V twt-WitMv Wbaxt THIRTY-FIRST YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., FEBRUARY 1, 1916. No. 6, (The CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. For Uont Five room houae close In. Inquire Marti Moat Market. Mrs. Dan Roberts is taking mcdh nl treatment at the City hospital. A reception for tho Harry 3. Brown dimp will bo glvon at the homo ot Mr. and Mrs. Julius Hoga cm Monday ev ening, February 7th. Christian Scionco service Sunday-11 a. m., subject of lesson sermon "Spir it." Sunday school 12. m. Building ft Loan building, room 25. 1 Mrs. Roy Prltchard, of Omaha, for merly of this city, who visited Mr. and Mrs. Dan Roberts for several days, loft the first of this week. Mrs. William Holddn, of Colorado Springs, formerly Miss Hazel Rork of this city, came a few days ug: to visit her mother for two weeks. . Azle Hardin, the twelve year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hardin, who sub mitted to an operation for appendi citis yesterday at the City hospital, is doing n'Iccly. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Combs and 'amily will leave shortly for Columbus where they will locate on a rhnoh. Mr. Combs has been employed here as an assistant to Officer Weidman of the Union Pacific for some time. A musicale will be given in the base ment of the Episcopal church "Wednes day evening, February 9th, under the auspices of the Tllllkum club. An admission price of twenty-five tjonts will be charged, which will Include ..a good program and refreshments. C. 0. Weingand, who purchase; the former Penlston property on tho cor ner of Fourth and Locust, sold it yes terday to Mrs. Louise Peters for a con sideration of ?5,5.00. Mrs. Peter3 pur chased "the property as an inovstnient tor the present but some time in the future will proably erect a building. The Tllllkum girls will meet at the ' n"ome of Miss Hildegarde Clinton Sun day morning to attend the services at eleven o'clock at the Episcopal church in a body. They will furnish flowers to decorate -the altar in memory of the late Deaconess Mina Stewart, who was one of their members, and died during November. f Superintendent Tout return ?d this week from the state-wide conference called last week by State Superin tendent A. O. Thomas at Lincoln and the winter meeting of the Nebraska Association of City Superintendents. This latter meeting was hel l in tho new Bancroft school in Lincoln and a luncheon was served by the Household Economics Department of tho school.. The superintendents of all the schools In Nebraska organized under section 23 of tho laws of the state and Omaha included, are members of this associ ation. Supt. Tout was prosllent last year and was re-elected for Vhc com ing year. lie will invito the association to meet at North Platte nxt vear, when the Junior high school Is In oper ation. There are fifty-five schools be longing to the association this year. S, lEs jL Li Is Made on Every Pair of Shoes Bought at This Store: Scores of new styles can be bought from SffmMlf P?f Our Motto: Better Shoes tor Less Money. HARRY'S SHOE SHOP FIRST DOOR SOUTH OF KEITH THEATRA. r WE DO REPAIRING HROMtF.CK ic SOX I1UV FIFTH STHHKT LOTS J. AV. Payne, through Buchanan . Patterson, sold tho two vacant lots cast of tho B. & L. building Wednesday for a consideration of fifty-five hun dred dollars. The purchasor wa.i Brod bock & Son. Tho lots arb 4Pcl32. It is tho intention of tho purchasers to place a building on one of the lots wthln the next year, though at this; time they have not decided Jus: its size. This building will bo uscJ as a meat market, with largo cold storag? room in connection. Tho building at prosent obcupled by Brodbeck & Son will bo torn down In tho spring and a now building erected, thus causing the fitm to seek other quarters. Pending the erection of thoir new building tho 'moat market will occupy the nortli room of ho now Morscli building, the removal to be made early in the spring. S' Tho purchase made by Bjrodbed & Son is considered a good buy; the lo cation Is an excellent one formally class of trade, as tho number of peopla pass ing along that street is nearly nj great as on Dowcy street. ::o:: (Jiveu $1.00 Judgment" The case of John O'Conner vs. Lin coln county for $2,000 damages was on in tho district court Wednesday and yesterday. The plaintiff claimed that while returning to his home several miles from this cty, on tho evening of Juno 7th, 1915, he had an accident occur which demolished his wagon, Injured his team and; injured hiin. In such a manner that he was unable to resume work for sev eral months and that the accident was caused by the condition of the roads which ho was advised to use and told were in good repair. ' ile also! claims that a gold watch and other valuables were lost In the darkness and never recovered and that the county twas responsible for the injur ies lie received and the time which. he has lost Ho was represented, by AVilcox & Halligan. Tho jury returned a verdict last night giving the plaintiff Judgment for one dollar, and taxiing tho cost to him. ::o:: Miss Ruey Shaner, of Tho Leader is taking a two weeks' vacation which she will spend with Ithc home folks at Maxwell. James Eddy, who recently came hre from Denver, and has been employed at tlie Barkalow news stand In the U. P. depot, expects to leave shortly for Chicago to locate. Charley Bryan, of Lincoln, hni filed for the democratic nomination for gov ernor, as has also Geo. W. Borge of. the same city. C. J. Miles, of Hastings .is an addition to the republicans who have filed for the same office. The case of Sophie Schmidt, of Brady, against Ben Schleicher, In which she charges the latter with be ing the father of her six months old child, is on trial in the district court today. Tho case is a civil action and tho plaintiff is represented uy Peeler & Crosby and Robt. Beatty and tho de fendant by Hoagland & Hoaslnnd and Matt Goring of Plnttsmouth. AVI Every pair "Union Made" CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. Georgo Weiuborg was taken ill with small-pox yesterday. W. W. Christ, of Belmnr, Is spending this week in town with frlonda. Dr. Fetter, of Brady, is anion,? tho out of town people here this week. Mr. and Mrs.. Will Cokqr, of Suther land, are spending this week wlt'i local friends. J. H. Harrow, of Calloway, came n few days ago to visit his daughter, Mrs. Jack Palmer. Marvin Dlckorson, of Brad:', came up tills morning to transact buslnots for several days. Mrs. Thomas Hcaley will entertain the Catholic ladles Thursday after noon, Feruary lOfh. Mrs. Ditto, of Sutherland, returned home a fow days ago after visiting her sister Mrs. Harry Scott. s A. S. Coates of Sutherland, came down this morning to visit with his children for a few days. The regular danco of the Yeoman drill team will be held at tho Lloyd op era house this evening. George Carter, of Lincoln, h spend ing a few days here with local frionds and transacting business. Mrs. Asa Snow Is enjoying a visit from her sistor Mrs. Hudson, of Oma ha, who came the first of the .veek. The statement that Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snyder would entertain their wedding anniversary was Incorrect. "An affair of Three Nations' a fWe part mystery story,-will be the feature attraction at tho Keith tonight. "10c. Undei taker Maloney returned' this morning from Maxwell where lie con ducted the funeral of tho Merrick baby. ' Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott, who re sided at Sterling for several years, have returned here to make theTr home. Warren Doollttle, who has been at tending the state university, came homo last evening to remnin for sev- oral weeks. Boys, bring your ERECTOR Model In. Tomorrow, February uth, Is the last day to enter for the prize coniest at C. M. NEWTON'S. The Elk dancing party last evening was enjoyed y a largo number of the Elks and thoir ladles and damclnx con tinued until a lato hour. Tho members of the Twentieth Cen tury club will meet with Mra. M. E. Scott this afternoon and sow bandages for the wounded soldiers. , . Superlluous hair removed from the face, neck, arms and hands by the use of Depllagicne, easy to apply and harm less. Also a full line of tho famous Franco-American toilet articles. Em ily Coates' Beauty Parlors. F. Sltlll, of Dickens, was brought to the Nurse Brown hospital last night, having been injured while using a corn sheller. Ills left arm was badly torn and bruised and It was neot'ssary to amputate sovernl fingers. fe' ' ) NG Rushing Work on Hotel. Tho force of men employed on the new Hotel McCabe is as largo as (an bo handled and tho work Is belli1 rush ed. During tho past weok the heating plant has been Installed and many of the radiators placed. On the second and third Moors tho phisterln3 has been completed and the woodwoi'-c Is being finished. The workmon whe will lay the torraza floor arrived yesterday as did also tho men who will Install tlte passenger elevator. C. O. Woln gand, the lessee of tho hotol, has pur chased complete furnishings and thuse .will bo shipped ns fast as they can be placed. It is probable that the hotel will bo ready to receive guests by tho first of April. ;;o:: I" llli' IMunii lliiviluiwu. c - I The special pianp sale con.luoted by tho Gaston Music Co. In this rity last month resulted in the sale of twenty four pianos and two player oiaium. L. L. Walkor, the loc"hl ogent, considers that this is going some, and we guess It Is, ns the sale lasted but fifteen days. Slmilnr sales wore hold at tho same time at Kearney, Grand Island and Hastings and tho total Instruments sold numbered 182. ' ::o:: 31 rs. 3Ilk'luU to Jnll . Airs. Effie Mitchell, tho woman vho married J. T. Nystrom, the farmer liv ing north of Brady, had him deed her his farm, and then attempted to sell the land and bid Nystroln a loii faro woll, wns sentenced to Jail for three months at Grand Island yesterday. C J. Clough, her associate, was given a similar sentence. ::o:: AXOTHKK SPKCLVL AT T1IK CASH 3IAHKKT, SATUIM) VY Phono 20. Figs' Necks or Sparc Ribs, I lbs 2oe Suiior Kraut, per quart 5c Fresh beef heads per lb 10c COUNTY NIHVS Y. and S. Ynmaka, of Sedgwick, Co)., arrived yesterday with two cani of emigrant goods and aro moving onto the R, A. Frame. placo which 'hey have rented for the yenr D. S. AlcCon- nell was elected director for the third district of the of the Platte Vnlky Irrigation District nt the oloctlcfii hold Tuesday. C. R. Lawrence is the retir ing member. Dave will tako his scat tho first meeting In March A "feed special" was run from Nebraska to Rawlins and Laramie, Wyo., where ihe snow hns made it extremely hard for the stock feeders to get feed. Sover.il cars wore picked up at this station. Hershoy Times. Geo. Crosby fell from a hayrack to tho wheel of a wagon one day lust week, receiving some severe hurls. Some ribs wore fractured In the acci dent, and it lias been with a great deal of difficulty that he has managed to keep up a semblance of his usual ac tivity about tho placo. Sutherland Free Lance. ' Andy Clnpp purchased tho Pulliain hotel the latter part of last A'eok. Tho price paid was not stated, but tho building nnd furnishings when new cost about SS.OOO. Tho hotel was built by Mr. Pullinm somo five or bix year ago, Mr. Clapp will bo unablo to take charge before the first of March, as he is a farmer and cannot movo to Brady before that time. Tho former owner will look after tho business un til then. Wo understand that the new ownor wil spend consldorablo monoy in making Improvements. Br idy Vin dicator. ::o:: 1 ' The Swedish Lutheran congregation will have their mooting Sunday, Feb ruary Cth at Ihe Adventlst church Tenth nnd Willow street. Rev. Rescu er. .Money To Loan. On well Improved fnrma at 8 per cent, no commission you get tho money tho dnv you sign nanoni. address F28, ; TrlDuno office. North l'ir.tto. .nod. z-z Telephone Yoin Grocery orders toj.32 They will given prompt and SOCIETY AND CLUBS. Tho M. M. M. club will meet on Wed nosday afternoon with Mrs. Wm. Hnw lay. Mrs. Edmund Dlokoy will entertain the Mothers' club Wcdnosdnv nftor- noon. Tho Travel nnd Study club will moot Monday ovonlng nt tho homo of Mrs. H. C. Brock. The ladlos' auxiliary of I1i Harry E. Brown Camp U. S. W. V., will hold a box social at their hall on Thursday ovonlng, February 17th. The Catholic ladlos woro ontertntnod yesterday afternoon by Mosdnmoa Al bert Schatz, J. B. Hayes, John Hcrrod nnd Georgo Austin, nt the home ot the lattor. Tho Lltoraturo department of the Twentieth Century club will nicer Tuesday afternoon, February Jtn, with Mrs. I. E. Stebblns. Mrs. S. M. Soudcr will act as loader. Tho Club Novltu mot nt tho liomo of Mrs. John Tucker Wednesday after noon and sewed bandages for wounded soldiers. Lato In tho nftornoo.'i a dain ty two course lunch was servnd. Miss Ella Socsblo ontertaino l a num ber of young rrlcnds Tuesday evening nt a farewell party for MUa' Pearl Combs who will leave shortly lor Col umbus. Gaines woro played and dnlntv refreshments served. Mrs. Alphonso Picard entertained tho Et-A-Virp club Tuesday afternoon Two interesting contests wore hold nnd prizes awarded to Mrs. EJwaru Ogier nnd Mrs. William Dlener. En joyable refreshments were served late In tho nfternoon. Tho Eldeen club were the guests of' Mrs. Robert Arnold Wednesday after noon nnd spent a couple of hoiiY-s In kenslngton worjf. Mrs. Georgo Ger rard and Mrs. S'oe'sble wero taken into the .membership, " A nice lunch was served. Tho next meeting will be nt tho homo of Mrs. Chas. Tollc. Tho J5eta Zeta cljib met Wednesdav afternoon with Mrs. C. C. Williams. Mrs. J. B. Redfleld and Mrs. Thoma.i Mangle gavo very interesting talks. Mesdames Clyde Cook and George Trexlor were taken Into membership. A very enjoyable two cbur3o lunch was served. Tho club will moot In two weeks with Mrs. Harry Bybec. Tho Indian Card Club wns enler- alned Wednesday aftornoon by Airs. Will Jlnwloy. Five tables wjre used in the card games and prizes awarded to Miss Alma Wnltemnth and Mrs. J. F. Clubaugh. Mrs. Ilillard Rldgeley, of Cheyenne, was an out of town guest. Delicious refreshments wero served. Assisting tho hostess wore Mesdames James Hart, Thomas Hcaley -ind G. B. Dent. riio Tllllkum Girls wore entertained at the homo of Mrs. F. J. Wurlelo Wednesday evening. Twenty-six mem bers woro present and spent tlni even- ng In dancing and music. Mls3 Khtlicr Ilogsetl and Lillian Eaton wero taken in as now members. Delicious re freshments were served o'.i sninl. tables. Mrs, Georgo Finn, tho direct ress of the club wns presented with a sllvor tray and coasters an a birthday remembrance-. FOR HF.NT Mce 7 room cottage, bnlh mid Hlil, nil modern except licnt. .Ill West Front street. i:iil. distant bet vt con new round house, depot and nostofflce Just what you want. Kent reasona ble. See It It ATT k (J00I).HA Car of Boxed Apples v On Sale at the North Side Barn. Call and see them. We have a variety consist ing of Jonathan's, White Pearmain, Baldwin, Bellefleuer and York Imperial. They Are Selling Right. IE you cannot come and see call us by Phone 29, The low prices will last only one week. Julius Mogensen. CHARIiKY 025(3001) YIUK Ol'KN OVUItLANO GAItAdi: Minor Illnmnn hns rcllniuhhol tho agency for the Ovorland enrs uiu! tho factory has given the agency to C. II Osgood who will have a selling terri tory composed of Lincoln, KoiUi, Lo gnn, McPhorson and Arthur counties. Mr. Osgood expects to handle tho Ov erland cars exclusively, believing that the six models of that car offer a aut ficlont rnugo of prico to satisfy ay probablo purchaser of a car. Mr. Os good will receive his first Mhipmoiit within tho next weok. For those ho has secured storage spaco until ho se cures a salesroom and garage. II nas now under consideration propositions from two parties who havo offered to put up buildings suitable Tor ixrngo purpose. One of tho two will bo ac cepted within n fow days and the build ing will bo started as soon ns' tho weather will permit. Believing thut the Overland is ono of Hie host made cars on tho market and on c of tho host sellers, Mr. Os good expects to mako a number it sales In the nenr ruturo, having al ready soveral prospects. ;:o:; Child Labor Lnw Is Passed Washington. Tho Koa'tlng bill bar ring from Inlorstate commorce tho products of child labor was passed by tho house Wcdnesdny, 337 to Torty-slx, und now goes to tho senate. It im poses heavy penalties for lntorctato shipments of any comodity in whola or iu part produced by children under 10 working In mills, canneries, workshops or manufacturing establishments. Where children nro employed nt night for more than eight hours a day in this latter class of Industries, the innxt mum age Is 10 instcnd of 1-1. Opposition to tho bill came largely from the south. Representative. Webb of North Carolina, chairman of tho houso judiciary coininltteo urged that it was unconstitutional, and sought unsuccessfully to exempt tho children ot widows from Its opera'Uon. - Curious Manx Custom. On July C every year nil tho bfUclals of tho Islo of Man, liicludlnHho cler gy In their surplices, walk to tho top of Tynwald hill, and from tho top oe It the laws inn do during tho year nro promulgated In Manx and English. This promulgation of tho laws on Tyn wald hill Is n3 necessary us tho royal assent to tho validity of all laws pass ed by the Manx legislature. This Is one of the many relics which tho old Norsemen loft behind, and It dates so far back thut Its origin Is lost lu tho mists of nntluulty. Liverpool Mer cury. ' Wonderful. It was lu the Boston Musucm of Fine Arts. Tho llttlo man with tho limited look on his face wns standing before ' the mummy of nn Egyptian princess. "Isn't it wonderful," ho sigh ed, "to thlnlc.that any ono could mnko a Avoman drjrup' nnd stny that way?" And silently wiping nwny a tear ho hurried out mid. caught u car, for it was only twenty minutes to dinner time. Boston Post, Young Efficiency Expert. Caller So your son Wlllio has got a job as olllco boy. How is ho getting on? Fond Motlior-Splondidiy! IIo al-" ready knows who ought to bo discharg ed and Is merely waiting to got pro moted so that ho can attend to It. Boston Transcript. Well, Well. "Did you ever nlm at a deer lu tho Adlroudncks nnd bag n guldo?" "I did more than that. I aimed nt a dear In a drawing room and bagged a brldo."-Florldn TImessUnlon. careful attention. Lierk-Sandall Co.