The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 28, 1916, Image 3

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Utility Hats of Mourning
' , 1 1 " ' '' " ' ' "' " " " """" " ""J
Bccauso mourning hats havo a
lasting place in the- Rchomo of things,
special fabrics aro manufactured for
making them. BcsldcB crapo, nun's
veiling and grenadine there aro heav
ier silks that aro used for tho utility
hats of mourning. Crape is often
used in tho decoration of these hats
of heavier silk, and since tho process
of waterproofing it has been discov
ered its durability rivals that of any
other silk.
Three mourning hats for street
wear aro Bhown hero. Dignified and
conservative shapes are chosen for
them, and thoy aro made with ex
qulslto neatness and accuracy. Tucks
and folds and ornaments mmlo of tho
material aro as characteristic of these
hats as of those mado entirely of
At tho left of the picture a sailor hat
of chiffon taffeta has a brim of even
width all around, covered with tho silk
put on plain, and a soft top crown.
Overlapping bias folds cover tho side
crown, and a novel rosette of the silk
forms tho trimming. It Is posed
squarely in front.
At tho right a hat with a wider
brim Is covered with faillo silk put on
smoothly. There is a ribbon band
about the crown, and whero the brim
lifts at tho back a bow and ends of
tho same ribbon. Tho ornament at
tho front simulates a bird and Is mado
of overlapping folds of silk on a
At tho top a hat suited to tho ma
tron is mado of a corded silk. It is
r. tricorue shape and tho silk covers
tho shapo smoothly. Ornaments ro
sembllng quills aro mado by winding
foundations of wired buckram with
Making Ready the
Now Is tho time to think of new
blouses and to make them ready for
spring and summer. Already tho ad
vance models for tho coming soaBon
aro shown In variety so great that it
bewilders the thrifty buyor who as
pires to making an early selection.
To go about this in tho right way it is
necessary to classify each blouse ac
cording to its character, and that Is
iotermined by tho use to which It Is
to bo put. Tho now offerings show
tho shirt waist, tho sport shirt, tho
Jcmldress, and tho dressy blouse, and
all of them developed in any ono, or
two, of a dozen materials.
Whatever the design, It may ho do
ponded upon that tho materlul Is sheer
or light in weight If not transparent,
nearly always washable, whether cot
ton, linen, or silk, and that a combi
nation of two fabrics is plentifully
shown In blouses as lu dresses, among
the scmldrcss arid dressy modols.
High necks and low necks aro almost
equully In evidence, so that there Is
a cholco of styles, and many dressy
blouses and a few shirt waists fasten
in the back.
Two beautiful models for dressy
wear aro shown in tho picture, and
thoy are representative styles. Tho
hlouso at tho left Is mado of georg
ette crepo In white and maize color,
and has a V-shaped neck with high
turnover collar and long sleeves. Tho
upper part of tho blouso 13 of tho
white cropo sot on to tho lowor part,
In malzo color, by a tuck with hem-
bias folds of the silk. They aro mount
ed nt tho front, following tho lino of
the brim at tho right, and run through
rings mado in the same way as they
Theso hats aro correct for street
wear, In shapo and material, and In
tho methods used in making them.
They aro shown In tho correct poso
on tho head. Jaunty shapes and rakish
poses aro obviously entirely out of
placo In mourning millinery.
Rose Petal Cushions.
Sofa pillows wore never more
charming! Where Is tho woman who
can resist the appeal of tho newest
rose-petal one? it Is shaped exactly
like a rose, with tho petals nearest
tho heart of tho deepest shade. Each
petal is cut separately, gathered where
It Is attached, and by this means is
shaped so that tho perfect llower is
simulated petal by " petal. Among
theso satiny potals tho head sinks
to rest in downy ease.
Care of Complexion.
Some complexions will not accept
soap and water, others cannot enduro
oil cosmetics. There Is as much dif
ference between complexions as there
is between digestions what Is food
for ono Is poison for another. As a
general rule, for tho averago skin
tho soap and water bath at night is
of great benefit. To retire with the
dust and grime of the day remaining
on one's countenanco is to treat one's
face nogligently.
Always Justice Triumphs.
Man is unjust but God is Just, am
finally Justice triumphs. Selected.
Spring Blouses
stitching at the top. There is a bor
der an inch wide, of tho maizo color,
set about tho edge of tho turnover
collar, and a wide hand of it sot In
tho cuff. Tho waist fastens down tho
front with black buttons having whitu
A flower design In whlto (loss out
lined with black Is embroidered on tho
maize-colored crepe, and all the
seams in this elegant blouso aro hem
stitched. It is machino made and
can bo bought, therefore, for about
llvo dollars.
Next to It Is a much more expensive
affair mado of marquisette, with every
stitch in it put in by hand. French
knots nnd pin tucks covor consider
able of its surface An applique and
embroidery design of grapes and
leaves makes an exquisite banding
set into tho material with n narrow
cluny Insertion. Tho standing collar
is finished with a cluny edging.
This waist requiros very llttlo more
outlay of money for material than the
other, but tho beautiful uccdlowork In
it makes it bring a stiff price. And
tho initiated who are nblo to gratify
their cultivated and expensive tasto
pay something like forty dollars for it.
Green Not for Brunettes.
Green Is nn Ill-becoming color for
brunettes to wear.
Are Worth a Mace at Any Table
Where Good Living Is Properly
Ham With Pickle Sauce. Buy a
four-pound piece of tender raw hnm.
Rcmovo tho skin and neatly trim all
round. Heat a tnblcspoonful of lard
In a saucepan, lay In tho ham and
lightly brown for five mlnutos on. each
side. Lift up tho ham and placo on a
pinto. Put in tho anucopan two ounces
of larding pork cut in Bmall pieces,
ono small sound sliced carrot, one
Bmall sliced onion, ono branch sliced
celery, two branches of chopped pars
oy, ono bay leaf, two cloves and one
saltspoonful of thyme. Allow this mix
turo to brown for flvo minutes, mixing
occasionally, and add tho ham. Moisten
with a cup of hot water, and, If handy
two tablespoonfulB of tomato Julco.
Season with half a tcaspoonful of pep
per. Cover tho pan and lot boll for
flvo minutes. Then placo In tho oven
to bako for 35 minutes. Strain Into
another saucepan and add six vinegar
pickles, finely chopped, ono table
spoonful of chopped capers, half n
tcaspoonful of chopped parscly and n
tablcspoonful of vinegar. Lightly mix
and boll for two minutes. Pour over
tho ham and servo. This dash requires
caroful preparation to bo tasty, but
when properly cooked It is a meal In
Itself with a service of potatoes.
Delicious Ham Savory. Placo In n
chopping bowl three ounces of cooRcd,
lean ham and chop for ten minutes
until it Is a smooth pulp. Then add
halt a tablcspoonful of good butter,
two tcaspoonfuls of tablo sauco, halt
a saltspoonful of cayenne pepper and
half a tcaspoonful of mustard. Chop
tho whole well together for flvo min
utes more and pjaco this pasto on a
plato. Preparo six small round pieces
Df toust. Divide tho ham preparation
evenly on tho toast and servo immo
Do not fry fish In butter.
Do not allow fish to stand in water.
Very good fish chowder Is made
with haddock.
When tho top of tho stove Is red
hot, tho oven Is not hot.
Old velveteen should bo saved for
polishing cloths.
Dry Hour rubbed oil tin with a news
paper will clean It beautifully.
Chceso Is very nourishing, and
should bo served In many different
Do not forget whole hominy when
planning nourishing and inexpensive
French fried potatoes dipped in
cornmeal beforo frying aro excellent.
Baked Apple Dumplings.
Select tart apples, pare and core
them and cut in quarters. Three large
apples should mako six -dumplings.
Tho dough is mado as follows: Two
and a half cupfuls of flour, ono heap
ing teaspoonful of baking powder and
ono teaspoonful of salt. Sift theso in
gredients together. Rub two-thirds
cup of lard into tho flour and mix
with enough cold water to make a
dough which can bo easily handled.
Divide tho dough In six parts and roll
each part out large enough to hold
tho apples. When tho dough is rolled,
put tho apples in tho center and fold
tho dough over ltf pinching tho ends
together. Bako in a shallow buttered
dish in a modorato oven and serve
with cream and sugar.
Corn Pudding Au Gratln.
DIco two tablespoonfulB cream
cheese, and mix with one-half pint
canned corn. Add one-half pint milk
ono well-beaten egg, one-half tea
spoonful sugar, one-half tcaspoonful
salt, and popper to taste. Now molt
ono tablcspoonful butter In baking
dish, pour in tho mixturo and sprinkle
bread crumbs over top. Bako In a
quick oven. When I open a can of
corn, I always divide it In two, and
mako two different dishes of It. Bos
ton Globe.
Veal Scallop.
Chop cold roast veal very fine, put n
layer In tho bottom of a pudding dish,
sonson with salt and popper, covoi
with a layer of rolled crackors and
hits of buttoriftwet well with milk and
continue until dish Is full. Wet the
wholo with broth and milk; Invert a
pan over It so as to rotaln steam and
bako ono-half hour.
Italian Salad.
Ono cupful of shelled peanuts, foui
largo bananas, a few whlto grapes and
ono cupful of mayonnaise dressing
Put tho peanuts through a food chop
per; split tho bananas and dip them
In tho dressing, then roll in tho nuts
Servo on crisp lottuco leaves gar
nished with tho grapes.
Tomato Timbalcs.
Boll two cuyfuls of tomatoes and
halt an onion ilvo minutes. Thicken
with a teaspoonful of dissolved flour.
Cool, add threo beaten eggs and 1111
small buttered molds. Sot in a pan of
hot water and bako until firm like
Baked Onion With Cheese.
Peel and cut out In ono-half Inch
slices largo whlto onions. Parboil in
salted water, drain, and arrango in a
buttorcd baking dish with bits of but
ter, and bako until soft; then sprinklo
with salt, popper and a layer of
choose. Return to tho oven long
enough to molt tho cheese.
Worth Knowing.
Dark calicoes should bo ironed on
tho wrong sldo with IronB that aro not
too hot.
General view of Bergen, ono of tho
buildings wcro burned nnd thousands of
This 1b a photograph taken during the annual bowl light between the freshmen nnd sophomores nt tho Uni
versity of Pennsylvania, in which ono lad lost his lire and bIx othcrB wero badly injured. At tho loft Is a por
trait of William Llfson of Eliznb'jthj N. J who wus killed. Ho was a member of the freshman class and wna
twenty years om.
Samuel Gompors, Secretary of Labor WHhou and others taking part In
tho ceremony of laying the cornorstono of tho now building being erected
In Washington as hendquarters of tho Amorlcan Federation of Labor.
Tho battleship Oklahoma, latest supurdreudnuught to bo ndded to tho
United States navy, here seen as sho passed beneath tho Brooklyn bridge on
her way to tho coast of Malno for official trials, stood tho first tests well.
Sho developed a speed of 21.47 knots.
chief cities of No rwny, which was
persons mndo homoloss.
partly destroyed by flro. At loaBt 400
Frank .Tunis, a Sioux Indian from
Tripp county, South Dakota, Is ono of
tho men employed by Undo Sam to
protect his property. He has joined
tho force of pollco that guard tho capl
tol at Washington? Jnnls lo well edu
cated, owns n big farm on tho Rose
Hud reservation and drives his own
Rehearses in Six Languages.
Richard Ordynskl, tho Polish pro
ducer who Is now in Now York, is
very different from tho averago Broad
way theatrical manager. Tho lattur
usually speaks but two languages
UngllBh nnd profano. Ordynskl speaks
When Pavlowa was hero ho con
. ducted Homo of tho rehenrsals In
! six languages conversing in Russian
, with tho famous dancor, in Polish
with some of her ballot, French with
' the conductor, Italian with tho mom-
hers of tho orchestra, German with
tho property men ant' English with tho
Iioubo manager.
Professor Ordynskl ho was onco a
member of tho faculty of tho Univer
sity of Cracow, desplto the fact that
ho Is only thirty years of ogo has
been Invited to deliver a courso of lec
tures on Polish llteraturo at Colum
bia university.