The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 17, 1915, Image 10

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    1' 1
When Jane Fixes the
I LIKE to loaf In tlio kitolicn whllo
Juno In her wifely way
Is puttln' tlie finish on knlcltknacka
for tlio dinner on Chrlntrmu) day.
Say, tolllblo early o' mornln'B, when
tho coffeepot's Blminerln low,
An' tho roostortf Is crowln' for daybreak
llko nobody olso didn't know
An' out through tho wlilto curtained win
der tho stars Is beiilnnln' to fade,
An' tlio itfUs thnt was hid In darkness Is
ntTOt comln' out o' tho shndo.
DIrcc'ly a silence cttles, bo plain It la
mighty nigh seen,
An' mo an' tho past Btand together, with
scurccly a inlnlt between,
Tor I fed unusually tender In a glad,
half sad sort o' way
Whllo Jano Is llxln' tho knickknacks for
tho dinner on Chrlsttnus doy.
'A ivorson don't never, I reckon, dtsremem-
ber thd old folks nt home,
No matter how fcoblo ho grows an' no
matter Jost whoro ho may roam,
An thoy nhow pretty clear nt bucIi mlnlte,
truo an' bruvo na In dnys gone by.
Till I push my chair In tho shudders
n-hldln' tho mist In my oyo.
I ceo thu gravo fuco of my father as ho
roads by tho candlestick there,
An' I hoar Botno hymn of my mothor as
cho rocks In the hickory chair;
Then tho firelight falls on tho cellln' with
tho ro3u o' tho old tlmo glow
Ah I dream only dreams o' tho futuro 'stld
o' dreams o" tho long ngo.
Ilclgh ho! What u world o' changes from
tho lad to tho man now gray,
Watchln' Jane as tlio fixes knickknacks
for tho dlnnur on Chrlstmua day I
Then my thoughts travels on an' onward
from mists whoro tlio old folks be,
An' I wondor If our own children Is think-
In' o' Jano un' mo;
If thoy hoard nonio organ scndln' tho
song, "Do They Miss Mo nt llomo7"
Through tho holy Chrlstinus inornln',
through tho holy Chrlsttnus gloam,
If they heard th'olr children shoutln' In
pleasure bcsldo their toys,
Would thoy think onco nioro o' tho home
stead, whoro they lived when girls
an' boys.
Tho young has tho world before 'cm, but
for us It lies bohlud
A dim, dear land o' momorlcs, whero oven
I keep In mind
Wee, faded clothes In tho attic, broken
toyu long laid away,
As I watch Jano llxln' knickknacks fcr
tho dinner on Chrlstmua day.
-Will T. Ilnlo.
Still Now Enough to Hnvo Novelty
Element Doar to Americans,
Electric Christmas Rifts Btlll possess
that clement of novelty dear to tho
American heart and thus solvo tho
problem of giving Christmas gifts that
aro "different." Imagine how pleased
most men would ho to receive nn elec
tric shaving cup or electric cigar light
er Instead of neckties, socks and hand
kerchiefs "as usual."
A teakettle for grandmother, n sam
ovar for mother's 5 o'clock teas, a
chilling dish for tho college girl, u disk
stove for tho bachelor, a llntlron or
sewing machlno motor for thu prac
tical housewife all these novel and
useful gifts will bo appreciated by the
It should not bo forgotten that these
electric Christmas gifts tiro all useful
gifts. Each of these devices Is de
signed to do some one thing better
than It enn-bo dono any other way,
whother It Is to percolato coffee, toast
bread or furnish thu power for run
ning a sewing machine.
Tho presence of au electric perco
lator on any tablu adds a touch of
something different and something
better. Tlio electric tea samovar Is
rapidly becoming qulto tho thing for
the modern tea table.
"Wassaill Drlnkaoll"
Tho wnssall bowl, which Is still usoil
In soniu old European families at
Christmas, succeeded tho skull of tho
Norseman's foo as a drinking vessel.
In these old wassail bowls, somo speci
mens of which nro of brown waro and
others of masslvo silver, wero placed
the ale, tho ginger, tho sugar, tho nut
meg and the roasted crab apples.
Where the old custom still provalls tho
nlo Is served spiced and sweetened In
tho wassail bowl, but the apples nro
Still Bring In tho Boar's Head.
Tho ancient Christmas ceremony of
bringing In tho boar's head Is regu
larly performed on Christmas aftor
noon In tho hall of Queen college, Ox
ford, England. Tho head Is horno In
on a silver dish, shoulder high, at tho
head of n procession formed by tho col
lego choir augmented for thu occasion
Blnglug "Tho Hoar's Head Song."
w Not only In costly gifts or 2$
v2 rich rnro food Ties Christmas TO
5 Joy or blessing. It lies no 5
W one can tell another where It
lies. The finding must be for a5
one's self alone. I can only Kfc
. . say to all little children, to all 3
w grownup children, to all who
' are looking back as well as to jfir.
those who are looking forwnrd, v
to them I can say with Tiny $1
W Tim, "God bless you each this JVC
M happy Christmas time," and V$
?. If you would be very sure to
M get Its meaning best make a jH?
v9 real Christmas for somebody y
M who might not have It but for fig
you. Kuto Ijuigley lloshcr.
Christmas In
The Farmhouse
When as a child you read stories of
Christmas celebrations where the
houses were decorated with holly and
mMletoe and the people had such Jolly
times putting them up, didn't you look
around your own house ami wonder
how that would look It trimmed with
those same greens? And didn't you
long to smell their spicy fragrance und
to have n hand in putting them up
where you thought they would look
tho best? And didn't you long to feel
that peculiar Christmas spirit that Is
In the very air In cities and villages
for more than a week before Chrlsmas
day itself? And then did you Just
settle bade and sny to yourself: "Well,
It's no use.
"As long as I live on a farm Christ
mas must bo Just the same as It al
ways has been an exchange of gifts
and Afterward nn unusually big din
ner?" I Wflnt to tell you that you arc mis
taken that you can have Just those
very same things, even to bringing In
tho old time Yule log, If you are so
fortunate as to have an open fireplace
In the farmhouse.
City people pay from 05 cents to $1
for a small house Christmas tree, and
every one who can afford It buys a
tree every year for his children. How
often do farmers' children have trees?
And why not? Because tho parents
say, "Wo haven't gifts enough to make
a pretty tree." Many people never
put a gift on simply make It a tree of
beauty for the children. Strings of
popcorn, wishbones and canes gilded,
gold stars anything bright nnd shiny
hung on a tree delights a child a bag
of popcorn with a few candles In It
tastes live times as good If It has only
onco hung on a tree. Even If tho gift
must bo underwear, shoes and things
actually needed to wear, have them
come as surprises and In as "Chrlst
masy" looking packages as possible.
It Is well to keep the Christmas spirit
In the home.
It seems a pity for us country people,
surrounded by these beautiful things
deemed luxuries by our city friends,
to make no use whatever of them nnd
to lot our lives become so common
place. Christmas Is not solely a day
for gift giving nnd receiving nnd cntl
Ing. It Is n day for doing everything In
your power to add to tho Joy of the
children a day to remember tho feeble
nnd lonely old people a day to think
of tho Btrnngers and tho poor. If you
haven't money to spend for gifts for
them you can give some of yourself
and of your own homo Christmas
cliccr. There are homes that It Is an
Inspiration to enter, becauso of the
Christmas' spirit they breathe forth. I
trust tho farm homes will not be lack
ing In Christmas beauty or Christmas
cheer that nil of them will truly
"keep Christmas." Bertha O. Mark
ham In Country Gentleman.
ff- When tho dawn creeps up
from tho darkly slumbering 'k
ocean Christmas morn and px
speeds brightly around the .
world, circling it with a gold- fK
Sjil en girdle of light, myriads of
Jr bells In many lands awake
W and from steeplo to steeple Aj
SjV ring out tho glad tidings that V$
Mj "the Messiah Is king."
mH' Elotse Boorlmok In Crafts-
g. imn' .jg
A Happy Troo.
"Oh, look nt mo!"
Sang thu Christmas trco
A Jolly young ovorgreon
"I'm drcBged up hero
For n show, that's clear,
And I'm anxious to bo Been.
To grow In a wood
Is very good
Of air you'vo n trlllo more
Hut 1 declnro
It cimuut compare
To a block on tho parlor floorl
You may stand In tho cold
Till a century old,
Not a blo8om to speak of comes,
Ilut hero In nn hour
I'm all In llowor
With mittens and dolls nnd drums.
1 know ho wiU
And daren't to toll
So much thnt I'm llko to burst;
Thoro's a mystery hung
Or a Bocrot swung
On each branch from last to first.
How I'd lovo to shout
All my feelings out!
Hut I daren't oven cough;
And Just tho half
Of u groat big laugh
Would shako all my oandloa off.
Co I liavo to hide
All tlio fun lusldo
Till I'm full as I onn be.
Whatever folks my,
I'm king of tho day!"
Sang the Jolly Christmas tree.
-Youth's Companion.
J. VEUY year the little grc n Imy
'J berry c-umlK-s are sent as lurk
bringing gifts to nn even
greater extent than during
the past few holiday seasons. , The rea
son for tills Is that tho people who re
ceived them tho past year or two and
who did not? thought that they really
did seem to bring them good fortune;
hence this Increasingly rapid growth of
the candle's popularity as a substitute
for tho conventional Christmas card
or as constituting In Itself an unpre
tentious little gift symbolizing every
good wish.
Ilut, wlille n great many people both
send and receive bayberry candles as
gifts, thero are but few who know
whenco they come or why the luck su
perstition Is inseparable from them.
Tho candles, or "dips," as they were
first called, are the product of a re
vived Industry started a few years ago
In tho old Massachusetts towns of Deer
field and Ilinghnm and In tho kitchens
of tho Capo Cod people, nil of them
using tho old pewter or tin molds thnt
hnvo descended In tho families from
colonial times. Old southern villages
have not as yet realized tho opportunl-
y offered Its women In this revived In
dustry, nlthough tho bayberry candles
wero made by tho early settlors In all
tho coast colonies where the berries
row, never being found Inland.
As to tho origin of the good luck
Idea, wo seek It In vain among colonial
chronicles as applied to the candle
Itself. Yet from times far curlier tho
bay tree and tho laurel wero consider
ed sacred to good fortune, nnd It Is
from this Immemorial belief that wo
must traco tho present day faith In the
virtues of tho bayberry candle.
Tho bay Is a species of laurol, and ns
poets and victors were crowned with
tho laurel or tho bay, wishing them long
life and happiness, so Is tho same wish
convoyed In tho bestowal of u candle
made of tho waxen berries horno by
tho sacred tree.
Bayberry dips aro also made as well
ns tho molded candles. These dips are
smaller and less oven in shape and
show us how candles wero made by re
peatedly dipping tho wicks In the molt
ed wax of tho bayborrles and drying
each layer till tho dip was of proper
Blze. That was beforo molds wero in
troduced, early In tho eighteenth cen
tury. To uccompany n bayberry caudlo one
should send In tho little box in which
It Is daintily Avrnppcd a card on which
Is printed, In red and green lottorlng,
tho legend:
A bayberry cnndlo burnt to tlio socket
Hrlngs luck to tho house,
Food to tho lnrdcr
And gold to tho pocket.
When these cards aro not to bo found
tho luck rime may bo written on tho
back of one's visiting card and wrap
ped with n candle, but In that case It
must not bo forgotten that tho hi
closure of writing necessitates extra
Their color, a soft ollvo green, blends
beautifully with other Christmas
decorations, und they burn with a
steady llame, emitting a delightfully
pungent fragrance, and they aro con
sumed evenly all around without mak
ing unsightly gutters or ridges of wax
down tho sides as ordinary candles do.
From New England comes tho tradi
tion that if lovers sepurated by dls
tanco each lights u bayberry candle In
honor of tho other at tho same hour
tho aroma or Inccnso nrlslng from tho
burning wick will drift In tho direc
tion of tho absent one; henco the
candles make a strong appeal to young
peoplo of romantic temperament.
A candlo must bo presented to you,
not bought by yourself, In order to in
sure good luck, and you must not light
your own; that must bo dono for you
by somo other person, not necessarily
tho donor.
Christmas ovo Is tho time for burn
ing, olther at dinner or later, and to
follow out tho old Idea of tho laurels
and tho bays to tho victor a candle
should surely bo bestowed on tho rela
tive or friend who has recontly
achieved somo success or won a dis
tinction. Philadelphia Tress.
Have You a Piano
in Your Home?
A home is not complete without a Piano. It gives
the girls and boys pleasure, and keeps them at
home and fits them for a better life. Don't say you can
not afford to buy a Piano, but come in and talk with
us, and we will make it so easy you can not afford to
be without one.
We handle the best makes, Knabe, A. B. Chase,
McPhail, Price & Teeple, Smith & Barnes, Kimball,'
R. S. Howard, and several others.
Gaston Music Co.,
511Dewey St.
The Nurse Brown
1008 WEST 5th ST.
PHONE 110.
This hospital is open for the reception and treat
ment ot Medical, Surgical, and Obstetrical cases.
This institution is modern, sanitary and well situated
away from the noises and discomfort which are attendant on
the city's center.
J. S. TWINEM, Physician and Surgeon.
Wo are In position to furnish competent nurses for physicians on
short notic. '
Call Phono 82 and stnte whether you want graduate or domestic nurie
and v will complete all the arrangements for you without charge.
Sanitary Newly Furnished Fireprool
"-Ptinnnd Tr.atment of Surg-
L. L. WALKER, Mgr.
Memorial Hospital
Successor to
Drs. Itcdflold & llcdlleld
Ofhco Phono 642 Res. Phono G76
112 East Third Street,
l'honc Red lOi.
Geo. B. Dent,
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention given to Surgery
and Obstetrics.
Office: Building and. Loan Building
Phonpn 'Office 130
i nones Kesidence 115
Physician nnd Surgeon
Offlco B. & L. Building, Second Floor.
Phone, Offlco, 83; Itesldenco 38.
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention Given to Gynecology
Obstetrics nnd Children's Diseases.
Offlco McDonald Stato Bank Building,
Corner Sixth and Dewey Streets.
Phones, Offlco 183, Residence 283
..General Hospital..
Phone 58 723 Locust Street
A modern institution for the
scientific treatment of medical,
surgical and confinement cases.
Completely equipped X-Ray
and diagnostic laboratories.
Geo. B. Dent, M. D. V. Lucas, M. D.
J.B. Redficld,M.D. J. S. Simms, M.D.
Miss Elise Sieman, Supt.
Office phone 241. Res. phone 217
L. C . D R O S T,
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
Hospital Phone Black 633.
Houo Phono Black 633.
Graduate Vetcrinnrian
Bight years a Government Veterinar
ian. Hospital 218 south Locust St,
one-half block southwest of the
Court House.
T Am Poirlnir rVfnvn o
than anyone else. Before vou
sell come and see me.
We are paying $10 Per ton
lor Dryu Hones.
North Platte Junk House
Lock's Old Barn.
Cigars in the Home
For the next fl
will spend their evenings indoors, and
pleasurcahlo thnn a box of cigars nt
uiiMT, cuBiiy iicccssiuio wlicn you hnTO
nn Inclination to smoke. Try n box
of our honie.nniilA fITlfl lm ml .111 ml n it
pars, tho kind that nro a Hltlo better
uiiui j ou wuy eisewnoro tor tlio snmo
bncco nnd smokers' nrticlcs.
J. F. Schmalzried.
Bought and highest market
prices paid
ResidenceJRed C3G Office 459