THE SEMLWEEKLV TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. i in r- ,, i PRESIDENT'S WORD IS TO PREPARE' Annual Message Pleads for Con- LbZUfl? !,nlcss T,1, tnk, A1 Vth!' your , view and permit tho full slgniflcnnco tnge because of tho economic readhiHt. mcnta which the world must lnovl tnbly witness within tho next connrn Hon, when peace shall have nt last ro sumcd Its healthful tasks. In tho nnr formanco of theso tasks I hcllovo tho Americas to bo destined to play their parts toKotlicr. I am Interested to fix your attention on this nrosnoct now ccrted and Efficient Action. FOR GREATER REGULAR ARMY of It to command your thought I can- not find tho right light In which to sot forth tho nartlcu ar matter that Hon at tho very front of my wholo thought as I address you today. 1 mean na tional defense. No ono who really comnrohnnds Mm spirit of tho groat pcoplo for whom I" ' - w r) vl iiVF(U 1UI T 11 U 111 wo aro appointed to speak can fall to Problem of Commercial Mobilization Stated Disloyalty Amonn Cer tain Elements In Our Na tlonal Life Serious Menace to Peace. Washington, Dec. 7. President Wll eon today delivered tho following mcs cago to connrcss: aentlcmen of tho Congress: Slnco I perceive that their passion Is for pcaco, their genius best dlsnlaved In tho practice of tho arts of pcaco. Great democracies aro not belligerent. They do not seek or deslro war. Their thought Is of Individual Ilbortv mid at tno free labor that supports life, nnd tno uncensorcd thought that quickens It. Conquest nnd dominion nrn not In STRIKING POINTS IN PRESIDENT WILSON'S MESSAGE The department of war contemntntf-a .m inrr u. umhw ui fciiv aiuiiumjj force of the renular armv from Itn nriini ntmnntu srni !,.,.,.. vM.I .no n r .,. . ... . . . ' uiiu lut.soj cm siea men to .i:in nfiirrrc anri 1H7H7 supplementing the army by a force of 400,000 disciplined citizens. It will be to the advantage of tho country for the congress to adopt a comprehensive plan for putting the navy upon a final footing of The gravest threats aaalnst our natlonnl mne and .-ifu inu. uubM uncrcu wiimn our own ooracr3. It is neCCSOnry for mnnv Welnhtv rennnns nf nntlnnnt nffi.-1 ....... , - V J . . . iih.ihiiHI Vfl.UIWIII. UIIU development that wo should havo a areat mnrin. ii cccms io me a clear dictate of prudent statesmanship and frank iuiuiiv inni in wnai we are now to untfertnk r mn H nnu We should bo followina an almost universal rynmnic of mnrnrn ernment If wo were to draw tho greater part or even the whole of tho revenues wc neca irom tne income taxes. Wo have been put to tho test In the case of Mrvl ami i stood the test. Whether we have' benefited Mexico have pursued remains to be seen. Our connrn fnr tho tnr- miiu HIOUHcruy oi inc ciaies oi central and South America Is not til .CI CUi cruisers, ten destroyers, two fleet sub marines, fifteen coast submarines, ono gunboat, ono ammunition shin, and ono ropalr ship. More Men for the Navv. Tho secretary of tho navy Is asking tl lull ntntin ........ 1 t.f1 ... III.. IMl'JllU.ll. UIIU UUIIllIllUll UrO HOI 111 I " J.IU1IO 1UI umiuiui nuuii UU our reckoning, or agreeahlo to our carried out; but It does mako dellnlto laat i,,i m, nriv.m f n,Mrnu, pnncipioB. uut just because wo do- .Piic i a program wnicn lias T7i. . . . 7i tt i . mand ""molested development and "urotororo been only Implicit, held In S""0 , tho Union lie war tho umllsturl)C(, govornniPlt of ouaf tho minds of the two committees on JuZ ?2i th00IUl" sIdo ott io Boa, own vca )on QUr prlnclpIo8 of naval affairs and disclosed In the do- "J11 right and liberty, we resent from hates of the two houses but nowhere Us Portentous proportions has extend- whatovor nuurlcr 7t may CQmo no . formulated or formally adopted. It unt V hn fa" m " " T flC0P gr08sI(m wo ourselves will not Jrac- Beems to me very clear that It will he Si in h V U " (Ufl .T t,cc' Wo 'nalat upon security In prose- to the advantage of tho country for IX 5 1r ?UftrtCr ,f t", cutl o"r self-cnosen lines of nation- the congress to adopt a comprohen- ?nhnr ISn. I?',1" ; al development. Wo do more than that. bIvo plan for putting the navy upon apnero, has altered tho wholo faoc of Wn ,intrlnnil ,,. , n n,,i rnmimr f a i. ' , international affairs, and now presents n..i . r, Mmiv nn,i t ..,, .i,. i LZThL 0f m B anl? l0Vlld rC; ut of such thoughts grow all our Potion within tho next ilve years, construction such an statesmen and .ii , . w i,..., iv.i .1 ' ffi oml T r UP0" mcans of "Bortlns tho rights of a peo- tho country as our first and chief irKattcmpt before. i it ... . . hinn r ,tnfn,,. . 1 ..1 ur . . i, uKKrusnioii. Anu wo are nu un seen Wo havo stood apart, studiously nou- ua flcrcoly jealoU8 of coorc,vo of ,t t0 ,)0 our manifest course of pru- h Jnt !!? nr, ma" y l0. d tlltoriaI Power within our own nation donco to bo strong on the seas. Year 1 7? .. 10 P r U8 or Egression from without. Wo year wo hvo been creating a navy S nr,U!M n,W '1Ch Bwm 10 W,U "ot nantaln a standing army ex- wlllc" now ranks very high indeed u&tvu orougllt 1110 COUIUCt OUt It was ni rn. nmnnir fli w.J tn i!'1m nrf ,?nlHtrOIh0 ,n lImcfl of PCIlC0 118 n times of war; "ona. Wo should now definitely do- T ' 'i11,11 Umlt. Bhou,d antl w always see to it that our tormlno how wo shall complete what ill M,n?oBWa0P0,dCStrUCt.,V.0 W.?r mllltnry J'caco establishment Is no wo havo begun, and how soon, nf nlVinn! . P,a, , lboJrcat fnmy larger than Is actually nnd contlnu- Tho Program to bo laid before you " nations should keep the processes 0U8ly necdC(l for tho ua f . , contemplates tho construction" within of peaco nllvo, If only to nrovont col- . . vn vm,c t .. 1... ,Sl ,w T l1 y,U'n nnd,th. brcak" D,,t wo d0 noHovo In a body of free o cruisers, ten scout cruisers, llfty down throughout tho world of tho In- L,in 1.. . . itn0trvn nr. n dUStrloS bv whlnh U r,n,,t,.na " ..""uy BlC'H 10 laKO ' fn . . - , , , "u "iro oi momsoivcs nnd of tho govern- 'B"iyuvo coasi submarines, rour gun- M, S n." WftS m,anlfcBtly nents which they havo set up to servo hoaB. ono hospital ship, two ammunl uio duty of tho Bolf-Eovornod nntlntm Mmm n.i i. in, n nlMo ti il ? r "dress, if pos- But war has never boon a mere mat- rcBuIar repair ship. It is proposed , ' , , n,,1COof Ofonomlo loss tor of men and guns. It Is a thing of that of this number wo shall tho first thoy d,scPnod might. If our citizens are yoar provide for the . construction of uuum uo nounng moro. in tnn iinv nt nvnn n lll.t am .1 . . . I iitm linlt1nfll.lnH . I. i 11 . , rnnrHnatmnnf i 7 iu ufcm uuuciiveiy upon n suuucn " " ""niuoiium, iwu uuuiu cruisers, lS,7?2 and, recuperation wo summons, thoy must know how mod- three scout cruisers, llften destroyers, earnestly hopo and boliovo that thov nm fir,i,inn. ...i ...t... .... hivn iint a.,i,,n..i.,c . . 11. i m L wnc" tho summons comos to render submarines, two gunboats, and ono American Nation Pnrinxm I i. i .. . . .... . I l. ...... i. ..i ...... ., in n,ia ViV. 4 . , , ' . l"u'""'veH linmouiaioiy availablo and ,,UBJ"lul 'P io seconu year, two in tins neutrality, to which t mv immmiintni., hntini,inn . . ... Mfl n i fn,,y,.by,U,r sParat0 ernment must bo their servant In this stroyers. four fleet submarines, fifteen froinMn,,nmL dotacl;mont matter, must supply them with the coast submarines, ono gunboat, and a SoS 2 rrnn.rn n?Pif,,tlllf bX tr,aMns thoy nccd to tako care of one fuel oil ship; the third year, two a clear perception of intornat onnl t lnnmnivna n. nf u ..i como conoinn nf Amor.,ca havo b0- 't Is with theso Ideals in mind that scout cruisers, five destroyers, two COmO COUSCIOUB Of n. nnw nml m.irn 4i. i .. . .i-i . . vital rnmmimi , ",u l"lulB ol 1110 "opartmont of war "uul suumannes, ana nrtccn coast nartnorshln ? i nd i"0?1 fr m0ro ai!ofiuato national defense BUbmarlnos; tho fourth year, two bat- M"?, a"a,rB' moro clcnr,y wore conceived which will bo laid be- tleshlps, two battle cruisers, two scout lunscious or tno manv common nvm. ...... . . i .. iiadilPR nml ininiit. i V V .. . ",,u w"'cn l urgo you to Ul uiBurs, ion uesiroyers, two neot suu- bTd tliom 1 i ZIm W 1 Sanctl0n and nut lnt0 olToct as 8on marincs, fifteen coast submarines, ono Thoro wiir n iimn in ii n ', , aB thoy can bQ Proporly scrutinized ammunition ship, nnd ono fuel oil of our Swn lr Jt , r?f,d,iyB nnd dlscusscd. Thoy seem to mo the ship; and tho fifth year, two battle- SubHcs Trffiin? ?! t "' OB8ontlal ,lr8t steps, and thoy seem ships, ono battle cruiser, two scout pendenco i Cetrand South A " m rT1 "T' lea when, tho government of tho Unit- om LarQer Army Plan, cd States looked upon Itself a iS some , ',7 co"tomPlato increase of tho sort tho guardian t tho ronuWlS! ? frC f U, rogular army tho south lot her as against any on- m U8 BtronBlh 0t ,,nni,m(. .". tVun....any cn ofllcors nnd 102.985 enlisted mnn nf wtvivMU4uia ui uiiuiiu uL iioiirirni rnn- n trol from tho other side of the water- , Borv,cos to a strength of 7.130 also for tho Immediate addition to tho felt It Us duty to play tho tart eve" "lcor,8 and 1Sim onllstcd men, personnel of the navy of 7,500 sail- without Invitation from them- nml or all told, all services, ors. 1,200 apprentice seamen, and think that wo can claim tl at tho fni and ni' by tho addition 1.500 marines. This Incrcaso would was undertaken with a truo and w f 1ntly'two comPanics of coast "o sufllclont to caro for tho ships Jntorostod enthusiasm for tho frnoilmn art,llo,'y' ""eon companies of engl- which aro to bo completed with- of tho Amorlcas and tho unmoiesinn nC0.8, tC" roElmonts of Infantry, four n the fiscal year 1917 and also for tho self-government of hor lndoii3nnt rK,muntB of flol(l artlllory. nnd v four number of men which must bo put In poopleo. But it was always dlf lc it tr nr B(luadrons, besides 750 ofllcors training to man tho Bhlps which will maintain audi a rolo without offenso ro?u rcd for n Brcat vnrlety of extra bo coniplotod early in 191S. It is also to tho prldo of tho pcoplos whoso free Borvlco. especially tho nil important necessary that tho number of midship- dom of action wo sought to nrotoct 0t tramlnB tho citizen force of men at tho Naval academy, at Annnp- and without provoking aorlous mlsom ' ch 1 8lin11 Presently Bpoak. 792 oils should bo Increased by at least coptlona ot our motives and ovov "onoommlBBloncd olllcers for serv- three hundred thoughtful man of affairs must wol n drlU' rocrulti"B and tho If this full program should ho car- como tho altorod circumstances of tho ""d tho necessary quota of en- ricd out wo should havo built or build- now day In whoso light wo now stand m" fr tho quartermaster Ing In 1921, according to tho estimates when thoro Is no clnlm of guardian' CrpS' Ul noBP,tal corps, tho ord- of survival and standards of claB3lfl- flhlp or thought of wards hut instead n? c,0Partmont, nnd other similar cation followed by tho general board a fall and honoraulo association as of au,7llary services. Theso aro tho ad- of tho department, an effectivo navy partners botweon oursolves and our rtl.t,on8 ncccssnry to render thd r.rmy consisting of 27 battleships, of tho first neighbors, In tho Interest of nil Amor- ,1q1un1tu for lt8 Present duties, duties lino, C battlo cruisers, 25 battleships lea, north and south. Our concern for "c" 11 has t0 Perform not only upon of tho socond lino, 10 armored cruls- tho lndopondonco nnd prosporlty of tho W"i cont,nontftl casts nnd bor- ors, 13 scout cruisers, 5 first-class Btates ot Control and South Amorlcn I , nt Ur mtor,r army posts, crulBers, 3 sccond-clnss cruisers. 10 Jb not altered. Wo retain unnbntod i u , tU I1,llPP,no8. 1,1 tho thlrd-clnss cruisers, 108 destroyers, IS tho spirit thnt has inspired us through- .Haal,a" ,8lnmi8, at tho iBthmus, and floot submarines, 157 coast submarines, out tho wholo life of our govommont . G nionltors , 20 gunboats, 4 supply and which was so frankly nut into . ,Jy way of '"aklng tho country ready ships, 15 fuel ships, 4 transports, words by President Monroo Wo still Sm, Imrt ot ,tB roal pow6r 3 tenders to torpedo vossols, 8 vos- mean always to mako n common causo I'romntIy and u'" n larBer ecalo, Rols of special types, and 2 nmraunl- of natlonnl lndopondonco and of no . occasion arise, tho plan also tlon ships. This would bo a navy lit- lltlcal Hborty In Amorlcn ' contemplates supplementing tho army tod to our needs and worthy of our Attitude Toward Mexico y a frC0 0f ,00,00 'sc'PHned clti- traditions. Wo havo been put to tho test in mT' d 'l, '"cements of 133.- Out armies nnd instruments ot war tho cqbo of Mexico, nnd wo have stood o I? ye"r thr.U.Bhl!Ut a nor,od nro 0,lly Imrt of whnt ,inB to bo con- the tost. Whotho; wo huvrbouSS t Jn Z , U , 8 prop08od 8'ed if wo nro to consider tho su- Moxlco by tho course wo have pursued L !. , a ,I,roce88 of enlistment un- promo matter of national solf-BUfflclen- romalns to bo soon. Her fortunes aro in,mSl m forv,"ab, U1011 of tho cy and security In all its aspects, in her own hands. But wo 1 avo Z laZJ" "if C" t0, b"ld thcm' T1,cro uro othor Brcat mattors least proved tlmt wo will Tt take U i.or i? T i, W,U,h0 C,,0rS for m,r" wlU bo tUrU8t UDOn our ttontlon vantage of hor In hor dlstresa nd Sn ZZJL fr 8ll0rt 1,orlod8 wI,cthor wo wUI or not- Thro Is, for dertako to Impose upo lc m arZ to the I L vlZn' ?d t0 T"0 03CBmp,' n vcry ,,rCfl8,"B 1"08tlo ot and Bovemmcnt ot our own cl oosC Jhrn, S T." n,1 nny Umo trndo nnd BliIppliiR Involved In this Wo will aid and befriend Mexico but S additional "furlough" sroat problem of national adequacy, wo will not coorco hor: and ' 'ihrco y.0ar.8' Tl"8 frco of It is necessary for many weighty ren. with regard to hor ought to bo suiii ,,,n. " nrovWc with sons of national ofllcloncy and dovel- dent proof to all America that wo Z ted and " hZnU i" "B pmnt that W0 ihouW havo a eroat nook no political suzerainty or soliili. ,, "d ,thoir iulinnent for merchant marlno. control. 8UZrainty or selllsh tho llo d made ready to ho sup- It Is high time wo repaired our mis. Tho moral Is, that tho states of Isomi.i L m , Tlloy W0Uld bo take and resumed our commorclnl indo- America aro not hostllo rivals but J? S. 5 i tn inlng at stated in- pendenco on tho seas, operating friends. anS tlmt t. Sir grow-' eTa on wl h" Snb iV'mT UaT Need of Merchant Marlne- Ing sense of community of i UoVesI gulai an y Their n ,f th. Fr 11 ,B a quCBt,on of "opond- allko in matters political and In mat raining would 2 LI ,? f nn"Unl onco- If othcr naUo8 to war or tors economic, is'l.koly to" give' tSTem ffotitnho1 arlly ZLZrlu l?' a now Blgnlflcunco na factors In inter- At lenst so much hv ti. . morco' our merchants, it scorns, nro $?JTrj2b tho poiS 4ff1Mo., ?::ayz Drawing the Amort... Together. cunnot'd? o s ' ,raPrat,V W "8 " 0tmalne- h Thoro Is, I venture to point out an t , not 8Ul,,a cnoUBh of our own- Wo especial Blgnlflcanco Just now nfL n.i Naval Program. cannot hnndlo our own commerce on ing to thla S fovnnvT whIcVV,U 0,,a,d b0- th0 8oa8' 0ur ndependenco Is provln- tho Americas togotbo S "bond i of hon , m b,y U, BOC,rotary of tho nuvy clal. and Is only on land and within orablo partaerff ndvan onto ? y, conco,Yod; 11 Evolves our own borders. Wo a'ro not likely umo parmeranip ana mutual advnn- only a shortonlns of tho timo within to bo permitted to ubo oven tho ships be for tho fiscal year 1917. $93,800,000 Those figures, taken with tho figures ror tno present llscal voar which 1 navo already given, disclose our flnnn clal problom for tho voar 1917. Ar Burning thnt tho taxes imposed by tho emergency revenue act nnd Mm nrnn ent duty on sugar aro to hn dlHcnntln uod, and that tho bnlancn nt Mm rlnnn of tho present fiscal year will bo only -u,u44,our,.,8, that tho disbursements for tho I'annmn canal will nimtn im about twonty-flvo millions, nnd that tno additional expenditures fop tho nrmy and navy nro authorized by tho congress, tho deficit In tho general iunu or tlio treasury on tho Milrtlnth Of Juno, 1917. Will bo nonrlv twn linn. dred and thlrty-flvo millions. To this sum at least llfty millions should bo auueu to represent a safo working bal anco for tho treasury, nnd twnlvn mil Hons to Include tlio usual dnflclmmv estimates In 1917; nnd those additions would mnko a total dnflclt hundred and ninety-seven millions. If ii. . . . mo present taxes should bo continued of other nations In Wvnirv nt tumr "ro,,8nul "lis year and tho next. own trade, nnd aro without means to Z 7 , ' Uloro,wou,u uo a balanco In extend our commerce even vTero tl J E.s at0 8T"ty:SlX n,,d doors aro wldo onen and nnr enn.lH "... f m 1110,18 at 11,0 end of tno Pros- desired. Such n situation i. t tn ""V"' yuar' anu 11 ,eUclt at the bo endured. It Is nf mlni imrt. "..0I luc ncxt ycar r only some fifty anco not only thnt tho United statn.J U,,H' or'. re.CKonl,,B m sixty-two should bo its own carrlnr n m, a ",u"on8 .Ior oeiicioncy appropriations and on Joy tho economic in,innn,i0n" a"ua sat0 treasury bolanco at tho end which only an adequate merchant ma- " yen!:' a.tota doflcIt of S01U0 rlno would give It hut nlso that tl o m ? ,, mlUl0n8' Tho- Araorican hen.Un mr ? L " l obvious moral of tho figures is that It should enjoy a like Independence and a P ,, C.To1 of Prudcnce to con-self-sumeiency,lf It is nofto be draw 1"U. aU of o proosnt taxes or their into the tangle of European affairs u,va,eaiB' an,a confino ourselves to Without such , independence tno wholo Prb,em f nro,vld,nS "2.000.000 nuestion of nnr Am S . i, J 1 J A "ow rovcnuo rather than $297,000,- anlf.flt-.tlltlltlnf t -r..v.....auuu , vury seriously N, SnP,.. d niMllllflil nnl hhh1I.1..1 t . . I - " vwHiwwtf wi HUTU lUd viuuituu tvuu (Juiiiiiiit'Hi nil liirinnn i . Moreover, wo can dovnlon n , S1,aU wo obtaln tuo cw rov-"- or effectivo Amrrlmn nniim- ,iti,7. "uo- 11 seems to mo a clear dlctato of I,rofourAo Prudent statesmanship and frank but ships of peace, carrying ,odB and .","lln..w,,nt wo. aro ow' 1 carrying much moro: creatine friend. ". V. . ' wosnou.u pay as tho water. taxation they aro to carry, and to know m,., ui . u, outset, now. Tho now bills ' Will UQl I nllnxT.l 1. - .1 1 . With a view to meetinir tl.Ro u "u "UU y ,ni0.r.nBI taxaUon pressing necessities of our commnr L IV " sourc08' .U10n' 81'a wo and availing ourselves at tho earliest ."L Tl ' 1 nr, nosalblo mnmimi nr tim nrnn whlcn tho Bcntlcmon of tho houso of paralleled opportunity of Unkind thU f0?!8 are exi)ccted ndor two Amorlcas together In bonds of mu- uu)v-"nBlllU110" 10 Pposo an answer tual Interest ami Zl , nll l. tIiat you wlU hardly expect mo to made to tho present confess for the '3l..umversal oxal,10 ot moa- nurclmso nr . o.,. " Bovernmeni u wo wore to draw bo owned and directed bv the r , ! gr.Cat0r lmrt or cvc .the wholc ot' tile ... UUU1U ooul- tires nnt llmlfn nf nvmriiii i, tiai particulars. I recommend theso I .T. .. " . " 'V " c bemiiso every month lht tan.,l T". rml ,,noeth,oroi,slsWormae T r SLSSS mis maun inn nnnnstsitv fnr nimii nniinn - - more and moro manifestly Imneratlvo 7 SU"cieat t0 Valanco That nnoii WB M,n fn.. u ." l" .uou, a 01 1110 "easury at tne end now acutelv fnlt nn.i nvnrvJiTo VT. or. u, Il8caI year 1917 without any Ized hv M,nn fnr " ;.Vr.V 'J w"ope maMl the burden unreason . ... 1Q mm- nh v np nnnroao volw linn,... th, l-1- ... . V. . J 111-Ul J, 1 11 ll U for their goods. I am not so much In torestedMn tho particulars of tho pro gram as I am In taking lmmedlato ad vantage of tho great opportunity which awaits us It wo will but act in this emergency ly set out in tho report of tho secre tary or tho treasury which will bo' im mediately laid before you And thoro aro many additional sources of rovonuo which can Justly bo resorted to without hampering tho in Tho plans for tho armed forces of 1 Vlu1 'Poring tno ln. tho nation whlnh I hnvo n..iin,i . 110 COUI,try or putting nny fnr i. . ;V " . "r"" . too great charge upon Individual ex WVoTZrrm atnZ d" cent tax per fense. Involve of course very large ad- " at" ZrTXSJ' dltlonal expenditures of monov ox ponuitures which will considerably ox ductlon, $10,000,000; a tax of 50 cents por horso power on automobiles and ..,, .., ,,. . , ; : norau power on automobiles and rv'l St,r rI!!:!,l.d eternal explosion engines. $15,000, government. It Is mado my duty by law, whenover tho estimates of ox 000; a stamp tax on bank checks, probably $18,000,000; a tax of 25 cents ,,. . i luuuuuiy io.uuu.uuu; a tax or zo cents P ST ,n0fd, ! . "f P?r ton on pig lon.'jlO.OOO.OOO; Xl .rr r ;. . of SO conts per ton 'on fabricated Iron congress to tho fact nnd suircnst nnv . . ' 1 IZff tU doinc'0UCy tUat country of great industries ike this J It IllllV llfl W (in rl nnaothln fnw mn I .... ,11VJ iu 0Ugi,t t0 u0 en8y to distribute tho bur- suggest. I am ready to beliovo that it .!., , v.i.. . ' ur ....... .... . i uuua ui LiiAukiuii viiiiuut iiiuivlllu iiiem would bo my duty to do so nnnv ensnr i i . . ""'"t i"i.m ,.,, . . . .:.., :, . . , : mijnuuiu hvuv .uo neavuy or too ox- and I feel particularly bound to speak cluslvoly upon any oj10 set of persons ,:". " or undertakings. What Is clear Is. doflclenc will arise directly out of tnat tUo IndU8try of thls BoncrartloSn' IrL ,P,tl10nrby th0,conBrc,SB of meas- Bhould pny tho bills of this generation uros which myself urgo it to ndopt. i havo spoken to you today, genUo Allow mo, therefore, to sneak brloflv r,,n ii i.h . . .. - , - i uiiuu u oiugiu iuuuiu. me inor- ,U'f P,rcsennt ftat0, ff th0 treasury ough preparation of the nat on to caro mill nf tlin tlnnnl nrnMnmu tl.ll. .t.- I . . w ,." n iu ior its own security and to mako sure noxt ycar will probably disclose. 0f entire freedom tn nlav Mm .mnrMn, n Snl.eMfMie ranCf' rolo in this hemisphere nnd in tho On tho thirtieth of .Tunn last th ,n ...i..i. ... - i nuiiu wmuii wo uu uenovo to nave was an available balance in tho gen- been providentially assigned to U. I ernl fund of tho treasury of $104.170.. hnvn ,n,i ,i.i " fnr !L ? C8t'matcd receipts any lmmedlato or particular danger !, . V, ' ' "aaumpuon arising out of our relations with othor that tho emergency rovonuo moasum nniinna wn . ....... Sl,1," ans of tho world, and there Is tutoVa,. n " "". iuo rooBon to hope thnt no question ln thirty-first of Doccmbor. 1915. nmi Mni i. .t.. that tho present duty of ono cent por governments will load to any serious nniirill mi Ollirnr will Im 1 1 ..ii..'. i I . ..... " 7. .i V . ;. 'Di;"""ueu urencn or amlcablo relations, gravo as Snrnn 8 r, . f7, "V W,H b some dllTerencos of attitude and policy $070,JC5,GOO. 'lho balance of .limn inot i,n. . . . . . . " UIIU IllUjr jrul mrjl OUl 10 UO. fw nrf ,n8t .f""08 . 80rry to say that tho gravest rVnr Ve m . i mreats against our natlonul peaco and 435,C0B,78. Tho total estlmntmi ilia. onft,. i i .... . ......... , .... uemi uiiuiuu wiinm our ,u "' pro8ont ,l8Cal year, own borders. Thoro aro citizens of i ,,o2 Zrv4 or 1,10 t anamn tho United States, I blush to admit, canal, $12,000,000 for probablo .in. hnm ,w nM,r i , ' n. , . , 'kivi 11U50 uui r uituiUUU cjency appropriations, and $50.. UUU iu. UUBL'UIIUIIUUUH linnr m nmn. I AM.n l, ..11 i tlons, will bo $753,891,000? nrH r-Kt u tho balance In tho genornl fund of tho tho poison of disloyalty Into tho very treasury will bo rcducod to S2n cn . nrnrtna .,r .i.,i t, i. .. COB.iS. Tho omorgoncy rovonuo not if Bmii.t i.ri ...!.... ., - - ' i iu iuu uuiuuih; lllll. ...11 1 11. 11 (..I I . n . . .. I " jiiunuiii. umo nm- good nnmo of our government Into Itntlon. would produce, during tho hnlf contempt, to destroy our Industries vnnr Hinn nminlhtnrr nlmut n . .... &. "uuui. ii, uuu,- wnorover tnoy thought It offectlvo for 000. Tho duty of ono cent nnr ,mm,i ,.i...i..i I .... . - - muii tiiiuiuiitu uu iuhuh iu siriKO at on sugar. If continued, would produce them, and to debaBO our politics to lllirmi Mm iwn innnl ,n f l. I . . ... ...w .....v,lo u, mo ,,Bcai Ul0 UBoa or f0reign intrigue. Tholr ? nnr? nno mm "" f Mny' nUmbor ,s not Brcat as compared with about $10,000,000. 'Ihoso two sums, tho wholo number of those sturdy vt.n IWhWVWUI IU t9tJU.llIIII.lM III IT I inotu tulilnli f t 1 f nf M , , ucs 01 ,tll Becond enriched in recent generations out hnlf of tho fiscal year, would viniii . f in .. , . IZZI ttL"Zn .L. ycaJ a to havo brought deep disgrace Vr iV... . '"."-.uo.o. upon ub and to havo mado it nccos lno additional revenues rnnnirnii un.. .... . ... . uuij i. w oiiuuivi lliuilillliy IUUKO ?"Zr r"m..,' "so of processes of law by which wo ol wmcn i navo may bo purged of tholr corrupt dls- spoken, would, ns at present CBtlmatod, tempers. America novor witnessed anything like this before. It never dreamed lt porslblo thnt con sworo Into Its own citlzcnshiti. men druwu out of great free stocks such ns sup tilled some of tho best nnd stroncost elements of that little, but how heroic. nation that In a high day of old staked Its very Hfo to frco Itself from ovorv entnncicmcnt thnt hnd dnrkenod Min fortunes of tho older nations and sot un a now standard here that men. of such origins nnd such free choices of allegiance would over turn In malign reaction against tho govern ment nnd nconlo who hnd welcomed and nurtured them and seek to mako this proud country onco moro n hot bed of Euronnan nnsslnn. A Httlo- whllo ago such a thing would havo seemed Incredible. Bocauso it was Incredlblo wo mado no nronaratlon for it. Wo would havo boon nlniost ashamed to prepare for it, as if wo- were suspicious of ourselves, our own comrades and nelchbors! nut tho ugly and Incredlblo thing hns actual ly como ubout and wo nro without ndequato federal laws to deal with lt. I urgo you to enact such laws at th- earliest possible moment nnd feel that in doing so I nm urelnc vnu to do. nothing less than snvo tho honor and self-respect of tho nation. Such creat turos of passion, disloyalty, nnd an- archy must bo crushed out. They aro not many, but thoy nro inilnltoly malignant, and tho hand of our power should closo over them nt once. Thhv havo formed plots to destroy property, thoy havo entered Into conspiracies against tho noutrallty of tho govern ment, thoy havo soucht tn nrv Inln ovory confidential transaction of tho government In order to Bervo Interests, alien to our own. It Is nosalblo to. deal with theso things very effectually. i neeii not sucgest the torma in which, they may bo dealt with. Are Disgrace to the Nation. I wiBh that it could ho snld tlmf only a fow men. misled bv mlRfnU-nn. sentiments of nlleglanco to tho govern- mentf; under which they woro born, hnd been guilty of disturbing tho solf possession and misrepresenting tho temper and principles of tho country during theso days of terrible war, when It would seem that every man who was truly an American wmilii Instinctively mako It hia duty and his. prldo to keep tho Bcales of ludcmonf even and prove himself a partisan ot no nation but his own. Out it cannot. Thoro aro some men among us, and many resident . abroad who, though, born nnd bred in tho United Stntea and calling themselves Amnrlrana havo so forgotton themselves and their honor ns citizens ns to nut Mmir passionate sympathy with ono or tho other side in tho great Euronean eon. llict above their regard for tho peaco and dignity ot tho United States. Thoy also preach and nractlco dlslovaltv. No Inws, I suppose, can reach cor ruptions of tho mind and heart; but I should not apeak of others without also speaking of theso and expressing- tno oven uoeper humiliation and scorn which every self-possessed nnd. thoughtfully patriotic American must feel when he thinks of them nnd of tho discredit thoy uro dally bringing: upon us. While wo speak of tho nrenarntlnn of tho nation to mako sure of her security and her effectivo nownr w must not fnll into tho patent error of supposing that hor real strencth comes from armaments and mere safe guards of written law. What is moro important Is. thnt Mm Industries and resources of tho coun try should be available and rnnilv fnr mobilization. Tho transportation nroblom Is nn exceedingly serious and prcssinE ono ln this country. There has from timo to time of late been renson to fear that our railroads would not much longer bo nblo to copo with it successfully, as at present equipped and co-ordained. I suggest that 11 would bo wlso to provide for a com mission ot Innuirv to ascertnln hv thorough canvass ot tho wholo ques tion Whether our lawn nn fit nrnennl framed and administered are as serv iceable as they might bo in tho solu. tion ot tho problem. It is obviouslv a problem that lies at tho very founda. tion of our efficiency as a people. Such an inquiry ought to draw out ovory clrcumstanco nnd opinion worth con' sidoring and wo need to know all sides of tho matter If wo mean to do any thing in the field of federal legislation. Regulation of Railroads. No ono. I nm sure, would wtnh tn tako any backward ston. Tho rnmiin. tion of tho railways of tho country by rcueral commission has had admirable results and hns fully Justified Mm. hopes and expectations of thoBO by whom tho policy of regulation wai originally proposed. Tho question Is not what should wo undo? It is, whether thoro Is anything else wo can do that would supply us with effective means, in tho very nrocess nf mini.. tion, for bettering tho conditions urn dor which tho railroads aro operated and for making thorn moro useful anw. anta of tho country ns a wholo. If seems to mo that it might bo tho part of wisdom, therefore, before furthor legislation In this field Is nttompted, to look at tho whole problem of co-ordlna. tion and ofllcloncy in tho full light of a fresh assessment of clrcuniHtnnon nmi opinion, ns a guldo to dealing with the soverni parts or it. For what wo aro sceklnc now. tvim ln my mind Is tho slnglo thought of tins messago, is national efficiency and security. Wo servo n creat nni Wo should servo It in tho spirit of Its' peculiar genius. It is tho genius o common men for self-government, in duBtry. justice, Ilbortv nnd nun nr. nr should sco to lt that It lacks no liistru. raent, no facility or vigor of law to mako it sufficient to nlnv Ha nr. .i. - -- full WIIU energy, safety and assured bucccss. In. mm wo uro no partisans but herald and prophets of a new age,