching,, aro among tho pret tiest of spring offerings. Tho dots arc In roso color, maize, blue, and laven der, and occasionally a light brown or green makes tho cholco more varied. Tho chic tailored Woubo pictured hero is made of voilo with dotted stripes In a deep tan Bhado on a white ground. Between theso are narrower stripes of whito satin dots. Tho back extends over tho shoulders, forming a Bhallow yoko at tho front, and all seams aro sot together with a narrow piping in white. The fronts aro cut to form a narrow panel In whlto down tho center, with a double row of pearl buttons as a decoratlyo feature. In this blouse snap fasteners and a fly make it possible to dispense with but tonholes if desired. Tho slcoves aro finished with deep cuffs of the voile. A removable collar and cuffs of whlto hemstitched or gandie are the final touches in a de sign that betrays careful planning, it is a model that may be copied easily in any of tho spring wash fabrics, Black Corduroy Coats. Black corduroy Is said to bo coming In for tho shorter sport coats. They should be worn with whlto skirts. Hour in Bags pocket checkbook or letter or memo randa are all provided. A convenient outsldo place for tho handkerchief and a convenient inBidc place for tho tiny powder box and mirror mako tho up-to-date handbag a marvol of compact arrangement. There is no reason for a scrap-heap appcaranco of tho belong ings which aro carriod in a handbag these days. Cape Effects. An important fcaturo of many after noon Kowns is tho capo offect. Whllo this adds a quaint touch to a woman's appearance, ono must use Judgment In using this fcaturo. On somo figures it may bo very unbecoming. For in stance, tho woman who is Inclined to stoop or bavo very round shoulders would appear unbecomingly frockod In a gown mado with a cape. Tho short woman who may have a very graceful carrlago should avoid tho feature, also, unless sho modifies It to such an ex tent that tho capo measures only a fow Inches wide. Ono of great width would do much to decreaso tho wearer's hoicht. -By- H. M. EGBERT (Copyright, 1916. by W. a. Chupman.) "You aro acting foolishly, Tom," said Jim Holloran to his son. "You hnow very woll that tho girl's a waif and stray. If you marry her you'll como to regret It." "Sho's as good as nnyono olso around hero," answorod Holloran In dignantly. His father's opinion was, in a so voror form, than tho flshorfolks on Clark island. Sovontoon years boforo a ship had gono to pieces on tho rocks in tho bay. When tho lifeboat men clambered aboard thoy found a dying woman clutching a puny Infant to hor breast. Tho child was a girl; brought ashore, it grow into a comoly young woman. Tho kindly flBhorfolks who reared hor christened hor Holen Clark. That was as far aB their imagina tion could run. Helen and Tom, tho son of hor foster parents' neighbor, had always boon swoothcarts. Tho young flshormau and tho girl woro on gaged to bo married soon. Tho idea was, not that tho girl was unworthy of Tom, but that soma day sho would bo claimed In thoso days tho attention of tho nation had boon absorbed by tho Spanish war. Tho wreak had ro celved but passing notice. Thero had A Ship Had Gone to Rocks. Pieces on the been only threo survivors besides tho child fishermen. It was a llttlo coast ing steamer. Why should Holon'a mother havo taken passago aboard her? "No matter what over happens. Holen, I shall trust you," said Tom, "I shall always bo truo to you, dear," answered tho girl. Two weeks boforo tho marrlago tho man with the domineering faco ap poared. Tho older folks recognized him from tho photograph Holon had kept. Silently thoy followed him to tho houso whoro tho girl lived. Tho story that ho unfolded was a strango ono, but boro tho mark of truth. Ho had quarreled with his wifo, 17 years beforo. Sho had left him, and ho had novor associated her with tho wreck. Thero was no rea son why ho should havo dono so. Ho had tried to trace her and tho child for years, but had only received a cluo from a summer visitor to tho island, who had seen tho photograph tho year beforo, and heard tho roman tic story. Ho wanted Holen to bo hlB daughter in his old ago. Ho frowned angrily whon ho learned of tho approaching marrlago. "NonsenBo!" ho said angrily. "My daughter is going to school. Sho Is destined for higher things than to becomo tho brldo of a fisherman. I am hor guardian, and I rofuso my per mission." Everybody was against Tom Hollo ran. Thoy showed him his selfish ness, they proved that ho could nover marry tho girl until sho was her own mlstross. Finally tho magnato, Jo soph Henry, proposed, half humorous ly, a compromlso. "Sho shall stay with mo for four years, till sho attains hor majority," ho said. "If sho wants to marry you then, sho shall." Tom was forced to accopt tho con dttiona. Ho kissed Holon as sho clung to him. "I shall novor forgot. I shall nevor forgot!" oho sobbed as thoy said good by. When tho father and girl woro gono Tom Holloran sat looking at his fa ther across tho hearth. "I told you you woro a fool, Tom," said tho old man frankly. "What chanco havo you got with a girl llko that? Why, four years will blot out nil hor momorlea of tbla llfo. Sho ain't for tho llkea of you." "We'll see," Bald Tom slowly, and loft tho room. Ho had saved $300 toward tho fur nishing of tholr homo and purchaso of a oh aro In a boat. Tho samo night ho disappeared from Clark Island. Throo days lator ho appeared at a small university and asked to boo tho proaldent. H.y told him hla story. Tom shook his head. Ill try. I'v got four years," he Bald. 'A year later Tom Holloran passod tho ontranco examinations. Ho en- torod upon a thrco years' courso. At tho end of tho timo ho put his shoop skln into hla bag and wont to tho me tropolis, with a decent suit of clothos on his back and a dollar In his pockot. Tho butler who admlttod him to tho financier's houso looked at him dubiously. I'll givo your namo to Mr. Henry," ho said, in a non-commlttnl manner. Ho stopped. Tom barred tho way. "Miss Helen" Tom stammered. "I'll see, air," said tho butler. Ton minutes passed. Then tho finan cier entered tho room. Ho did not know Tom. "I am Mr. Holloran," said Tom. "You remember our agreement that I was to marry your daughter In four years" Tho banker's faco grow purplo. "You Impudent rascal," ho said. "Got out of my houso!" "I shall wait on tho doorstep till I seo Helen," said Tom. Tho bankor glared at him and loft tho room. A quarter of an hour lator ho roturncd with n stylishly drossod young woman, who looked at Tom aa if ho wero hardly a human bolng. But it waB Holen. Tom hnrdly hoard hor scathing words, ho only know that his prido was crushed. Her ringing laughter dismissed him. Ho stumbled from tho room. Tho noxt day ho entered hla fa ther's houso. Tho old man, hardly changed, looked up and nodded. "I rocognizo you. son," ho said. "Still a fool, I reckon. Still hanker ing aftor that girl. I warned yo. I told yo." "Yes, I was a fool," said Tom. "I'vo como back to get a Job with the boats." "If that's all you'ro worth," said tho old man, "you'd host havo stayed whoro you was." Tho panic year wiped out many fortunes, nnd loudest was tho crash of tho Henry chain of banks. In a day tho bankor was a ruined outcast, and tho noxt week a sulcldo. Tho houso was sold. Tho papors contained strango stories of Helen's discovery upon tho island, and reporters camo and pestered Tom. But nobody know anything of tho girl. "Still a fool, Tom?" His fathor asked ono day, as tho young man sat brooding over his nets. "I reckon so," said Tom. "You'vo given tho bost years of your youth to a worthless woman,1 said his fathor. "Now is tho timo to look for another." Tom did not answer. His spirit seemod broken. All tho neighbors thought that, ho seemed to take no coptod him as ono of again, and forgot. themselves Thoro is a legend along tho coast that what tho sea glvos, it takes; what it takes it restores. Tho wlntor of that year was one of raging Btorms. Many a ship in distress far out at soa was sighted, but it was not till February that tho lifeboat rockets signaled a wreck upon tho rocks In tho bay. Thoy launched tho boat. Tom, bond lng to tho oars, saw dimly, through tho blizzard tho bulk of a great liner ly ing botwoon the nocdlo-points. Tho cold cut him llko a razor odgo. Me chanically ho bent his strength to tho oar. As tho boat drew near and tried to lay alongside, whllo tho breakers pounded her, a desporato cry of a multltudo fell on tholr ears. A mighty wave had swopt tho decks of half tholx huddled humanity. Tho waves woro black with bobbing honds, hands clutched wildly for aid and found nono. Tom leaped Into tho soa to whore a woman's head appeared for a mo ment In the suck of a giant wavo. He seized hor by tho hair and hauled hor to tho boat's edge. Somehow they got her in. Laden to her gunwales with all that thoy had been ablo to rescuo, the lifeboat mado hor difficult way to ward tho shore. But whon she reached it at last and tho men nnd llshorwlvos who had assembled there looked Into Tom's faco thoy know who tho well dressed strango woman was Tom kneeled besldo hor, chafing her cold hands. A tress of hor hair hung llko a wot wisp over him. Her oyea woro closed, btt n faint pulso stirred In her. "Sho will llvo," said tho doctor that night. "But her brain is Injurod. How far, I don't know. It is impossible to say until sho wakes." . "Still a fool, Tom?" Inquired his fa. thor, watching his faco, "No, sir," said Tom. "I know hoi for what sho 1b; nothing can wlpo that out." "She's asking for you," said the doctor. Tom went into tho room whore Holen lay. Her eyes woro open; aa Tom drow near sho stretched out her hands and found his nock and held him closo. "I am glad it is so near our wed ding day," sho whlspored. "Wo must novor leavo each other, dearest I shall always bo truo to you." Tho last four years woro wipod from her mind forover by tho shock. And, as ho looked into her eyes, Tom saw that this was tho real Holon come ' back to him forever, Profitable Typo (From Weekly letter. United States De partment or Acricuituro.) At this timo of tho year all tho heavy work on most farms haB been finished, and horsoB aro moro or less kilo. Slnco Idlo horsos givo no re turn In labor performed, tho feeding should bo as economical aa possible, and proper caro should bo taken of tho animals in ordor that thoy may bo In tho host possible condition for work In tho early Bprlng. Horses should not bo confined to tho barn during tho winter on a lib oral supply of grain. It is far better to "rough" thorn through tho cold tnonthB. Thoy should bo given tho run of tho ynrd or lot during tho day. They should bo provided with a pro- toctod shed, ono that is thoroughly dry and well provided with bedding. Whllo naturo does hor part and pro tects tho horso with a heavy coat of hair during tho cold months, tho shed is necessary in ordor to afford tho necessary shelter and protection against rain, snow nnd cold winds. Winter winds como mostly from tho north and northwest, nnd tho shed PRACTICAL LITTLE HINTS ON HOG CARE Muddy Pens Are Disagreeable to Animals Give Runts Atten- tion Give Pigs Charcoal. (By W. D. NEALL. Colorado.) Birds, dogs or mon may carry hog cholera from ono farm to another. Burning tho hog that has dlod of somo disease 1b the only suro method of preventing contagion. Tho hog that hns boon allowed to Bleep in tho oh) straw stack will soon cough his health away. Hogs of all ages and sizes do not thrive when allowed to pllo up to gether. Muddy pens aro dtaagrocablo to tho hogs. Watch tho hog pick tho oar of corn out of tho mud and sook a dry placo to cat It and you will bo fully convinced of this fact. It pays to soparato the runts from tho herd and givo thom special atten tion. By thlB method you ranko thom profitable hogs. SlopB should not bo earned from tho kitchen to tho hogpon If tho good houBowlfo uses all kinds of wash pow- dora In tho dish wntor, for many of thom aro poisonous. Puro skim milk Is good for tho growing pigs. Put a llttlo bran with it and it will bo tho richer. Do not givo much sour milk to very young pigs for fear of tho scours. Tho dog that "wools" tho cars of tho hogs or tears tholr hams should bo kopt away from tho hord oven IT tho hogs do get through tho fenco Into tho cornfiold or meadow. Keep charcoal. Bait and ashes bo foro tho' pigs all tho timo, and it will moan death to worms or bowol trou- bio. Put a tcaspoonful of soda In tho aow's slop, and It will bo beneficial to tho pigs afflicted with tho scours. Pigs look good In a field of nlfalfa, clovor or rapo, and best of all thoy do woll whllo running thoro. Tho pig that 1b weaned will squeal around a good deal. Tho only way to shut off his squeal is to fill his stomach with food. Kick tho pigs awny from tho straw Mack. Don't let them sleep thoro. Tho straw rick Is a good placo to contract tho cholera. Grade the Apples. Propor grading is necessary In ordor to get tho bost pricca from many crops. This is especially truo ot ap plea and other products that soil on appearance. A fow poor apples In a lot will lowor tho selling price to that of tho poor apples. Bettor soli No. and No. S stock In well graded pack' for Any Farm. should bo bo situated and constructed ns to givo tho proper protection from this quarter. In tho feeding of idlo horses the highest-priced fcedB should bo avoid ed In ordor to keep thom in propor condition nt tho. l6wost cost. It has boon found that Idlo horses do very well on n winter food consisting ot all tho hay, oat straw, cornstalks, or sorghum thoy will consumo, so that little grain la nocossnry. From six to eight wcoks boforo tho spring work 1b started tho horses should bo put at light work and start ed on a small grain ration in ordor that thoy may bo in propor condition for tho work required of thom. Tho grain ration may then bo gradually Increased until tho regular allowanco hns boon reached for tho working ooa son. Growing colts rcqulro consldorablo protein. They should bo so fed aa to securo proper development and at a minimum cost. Rough feed, such na clean mixed hay, alfalfa, or clovor, may bo fed along with a mlxturo of bran, oats and corn. HORSES AND MULES SHIPPED TO EUROPE Animals Bought for. Export for Use in the Great War Are Among Lighter Grades. (By J'KOF. E. A. TKO WllHIDQIS, uni- vcrnlty of Missouri, College of Agricul ture.) About half a million horses and mules havo been sent to Europe bo causo of tho war. Although tho num bor sounds largo, it really Includes less than two por cont of tho 28,000, 000 horsos and mules on hand In tho United States January 1, 1915, and a still lowor percentage whon wo re member tho .1915 colts must bo added to this numbor. Tho 400,000 horsoa bought for ox- port for uso In tho war aro among tho lighter animals ranging from 1,000 to 1,500 pounds in weight. Although, many of thom nro of mixed breeding, they nro good usoful horsos, but do not soli for particularly high prices, and thero Is nn opportunity for tho rnlsor to produco others of much hot ter typo to replace thoso that havo boon sold. Tho increased cost of land, labor and other things used in horao rnislng has gradually widened tho gap between tho price of good horses una" mules, and thoso of inferior animals until now only tho superior nnlmalH can bo produced profitably. About eighty per cont of tho horsos nnd mules in tho oountry aro now owned nnd used on farms. Tho auto mobile, auto truck ond farm tractor all help to replace samo of theso ani mals, but any great chnngea in this direction will como about gradually and production will bo govorned large ly by demand. In vlow of thoso con stantly changing conditions, howovor. tho business of horso production of fers unusual opportunities to tho man who succeeds in meeting markot de mands successfully. Horses of tho draft or high-class saddle typo or mules of good size and quality and capablo ot doing lots of hard work aro likely to prove most profitable Cutting Ensilage. Ensilage should bo cut short. Half to threo-quartors of an inch ia bettor than longor cuta. Tho flno cut enah lago will pack bettor, which means bettor keeping nnd it also feeds bet ter. It takes moro power to cut Into short longths. Feed for Calves and Milk. Tho cow cannot turn all tho nourish roent sho will get from her food Into tho milk pall and still havo enough to build up hor offspring rightly. We need good calvoa aa much aa we do good cowa.