The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 17, 1915, Image 4

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    An Edison will Add to the
Mr. Edison is a crank on perfection, and anything he produces must be
much higher than ordinary standards. He experimented for quarter of a cen
tury with the Edison Diamond Disc Phonograph before he said it was "good,"
yet musical critics throughout say that nothing like "The Edison" has ever
been heard before, for Nr. Edison has at last made possible the RE-CREATION
We invite every lover of music, whether you own an "Edison Diamond
Disc" or not to come in and hear this wonderful musical instrument. Notice
how the "Edison" brings out all those fine shades and overtones that until
now, have been lost in reproduction. Notice how the individually of the artist
or musician is actually re-created without a blemish.
No Needles to Change! .Unbreakable Records.
We announce to the Public that we now have our large Christmas stock open for in
spection. We suggest you shop early and invite you to look over our lines.
The Hook Section is greatly enlarged and we have on'hand the latest and hest books
both gilt and fiction.
Our line of Gibson Art Cards, Xmas Greetings and Calendars is more beautiful than
ever. "K We also have a fine line of Box Stationery and Correspondence Cards. Don't over
look the Manicure sets, Toilet sets, Leather Traveling sets, Desk sets, Razor sets, Hand
Mirrors, Brushes, the , White Ivory line, Pictures, Picture Frames, Smoking sets, Tobacco
jars, Moore and Waterman Fountain Pens. Our bottle Perfumes are very attractively put up
and the line of Perfumes, Toilet waters and Powders is complete.
TOYLAND with-it toys, dolls of all kinds,2beds, cradles, trunks, buggies, games,
structo, horses wagons, tool chests, tree hangings and decorations,' candles and everything
that Santa Clans wants.
Goods laid aside onsmall deposit until Dec. 20th.
Rincker Book & Drug Co.
Phone 5. Prompt Delivery. S08 Dewey.
III3 earliest Christmas hymn was
undoubtedly the "Gloria In Kx
celsls," which was probably one
of the hymns which the Chris
thins were singing hi church at
Christmas In Nlcomedla, when
DIrjcletlan, the emperor, ordered
the church to be closed and tho
whole congregation, young and j
old, burned to death.
It Is HtrniiRo that while we
know that Christmas and tho
Epiphany were celebrated by
tho sinning of hymns, no an
cient carols have come down
to us.
There Is an old carol dating
from, tho llftecnth century which
hns tho "Gloria In Excelsls" for
a refrain. It begins:
A balm wan born nil of a mtilil
To brliiK Hiilvation unto us.
No moro nro wo o hIhk afraid
Vcnl creator Hplrltuu.
Ono of tho best carols of tho
nizabethan period Is that by
1 jert Southwell, a Jesuit priest
who was sent to convert Eng
land, but who was seized by her
Trotestant Majesty Elizabeth
and Imprisoned In tho tower for
three years, and then, after suf
fering the torture of the rack,
wns executed Feb. I, 1501.' It
Beliolil, n simple, tender babo
In fri'ezliiK wlntur nlKltt;
In homely maiiKcr trembling lies,
Alas, a piteous wight!
Durlug the protectorate of Ol
iver Cromwell tho observance
of Christmas was forbidden,
and yet there Is a Christmas
carol from tho Puritan pen of
Georgo Wither, who wns en
riched and promoted by Crom
well nnd thrown into prison by
Charles. It begins:
Aa on tho night before, this happy
A bU'nol ntiKol unto HhephcrJ
Bishop Christopher Words
worth of Lincoln has given us
tho hymn beglnulng "Sing, oh
sing, this blessed morn!" Jnmes
Montgomery, who wns consid
ered ono of England's most emi
nent poets by no less nn author
ity than Lord Byron, Is tho au
thor of tho carol beginning "An
gels from tho realms of glory."
Montgomery was born of Mora
vian parents und dedicated to
tho ministry, but ho took up
nowspaper work Instead and be
en mo eminent In general lit
crnturo as well as in iwetry.
Paul Gerhardt, to whom wo
nro indebted for tho Easter
hymn, "Jesua Lives," has also
given us a aplrltcd Christmas
carol beginning "All my heart
this ulght rejoices."
iness of Christmas
In tho midst of Uie warlike i
strife between King Charles '
UK21) John Milton found both
lntatirn iiml ivn4 i miii.. ltiu
- w ...... v-"ruu l ll (UU Ilia -
hymn, "On the Morning of the
Nativity," In which there nro '
evidently references to tho dls-1
turbed condition of things at 1
that time for example:
No war or battlo sound
Wns hoard the world around.
Christmas Eve
The blackleg's flame has died nwayj
Tho embers Into ashes drift.
Outsldo tho snows ar6 oddying, gray,
And piling fast in many a rift.
Whlto robod is now tho cedar treo
Whero onoo the catbird nightly sang,
And from tho oaves by two and three
Tho icicles like arrows hang.
Tho shadows on the sombor wall
Flit, cross and danco amid the oloom,
And streaks of ghostly color fall
In changing hues about tho room.
Tho spiders in tho corners dim
Within their webs the closer cling,
And from tho mantel's oaken rim
A pair of children's stockings swing.
O'er field and forost, lane and road
Fast and still fastor swirl tho snows,
And in tho barn loft snugly stowed
A drowsy rooster wakes and crows.
The clock strikes twelvo, and midnight
Whilo winter skies stretch cobi and
Frost flowers blossom on tho panes,
The snows float by and disnppoar.
And then across tho rooftreo swells,
Borno by tho winds that fall and riso,
A sound of many hurrying bolls,
A sound that ebbs and peals and dies,
And next ndown tho chimney creops
The children's saint in all tho lands,
And, truo to all tho trysts he koeps
White beardod on tho hearthstone
-Ernest McGaffey In Ladles' Homo
A Christmas School.
Some of tho very best dolls nro nuido
in Sonneburg, Germany, which has tin
academy of design.
This school was established In ISM,
and its model room contains many ex
cellent pieces of sculpture and raro old
prints. Modeling dolls is no easy task,
and it Is remarkablo what perfect fig
ures tho students of this school uro
able to turu out. Molds nro mudo from
tho modola ami from thoso leaden pat
terns tho heads, arms and legs nro
turned out, n spoclnl machine being
used for stamping tho bands. Tho fac
tories, especially tho kneading room,
aro hot nnd filled with steam, and for
this ronson tho big, brawny Germans
who knend tho mixture wear as few
clothes as posslblo whilo at work.
ALTHOUGH we live in GunKy
Jt wamp,
Which isn't on the map,
An', though our town hcz settled
To take its winter nap,
Our thoughts go out to friends afar,
Friends north, south, cast an' west
We hope an' pray this Christmas day
Will be their happiest.
We live here quiet on the farm,
Irene an' ma an' me;
We have two pens uv noisy hens
An' cats, no Icss'n three)
We raise our garden sass an' sich,
Make cider cv'ry fall;
Wish we could git a cask uv it
Out to you, one an' all.
tyc ain't no hands fur style an' sich,
But we jest wantcr say
We'll use you white by day oi
Ef you should come our way.
Accept this grcetin', which is full
Uv good ol' Gungy cheer,
An' peace, good will an' joy until
W see you all next year!
Joe Cone.
An Austrian Christmas Delicacy.
Tho Austrian affects at Christmas
tlino a delicacy known as fruchtbrod,
made of raisins, currants, figs nud
chopped dates. This constitutes a sort
of cake, baked hot.
F. j. DIENEK. & CO.
Heal Estate and Insurance
Come and sco us for town lots in
different parts of tho city. Good In
vestments on easy terras. Houses for
Balo nnd rent. Wo havo also good bar
gains in farms and ranches.
Cor. Front and Dowey Sla upstairs,
To My Customers.
Tho burning of my barn places rao
in a condition whoro I badly need all
monoy duo mo, and I trust that thoso
lndobted to mo will fullv Twill mv
unfortunato position and promptly pay
wo uuiuuut. une. in mo past I havo
favored von lv elvlnn-
you not now favor mo by paying mo
I'tvuiiJki iuu uiuuuy you OWO mo.
AT last I am como to tho market
place, nt ono end of which
stands the Church of the Ntt
k tlvlty, marking the holy, low
ly birthplace, says a writer in Army
and Navy Life. There Is only ono en
trance from the street, nnd it Is so low
that in entering one Is forced to bow
the bond nnd assume a posture of rev
erence. When once inside I raise my
eyes I feel the lashes wet
Tho celling Is lofty, tho walls white
washed nnd bare, while the ancient
dnrk beams and rafters add to the air
of extreme simplicity. There are long
rows of marble pillars, once adorned
with paintings, that aro all but faded
now, nnd of the once glittering mo
sales of tho clerestory only fragments
remain. Coming Into the choir and
ap-ie, the scene Is suddenly changed.
There nro numerous nltars of divers
ownership under a constant nnd jcnl
oii guardianship of Ijitln, Greek and
Armenian. Over theso various claims
there has been much nnd bitter dlssen
Sinn; blood has been spilled more than
once. In fact, as nil the world knows,
the Crimean Avar began with u mob riot
In the Church of tho Nativity sacrilege
of sacrilege! and here was born the
Prince of Peace!
I "own tho dark and winding stairs,
slippery with the drippings of count
less candles, I make my way to that
lowly place into which first came the
light of the world. Tho grotto of the
Nativity Is a cavern beneath the
church, long, narrow and low celled,
with pendent lamps of precious metal
and rare workmanship lighting tho
loom. Tho floor is marble, and won
derful old tapestries, pictures and silk
hangings cover tho walls. A marble
cradle In one corner commemorates the
manger, and in a recess on ono side a
dozen or more hanging lamps are rang
ed around in a hnlf circle.
Before tho ultnr there all men bend
low nnd kiss tho ground for Christ'd
sake, for it is hero a silver star is set
to mark the birthplace of him whom
his mother culled Jesus. Tho center
of the star is glass, ami through it one
may see the original rocky lloor of , the
stable. To tho north of the grotto un
derneath the lloor one may also see
the cave in which St. Jerome spent
ninny peaceful years translating the
IUble Into Latin.
Tho effect of tho whole is impressive,
but in an unfamiliar way. I am con
scious of a feeling that is almost re
sentment against the lamps and tapes
(rles and the niarblo lloor. They seem
to level to the chenpness of worldly
riches u spot that, of nil places on
earth, should havo been allowed to re
main tranquilly humble and dimly sa
cred, true to tho character of Its holy,
transcendent memory.
I close my eyes for a moment, while
ml ml and heart rebel against the pres
ent, until it vanishes nnd the atmos
phero of the past, In all its deep and
wondrous mystury, returns to envelop
my soul. "I tun here, In Bethlehem," I
whisper to myself, and beyond closed
lids I see the Virgin mother with her
gentle face as the old masters loved to
picture her and a "light that never
was on land or sea" In her beautiful
mother eyes, whilo tho glory from one
low hanging star touches n llaby's
hair. The fragrant scent of new hay
is in my nostrils, I hear tho soft
breathing of nearby cattle, and above
the murmur of pilgrims' prayers tho
volco of tho Magi Is saying, "Lo, wo
havo seen his star in tho enst nud are
como to worship him."
To Light Yulo Log Properly.
There are thousands who still (Irmly
believe that to light tho Yule log with
the charred remains of Its predecessor
of a year ago means twelvo months of
good luck for tho provident household
er nd his family, lint it has always
boon considered nn ovll omen if a
squinting person, a barefooted person
or, worst of all, a flat footed woman
enters tho room whilo tho log ii burning.
Useful and Appropriate Gifts will make your
Xmas Shopping a pleasure, and
You Will Be Sure to Please Him
Bath Robes, Slippers, Beautiful Neckwear, Silk
Hose, Initial Handkerchiefs, Mackinaws, Boys1
Mackinaws, Fur Caps, Combination Sets of
all kinds, Suspenders, Fancy Belts, Dress
Shirts.Kid Gloves, Silk Mufflers, Etc.,
FOR HIM. Articles priced at 25c to $6. Only
the Season's Newest Goods at the Right Prices.
"The Suit Man."
In case of poisoning. First send for a physician; second in
duce vomiting by tickling throat with leather or linger; drink
lots of water, or strong mustard and water; swallow sweet oil
or white of egg. Acids are antidotes for alkalies and vice versa
1 rff WTffitf r 'rnfflrmTrTMf.Mtf fffifi
The First National Bank
Member Federal Reserve Bank System.
One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars.
selves in actual fuel saved.
You arc interested in safeguarding your
health and, at the same time, slicing the coal bill. Come in
and talk it over with us. Learn all about the economy of
storm windows and doors.
are discovered every
Day. We keep abreast
with the Progress of Sci
ence and our Stock contains
some of the very newest
Drugs and Sundries. Besides
we put Brains into our work,
Honesty into our Material
and keep Faith with our
Customers. It it s a Drug
we have it or we'll make it."
Keep Out the
No matter what
the weather is out
side, you can keep the
interior of your home
at a comfortable tem
perature. Health and
comfort demand that
there should be no
quick changes in the
Warmth of the air
.throughout the house.
Storm windows
and doors hold the
storms at bay. The
cost of equipping ev
ery window and door
is a comparatively
small item in fire
storm goods soon nay for them-