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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1916)
Report An Experience of a News , " paper '.Correspondent Dy MILLARD MALTBIE lltson7' Bald "tho editor hi clilof t. tne when the pan-European war broke ou't,l"you must go to Europe nt onco to report Uie big light tliat'a on. Tuko the 'llrst steamer that nails, and don't fail,! for it mny bo tun last. Tlio ships by which you must cross the ocean fly cither the British or tho German flag and tho cri'Hers Of each will bd trying to capture tho other's vcssolsi" VJVhleh army nhnll I accompany?" '.'Any army. Go where thoro la tho Rovcrest fighting." My chiefs Hurmlsc that the ship on which I sailed 'might bo tlio Irtst provi i correct. At any rate. It was tho last : for' 'awhile. I rehllieil ' England when the Germans' vttve f attacking Lfegc and asked tor permission to go over with the British troops that were bolnc sent across tho channel. I was refused. No newspaper correspond ents were to bo allowed with tlio army I lost Bonlo time tryidg'-to tonYlnco tho war" offlco tlia't tlio" world wa&' Hungry foTnews of the nghllrtgT liUt IffifdS HO Impression. I crossed tho channel as soon as I could find a boat to take me aijd reached Franco1 nf ntlmcwhcn tiio uermuiiH wcro .Mwoupiug.- buuiu' ward toward Tarls. IIow I got to tho sccuo of tho light ing I wouldn't Uko to sajr. I weut bj motorcar till, tho Germans took 11 nyay from me, then bought a uorso cueup.i xao owner .cxpocicu nouriy somo cavnlryBian. -would trtko Itwjtu out paying for. lt,' and when tho animal was uikcu irom mo on tuo same terms I walked. Tho great scene of'iny llfo was ono morning when l reached mi elevated po)nt where I could look down on tho battlo raging .bctivoen two lines, each so;long that, though, I wan, raised sev eral hundred feet, nbovo them. I could not boo cither end of either army, Near by tho thunder of.nohvy ord- nance, tho b-r-r-r-r.r of innrhitm mum the) ratUo of rifle firing, sounded like n 'storm, whllo on cither aide tlio sounds grew fainter und .fatntor U tho instance, uko rolling tuunuor dying awny. Directly beneath mo was n bat terjy of largo cannon screened from tho enemy uy a twcKot. Unitt Icnoll slight ly in ndvanco of It stood an ofllccr with n tolcphono, receiver to hW oar nnd n transmitter nt his lips, glvlug tho gunner, tho range. They wcro firing ucyond tlio point thoy Intended to hlt and ho was doubtless giving, thera orders J to reduce tho distance, for I noticed; that with overy shot their shells fexplodedjic' the Fronch llnjs till nt last 'thV' bwlrsti'inpk hold whbro Infantry were standing under arms aud tho shrapnel scattered aiming them caused frightful gaps In their ranks: AboVe aeroplanes wcro moving hllh errand thither, nomo.dartlng away to thej east, somo to tho west and spmo coming from both east and ' West; Doubtless thoso moving, on long dls. tanccs.'wero. carrying uywa,jf tho bat; tlojon tho wings to ,tho commander In chief in" the eontGr'. At that tlmo tho Germans wore em tofrng French territory and soon begau their rapid movement toward Paris. Before uigh(fiUj(th( rpur bt. btftfle had beeu ,inpyca,8qfars6ijthyard hat it now sounded like tho mutterliigs of u storm, that had passpd. My work consisted of seeing' tho 'righting, rcfoort ingj It. nnd .sending my -cfimmuulcA. tlons to my paper. So I remained be hind to attend to the hist two iarts of uiy? duties. About sunset,- seeing lie, nciitli and, in. advance of me n, hamlQt;, urtyrnthor, the ruins of n hamlet, ono, houso of Which' Be'eiricd tp' havo boon bub llttlo damtiged,' I descended from mpcrch, Intciidlng, to uso the rcmalm Ingjho.uso for shelter nnd a placo to writo my' despatch. Ifouml tho hourio in better nhapo tbjfp ono would, lia.vp supposed. True, soveral shells had iniulo openings in tho, walls, 'but hnd no biplodcd, within. Soino of tho furniture hnd'been knocked lntjj kindling wood"Mut there were, a bedand. bedding, "Which' had, not- been ovoji. disarranged,. It. occurred to mo. that after I had finished my scribbling, in (caso no opportunity" .occurred to reach n point whero I could send it, I woijld use that bed for tho night. I found eatnbles, lights, almost any article, I needed. So, having holpej myselfr to" tho contents ijf tho ciipi board cold meat and bread lind but-tcr-j-I lighted a keroseno lamp and wrqto outtn description of tho fight I had' scon.- , , v : . - Vhen 'l had " flulshcd my work I wetjt outside to reconnoltcr, undecided whether it, better to attempt to ijend off the report nt onco or wait till 'morning. I stood, alpnc, eurroumV ed by ruins. All was still except" for" an .occasional distant boom and tho, creijk o'f ambulances, farther on, fult ing.up.tho woundqd. Aj'oung moou cas$ u dim light "'over nil. I walked down the street . Jbqt separated, tho ruhfs lihd saw not 'ft living thing! But hcr6 and tlicro I passed a corpse of a soldier. Two, tho ono wearing tho French uniform and tho other tho, Gcrpan, lay near together, tho Ger man ha vlrilrA fallen upon tho French maa sotliattheyfK!em4 te bpJslecpjj ing j in tnriT embrace. 'rA.tPerHJantloyi bo looked no moro than seventeen was slttlnc with his back against a stone. wan. wucre uc nau uiea 10 ucaiu flroWn olffidlntllltf o'Aefct? Hfi hftd '4bUfJtIe.4s bctW thlliltrii&f'litflhe.t Bather thWrt rcmaiir among" tneso growotlie Btoncs 1 preferred to tnko my dlspntblfi'to h rebitibff iwh6roTjI would bo pmltfcdnoIstfnUrit.-bufrl knew? nofewhiph my. 4p ?,.tniVM nMved nboutAlnthQTilnrk'I')TtaSnUahlo to bo shot- Soa retUrncditothqihoUBOT whero I had prepared it with tuo de termination of sleeping on the bed I had seen 1111 morning". Throwing niy self on it dressed and without turnltfg out. tlio lamp I did not relish durkf jicss In such n place I tried to slecji, but tuo cxciung scenes i nau wkuchr cd during tho day and tho growsonic BCeue8 about mo kept mo riwhko tdv nwuiio; tnen, iircu wnn tuo excruou I had been put to, I fell asleep. , But not for long. I dreamed u sholl had exploded abovo me, and I woke up In n tremble. And now I saw the first living thing that npponrcd to rao iii this wrecked abode. A door stood ajar, and in the opening was tho fao' or ft girl peering nt mo. on n was nn expression of dread. Tho moment shoi saw thnt'I was' awake she drew awdy1 and closed tho door. 1 Starting up, I ran to it and pulled it? open, 1 could see nothing, but heard! steps descending ti pair Of stairs. In n twinkling I understood what At all meant. When tho tldo of battled had surged ovqr , this house (ho ln-; males had hidden In th6 Cetlhr. I cal-': od 6ill "Jo lie suls prts' Allcniand,' matje molsellc. Jo suls Amcrlcalu." (I am nut flormnn. T nm Amorlpnn.l 'Phnn. triit-1 'ingipho'lariip. l ilescended theHtalrfl.i .Iluddled, together was. an. old man, an) old woman and soveral children. 1 Tho girl I had seen stood between, me .and. them Never have 1 seen a moro pltlabla .sight. Theso pcoplo wcro living in a ccllarL lnto which llttlo light permcatj od. Thn old neradna nnd tho llttlo chili drcn suffered most, tho former being chilled by tho damp atmosphere,' thq latter deprived ot proper food. They1 had evidently entered their place of concoalmont In hnstk for they hai no bedding or other articles to mnko thclc tmprlsonmept less distressing than ll might otherwise bavo been. I stood looking at them, pitying1 them; thoy looked nt me, supposing" that an enouiy hnd discovered their re treat nnd expecting I kno!w not what calamity. My first thought was to re-. nssuro them. "Tho soldiers arc gone," I snld In, French. "Thero is no danger. Come upstairs." '(Arwyon sure monsieur?" asked the, girl, ''Como nud seo for yourself." I retraced my steps, and sho follow ed mo, but on reaching tho floor abovo stood looking about her, as If dreading tp. seo some Ucrco, crcaturo who would butciiqr her. As soou as sho was sat-, isnoa tuat there was no such person about; she called to tho others, who caino strnggllinj up, looking furtively auout tnom. it was somo tlmo beforo I could quiet thorn so, that they would com municate anything to me, but present ly I gleaned from tho girl that they had.been ln tlio cellar nearly two davs. durhifr.'jWljilch tlmo. thoy , bad hnd noth ing 10 eat. Tney were all, especially tho children, npurly famished. I help ed' them to got Out what eatables thero woro at handr and in n fow moments they were eating ravenously, though boforo thon.glrl,, began to-cat shq ro turned to tlfo cellar and brought up a bottle. oibwlno. For thero nro fow pcr s,o.ns. In Frnnco but drink' tho wine, of t;ho, .comitry, ( Tlio' family1 Insisted on my qccupylng tho ohlyi bod that had escaped being Wrecked,, bilti ,1' rosoJutoly declined, taking my blanket to nn upper room, whero I could seo tho stnrs through a holo in tho roof mndo by 'n shell. Thoro I stretched myself on tiio flopr, .fooling thtt if, tho dead yvorb without (ho living wcro within.' Consequently I "wont to. sleep nnd slumbered till tho sound of distant cannon awakened me, nnd I knew tho slaughter had rccom mdncod. ' - ; I decided to spend tho day , hunting ntf'opportunlty to send off my ' report, and. lifter partaking of n breakfast of what was: loft hi tho larder i , sallied forth: But 1 did not got very far. Guns, provisions, ammunition, wero bo lug 'hurried forward along the roads, and, "I concluded whon evening enmo to find a placo bctwoen thoroUghfarca to spent tho night, So C repaired to tlio house I had occupied tho night beforo. I was; disappointed to find tho fam ily goiio. But .whon I rpfloctod that theyliad'noUilnjf to cat Tsaw that their ffoing ,vas .necossary. Not caring to spend nnotrfor night nmld such lonely surroundings, 1 determined to look for other quarters and found them In u bam that had escaped bolng lovoled by shot or II to, though tho uhlans hnd taken tho, contents for their horses. I succeeded In scraping togQtlior enough hny to mako mo n bed, on which I slept qulto comfortably. Tho next morning I had no dllllculty in rcachlug n point whero I could send my reports, for I was arrested by tho French nud hustled off to Calais. Thoro again I mot with growsomo alghtn, for tlio placo was. full of wounded. Finding that reporting battles and fighting my way to tho battleground without nny assuranco of being per mitted to stay thero was discouraging, I concluded to mako. a ylrtno of uecc Blty nw choso another Hold for i labors. Tho war has chauged much sine then. Thoro nro moro men. more guns. moro shells, moro aeroplanes. And that new kind of fortification, tho trench, has becomo tho principal defenso in military engineering. Moro men nro upon tho nlr.nnd mora down under tho BCa. They, fin hlcrhor' andjillva rtinor. t If. o. grca p haya Jcpnithq i chanyes w I th ui'a row years, wnat ahau wo havo in another quarter of a century? ri-n-n'vn- Gwendolin's Flailing How a New Year Resolu- Hon WaS. Kppt Dy F. A. MITCIIEL l-H-l-M-l-l-l-H-l-H-H-'-H-'-:- Miss Gwendolin Caruthers was a bankrupt in flirtation. During her sum met' outing sho had becomo , involved With three suitors; two moro 'had been added in tho autumn, and tho Cllfist mas holidays hod Increased-the total by ono more. Of thOso two-wore seri ous, IhrOo- werO semi-serious, and ono was to bo Counted a credit Indtcad of U debit, for the gentleman had not boon brought to n proposal. Now, considering tho fact that Miss Caruthers had hut ono heart for the (lvo orBlx suitors, her nssctanndllnbll- ties' mny. bo said to be as ono'to half i dozen. Notwithstanding, ths ,dls- rcsslng condition ot her heart affairs, nt n pnrty congregated to see tho -phi year out and tho now year In shp yielded td tho temptation to tako po sition In ft Window .scat behind a cu, tufii' with! still another' young' man, nnd, then nnd tlicrp Uollbcrntcly . drew him fnto n proposal. Miss Caruthers disposition to go heart hunting' had been (noticed by both her father and mother-mid had, given them great concern. "She's not only declining dcslrablo imrtlfcs," said her niotlifir, ''butr driv ing nwny other desirable young' men who do not daro trust her;"' T "Too bad!" silld her father." "The day mny cqiho wlifenabo'ha's passed tho matltlf age rind will bb forced Info en during splnstcrhood." ' It was n great relief, therefore, when Gwendollu nslonlshod her father nnd mother by coming dbwn to breakfast With them nt 0 o'clock1 New' Year's morning and announcing to them that she hlid made a New Year's resolution not to Incur any nidrc heart liabilities during the year she was entering upon. In other words, sho would not act to ward nny young man In an encourag ing manner. "Good fOr you, Gwenl" exclnlnicd nor rntner, taking her in his arnis. "If you assure me ono 3car from today thakyou have kept your resolution I'll give you an automobile." "Donor cried Gwcn, kissing him first on one cheek and then on tho other. "But." said her father, holding her otr ana. looking her in tho eye. "Btitwhut?'' "Thero must of course bo an excep tion." "I see;, the exception Is nn acccptlon." "You mean an acceptance. If you accept a man. and marry him that won'ti count" "Suppps.e I ncecptthlm. and don't mnr. ry uun f "That Will count." Gw.on govo ,her father, another ,. kiss and sat, down ,to breakfast. Sho , dls missed the matter, of", her. uowly niiido l-esolutiQp from, her, mind, for shq only realized Its lmportanco in Ircliovlug jiep from, lmvjlug t,o make excuses to re jected, tiyl'ors. and had no doubt what ever of, kcoplug, It., Unfortunately thprg was , Just ono Wonk spot In G wen's isolKtlon. h tho list of men who had become on- .tangled with her during tho past year I.IAtltn.. 1 I .- L . ., ..luiinun jiu uouh mane or- ono wnom sho had been tinnblo to bring to his knees. This was Georgo Underwood, a. young man much ongrOHsed in busl- ncss and so steady 'on his pins, to use n, slangy- phrasp, that it was very dif ficult for any ono to bowli him over. Ho was not ,a woman's man, nover dnnced, nnd, ns for nn nffnlr of hearts, it hnd, not occurred to hlmi ,that- it could be played ns u game. G wen,. had tuckled him Just as she had tackled the others, not , hnrlm t looked upon any of, them us a prob- uuto uuspanu. .. underwood's attention was not easily secured, nnd when it was secured thero was no favorable .responso to Gwen's advances. In vain sho , had endeavored to. butler down thiit iiKlJfTercncp, which stood between her and his heart. "When trying to so euro tin, entrance, she would bo miffed at a commonplace, remark about tlio, Weather. or' BOinp other event equally far distant from what was uppermost In her mind. Tlio consequence was that when she mndo her resolution on that Now Ycitr's morning sho had out ono regret sho would bo obliged to leavo Underwood unfinished. Mr. Underwood was in control of a largo business that brought him often ill I'Ontaet with Mr.' Caruthers. Occa sionally ho had como Into the hitter's nouio of an evening to tnllc over some business enterprise, nnd Owen had lain in wait for him as hp was about to dcilart. Ho was past thirty and wns beginning to Consider himself too old for girls still in their teens. Conse quently whon Gwon wished to hold hm for tho rest 6f tho evening sho Wns obliged to resort to subterfuge. Sio would ask for his opinion On somo matter upon which1 sho was In doubt or beg him to help her out for tho rest of tho ovening nt a gnmo of crlbbnge. Onco bIio nsked him to play at "hearts" with her In n touo that would have mndo nny other-man suspicious of her at onco; but, wbqthdt Underwood un derstood her pr not. ho gnvo no rcspom slvo sign. Gwcn nover suw Underwood, who oschowed social functlo.nsj except on theao vlsjt8atq ,her,",fjitbor, Tha first tlmotho.iormorMRallsd.nftoj: tho reso-j IuUon,sho1,lpked.hprelf:,'in her rpom. Ojio would hnveAaupno.8od -that,, Instead. xif his hoTinjr cause tuWfni!a ofUcr It,Ws BUfl who wia atritiq-ur pirn, ax l,la giuniu1 onll t , 1 1-1 1 i ' M-lili-li nn lm. ' pprtant business matter kept ;im wun line fntlint. MM 1fl il'l-lllfU' nil lll-lirlllL' him in the hall about to akp, hts.U? .par.turo pht) went do-, on purposo, to unn if hn hIiiiu-ciI nil V ilIsnDUollltUlcnt ntnot ho,vlng sqcu her qt tho time, of . . . i tt , , I. i. ins inst can. ano, uuauiuoa jumum- uu hqd been dlsfiusslng engrossed his nt ,tcnt(on, and bo went, oqt with simply a "Good, evening." "Pnpa," paid Owen to her father the next morning nt breakfast, "I nm thinking, of making ono exception in my ,New.'unrrcsolutlouj In enso I do how about tlio car?" "Tho only cxccptlbu, so far ns the car Is concerned, Is marriage." Gwcn pouted. Ib wn8 evident that hinrrlngc Wns hot to bo considered in flip enso to which sho referred.. Mr, Underwood did not havo occa sion to Call on Mr. CarhthOrs again for six months. Then lio camo intefidfiiK to remain only Ioiig enough to secure (ho lntter's signature to a documbnt. , While the two men were talking' In Mr. Caruthers' smoking den Gwcn wad Waiting In tho drnWihg1 rdom for thorn td end thdlr Cohfereifco, fdr sho desired 16 spoiik with' Underwood before ho left thb house. In 'this Instance the faceting vns unisuillly prolonged, and eVOry now and ng"alii GWeii noticed that the words WerO1' stfbkcii in h low voice, for tlio door 6f the'shioklng room Was but pnrtly clOsdd, anil wheif they Woro titferOd In ail Ordinary tout she fcotild hear sbhtethlnii 'bi what wH8 eald, VNat lie Was waiting- for was to ask Mr. Updprwood what kind ot par slio should, select for T0W Ypar day wris nppronpltlhg, ',aiid silo waa an MClpatlng li6"r 1'rQmlsed Toward. Nbw; thero' wrt'gWa't risk Owen's consuUlilg tlio on'ly'taiui who, was ilq ly to,' make her break bee,, resolution upon the character of tlio prize sl)c Was to win .by keeping It, "qiiderwood peemeil 1q ho pljllvlqus to hqr hav.lng puy otjiisr lnteiitlpn than what appear ed on tho, surface. It Is not to hq ns Bertcd.that Gwen did. have! nny other intention. It is. quite likely that) If sho had she would not admit It to hersolf. This was in November, nnd but six or soven' weeks remained for Gw6h to keep her resolution and win the' car. Tncrcrorc it is not surprising that She should bo thinking about What kind of car' she would ask her father fo hiiv for her. Underwood gave hqr- tho points pro nnd con of different cars nnu recommended n make that he .used Mmijielf ns Oho vOify qasliy handled. Would she like to try his Car.? She thought she wotild, but feared foe her resolution. Ilpwcver; tho tlmo was so nearly up that sho concluded to veil turo. The nf tcruopn nppolntcd for the drive inuian summer weather prevailed, and there was a crenliil lnnnnnr in tha nt GWcn.had beeu "uood"fop ton mmiiim With so lndlffcreift a person she, did not think, it, .dqngerpus, to put out a, feeler. For the first tlmo sho received a rcsppnso., Slip .tried hard to ,stop, but tha ruling passion was too strong ror nqr., bUq went .further nnd wns met hnlfwuy. Presently Mr. Under wood, not waiting for n.npw ndvanco, plpngcd into violent .lovemnklng, fol lowed by n declaration. Npw Ycar',s moaning .camo, round, and Mr. Caruthers, said. to. his daugh ter, "Weil, Gwon,: can you nssuro, mo that you havo done nothing durlng .the liast year to draw any man into u pro posal 2" Gwpn looked, llrst atj (ho celling, then njt th.o.flqor, theii out of tho window, but, made no- reply. "Ypu don,'t mean,, sweetheart," con tinued thq p.arpnt, "that you havo lost your car?" "I don',t Unoy."- "If you hayo I'.m very sorrj-, I have put, asldo fo.OW for the purpose' ",Fivo, thousand 1" "Xes." Gwen was silent ior nwhllo.. Minn said,, "I'm afraid, papa, that In order io win I'll, nuvo tQ get married." , "Don,t do that, .unless VOll PI1I1 Plvn tho man you marry your heart." i m not, quito. certain .about that"' "Whom have .vou drawn Into vmir net?" , . "George, Underwood oniv I drew mo into his net" "Georgo Is a .splendid fellow-" "And thq car he, uses Is a splendid car." "What do you menu by that?; "Why, you see. nana, wlinn thn mi of my probation was qpmlug und I was thlnkius what kind Should , havo I asked Mr, Underwood tho iliid ho would recommend, Hp rec ommended ono ho used, himsplf and offered to tako mo out in it t inof thought I would try him n llttlo tpcuy weeuy inr, uiving nim nn Inch, ho tpok an .ell," Tho father buret into IL lmif'li mill . liking his daughter in his mms. inn. gen ner. "Well, sweetheart," ho said, "what aro you going to do?" "I can't possibly glvo up tho nuto." "now abput marrying Georgo?" "Oh. I supposo I'll havo to swallow him." "Goodl When you mako up your mind tell him so, and I'll order tho car." "1'vo told him already." Thero was another kiss, and tho par ent went ftway to telephoho his con gratulations to Underwood. Dosiring tho youug mpn. for. a son-in-law and, having been nskqd by him fpr pprniis slon to pay his oddrcsses to Gwen, Underwood had been apprised of tha situation and enabled to tako ndvnn tagq pf it. And ,now .nn pxpellqnt husband nnd a inumerpus prpgcuy 4iayo rqmoved all ten)ntntlon, frpm Mrs -Underwopd to fllrLand sho Js unrrowlv watehlnt? br 'oIdeat:dnugh,te,rl '.fearing, that, sbo, may , inuonc ner moiuera oounquoncy. miTMm JacK-Wintrwlffferc jmarxiu piiio. um os.l. acii. i,mpuj' ntHtrnnnn fnr Ttrnlton flnw TOliorn tlmv rny decide to locate. Tho jornver has heph employed', M baUorrn SIdtipy for IUUU UUU vuu luvvvi ii a Mabel Carroll who as employed .in Sidney ,thd past yt6.r. , i. ' Do you sco tho point! Tho girl means vou. .Aro YOU Jnsnrodl Sho I s all ,rlKht you can tell ,tliat ,by her happy contcned look. .Bat now about youl Aro xuu contontcu in tuo same way? SqpppfiQ nnytlilpg phould .happen to von fndnv; tomorrow, or iho day after, liow, would your, lamlly faroI Aro .thov .nrotoctod wfroin .DOTcrtv should yon dlo suddenly! If not, It Is tlmo you thought about it.' Let ns wrlto you a policy now. Room i I. 0. 0. F Bldg. Elizabeth Kaar-langston Teacher ot Singing - i , SEUBIO 122, WEST, J&ONtI t. ii. irAiitEjr, Auctiotaecr, Qcnoral i'ann, Sz$n Specialty Satisfaction Guaranteed For dates writo at North Platte, Nebraska BERYL HAHN, TEACHER OF PIANO 412 East Third Street. Phono Bed 101. Hospital, Phone Black 633., House Phono Black 633. TV. T. MUTCiiAltD, Graduate Veterinarian Bight yoarB a Government Veterlnar Ian. Hospital 218 south Locust St., one-half block southwest of tho Court House. DEBBYBEJIBY & FOEBES, licensed Embalmcrs UudprtnkorB and Funeral Directors Day Phone 234 Wight Phono Black 688. I Am Paying More for HIDES than anyone else. Before you sen come and see me. We are paying $10 Per ton lor Dry Hones. North Platte Junk House Lock's Old Barn.' Cigars in the Home For, tho next Ato months smokers will snenil tlinlr W ATI Infra lti1nna nt . IUUVU4D) UUU what Is moro conYonlent. nnd moro pieasurcanio wan a box of cigars at hOmO. lRSllv nfrPBBllln nlun rnn I, an Inclination to smoko. Try a box o our uome-raaao ana nand-made el pr8, tho kind that aro a llttlo better thaB Ton bnv elRnnlmrn fnr h. nnmn price. lVe also carry a full lino of to bacco and smokers' articles. J. F. Schmalzried. T A. vim r vt .1 v X IfS MWA 0 Bought,nd hlghsst markat prlci paid PHONES Reildonoe Rtcl63G Office 459 C: Hk WALTERS. Geo. Dent, Physician artd Surgeon. Special Atlcftlilw gitta to Sflrgery' OfIlce:i.BuiIding'C&nd Loan Building Pl.. luuicoiau, PhonM RadonJe 115 J. B. ItEDElELD. riiysfcMN & suboeon- .... ' ' -.1. . . X Successor to , - HYS1CIAN ft 'sUnGEONS HOSPITAL Drs. Rodflcld & Redflcld . Ofllcb Pptlo ,642. Rca. Phono 676 JOnN S. SIMMS, M. Physician nnd Surgeon , . , i ' Ofllco B. & L. Building, Second Floor. Phono, Office, 83: Residence 38.. DR. J, S. TWINEM; . Physician and Surgeon. Special. Attention Given to Gynecology Obstotrica and Chlldcen's Dlscasesi Pfflco McDonald, Statp Bank Building. iCprnpr ixthpttnd jDpwey Stroet8. Phohqs,, 0Hlc'e 183, Residenco 283 Office phone 241. Res. phono 217 L. C . DflOST, 03tcopihlc Physician. North' Plnttej ' - --' Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. North platte ..General' Hospital.. (Incorporated) . Phone 58, 723 Locust Street ' A modern Institution for thd pcientlfic, trflotman.t of medical, surgical.and confinement casaa:. J Completely equipped XRay and diagnostic laboratortes. Geo. B. Dent, Mi D, V. Lacas, M. D. .LB. Redield, M. D. J. S. Siimns, Mb! Miss Elise Sieman, Snpt. In Hi Matter of thcHunfe of Mnr Krutha Uurke) Decene.l. ...llltte c?unt;' (Court ot Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska, Nov. 2r, 1915. u"""' it2u!;f'lauf'$iy Blven thl,t th cred itors, of eaia deceased 'win meut tho Executora of. said .Estate beforo the County Judge of Lincoln County. Ne braska, at the County Court Room. In' ?rtyfr19i6nan.d,ontho 28i aay of July: 191f. at 9 o'pAcifA A n.r ov, j,. the- purpose of presenting their cYalms for .examination. nrHriot.v, ., ni i....;: , --. ...... uiii,), . f-PJ." .Slx months are allowed for crcd- iWaffiZ trel?nl tneir-.cuimr, and or,e year for tho Executora to settle said Ea rn? 'roJI? 'tho 28th day of Jan..l91. This notice will be published lin tho iSiPnth.?1iattff ?,rIuno' 3 naiywapw printed in said County, for four, weeks uvwjsoiiiaj jiriur-io January isthl 191b. "2?-w County, Judirn. ROTIOK TOR PimtlCfATIOJV Sernl JVo.. 01115 . Tt cPfPRTJ!iS?t- ot lo interior U. S, Land Olilce at North Platte, Ne m.i i v brafka', Dec. 20, 1916. A- rJ.r i t "i. iV.",3" mai, William A. Gaunt, of North Platte, Nebr., who ?tn JliSh 1209' made Homestead entry. zj. ' ' t ,r'a vi ijuia i-i-j, ejection z. Township 15, N., Hangs 31, W., 6th Principal, Meridian has nied 'notice of . i"V:, . rw mini, ,uyu year ii roor. to establish claim to the land above des- - "vi tuo itegister; ana Ke- Claimant names aa witnesses: Henry comber, Harry Madison, all of North T TT. TIT. . d2-CW Kon-lotor T 4 'Nd'I'lCB OP HEAIUNG ' ' tV. Nfthrnnlfn the Matter of the Entatc of Gerrltt lo the Creditor, Ilelra and All Person interested in Said Estate i Nntlfia la 1 . . j.t , n . . Hanipo nied his petition in this Court which he alleges; that the said Gerrltt Intestate on October 10, 1911, at Mus catine, In Muscatine County, Iowa, be- ,of said City, County and 'State- and. v fca ittnua iiereinaiier him by his initials thus. T Harane." to-wit: Northeast Quartor of Southeast , - 7;, yycat nail OI Southeast .Quarter (W of SB V) Northeast Quarter of Southwost Quar iSTuP? .ot )..or Section Thlrty- Qlh Township Thirteen (13) rVfc VuVkt we.niy-N,no (aa) west. th!V,V,M s lti ncoin County, Nebraska! Nlnntonn ft n n-. ........ i ' nt ,? PQh,1KTl?s:a,TUlrtJr' WoU, 6th P,.T.In L1.n9?,n County, Nebraska. ?.Htne,?st Quarter (SEU) of Section p,,rtiV' la?K Fifty-Eight (C8) West, vi J. iowubii D TMlnAtpnn fia 8mlr BHrof JYl, vot Stlon (29)-NbrtlK-iianyo'E,gK r irampo, and his sister, Christina 'Te airaKe. eacn mnerited , an undivided, one-fourth Interost in 'tho abovo des. Hovlel,!- .?hJ,T -of said petl-, t m nf VK.4 ,itilne..Cu'-ii doternxlnovlhe time of the death of the Bald Gerrltt ivla2ip?Ji deceased,, ..his, heirs, the de The Bald nntitlort iti .w-liSr?? County of Lincoln taTffi! 2i.r5i';h.!l'S? .JLLPO'flon" interested la if .i.. ' ir' uKJ,eiy. ana "now cause, if any there be, whytho prayep'of said Potltfon Bhould,