Scene from the laugh festival, "A PAIR OF SIXES" which comes to the KE(TH THEATRE THURSDAY, JAN. 13, with Oscar Figman and New York" Cast. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Miss Hannah Kelihcr, of Omaha, la Expected hefo shortly to visit friends. For Pure Jersey Milk rhone 7S3F14, and It will bo delivered. 103tf Davo White returned yostorday morning from a short visit In Omaha. M. E. Scott and Attorney J..G. Beolor spent yesterday In Sutherland on busi ness. ' Mrs. F. C. IIoxo returned Saturday ovenng from Ogalnlln, whore she spent Inst week. Dr. II. C. Brock, ofllco over Stono Drug store. -103tf Mr. and Mrs. AV. C. Cole arrived from Omaha Sunday evening to Visit Mr. and Mrs. John Don. Claudo Delaney returned to North port yesterday morning aftor spending a few days hero. Mrs. 11 N. McNamar, of Paxton, vis ited Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Ulock the lat ter part of last week. Mrs. Ada Lewis left at noon Satur day for Council Bluffs to visit with her sister, Mrs. L. C. Hanson. Miss Blancho Thornburg spent tho week end with her sister Miss Merle Thornburg In Grand Island. Miss Lillian Bechon roturncd yester day morning from Hershey where she visited relatives for a week. Miss Bessie Smith resumed her du ties as teacher at Hershey yesterday morning aftor a week's illness. Mrs. S. C. Scott, of Albuquerque, who visited her sister Mrs. H. P. Husband last week, left Sunday evening. Miss Gladys Foster returned to tho Kearney normal Sunday evening after spending two weeks with Mrs. Fred Payne. Regular $3.50 all wool skirts, In all shades, and evory one of them this foll'n mmlnls. are now going at si.ys at . rtiTriM . pinnti Kivnori Kale. JlUWljlt .J ...... Donald O'Brien has accepted the po sition in tho Union Paclllc warohouso made vacant by the resignation of Ed ward Dedrlck. Mrs. Esther Burgner, who had been employed In Grand Island for several ivonths and camo hero for the holidays, lffis decided to remain. Mrs. Andrew Yost resumed work, as stenographer In the Bratt & Goodman olllco yesterday, having been ill with gall stones for a month past. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Schick, of Curtis, wero called hero Sunday by the death of tho tatter's aunt Mrs. J. E. House, who died at tho Lincoln home. L. W. Walker will arrive from the east today and will make arrangements to move his household goods to Omaha, which city will be Mr. Walker's future headquarters. Attorney P. It. Halllgan wont to Ar thur county on legal business this morning. Will Frend has been off duty. In Foreman McGraw's olllco for a wcok on acount of Illness. Charles Ell returned Saturday from Cheyenne where ho attended the funer al of tho late John McCabc. For Rent 5 room house, 410 west Eleventh street, J. D. Cox. 101-2 Thore will Installation of officers for Walla Walla lodge No. 50, I. O. O. F. at their hall Thursday evening. Leo Tlgho returned Sunday from Lexington whoro ho visited his sister, Mrs. Wilfred Stuart, for ton days. Miss Thclma Frator, who had been ill for several weeks, resumed work at the RInckcr Drug store yesterday. The D. of II. and A. . U. W. will hold joint Installation of officers at the K. I. hall Monday evening, January 17th. Mrs. Blalock, who had been a patient at the North Platto General hospital returned homo the later part of last week. William Boylo, of Chicago, who camo last week to attend the funeral of his sister, tho lato Wllamet Boyle, will leave today. Miss Mario Stack left yesterday morn ing for Lexington to visit her cousin, Mrs. Wilfred Stuart, for a couplo of weeks. Miss Minnie Rosencuttcr, of tho Load er, left yesterday afternoon for Brady to visit tho homo folks for a couple of weeks. Miss Allco Fltzpatrlck Is visiting her parents whllo tho Brady schools In which she Is teaching aro closed on ac count of scarlet fever. Miss Jane Cushlng, of Omaha, who had been tho guest of her sister,' Mrs. Don Tarklngton for two weeks, left Sunday morning for home. If you havo dollar eyes get dollar glasses, they nro Your eyes and Your dollars, but after you lose one or both, dont whine. C. S. CLINTON, Register ed Optometrist. Our Xmas sales of Grafanolas wore far beyond our expectations, because our machine, tho Grafanola, Is so smooth running, so beautiful, clear toned and reasonably priced. Visit our music room. DIXON, tho Joweler. Mrs. C. C. Clark, of Maxwell, was called hero last wok by tho serious Ill ness of her slstor, tho lato Mrs. J. E. Hbuse, of Chamberlain, S. D., who died at the homo of her brother, John Lin coln, Sr., Sunday. ::o:: l.'OIt 1113 NT HiiiiHON, nice unfurnished roonm c1(inc In, large eeincnt linHcmcnt with Iient, light and miter, under n IiiinIiicmn More clone In. II RAIT fc GOODMAN. IH.OCIv GHTTINO IlKAIIY KOU HASTIMIN I'LHCIIASIMJ TIlll. Harry I. Block, of the Block Ladles' Outfitting Store, will loavo shortly' for Chicago and Now York for tho purpose of purchasing spring garments and fur nishings for tho storo that Is regarded by many as tho fashion headquarters for western Nebraska. Tho past year was by far tho most successful ono Mr. Block has had In North Platte; not only wero tho number of customers greater but tho quality of the goods purchased was better thoro was a noticeable de crease In tho calls for tho cheaper grades. Believing that this demand for quality will ho oven greater next yonr, Mr. Block on his enstorn trip will buy heavily, and with tli view of present ing to the ladles tho smartost garments thnt has over beon displayed In North Platte. Preparatory to lonvlng for the east, Mr Block has Inaugurated a clean swccp salo by moans of which ho hopes, by offering goods at loss than cost prices, to closo out whatever remains of the fall and wlntor stock. As tho wlntor season has only fairly started, this clean-sweep wale offers an unusual opportunity for ladles to secure bar gains In coats, suits and furs and got tho uso of thorn during tho prosont son son. Whllo tho salo Is primarily to closo out tho wlntor stock, It Is clean sweeping In Its reach and Includes everything In tho storo. AVOMIJX'S RI3I.IKK CORPS SUIIVI2S n.YCKI.MJNT OIIICKI3.V DlXM'.ll, 607 LOCUST STREET NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. PHONE 82 Sanitary Newly Furnished Fireproof This institution is now open for the Reception and Treatment of Surg ical, Medical and Obstetrical cases. A Strictly modern Hospital for ti e convenience of the physicians of North Platte and country tributary thereto. NURSES REGISTRY CITY HOSPITAL NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. PHONE 82 GRADUATE NURSES DOMESTIC NURSES We aro in a position to furnish competent nunes for physicians, on short notice. Cnll Phono 82 and state whether you want graduate or domestic nur and we will complete all the arrangements ior you wunoui cnarge. Final Proof dm HoiiicmU'iiiIm. During 101B llnal proof was mado on 19G homesteads at tho local U. S. land office, ns compared with 325 in 1014, and S15 In 1913. This decreaso year by year shows how nearly nil tho public domain In western Nebraska has passed to the assessment rolls nnd taxed for local and stato government. It Is nlso evldenco that In a for years tho land offices In the west part of tho stato will havo fulfilled their mission nnd be discontinued. Of tho 19G proofs made last year, thlrty-nlno were on land located In Lin coln county. ::o:: Poultry AMMot'lntlmi 10Ico(h O til corn Tho annual mooting of tho Lincoln County Poultry and Pot Stock Associ ation was held Friday afternoon at the show room and tho following officers wero elected: President, M. C. Uodgors, North Platto; first vice president, J. J. Crawford, North Platte; second vlco president, .Mrs. A. W. Hoatson, Suther land; troasuror, J. H. VanCleave, North Platte; secretary, John A. MclJonnld, North Platte; assistant secretary, Charles Green, North Plnttc. ::o:: to tiii: c.ri:i.'i;i, ixvkstor. Wo have Nome choice flrxt mortgage real estate Ioiiiih netting 7 mill S per cent annual littcrcHt In hiiiiin of $230 anil upwards, AW make these Ioiiiih to good pardi'H on ii conservative IiiinIh, it fond to collcetliir IntercNt nnd prin cipal. Xn bother to Hie inventor ex cept to receive the money vtlieu due. Illl ATT A (i(IOI)IA. : :o: : V. riirlntle AdiiuiH nt The Keith. W. Chrlstio Adams, the female imper sonator and classic dancer, will ho tho feature at -the Keith this evonlng. Ho will appear in threo numbers La Bou doir, a Parislcnne novelty; LnPetlto Mldluette, nnd Orlentale, tho latter an Arabian fantasy. Those who saw Mr. Christie at tho Elks' stag banquet can testify as to his work being strictly high class and exceptionally clo-or. Tho costumes to bo worn tonight nro fronl ( a ; celebrated New York City modiste- ::o;: Special fur Thurnilny 2 pounds of spare ribs nnd 1 quart of sauer kraut for 20o cash. MART I MEAT MARKET. ::o:: Miss Esther Brand, formerly of this cfty, who has been visiting Miss Hazel Smith for two weeks will return t( Wnllaco to resume her dutlos as teacher this week. mt.2fi Flannolette Dresses nnd KImonns nt 70c at BLOCK'S Clean Sweep Sale. Tho funeral of the late Wllamot Boyle, tho threo year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Boylo, was held from tho residence nt 10 o'clock Saturday morn ing. Rov. McDaid conducted tho ser vices which were attended by a largo number of her little playmates and friends of tho family. Many beauti ful floral offerings were sent and four Uttlo girls, Mario Golf, Naomlo Camp bell, Helen and Frances DoRolf acted as pall hearers. Interment wns mado In tho North Platto cemetery. Tho Commercial Cablo Company an nounces that "Owing to tho Interruption of othor companies' cablo facilities, and tho suspension by thorn of their cheap er forms of sorvlco at tho end of Do combor, and extraordinary volume of 'Doforred' traffic was forced upon tho linos of this company. This resulted In creating n delay on this class of traf fic to such an extent that It wns Impos sible to glvo a satisfactory sorvlco. Un der theso circumstances wo found it necessary to temporarily suspend this class of traffic until such timo as tho situation becomes normal." POSTAL TELEGRAPH-CABLE CO. A Joint Installation of tho recently elected olllcors of tho Women's Relief Corps and tho Oritnd Army of tho Re public wan heir Saturday afternoon nt tho Odd Follows' hull. Preceding those ccromonlos tho tuembors of tho Corps served n chicken dinner to tncinbors of tho two organizations and a fow In vltod guests, among tho latter being Stuto Commander Hutnphroy, of tho G. A. R. A committee of ladlos handled tho culinary end of tho meal and bevy of young girls wero tho servers. Tho monu Included chlckon nnd gravy with biscuits, mashed potatoes, cabbage sal ad, baked bonus, brown and whllo bread, plcklos, pumpkin pto with whip ped cronm nnd coffee. It wns certainly a tine dinner and groatly onjoyed by tho fifty or moro who surrounded tho tables. The officers of tho Corps Installed were: President, Mrs. J. A. McMlehnel; senior vlco, Mrs. Martha Graham; Jun ior vice, .Mrs. Joseph Morsch; chaplain, Mrs. Goo. M. Smith; conductross, Mrs. Henry Breternltz; guard, Mrs. W. J. TUoy; secretary, Mrs. J. E. Evans. Tho G. A. R. Installed tho folowlng officers: Commander, Lester Walker; senior vice, Satn'l Goozeo; Junior vice, Geo. H. Donehowor; chaplain, J. S. Hoagland; officer of tho dny, T. C. Pat terson; quartermaster, Alonzo McMl ehnel; officer of tho guard, J. A. Foster; patriotic Instructor, P. J. Oilman; nd Jutnnt, John E. Evans. The following program was rendered: Instrumental solo, Vorn Breternltz: solo Helen Bonner; reading, Ruth Elder; solo, Miss Deinor; instrumental, Mrs. Cramer; solo, E. Kendall;; duet, Mr. Kendall and Miss Dolucr. ::o:: I IS I.AM) OWNKRS l'HOTKST roiiM.vnox imi..;i: district One hundred and forty-eight land owners, representing 27,405 ncres of land, have signed thq protest against tho formation of the proposed dralnngo district covering tho valley lands bo tw.een tho O'Fnllon bluff nnd tho con fluence of tho Plntto rivers east of town In this territory thero nro approxi mately 41,000 acres. Tho protostants, represent considerably moro than ono half of tho acreage. As tho formation of the district requires a majority of tho total acreage, It would look as though tho project has been defented. ::o:: Oxcnr Kidman In a "Pnlr of SIon." Tho Kolth thoatro will havo tin at traction next Thursdny, Janunry 13th, with Oscar Figman nnd tho Now York cast, In a "Pair of Sixes," which hns been anticipated with much interest, for It Is now acknowledged tho world over ns ono of tho funniest farces ever seen on the English-speaking stage. It has been running for nearly a year at the Longacro theatre, Now York, and it Is tho reigning supcess In tho west. No play has ever recolved more un stinted pralso for Its bright and amus ing story, clover dialogue and cloverly conceived situations. It Is In threo acts and Is by Kdwnrd Pcple, tho well known author of The Little Rohol" and "The Prince Chap." Scats gobn sale at tho box office this evening at 7:30. The indications are for a crowded house. ::o:: i .i. ii:i.m:r t t o. Ileal Entitle nnd liiNiirmice Come in and see us for town lots in different parts of tho city. Good Invest ments on easy terms. Houses for sale and rent Wo have also good bargains in farms and ranches. Cor. Front and Dewey Sts., upstairs. Do you sco tho point? Tho girl means you. .Aro YOU Insured? Sho I s nil right you enn tell that by her happy conlcnetl look. .Hut how about you? Aro YOU contented In tho 6iimo wuy? Suppose anything should happen lo you today, tomorrow, or tho dny after, how would your family faro? Aro .they .protected .from .poverty should you dlo suddenly? If not, It Is time you thought nhout It. Let us write you n policy now. C. F. TEMPLE Room 1, I. 0. 0. F. Bldg. Next to the Flat Iron the Toaster Z. Is the most generally used Electric Appliance. It makes an ideal gift, useful attractive and in excellent taste. We haye styles ranging from $2.25 up. North Platte Light & Power Co. KeeLocK, the Screwless Mountings WITH THE BULLDOG GRIP. No screws to work loose. Lenses enn not work loose. Less breakage of lenses. If you are having trouble with your lenses working loose, (and you sure are if you arc wearing Hhnless Glasses), call and let us teeloc NEWO the (gOLD PERFECT LENS MOUNTING show you our KeeLocK Screwless Lense Mountings C. S. CLINTON, l.oou for tho siun witu tho nie nintr. Registered Optometrist 3EZJE OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH - The First National Bank -ul- Member Federal Reserve Bank System. One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars. H STABILITY, EFFICIENCY AND SERVICE HAVE BEEN THE FACTORS IN THE GROWTH OF THIS HANK, ANB THE SAME CAREFUL ATTENTION IS GIVEN TO SMALL ACCOUNTS AS IS GIVEN TO LARGE BALANCES. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. 11 3C "T."7",""pi A. A " K a It Goes Without Saying that the better you provide for your hens, the better they will provide for you. That's the result of experience. Provide them with comfortable quarters and they'll yield you comfortable dollars. SEE YOUR POULTRY JOURNAL ' for plans and specifications and SEE US FOR THE LUMBER Coates Lumber and Coal Co. The Home of Good Coal Phone 7. WSJ8 tor Chilly Morni Dress in comfort with a PERFECTION Use Perfection Oil for best results. J f Br STANDARD OIL COMPANY (NcbrMka) Omaha i i 'i "0.