DR. 0. II. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Office over the McDonald State Dank. LOCAL AND 1'EItSOyAL. For Rent IIouso at 813 Wost 11th street. 9G-G Miss Myrtlo Hoelcr, u studont at the Dick Baker will eat Christmas tur key under tho parental roof fn Omaha. II. G. Knowlos spent yesterday In Sutherland looking after church busi ness. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hamilton lelt yostcrday for Omaha to visit' rein lives for a week or longor. A fow trimmed hats left, anything In cntlro stock now on salo for $1.00. 05-2 Mrs. Sailor, Block's. Louis Thocleeke, who had been vis iting his boh 0. II. Thoolecko and fam stato unlvorslty, urrlved homo Sunday' ily for several weeks, left for Omaha morning to spend vacation. Arthur Bullnrd left Saturday night for Minneapolis whoro ho will spend Christmas with L. W. Walker. ( Mrs. Purcell, who liad been tho guest of Mrs. A. J. Salisbury, returned to her homo in Columbus Saturday. For Farm Loans sco or write deno Crook, room 3, Waltemath building, North riattc. 41tf MrB. Will Pattoraon, of Minneapolis, Is expected hero this week to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor VonQoetz Miss Janet McDonald is homo from Vausar to spend tho Christmas vaca tion, having arrived Saturday evon ing. Miss Iluth Stroltz arrived homo Sunday morning from Lincoln, whoro sho Is employed as teachor in tho city schools. Let Splccr's rnrcol Delivery dellvor your Christmas packages. Efficiency and Quick Scrvlco is our motto. Call Huffman's Cigar Store, Bed 247. 93-4 Miss Emma Smith, prncipal of tho Fourth ward school, left Frday even ing for Farley, Iowa, to spend tho hol iday vacaton. Miss Mario McCabo, a student at Notro Damo collogo, arrived homo Saturday ovening to spond vacation with her parents. For Bent Good Irrigated farm one mllo west of town, known as tho Hin man farm. Inqulro of J. I. Smith or phono 1C8. j)3tf Havo you seen our Imported Japan llowor baskets nnd forn dishes? ' CLINTON, Tho Jowolor. Miss Mario VonQoetz, principal of tho West Point schools, arrived Sat urday evening to spend tho holiday vacation with homo folks. Miss Pearl Tlbbetts, who teaches school near town, will leave tomorrow for Pawneo City to spond tho Christ mas vacation with her paronts. Havo you seen all tho novoltios on display at our storo? suggest Xmas. Saturday. For Bent After January 1st fur nished room sultablo for lady or gen tleman, strictly modern. Phone Bed 537. 93-3 Harry Cramor left for Grand Island Saturday where ho met Mrs. Cramer and they then went to St. Paul to visit Mrs. Cramer's mother. They will re turn homo tomorrow. Ycstorday was a very busy day" at tho postoffce, hundreds of packages being sent out Practcally all after noon a long lino stood in front of the windows waiting their turn to buy stamps. A local lumber dealer says sales this year havo boen considerably in excess of last year, indicating that building improvements in North Platte and sec tions tributary wero greater than last year. In North Platto 1910 promises to bo very active in tho building lino. "Mutt and Jeff in Collcgo" comes to tho Keith .rioxt "Wednesday evening. Go and seo them. Certainly, tho show is non-sonsical, so ar6 tho cartoons, but you'vo laughed at them for four years and you'll contlnuo to do so. Got seats early, then you can bo0suro they'll bo good ones. Cut glass bargains in sugar and creamors, 50 cents a pair up. CLINTON, Tho Jeweler. Tho M. M. M. club spent a pleasant afternoon Friday as tho guests of Mrs. Frank Buchanan. Card games woro tho entertaining feature, Mrs. Perry Caraon winning first prize nnd Mrs. Quy Swopo tho consolatory em blem. Enjoynblo refreshments were served at tho uloao of tho games. The Greatest Sale WE EVER HELD 1 All Our High Grade Garments Reduced in Price From ONE-FIFTH to ONE-HALF This is the Holidaj Sale thaL is eagerly awaiLed by Hundreds of Ladies of this Commun- iLv. Il's the One Real Onnnvtnm'r-u rn -mr ll-io fi j in Price. Greater than ever before is our wonderful display of Holiday Gifts. Come to xwj. d ojuuj o vjm, wucre yuu are sure 10 una a mucn jDeiter selection man any other store in the city, because we Specialize in Ladies' Apparel and Furnishings only. Below we will mention Alphabetically Just a Few of the Many Use ful Xmas Gifts Now on Display: a SI r gj AUTO CAPS Al'JIQKS BATH KOBES BAGS BRASSIERES COATS CAMISOLES CORSETS COMBINATION SUIT'S CORSET COVERS DRESSES DRESSING SACQUES EVENING GOWNS Envelope Combinations FURS OF ALL KINDS GLOVES, KID AND SILK HANDKERCHIEFS HOSE, SILK AND LISLE KIMONAS, SILK nnd CREPE MUFFS MIDDIES MACKINAW COATS NIGHT GOWNS NECKWEAR PETTICOATS PRINCESS SLIPS RAIN COATS SKIRTS SUITS SWEATERS SCARFS TAM 0' SHANTERS UNDERWEAR VANITY BAGS VESTS WAISTS All Parcels Delivered Free to any Part of the City or Country. Everything In ladies' 'hand hags, from 98c to $5.00. Thoro are nuro some nifty bugs. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. 1 It 'Is not generally known, yet it is a fact, that tho proposed now depot for North Platto was schedulcdjor 1D1G a month or two heforo the old building burned. Tho Trillium liml Mila ftiff i-,vcrytning to before it whon It announced that it would havo "good news for North E. T. TRAMP & SONS ,boforo Jnnuury first" John Burlto pronouncos as nrenfd-fi AinnSivv, tin-i, ji M.v tt.,i.. turo tho report that on. January 1st ho yards, sttya business at tho yards this would polltaqulshtho management ot,y0nr has been thoUiest In Ave years a, ,uiu0 ui mvur oi ma past. Not only havo shlnmontn frnm son Will. Miss Harriet JDlxon, attending a young Indies collogo at Qrlnnell, Iowa, arrived homo Sunday morning to visit her parents during tho Christmas va cation. Miss Inna Huffman roturned Satur day ovohlng from Chicago, whoro sho Is attending a school or dramatic art nnd will romaln over tho Christmas vacation. Tho Methodist ladles hold a buzuar at tho Howo & Moloney store Satur day nnd hud on salo a very largo lino of ornamental and usoful articles. Tho sules made during tho day woro very satisfactory. Ray Robinson, of the postofflco force was ns blltho and gay ns a chorus girl Saturday, and his smllo was and lingering. It was) an eight pound boy born nt noon. Mother nnd son are reported to bo doing nicely. Tho Union Pacific lako oast of town hns been put in shapo for tho Ico har vest, having boon cloanod out, tho muskrat holes filled and wator turned in. It Is hoped that at least 20.000 To My Customers. Tho burning of my barn places me In a condition whoro I badly need all monoy duo mo, and I trust tliat thoso Indobtod to mo will fully roallzo my unfortunato position and nromntlv nav tho amount duo. In tho past I havo favored vnil hv elvlncr vmi ormm. will . ' - (J ww w.wu.v, tons can be cut from ilm ii,n ti,i J n nSw mvor n,(J W mo - - . prompny uio monoy you owo mo. ynr- I JULIUS MOQENSEN. tho Vest beon heavier than usual, but hundreds of carloads of eastofn young stock has been shipped Avost to uio ranges. Stock shipments to Kansas City vja tho Gibbon cut-off increased feeding in transit nt this terminal. Plro at Choyonno Friday night de stroyed tho opera houso and annex. Sovoral North Platto passengor con ductors roomed in tho latter build ing, and nt tho tlmo of tho flro Con ductors Weir, Dorrnm and Snyder wore In tholr rooms. Passengor Di rector Mcllvano says ho Understands tbnt Conductor Weir displayed great bravery In assisting to savo tho lives of thrco men and narrowly escaped death; that when ho cmorged from the burning building his principal article ot nppnrol was a wet towel. " Lengthen the Life of Your Machinery It has hcen nrnven Itiol "7C -,.. r...i r .1.- depreciation of farm machinery is due to weather exposure only 25 per cent is due to wear and tear. This means that rust destroys your machin- wuct; nines lasier man use. You can't save your machines from war, but you can save them Hum run. ijuuu a sued. Keen your tltnMllttnc ... : ...1 . - ..uw.i.i.v.ii .I, ii vviitll IlOl 111 USC A machine shed is very simple to build. It doesn't cost much in fact, is cheaper than paying for new ma chinery or new parts, lluild it now. Wc have the necessary cement, lum ber, shingles, roofing, etc., and will be glad to help you with the plans. Let's talk it over. This puts you under no obligations. W. W. EIRGE CO. S3 S3 SI Store Open Evenings From Nov Until Xmas. LtAmt,' OUTFITTING STORE. THE STORE THAT DELIVERS THE GOODS This Sale jg Positively j Close g Friday y Evening, jj Dec. 24. JtAILIlOAI) NOTES Conductor C. P. McDanlel, of tho Fourth district, has been xo-Instated after an enforced lay-off of several months. Claim Adjuster Dowell, of this city,, spent part of last week at Potter and Ilerndon, adjusting claims for flro losses last October. Foreman Murphy and his gang of carpenters aro building a series of small blridgos on tho North Itivor branch In tho Goring section. F. A. Jack, a machinist employed In tho U. P. round houso at Sidney, owns a soctlon of land In Cheyenuo county. Ho took a lay-off last spring and had 300 acres of tho land broken and sowed to flax. Tho cost of the breaking, the seed, threshing anl olh ot vork, counting his own time At regular machinist's pay and allowing five contB a bushel for hauling it to market was ?2,43G.G0. Tho 300 acres threshed out 3.350 bushels, and ns flax Js now quoted at $2.08 per bushel. IiIb crop will bo worth SG.9G8.00. De ducting tho expense, ho hns a clear prollt of ?4,537.50, which Is a pretty good summor's wages. Ituffnlo Menl. Wfl Will llfivn rtti an Irk ImnlntitMn ..w uil WlllU UUfciWlWll " " of buffalo meat which comes direct 'Somo of tho members objected to Sat J:KKCTIO' OF PAROCHIAL The domestic science department of SCIIOOJ 3SW ASSUI-M). tho Twentieth Century club was en- I tertained Monday afternoon by Mrs. Tentative plans for tho new paro- A. E. Garllchs. Dr. F. -J. Wurtole chial school building which tho Cntho- gave ?a splendid address which was Add resc ue parish of North Platto will erect 'much enjoyed by tho ladlos uwu icuuiujii-irom me arcuitect aim meet in a general way the ap proval of tho building committee, ltov. McDald spent yesterday 'in Kearney dlscuslng tho plans with tho bishop of tho Kearney diocese, of which North Platto Is a part. Tho plans call for practically a thrco story building, for tho basement will havo a twelve foot celling with only two feet under ground. This basement will contain tho heating plant and toilets and a good sized gymnasium. On tho first ground floor will bo four largo rooms, and tho second floor will bo used for teaching domestic spienco, provisions being 1 made for a complete kitchen. Oa this' floor will also bo located tho music' room, I TJio cost of tho building will bo J betweon $20,000 and $20,000, and it' will 1A roniltf fnr nrmi nnnnif I r Cnn I tomber, 1910. es wero also given by Mrs. Roy Cot rell, Mrs. J. H. Hegarty, Mrs. Fv H. Barber, and an exorclso given by Mrs. M. N. Buchanan'. A delicious lunch was demonstrated and served by tho hostess. A woman accompanied by two bov appeared at the Omaha postoffico yes terday with sihty-eight packages to be mailed out. A regular Santa Claus, tlmt, woman. However, she was not much ahead of somo of tho wojiei who wero noticed standing in lino at tho North Platte postoffico yesterday afternoon. Fred Smith, of tho Bjgnell vicinity, spent yesterday in town transacting business and visiting friends. Tho annual stag banquet of tho B. P. O. Elks will bo held Saturday oven- at eight o'clock. in Okla- from Pnwneo Bill's ranch homa. Ordor early 9G-2 MA11TI MEAT MARKET. Notlco of Sleeting. All thoso opposed to tho formation of tho proposed dralnnco district aro urged to attend a mooting to bo hold at tho Farmers' Exchange, in North Platto, on Monday, Dccombor 27th, at ono o'clock. Tho fight is onl If you oppose tho organization of this dis trict show your colors by attondlng tho mocting. J. K. OTTENSTEIN, Pres. J. C. WILSON, Sec'y. For Kent A 14-room roomlne houso with all modern conveniences; Just cast of tho Uoyd opera houso. Rent reasonable Inqulro of Mrs. R. D Thomson, 514 west Fifth. . Rent reduced. Ycstorday was n vorv busy day for our merchants, tho stores bciug crowd ed with customers tho greater part of tho day and during tho evening hours. Several morchants informed us thla morning that Christmas buyinK this year is much heavlor than last. Not only nro tho sales greater In number but peoplo aro buying a bottor grado of goods. urday night for tho reason that the curtain -would need bo rung down promptly at twelvo, but tho commlt tco decided that four hours of uninter rupted ploasuro would bo sufficient to satisfy nnyone. County Attornoy GIbbs was awak ened from a sound sleep Into last night by a telophono cnll from tho Fourth ward. It was a Avoman s voice sho said sho hod been slapped In tho fnco and wanted tho slapper ar rested. Glbbs was somowhat sleepy and without asking for names ad vised ,tho woman to toll her troubles to tho policeman. , Ed Whcolock, tho Standard oil man, is wearing his jaw In a sling1. as it woro. Last weok ono of his hor- bos, whllo in a playful mood planted ono of its hoofs on tho point of Ed's ctyln. Fortunately (tho blow was a glancing ono, elso tho injury would' hnvo been n vqoat serious one. Lorn Kldwoll, accompanied by his broad smllo and hearty "howdy", camo ovor from Wallaco Saturday to transact business. For Sale. Good gentle family milch cow. 504 south Willow. Phono Black 710. Oltf1 -GET A- We Will Sell 30 Lots in Residence Park Sub-Division On Maplo and Elm amVE and F Streets. SK Blocks from Washington School, A'Ine blocks from 1'ostoffico at $30 Each A small payment down aul'balanco in monthly paymonts. 3fo other good residence lots so close in for tho money. The Purchaser of one of these lots will ho given a House and Lot "Free" IT MAY BE YOU ' The house to be given awayy is new, six rooms, and base ment, and valued at $2,500.00, has loan of $1200 00 in the North Platto Mutual Building & Loan, (two years payments on which have been made), and is located on Willow street, between E and F streets. There are but Thirty (30) of these lots. Look them over and select yours early. A Warranty deed and abstract showing clear title will be furnished each purchaser. A discount of Five (5) per cent will be give for all cash. Eight (8) per cent on deferred payments. Map can be seen and full information bo had on appli :ion at my office, G18 Dewey Street. Telephone 201.. J. F. CLABAUGH, Sole Agent, SOUTH PLATTE, JfEB.