:U. S. ASKS RECALLS CAPT. BOY.ED AND CAPT. VON PA PEN DECLARED PERSONA NON GRATA TO GOVERNMENT. ADMITTED CONSPIRACY IN U. S. Secretary Lansing Announces at Washington That Improper Activi ties In Military and Naval Matters Caused Action Against Attaches. Washington, Dec. C The atnto de partment announced formally on Fri day that It had asl;ed for the recall ot Captain Boy-Ed aud Captain vou Pa pen, naval and military attaches, re spectively, of the Gcrmun embassy liero, because of tho "objectionable ac tivities In connection with military and naval matters." Secretary Lansing informed Count von Bernstorft, tho German nmbassa dor. that Captain Boy-Ed, naval attache to tho German embassy, had rendered himself persona non grata to tho Uni ted States government as tho result of tits connection with tho conspirators of tho Hamburg-American Hue. who were found guilty In New York. The statu department was believed to bo of the opinion that as Captain Hoy-Ed had admitted his connection with tho tlnanclng of tho operations which tho N-iv York Jury gavo a ver dict ns being Illegal there wa3 nothing jlsc to do but inform the German gov ernment of Its views. Secretary Lansing issued this state ment: "On account of what this govern ment considers Improper activities In military and naval matters this gov umment has requested the immediate recall of Captain Uov-Ed. Gorman naval attacho, and Captain von Papen, merman military attache, as they are no longer acceptable to this govern ment." It is. understood Count von Bern torff notified Berlin. By Informing tho ambassador that the attacho is persona non grata, the United States leaves it with tho Ger mau government as to tho manner lu which Captain Boy-Ed shall terminate IHo I 1... .... . ...o i.uuiii;i;iii.hi wiin iue emiiassy. ihis is tho usual diplomatic pro--cedure In tho case of an attache. Captain Boy-Ed's activities In the United States since the war began liavo been the subject of close attcu tion by tho state department and tin department of Justice.. Several times It has been broadly hinted that the American government might intlmato to Germany that the operations of her naval attacho were objectionable, with the Inevitable sur .gestion that his connection with the embassy should be terminated. Each time, however, the threatened action came to nothing. Captain Boy-Ed llrst attracted the attention of tho government in connec tion with tho mlsuso of American passports by German rcservibts seek ing to slip through tho allied lines to join their armies. Some of tho men in connection with whoso cases the captain's name was mentioned now aro serving terms in federal peniten tiaries. Later Captain Boy-Ed's name wa? mentioned in connection with tho chartering of ships from American ports to supply fuel and food to Ger man warships. The same alleged connection came up again during the trials of the Ham burg-American lino officials Just con cluded in Now York, in which wit nesses testified that Captain Boy-Ed handled $750,000, which camo from Berlin for chartering tho ships and furnishing them with supplies. ASKS AUSTRIA TO EXPLAIN Ambassador Penfield Repeats Request to Vienna for Reply to U. S. Note on Ancona. Vienna, Austria, Doc. G ;vla Lou don). Tho American ambassador, Frederick C. Penlleld. repeated his re quest to tho Austrian government that it make a .eply to the American note respecting tho circumstances In connection with tho sinking of tho steamship Ancona in tho Mediter ranean by nn Austrian submarine, as a result of which sevoral Americans lost their lives. CLARKE NAMED BY SENATE Arkansas M sinner Chosen President Pro Tern. Over ?omerene of Ohio After Hard Fight. Washington, Doc. C Senator Clarko of Arkansas was elected president pro tern, of tho senate on Friday by a vote of 28 to 23. Clarko was elected in tho caucus of senate Democrats after moro than two hours of continuous ballot ing. Friends of Senator Pomcrono of Ohio mado a hard fight to defeat the senator from Arkansas, but could muster only 13 votes, $2,613,150,000 for Germany. Berlin, Dec. G. Tho amount paid in cash by subscribers to tho third Ger man loan in tho last week of Novem ber was about 3G1.OUO.000 marks. This brought up the total paid to 10,462, 000,000 marks (,$2,G13,160,000). St. Paul Has Costly Blaze. St. Paul, Minn., Dec. G. Damago es timated at $300,000 resulted hero by tiro which swept tho buildings of F. J. Lcsllo & Co., wholesale papor deal era, and Barrett & Barrett, wholesale vinegar and glassware bouse. MAKING IT RUN SMOOTHLY? SERBIANS LOSE 17,000 LARGE PART OF KING PETER'S FORCES CAPTURED. Prisrend and Monastlr Occupied by In vading Troops German Troops to Roumanian Border. Berlin (by wireless to Sayvillo), Doc. 3. An official report given out on Wednesday nt tho Bulgarian army headquarters says: "Bulgarian troopa. nftcr a short and decisive engagement, look Prisrend and .iade prisoner be tween 1G.000 and 17,000 Serbians. They also captured 50 Hold cannon and how itzers, 20,000 rifles. 148 automobiles and a large amount of war material. The battle of Prisrend, where tho remnants of the Serbian army wero made prisoner, will probably end tho Serbian campaign." London. Dec. 3. Monastir was for mally surrendered to tho Bulgarians on Monday, according to an Athens! dispatch to the Daily Telegraph. A dispatch to tho Morning Post from Bucharest says: "Feverish preparations aro being made at Hustchuk, on tho Danube west of the Houmanian border, to accom modate 50,000 Austro-Gcrman troops, who arc due to arrive there shortly. Many officers with war materials al ready havo arrived. "Four Austrian monitors aro patrol ing the Dunubo along tho whole length of Iho Bulgarian shore, to whero tho Bulgarian frontier Joins that of Rounianla." CAN VISIT NEUTRAL NATIONS State Department Refuses to Issue Passports in Belligerent Territory to Ford Party. Washington, Dec. 4. Seventy-five passports, good only in noutral coun tries, wero issued on Thursday by tho state department for members of tho Ford peaco expedition. Several pass ports wero ref UBcd on account of faulty applications, or because the applicants wero not cltlzims of tho United States. Inez Milholland Boissovaln, suffra gist, was refused a passport because her husband is a cltlzon of a foreign country. Now York, Oec. 4. Louis P. Loch ner, secretary to the Ford expedition, said tho idea ijf "getting the boys out of tho trencliDs by Christmas" had been given up. "Tho wholo thing is trying tho impossible," ho added, "but wo aro trying just tho same. Honry Ford returned to Now York on Thursday nnd announced definite plans for his jyeace expedition to sail for Europe Saturday. Ho said that dur ing tho voyage members of his party would be solciited as permanent peaco delegates to nimain In 'Europe He ex pects other neutral nations to send delegations t- meet tho Americans at Tho Hague. A general conferenco will then bo held to dccldo on further steps. NEGRO MAN HANGED BY MOB Hundred Arkansans Storm Jail and Har.g Alleged Slayer to a Tele phone Pole. Forrost City, Ark., Dec. 4. A mob ot moro th&ii 100 men stormed tho county Jail hero and took William Pat rick, a ncgn man, from his coll and hanged him to a telophono polo. Pat rick was charged with having shot and killed John Nichols, Jr., son of County Assessor John Nichols. Austrlans Leave Lemberg. London, Dec. 0. A Central News dispatch from Bucharest states that tho Austrlans havo evacuated Lemberg owing to an epidemic of scurvy. Ac cording to this dispatch tho victims number 200 fresh cases dally. Serb Officials at Salonlkl. Athens, Dec. 0. Members of the Serbian chamber of deputies and the minister ot war tiuvo arrived at Sa lonlkl, whllo tho minister of finance Is ut Fiorina. Greece, 15 miles south east ot Monastlr. TO BAR CZAR'S ARMY ROUMANIA FORBIDS DANUBE TO RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT. Bulgars Capture Prisrend and Monas tlr French and Serbs Retreat Before Fcrdlnand'n Troops. London, Due. 1. Whllo tho entente causo in tho Balkans received a seri ous blow In Roumanian reported de cision to bar Russian activities against Bulgaria, the advance rA tho Teutonic and Bulgarian Invaders continued on both fronts in Serbia. An ofllcial statement from Berlin says Bulgarian forces havo captured Prisrend, near tho Albanian border, with 3,000 men, while Austro-Gcrman forces advanced southwest of Mltro vltza and took 1.000 prisoners. Press dispatches from Bucharest say that the Houmanian government lias forbidden tho use of the Danubo to tho Russian government and that In nn energetic note It has mado tho demand that Russia respect her neu trality. ' Tho note states that Rou .mania will defend her neutrality If necessary. Tho Danubo is mined. Tho Bulgars are pushing their con quest of Serbian Macedonia rapidly toward tho Greek frontier, tho Sofia war office stated. Monastlr was cap tured Monday. Tho southern Serbs nnd French aro reported In general retreat and the British is too small a force to figure sorlously in the fighting. The French, falling back along tho Cerna river, aro burning bridges In an attempt to chock tho Bulgar pur suit. FLASHES OFF THE WIRE 30COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC Nowpori, Ky., Dec. 4. Kingston Bianchaixl, noted turfman and horse trainer, committed suicide by shoot ing. Romo, Doc. 4. Cardinal Begin, Archbishop of Quebec, who arrived hero Thursday for tho consistory, will bo received In audienco by tho pope. Ho will bo tho only American cardi nal at tho consistory, none of tho three in tho United States having como. Versailles, Dec. 4. Tho Frauco Amoricau poet, Stuart Merrill, died suddenly at his homo hero, it is an nounccd. Now York, Dec. 4. A commission representing tho Belgian government, and mado up of Alois Van Do Vyero, minister of finance; Baron Ernest Do Cartlor, Belgian minister to China, and Chevalier Edmund Carton do Wlart, president of tho Soclcto General Belgo, arrived on tho liner Adriatic to superintend tho filling of war con tracts for tho Belgian government. MILLIONAIRE WEDS EMPLOYEE O. C. Barber, Diamond Match Magnate, Aged Seventy-Four, Takes Bride Thlrty-Elght Years Old, Akron. O., Dec. 4. Ohio Columbus Barber, aged seventy-four. Akrnn mil. llonalro, and Mary F. Orr, aged thirty eight, his private secretary for twelve years, wero married on Thursday. Mr. Barber is widely known as tho founder of tho Diamond Mutch company. His wealth Is estimated at $6,000,000. Only cloao relatives of tho brldo attended tho wedding. Mr. Barber and IiIb brido left nfter tho ceremony for oiii Point Comfort and Washington. Bonus for Powder Workers. Tamanua. Pa.. Doc. tf. A merit is mado by tho Atlas Powder company that all employees who have been with the company a year will re ceive a cash bonus of 10 per cent of their wages. Allies' Cruiser Hit. Constantinople Turkey vi ln. don). Lee. C. Tho TurkUh war office unnounced that In tho fighting at the Dardanelles a cruiser of the allies had been hit three times and forced to retire. 1 r, I B 1 1 III I r III' Bill llllll U i . I JURY CONVICTS DR. BUENZ AND THREE AIDS OF CON SPIRACY. JURORS OUT SEVEN HOURS Verdict Is They Defrauded the United States Government In Obtaining False Clearances to Help the Ger man Fleet In the Atlantic. New York, Doc. 4. Tho Jury In tho United States district court returned on Thursday night a verdict of guilty against Dr. Karl Buenz and threo oth er officials of tho Hamburg-American line. The four defendants were charged with conspiracy to dccolvo and do fraud tho United States government by obtaining clearances for rollof ships laden with coal and other sup plies sailing from American ports for Gorman cruisers in tho Atlantic early In tho war. Tho maximum penalty Tor each In dictment Is two yenrs" Imprisonment and $10,000 flno. Sentoncos worn not fmnnnnil nt. once bocauso of the lato hour when tho verdict was reached. The Jurors wero out soven hours nnd it is reported they took only ouo ballot. An appeal. It seemed certain, will bo mado to tho federal court of ap peals nnd, In caso tho verdict Is up hold, to tho Supremo court of tho United States. Meanwhile the defendants will prob ably remain at liberty under $5,000 bail each. Tho four defendants af fected by the verdict are: Dr. Karl Buenz, managing director of the Hamburg-American lino In New York city nnd former German consul general. Gecrgo Kottcr, goneral superintend ent of tho line. Adolph Hachmeistcr. general pur chasing agent. Joseph Popplnghaus, a former olll cer In tho German army and nt pres ent a second officer In tho Ilnmburg American line. The jury returned a verdict of guilty on each of two Indictments. A fifth dofendant. Felix SefTncr, su percargo on ono of tho neutral steam ers sent to supply tho Gorman Hoot, was not brought to trial. Ho was captured by tho British whllo on his errand of rollof and Is at presont a prisoner In a Canadian detention camp. Tho four defendants took tho ver dict calmly. After tho Jury had filed out Doctor Buenz turned to Kottcr, sitting at his left, and rising, shook hands. "Auf wiedorBchon!" ho said, nnd Kotter echoed tho words. LEGISLATURE TAKES RECESS Illinois Lawmakers Agree to Meet Again February 23 Money Bills Passed. Springfield, 111., Doc. 3. Tho logUIa turo has finished scrambling "tho eggs and Is packing its grips and satchels. A recess adjournment has beer, taken until February 23. Tho dato was fixed Wednesday night after a warm contro versy and a complicated parliamentary mlx-up. Tho houso, after two days of continuous roll calls, voted on tho last emergency appropriation bill and adopted a Joint resolution for a ro cc3s until February 23, After a prolonged discussion on tho senate floor the upper branch voted to concur In tho idea of a rocoss until Fobruary 23. Tho legislature cleaned up all tho emergency appropriation bills de signed to rectify tho blunders of tho assembly last Bprlng, which led to the tlnup of the stato machinery by tho Fergus suits. 3 AUSTRIAN MINISTERS OUT Emperor Francis Joseph Confirms Re port and Successors Have Been Named. Amsterdam, Holland, Doc. 3. Ro ports that several members of tho Aus trian cabinet havo resigned wero con firmed on Wednesday by an autograph lettor from Emporor Francis Josoph, published In the Wlonor Zeltung of Vi enna. Tho emperor has accepted thp resignations of Dr. Karl Helnold d'Udynskl, minister of tho Interior; Dr. Rudolf Schuster von Bonnott, min ister of commerce, and Bnron Engol vou Mnlnfeldon, minister of finance Prlnco Ilohonloho Schllllngfuorst, prosldent of tho supremo court of ac counts, has been appointed minister of tho Interior; Rlttor von Leth, gover nor of tho postal savings bank, min ister of finance, and Herr von Spitz miller, director of tho Kredlt Anstult, minister of commerce. Mrs. W. R. Hearst Mother of Twins. Now York. Dec. 4.- Mrs. William Randolph Hearst became tho mother of two sturdy boyB on Wednesday at her roaldcnco on Rlversldo drlvo. Mr. and Mrs. Hearst now havo flvo chll- drcn, all boys. Greek Steamer Sunk. London, Doc. 4. Tho Greek steamer Zarafls has boon sunk In tho Mediter ranean by a Bubmarlno, according to marltlroo advices received hero. Tho crow escaped in boats and was picked up by a steamer. CONDENSED NEWS OF INTEREST TO ALL. Isaac V. Harris, one of tho most promlnettt bnnkers In Nebraska died nt his homo nt Stella. Steps have boon tnken by citizens at Wnusa for the fornintlon of a far mers' and merchants' club. The now up-to-date Palace theater, seating nearly 500 nt Long Pino wns opened to the- public a short time ago. Tho seedling mllo ot tho Lincoln highway nt Kearney, known ns tho Watson boulovnrd, was thrown open to tho public December I. During the union" evangelistic cam paign In Gothenburg under the lead ership of Evangelist John II. Linden or Mndlson. Wis.. 424 people hit tho trail. Dr. L. M. Stearns of Kearney has boon noppinted resident physician of tho state tubercular hospital at that place. Ho succeeds Dr. Van Der Slice, who was recently dismissed. AL the district meeting of the I. O. O. F. lodges held in Bridgeport, re cently, n vote was tnken In favor of holding the next district meeting in 'Alliance. This will be In the fall of mic. Railroad companies havo decided to withdraw tholr application for permis sion to rnlso rates on shipments of meat and other packing house prod nets from South Omaha and Omaha to Lincoln. Tho Fremont city council has for mally recognized tho municipal Christ, inns tree plan by voting to co-operate with Fremont merchants In a big Chrlstmns tree on the court house lawn. Clarence Eklund won two straight falls from Mike Frqmo of lown, in their wrestling match at Friend. Chris Jordan was billed to wrestle Fronie, but on nccount of a strained neck Ek lund was substituted. Tho old M. E. church at Beaver City is being rebuilt and converted into n modem, up-lo-dnto place of worship. When completed It will ho ono of the finest church edifices In thut section of the state. The Omaha building department conservatively estimates this year's building operations will aggregnto $5,500,000, nearly $1.000(000 moro than last year. This will bo the best build ing year for Omaha hIiico 11)11. . Fred Cox, a farmer residing ton miles north of Fuirbury, has ono hun dred acres of corn that will ylold on an average of sixty-seven bushels an aero. This is tho best uwago yield reported to date in southern Ne braska. A project has been successfully launched in Hnstings to have an out door municipal Clirlstmus tree. A toy hospital has also been established In the public schools to mend broken toys, nnd afterwards dlBtrlljuto thorn nmong tho poor. State wide and national prohibition and limited national defonso wero among tho resolutions adopted by tho Nebraska. Furmors Congress at their recent convention In Omnha. Tho congress decided to agnln meet in Omaha in 1916. Advices from Omaha aro to tho ef fect that President Mohlor, of tho Union Pacific has asked tho board of directors of tho company for an ap propriation of eighty thousand dollars for tho purpose of constructing a new depot building nt North Platte. Thero havo boen four deaths In Falls City recently from dlphthorla and thoro nro three cases still under quarantine. Tho porcontngo of doatliB to cascn Is very high. The aourco of tho infection has not been located by tho city board of health. Bales Young, an nutb repair man of Hastings, was instnntly killed and Miss Mabel Evans, clerk, sustained u broken leg nnd may die from expo suro as tho result of nn nutomobilo, In which thoy woro riding, being struck by a fast passenger train. Some thirty parents of children of school ago In Gngo county havo been notified thnt unless they comply with tho stato law and sond tho children to school thoy will bo prosecuted. It Is said a number havo been kept out of Bchool thlH fall to aid In corn fields. The town of Tekarnnh is undergoing n building boom. Among tho large Jobs now in progress nro tho $35,000 municipal electric light plant, $25,000 Methodist church and a $15,000 Car neglo library. Many small buildings aro going up In all parts of tho place. Orrin Shaw, who lives near Broken Bow, mot with nn accident that cost him tho loss of an eyo. Ho waa In tho act of driving a nnll when n. stroke of the hammer caused tho nnll to fly bnck and strike him In the left oye, cutting open the eyeball. Physicians found it necessary to remove the eyo. Alone in n llttlo country school house between North Platte and May wood, MIsh Esther Mayo, a teacher, was burned to death when Bho ut tempted to Btart a Hro in the Btovo by using gasoline. Tho can exploded, throwing burning oil over her cloth ing. She was allvo nnd conscious when found, but died soon nfter. It Is reported that F, T. Shields, editor of a democratic papor ut Or leans, will bo a candidnto for the democratic nomination for governor. Tho Nebraska City board of health will havo tho support of City Attorney W. W. Wilson In Its attempt to en forco that provision of tho health or dinance relating to tho Inspection of dairy cowb. Tho bonrd announced a few days ago tha tuburclln tests would be made, at a cost of $2 each to tho men owning tho cows, said test to bo mado by veterinarians working with .the board. Tho Stnto Bank of Goring Is a pro pectlvo new flnnnclnl institution for that jjhicej A proposition for a night nuto school In tho Y. M. C. A. at Norfolk I? under consideration. Mr. and Mrs. James King of Beut rlco recently celebrated their sixtieth wedding nnnlvorsnry. Citizens of Adamn arc planning to build n community houso to cost be tween $8,000 and $10,000. Two more cases of scarlet fever havo been reported in Norfolk nnd sowntoon cases nro now registered. Tho Lyons high school Is to havo a first elnsK gymnasium. A building is now being remodeled for thnt pur pose. The Hebron board of education haa routed tho opera house for tho winter to bo used by tho schools for athletic purposes. Captain and Mrs. Evans nt their homo In Stella Thanksgiving Day, cel ebrated their golden wedding anni versary. FIro did considerable damage to tho beautiful $35,000 Mothodlst church nt Lexington. Only by quick work of firemen was the edifice saved from de struction. Robert Vim Every, of Hastlnpa, was severely Injured when struck on the fnco by tho sween of a cnnstiiu In a houso moving outfit which ho waif operating. Tho poBtofllce nt Goodstrenk, Mor roll county, has been discontinued by tho United States poslnl authorities. Mall hereafter must bo sent An gorn. Rooms have been accural and a Y. W. C. A. will bo opened at Beatrice, In tho near future. A largo number of women have signified their Inten tion of Joining tho association. After three weeks of senrchlng, offi cers and citizens havo found no trace of tho body of Frank Oberchaln, who disappeared whllo hunting ducks In tho big lagoon nenr inland. With tho nld of a bronchoscope n kernel of corn was located in tho left lung or a flvo-year-old Clay Center girl at Hastings and removed by doc tors when tho child 'was at tho point of death. Harold Corey of Greon Bay, Wis., for two years of tho University of Ne braska football oloven, was elected cnptaln of the 1910 Huskera over Guy Chnmberlnln, the phonomonal Nebras ka end. Tho Farmers' Stato Bank or Stolln is rapidly converting a storo building Into a homo for tho now Institution. The capital stock is $15,000. Most ot tho stockholders are farmers living near Stella. Judge B. O. Hosteller, or Koarnoy, who was wnlted upon by a delegation or .republicans who wero desirous of having him declaro hlmseir hb to tho possibilities or making tho race for governor, declared ho would not bo a candldato for tho place. Earl Charleston of Fremont claims to bo a champion corn busker. On the farm of his brother, Boyd, north of Fremont ono day Inst week, ho picked and scooped 98 bushols or 'com in eight hours nnd 15 minutes. The corn yielded about 30 bushols an ncro. Theron II. Stcon, connected with tho Americnn ombnssy nt Vienna, Austria, who Is in Kearney visiting, saya that tho Austrlans enn see nothing but victory nhoad In tho great war and thoy did llttlo If any mourlng for thoso killed In battle. Tho First Natlonnl bank of Clarka which recently figured In a mandamui suit to compel tho stnto banking hoard to grant its officers a charter to open a state savings bank In the office rooma of lta bank, haB changed from a nntlonal bank to n stato bank Fire damaged tho Republican Val ley hospital at Cambridge to tiro ex tent of at loast $1,000, Tho hospital was full of patients, but all woro tak en care or. Ono pntiont, tho victim ol a motorcycle accident, had to bo re moved rrom the hospitat through o window. Mrs. Dottmoro, who lives with hoi brother near Morrill, was robbed ' re cently or $20 by a daring highway man. Tho robbor tied Mrs. Dottmore in the houso nnd then tied a boy ol 14 In tho barn, got tho monoy, cut tho telophono whoa and fled. Ho wns later captured near ScottsblufT. Tho offices of tho various socletlea which composo Organized Agriculture nro now preparing their programs Tor the midwinter meetings nt Lincoln on January 17-22. Twenty-two socloties will hold meetings nnd tho entire field or scientific agriculture, horti culture, dairying, good roads, llvo stock breodhig and all kindred sub lects will receive consideration In tho progrnma. Tho Nebraska Peaco socloty at Lin. coin recently snt a lotter to Its mem bers asking them ir thoy wero In fn vor or increase or tho army and navy; ir thoy ravored tho program Tor "preparedness," nnd ir they ravor ed n conrerenco or noutral nntlons. As to lncreaso or army. 13 replied In favor and 41 ngalnst. Twelve favored tho Increase of the navy and 41 op posed. Thoro wero 150 lottors sent out nnd a total of 84 replies received. Nattonul guard Inspections for this year started tho first or December with tho compnnlen In Omnha, and will be completed by about Decem ber 15. Guy Ohnmborlnln, star or tho Uni versity or Nebraska football team, has been namod on tho all-western foot ball teams or Waltqr Eckorsall of tho Chicago Tribune nnd G. W Axelson of tho Chicago Herald. Dick Rutherford was nlso selected by Axolson for his first team, whllo Eckersall choso the Nebraska leader as captain of his sec ond team.