The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 31, 1915, Image 4

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    DR. 0. H. CRESSLER,
Graduate Dentist
Office over the McDonald
State Dank.
One-Fifth Off
.1 .
Dean Bowkor roturned Wedncsdny
irom a snort visit in Omaha.
Miss Tholma Frater who has hcen ill
lor Boveral weeks Is improving.
Mrs. W. S. Dolson returned Tuesday
evening from a visit In Grand Island.
Don't forgot that salo at Wilcox De
partment Store.
W. II. Maloney Is conllned to the
houso with a severe attaek of the
Dr. A. J. Ames returned to Potter
Tuesday ovening, having spent a week
P. II. McEvoy roturned Wednesday
morning from Omaha where ho spent a
for Plumbing.
Phono Black
Palmer Lintz.
Aunor Wesshurg loft the ilrst of this
week for Scotts Bluff to visit friends
for. a week.
Mike Shoedy, of Pino Bluffs, arrived
hero a fow days ago to visit his father
and sisters.
Ralph Hansen returned Tuesday
evening from Grand Island whore ho
spent a few days.
r Hilmor Thompson returned to Chap
poll Wednesday after spending a week
with his parents,
Elmer Seclor left recently for Car
rol, Iowa to spend a couple of weeks
with his mother.
Miss Helen Baker has returned from
Sidney whero sho assisted in tho tole
phono office last week.
Reynold Hansen went to Sidney
Wednesday morning to spend a week
or longer with friends.
Misses FJorenco and Qcorglana Mc
Kay -went to Sutherland Wednesday
morning for a short visit.
Mrs. Glen Scott returned to Grand
Island Wednesday aftornoon after
spending a week in town.
Miss Beulali Armstrong of Lexing
ton, arrived hero a fow days ago to
visit Miss Huth Winget.
Claude Delaney returned to North
port Wednesday morning after visit
ing friends for a fow days
Oscar Smith, of Omaha, who has
been visiting his parents for a couple
f weeks, will leavo Sunday.
Clarence Corver and Miss Bessie
Lillian Carroll wore married Wednes
day, by County Judge Grant.
Mrs. William Itoynolds and son loft
a tow days ago for Omaha to visit
relatives for a week or longer.
Miss Besslo Salisbury loft a few
days ago for Aurora, Nob., to visit her
sister ior a week or longer.
Mrs. James Morrow and daughter
vainenno or uuornsoy, aro spending
iwo yuuks noro visiung roiatlvos
Mm. Win. Lnnricrnf. Hr iim tmo
visiting in Wllber for sovcral weekB,
is oxpecicu nomo m a row days.
Uarrv Portnr lnft Wnilnnuifn
ing for Sutherland and Ogalalla to
spenu several days on business.
Mr. and Mrs. E. It. Cochran of
Brady, who visited Hoy Cochran far
Huvorui uuys navo gone borne.
Edward G reiser roturned Tuesday
evening from Omuha and St. Paul af
ter visiting relatives ror a week.
Percy Louden returned Tuesday ev
ening irom Denver wnero ho wns call
ed by tho death of Mrs. Boy Loudon.
Miss Helen Duyrea, of Lexington,
has been spending this week In town
no tho guest of Miss Mnudo Warring-
Mrs. Charles Perkins and daughtor
Mrs. Oeorgo Langlols of Omaha, aro
spending mis ween in Sidnoy with
Waldo Roberta or Choyenno, camo
mo nrsi or una week to mako an ex
tended visit with his brother Dan
Mrs. William Pinion, of Donvor, Is
spending this week with lior brothor
ormun uoncnuy ana unit Mrs. Owen
Mrs. N. E. Buckley of Omaha, who
has boon tho guest of hor parents,
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Bratt will leavo
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Sebastian and
children left Tuesday overling for
Chappoll to spond a week with rela
tives. Jobs Vernon who has been employed
at Julesburg for Bovoral months camo
Wednesday afternoon to vIbU friends
for a week.
L. L. Zook iiBslstant In crops and
Boil at tho exporlmontal station will
leavo this wcok for Washington, D. C,
to spond a month.
Mrs. C. S. Sawyor, Jr., and baby of
Choyenuo, who Bpont tho past weok
with Mr. and Mra. Chris Sawyor loft
Wednesday morning.
Miss Lillian McCracken, of Bouldor,
who has been tho guest of lior slstor
Mrs. II. M. Grimes for two wooks, will
leavo Sunday ovoning.
Atlornoy and Mrs. Goorgo GIbbs and
baby aro expected to return this ovon
ing from York whero tlioy spent tho
holidays with relativts.
Miss Bertha Jcnson of Gothenburg,
formerly of this city, loft Wodnosday
afternoon after visiting Miss Maudo
Warrington for a wcok.
Misses Margaret nnd Mario Mc
Mollon, of Omaha, camo Tuosday oven
Ing to Bpond a weok or longer with
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Roborts.
John Plolstlckor of Wallaco, Jos
eph Pielstickor of DickonB, and Frank
Plolstlckor of this city woro called to
Carroll. Ia.. vostnninv w
of a relative.
Beginning December 27 and Closing January 13 we will give you a discount
of one-fifth from the regular price of every article carried in our Dry Goods,
Cloaks, Dresses, Suits, Carpets, Rugs, Linoleum, Notion, Gents' Furnishing and
Shoe stocks. These goods will be sold to you at regular price and one-fifth de
ducted from your bill. During this sale we will not open any new goods in these
departments, so it will pay you to come early before the assortments are broken.
Wilcox Department Store
5 b!S3 t?R7, rrSL, fr7K fKr.
ii v ii w a v n v ji
Tho Fidelity Llfo Association of
Desires to say to the people of North
Platto and Lincoln county that we
have been very much pleased with tho
reception and the business that we
havo received from you up to tho
present date.
In our ilrst year, 1913, there
wero G4 companies doing business in
Nebraska ranging in ago from five to
soventy-llvo years. Only 21 of these
companies gained as much insurance
as the Fidelity and 42 of them less.
In 1914, our second year, there wero
G7 companies doing business In the
state; only 17 of which got as much
Insurance as wo did, and we beat the
other fifty. It is with the people of
North Platto who contemplate taking
policies with us to see one of our
agents during tho Temalning days of
tho year and give us your nppllca
ton, for whllo we are certain from tho
volume of business we havo done
during tho year to move several num
bers closer to tho head of the Nebras
ka list, yet every policy that wo re
ceive Increases our standing for tho
year by that amount. Will you not as
sist us In placing the Fidelity as near
tho head of tho list as possible? Wo
havo Increased ourassets by more than
$30,000.00 during tho year, as our
coming statement will show. We havo
paid all our claims promptly and every
agent, is uomg ns unnosi lo close Uio
year with every possible policy in
W. Christie Adams wnnt tn flliov.
enno Tuesday for a short visit.
Miss Paulno Bnldnnk was fhn piipb!
of friends in Paxton tho Ilrst of the
Ira LeMastnTR nf Dnnvnr. lpft. n tnw
days ago after visiting hla paronts for
iwo weeKS.
Leo flrlmoR. nf fihnMnnnnim. wlin
visited his parents for two weeks,
leu uuesuay aitornoon.
Edward Guvman. nf SpJinvler.
camo this week to visit at tho home
of Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. LoDioyt.
MIsb Mnvmn flnrlinm. nf fJrnnfl Tn.
land, came Tuesday to visit her sister
Mrs. W. A. Buchilnck for a week.
Mr. and Mrs. Harrv IColsn nnd fntn-
lly went to Grand Island last weok to
visit relatives during tho holidays.
William fllnrlr nf Trvnn n nnfni1lni
this week hero whllo eiiToute homo
from an extended visit In California.
Mrs. Edward Stonsvnd who has been
visiting in Denver with tho homo
folkB lor two wooks will return Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Boylo and
daughter went to Kearney last weok to relatjYjcs. Tho former roturned
Tuesday. -
Mrs.'Jos'oph Qulnn and children who
havo lieim i vtsltlnfcr rolntlvns In fThnv-
; - - j - -rf I J UUl
onno for two weeks nro expected to re- force. Como on North Platto and help
mm luuujr. U8. uomemuer you get our Special
Miss Mario Itudat who has been at- Pollcy by buying now.
tending Midland Collcgo at Atchlnson, i?11? J HALLIG,AN .
Kans., camo homo recontly to spond w v- HOAGLAND,
hir vacation. I DR. B. B. BAKER,
x, . , I C. F. SPENCER,
Mrs. N. B. Duncan, of Coznd, rc-i p. l, TEMPLE
turned homo Tuosday ovoning after1 Board of Directors
viBiiing nor motnor Mrs. J. It. Shaw . c. F TEMPLE
for somo time. j Secretary.
came' Z S pa?t lf&0t3T& ' " ' JtTT'
visit tho lattor's mother, Mrs. Wess- trmihl nfHi their (lour this fall;,
burg for a weok or more. , 1V0 haven't had a single complaint on !
John Monlck, of Fremont, roturned our 1,Hrlnn flour, but have had nn-
homo Tuesday after visiting at tho nierous compliments. Wo will con-l
Liork homo. MrB. Monlck and children tlnuo to sell this Flour nt 1$.G0 per
will remain hero for somo time. j snck tho bnlnnnn nf Tinrnmimr. I
ASKS $2.-,000 FOR
Jasper O. Mahaffey filed his petition
In the district court Tuesday after
noon in a suit against John T Stuart
and hs wife Frankle Stuart for $25,000
damages for the alienation of his
wife's affection. Tho petition recites
that Mahaffey married Miss Irene
Stuart in Denver October 27th, that
they went to Omaha immediately
Vhereaftex whore ho furnished her
support and care. That after the mar
riage his wife was satisfied; that she
was a kind, loving and devoted wife
and that they enjoyed each other's
It is alleged that the defendants, the
parents of; his wife, were opposed
to tho marriage, and that they spoke
dlsrcpectful of him, and tried to dis
suade, prejudice and alienate his
wife's affections from him. On Novem
ber 21st Ills wife came to North Platte
to visit her parents and they continued
to speak disrespectful of him and to
prejudice his wife and incite her
against him and that finally on Decem
ber 20th, while he was away from Om
aha his wife removed her personal
effects from his homo and returned to
her parents, since which time she has
not communicated wth him and has
failed to return to his home.
Thus deprived of the comforts of
homo and the society of his wife ho
asks the court to award him damages
in the amount of twonty-flve thousand
Claude Lantz, of Sterling, has been
visiting his brother Harry Lantz for
several days.
Mrs. Louis Peterson returned last
evening from a two weeks' visit with
her mother in Rossvlllo, 111.
Miss Lulu Groff, of Fairbury, who
has been visiting her sister Mrs. H.
C. Brock, left Wednesday for Denver.
Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Shindle, of
Cheyenne, who spent part of their hon
eymoon hero, left Tuesday ovening for
home. They wero guests at tho Rosa
A coal houso and several out build
ings in tho James yard on west First
street wero destroyed by lire Wednes
day ovening. It is thought that they
Ignited from somo hot ashes which
wero emptied in tho alley.
Furnished rooms for ront. Inquire
414 west Third Btroot.
Company Q held a banquet at the
Palace Cafe Monduy ovening. FranciB
Sandall acted as toastmastor and all
present roport a ploasant ovoning.
Theso banquets nro glvon annually
during tho holiday season
Lowla Hcusr.hnnlrinr nf rtnlnMi
Minn., who had buon visiting local
withstanding thnt flour 1ms ndvnnc
ed ton cents per snck. Better nntlcl
pnto your needs ns Flour .Is going to
bo much higher.
Shipping In Laborers
Tho Omaha Bee Is authority for tho
statement that ono hundred men will
be sent from that city to North Platto
this evening to work on tho lco har
vester rather at the Union Pacific
ico houses. Wo aro not advised as to
whether tho Union Pacific attempted
to secure local laborers for this work
or not; If no' attempt has been made,
tho Importation of these Omaha men
is certainly an injustice to the work
ing men of North Platte and immedl
at vicinity.
Wo don't know anything about the
calibre of tho men who aro expected
to arrive tomorrow, but If they aro of
tho class that was shippel In last
year, they will bo a mighty tough lot.
Hnrbcrs Elect Officers. j
At a mooting of Local No. GC4, J. B.
J. W. of A., hold December 27th tho
t rtl 1HIm nfflnnH.i . . . J 1 . T-
......., . ,.w iuu uuuu viniiuiK lutili """""'h iiiiv;uin wuiu eujuteu; ITCB-
frlonds loft Wednesday ovoning. En- Idont, Davo Day; vice-president, Harry
rotlto llO will Rlimnl n wonlr with llm O. Rnmnp! rnpnnlliin- oiuipnlnru T t
homo folks nt Carbandalo, la. .Curtis; trcasirror; E. C. Grannoll; fl-
Edward T. Kollhnr. nf tim nrnnf nananclnl corresponding socrotarv. n.l
. .... ' T. rnnHl.t. .l A tt . .
wosiorn icciiient insuranco Co,, of """" . noon; ginoe,
Omaha, 1b spondlng a fow dayB horo 1,rft"k Po"sch.
Kollhor is now ono of tho officers of 8Tno"tor was hold and a votoof thanks
thin mtimnii v .unanimously tendered tho local innr-i
. .. . -
Fark Bond Sell at Premium
Tho $12,000 Issue of park bonds, for
which bids wero opened by tho city
council Tuesday evening, havo been
awarded to tho M. H. Coulter Co., of
Chicago, for $12,127, which Includes
tho accrued interest.
Thoro wero only four bids, threo by
Chicago housoB and ono by a Donvor
hoiiBO. Two of tho bids woro not con
sidered; of the other two tho Coulter
bid wns tho highest.
this company.
Guests of Attorunv anil Mrn. M. V)
CroBby this week woro Mr. and Mrs.
E. A. CrOBbv. Sr.. Mr. nnri Mm M A
Crosby, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Georgo
uroBuy an or auuioriand.
Dr. Brnolr. llnnflnt li
offlco to tho Roynolds building ovor
oioho'b urug tsioro. 83tf
Tho Enworth loacrun will h
"Watch Sorvlco" this nvnnlni-. Tim
inomborB will moot at eight o'clock
at uio nomo of Miss Ella Woavor at-
tor Which tllOV will nrnennil
loaguo room in tho church to wol-
como uio wow year in.
For RontHouso at 813 West 11th
street, oQ.n
Lester Wnlk nr. wlin lino Imnn
- " uuvu vAl-
ployed in Minneapolis for somo timo,
lOft thO first Of illln wnnlr nNnn o
ploasant visit with his paronts and
lamny. mrs. waiKor and daughtor
oxDcct to leavo for a In fwn
wcokB to locato.
F. j. DIKNER & CO.
Real Estnto and Insnrnnco
Como and son uu fnr fnwn Infa In
difforont parts of tho city. Good lu-
VCBtmOnts on PnHV tnrmn TTnnana nr
salo and rent. Wo havo also good bar
gains in rarins aim ranches,
Cor. Front and Dowey Sta upstairs.
noymcn during tho past year.
Bound Over to District Court.
Mr. and MrH. Flnvil TCri
Nunn, charged with robbing' Jnmosl
Ross of fourtoon dollars
was stopping at their homo on the
night of Dec. 21st, had a preliminary
hoarlng tho early part of tho wcok and
woro bound ovor to tho district court.
Judgo French accepted tho personal
recognlzanco of tho accused for their
nppcaranco In district court.
For Snlc.
My carpontor repair shop at 107
cast Fith street, together with all tho
machinery connected thorowith. In
quire of or address P. M. Sorcnsoji,
307 oast Second, North Platto, Nob, tf
Our Little Bird Tell Us
that you are going to build something, just
what, it didn't seem to know.
Well now, no matter what it is a house,
barn, auto shed, any, kind of a shed, poultry
house or fence, come in and let us make you
prices on lumber and material.
Coates Lumber and Coal Co.
The Home of Good Coal
Phone 7.
oney to Loan
Tho social danco hold Wednesday
ovoning by Messrs. Pnul Nolan and
Georgo Wlor was ono of tho most on
Joyablo of tho holiday socloty ovonts.
Eighty young peoplo attended and
spont a ploasnnt ovoning in tho now
Twlco during tho past weok that old
tinier, W. C. Boguo, has had fainting
spoils In business houses and had tff
bo convoyed to his room. Mr. Roguo
Is soventy years of ago and his physi
cal condition Is nono tho best.
Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Wurtolo and
daughtor Beverly roturned yesterday
aftornoon from a week's visit in Fon
tlnolle, Wyoming. They woro accom
panied homo by Mrs. Wurtele's broth
or, Chnrlcs Rathon of Chicago, who
will visit horo for several days.
E. F. Soeorger will probably go to
Omaha Sunday to havo tho physician'
who attended him whllo ho was in tho ,
hospital "look him ovor." Mr. Sec-
borgor has continued to Improve, but
qulto naturally tho physician desires
to know Just how great the improve
ment. Tho county commissioners who hnvo
boon in Besslon for sovernl days will
tako an adjournment until Monday
when they will tako up tho protract
ed worH of checking up tho several
county officials and making semi-annual
settlement with them.
Lowest Rateo and Best Terms.
Plenty of Money on hand to Close
Loans Promptly.
Buchanan & Pattersi
Steam Heat, Running Hot and
Cold Water in all the rooms.
Prices Reasonable.
Corner 6th and Locust St.
The Nurse Brown Memorial Hospital
1008 WEST 5th ST.
PHONE 110.
Ethical. Moral. Efficient.
This hospital is open for the reception and treat
ment ot Medical, Surgical, and Obstetrical cases.
This institution is modern, sanitary and well situated
awAyrom the noises and discomfort which are attendant on
the city's center. -
J. S. TWINEM, Physician and Surgeon.