The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 28, 1916, Image 7

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..General Hospital..
Phone 58 723 Locust Street
A modern institution for the
scientific treatment of medical,
surgical and confinement cases.
Completely equipped X-Ray
and diagnostic laboratories.
Geo. B. Dent, M. D. Y. Lucas, M. D.
J.B. Redfield, M. D. J. S. Sirams, M.D.
Miss Elise Sieman, Supt.
Office phone 241. Res. phone 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
Successor to
Drs. Redfield & Redfield
Office Phono C42 Res. Phono 676
Geo. B. Dent,
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention given to Suigery
'and Obstetrics.
Office: Building and Loan Building
. i Office 130
1 hones f Residence 115
In tho matter of tho Estato of Sarah
.Tano Boauchamp, Decoased.
To tho Creditors, Holrs and all per
sons interested in said Estate:
Notlco is hereby given, that Ralph
A. Beauchamn claiming an undivided
ono-sixth interest in and to Lot Flvo
(5) of Section Nino (9), in Township
Twelve (12), North or Range Twenty
eight (28). in Lincoln County. No
braskn. filed his petition in tho County
Court of Lincoln County, Nobraska,
praying that regular administration
may bo waived and for a determination
of tho timo of tho death of Sarah Jano
Boauchamp, and of tho holrs of said
deceased, and their dogreo of kinship
and tho Interest in said real estato of
tho petitioner and other holrs. and that
nil claims against said estato bo barred.
Said petition alleges that said Sarah
Jano Beauchamn died on or about Jan
uary 13, 1906, and that at tru dato or
her death sho was a resident of Lin
coln County, Nobraska, and was seized
of an estate of Inheritance In tho above
described premises by virtue of a Home
stead J'jntry tnoroon, wnicn is oi u. iuna
value than J2000.00 and Is wholly ex
empt from attachment, execution or
other mcsno process and not llablo for
tho payment of debts, and that there
survived her, Emmerson Beauchamp,
her husband, and tho following named
children: Charles L. Beauchamp, Ralph
A. Beauchamp, Eva Clark, Paul w.
eauchamp, Freda Gloave, and Graco
Beauchamp. , ,M .,
It Is hereby ordered that said peti
tion be heard at tho oillco of tho Coun
ty Judgo of Lincoln County, Nebraska,
on tho 4th day of February, 1916,
at 9 a. m. That notlco of this hearing
will be published In tho North Platto
Tribuno ior three succsslvo weeks prior
to said hearing. pnKNCII(
jll-3w County Judge.
The Basis of Rates
The last few yca-s have been perilous ones for public utili
ties. The cost of equipment and of "labor have been constantly
increasing, while there have been few increases in rates.
We do not believe that any public utility can furnish, nor
the public obtain, permanent and efficient service without a fair
The public is our only source of revenue and any increased
taxes, material or labor costs must always be met by the tele
phone users either directly or indirectly.
We have always endeavored to adjust our telephone rates
to make it possible for everyone to be connected who would add
to the value of the service, thus giving the greatest good to the
greatest number.
We believe that the public is best served by our charging
rates that will afford us enough money to maintain and operate
our system properly, furnish a sufficient surplus fund with,'
which to rebuild or restore parts of the plant when worn out,
and earn a fair rate of interest for the men and women whr
have their savings invested in our property.
Elizabeth Kaar-Langston
Teacher ot Singing
412 East Third Street
l'liono Red 101.
JOHN S. SIMMS, ar. D.,
Physician and Surgeon
Offlce B. & L. Building, Second Floor.
Phone, Office, 83; Residence. 38.
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention Given to Gynecology
Obstetrics and Children's Diseases.
Office McDonald State Bank Building.
Corner Sixth and Dewey Streets.
Phones, Office 183, Residence 283
Licensed Embnlmcrs
Undertakers and Funeral Directors
Day Phono 234.
Night Phone Black 588.
Bought and highest market
prices paid
Residence Red G3C
Office 459
Cigars in the Home
For tho next flro months smokers
will spend their evenings Indoors, nnd
wiint is nioro convenient and more
plcnsurcAblo than n hox of cigars at
home, easily accession) wlicn yoa nnvo
an inclination to smoke. Try a box
of onr homc-mado and hnnd-mndo el-
gars, tho kind that aro a Httlo better
than you bay elsewhere for tho sanio
Wo nl60 carry a full lino of to
bacco and smokers' articles.
J. F. Schmalzried.
Hospital Phono Black 633.
House Phono Black G33.
Graduate Veterinarian
i Bight years a Government Veterlnar-
lan. Hospital 218 south Locust St.
j one-half block southwest of. the
Court Housk
In tho mntter of tho estate of Melissa
P. Lindsay, Deceased.
In tho County Court of Lincoln Coun
ty Nebraska, January 4, 1916.
Notice is horoby given that tho cred
itors of said deceased will meet the
Administrator of said Estate, boforo the
County Judgo of Lincoln County, No
hraskn, at tho County Court Room, In
said County on tho 11th day of Fob.,
1910, and on tho 11th day of Aug., 191C,
at 9 o'clock a. m. each day, for tho pur
pose of presenting their claims for
examination, adjustment and allow
ance. Six months aro allowed for
creditors to present their claims, and
ono year for tho Administrator to sot
tlo said estate, from tho 11th day of
February, 1916. This notice will be
published in tho North Platto Tribune,
a legal newspaper printed In said
County, for four weeks consecutively,
prior to February 11, 1916.
, . , GEO. E. FRENCH,
Jll-4w County Judgo.
In tho matter of tire estate of Aloft B.
Swanson, deceased:
In tho County Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, Jan. 6, 1916.
Notlco Is hereby given that tho cred
itors of said deceased will meet tho Ad
mlstratrlx of said estate boforo tho
County Judgo of Lincoln County, Ne
braska, at tho County Court Room in
said County, on tho 11th day of Feb
ruary, 1916, and on tho 11th day of
August 1916, at 9 o'clock a. m. each
day, for tho purposo of presenting
their claims for examination, adjust
ment and allowance. Six months aro
allowed for creditors to present tholr
claims, and ono year for tho Adminis
tratrix to settlo said estate from tho
11th day of February, 1916. Tills no
tied will bo published in tho North
Platto Tribune, a legal newspaper
printed In said County, for four weeks
successively prior to February 11, 1916.
Jn-4w County Judgo.
In tlio Mutter of the Uxdile of Mur
crntlut llurkc, I)ccliin-.I.
In tho County Court ot Lim-oin Coun
ty, Nobraska, Nov. 26, 1311.
Notice is hereby given that tho cred
itors of said deceased will incut tho
Executors of said Estato beforo tho
County Judgo of Lincoln County, Ne
braska, at tho County Court Room, in
said County, on tho 2Sth day ot Janu
ary, 1916 and on tho 28th day of July,
1916, at 9 o'clock A. M. each day, for
tho purposo of presenting tholr claims
for oxamlnatlon.-ndjustment nnd allow
ance. Six months urn !llnwnil fnr rf.-ii.
itors to present tholr clalmr, and or,o
year for tho Executors to aottlo said Es-
xoio irom tno zsth day of Jan., 1916.
This notice will bo published in tho
North Platto Tribune, a legal nowspaper
printed In said County, for four wet-ks
successively prior to Jnnuary 2Sth, 1916.
d28-lw County Judgo.
Order of Hearing I Xotlee on ivtl-
t vnt of Account.
In tho County Court of Lincoln County,
St,t0 .?r Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss.
Up tho heirs nnd all persons Interest
ed in tho estato of Ann .Jano Barra
clough, deceased:
On reading tho petition of Freder
ick Barraclough praying a final settle
ment and allownnco of his account tiled
' tls Court on tho 10th day of Jan.,
1916, and for a docrco of distribution
and his discharge as such administra
tor. It Is hereby ordored that you and
all persons Interested in said mattor
niay and do, appear at tho County
Court to bo hold in and for said County
on thp 4th day of February, 1916, at 9
p clock a. m., and show causo, If any
there be, why tho prayor of tho potlton
pr should not bo granted, and that no
tlco of tho pendency of said petition
and tho hearing thereof bo given to all
persons interested In said matter by
publishing a copy of this order in tho
North Platto Tribuno, a sornl-weokly
newspaper printed in said county for
tnreo successive weokH prior to said
da y of hearing.
Jll-3w County Judge.
Sho was born n flirt. When she was
a llttlu girl she preferred tho company
of boys rnthor than girls; not that she
was a tomboy, for she was very foml
nine. When sho was thirteen she cat)
tured a boy of ten and gave him n
genuine case of love. At fifteen she
enthralled a man of thirty. At eight
eon her adorers were numberless. At
twenty her mother Insisted that sho
should stop flirting nnd marry.
She promised to think about It, but
beforo she had finished her thinking
she was twenty-four, and by that tlnu
a woman Is hnrd to please. At twen
ty-slx she was not only harder to
please, but hud fewer eligible men to
choose from. Then she woke up one
morning to find lforsclf an old maid.
She did not like the prospect before
her. She declined to accept It. Slu
set her jaws and resolved that she
would marry for n homo and children.
She did not agree with tho poet that
"knowledge comes, but wisdom lin
gers." She believed sho could select
n partner who would fulfill all the
conditions of a deslrnblo husband. As
for romance, bah! Had she not been
very nearly in love with Chnrllo Ash
urst, who bad afterward gone to the
bad? Sho had been engaged to Tom
Chester, who was now a fat, baldhead
cd pig. Her mother had Interposed be
tween her and Jimmio Ludlow, who
bnd married and had been divorced for
cruelty, well established. This was
or had been romance. No more of It
for her. Sho wanted a man who would
go to business In the morning, return
In the evening and not bother her for
those little attentions husbands usual
ly desire. She would lavish her affec
tion on the children.
She met a mnn a few years her sen
lor who seemed to fill tho bill. On
meeting hur he seemed Interested In
her. He did very little talking, but
was a first jato listener. So far as
sho could discover there wns not n
spark of I'omanco In him. Sho defer
milled to marry him If she could.
Ueabzlng that tho coquettish ways of
a girl in her teens would not avail her
now. sho tried to make herself accept
able to him as a companion. Sho
...II.,.. I ...... I.. ...... .!.-. rtt
uinvi-ii rv.-nsiuij-, uciuil SCUSlUiy.
admitted that she had made a mistake
in not marrying when younger and
would like to rectify the error before
It was too late. Any time was time
enough for a home, but would soon be
too late for children. She also Inti
mated (hat the man she wanted was
one who would make her eomfortnblc.
Loe after marriage, she bad heard
married persons say, was, after all,
but an Intensified companionship.
He neither assented nor dissented
from this. He looked at her curiously
while she was saying It, and sho won
dered what bo was thinking about
Perhaps it was his reticence nnd her
own curiosity that gave her an Inter
est in him, the strength of which she
did not realize. Sho noticed that,
though he said very little, what ho did
say Inspired confidence. After an even
ing spent In his company she felt her
inferiority. He paid her few compli
ments, but when ho did praise her
she felt that he meant It nnd she de
served It.
Notwithstanding that they were much
together nnd she had admitted that
she wished to marry, he did not pro
pose. Either he was obtuse or he
preferred to remain a bachelor. Nev
ertheless his visits Increased In fre
quency, and at last he was with her
every other evening. Finally ho said
to her:
"Your philosophy has converted me.
A marriage based on common sense
Is worth a dozen with no other foun
dation than infatuation. That's what
it is, infatuation. I.Ike you, I wish to
marry for n home and children."
"It's coming at last," she said to
"At my time of life 1 look for the
woman who Is most likely to make my
home comfortable. I have been con
sidering two women not that I have
any assurance that I can get either
yourself and another. I think the oth
er will make me the more comfortable,
though sho Is not as attractive as yon."
This was too much for her philoso
phy. Sho looked at him, trying to And
voice to make a reply, but feared to
betray herself by a quivering lip.
"I would like you to meet my liaucee,"
ho continued. "Sho Is not intellectual,
but practical. One thing about her
that has gone far to decide mo In her
favor Is that sho is an excellent cook."
At last sho found voice to speak.
"Your words are positively brutal!"
lie burst Into n laugh, at the same
time taking her Into his aims.
"Am I more brutal," he said, "than
)he girl who drovo Fred Jones to at
tempt suicide?"
"Fred Jones!"
"Yes. I am that Fred Jones whom
you lured to a proposal eleven years
ago and who left you to Jump Into a
river, from which ho was unwillingly
rescued. Ho recovered from a desire
to fill himself with dirty wntcr, but
has never recovered from his lovo of
tho dear girl who sent him forth thnt
night to"-
"licavensr she interrupted, "i can
remember n good many of them, but
I can't recall any ono by the name of
"It doesn't matter. The ago of ro
manco with us hns pnsral. Wo need
each other now. In our youth we
didn't; tho world was ours."
Tlioy were married, nnu every one
suld, "Whnt a lackadaisical couple!"
Love and a Cathedral Altar.
The high altar of tho Freiburg ca
thedral, with its matchless carvings,
tells n story not only of lovo, but of
love's triumph through tho sharp wit
of tho lover. Tho simple woodenrver,
Hans l.cfrlnk, who had been the early
protego of Maximilian I., 200 years
beforo Alsaco was captured by tho
French, luid dared to lovo tho daugh
ter of a rich man, and sho was foolish
enough to lovo him in return. The in
dignant parent, when tho youth had
received tho commission to enrvo tho
high nltar, nnd on the strength ot this
honor asked for the hand of his love,
received tho haughty response, "When
you carve an altar as much higher than
the church In which It stands, as my
daughter Is higher than you, you may
lead her to that altar in marriage." It
was an Impossible condition, but noth
ing Is Impossible to love. When tho
altar had been Installed It was ob
served that the topmost point of It wns
bent forward, extending In a curve,
nnd was actually about fifteen Inches
higher than the church. It merely
stooped a little In order to conquer.
St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
When Gasoline Huns Low.
In Farm and Fireside Is an Ingenious
suggestion for autolsts whoso gasoline
has run so low that they have trouble
In hill climbing.
Ono sometimes is caught out with n
low supply of gasoline through having
to make long detours to avoid bad
roads or from other causes. The sup
ply can be made to stroteh over this
emergency by adding denntured alco
hol or kerosene. Occasionally thero Is
sufllclcnt gasoline for tho ordinary lev
el road, but not enough for an unex
pected hill.
In this ease tho principle of pressure
feed enn be applied. Screw tho cap
down tight on thu gasollno tank and
then sharpen a match to lit tho venti
lating hole In thu cap. Blow Into this
holo as hnrd as posslblo and immedi
ately plug with a sharpened match.
Usually this will enable tho driver to
make tho hill without further trouble.
Hut If not ho can turn the car around
and back uphill.
Doctors' Bills.
Your doctor's bill, as a general rule,
reads, "For professional services ren
dered." That means thnt you aro to
pay for work done and not for miracles
performed. If you hire n doctor to at
tend you In sickness you enter a con
tract to pay for his expert services,
whether bo succeeds In curing you or
not. it would be unfortunate for both
parties In tho contract If tho terms
wcro otherwise.
Two things are not yet clearly un
derstood by some people flrst, a doc
tor's fee Is collectable, and, second, a
doctor Is not legally bound to attend
any one under any circumstances un
less he wants to. You can't make a
doctor work for a contingent fee, and
you can't make him work at all If ho
chooses to refuse his services. Chica
go News.
One of Nature's Show Places.
Ogden canyon, a deep cleft through
the towering Wasatch mountains, over
looking tho Great Salt lake, is one of
nature's show places, cut In tho solid
rock by tho river which runs through
It, tho rushing water, from prehistoric
times, carrying quantities of sand nnd
gravel which simply filed out tho pres
ent wonderful canyon. Ogden river
was flowing west along Us present
courso before the lofty Wasatch moun
tains came Into existence. The raising
of the mountains went on slowly for
ages, so slowly that tho river kept Its
place by cutting down Its ever rising
bed. In no other way can scientists
rationally account for a river rising on
one side of tho range and flowing di
rectly across it. Argonaut.
Magnetic Storms.
Contrary to tho general belief, mag
netic disturbances do not begin nt the
same moment all over the globe. In
stead of that they progress around tho
earth. In the case of abrupt disturb
ances, which are usually comparative
ly mlnuto In their effect on the com
pass needle, the complete passage
around tho earth requires from thrco
to four minutes. For the bigger ef
fects or for the greater magnetic
storms the rnte of progression Is slow
er; so that It would tako them half an
hour or more to puss around the earth
Festival of Minerva.
The most notable festival at Athens
was in honor of Minerva. All classes
of citizens on this day mnrehed In pro
cession. The oldest went first, then
the young men, the children, tho young
women, the matrons and the peoplo of
tho lower orders. The most prominent
object In tho parade was a ship pro
pelled by hidden machinery nnd bear
ing at Its masthead the sacred banner
of tho goddess.
Curious Lake.
In the center of Klldlne, an Island In
the German ocean, Is u curious lake.
The surfaco of Its waters Is quite fresh
and supports fresh water creatures,
but deep down It Is as salt as the great
est depths of the sea. and salt water
fish live In it.
HlQhly Important.
It Is highly Important when a man
makes up his mind tew bckum n rns
kali that ho shod examine hissclf clus
ly and see If ho ain't better konstruct
ed for a phool. Josh Hillings.
"I'a, what's 'Innocuous desuotudo?' "
"It's what I fall Into, son, when your
mother and a caller start to discussing
the servant problem." Birmingham
Poverty Is tho north wind thnt lashes
men Into viklims. Oulda.
Copyright, 1915, by McClwro News
paper Syndicate.
Tho Swamp farm, ns It was called
wns situated four tulles out of Dayton
and was owned by tho Widow Bliss.
Tho tin peddler, the sewing machine
agent, the book canvasser, tho patent
right man and many otliors who enmo
that way saw, ml ml red and wero ready
to love the owner of the Swamp farm,
She admitted to herself that It might:
be better If she had a good husband,
but she had a "nay" for all these men
except one. He was a Mr. William
Iturton. Ho wns a man Just about her
age and ranked as an old bachelor.
Mr. Hurton didn't begin as most of tho
others had. He had tho senso to ad
mit o the widow without telling tier
that he admired.
Mr. Burton could talk of soils, crops,
swamps, tho weather and a hundred
other things and never let a hint fnll
that he intended some day to talk of
lovo and matrimony. The widow
mentally pitied him for this, and yet
sho felt a bit piqued.
Mr. Hurton was a surveyor, and his
duties called him Into the neighbor
hood of tho Swamp farm about ouco u
week. Ho could probably hnvo mndo
it once In two weeks nnd;perhnp3 onco
In four, but It's nono ot our business.
Along about Wednesday In every week
tho widow would look out of tho front
door nnd see Mr. Burton surveylug or
pretending to. Ho would look up by
accident and sco her standing thero
nnd would be invited In to drink a
glass- of fresh buttermilk.
This thing had gono on for a long,
long time when he callcd-ono day, not
to survey her garden, but to sit In tho
house and talk.
"Widow. I have been coming hero n
long time," he began.
"And It has tired you out?" sho
Innghed In reply.
"Not u bit. I camo today to ask you
to bo my wife."
"Mr. Burton." replied tho widow, "I
mndo up my mind about this marrlago
question quite a long tlmo ago. I shall
marry tho man who can tell mo how
to mnko money out of my old swnmp.
When I am sure that ho has told mo
right ho may bring In tho prencher."
"That old swamp has been a bleak
spot for fifty years." ho said after a
time. "By tho way, you don't own all
the swamp, do you 7"
"No. There's twenty-eight acres of
It that belong to Mr. Cooper, but ho
can't do anything more with his part
than 1 can with mine."
Mr. Hurton walked down to tho edgo
of the swamp and back again, and
then he sat down nnd took his head
In his hands and thought and thought,
By and by he looked up with a bright
smile on his face and said:
"Mrs. Bliss, I have got It. I have
solved the problem. You nro to turn
that swamp Into a frog farm!"
"Gracious me. but whoever heard of
such a thlng7" sho exclaimed.
"Lots of folks have heard of It
There are half a dozen men In this
stato who are raising frogs for tho
market nnd mnklug n henp of money
out of It."
"Hut I never heard of any ono selling
frogs," persisted the widow. "Would
any ono In Dayton eat a frog, much
less buy one?
"Not In Dayton," ho laughed, "but in
Now York. They aro on -the bills of
faro at most hotels and restaurants
and nro considered a great dellcncy.
They eat only the hind legs."
It was a week later that men nnd
boys called at the Swamp farm with
palls and baskets and paper bags.
When the widow had bought COO big
and little frogs and paid out so much
money that she had to let her tuxes
slip by she went down to the swamp
ono morning to have a look at her
"live stock."
Not a frog wns In sight this morning,
not n big ono or n little one. Thnt
swamp was absolutely without life.
Tho widow ran back to tho house
and arrived there Just a mlnuto beforo
Mr. Burton nppeared.
"I I was going to send for you!"
sho Kaspcd.
"What lias happened?" ho nsked.
"Kvory frog has dlsnppcaredl"
"You don't say!"
"Como along nnd see for yourself."
IIo walked along down to tho swamp
with her, and she heard him chuckling
as ho walked. Instead of looking over
tho swamp to see if ho could solvo tho
problem ho sat down on a log nnd bo
gan to laugh.
"Whnt do you mean, Mr. Burton?"
wns almost demanded.
"I was to tell you how to mnko
money out of this old swnmp."
"Yes, you said you could, but It
serins you havo only shown mo how
to lose money Instead."
"You aro wrong, widow you nro
wrong," said Mr. Burton. "You see,
thero wcro twenty-eight acres which
you didn't own. I bought them. When
you had 000 frogs on your sldo of tho
swnmp I threw a lot of frog food In on
my side. Last night your 000 camo
over the lino. They nre now mv prop
erty." Tho widow looked nt him with min
gled amazement and Indignation.
"Oh, don't look that wny." ho laugh
ed. "I am now going to tell you how
j on may mnko tho money."
"now how" sho stammered.
"Why, mnrry tho man who owns tho
COO frogs I" ho replied.
And after about a month sho did.
Sho not only mndo money out of tho
frog farm, but she got n good husband
besides, and that Is something that
money cannot buy.