The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 14, 1916, Image 3

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Suited to Winter Sports-Coats
Home Economics Association Urges
Farmers' Wives to Attend Ses
slon January 17 to 21.
. m . iff i.i. .n.nB, .-I 1
There is nothing better suited to the
sports-coats of winter than the chin
chilla fur fabrics, which are manufac
tured in white au well as colors, and
in some mixtures. They aro practi
cal as well as bright and showy, and
aro made up in plain models and in
handsonio fur-trimmed garments as
For skating, caps to match are made
of the material, quito often combined
with some other fabric or with fur.
Tho very dressy skating costumes,
made of velvet or plush and fur
trimmed, offer many suggestions for
making up tho more matter-of-fact
chinchilla coats and caps. They aro
modeled most attractively on Russian
lines, which aro incomparably smart
for really wearable outdoor clothes.
Tho plainest and most unambitious
of chinchilla sports-coats is pictured
Millinery designed for those who
journey South to meet tho spring is
distinctly gay and pretty in coloring.
It presents moro novelty In tho way
of materials used in making it up than
in shape. Two of tho now doml-season
hats which aro among thoso classed
as "Palm Beach" models aro shown
hero and they aro quito attractlvo
enough to deservo tho namo of Ameri
ca's great southern resort. However,
they aro designed for and destined to
servo tho tourist wherever she may
At tho loft a logical shape for sunny
lands is pictured in a French sailor
of irregular width of brim. It is mado
of gray-bluo georgette crepe, much
like tho familiar alico blue, combined
with tho now Tokyo leathor. Tho
groundwork of tho leather is of tho
same color as tho crepe and its sur
face is covered with a mass of curi
ous oriental figures In beautifully soft
and gay colors. This leather forms
tho top of tho crown and covers tho
upper brim, which 13 faced with tho
cropo and finished at tho edge with a
wide flange of it.
Tho little wings, posed at tho right
sldo, aro mado of tho cropo and leath
er and mounted with a narrow band
of black fur which reappears about
tho baso of tho crown. .
A small narrow-brimmed model
which will make tho purchaser pauso
before sho decides on any other Is an
adorablo hat of coral pink faille and
Tokyo leathor. Tho crown is of tho
faillo silk and tho brim has a back
ground of palo ollvo green and tho
usual intricato pattern In colored fig
ures over tho surface. At tho front
two big rosebuds of silk, otio in coral
and tho other in light mustard color,
Crmi I u imiii ill III j 1 1 i 1 u mj
Millinery to Meet the Spring
: k VVV r4' ATh 1
above. It is cut on lines so slinplo
that it does not need description, and
it3 intent iB plainly to bo purely
practical. It presents no difficulties to
tho homo dressmaker. Even tho roll
ing collar is easy to manago becauso
of tho elasticity of the material. A
"Tarn" cap of tho same material with
yarn balls or pompons for trimming
is equally easy to manago.
Chinchilla can bo recommended for
children's coats, as it includes all tho
essentials of clothes for winter, be
ing soft and warm, attractive and du
rable. Tho prettiest of long coats,
for very small girls, aro mado of
white chinchilla and worn with white
fur muffs and neckpieces and pretty
bonnets of heavy whlto silk. Whero
tho coat is intended for general wear,
brown or bluo or tho regular chinchilla
mixturo is chosen.
aro mounted with two sprays of white
borrles and a few dark-green leaves.
A light yellow bud with berries
is placed at tho base of tho crown In
tho back. Tho silk buds aro elaborat
ed with a tiny braid about tho outside
petals and for onco tho rosso has been
adorned successfully with a final lov
ing touch of beauty.
Sashes and Tulle Skirts.
One of the difficulties about the
very full skirts is that they soraotlnieg
look bulky, and are bulky, about the
waist and hips. Tho Paris dressmak
ers have been trying various expe
dients to overcome this bulklness over
since they began to experiment with
tho full Bklrts. With a tullo skirt por
haps tho best way Is to have a sash,
cither a narrow band or a wide, soft
ribbon folded narrow, fastened rather
loosely about the hips. It restrains the
excessive fullnos!?, but at tho samo
tlmo docs not form a harsh lino.
Velvet Foot Rests Are Unusual.
Velvet foot rests for homo use are
new and unusual, boing decorated
with a now stylo of work. Ono which
measures throo-quartcrs of a yard
long, 18 inches wldo and 12 Inches
high. Is covored with blnck volvet
piped with llamo color, and In tho con
tor thero Is an applied yellow velvet
baBket. Tho basket la filled with ap
ples and grapes mado of velvet and
stuffed to half their natural size.' Thltj
work also appears on other and dif
ferently shaped reste. In conventional
ized flower and fruit designs.
Lincoln. In addition to many farm,
ers who will offer the results of much
practical experience at tho Nebraska
Improved Live Stock Breeders' asso
ciation during Organized Agriculture
Uock hero, January 17 to 21, some of
tho most prominent speakers on 11 w
stock problems In the middle wist
will be on tho program. Among
those from out of the state are C. F.
Ourtlss, dean of the Iowa State Col
lege of Agriculture; J. H. Skinner,
dean of the Indiana College of Agri
culture; Georgo McKerrow, Pewau
keo, Wis.; and II. R. Smith of St.
Paul, Minn., (formerly of the Ne
braska College of Agriculture). Sec
retaries of Beveral of tho nntionul
breeders' associations and members
of the Nebraska College of Agricul
ture will also speak.
Tho Nebraska Home Economics as
sociation will also be In session dur
ing agricultural week and a cordial
invitation Is extended to the wives of
those attending organized agriculture.
Tho programs aro prepared especially
for tho needs of the country home.
Boy Babies In Lead.
Ono set of triplets was bom in
Nebraska during 1915 and 171 pairs
of twins. Tho vital statistics pre
pared by Secretary Case of the state
board of health shows that 14,137 male
children were born, as compnred with
13,407 femules, a total of 37,544.
One hundred and thirty-one babies
were colored, 24,109 American, 1,003
German, 794 Scandinavian, 183 British
and 312 Bohemian.
Douglas county had 2,224 of tho
11,943 marriages in the state. Whee
ler county had soven marriages and
thirty deaths.
Tho chief causo of death was or
ganic diseases of the heart, 1.1C3 being
from this cause. Pneumonia killed
813, cancer 00G and tuberculosis 398.
Forty-eight persons committed suicide
by taking poison, fifty shot and twrn-ty-scven
hanged themselves, while for-ty-nino
killed themselves by other
means. Three deaths were due to
Douglas county furnished the larg-'
est number of divorces, 012. Lancas
ter county came second with 243. Ar
thur, Banner, Perkins and Sheiman
couuntics had but ono divorce each.
Over Million Taxes.
Taxes paid by property owners of
the state for the present year will ag
gregate $21,390,358 as against $20,
405,457 last year. This includes taxes
for all purposes, state, county, school
district, city, town, village and it
takes into consideration tho fact, too,
that the state levy was reduced a full
mill for tho year. The total at that
Is about $1,000,000 lower than it was
three years ago. Tho Increase comes
from a raise in lodal tax rates in sec
tions of tho state Dodge county makes
probably the best showing of any
county in tho state by paying $310,092.
this year as against $502,477 last year.
Estabrook for President.
A petition containing the names of
'several hundred supporters was re
cently filed with Secretary of Stato
Pool presenting the name of Henry
Estabrook as a candidate for the re
publican presidential nomination,
subject to tho 191G primaries. Tho
petition states that Mr. Estabrook is
tho first bona fide candidate to file;
that ho is a product of Nebraska, and
will represent what may be termed
"now leadership."
To Observe Child Labor Day.
January 24 will bo observed as Child
Labor day throughout tho country and
while Stato Superintendent Thomas
does not believe a whole day should
bo devoted to tho obsorvanco of tho
samo, becauso Nebraska has so many
special days, ho thlnkB a short tlmo
should bo spent in each school and
recommends a program offered by tho
national child day committee as prop,
or to use.
Pool Busy In December.
Tho month of December was an un
usually busy month In tho ofllco of
Secretary of State Pool. In 1911 this
ofllco received during tho month of
December a total of $2,470.20, but
during tho same period in 1915 tho
records show cash receipts of $r,
.120.14, a net increaso of $2,049 94.
Moorhcad Accepts Reappointment.
Governor Morohead hns received
the acceptance of Hnrloy G. Moor
head, appointed to again hold tho of
fice of election commissioner of
Douglas county. Tho term is for two
years nnd began the 1st of January
Prison Population Increased.
The prison population of tho stnto
increased from 341 to 309 during tho
month of December and tho number
of these convicts out on parolo went
up during the month to 215. This is
tho meat of tho monthly report filed
with the governor by Warden Fcn
tou. Of tho 309 inmates behind tho
walls at present two of the number
are women. Four women aro out on
parole and are said to bo making
good. Officers and guards nt tho In
stitution numbor forty-six, Including
Mrs. Fenton, who Is matron.
This photograph, showing a pathetic Hceno during tho flight of tho people of Serbia before tho Invading Teu
tons and Bulgarians, was sent by noroplano from Scutari to Durazzo by a correspondent attached to tho sulto
Tho p. & O. liner Persia which
Creto. About 250 lives wcro lost,
waB on his way to his post.
To test tho validity of Britain s interference with United States mails, a
commltteo Is to mall 150 flvo-pound cans of milk powder to Gormany and
Austria-Hungary for the uso of babies. Tho milk will bo sent as first-class
mattor, registered. Tho postage on each can Is $3.48, nnd each can ot milk
powder can bo convortcd Into 20 qunrtB of milk by tho addition of hot water.
Col. Edward Handell House on bonrd tho steamship Rotterdam, on which
ho sailed for n visit of six weeks or two months In London, Paris and Berlin,
Ho goes as tho representative of President Wilson, nnd as such ho will visit
tho American embassies in theso cities and the statesmen at tho head ot
affairs in all three nations. From loft to right, In front: Dudloy Flold Malono,
Col. E. M. House, Dr. Cnry T. Grayson, tho porBonnl physician to Prosldont
Wilson. In rear, left to right: C. N. Carver, secretary or Colonel House, and
8. E. Mczes, president of the College of tho City of Now York.
was torpedoed and sunk without warning In tho Mediterranean south of
among tho victims being Robert N. McNooly, American consul nt Aden, who
Miss Frances Thornton, popularly
called "Bunny," has sprung into prom
Inonco through her sensational driving;
of speed cars on mllo dirt tracks. Mlsa
Thornton is a Brooklyn girl and so
cially prominent in that borough.
While driving nt a 70-ralle an-hour gait
nt a reeont raco moot lh Peoria, 111., sho
crashed through n fenco. Sho oscape.l
uninjured, but hor mechanician wn
fearfully hurt. Sho Jumped out of the
machine, calmly administered first aid
and snw tho injured man to the hos
pital. "Bunny" is tho successor of tho
famous Mrs. John Nowton Cunco, who.
broke many records some years ngc
nnd then retired from tho racing gamoc
Sho Is only nineteen ycnrB old.
Largest Aqueduct Is In America.
Tho aqueduct conducting tho watera
of tho Owens river to Los Angeles Is
said to bo tho largest in tho world,
It Is designed to deliver a minimum ot
25S.000.000 gallons of water dally Into
tho San Fernando reservoir, 25 mllea
northwest of tho city. No pumping
plant is required, as tho source of sup
ply is sovoral hundred feet above tho
city Tho water will furnish a great
amount of power 70.000 horsepower
Is anticipated for electrical lighting
and othor purposes. Tho total cose
of tho water workB will bo $25,000,000..
and tho Installation of the power plant
will bo approximately 55,000,OUth