X i t r . l.i il a This Is A Jewelry Christma Wc have the newest designs and styles in jewelry, Diamonds, Braclct Watches, Solid Gold and Filled Watches. New patterns in Sterling Silver and Plated ware that are selling well A pretty Gold handled Umbrella makes a very "ice Christmas Gift. Ivory toilet articles are selling big wd engrave in any col6r to match your dresser set. Fine sparkling cut glass, the new est and prettist cutting. The prettiest solid gold Lavilliers with diamond and Pearl setting. Always pleased to show you. Clinton, The Jeweler. Look for tho sign with tho big ring. 5s M MM LOCAL AND TERSONAL. Mrs. Carl Holman -will entertain fifty ladies at a kensington this after noon. A pretty cut glass water set for $3.50. CLINTON, Tho Jeweler. Machinist Herman Erb left Wed nesday "night for a visit with friends in Omaha. Cut glass bargains in sugar and creamers 50 cents a pair up. CLINTON, Tho Jeweler. The county commissioners will meet 'n session Mjnday for tho transaction of routino business. See our specnl lino of Christmas novelties. ' " DIXON, The Jeweler. Byron Oborst, now associated with Albert Muldoon, will leave next week for Omaha to spend tho holidays. Up on his return after January first ho will be accompanied by Mrs. Oborst. A good watch will help him or her in ovory day life. Thoy lnsuro prompt ness and accuracy in tho details of life. Wo havo tho reliable inakoa El gin, Walthain, Hamilton and Hall. DIXON, tho Jeweler and U. P. Watch Inspector. Tho Royal Neighbor Social Club was entertained at tho Intra of Mrs. James Sebastian, 911 oast Second street Wednesday afternoon. Tho fol lowing wore selected to offico for next torm: President, Mrs. H. P. Henckcl; vice-president, Mrs. Gortrudo John ston; secretary and treasurer, Mrs.; Lena Johnson. Mrs. C. M. York ns sisted Mrs. Sebastian In serving a very nice lunch. Houses and nice uicunt rooms, .stor age space ami safe deposit boxes. HHATT & GOODMAN. Unless some dcfinlto objection is filed with tho Union Pacific thero Is In prospect sweeping chnngo of tho Kcar- ney-Staploton service. Tho chaugo be ing considered by tho officials is nono other thnn cancellation of tho passeu ger servlco effectlvo now, a complcto alteration of this servlco being made. Tho passenger servlco will bo limited to ono train each day, a steam train to leavo Stapleton In tho morning and return in tho evening. Kearney Hub. Tho snow this week Intorforredwlth County Supt. Gnntt making a trip that would havo completed the In spection of every school lu tho county. There are more than ono hundred school districts in tho county, and when you consider that Lincoli coun ty is fifty-four miles long and forty eight miles wide, and that only a few of the sciiools can bo reached by jallroad, you can easily imagine how (many miles Miss Gantt must drive George Weir, a student at tho Btato university, returned homo yesterday to spend tho Christmas vacation. Georgo Freed returned Wednesday from Omaha, where ho combined business with pleasuro for a week. It. D. Birgo and Ed Rebhauscn re turned Wednesday night from a duck hunt up tho North river. Tho trip her Ford car In order to visit each was not very successful. Maurice Fowler came up from Grand Island yesterday to inspect a bunch of thirty-two mules which W. T. Wilcox Is offering for salo. limit & Goodman arc offering great bargans in real estate for salo and exchange. Sco them. Let Spiccr's Parcel Delivery deliver FnMnnor Mil TTnvM oni snvnn ' your Christmas packages. Efficiency ... - ' oml ri$rttr Onrtflrtrt its nun mntfn fnll year old son nro victims or small-.""" "' pox, the disease having do'clopel 93-4 Wednesday. Chief of PolliM Baker renorts six cases of small-pox, two cases of dip theria and one case of measles under quarantine. Huffman's Cigar Store, Red 247 The open season for killing wild ducks and gecso clpsed- yesterday. Hunters as a irulo had poor success, tho birds not being as plentiful as In former years. s bool Nothing makes a more appreciated, lasting or interesting Xmas gift than an Eastman Kodak. To take a snap shot of family or local scenes is a pleasure and tho picture Is always a reminder of tho scene or tho event connected therewith Tho Rincker Book & Drug Co. yesterday received a larce lino of those celebrated Eastman Kodaks which rango In prico from $1.00 to $65.00, and in eluded are tho latest stylo auto graphic. If you anticipato buying a Kodak for Christmas, you certainly will want to see tho lino at Rinckor'a. This store also carries everything in tho lino of supplies needed by thoama tour photographer. W TIME IS FLEETIWG H m Only Ten More Buying Days until Chris; mas, We have Everything that Suggests Christmas All kinds of Practical merchandise and a nice line of Novelties, too. There are so many things it would be an utter impossibility to mention them all. We have everything as easy as possible for the shopper arranging our merchandise so you can almost wait on yourself although we are all ready to serve you and make sugges tions. Remember time is fleeting and now is when you get the good things. Novelties, Collars, Ties, Hankerchiefs, Belts Gloves, Mittens, Pin Cushions, Bags, Station ery, Broaches, Necktie Racks, Hosiery Sets, Boudoir caps, Sofa Cushions. The above novelties are made up in dainty Xmas ways at price within reach ol everyone. Our line of Infants clothing is complete, Caps, Bonnets, Vest, Hose, Bootees, Coats, Caps Dresses and Petticoats so don't forget the baby. Ladies' Dainty Gowns iu Muslin and Crepes Corset Covers, Princess Slips, just the dainty garments you would want to give to your friends. Underwear and Hosiery Underwear in highly mercerised Cotton, Lisle and Wool, all sizes. Hosiery a brand new supply in the Lisle and silk, put up in a pretty Xmas box. What is nicer? A Skirt for a gift uould be great and we could alter it afterward. Bath Robes and Kimonas also the Bed Room Slipper, what sounds more comfy for a gift, a beautiful new supply to select from. Waists for service and beauty Crepe-de-Chine and Tub Silks, We can say positively we have the best fitting waists made. If you know the size that's all that's necessary. If your wife or mother has longed for a coat this winter perhaps only mentioned wanting one, make her happy by getttng it for Xmas. Our prices are at cost now. Blankets were never half so pretty as they are this year. I low about a Blanket for the home folks. A Comfortable wouldn't be half bad for an Xmas gift. What do you think? A House Dress or Apron is a very practical present. Our line of Dresses and aprons are without comparison, quality and workmanship and fit are all combind in these Dreoses. Table Linens, Linen Towels, Turkish Tow els, Guest Towels and Bath Room Rugs. Only good patterns shown. Don't forget we have a wonderful Stock of Dress Good to select from and we will help you make the buying easy by the assistance of our Sales Ladies who are very competent. We are putting forth every effort to make our store a real Holiday center. Everything suggests Xmas. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. 13 3& CTOCK 1J mr7 n iLr s. --. . v I ii L'la ri h h r mr, r svr tvww wrs , m i--M rislma Nothing else does quite so well for a Christmas gift to a Man as something ho can wear, and the fact that He'll wear it is the host test of his appreciation. The spirit of the Christmas Season hero is common sense in selecting suitable Gifts for Men and Hoys. II matters not what ago He may he, hu thoso things which will not only plenso Him hut that will give good service. Our store Is filled with serviecnhlo Gifts 1-iVen outside of our Holiday Stock, there isn't an nrticlo or garment in the store that would not make a handsome and most acceptable gift. A WISE CHOICE What could he n wiser selection than one of our Suits, Overcoats, Mn.qkinnws, Smoking Jackets or Hath Itohcss OUR HABERDASHERY Our showing of Christmas Haberdashery is a grand display of exclusive Styles. Our elegant Jfeckwear, choice Gloves, fine Dress Shirts, our Silk Hosiery, IVool Undor wcar, and the many other things In Toggery a man Is always wanting, are correct and the best that money can buy. ? iiiu-tfe ahli;t Don't trust to memory, hut cheek below the articles you are Interested in. It will be only a pleasure for our Splendid Service to help you make n selection. t' i I OVEIiCOAT 1 SlUKTS I HOSIEJtY COLLARS KAIJf COAT ' DATHJtOHE t UNDEWVEAK CAlS SUIT NECKWEAR ! SUSPEoVDEHS HAT SMOKING JACKET j GLOVES HANDKERCHIEFS SUIT CASE afACKINAlV I SWEATER j MUEELER CRIP SLIPPERS J JERSEY j SHOES. TRUNK MOCASSINS PAJAMAS AUTO RORE ! TOQUE ; I : We'll keep perfectly "Mum" in regard to any selections you may make and then woll willingly make any exchanges after Christmas. CD It m M THE HOME OF GOOD CLOTHES. Tlie First Snow Storm. Yesterday was a dccldely wintry day, tho air being nllcd with falling and swirling snow, and three inches of whltcnpsB covers tho ground. Wed nesday was misty, and during tho night this mist turned to snow. Tho snow fall was general in western Ne braska Wyoming and Colorado. East of North Plntto tho fall was not so heavy. , North rintte Hlnls Win frizes. J. A. McDonald was at Lexington Wednesday In attendanco at tho Daw son County Poultry show and exhib ited pens owned by himself, Harry Lantz, .T. J. Crawford and M. C. Rod gers. North Plntto secured four first prizes. McDonald took first on Light Hralimas, Lantz first on Rhode Island Uedn, Crawford first on pen of young Barred Rocks, and M. C. RodgorB first on pon of old Barred Rocks. Six hundred fowls were on exhibition. Mr. McDonald also boosted tho Lin coln county poultryshow to bo hold hero next month. Mrs. John Cook, of this city, is vis iting friends at jWatson's ranch near Kearney. ' ,v ; Miner Ilininan has been confined to his room-nt tho homo .of his mother this week by illness. A gift tho wholo family will enjoy and become an holrloom of tho future. See our new designs. I DIXON, Tho Jowoler. Tho state convention of county commissioners favored expending on road dragging all fees received from nutomobllo licenses. Roada In tho Platto valley would bo fifty per cent better If they were rcgular'y dragged. Mrs. Win. Landgrat-and sons Will and Henry loft tho early part of tho wook for a visit with friends in Wit her, Omaha and Lincoln;. They. expect to return tomorrow. " 'tf Sco our now lino of LaValltures, Brooches, Stick I'ms, Cuu Buttons, and ninny othor artlcloiT oT. Jewelry for personnl wear. DIXON, Tho Jowolor. John Carroll, who had been tline keopor at tho shops, will after Jan uary first succeed Will Burko as clerk to Car Foreman McEvoy. Will Friend w,ill succeed Carroll as time-kooper. For sale Puro bred Barred Ply mouth Rock Cockerels and Pullets. Also ono doublo seated carriage. In- qulro of or address Blankonburg Bros. 05 N. Locust, North Platto, Neb. Phono Red 851. 00-4 four Bargains In Homes. I havo two houses on wobi Cth St., in tho 1900 block, one a four room houso and tho othor a flvo room house. Both asolutely new, closets, cellar and wired for lights. Built on tho bunga low stylo. Thcso houses would mako ideal homes for anyono working In tho U. P. yards or round houso. Price on small houso $15000.00 and on largo ono $1C50. $100.00 on either houso will handle- tho same, balanco on monthly payments. Two now four room houses on West 10th St. Houses that actually coBt $1100.00 each to build. Owner has listed for quick salo at $1,000.00 each. $100.00 will handle these proportles, balanco on small monthly payments. Why should any man with a regular salary, rent when lio can buy a now property for any such figures and terms as shown abovo? C. F. TEMPLE, Agent. C. D'S For Christmas Gifts A gift must Iiuru aluc. .Sorno liaxt (aiiglhlo valuo that decreases propor tionately with tho days after Christ inns. Tho Httlo tin horse doesn't hold It's orlgmil tiiIiio much longer than it keeps ts legs, hut Intangible value soon appears that will innke It costly and precious to the youngster owner. ..A gift that combines both tho tan gible and Intangible and wheh In. creases every day Is the Ideul gift for the young son thinking of college, the daughter at the boarding school, the wife or any one near and dear to you. What could bo better than a CcrtM, cute of Deposit any amount at 1 per cent Interest Issued lo their credit by Platte Valley State Bank, North Piatt, Nebraska.