The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 14, 1916, Image 4

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I Miss Tlllle Kosbnu loft yesterday for
a visit with friends in Grand Island.
The Tllllkum Girls will have a largo
variety of cakes, pies, cookies, dough
nuts, etc, for sale in the Howe & Ma
loney window Saturday.
$1.50 Ladles' Waists now 79c.
The Dickens Enterprise made Its
Initial appcaranco yaat week. It la
published by W. H. Barton, also pub
lisher of tho Maywood Reporter.
If wo havo your size you can buy a
high grade Ladles' Suit for $5 or $10
President Baker, of the Fidelity In
surance Co., Is recovering from a very
severe attack or grippe and cold that
at one time threatened to tormlnato In
Vmir unroRlrlcted choice of any
skirt in the house that formerly sold
up to $15.00, at $7.48 at BLOCK'S
Clean Sweep Sale.
Loren Sturges and 0. R. Robinson
returned Wednesday from Omaha
whero they accompanied a shipment
of cattlo they had been feeding. They,
sold on a reasonably good market.
Tho Loader's 1H(? Clearance Sale
Slurls Monday Morning.
J A. McMichael left tho early part of
tho week for Excelsior Springs, Mo.,
whero he will rest and drink mineral
water for several weeks. This Is a
trip that Mr. McMichael makes each
Herbert White, formerly salesman
at Tho Leader, who had boon employed
In Fargo, S. D for sovoral months,
spent a few days hero this week whilo
enrouto to New Mexico to accept a
75c Fancy Silk Hose at 39c.
D. Kauffman, of Grand Island, and
L. L. Wernett, of Kearnoy, of tho
Kauffman-Wornert Co., owners of tho
ten cent storo In this city, woro In
town a day or two this weok on' busi
ness connected with tho store.
For Puro .Tersoy Milk, Phono 783F14,
and It will be delivered. 103tf
City Englneor McNamara left Tucs
day night for Omaha whero ho will
probably submit to an operation for
appendicitis. Prior to leaving ho had
been confined to tho house for several
days with this trouble.
Tho snow and cold woathor serious
ly intorferrcd with traffic on tho Union
Pacific. All trains from tho east Wed
nesday morning woro several hours
late, and yesterday morning thoy woro
from three to six hours belated.
Henry Peterson, formerly of this
city, who for sovoral years past has
boon a dining car conductor out of
Denvor has accoptcd tho position of
manager of tho Union Paclc hotel at
Sidney. lie assumed his duties yester
For Sale A Round Oak soft coal
stovo In good condition, $7.50. North
Platto, Light & Power Co. 102-4
Duo probably to frozen pipes, tho
water back In tho rnngo at tho homo
of Mrs. A. M. Anthony on west Third
streot exploded Wednesday morning
damaging tho rnngo to some extent
and filling tho house with soot, aslics
and steam.
$0.00 English Rnln Coats at $3.50.
Why not buy that automobllo now
whilo you can borrow from $1,000 to
.$1500 on well Improved section at 8
per cent with 3 to 5 years ttmo. No
commission, you got tho money tho
day you sign tho papers, address F28
Tribune Office, North Platte, Nob. 2f
Tho small-pox quarantine on tho
Davis losldenco, 1120 North Vino, and
tho Cornwoll homo, 515 west Tenth
was raised tho early part of tho week.
aa was also tho scarlot fever nuaran
tlno on tho Campbell resldonco at 217
west Seventh.
Tho LendorN lUg Clearance Sal
Stuns Jlonday Nnrnlug.
Tho fltato aid to weak school dls
trlcts In Lincoln county In .tho sum of
$G32 was recolvcd this weok by Co
Supt. Gantt. This sum Is divided
among eleven districts, and tho sum
each district receives varies from $10
for District 10S, to $160 for district 100
Dr. II. C. Brock,, offico ovor Stone
Drug Storo. 103tf
Mrs. C. S. Clinton entertained tho
Mothers' Club at a Christmas party
Wednesday afternoon. Tho fcaturo
of tho function was a Christmas troo
from which presents wore distrlbu
ted to tho llfteon members present
A dinner In four courses concluded
Jtlils pleasant afternoon.
Failure of tho heating plants in tho
Washington and Lincoln buildings to
furnish sufficient warmth resulted I
closing those Hcliools Wednesday. It
Is probablo that tho plants in these
schools will need bo roplaced sooner
or later, as thoy aro not of sufficient
capacity to heat tho buildings In ox
tremo weather.
For Jorsov Whlnnlnu croam. Phono
783F14, and It will bo delivered. lOOtf
E. F. Sooberger submitted to an
operation at the Mayo Bros, hospital
at Rochester, Minn., Monday and is
r.oported to bo recovering satlsrac
torlly. Tho trouble was found to bo
ulcoration of tho stomach. Tho ul
cors woro "tied up" and pormanont
relief Is oxpoctod. Dr. Wurtelo ac
companlod Mr. Scoborger to Itochostor,
Jcsso McKaln, of Ilorshoy, pleaded
guilty to tho drunk and disorderly
chnrgo in Judgo Mlitonborgor's court
Tuesday and was fined $5.00 and costs
tho total amounting to $12.20. Not
having tho cash handy, lio was re
inanded to Jail. McKaln is charged
with giving liquor to young Martin
last Saturday night whoroby tho lattor
camo insensibly Intoxicated.
Mrs. E. W. Mann sntortalned tho J,
F. F. club Tuesday evening nt
Christmas party, tho rooms bolng
decorated with emblems of that Bca
son. and tho schemo was carried out
in tho refreshments. Mr. II. P. Honck-
el assumed tho rolo of Santa Claus and
distributed tho gifts. In tho contests
tho club prizes woro won by Mrs,
Shilling and Mrs. Guthcrlcss, and tho
guests' prizes by Mrs. Sinclair and Mrs
Miss Edith Wondeborn will cnter
taln.tho (Lutheran Girls' club at her
home this' evening.
Miss Alice Plumer, of Maxwell, has
been tho guest of Miss Laura Murray
for a couple of days ithls week.
Tho Yeoman drill team will give
ono of their regular fifty cent dances
at tho Lloyd opera house this even
ing. Tho Junior class of the high school
will hold an exchange In tho Dorry
borry & Forbes window Saturday,
January 22.
Blalno KItzmlller, of Denver, who
spent tho foro part of this weok horo
on business and visiting friends, has
returned to Denvor.
Mrs. Gus Hallo, of Omaha, wlfo of
tho well known passenger brakeman,
camo up last evening to attend the
initiation ceremonies given by tho
Eastern Star.
A. Holzmark, of Gothenburg, who
spent yesterday on his ranch near
Brady, camo up last evening and at
tended ".A. Pnlr of Sixes."
TJio Leader's Big Clearance Halo
Starts Monday Morning.
Mrs. Welsner, whoso husband had
been temporarily on duty horo as
train dispatcher, left yesterday for
Grand Island.
Beautiful skirts In up to tho minute
styles In all wool poplins and chudda
cloth, worth up to $10, aro going at
$2.98 and $4.08 at BLOCK'S Clean
Sweep Sale.
Christian Science servico Sundny 11
a. in. Subject "Life." Sunday school
12 m. Wednesday evening meetings 8
o'clock. A cordial Invitation is ex
tended to all. Building & Loan build
ing, room 25.
2 year old bay stud colt. Phono
Black 537. J. E. Qulnn. 104-2
Mrs. Sam!. Hawkins Dies
Mrs. Saml Hawkins, who resided
In tho Hershoy section, and was
brought hero a couplo of weeks ago to
rcceivo treatment for a fractured hip
sustained two months ngo by the kick
from a liorso, died at tho Pulver hos
pital early Wednesday morning. Mrs.
Hawkins was thirty-two years old and
Is survived by her husband. Tho fun
eral services wero held yesterday af
ternoon from the Howe & Maloney
Undertaking Parlors and interment
made in tho North Platto cemetery.
Installation Postponed.
On account of the storm which raged
Tuesday evening and the belated
trains, tho Installation of Rev. Robert
Whlto as pastor of tho Presbyterian
church, which was announced for
Tuesday evening was postponed. The
servico will bo held at some future
time to be announced later.
Braids and transformations made
from combings. Phone Rod 011. 014-1
Itowland Flics for Commissioner.
Will Rowland, who has resided In
North Platto since boforo tb6' Indians
left tho country and Is still a com
paratively young man, has filed for
the democratic nomination for county
commissioner from tho North Platto
district. Mr. Rowland is well acquaint
ed in tho city and Is pretty certain to
poll a largo vote.
Voting en 8-IIour Day
Last Tuesday 400,000 engineers, fire
men, conductors and brakemen began
voting on the demands for an eight
hour day and time and a half for over
time. Employes on every road In the
United States aro Included. If adopt
ed, and it is certain that they will, tho
demands will bo presented to tho roads
by a Joint committee some tlmo In
Railroad officials declaro that If tho
demands woro granted It would In
crease tho expenses of' the railroads
$150,000,00 a year.
. aw
Telephone Your
Grocery orders to32
They will given prompt and
careful attention.
Lierk-Sandall Co.
ere tranKness reveals vouro
How You
Benefit by This
Some things marked at less than cost.
Many others at exact cost to us
On a few items we will make a profit
By "positive" we mean a sale of actual
values- not merely an advertising
scheme to get you into our store. We're
not overstocked, because we've had a
fine business since early last Fall.
Naturally we had to buy some things in
larger quantities.
Yqu know how people's tastes differ
how one likes this, another that. So
we bought to please everybody and we
succeeded. That meant buying more
of some things than we actually need
ed, just to offer our trade a wider
That's the reason for this Sale.
Quality, style and pattern measure up
tot our high standard oi merchandise.
The price alone is lower.
Come in and look around,
own judgment the goods
Use your
will sell
Remember the dates January 15 to
January 31, inclusive.
mvr -hi.
We want to give you an Idea of what we are
doing with Overcoats just when you need
All $25 Overcoats, finest make, latest style,
go for : $18.75
All $20 Overcoats go for $15.00
All $15 Overcoats go for $11.25
All $10 Overcoats go for $7.50
It might be wise to drop in and see this lot
of Boys' Suits wo have left. They're bar
gains in every sense of the word and you'll
appreciate them. Sizes 9 to 1G: take any
one you want for Onc-Hnlf Trice.
Here's your opportunity to buy high grade
dress shoes at bargain pricos, 29 pairs of
$4, $4.50 and $5 shoes, in Russia calf and
gun metal leathers, Ibutton and l)lucher
style, yours for $2.95
20 pairs boys Shoes, in patent and gun metal
leathers, sizes 13 to 5, $3 values go at $1.75
Men's Socks Can you wear them? We have
ten dozen of tho 2 pairs for 25c kind which
you can have at a bargain if you hurry
sizes 10 to 11, 4 pairs for 25c
Shirts maybo one of this lot is what you
want Sizes 14 to 17 fine fabrics, fell
behind a little because of the various tastes
among patrons. Wero $1.50. Possibly they'll
just please you, now marked at SOc
Wo havo too many boys' Fall Caps, sizes
G 3-8 to 7. They sell regularly at 50c.
Fit tho boy out with ono for 35c
Did you say you were looking for bargains
in suits? Hero you are.
All $25 Suits, best fabrics, finest makes, your
size for $18.75
All $20 Suits, your size for
All $15 Suits, your size for
Blue Serges at 20 discount.
. . .$11.25
Do you want to "dress up" a little with a
now soft or stiff hat that sells regularly at
$3.50? You can havo ono at $2.80
You will appreciate these bargains in warm
woolen underwear.
Regular $2.50 values, in shirts and drawers
on salo at $1.75
Tho man who needs an oxtra pair of trousers
will take to these $3.50 to $5 values at $2.00
Regular $2 and $1.50 values, on salo at $1
Aro you in tho market for Silk Socks? Now's
a good itlmo to buy good onos at a reduced
price. Regular 50c values at 85c
Now Is the .time to buy that Sweater you
wanted. You'll not not bo able to obtain
such good values at theso prices later.
$9 Heavy Jumbo knit Sweaters, now yours
for $7.20
$5 Shawl Collar.. Shakor knit Sweaters, now
yours, for .'. $1.00
$4 All wool Sweaters, now yours fpr ..$3.20
$3 Sweater Coats now yours for $2.10
j. b. Mcdonald