The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 28, 1916, Image 10

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    THE RPMl.WPPti v TDinmu; u.
Semi-Weeklv Tribune
IKA L. DARE, Editor nnd rnbllshor.
One Year by Mall in Advance. .. .$1.23
One Year by Carrier in Advnnco. ,$1.T0
Entered nt North Platte, Nebraska,
Postofllce ns Second Clans Mutter.
I' HI I) AY, JAMAKV 12!S. iiUO.
1'or County Clerk
I herby announco myself as candii hatlon because wo
date for the republican nomination as
County Clerk of Lincoln County, sub
ject to tho decision of the voters at
primary election April 18. Your sup
port will bo appreciated.
(Formerly of Walker Proclnct.1
County Treasurer.
I hereby announco myself as a can
didate for tho republican nomination
for county treasurer, In tho primary
election April 18th. Mako Inquiry
nbout mo and If you think I am
qualified and othcrwlso all right your
support will bo appreciated.
Asst. Co. Treas.
Former rosldonce Deer Creek Precinct.
I'or Sheriff.
I respectfully announco myself as a
candidate for the republican nomina
tion for sheriff, subject to the will of
the voters at tho primary election
April 18th.
For Count Commissioner.
I respectfully announce myself as a
candidate for the republican nomina
tion for county commissioner for tho
Third Commissioner District, subject
A Header's Kdllorlal.
. A Quaker from Pennsylvania during
the Civil war had enlisted for the
Union. IJeing on the firing line one
day ho said to himself, "I don't be
lieve In taking human life, I am op
posed to killing, and I have nothing
against thee, but thou art light whore
I nm going to shoot."
He believed In this great free coun
try; a union, a nation of people, free,
happy and prosperous. We like him,
don't believe In war; we don't like
killing people, but thou must not In
terfere with our splendid, civilization,
thou must not get In the way of prog
ress, thou must not subeject our great
free people to Indignities or thou may
be right whore woiro going to shoot.
Wo have good people of all nations In
this country; they are prosperous and
I happy beyond the dreams of parents
! or of childhood. We are afraid of no
have done no
wrong; wo beg no favors for wo have
broken no law; freo Intercourse Is our
rlR'ut In the cnusc of humanity; great
er than treaties, more patent than
scraps of paper. ,
The weaker or the dorolect nations
may bid for support, out of our abun
dance wo will give to relieve; the
stronger nation may bid for our ap
proval, to them wo say, do right. Stop
Wool shed, misery and grief; return to
the family tho father, to the sister her
brother, to tho sweothoart 1ier lover.
Prove to tho world your country do
ervot our approval. Do not drag us
Into this war, or you may be right
where wo are going to shoot.
r;b 11 .- 1
Announces Engagement.
TIip following announcement, which
appeared In the society columns of
the Kansas City Star will be Tend with
Interest by ninny North Platte people,
as tho Interested partlos, and espec
ially Mr. and Mrs. Iiershey, were for
a number of years residents of this
"Mr. and Mrs. John Harry Horsliey,
:J401 Uonton Uoulevard, announce the
i engageinont of their dnughter, Helen,
to the decision of tho voters at thetH Mn IjGOnnrd JulPn o Oklahoma
primary election npni loin, my numu nty Th(, Wedding will bo Mar. 28th.
Is In Sellers precinct. ,
irmM w nv-iwrinn
For Sheriff.
1 respectfully announco myself us a
candidate for tho republican nomina
tion for sheriff of Lincoln county, sub
ject, however, to the decision of the
voters at tho primary election April
18th. Your support will be highly ap
preciated. a. t. stegemann,
North Platte, Neb.
For County Commissioner.
1 herby announco myself as a can
didate for the democratic nomination
for county commissioner for tho First
Commissioner District subject to the
xohth platti: evidence
for north plattf people
The Statements of North Platte Res
idents Are Surely More Itclinble
Than Those of Utter Strangers.
Homo testimony is real proof.
Public statements of North Plntto
people carry real weight. 1
What a neighbor or friend says com
pels respect.
The word of ono whoso home Is far
away Invites your doubts.
Hero's a North Platto man's statement.
And It's for North Platte people's
Tnenty-scTcn Years Ago.
While sinking a well at the water
works a small deposit of coal was un
earthed at a depth of seventy feet. Tho
mineral laid between n bed of quick
sand and a layer of hard rock. Tho
Tribune advised the business men to
raise a fund and sink a deep well,
but they declined to parL with their
money for this purpose, v
A. D. Uuckford and Jas. Sutherland,
who wero conducting the State Dank,
dissolved partnership ithe formor re
tiring to devote his time to the real
estate business,
Bruno Artz, a helper in the machine
shops, had a foot crushed whop u
heavy casting dropped on It.
Officers of rJie Union Pacific were
holding a meeting In Omaha for tho
advertised purpose of getting out a
new time-card, but employes Instated
that the meeting was for the purpose
of planning a reduction of wngoa of
employes. The Oinslu. Kcpnblean
suld: "Thnt a strike Is eminent, there
can be no question, nd it will be the
most determined nnd vicious Inaugur
ated sinco 1877.'
A Juvenile piny called "Tho Mask
of the Year'' was glvon at the Unitar
ian hall and among the maskers were
Gertie Baker, Gertie Peale, Ida, Bertha
und Fanny VonGoetz, Clarence Vro
man, Emma Hnwley, Jessie Hies, and
llufus Fulton.
The Omaha & North Plntte Railroad
had been organized and North Platto
had high hopes that the line, which
paralleled the Union Pacific, would be
The bridge bonds at Brady for the
bridge across the river carried by a
vote of 101 for and twenty-four
Engineer Fred Fredrickson returned
from a three weeks' visit In the east.
John and Loan Schatz entertained a
number of their little friends nt a
(lancing party.
An additional pump with a capno
lty erf 20,000 gallons an hour had been
Installed at the water plant.
At an Episcopal social at the Foley
residence musical numbers wero glvon
by Mrs. Hilliker, Mrs. Nowoll, Mr. Hll
llker and Mr. Bare. More than a hun
dred wore in attendance.
Fetor Nulsor, section foreman til
Brady, while attempt'ng to throw tho
mail sack into a car on No. 2 while
the train was in motion, slipped on
tho Icy platform and fell under the
wheels, receiving Injuries which re
suited In death a few hours later.
John Vernon, of Dos Moines, who
visited relatives "here this week loft'
Hyams and Mclntyre In "My Horn'
Town Girl,", Perry J. Kelly's latest
musical comedy offering, nnd said to
be tho most striking musical success
of the present seusoti, will be seen at
Keith theatre, Tuesday, February 1st.
John Hyams, as Tony Darling, a
New York society man, best known for
his pleasure seeking proclivities about
town, is heir to a million on condition
of his good behavior for a year and is
under espionage of an unreasanably
prejudiced aunt. Tony Is summoned
to the brldo shop of Madam Marie, on
Fifth Avenue by his best friend, Dud
ley van Courtland, who on the eve of
his marriage to Eleanor Arlington, Is
being pursued for blackmail by Lela
Larialne, a dancer of the, ' Follies,' in
whose comapny he was anested for
speeding while at college at New
Haven, giving his name as Tony Darl
ing, lie confesses this circumstance
to Tony nnd imploroa him to produce
the money to keep Lela. quiet.
Eleanor Is expecting her supposedly
pious uncle, Peter Pettybone, from
Grnnd Kaplds, with his adopted niece,
Dorothy (Miss Mclntyre), to attend
the woddtng. They cause consterna
tion by apearlng unexpectedly a; the
bride shop where Tony is in hiding
after interviewing Dudley, and Eleanor
and Dddley are Inspecting gowns.
Madam Marie recognizes Peter as her
"Detroit John" who proposed to her
when she was In the chorus of "Fior
ndora" and they slyly renew th: old
Dorothy and Tony are attracted to
eaeh other and Tony endeavors fran
tically to keep her love and save his
inheritance by avoiding the discovery
of Dudley's predicament, which he has
agreed to assume Yet he Is unable to
raNo tho money to quiet Lulu. A
newspaper article from New Haven
describes the arrost of Tony Darling
in company with Lain, leaving Tony
branded und bringing his aunt upon
tlie scene. Dorothy, previously warn
ed agalnat Tony, loses faith In him.
At. Eleanor's home on the upper
Hudson, she and Dudley conspire to
de'eat Lnla and prevent iuamla' until
after the wedding, and while Eleanor
sill believes Tony the guilty one. 3hc
suggests that Dudley declare him
self the culprit. Tony meanwhile
promises Dorothy to clear up every
thing at 10 o'clock that night. At the
same hour Lala has demanded to re
ceive the money and Marie is to give
her answer to Peter, whose proposal
In Detroit yenr.s ago she is still con-
f ! rei 1 " ' If, summoned to Eleanor's home
!by Dorothy who wants to be a dancer
Mrs. A. P. Kelly returned TuosdajT'and Dorothy disguised na Lala en
evoning from a pleasant visit with horr counters Tony who upbraids her and
daughter 'in Oskaloosn, Iowa and rela- "discloses the true story of the trou-
suffercd from
will of the voters tu. the primary
election April 18th. 1 have been a')0no
reSlUClU OI Hie IllSiriCl over XOrty-IOlir, c..r,u ovl,1nnnf t Pnnvlnr-lnr
years. First time In politics, need the! Tliat-S tll0 kin(1 ot proof thnt backgi
office nnd roapcc'ully nk your sup- Bonn's Kidney Pills. i
por. nosiuc nee n nninan precinci. Charles F. Burroughs, 222 S. Pine
.1. W. (!.ueu ROWLAND. St., North Plntte, Bays: "Several years
CJurli of District Court "B 1 liat occnslon to use Doan's Kld-
t imr-.c' ,. , . ' ney Pills and found them to bo a good
liiinii. V,.- M,,. f,.,,Kn,'. , .,.,, iii,.m kidney medicine. I Wi kltv V I. II 1 1 (.11 lllllllllll nun . . . ,
linoti in nnlHn In A
for clerk
ject to
iinnni.mniui.wi ' completely. I hnvo not been bothered
nvn v iinnooi'n by Uldnoy trouble slnc6. I tnko pleas
' ' ure In endorsing this medicine for tho
,,.... T(l , 1 beneltt of other kidney sufferers."
.Momj lo j.oan. Price fiOc, nt all dealors. Don't rflm-
r, ' " " .i '"."Inly nek for a kidney remedy get
ct-nt, ro , ..' . j :. mi .ut the money n an, K1(ln PniHthe Bamo tlint Mr.
wiouuj a iU' uuurusH I'iO, imrroimha lin.1. KWnr-Mlllun-ii f'n
I1 Props.. Buffalo. N. Y.
rlt of the distrlrt court, sub- "r"lnB P"1'1? tho small of my back
the V.. U of tl. witers a the "U(1 ,,n' kWneys wore vdry weak,
y election. Your support will Doans Kidney Pills soon cured mo
tlves nA Lincoln.
The Yeoman drill team are planning
to hold a public nnnquerado dance nt
Moyd opera home on Friday even
lngf February 18th.
Mr. and Mrs. J. ( Den and daughter
Marjory who had been vhiitlng In
Lie, and ehe is approached by her un
cle who remembers Lala as ano h r
of his old sweethearts from the ttag".
As Lala, Dorothy extracts from him
$1,000 to pay for, her dancing lesson.
Dorothy buys off Lala and Tony dis
poses of Marie and starts a romance
bntween Petur and his aunt. Waen
rnnahoe for ten davn, returned home! Dudley makes his pre-arrangcd con
Wednesday afternoon
fsson, Tony qualifies tor Dorothy's
love and his Inheritance, and
there are to be three weddings and a
home', to Grand
V Is
Mrs, George Chrlat was called to
I.exlnutnn ' tills wonlt w tlw. d.vieh .if
her granddaughter, the infant child of ! general exodus
Mr. and Mrs. Navereaux. ! !"-
I 1 ::o::
Mrs. Earl Davhi and children, of) i p. .,, nrrvFT-ft CO.
Mr-" M;v?r0P n"0 .VlSlte'lf "r 1"t',lC V Ki fis,!l,' ' 'in-nrnnri'
Mrs. Mary Gutherless for several: . . . , . ,
weeks, left Wednerday morning. ,metand ,floe ror,ttow ,(a ,,n
h ! dlflorent parts of the city. Good In-
Mr, and Mrs. Win. Finney nnd chil- vestments on easy terms. House3 tor
ii;i o Evunat.)n. formerly of this- sale and rent. We have also good bar
citv, who visited the Ilatlleld family gains In farms and ranches.
r i "( ' left Tuesday evening Cnr Front and Dowe.v Rt.s.. nnstftirq
When she knocks at your door will you he
ready to avail yourself of her ottering? When the
chance comes to buy a home at a bargain, or to go
into business for yourself, or make a good invest
ment, will you have the. necessary cash?
Begiu right now by making your first deposit of
any amount, from one cent to $10.00. in the
Thrift Savings Club organized by this bank.
Mcdonald' state bank
"The Bank Behind the Thrift Movement."
OtvaMtu a v t iler ii!'i!o.- ll 1)1-:
lilt li.V n vrr ';i".iil, ilevife lie dN
coders Ills i "i :!:', iir. M M til' ll li'.e
next dour l l 'pie fur yen in and vl-dl
with them on the front purrh and once
in aw hile cull tin them P.ut wo rarely
And tlieh ti McC'uteheon comes along
or n Webster, or a Hriggs. or a George
Ade. or a Fatty Lewis and llnds ou
Unit a neighbor is a human being. 1'
is revealed that he gets peevish when
the buttons aren't sewed on. and that
his children have the croup, and that
the baby keeps the family awake all
night, and that In general he Is u ro
innntlc character.
, It Is possible that your own neigh
bors might bo ns Interesting ns those
of the gentlemen just mentioned if you
would take tho pains to know them.
Kansas City Stnr.
Scolds Gagged With Iron.
In the seventeenth century erring in
habltautfj of Newcastle used to under
go far more trying ordenls than that of
the drunkard's clonk.
Ralph Gardner In n work entitled
"England's Grievance In Relation to
the Coal Trade," published 1G55. re
cords having seen 'in Newcastle six
months ago one Ann Bridlcstone drove
through the streets by an oillcer. .of
tho same corporation holding a rope la
his hand, the other end fastened to' an
engine called the branks. which Is like
a crown, it being of iron, which was
muzzled over tho head and face, with
a great gag of iron forced into her
mouth, which forced tho blood out. and
that Is the punishment which the mag.
Istrntetf do inflict unou chiding nnd
scolding women." London' Express
Industry in t lie- right hand and fru
gality cite- left hand of fortune.-Old
"Experience would be a wonderful
asset but for ono thing," '
"What's that?"
"You can never sell It for what it
cost you "
Fortune lias often been blamed for
her bllinlness. but Fortune Is not so
bi nd n-s men are Samuel Smiles.
We are going to
have another
Erector Model
Starting February 1st, 1916
Open to all boys. IE you did
or did not get into the first
one, build the best one in
the next
Watch our windows for
the list of prizes.
C. KL Newton.
lome of the R; clway Beauties m "MY HOME TOWN GIRL"
af tie Keith 1
.learte Next Tuesday
A iiorllon f Hit' rlioriiH of the lnrgcst awl -highest class musical comedy ever soon in Xorth LMattc, wlHr fifty lioonlc ami the orlurlnal A'ew York pro'iliictlon and cast with John
.. lu'Ilu Mclntyro a tluvstnrs. " '
Hynirts and