The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 25, 1916, Image 8

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Brutal Frankness.
"1 camo within nn nco of havlnB a
fight with n pacifist this morning."
"You surpriso uiu. Evidently ho was
not sincere."
"Oh. yes. Tlmt was tho trouble. Wo
woro both slncoro. I told him ox
nctly what 1 thought of n pacifist and
ho proceeded to tell mo exactly what
ho thought of an apostlo of prepared-uoss."
It's an easy matter for some real ea
tnto dealers to tnako mountains of
It Is claimed that thoro aro sovon
of Slmkcspearo'a autographs In exist-enco.
Mes Use
Appetite SCeen
Aids Digestion
Keeps the Live
ach Bitters
The Proof.
"Do you bellovo dogs can reason?"
"I havo known a bulldog In a dis
pute to bo ablo to hold his own."
Rev. W. H. .Warner, Frederick, Md
writes: "My troublo was Sciatica.
My back was affected and took tho
form of Lumbago. 1 also had Neu
ralgia, cramps In
my muscles, pros
suro or sharp pain
on tho top of my
head and nervous
dizzy spells. I had
othor symptoms
showing that my
Kldncvn worn nt
fault, no I took Dodd'8 Kidney Pills.
They wero tho means of saving my
Dodd'o Kldnoy Pills, COc per box at
your dealer, or Dodd's Medlclno Co.,
Buffalo, N. Y. Dodd's Dyspepsia Tab
lots for Indigestion havo hnnn nrnviul.
J 60c per box. Wrlto for Household
Hints, nlBo music of National Anthem
(English and German words) and
reclpo3 for dainty dishes. All 3 sent
free. Adv.
Evening the Score.
"Pa, what's meant by tho 'primeval
curse?' "
"It means, my son, that a man must
cat bread In tho sweat of his brow."
"But a millionaire's son doesn't do
that, pa."
"Maybo not, but nine times out of
ten tho old man had to sweat enough
In his early days to squaro the reck
oning for both."
The Girl Fooled Him.
Howell Uowell married for money.
Powoll Yes, and ho didn't get
enough to pay tho minister.
Beauty Is only skin deep and often
just as shallow.
AYcgclahlc Pa'pamlionforAs
lintillic Slomachsaiul Bowels of
Promolcs Diycstion.ChecrfiiK
ricss ind Rest .Contains ncillier
Onitim,Morpliinc nor Mineral,
myjt; Narcotic.
JbSpttrwDesiwu prratEit)
Pumntut Still -
Alx Senna
fiothtltt Salts-,
Amu. Setd
Pinrwrrunl f
ft I laricnatcSoJd
& 'art Had Sumo.
Jtperlccl Remedy forfTonslipIF
norms, lcvensuuess ana.
Loss of Sleep.
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears the
Facsimile" Sljjnalurctff
Tfic Centaur company
Kxact Copy of Wrapper
q hav mim and DRUG
fthvuya Successful. Wrlto for Hooklot.
21 Denton Street, COUNCIL rtLUrTS, IS.
Or address J. 3. MJIY, Manager.
iv It 7 a I E
J Use
xj1 ror uver
J Thirty Years
Good Advice.
"Keep your eyes on tlio sky not on
tho ground."
"You mean that it Is better to ho a
skyscraper than a muckrnkcr?"
:l rorruDivuiQ
Wntnon V.. Cnlrmnn,
l'ulrnt 1 jm-jer.Wasiilliglcti,
Jl.C Advl, nnil tmnlrM ff-w.
Uaten reasonable Illehcut references Jk-st services.
Alfalfa SiSeedComtLMiaweetCIOTer
JU. Karms fir sulo unil rent nn crop
payuienti. J. Multmll, Soo Ultr, la
Send for Free VS SmXSfl A bachelor nays the best pet dogs
BirtU3BUJIE!ii!iS', koltlfflkrllUi,I).Li.r, lule. ' COHIO ill glaSS CnRCS.
For a really fine coffee at a mod
erate price, drink Denison's Seminole
Brand, 35c tho lb,, In sealed cans.
Only one merchant in each town
sells Seminole. If your grocer Isn't
tho one, write tho Denison Coffee Co.,
Chicago, for a souvenir and tho namo
of your Soniinulo dealer.
Buy tho 3 lb. Canister Can for $1.00.
Favors aro seldom satisfactory. The
best way Is not to need them.
Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Days
Druggists refund money If PAZO OINTMENT
falls to cure Itching, Illlnd, lllecdinir or I'rotrud
tag 1'iles. I'irst application gives relief, joc.
9 t
Sufferers from Backache, Rheumatism and Kidney Trouble
Beforo an Insuranco Company will
take a risk on your llfo tho examining
physician will test tho urino aud re
port whether you aro a good risk.
When your kidneys get sluggish and
clog, you suitor from backache, Blck
headache, dizzy spells, or tho twinges
and pains of lumbago, rheumatism and
gout. Tho urino la often cloudy, full
of sediment; channels oftou got soro
and sleep is disturbed two or threo
times a night. This is tho tlmo you
should consult somo physician of wide
oxporlonco such ns Dr. Pierce, of tho
Invalids' Hotol and Surgical Instltuto,
Buffalo, N. Y. Send him 10 cents for
samplo packago of his now discovery
"Anurlc." Wrlto him your symptoms
and send a samplo of urino for test.
Experlonco has taught Dr. Pierco that
"Anuric" is tho most powerful agent
in dissolving mic acid, aB hot water
molts sugar; besldos being absolutely
harmless It is endowed with other
properties, for It preserves tho kid-nej-B
in n healthy condition by thor
oughly cleansing them. Checks the de
generation of tho blood-vessels, as well
as regulating blood pressure. "Anurlc"
Is a regulur Insuranco and life-saver
for all big meat oators and those who
deposit lime-salts in their joints. Ask
tho druggist for "Anurlc" put up by Dr.
Pierco, In C0-cont packagos
Dr. Pierce's Favorlto Prescription
makes weak women strong, sick
women well. No alcohol. Sold iu
tablets or liquid.
Commend us to the nmii who does
not nsreo with you always. You
might ns well bo out In ilio timber
tttul talk to an eeho an to the person
who rtKi'ees to everything you suy.
A delicious dessert is mndc by piling
charlotte russe mixture on pieces of
chocolate cuke. An
other combination
w i t h charlotto
russe is tho orange
nuirmnladc, using
it as a garnish and
serving the char
lotto In sherbet
glasses. The com
bination Is especially plenslng.
Pineapple Toast Add a little sugar
to tho sirup in a can of plnenpple, us
ing half of a can of fruit for this dish.
Add a tablcspoonful of lemon Julco
and boil threo minutes; then add tho
slices of pineapplo and keop tho whole
hot. Cut rounds of sponge cake, but
ter and dredgo with sugar, then set In
tho oven to brown. When ready to
servo set a round of pineapplo on tho
round of cake and pour over tho sauce.
Hashed Lamb With Rice and Peas.
Chop ilno edible portions or cold
cooked lamb, to the meat; add a littlo
of tho broth or gravy and boiling wa
tor, season well with salt and pepper
and heat very hot. Placo tho meat on
a hot platter, surround with cooked,
seasoned rico and surround tho rlco
with seasoned green peas or the
canned variety.
Curried Potatoes. Peel a small
onion and cut tnto thin rings; molt
three tablespoonfuls of buttor In a
frying pan and cook tho onion until
it is softened and yellow; add six or
eight sliced potatoes, sprlnklo with, pepper and a level tcaspoonful of
curry powder, stirred smooth, with a
cupful of broth; simmer ten minutes.
Squeeze over tho julco or half a lem
on, turn and serve vory hot.
A delicious combination when one
desires something especially dainty is
creamed celery with shredded al
monds. Prepare a rich cream sauce,
add cooked, tender colery and tho nl
monds. Servo In tlmbalo cases or patty
Baked Ham. Tho Swedish peoplo
uso the following covering over a ham
whllo baking. Take two cupfuls of
bread crumbs, four tablespoonfuls of
vinegar, one tablespoonful of mustard,
ono egg and a dash of popper and salt
to season, spread over the ham beforo
baking. It forms a delicious crust and
keeps in nil the flavor of tho meat.
If thou ot fortune bo bereft.
And In thy storo thero bo but left
Two loaves sell one, and with tho
Huy hyanelnth.H to feed thy Mini.
Pineapple julco is one of the whole
some nonalcoholic drinks which maybe
bought in bottles or can
bo put up at home. The
wonderful Hawaiian
pineapple 1b now well
known and appreciated
all over tho country,
ii.ii i . ... .
mafia Mil 4U-,uiai sctouusis nave
Wt b0Cn !Xl,(!rlmoiltll'5 for
years wim me iruit and
julco to discover its
thorapeutlo nuullties. Ft
has been decided by these experts
that whllo pineapplo juice is not a
cure-all it is especially good for tho
digestive organs and a groat benefit to
sufferers of soro throat. It Is also
used in tho treatment for tubercu
losis. It is a delightful drink served
with carbonated water or simply as
ono does grape juice.
All cooks who uso gelatin with pine
applo know that thoy need to uso
more of tho gelatin with pineapplo
than with other juices as it shows Its
digestive power on Gelatin.
Regents Punch. Take tho julco of
throo lemons, ono pound of sugar, two
quart bottles of pineapple Julco a
quart of strong Oolong tea and a quurt
of carbonated water.
Fruit Punch. Take two lemons,
two oranges sliced thin, add two quarts
of pinenpplo Juice, ono quart or lino
largo strawberries or raspberries, ono
quart of Apolllntiris water and a
pound of sugar. Sorvo with plenty
of ico.
Pineapple Punch. Add to tho juice
of threo lemons a pound of sugar,
threo quarts of pineapple julco and
six slices of pineapplo, cut in pieces.
Sorvo in a punch bowl witli a quart
of carbonated water and a large piece
of Ice. This will serve a smnll com
pany liberally. Let stand a whllo to
get thoroughly cold and somewhat di
luted with tho Ico.
Pinenpplo juico may bo used in any
number of ways us desserts. A do
llcious frappo is tho following: Boll
A spring attachment to prevent the
lid falling off features a recently pat
ented tea kettle.
Operated entirely, by electricity, a
dry dock In Holland can lift vessels
of 8,000 tons register.
An Inventor In Russia has developed
a method for making folt boots and
knit goods from dog hair.
A holdor for Ico cream cones has
been Invented that enables them to
bo filled without danger of breaking.
together for a quarter of an hour, ono
and a half pints of water with two
cupfuls of sugar. Pour tho hot sirup
over a can of grated pinenpplo, then
add tho Juice of threo lemons, and lot
stand until cold. Strain nnd add n
p.Nit of pineapplo Juico and a pint of
water. Freeze to a mush.
These dishes nro not for dally uso
In tho ordinary household, ns thoy nro
either too much work to
preparo or aro too ox
Fillets of Game or
Chicken Cut tho meat
Iff from tho bones in wldo
W JM strips nnd cook It In
weu-buttored skillet un
til brown, then ndd n
tablespoonful of buttor,
two tablespoonfuls of
currant Jelly and tho strained gravy
left from tho first cooking of tho fowl,
or venison. Havo molded a ring of
rice, placo in tho oven after spreading
with butter and brown. Servo on a
round dish and put tho llllets in tho
coiKcr with tho sauco poured over. A
teaspoonful of curry and a tcaspoonful
of chutney added to the snvico will
add variety to this dish.
Eggs With Cheese. Beat nix eggs
slightly with a fork. Placo in a chaf
ing dish a tablcspoonful of buttor, and
when this Is melted nnd hot add two
tablespoonfuls of grated chooso. Stir
until smooth, then ndd tho eggs nnd
season with paprika and salt. Cook
until tho eggs are scrambled. Sorvo
on toast.
Nesselrode Pudding. Mnko a cus
tard of threo cupfuls of mllk,'lV6 cup
fuls of sugar, tho yolks of flvo eggs
and n half teaspoonful of salt, strain
and cool; ndd a pint of thin cream, n
fourth of a cupful of pineapple sirup
and l1 cupfuls of cooked and mashed
chestnuts. Tho nutB nro put through
a strainer after cooking. Lino a two
quart melon mold with a part of tho
mixture and to tho renialndor add ono
half a cupful of candled fruit, cut In
bits, a quarter of a cupful of sultana
raisins nnd eight chestnuts broken In
pieces nnd soaked in cherry julco for
a few hours. Fill a mold, cover, pack
In salt and ico and let stand two
hours. Servo with whipped cream,
sweetened and flavored with Maraschi
no sirup.
Bombe Glacee. Lino a mold with
sherbet or water ice, fill with Ico
cream or thin charlotto russes, covor,
pack in ico and salt and let stnnd two
hours. Macaroon Ico cream is an
other good combination.
Dumplings are a great emergency
dish when the chicken or stew scemB
too small for tho
family. A nice fluf
fy lot of dumplings
to surround tho
platter of moat
makes a most sat
isfying sight.
Dumplings. Add
one beaten egg to a
cupful of milk, a littlo salt und two
leaspoonfuls of baking powder, sifted
with flour enough to mnko a mixture
stiff enough to drop from tho spoon.
Flours differ so in thickening power
that no exact measurement can bo
given. Drop them on tho boiling stow
with a teaspoon nnd thoy will cook In
oteht minutes. Leavo thorn covered
during the entire tlmo so thoy will bo
puffy nnd light.
Bread Dumplings. Just beforo put
ting the brend Into tho pans, tako out
about half a loaf, add butter nnd mako
small biscuits. Let rise a fow minutes
until about thd size of a walnut. Drop
theso in tho hot broth and cook, care
fully covered, twenty minutes. If larg
er dumplings aro mado the tlmo must
be longer for tho cooking.
Potato Dumplings. To a pint of
milk add a, beaten egg, a littlo salt, a
cupful of mashed, hot seasoned potato,
and flour to mako a drop batter. Add
two teaspoonfuls of linking powder to
the last of the flour, mixing woll. Drop
in small spoonfulB in chicken or hoof
broth nnd cook twenty minutes.
Potato Dumplings With Sauce.
Cook and rico six medium sized pota
toes; add a pint of brend crumbs,
browned in buttor, also two woll beat
tin eggs and salt enough to season.
Form in twolvo halls and steam twen
ty minutes; placo on a dlBh and pour
over them a half cupful of molted but
ter. Sauce. Brown ono teaspoonful of
onion nnd a tublespoonful of flour in
two tablespoonfuls or butter, then
ndd a cupful of elder vinegar nnd stir
until it boils, season with salt to tusto.
Although Asia has jnniiy high moun
tain ranges it has fewer large wator
falls than any other contlnetit.
A Nebraska inventor has patented
a counter-balanced gnto that swings
vortlcully Instead of horizontally.
Swedish chomists havo dovoloped a
new high oxploslvo for military pur
poses from perchlorldo of ununoiiln.
A speed Indicator to bo carried on
tho back of automobiles registers on
a plainly vlsihlo spgrnent, which Is
Illuminated at night with HghtH of va
rious colors to show different speeds.
SVInnrr Mlj. Co., Dtpt. E, Omaha, Neb.
FVaa itrnil mo f nil InfornmUon ltow 1 tun ohtnln
Ontiila Community l'or I'Ute MlWerwnrs by anvlnir
!ho tra-muk tlgntturc frcu Skinner' Mrocl
Kami Q
m wtmm Kara .fTW witw apmm, C wwS
We will tell you how wo send you a complete set of
Oneida Community Par Plate Silverware
FREE with .'fS M : DJ..
Guaranteed ten years. Bridal Wreath
pattern. Learn all about this grand offer and about the
Nine Kinds of Macaroni Products
Send Coupon
lor Full
Let ut tell you how you
cn tecure a completa
et ol Oneida Commu
nity Par Pluto Silverware
wlthSkinner't Products.
Intlio meantime tavc the
trade-mark irom nack
asei. Cheaner to buv
Sklnner't bv the caie-24
packacM. All Rood grocer
illSkinner aw
Eftfi Noodles
Cut Macaroni
Cut Spaghetti
Soup Rings
Skinner Manufacturing Co.
Jht Larttit Macaroni Factory in Amain
Dept. E Omnhn. Neb.
llAkinnfr'aMArnrnnilmrliirfa v
Not So Small.
"Getting to bo a great statesman,
hoy?" Biicercd a Homowliat Jenlous
rival, "l Biipposo you think you aro
another Webster or a Patrick Henry,
"Not at all," retorted Congressman
Flubdub. 'Ilut somo ot tho nnccdotos
that woro related of thoso fellers havo
boon hitched on to mo." Louisville
No Boss.
Ho You always seem so solt-pos-sessed.
Sho Yes; 1 don't bellovo in getting
To keep clean nnd lmalthy tnlce DrT
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They regulate
liver, bowels nnd Htomnch. Adv.
Somo men can mako a dollar go a
long way, but not as far ns a reserved
scat iu heaven.
Gaelic Literature for Soldiers.
Much gaollc litornturo and material'
comforts woro sent to tho Highland
regiments In l-'lnndors nnd nt tho Dar
danelles by tho Association of High
land societies of Edinburgh. Thoy
transmitted also hundreds of coploo
of tho National Anthem, translated In
to (taollc by tho Itov. Donnld Mackin
tosh. Tho translation, now slightly
roviBcd, was nccoptod by King Edward.
Lottors from chaplains havo been re
ceived, convoying tho appreciation and
gratltudo of tho men, nnd stating that
tho anthem will bo used in their services.
She Ho looks prosperous, and yot
you Bay ho lives from hand to mouth,
llo Yes; ho'o a dentist.
You learn to livo when you begin
to live nnd Icnrn.
f The Wheat Yields
TelSs the Story
I 'is
of Western Canada's Rapid Progress
The heavy crops In Western Canada have caused
new records to be made in the handling of grains
by railroads. For, while the movement of these
heavy shipments has been wonderfully rapid,thc
resources of the different roads, desnito enlarged
equipments and increased facilities, have been
strained as never before, nnd previous records
Have uius been broken in all directions.
The largest Canadian wheat shipments through New York ever known
are reported for the period up to October 15th, upwards ol four and a
quarler million bushels being exported In lesa than six weeks,
and this was but the overflow of shipments to Montreal, through which
point shipments were much larger than to New York.
Yields as high ao 60 bushels of wheat per acre are reported from, all
parts of the country; while yields of 45 bushels per acre art common.
Thousands of American farmers have taken part in this wonderful pro
duction. Land linces are still tow nnd tree homestead lands are easily secured
in good localities, convenient to churches, schools, markets, railways, etc
'-A There U no war tax on land and no conscription,
KdW Writo for Illustrated namnhlet. rrdurril rnllrn.-id mtrn nnd nlhrr
information to Superintendent Immigration, Ottawa.
wanaaa, or
Canadian Government Agent
Avoid the Deformity.
Do you know why it Is that most
noses point cast? Tako uotlco In this
regard of tho peoplo you meet, and
you will boo that their noses nearly
always aro turned qulto markedly to
tho right, Instead of being sot Btrnlght
on tholr faces. It Is a doformatlon at
tributable to tho fact that since early
childhood thoy havo used their hand
kerchiefs with tholr right hands, giv
ing tho nosn ouch timo a tweak to
tho right.
An avorago man breathes about 21
cubic feet of air Into 1Mb lungs every
Doing a born lender rany have Its
advantages, but tho man In tho rear
has a better opportunity to got away.
Nebraska Directory
Good Serum Will
Save Your Hogs
Uo U, B. Oot. Meonsrrt Bnrum. I'hnno, wlro, writ
orcullunO.HAIIAHKICIJlU COM l'ANV, 30tli
&Orjts.,H.Oiimli,Ntib., I'liuuo BotHh XHUB.
Revolution In Monument Uuslness. Hond for It
today to Frank Hroboda, 1316-31 H. 18th Bt., Omaha.
CURED in a few days
without caln or a stir
deal operation. No pay until cured. Writs
1JIU WIIAV, SOU Hen Hide, Oinalia, HU
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 4-1916.
A Real Health Food of Guaranteed Purity
Packed in
Handy 10c
Just try a 1 0c package or these fine
flavored health biscuit All your
family will enjoy them. Recom
mended for children of nil ages, for
old persons and for invalids. These
Snow While
biscuit combine agreeably with
practically every kind of liquid food.
There's a big difference in
Graham Biscuit, so be sure to jet
ITEN'S fully guaranteed.
Your grocer has lien's Graham Blsouit, or can get them for you quickly.