TIME IS FLEETING if Only Ten More Buying Days until Chrisimas. We have Everything that Suggests Christmas All kinds of Practical merchandise and a nice line of Novelties, loo. There are so many things it would be an utter impossibility to mention them all. We have everything as easy as possible for the shopper arranging our merchandise so you can almost wait on yourself although we are all ready to serve you and make sugges tions. Remember lime is fleeting and now is when you get the good things. Novelties, Collars, Ties, Hankcrchiefs, Belts Gloves, Mittens, Pin Cushions, Hags, Station cry, Broaches, Necktie Racks, Hosiery Sets, Boudoir caps, Sofa Cushions. The above novelties are made up in dainty Xmas ways at price within reach ol everyone. Our line of Infants clothing is complete, Caps, Bonnets, Vest, Hose, Bootees, Coats, Caps Dresses and Petticoats so don't forget the baby. Ladies' Dainty Gowns iu Muslin and Crepes Corset Covers, Princess Slips, just the dainty garments you would want to give to your friends. Underwear and Hosiery Underwear in highly mercerised Cotton, Lisle and Wool, all sizes. Hosiery a brand new supply in the Lisle and silk, put up in a pretty Xmas box. What is nicer? A Skirt for a gift would be great and we could alter it afterward. Bath Robes and Kimonas also the Bed Room Slipper, what sounds more comfy for a gift, a beautiful new supply to select from. Waists for service and beauty Crepe-de-Chine and Tub Silks, We can say positively we have the best fitting waists made. If you know the size that's all that's necessary. If your wife or mother has longed for a coal this winter perhaps only mentioned wanting one, make her happy by getting it for Xmas. Our prices arc at cost now. Blankets were never half so pretty as they arc this year. How about a Blanket for the home folks. A Comfortable wouldn't be half bad for an Xmas gift. What do you think? A House Dress or' Apron is a-very practical present. Our line of Dresses and aprons are without comparison, quality and workmanship and fit are all combind in these Dreases. Room Ru"s. Table Linens, Linen Towels, Turkish Tow els, Luest lowels and Bath Only good patterns shown. Don't forget we have a wonderful Stock of Dress Good to select from and we will help you make the buying easy by the assistance of our Sales Ladies who are very competent. We are putting forth every effort to make our store a real Holiday center. Everything suggests Xmas. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. THE WORK OF THE CITY MAIL CARRIERS. Foot Unit Tcnm Uunquet. Tho annual banquet LOCAL AND PERSONAL. This will bo u Jowolry Xmas. DIXON THE JEWELER. Ilov. Malonoy, of Ogalalla, was tho guest of Itov. McDald this weok. ' Silk Kimonas, Silk Camisoles, Silk Envelopo Chemlso, Silk Night downs, at salo prices at BLOCK'S. Mr. and Mrs. Orlolson and son Rob ert, of Kearney, returned homo last night, nftor attending a banquet given at tho McQowan homo. Tho city schools will closo Friday for a two wooks' vacation, ro-conven lng Monday, January 3d. Joaoph Horahoy has been confined to tho houso for a week past by an at tack of pleurisy. ( Christmas business with tho local merchants opened up briskly yester day. During tho afternoon hours tho storos woro crowded with customers who nindo liboral purchases. Open ovonlngs until Christmas. CLINTON, Tho Jowolor. Have You a Piano in Your Home? A home is not complete without a Piano. It gives the girls and boys pleasure, and keeps them at home and fits them for a better life. Don't say you can not afford to buy a Piano, but come in and talk with us, and we will make it so easy you can not afford to be without one. We handle the best makes, Knabe, A. B. Chase, McPhail, Price & Teeple,' Smith & Barnes, Kimball R. S. Howard, and several others. Gaston Music Co., 511 Dewey St. L.L. WALKER, Mgr. Mrs. W. L. Richards left thia mnrn lng for a visit in Omaha, cxpeutelng iu oo uusont soveral days. ... Tho county commissioners WAT A I n session yesterday dovotlng tho day -to mo transaction of routino business. Miss Rutli Stroitz, teacher in tho Lincoln city schools, will arrive home faaturtiay to spend tho Christmas va cation. Miss Loretta Murphy left last ovnn lng for Columbus, whoro sho will bo tho guest of Miss Gortrudo Henrbd for two weeks. Wo believe In our goods, their qual ity and value. Wo boliovo we givo as good sorvlco in our lino as possible. DIXON, THE JEWELER. Mrs. Carl Hollman lias issued in vitations for a kensington at her homo on Friday afternoon. Fifty ladies have been Invited. Mart Holcoinb now of Laramio, was in town tho latter part of last weok looking after his business interests. William Sweeny, formorly of tho Wild West show band, who spent tho past six months with his mother Mrs. Nichols Klein lof 1 4yestorday morning for Omaha. Tho Royal Nolghbor Social Club will meet with Mrs. J. E. Sebastian, 911 east So cond street tomorrow af ternoon. As tlioro will bo an election of officers all Royal Noighors aro asked to bo present. Tho members of tho Methodist church nro making olaborato nronnr- ntlons for their second annual bazaar which will bo hold at Howo & Malon- eys storo Saturday, Decombor 18, nt 10 a. m. During tho day all sorts of usoful and dainty novelties sutablo for Christmas gifts, and homo raado candy Inroad. Wlotr. iinntriinnju itn will bo offered for sale. Married Saturday Hlornlngr. At six o'clock Saturday mornlnc Miss Lotha Atkinson and Fred Spur rier woro married at tho Luthoran parsonago by Rov. C. B. Harman in tho prosenco of tho brldo's grand mother Mrs. Harriot Mills. Mrs. Mao Wostfall and Miss Florcnco McKay. Tho ring sorvico was used. After tho ceremony tho bridal party woro s6r ved with a breakfast at tho Union Cafo and loft on an early train for Denver and other westorn points to spond a couplo of weeks. Tho brido is a woll known nnd popular young lady who mado hor homo with hor aunt Mrs. Fred Porrltt for a number of yoars and, was ono ot Lincoln county's successful school teachers. Tho groom Is an exemplary young man who Is employed as rural mat! carrier. Best wished arc- extendod. Postmaster Davis has Just been called on for tho following data, and tho figures show some Interesting re sults. For Instance fow pcoplo would believe that thoro were 981 residences served by our four city carriers and tiiat all of them but 35 were provided with mall receptacles; fow pcoplo' people, too would believe that but 33 out of 1G5 business men havo provided a safo and convenient place for tho doposit of mall, and thus affording nmplo opportunity to mako com-' plaints for tho loss of a letter or other mail. Tho City Carrlors estimate that tho houses supplied are about 70 per cent of tho total homes in tho city, so that with that amount added wo would havo about 14Q0 homos. With 5 occu pants to each homo wo would number 7,000 people. Number of business houses served by carrier 1G5. Number of business houses supplied with mall receptacles 24. Number of business houses not sun- plied with mail receptacles 132. Percentage of business houses sup plied 20 per cent. Number of residences served by carrier 981. Number of residences supplied with nihil receptacles 94G. Number of residences without mail receptacles. 35. Total number of possible stops by carrier 1135. Sheriff Salisbury and J. C. Askwlg returned this morning from Lincoln, where they convoyed McAtee and In- man to the penitentiary. Tho Lincoln county contingent nt tho penitentiary is now larger than over before, in fact It Is said that Lincoln county stands next to Douglas In the" number sent up. This is not becauso so many of our pcoplo commit crimes, but rather non residents come hero, do some unlaw ful act and through tho efficiency of our peaco officers they aro not allowed to get away. The sheriff saw Roy Roberts and says ho is looking thin, evidence that his incarceration is be ginning to toll on him. Tho federal inspectors of safety ap pliances spent yostorday at thi3 ter minal. Out of 250 cars inspected thev found a slight defect on one car. Mrs. Florence Craig died Saturday at tho homo of Mrs. Mary Pickeroll. Funeral services were conducted by Rov. Cram Sunday. The deceased came here from Iowa. of tho local high school foot ball team was hold Saturday evening In tho basement of tho Presbyterian church. Tho atten dance was larger than any previous year and tho menu was most enjoy able. After tho Inner man had been satlsfleld the following toasts were given, ench being received with gencr ouu applauso: Subject "War", toast mistress Dorothy Hinman; "Recruit ing," Mr. Tout; "Preparedness," Mr. Neville; "Rovonue," Mr. Redon baugh; "The Commissary." Helen Bird; "Tho Defense." Willis Baker; "Tho Furlough,' Fern Douglass: "Tho Vldtory" Cecil Cool; "Presentation". John Lincoln. Coaches Keefo, Halll-i gan and Baskins were presented with tio pins and in well chosen words ex pressed their thanks. As a token ot appreciation of his interest and ser vices M. K. Neville was given a beau-1 tlfully ongraved silver lovincr etin. Tho : Duo from nat-'i nmi team was presented with sweat liv L..8.1?,'? Jnnks . .JS8,782.93 " I vuuuiva iuiu 1 1 cm 8 whlto letters for them. The programs and place cards woro very unique, tho hand work of tho high school girls who also served tho banquet. Decora tions wero in the high school colors of red and white. Weather forecast for North Platte and vicinity: Unsottled weather to night and Wednesday, wth probably snow and coldor Wednesday. High est temperature yesterday 47, u year ago 11; lowest last night 23, a year ago 8. i .1. DIEN'EK & CO. Real Estate nnd Insurance Como and seo us for town lots In dlfforent parts of tho city. Good In vestments on easy terms. Houses for salo and rent. Wo havo also good bar gains In farms and ranches. Cor. Front and Dowey Sts.. upstairs. IIEPOUT OP TUB CONDITION ' OF THE McDonald State Bank, of North Platte, Neb., Charter No. 647 Incorporated In tho State of Nebraska, ,o.v,u tl08e Duamess ucccmoer ytn, nEsouncEs LoariB and discounts .... $310,059.76 Overdrafts T 300.43 Uomls.Bocurltlos, Judgments claims, etc 1C.S60.00 Hanklnir house, furniture and fixtures Other Real Estato 15,000.00 7,509.22 Where complcic protection Is sought (he Fidelity Life Health nnd AccI dent Policy Is bought. Let mo havo your Christmas maga zine orders as soon as possible. Mrs. M. V. Mitchell. Phono Red 104. Miss A. F. Reed, who had been the guest of Dr. and Mrs. T. J. Kerr, left for Mitchell, S. D., this morning. Mrs. LeDIoyt, of Paxton, mother of Hormon LeDIoyt of tills city, is criti cally 111 and relatives have been summoned. of PXP.hntltro. . Currency Oold Coin Silver, nlckloa and cents G.516.32 9,254.00 175.00 C.1CS.70 108.8S6.95 Total $458,706.30 , , LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $100,000.00 SurplUB fund 14,000.00 Undivided profits, (Net).... 13,826.39 Individual depos its subject to chock $187,104.67 Demand certifi cates of depos it 1,485.37 Time cortincatoti of doposit .... 116,668.83 Duo to national and statobanks 21,727.49 326,986.36 Depositors' Guaranty Fund 3,893.61 . . . Total $458,706.36 State of Nebraska, County of Lincoln, sa I, W. H. McDonald, cashier of the above named bank do hereby swear that tho abovo statement is a correct and truo copy of tho report made to Y. 11. Mi A tf no CHAS MCDONALD, Director J. B. MCDONALD, Director. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th day of December, 1915. C F. STRAUSS, Notary Public. W. H. MoDONALD, Cashier. The Nurse Brown Memorial Hospital 1008 WEST 5th ST. NORTH PLATTE, NEB. PHONE 110. Ethical. Moral. Efficient. This hospital is open for the reception and treat ment ot Medical, Surgical, and Ohstetrical cases. This institution is modern, sanitary and well situated away from the noises and discomfort which are attendant on theicity's center. MRS. MARGARET HALL, Supt. J. S. TWINEM, Physician and Surgeon. Am Happiness ison will Add to the Christmas of Mr. Edison is a crank on perfection, and anything he produces must be much higher than ordinary standards. He experimented for quarter of a cen tury with the Edison Diamond Disc Phonograph before he said it was "good " yet musical critics throughout say that nothing like "The Edison" has ever Sttto? before or Mr- Edison has at last made possible the RE-CREATION n- We llvte every Iover o music whether you own an "Edison Diamond msc or not to come in and hear this wonderful musical instrument. Notice how the Edison brings out all those fine shades and overtones that until now, have been lost in reproduction. Notice how the individually of the artist or musician is actually re-created without a blemish. No Needles to Change! Unbreakable Records. GIFTS FOR EVERYBODY. We announce to the Puhlic that we now have our large Christmas stock open for in spection. We suggest you shop early and invite you to look over our lines. , , .,Tllc I3?ok Seclion is greatly enlarged and we have on hand the latest and hest hooks both gift and fiction. bur line of Gibson Art Cards, Xmas Greetings and Calendars is more beautiful than ever. We also have a fine lino of Box Stationery and Correspondence Cards. Don't over look the Manicure sets, Toilet sets, Leather Traveling sets, Desk sets, Razor sets Hand Mirrors, Brushes, the White Ivory line, Pictures, Picture Frames, Smoking sets Tobacco jars, Moore and Waterman Fountain Pens. Our bottle Perfumes are very attractively nut tin and the line of Perfumes, Toilet waters and Powders is complete. TOYLAND with-it toys, dolls of all kinds, beds, cradles, trunks, buggies, games structo, horses wagons, tool chests, tree hangings and decorations, candles and everything that Santa Claus wants. ; - Goods laid aside on small deposit until Dec. 20th. Rincker Book & Drug Co. Phone 5. Prompt Delivery. S08jDewey.