The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 14, 1915, Image 11

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Mm. Itona A.
KIhm, 318 Clinton
riiice, Kansas
City, Mo. i "I had
t cold In tli e head.
I ubciI Fcrttna.
Wan wt'll lilenicil
with the results.
1 do not need nuy
other medicine."
megUKred Trade Mnrlt V. B. Vnlenl Office)
Mr. William E.
Denny, 1023 l'nrk
Are., Springfield,
Oh lo i "Was
troubled with ca
tarrh of tho bond,
nose, throat and
slomnch, I am
preatly relieved
by reruna."
Stomach Ttrouiiies
and! Catarrh Relieved. Nn
ISemedv can Corraraetfe wi
Peruna The Keadyf o-take
Save This Trade-Mark
and Get a Complete Set of
Oneida Community
Par Plate Silverware
Given Free With
&r 3L "fcl Er Fl
CEND us your name and address on cou-
pon below, and we will tell you about
how we are giving complete sets of Oneida
Community Par Plate Silverware, guaranteed '
ten years, FREE with Skinner Products.
In the meantime commence saving up the
trade-mark signatures trom okinncr packages.
Skinner's Macaroni Products arc made from the finest
durum wheat in the largest and cleanest macaroni
factory in America. Combine with cheap cuts of meat,
left-overs, cheese, fish, oysters, mushrooms, etc.
Cheaper than meat and better.
Send Coupon Today
We will at once return fine recipe
book and lull information how to secure
d beautiful et ol Oneida Community
Par Plate Silverware FREE. Silver
ware you II be proud of and which
will make your table look fine.
Allgood gTocerssellSkinner's.
Cheaper by the coee 24
Skinner Mfg. Co.
Largest Macaroni Factory
in Ammca
Dpt.B Onuha, Htb.
- nrniuni
Dept. I)
Omaha, Neb.
riiuaund m full
ja, Inrormntlon how I
J& can obtain OneldaCom
rnunity Par Plata Silter-
ware it with Skioper's
Macaroni I roducti.
Try this easy way to
skin with
Bathe your face for several minutes
with Resinol Soap and warm water,
working the creamy lather into the
skin gently with the finger-tips. Then
wash off with more Resinol Soap and
warm water, finishing with a dash of
clear cold water to close the pores.
Do this once or twice a day, and you
will be astonished how quickly the
healing, antiseptic Resinol medication
soothes and cleanses the pores, re
moves pimples and blackheads, and
leaves the complexion clear, fresh
and velvety.
If the skin is in bad condition
through neglect or an unwise use of
cosmetics, apply a little Resinol Oint
ment and let it remain on ten min
utes before the final washing with
Resinol Sop.
Keslnol Scap Is cot artificially colored, Its rich
brown being entirely due to the Resinol balsams
it contains. S'lld by all drugcists and dealers In
toilet eoods, Pot free sample cake and trial of
Keslnol Oiitmcnt. write Reilnol Chemical Co..
Baltimore, Md.
Physicians have prescribed Resinot
Ointment jvr over twenty years in the
treat meirt fl skin and scalp affectum.
Th Wheat Yields
Tells the Story
of Western Canada's Rapid Progress
The heavy crops in Western Canada have caused
new records to be made in the handling of grains
by railroads. For, while the movement of these
heavy shipments has been wonderfully rapid, the
resources of the different roads, despite enlarged
equipments and increased facilities, have been
strained as never before, and previous records
have thus been broken in all directions.
The largest Canadian wheat shipments through New York ever known
are reported for the period up to October 15th, upwards o! four und a
quarter million bushels being exported In less than six weeks,
and this was but the overflow of shipments to Montreal, through which
.point shipments were much larger than to New York.
Yields as high as 60 bushels of wheat per acre are reported from all
parts of the country; while yields of 45 bushels per acre are common.
Thousands of American farmers have taken part in this wonderful pro-
J...H.. r I J ... atftlll Inn. n-kj 1am.us4j linHa mva inallM auHirirl
mUUkUUII. LdUlU yillCa UIO OUll IUW MliU IICD iiUIllVaiCAU IflilUO 16 DVVUikU
v in good localities, convenient to churches, ichoolt, markets, railways, etc
Tbero Is no war tax on land and no conscription
Write for illustrated pamphlet, reduced railroad rates and other
information to superintendent immigration, unawa.
Canada, or
Doom 4,Bee Dldg.,0maha,Neb.
Canadian Government Agent
The Common
DIDN'T CARE FOR "OLD MAN" Nebraska Directory
AauiUat Superintendent ol Men, Mood? Bibla
loitilula of Chicato
TEXT Tho common salvation. Judo 3.
Each word of this toxt Is Important.
Let us think of them, taking tho last
ono first.
:. iS? -KSS,
1. Salvation.
We havo space to
mention only
throe things sug
gested by t h 1 s
word. Salvation
means a saving
from a sickness
a n d restoration
to health; for Bin
Is a disease. A
common biblical
symbol of sin is
leprosy, an incur
ablo ,nd loath
soma disease.
Thoro is m u c 1)
similarity betweon
this and sin. For Instance; there are
many so-called remedies for leprosy
but none can bo found to really stop
Its spread. The sinner too has many
remedies for his sin but nothing that
mon can do can arrest its progress.
Again, leprosy becomes painful and
distressing. Sin acts tho same way.
Ilonco wo aro told that "tho wicked
aro like the troubled sea when It can
not rest, whoso waters ca3t up mire
and dirt. Thero is no peaco saith my
God to tho wicked." Sin begins quiot
ly but ends, llko leprosy, with bitter
pain and distress. Again, leprosy is
fatal to the ono afflicted. It might
well bo called a living death. It Is
thus with sin. Many are today well
and sound of body, but sorely afflicted
by sin. Aa far as their souls are con
cornod they aro in a living death. The
difference between tho lopor and the
sinner Is that tho former gets rid of
his trouble at death, but the latter
must take his pain and distress with
him. Dut salvation means tho saving
from sin to perfect health. Man alone
can, find no cure for his sin but Christ
can and has. It is found in his own.
blood which "eleanseth us from all
In tho second place salvation means
a saving from punishment; for sin is
a crime as well as a disease. Salva
tion brings to tho sinner a full and
froo pardon for every crlmo against
the law of God; such a pardon that
every traco o tho evil committed Is
"wiped from tho sinner'B record. With
out such salvation the punishment toi
each sin must fall upon tho sinner.
And tho punishment of sin is nn awful
thing; described as being torment and
anguish and that eternal. Rut in this
common salvation thero is found relief
from all tho guilt, and pardon for ev
ery crime. "Let the sinner forsake
his way and tho unrighteous man hla
thoughts and let him return unto the
Lord and he will havo mercy upon hire
and to our God for ho will abundantly
In tho third place salvation menne
tho saving from death which is the re
sult of tho disease and tho reward ol
the crime. It means tho exchanging
of eternal death tor eternal life. "The
wages of sin is death, but tho gift ol
God Is eternal llfo through Jesus
Christ our Lord." If any should en
quire how this health instead of sick
ness, this pardon instead of guilt, and
this llfo instead of death can bo ob
tained, tho apostlo answers,' "Believe
on tho Lord Jesus Christ and thou
shalt bo saved."
2. Common. Tho "common" salva
tion suggests its wideness and means
that it Is shared by all alike. God Is
no respecter of porsons and when he
provided tho common salvation ho pro
vldcd It to bo shared by all alike
Whothor white or black, moral or Im
moral, learned or illiterate, cultured
or vulgar, all share alike in this "com
mon" salvation. Again, thl3 word
moans that tho salvation Is a univer
sal thing. It is provided for every
mombor of tho human raco. This ie
what tho apostlo moans when ho saya,
"whosoever will call upon the name of
tho Lord shall bo saved." And, the
last chapter of tho Blblo says, "Who
soever will, let him tako o tho water
of llfo freely." Tho common salva
tion means that which Is needed by
all, provided for all, brought to all and
offered to all, Including tho reader of
these lines.
3. The. This word speaks of the
narrownoss as "common" speaks of
tho wideness. It Is not "a" salvation,
but "the." It Is not provided by man,
nor can It bo. it la just horo that sin
ners go wrong and think they can
ovolvo some scheme whereby they
can euro thomsolves of tho disease
and do enough good deeds to counter
balance the ovil and so avoid tho pun
ishment duo to sin. I3ut If wo would
havo tho salvation that saves from tho
dlseaso of sin, and tho pardon that
covers tho crime of sin, we must como
to tho Lord, with whom salvation 1b
to bo found. "God so loved tho world
that ho gave his only begotten Son
that whosoever bolloveth on him
should not perish but havo everlasting
llfo." And when tho Son camo to bo
tho Savior of men "ho gave himself
for us, that ho might redeem ub from
all iniquity." Ho took tho sin and, all
Its consequences, tho crlmo and all
Its punishment, und gives to all who
will rocelvo It "tho common salva
tlon" in their place.
What 8ally Regretted and Resented
Was the Loss of Mule That
She Valued.
Guy Bates Post tells this ono;
"A woman appeared at tho oillce of
tho claims agent of a westorn railroad.
'Yo' steam cars is dono kilt my raulo,
Sally I sho announced in a docldedly
tragic manner.
"'Woll, madam,' replied tho agent,
'If It wns tho fault of tho company, you
will bo recompensed, you may bo sure
What woro tho circumstances and
what was tho niulo worth?'
" 'Sally was tho best niulo Ah ovor
seed,' said tho woman, as sho wiped
her wet eyes with hor bonnot string.
'Ah dono plowed with that mulo for
goln' on nlno years, an' thar wnrn't
nothln' tho matter with her 'coptln'
sho wna a lectio mito lamo In her nigh
hind lnig an' kinder blind In ono cyo.
Ah glvo fohty dollnhs and threo bed
quilts an' two pecks of drlod pears
for her, an' sho was as good us tho
day Ah got her.'
'"Whero was tho mulo killcd7' tho
agent nBked.
"'Hit war at tho crossln', an' yo'
fast mall train Jest knocked her plumb
over thct fence an' inter a gully l' was
tho woman's reply.
"'And tho mulo strayed upon tho
track, I prcsurao?' queried tho agent.
" 'Oh, no!' alio declared. 'Sally novcr
would 'a' boon fool enough to walk in
front of no train my old man waB
rldin her!"'
Why You Sneeze.
There Is more than one causo for
sneezing, and persons may differ in
their susceptibility to them. A bright
light will ' causo somo porsons to
sneeze, tho pollen of certuln plants
will affect others, and most peoplo
nro likoly to bucczo in the prcsonco of
dust. Such sneezing Is duo to super
ficial irritation.
Tho sneeze caused by tho effect of
cold is different. It Is an attempt of
naturo to euro you. Sho makes you
sncezo for tho samo reason that sho
makes you shiver to gonorato heat
for warming tho blood and preventing
you from taking more cold to help
rollovo tho cold you havo.
The snoozing from cold 1b not an
act of tho noso alono, this bolng moro
ly tho part of tho body whoro It ex
plodes. It 1b an act of tho entire body,
during which every muscle gives a
Jump. Tho body la affected by a
spasmodic effort to warm tho entire
system and throw off tho cold.
An orfjanlzatlon which la co-opern-tlvo
In tlio truest jens and will tnnlso
lout; tlmo lonn.s, 10-20-30 years, nt low
rnto of interest on the partial pay
ment plnn. Lot us Instruct you how
to cot tho benciUs.
It. V. McQrew, President; also presi
dent of tho Btate Bnnlc of Nnponeo,
Nob.; Stttto Hank, nivorton. Nob.;
Stnto Unnlc, rtcpubllcnn City, Nob.;
Stato Unnlc, Woodworth, Kan.
Chas. rtuden, Crofton, Nob.: Vlco
I'resldent (Stnto Senator, Farmer,
nnd Stockman),
John Mattes. Nebraska City, Nob.,
VIce-I'rcsldent (Stnto Senator, Secre
tary of Amerlcnn-aermnn Alliance).
C. J. Warner, Wavcrly, Nob.. Treas
urer (lleprescntatlvo 27th, SSth nnd
9th Legislature, Farmer and Stock
man). Frank D. Saunders, Secretary (Audi
tor, Knno County, Public Accoun
tant, Elgin, 111.).
Address fl. T. DABNEY, 8Lt Mfcr.
Bankers Life Building
Lincoln, Nebraska,
T&K MS, ft
ltve iititctr
Gomnttnnkan Agonts
,oun motto aooo xamvioa
Seller of Live Stock on the South
1 Omaha market. Feedtr buying
a tpecialty
A thoroughly reliable, lo
cal nccnt to renresent
nml lnnk nftnr tlin imnlnfftu nt Mm
United Farmers' Ilurnl Credit Aasoclntlon
of Nebraska. A splendid opportunity for
tho mnn who can furnish unquestionable,
United Farmers' Rural Credit Assn.
Bankors Life Bldg.,
Lincoln, Neb.
Hotel Castle
632 So. 16 St., Omaha. Neb.
New, absolutely fireproof.
Rooms with private bath - $1.50
Rooms with private toilet 1.00
Fred A. Castle, Proprietor
CURED In a few days
without pain or a sur
gical operation. No pay until cured. Write
bit. 1YUAY, SOS !! Hide, Ouiatin, Nob.
Muec9stulljr twitted with Harutn, It Is tho only
posltlTo treatment known which will omdlcat.
tho tlsiuo dostmjlng germ from tho jtcm.
A auciwanil tifatinont K&riranteed. Call or writ,
for full particular!.
Dr W. W. Dowser, 314 Boo Dldg., Omaha, Ncbr.
Send us samples and slate how much you nd
jour neighbors hrtTetoircltof Alfalfa, Mlllet,Clo
Tcr.Tlmotliy.Suilan Ora.!,s and any other seed.
fiTTNN CFFD ff) aai 8. 10th Htreet,
Largcat itock In the Wtit. Shipped
by exprci. anywlicr. In the U. S,
Good Serum Will
Save Your Hogs
Use U 1 (Jot consort Heroin. Ptinnn. wtro write
or call un OMAHA NKKUM UOMl'AN Y. lltl
OSta., H Oumlin.Nub., IMiouo BoutU 'J80U
3rd Floor Paitoit Block
16th & FarnamSt.,Omaho aulpprd IVnUI Oillct
111 Oinftlia. lUaiontU print.
SpacIaI Uiirount to all -op
living ouUlila or Ouah.
tiu-city iiAiiitKii cor.Mtorc
to whero thor tnako Barbers. ISlectna nmssAi..
llrdraulla chain. Low rato tuition. Wanes paid.
Tools alron. Uoll or write for fren raining nnd Infor
mation. 1134 tlM&l.,0, arlUtaN8t,Uatl,Mtk.
Hardly Complimentary.
Doylo was breaking stones on tho
roadsldo beneath ono of tlio high
bills in South Kilkenny. Eating tho
grass bcsldo him was tho ass that car
ried him to and from bis work. Tho
donkey was old, and, as Doylo would
say, "as cuto as himself." Ono day
an English tourist chanced to como
tlio way, and tho ass, seeing him ap
proach, bogan to bray loud nnd long.
Tho tourist, coming up to Doyle,
"Why docs that old ass bray at seo
Ing mo?"
"1 don't know," said Doylo, "but
thoro is an old snyln' In tho place
'when friends meet beartB warm.'"
The Prodigal Father.
Jill What degroo did your fathor
tako In his lodgo?
Ulll About 100 in tho shade, 1
guess. Anyhow I heard him tell tho
chauffour ho was somo warm.
The Proper Way.
"I thought you quarreled with tho
laundress over tho Ironing?"
"So I did, but that dllllculty has been
smoothed over."
Up to Man Who Won.
As Charllo opened his mall a bill fell
from an envelope. Turning to mo ho
"They havo boon sending mo tbnt
bill now for threo years. It Is for u
dozen roses I sent to a girl."
"Why don't you pay It?" asked Ignor
nnt I'.
"Why should 1? Why don't they send
tho bill to tho man who mnrrlod her?
Ho got her. 1 didn't."
Frank Criticism.
Author I sent you n copy of my
lntost book a fow days ago. I sup
poso you havo glanced ovor It?
Miss Frankloigh Glanced over It!
Why, 1 read It through threo times.
author (pleased) Indeed! ThRn
you must havo found It vory Interest
ing? Miss Frankloigh No, I can't say
that I did. I was moroly trying to
(lml out what it was all about.
Just So.
"Somo peoplo aro advancing tho
idea that a stenographer should havo
.10 per cent good looks and 70 per
cont ofllclency."
"And If ono comes along with ',0
per cont good looks, many fool In
clined to nccopt 30 por cent ns an ado
quato measuro of olllclency."
Sawcd-Off Sermon.
When a Jealous woman has a good
looking husband sho nlvvays keeps ono
oyo on him nnd tho other on hor fo
mnlo friends.
Structures Have Something of a Hu
morous Side, But Are Useful In
tho Philippines.
Portable jails such as aro In uso In
tho Phlllpplno lslnnds aro doubtless
lacking In architectural beauty, but
thoy moro than ranko up for tho de
ficiency In usofulncBs. These ono-room
"cunrtolrt," built moro for coolneso
than for permanency, nro' established
at Intervals along tho government high
ways of Luzon, nnd several of tho oth
er Islands of tho arehlpolago, for tho
oafo-kooplng nt night of tho qonvicts
who aro employed by day on tho roads.
Thoso convlctB aro farmed out for this
purposo from tho great Dtlabld prison
at Manila. Tho construction of thoso
so-callod Jails Is slmplo In tho ex
treme; a floor of split bamboo, walls
of two or throo Inch poloo bound, with
barbed wlro and a roof of grass thatch.
As Others See Us.
'I'd havo you know, sir," said Win
dig, angrily, "that my word Is just aa
good as my bond."
"Yes," rojolned Knox, "that's what
Is the matter with your bond."
About tho only dlfforcnco Is that
tho peoplo In a small town call It a
"sociable," and thoso In tho city a
How strange It 1b that only sensible
folks ngreo with us!
The Vital Factor
not alone in affairs of the Nation, but with the health of every citizen.
One seldom knows when the common enemy, sickness, in one form or another, is about
to strike; and the best form of preparedness is to keep body and brain healthy.
Active brains and vigorous bodies are the result of right living food plays a big part,
made of whole wheat and malted barley, supplies nil the bone- and brain-building, nerve- and
muscle-making elements of the grains, including the vital snlts, phosphate of potash, etc,
often lacking in the diet of many, but imperative for bounding good health.
Grape-Nuts is easily digested comes ready for table directly the germ-proof, moisture
and dust-proof packet is opened. With good milk or cream Grape-Nuts supplies completo
A ratioc of Grape-Nuts each day is a safe play for health, and
"There's a Reason"
sold by Grocers everywhere.