The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 17, 1915, Image 9

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    Serai-Weekly Tribune
The Useful Gift is the One
IBA L. BABE, Editor nnd Publisher.
Ono Year by Mall In Advance.... $1.25
One Year by Carrier In Advnnco. .$1.50
Entered at North Platte, Nebraska,
Poatofflco us Second Class Matter.
that is Most Appreciated
FRIDAY, RECE31BER, 17, 1915.
How much pleasanter it is to buy where all lines are assembled together, each perfect in its way, than to wear
S one's self out shopping from place to place. Especially is this true in gift buying when each article requires so
Graduate Dentist
Office over the McDonald
State Bank.
much individual thought.
For Rent Ilonso at 813 West 11th
street. 9G-5
For Sale Cheap Eight room house,
nindnpn nvnnnf li sin f AilitnAnn
olfico box C17.
Harry Plzcr and Leslie Bare attend
ing the Wentworth Military academy
at Lexington, Mo., will arrlvo homo
this evening.
Francis Flynn, who is taking the en
gineering course at Stanford Univer
sity, Palo Alta. Calif,, arrived homo
Tuesday noon to spend the holiday
Claude Faulkcnr went to Omaha
"Wednesday to attend the grand chap
ter of Masons and to take the degree
of High Priest.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Blalock and son
left yesterday for Austin, Minn., where
they will spend Christmas with rela
tives of Mrs. Blalock.
Train No. 9, running several hours
late, covered the distance from Omaha
to North Platte Tuesday in five hours
and thirty-one minutes, witli stops at
Columbus and Grand Island.
Elmer Coates was confined to the
house several days the early part
of the week by an attack of lumbago.
He is able to be around today but is
not boasting of frlsklness.
E. F. Seeberger is homo again after
Ian absence of six weeks In an Omaha
Hospital. Through treatment and diet
liils stomach trouble has practically
disappeared. He has gained thirteen
and a half pounds In weight and looks
fand feels better than he has in several
The annual meeting of the West
Central Nebraska Teachers' Associa
tion will be hold In this city April Cth,
7th and Sth, these dates having been se
lected at a recent meeting of the ex
ecutive committee. The declamatory
contest will be held Saturday evening,
April Sth. Six counties are included
in the West-Central district.
A very little strain on the tender,
delicate, nerve structure of the eye
soon exhausts the surplus nervous en
ergy of the human system. Seventy
live per cent of all eye troubles may
be removed by optometry. HARRY
, DIXON, Jeweler and Optometrist west of Dewey street, North Platte,
Mrs. Louis Peterson left yesterday
for Rossville, 111., to visit her mother,
Mrs. Weingand over Christmas. Mrs.
Weingand will reach her eighty
ninth birthday within a few days and
Mrs. Peterson took with her an angel
food cake decorated with eighty-nine
tiny candles which was prepared at
"he Stamp bakery by Mrs. Stamp, who
1s also a daughter.
The Elite Kensington Club spent
a delightful afternoon Tuesday as tho
cuests of Mrs. -Russell Wyman. Tho
feature of tho afternoon was a
Christmas tree from which gifts wero
1istrbuted to members. Tho hostess
was presented with a pretty hand
painted cup and saucer. The refresh
ments wero very enjoyable. Tho next
Meeting will bo at tho homo of Mrs.
Will Weisgerber.
Furs aro like diamonds the buyer
must depend on tho standing and re
liability of the seller. Few people can
til tho difference between a real uta-
,!,, nd and a "phony," and fow ladles
unit the real value of furs. North
Platie peoplo should therefore pro-
etd cautiously when buying furs
of salesmen who mako house to Iioubo
ianvasses. These canvassers are hero
today, gono tomorrow and If tho furs
are not as represented you havo no
eomo back" on tho seller. If you buy
your-furs of North Platto merchants.
and they aro not as represented you
have an opportunity to havo the mat
ter righted.
For Men nml "Women
Always Acceptable and Useful
Ladies' Hose, Fiber Silk Boot . . .25c
Ladies' Fiber Silk Hose 50e
Ladies' Niagara Maid Pure thread
Silk in black and a full line of
colors, eaoh pair in separate
box $1.00
Ladies' Niagara Maid Pure thread
Silk Hose, heavy quality, each
pair in a box $1.50
Ladies' Niagara Maid Glove Silk
Hose, black only, each pair in
holiday box $1.50
Men's Interwoven Fiber Silk Hose
3 pair in a box $1.00
Men's Interwoven Silk Hose, 2
pair in a box $1.00
For ladies we have Fownes' Kid
Gloves, also a full line of Cape and
Mocha for street wear.
For men we carry a complete line
both of heavy work gloves and all
styles of light weight Gloves for
dressy wear.
For children we have every kind
from infants' size up.
An especially large assortment for
the holidays, Juliets, daintily trim
med with ribbons and Fur. Colors
to suit all tastes ranging from dainty
lavendar and greens to more sober
Our extensive showing of beautiful
fancy ribbons has caused much favor
able comment.
One lot 412 to 5i inch fancy and
plain colors, suitable for mak
ing all kinds of novelties, per
yard 25c
One lot fancy printed ribbons 4
inches wide, per yard 15c
Also a large line of fancy and plain
Ribbons widths up to 3 inches
per yard 10c
Holly ribbons for tying packages
per bolt '. 10c
You cannot buy your holiday hand
kerchiefs too early. You're going to
buy them here that is if you care
fully consider our high qualities at
the low prices we ask, and really
want the best values. Our handker
chief department is larger than ever
and the selling has begun so it's no
more than fair that we urge your
making an immediate selection.
Make a present that will be appre
ciated through the wintry days that
follow Christmas. We carry Brad
ley Sweater Coats, the best known
make. We have Sweaters for Men,
Women and Children, beginning at
50c each and ranging up to $8.00
oacjh. Styles and colors are just
what you are looking for.
Nothing pleases more than a 'nice Set of Furs or a separate Muff.
We pride ourselves on the variety and quality of our stock. . Furs to be
reasonable in price must of good quality and well made. Our Furs are
bought direct from the people that make them and are reliable in every
Blended Marmot set, Pillow
Muff, Scarf to match $i:t.50
Muskrat set, very nice melon shap
ed Muff, Collar to match $10.50
Black Dog Set, good sized round
Muff, Scarf to match $15.00
Electric Seal Set, large pillow
Muff, Collar to match $20.00
American Opposum Set, large
melon Muff, Scarf to match, a
beautiful set $20.00
Muskrat Head Set, made from
heads of northern Muskrats,
Strongly sewed together, a hand
some novelty set $25.00
Fine Set Red Fox, large Muff, nice
ly trimmed, Animal Scarf to
match $30.00
Separate Muffs from common
grades up to $10.00 Each
Just tho thing to please your wife or sister, suitable, comfortable and
stylish, and at prices that you can. well afford. We have put just three
different prices on our better Cloth Coats.
Lot 1. All our high grade Cloth Coats worth up to $25 and $30.00, special
price $1I).IS
Lot 2. Fine Cloth Coats, including a great many Wooltex Garments,
Special price $U.-IS
Lot 3. Nice Style new Coats. Special Price $!).!)8
Lot 4. This is a good line of Junior styles for girls 13 to 1G years of
age, Special price $I.!)S
The best offering of tho Year.
Your choice of any Ladies' Suit In our store for $10.00
Your choice of a lot of Ladies' Suits for $5.00
These extraordinary prices are made to close out every fall Suit in
our stock. Our loss will be your gain. These suits are all our regular
stock, made by the best makers in this country and are the greatest bar
gains ever offered in North Platte.
Make your home more comfortable and happy with a new Rug for
the parlor or bed room or the kitchen brighter with new Liolemn on the
Never was the Toy section so completely filled with thrills for the
little ones. Never were so many amusing and instructive playthings
shown in our store. You will find aything you want in the way of Toys
here. Bring the little folks and let them revel in the joys of Toy Land.
Christmas is never complete without plenty of Candy for the Chil
dren. Our new Candy Department is fast becoming the popular place in
North Platte. There is a reason for that, we arc offering good Candy at
popular prices, not cheap quality, but tho best.
Mixed Candy, good wholesome
Candies, per pound 10c
Better Mixed Candy Creams and
Chocolates, per pound 12&e
Best Mixed Candy, high grade"
Creams and Fruits, per lb. ..20c
Nut Top Chocolate Creams, per
pound 25c
Assorted Box Ccocolates, 1 lb . . 25c
It will pay you to bring us your or
ders for candy for 'Christmas trees.
What could make a nicer present
than a nice soft blanket bath robe?
We havo a nice line for both ladies
and children.
Ladies,' Bath Robes made from
good quality blankets in nice
patterns, nicely trimmed, full
size $3.50
Ladies' Bath Robes, medium grade
blankets, full size, good style $2.50
Children's Blanket Bath Robes,
pretty Patterns, good quality $2.00
Children's Outing Gowns 50c
Ladies' Outing Gowns 50c
Ladies' Fine Outing Gowns made
from heavy materials, $1.00, $1.25
ad $1.50
Men's Outing Gowns, good heavy
cloth $1.00
Men's Pajamas, nicely made from
good Outings $1.00 and $1.50
Always bring joy to the recipient.
Tlie assortments we are showing is
certainly a remarkablo one and
makes your selection easy.
Tho newest thing in cap and scarf
sets. We have these in large variety,
made from brushed yarn, corduroys
and fancy fur fabrics, ranging in
price from 50c for a scarf to $5 a set.
Always an appropriate gift. Here
you will find the Hull detachable
handle used on most of our stock.
This enables you to carry your um
brella in a suit case when travelling.
We can give you any quality to
suit your purse from.$l lo $5 each
Exquisite new Neckwear. It is al
most impossible to mention the new
numbers, so quickly do they follow
one upon the other. The styles be
come prettier and prettier and you
will marvel when you see them, how
such lovely conceits are produced.
'In all the new colors and styles,
both plain and fancy, for waists and
dresses. A nice silk dress pattern
can be bought now for the same price
as a fine woolen ono.
This ad would not be complete
without a mention of these wonder
ful new toys. Made from three-ply
veneer right in the spruce forests of
Washington, nicely stained so as to
look well in any home, light in
weight and does not break easily.
See the pretty designs in our toy section.
To tho Public
Having mado settlement with tho In
surance company, I will start to re-
movo tho old barn. I will do business
in tho front part of tho old barn until
I get tho now ono erected. Will
havo all kinds of feed, flour, potatoes,
wheat oats corn anything In tho feed
lino at prices that will mako you sit up
and notice. Call or phono mo, as I need
At a called meetng of members of
tho Chamber of Commerce Tuesday
ovonlng In tho B. of L. building, the
dralnago pioposltion, upon which
farmers residing west of tho
city aro working, was dis
cussed by government engi
neers Jossup and Millor. Mr. Jessup
has been in tho Ilcrshey section for
several weeks making examinations
of tho underllow, securing data and
getting matters in shape for tho organ
ization of tho district if such district'
Is desired by a majorty of tho farmers,
or rather a majorty of tho acreago In
tho proposed district.
Mr. Miller spoko of dralnago in tho
Irrigated sectlonO of Colorado, and
gavo Instances where irrigated land
which had become water-soaked, non
productvo and practically valueless
through seepage, had been re-claimed
through dralnago. Whllo conditions
wero somewhat different in differ
ent sections of tho country, ho
was confident that dranago of tho
valley west of town would provo a
good investment for tho land owners.
Mr. Jesup spoko of tho conditions
as ho found them; that thoro was
no question in his mind but that
dralnago would mako wondorfully
productivo thousands of acres of val
ley land that Is now In salt grass
but little revenue.
Tho district which it is proposed to
form would comprise the territory be
tween tho rvors front tho O'Fallon
bluff to tho points east of this city.
Within this boundary there aro 41,
000 acres of laud, and of these 41,000
acres about 30,000 acres would bo bon
ofited by a dralnago system. Tho ap-
Tho yield of sugar beets in tho
North l'latto valley will bo 9.4G0 cars.
Tho latest cstimato according to tho
Scottsbluff Star-Ilorald places tho
yield lit 378,003 tons. Tho farmers
rocolve including tho bonus, not less
than $5.50 per ton, In addition to
iirnxlinntn rnst of tliA nvstmm wnnlil
bo thirteen dollars on each of tho! which one-fourth or more of tho crop
30,000 acres, or a total of $390,000. Mr.
Jessup explained in detail and lllus
Itrated jby blackboard d)raw(ing tho
underflow of water, and explained
tho seopago problem. In closing ho
asked tho support of tho Chamber of
Commerce in educating tho farmers
to tho need and valuo of tho proposed
dralnago ditch.
It Is probablo that a general meet
ing of that organization will bo called
to which both thoso favoring and op
posing tho proposition will bo nvited.
Crook UuyH Home.
Tho Dundee Advertiser, an Omnha
suburban paper, has this to say of
former North Platto residents: Dr.
and Mrs. Crook, who occupied tho
houso at 4907 Underwood avonuo
since coming hero this fall, havo
bought tho houso at 5100 Underwood
avenue. In a year or so they expect
to build in Happy Hollow addition,
but In tho meantime, thoy will mako
Is siloed, for which an -additional 50
cents per ton Is paid. On a basis of
one fourth of tho crop being placed
In silo-while this amount is greatly
oxcoeded for somo farmers silo all
that they raise, tho average prlco paid
would $5.C2V! cents per ton, and If
our arithmetic is right tho company
will pay out ?2,1 29,041.87 to tho farm
ers of tho valley this season for beets.
Komo incomo now, isn't it, and it puts
tho farmers in tho producers' class
with a big C. On tho basis that thoro
wero 31.000 acres of boots raised in
the valley this year which Is pretty
closo to tho amount tho avorago
yield would bo 12.21 tons per aero,
which at $5.02 per ton means a
gross Incomo of $G8.G8 per aero, ap
proximately tho samo as Tecolved by
tho growers a year ago. Wo imagine
it is safo to say that tho Scottsbluff
Sugar company will easily distribute
$3,000,000 in tho valley this year when
tho cost of repairs, maintaining and
operating tho factory, etc, Is taken
ltufl'alo arcnt for Clirlsfmns.
Fred Marti has ordered a quantity of
buffalo meat for his Christmas trado.
It will como from Pawnoo Bill's ranch
In Oklahoma, whoro six young buffalo
will bo slaughtered on Dec. 17th
This meat will bo somewhat cxpen
slvo, but no dotfbt old-timers will
long to again eat "buffer" whllo new
comers will want somo Just to seo
how it tastes.
C. M. Trotter loft Wednesday after
noon for Kilmer, In tho north of this
county, to dollvor two Maxwell cars
ho sold to rcsldonts of that soction.
"War" on (ho Ship Oscar.
broken out on board of Henry Ford's
peaco ship, and several of tho mem
bers of tho party uro preparing to
quit tho vessel at Christiana, alleging
that tho oxtremo paclflists havo adopt
ed an Insulting attltuda toward all
who uphold President Wilson's -preparedness
program. Ford Is making
an offort to patcli up peace before tho
ship reaches port.
For Sale.
Good geutlo family milch cow.
south Willow. Phono Black 710.
Money to Loan
Lowest Ratco and Best Terms.
Plenty of Money on hand to Close
Loans Promptly.
Buchanan & Patterson
your business.
pasturo or in wild hay that produces
this their home.
into consideration.