The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 14, 1916, Image 8

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    Semi-Weeklv Tribune
IRA L. BAKE, Editor and Publisher.
One Your by Jlnll In Advance . . .?1.25
One Year by Currier in Advance .$1.50
Entered at North Platte, Nebraska,
Postofllce as Second Class Matter.
Fill DA V, JANUARY lith, 1J110
Snow covered the ground and the
temperaturo was from ten to twenty
degrees below zero.
The annual mask ball of Walla Wal
la lodge was announced for February
During the yenr 1888 Drs. Donald
nnd Dick, the U. P. surgeons, attend
ed C01 cusos fifty-six of which resulted
from accidents.
Cody & Salisbury entered suit for
$100,000 damages against Adam Fore
paugh, the circus man, for infringe
ment on their great and only patented
Wild West Show.
Til ft rt fin trn nn anlwwtl unli nnl till till
I, ft 4 k l- I 4 i iuuii 1 1 linn? oiiwii nviiuvd i;miu
Of LOUlU) tltTK I l. nrnnhwl In Hm rilcnl
I horby announce myself as candl- ,ur.ita t t inin m,i ,ii.ri,m n.n
date for the republican nomination ns ' con v '
Colonel Cody left for the Pino IUdge
ngoncy to ongage Indians for the Wild
West Show.
Pastor CliHton was conducting a
revival at the Methodist church and
sending red hot shells Into the camp
of the sinners. Many were being con
verted. C. F. hidings, one of the presidential
doctors for Nebraska, had gone to
County Clerk of Lincoln County, sub
ject to the decision of the votors at
primary election April 18. Your sup
port will be appreciated.
(Formorly of Walker Preclnct.i
Count)- Treasurer. I
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the republican nomination
for county treasurer, hi the pr lmary L(ncoln to h,g yQ(Q for tfttrr,Hon
eieuiiun ivnii xom. Diuivu iiuiuii n j Morton
about mo and if you think I am p g , , d dont
qualified and otherwise a 1 right your f , t b d f lmrnm, nt Ul0
support will bo appreciated. anuu, 1Ilcotllg hol(1 aAt 1AncoUt
Li r-n T mfl Colonel Cody presented tho Uuf
.... Al IJ'll Hook and Ladder Company
Lormor rosldonce Deer Creek Precinct, wlth ono hulldrod dollarB ln gold
i ,.t vmip'i Mit mili. I Wnrncr wa captain of ,tho compa-
Let lour Light fsiiiia. ny and Arthur McNamara secretary.
Candidates for county offices can in- Supt p0ttor, of tho Union Pucltlc,
sort tholr announcements in these col- proposed consolidating tho shops at
limns and have them run until tho prl-' sitlnoy and North Platto and moving
mnry election for tho modest sum of Ulom to 0galalla. North Platte was
five dollars payable in advance. In ml-, aU toro up.. ovor tho proposition.
dition, just bofore the primary undorj ni0 North PlilUo Laml anU Irrlga.
the head of "who's who" a brief skotch . tlon Co( of whlch Isaac D1u0n was
of each ono so announcliiR will bo prosdont, T. J. Foley secretary and
B .n, ,n .. . 'J H- McConnell treasurer, was of-
As Tho Tribune enters prnctica ly . forng c 000 ncrea of lrrigatetl ,and
two-thirds of nil the homos In Lin- jor Baie
coin county, its value as a political a charity entertainment under the
advertiser must be recognized. t dlrcctIon of P. IL SuHiVnn was to be
tho following week.
No. niNi
.At North 1lattc In tho State of Nebraska t the close of business December
31, 1915,
Loans and discounts (except thoso shown on b) $149,081.25
Total loans $in).0S4.2ri
Overdrafts, unsecured 338.80
U. H. bonds deposited to secure circulation (pur value) $100,000.00
u. o. uuuub imiUKCU hi secure u. o. ucposilS (par ValUO) 1.000.00
Total U. H. bonds .
lionds other than U. S. bonds pledged to secure postal
savings doposlts 20,000.00
.Securities othor than U. 8. bonds (not Deluding stocks)
owned unpledged 24.77S.77
Total bonds, securities, etc
Subscription to stock of Federal Rosorvo bank 9,000.00
Less ntnount unpaid 4,500 4,500.00
Valuo of banking houso (If unencumbered) 18,400.00
Equity In banking houso
Furnlturo and llxturos ;
Henl cstata owned othor than banking ouse
Not amount duo from Federal Reserve linnk
Net amount due from approved reservo agents In Now
York, Chicago and St. Louis
Net amount duo from approved reserve agents In other
reservo cities
Net amount duo from bank3 and bankers (other than
Included In 9 or 10
Othor checks on banks In tho same city or town as re
porting bank
Fractional currency, nlckles and cenis
Notes of other national banks
Coin and certificates
Legal-tender notes
Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U.
S. Treasurer
Elizabeth Kaar-Langston
Teacher ot Singing
61, 310.61
Total $743,310.48
Capital stock paid ln '.
Surplus fund
Undivided profits ....... 22,936.03
Loss current cxponses, Interest and taxes paid ,f , 9,2$ 1.69
Circulating notes outstanding
Duo to banks and bankcrs(othcr than Included In 2S or 29
Demand deposits:
Individual deposits subject to check
Certificates of deposit due In loss than 30 days ....
Cashier's checks outstanding
Unltoil States deposits
Postal savings deposits
Total domand deposits, Items 32, 3, 34, 35, 36, 37, 3S,
and 39 3 jg 535 ei
Time deposits (payablo after 30 days, or subject to 30
days or moro notice);
Certificates of deposit
Total of timo deposits, Itom3 40, 41, and 42 114.4S5.S5
IS, 512.34
112 East Third Street.
Phono Red 101.
Office phone 241. Res. phono 217
L . C . D R O S T ,
Osteopathic Physician.
North Plutte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bnnk Huilcling.
Office: Building and Loan Buildinc
) Residence 115
Sninu 31 1111 011 Itoth Tickets
I singed
I tlmo Mr.
The progressive party will hold its rIcul promotor.
At that
Sullivan was quite a theat-
State of Nebraska, County of Lincoln. 33:
I, I". L. Mooney, Cashier of tho abovo named bank, do solemnly swear that
the abovo statement Is true to tho bast of my knowledge and belief.
..... MUUNliy, eas i er.
Correct Attest:
Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 10 th day of anuary, 191G.
E. R. GOODSIAN, Notary Public.
national convention Juno 7 In Chicago,
concurrently with the national con
vention of tho republican party in tho
hopo ithnt both may agree on the same
candidato for president. Tills action
was decided unon Tuesday by tho na
tional committee of tho progressive
party. Forty-sovcn of tho forty-eight
states wore represented at the meet
ing. Before ndjournlng the commlttoo
adopted a declaration of principles In
which tho administration of President
Wilson was criticised for Its alleged
failure to deal adequately with nation
al honor and industrial welfare and
tho progressive party wont on record
ns favoring a complete proparcdness,
consisting of military armnment as
well as a mobilization of all the coun-
Frolght Conductor Jackson had two
domesticated antclopo that were very
much admired, especially by children
A young man attending the Metho
dist revival laid his head on his girl's
sliouldor and wont to sleep. Rev.
Clifton took tills as a reflection on his
preaching and proceeded to give the
young man an awful raking.
lid Dlxler and Prof. Ilynes, the hit
ter a Canadian runner, had a race nt
the rink, Ed skating llvo miles while
tho Canuck ran three and a half. Ed
won the bet of $25 and the gate re
ceipts. ::o::'
llu)s .Nearly 70,000 HiihIiuIn of Wheat.
manager Coates of tho Coates Lum
till tun uuilll- 1 , , . . . .
try's resources with a view of tho ' --r " y uuorms rue Tribune
unlflca.tlon of American nltlzmishln. 1 l"ul BO Iar " ima purchased between
.... ' C(,00il. nnd 70,000 bushels ,of 1915
KKUFIELh WARNS IT. S. OF v ,,ea,t frT fr'"ers In tho country
TRADE SLUMP AFTER WAR trl"t"ry to North Platte. The av-
orago prlco paid has been eighty-five
Washington. Secretary lledfleld. In cents per bushel, this avorago beinc
a memorandum 011 business conditions low because In tho beginning of the
transmitted to President Wilson, pic- marketing season considerable of tho
tures tho country as in the 'most pros- wheat was wet and spongy and was
porous state In Its history. The warn-' nanny nt to market and brought
lug Is nddod, though, that war's In-1 low price. This week tho prlco Tor
flntlon of commerco will last only until Kd No. a wheat hits beon around
wars end, and that business foresight, ninoty-eignt cents
Mr. Colites says that onlv about.
nan 01 tho wheat grown in tho sec
.Hon tributary to North Platte has so
lar beon mnrketed
alone will nrnnnrn thf United Stntntil
for pcaco.
Tho slump that will follow the war
abroad, tho secretary's summary de
clares, mutt find Americans ready to
takp tholr "siare of the world's trade
unhampered by provincial nations.
False values crented by unusual con
ditions, ho fours, may lull the United
States Into a fnncbod commercial se
curity. "It Is not to bo expected," the secre
tary sayg, "that our business move
ment will continue In Its present form.
No ono dreams that wo can now, or In
tho futuro, maintain un export movo
mont of snore than' $5,000,000,000 ac
tual vaiuo, or mat wo may scarcely ox-' to W. A. Payne, oC ,tho .Nebraska
peci nn apparent not iminneo in our Houso of this city,
favor on merchandise transactions of -r ,
$3,Q00t000;00Q ln any quo year." 7Co """'jBfsip
a petition was circulated here tho. Walter O'Connor wont to Omaha
latter part of-.Inst week far Judge1 yesterday to visit Mrs. O'Connor, who
Orlmos-of tho district court, In order! has beon ln that city for a weok tak-
inat ins nnmo no placed on the prl- ing medical treatment
Somothlng loss than fifty signatures! "ior" "ro 8t'n a fow, f th"3r LiulJ
: oiuiB loit. our cnolco SG or S10
county. Judiro Grimes Is so well WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE,
r room house and barn, $10 per
E. M. Smith wont to Omaha at noon
yesterday and will drive back a Chov
rolot car of tho 490 model.
The I.ontlcrfN llig Ulcnrniico Sale
StiutK .Mwiulny .Morning.
E. M. Smith reports tho sale ofa
4U0 model Chovrolot car Wednesday
known and popular over this district
'.hat It Is safe to predict his election
and possibly that he will have no op
position ut eithor primary or genoral
plecllou. Ohuppoll Register.
1,000 tock of FURS In sets or sop
arate muffs at ONE-THIRD OFF tho
regular price nt BLOCK'S Clean
Sweep Sale.
Fred George, of Brady, who spout
yesterdity In town said quite a num
ber of cattle arc boing fed in that sec
lton. Feeders are paying fifty conts a
bushel for corn.
Harry Johnson, a switchman In tho
yards was considerably bruised yes
torday when ho struck a switch stand
when swinging off a car.
Take your pick of any coat ln tho
houso that formorly sold at $10, $15
$20, $25 and up to $.15, for $4.98, $7.48
$9.98 and $14.98. BLOCK'S.
A inarrlngo llconso was issued
Wednosduy to A. A. McCoranlck and
Miss vora Mookor, both of Lowollon
and later thoy were married by a lo
cnl mlnlstor.
Sanitary Newly Furnished Fireproof
This institution ii mow open for the Reception and Treatment of Surg
leal. Medical end Obstetrical cases.
A Strictly modern Hospital for the convenience of the physicians of
Kortfa Platte ami country tributary thereto.
PHONE? 82 '
We are in a position to furnish competent nurici for physicians, on
Bjiort notic.
Cell Phone 82 and Mate whether you want graduate or domestic nurie
and we will complete all the arrangements for you without charge.
Successor to
Drs. Redfleld & Redfleld
Ofllce Phono (542 Res. Phono 670
The Nurse Brown Memorial Hospital
1008 WEST 5th ST.
PHONE 110.
Ethical. Moral. Efficient.
This hospital is open for the reception and treat
ment ol Medical, Surgical, and Ohstetrical cases.
This institution is modern, sanitary and well situated
away from tho noises and discomfort which are attendant on
the city's center.
J. S. TWIMEM, Physician and Surgeon.
J. T. Nystrom, living north of Brady,
and one of the oldest and best known
farmers in that section, has filed,
through his attorney W. V. Hoagland.
a suit in tho district court In which!
he seeks to recover title to a farm
said to be worth $1G,000.
Desiring the companionship of' a
wife, Nystrom, who was a widower
sixty-live years old, sought tho aji-;qf
a matrimonial agency and was sobn
placed in communication with Effie
May Mitchell, a comely woman living
at lllackwell, Okl., who soon succeeded
In winning Nyatrom's confidence and
affection. While Effie May looked un
on her admirer with professed adora
tion, and had no hesitation in becom
ing his "clinging vine." she evidently
had an oyo for business. After having
exorcised nor nynotlc charm ovor
Nystrom for the requisite period, she
itnniiy consented to marry him if he
would deed ovor to her his farm.
Over this proposition Nystrom stutter
ed, for he Is a saving and Industrious
man, and having accumulated his
wealth by hard work ho was loath
to let go of it; but tho charmer cud
dled in his amis, was irresistablo and
tho deed was duly made and the mar
riago consumatod.
For a fow weeks things moved
nicely until ono day Nystrom discov
ered that his wife was corresponding
with n real estato dealer with a view
of soiling tho farm. Tills disconcerted
him, nnd ho was further perturbed by
tho appearanco of a man who his wife
introduced as her brother. This "bro
thor" acted with Biich familiarity with
his "sister" as to breed contempt in'
Nystrom, nnd as "brother" protracted
his visit this contempt Increased. Tho
real Bhock occurred, however, when
offlcors from Grand Island arrived
and placed "brother" nnd "slstor" un
der arrest on .tho chnrgo of fornica
tion. Nystrom then learned that his
wife and "brothor" whoso name was
C J. Clough had formorly lived as
man and wlfo at Grand Island.
Thon tho scnlcs fell from Nystrom's
oyos, and charging his wlfo with biga
my and fraud, ho seeks to havo sot
asldo tho deed to ,tho ?15,000 farm
which ho oxecuted to her.
Visits Trunk Reunion .
Goo. A. Austin returned Tuesday
night from St. Louis, whero ho was
called by tho illness of n brother who
has heart affection. Ho loft his brothor
somewhat Improved, but tho end may
como suddenly nt any time. While in
St. Louis Mr. Austin and Harry Pikes
called on Frank Ilea. don and '.und
him in good health nnd looking lino
wuii ins portly frame, white hair and
ruddy, Binlllng fnco,
Do you sec the polutl Tho girl
means you. .Are YOU insured! She
I s all right you can tell that by her
happy contcned look. .But how about
you J Are l'OU contented In the same
nay? Suppote anything should happen
to you today, tomorrow, or the day
ufter, how would your family fare?
Are .they .protected .from .poverty
should you die suddenly I If not, It
is time you thought about it. Let us
write you a policy now.
8 Room 1, ,1. O. O. F. BldgT
General Farm Sales a Specialty
Satisfaction Guaranteed
For dates write at
North Platte, Nebraska
Hospital Phono Black C33.
Houso Phono Black G33.
firndiiutu Veterinarian
Eight years a Government Voterlnar
lan. Hospital 218 south Locust St.
one-half block southwest of tho
Court ilousii.
Onlrr of llciirlii nnd Xntlve on Peti
tion fur .Settlement of Account.
In the County Court of Lincoln County
Stato of Nobraska. Lincoln Countv. rs.
To tho holrs nnd nil persons Interest
ed in ino csiaio or Ann Jano IJarra
clouKli. deceased:
On reading tho petition of Freder
ick UarraclouKU nrayinir a nnnl settle.
meat and nllownnco of his account niod
ill thin rniirt nn ttin inM. .Inv if Tn
As Mr. Reardonl lu,.. n" a decree of dlatribution
wns shop foroman horo in tho early 'AV.' "A8 ."'""f.?,0 "5 "5n.,?'im. "l.8ta;
days, tho throo men passed several nil piraoni'lnteroatd In said matter
hourB vory pleasantly-jovlowlng old nnd, do appear at tho County
Geo. B. Dent,
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention given to Surgery
and Obstetrics.
Phc l Office 130
Physician and Surgeon
Office B. & L. Building, Second Floor
Phone, Offlcc, 83; Residence 38.
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention Given to Gynecology
Obstetrics and Children s Diseases.
Olllco McDonald State Bank Building
corner Sixth and Dewey Streets.
Phones, Offlce 183, Residence 283
..General Hospital..
Phone 58 723 Locust Street
A modern institution for the
scientific treatment, pf, j medical-,
surgical and confinemeni dases.
Completely .equipped X-Ray
and diagnostiCj laboratories.
Geo. B. Dent, M. D. Y. Lucas, M. D.
J. B. Redfleld. M. D. J. S. Simms, H.D.
Miss Elise Sieman, Supt.
I Am Paying More for
than anyone else. Before
sell come and see me.
We are paying $10 Per ton
for Dry Bones.
North Platte Junk House
Lock's Old Barn.
Wd$rt Iff
Licensed Kmbalmcrs
Undertakers nnd Funeral Directors
Day Phone 234.
Night Phone Black 688.
In tho matter of the Estate of Sarah
Jane Ueaucliamp, I)eceancd.
To the Creditors, Holrs and all per
sons interested In said Kstato;
Notice Is hereby given, that Ralph
A. neauchamp claiming nn undivided
onc-slxth Interest in nnd to IiOt Five
(fi) of Section Nino (9), ln Township
Twelve (12), North of Hango Twenty
eight (2S), ln Lincoln County, Ne
braska, filed his petition in tho County
Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska,
praying that regular administration
may be waived and for a determination
of the time of tho death of Sarah Jano
IJeauchnmp, and of tho heirs of said
deceased, and, tholr degree of kinship
and tho Interest ln said real ebtato of
tho petitioner and othor heirs, and that
nil claims against said estato bo barred.
Said petition alleges that said Sarah
Jano Ueauchamp died on or about Jan
uary 13, 180C, nnd that at trb date of
her death she was a resident of Lin
coln County, Nebraska, and was seized
of an estato of Inheritance In tho above
described premises by virtue of a Home
stoad Entry thereon, which Is of a less
value than $2000.00 and Is wholly ex
empt from attachment, execution or
othor mesne process nnd not llablo for
tho payment of debts, and that thero
Htirvlved her, Emmornon Bonuchamp,
her husband, and tho following named
children: Charles L. Beauchamp, Italoh
A. Ueauchamp, Eva Clark, Paul W.
eauchamp, Freda Gloavo, and Grace
It is horoby ordered that said peti
tion be hoard at tho olllco of tho Coun
ty Judffo of Lincoln County, Nebraska,
on the 4th day of Februnrv. 1916.
at 9 a. m. That notice of this hearimr
will be published in tho North Plnttn
Tribune for three sucesslve weeks prior
to said hearing.
Jll-3w County Judge
Cigars m the Home
For the next five months smokers
will spend their evenings Indoors, and
what is moro convenient and moro
plcnsurcnblo than a box of cignrs at
home, easily accessible when wm hne
nn Inclination to smoke. Tn a box
of our homo-mado and hand-mado ci
gars, tho kind that aro a littlo better
than you buy elsewhere for tho same
Wo nlso carry a full lino of to
bncco and smokers' articles.
J. F. Schmalzried.
tlmos and recalling vlUcldonts which
occurred ln tho.. early' history of tho
Union Pacific. Mr. Roardon was par
ticularly interested to know how his
old-timo frldndri in North Platto woro
getting along, and through Mr. Austin
sent his best regards to them.
It was Mr. Reardon who sot un tho
englno ln tho Union Pacific shops In three successive wooka prior to said
1807, and that englno Is still doing da y of I'lng. nPNriT
Rood service. nw OEO 'counSe.
Courf to bo held in and for said County
mi uiu ui uay 01 -I'eoraary, litie, at 8
o'clock a. m., and show cause, if any
there bo, why tho prayer of tho potlton
or should not ho grantod, and that no
tice of tho pendency of said potltlon
and tho hearing tlferoof bo given to' all
persons Interested ln said matter by
publishing a copy of this ordor ln tho
North Platte Tribune, n seml-wnnklv
newspaper printed In said county for
Hogs iimJiuli
Bought and hightst market
prices paid " -
Residence Red 63C Office 459
In the matter of tho estate of Melissa
F; Lindsay, Deceased.
In tho Cojnty Court of Lincoln Coun
ty Nobraskn, Jnnuary 4, 101 C.
Notice is hereby given that the cred
itors of said deceased will meet the
Administrator of said Estate, before the
County Judpo of Lincoln County, Ne
braska, at tho County Court Room, in
said County on tho llth day of Fob.,
1D1G, and on the llth day of Aug., 1016,
at 9 o'clock a. m. each day, for the pur
pose of presenting their claims for
examination, adjustment and allow
ance. Six months are nllowod for
creditors to present their claims, and
one year for the Administrator to set
tlo said estate, from tho llth day of
February, 1018. This notice vlll be
published ln tle North Plutte Tribune,
a legal newspaper printed In aald
County, for four weeks consecutively,
prior to February 11, 1910.
Ul-lw CountyJudge.
In tho matter of tho estato of Aloft B.
Swanson, deceased.
In the County Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, Jan. C, 191C.
Notice Is hereby given that the cred
itors of said deceased will meet tho Ad
mlstratrix of said estato bofdro the
County JudKo of Lincoln County, Ne
braska, at the County Court Room in
said County, on tho llth day of Feb
ruary, 1910, and on the llth day of
August 1910, at 9 o'clock a. m. each
day, for the purpose of presenting
their claims for examination, adjust
ment and allowance. Six months are
allowed for creditors to present their
claims, and.'pne. year for the Adminis
tratrix to Settle said estate from the
llth day of February, 1916. This no
tice will be published in the North
l'latte Tribune, a letfat newspaper
printed in said County, for four weeks
successively prior to February 11, 1916,
JU-Jw County Judge.
I'ltOl .rl2 AOTICK
In the Mutter ot tin- Uxfnfc of Miir-
erutlin Ilurke, IlcccriNo.l.
In tho County Court ol Lit:.'.n Coun
ty, Nebraska, Nov. 26, 1915.
Notice Is hereby given that tho cred
itors of said deceased will meet the
Executors of said Estate befor the
County Judse of Lincoln County, Ne
braska, at the County Court Room, ln
said County, on the 2Sth day ot Janu
ary, 1916 and on tho 28th day Of July,
1916, at 9 o'clock A. M. each duv, for
tho purpose of presenting tholr claims
for examination, adjustment and allow
ance. Six months are allowed for crrd
ltors to present their clalmr, and r,o
year for the Executors to settle said Ea
toto from tho 2Sth day of Jan., 1916.
This notice will bo published In the
North Platto Tribune, a legal newspaper
printed In said County, for four weJts
successively prior to January 28th, 1916.
d2S-lw County Judge.
Serial No. 0114.1
Deiiurtiueiit of the Interior
U. S, Land Olllco at North Platte, Ne
.... , , , braska, Dec. 20, 1915.
Notlco Is herebv trlvnn thnf willing
A. Gaunt, of North Platto, Nebr., who
"II UUU. 1.
Townshln IE. N.. Ttnntrn 31 W fitl.
Principal Meridian has nied notice of
intention to mako Hnal live year Proof,
to establish claim to the land above des
cribed, before tho Register and Re
ceiver, at North Platte, Nebr., on the
14th day of Fob., 1916.
Claimant names as witnesses: Henry
Doobkc, James Uechan, Goorgo Ma
combor, Harry Madison, all of North
Platte, Nebr.
- J. E. EVANS.
d2-c" Register.
In tho County Court of Lincoln Coun
ty, Nebraska.
In the Mutter of tin- Entitle of Gerrltt
J. Iluiniif. IIccenKvil.
'Io the Creditor. Helri and All I'crMoiiM
IntereHted In Said ENtatct
Notice is hereby given that Charles
Hampe filed his petition ln this Court
on the 15th day of December 1915, in
which ho alleges that tho said Gerrltt
J. Hampe, deceased, doparted this life
catlne, ln Muscatine County, Iowa, be
ing at tho timo of his death a resident
of said City, County and State, and
seized in fee of an undivided one-half
interest in all of tho lands hereinafter
described, situatod in tho Stato of No
raska, tho title thereto boing held by
him by his initials thus. "G. J.
Hampo," to-wlt:
Northeast Quarter of Southeast
Quarter (NEV4 of SEy4). West Half of
faouthoast Quixrtor iVt. of SE ),
fiVvM Qimj;t.?,r, of Southwest Quar
T?n..iNI?.iofn?W .of Section TlUrty
r?.ri (4) Townanlp Thirteen (13)
En, iV' UaVR0T Twenty-Nino (29) West,
(jtn P. M., in Lincoln County, Nobraska.
South went Quarter (SWH) of Section
Nineteen (19). Township Nino (9)
North. Range Thirty. (36) West, 6th
P. M., in Lincoln County, Nebraska
Southeast Quarter (SEU) of Section
5$? ,(.7) ToiW.n.8U1!,1 Nineteen (19)
rY?' ,' 1rlanR0 F1"y-klght (58) West,
"'i1'.?1" ln B'nf County, Nebraska
Northeast Quarter of Northwest
Wit00.? S,15h Township Twonty-Nlno
(29) North hango Eight (8) West, 6th
Ami" & l"10?, County Nebraska.
ti tnat , t.n? Petitioner, Charles
Hampo, and his sister, Christina To
Strake. each Inherited an undivided
SrTdttJ11181 ln u' abovedes
tfnE 4-lnt' .Fno prayer of said petl
t m l?f m. 1th0.uCo'irt. determine the
t TTnnfn tho death of tho said Gerrltt
iviaJJip?'i de.0lS0lJ' "olrs, tho de
acSnt nt k.nshln and the right of de-
SpnirdttUdhat.all claims and demands
against said, estato bo forovor barred.
fTh0..Balli, net'on will be heard be
CrSS. th? C0"11 Court ln the Court
House in the city pf North Platte
County of Llncon,i6&V.ti0f
nt iWtyi W"' at 9 o'clock AVMa
a,liyh.tlme aU Persons Interested In
ffa,dn8t.?;te m,ay aPPoar and show cause,
JLa.ny, thcLre VS wly the prayer of said
Petition should not be granted.
Dated December 15, 1915.
d'S.3w aEi- FRENCH.
n-53w County Judge.
uuunt, oi iviortn Platto, Nebr., who
Jan. 4, 1909, mado Homestead entry,
. 01145 for SEV4. S NEU. SEW.
VU. E SW, Lots 1-2-3.. Section 2.