THE 8EMLWEEKLY TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, A lot of people arc disappointed In lovo after mnrrlage. Host particular women use Red Cros Ball Itluc. American, mnde. Sure to plcaec. At all good grocers. Adv. Wheat, Hour and oats may not bo exported from Great liritaln during the war. To keep clcun and healthy take Dr. Pierce's Pleiuant Pellets. They regulate liver, bowels and stomach. Adv. A Natural Question. "He's wedded to his art." "Ih It n happy match?" Dtrolt Free Press. Not !rny Hairs but Tlrctl Eyes) mako us look older than we are. Keep your Eyes young and you will look young. After tbo Movies always Murlao Your Ejes Don't toll your age. A Better Provider. Ethel la the man you are engaged to at all bookish? Mario Well, yes; pocketbooklah. Reason Given. Littlo Edna Why wouldn't It do to pray for our brond onco a week or onco a month? Why must wo ask every day for our dally brend? Older Sister So as to have It fresh, goosey. Dad Was In. "Is your father In, littlo boy?" asked tho stranger at tho door. "Well, I should say ho was!" re piled tho boy, "and unless mother gives up the key, ho'a going to stay whero he is for some time." Carlo the Sufferer. Doctor Woll, Johnnie, don't you feel better slnco I gavo you the medl cine? Johnnie Yes; I forgot all about being ill. Doctor That'n what I thought; and it wasn't hard to take, was it? Johnnie Woll, it was, rather, for it took both Sammy and me to hold Carlo while we gavo it to him. Too Late Now. Teacher had been Instructing her class In tho beauties of telling the truth. Sho told them all about Ueorgo Washington. In conclusion, sho asked all the boys who would Hko to be George Washington to hold up their hands.. Promptly up shot every hand but ane. "Why, Tommy," said tho sur prised teacher, "wouldn't you llko to "o a second George Washington?" " 'Taln't no use, miss," replied Tom my, without much regret. "I've told too many He3 already." mm Wmm 1! "sin ;s -A I Mil II I raPMKgqECTtlJ " 71 fUUi-nlUlliiX Building For Years to Come In the erection of modern buildings the primary thought is for endurance. The same thought should be given to building our own body and brain but few give it. This building process requires certain essential food elements which, within the body, are converted into the kind of brain, bone, nerve and muscle capable of enduring the severe tests of work and time. Grape-Nuts FOOD is scientifically made of whole wheat and malted barley, and supplies, in splendid proportion, all the nutritive values of the grains, including their vital mineral salts, which are all-important for life and health, but lacking in much of the food that goes to make up the ordinary diet. A daily ration of Grape-Nuts food is good "build ing" for sound health of years to come. 'There's Beyond Dispute. "Which bullet do you consider tho deadliest?" "Tho ono that hits." A GRATEFUL OLD LADY. Mrs. A. O. Clemens, West Alexan der, Pa., writes: I have used Dodd's Kldnoy Pills, also Diamond Dinner Pills. Bcforo using them I had suf fered for a number of years with backache also tender spots on spine, and had at times black floating b p o o k a before my oyes. I also had lum bago and heart trou ble. Slnco using this mndlelnn T linvn hoen Mn.A.G.Clemea rnltnvnil nf mv mif. foring. It is agreeable to mo for you to publish this Icttor. I am glad to havo an opportunity to say to all who aro suffering ns I havo dono that I obtained relief by using Dodd's Kid noy Pills and Diamond Dinner Pills. Dodd's Kidney Pills GOo per box at your dealor or Dodd's Medicino Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Dodd's Dyspepsia Tab lets for Indigestion havo been proved. 50c por box. Adv. Conservation. "And," continued the lecturer, "I warrant you that there Is not a man In this entlro audience who has ovor lifted his finger or In any way at tempted to rtop this awful wasto of our forests and our lumber supply. If there Is I want that man to stand up." Thero was a slight commotlou in tho rear of -tho room and a nervous littlo man rose to tho occasion and to his feet. "And now, my friend, will you ex plain In just what way you have con served tho forests of our nation?" And with tho utmost gravity and sincerity tho littlo man said; "I havo used the same toothpick twlco." Harper's Magazine. A Corpulent One. "It's rather curious about the Gads bys." "Yes?" "They havo a family skeleton." "Nearly all families do." "But tho funny part about it is that tho Gadsbys' family skeleton Is a rela tive of Mr. Gadsby, who onco traveled about the country as a fat woman In a sldo show." Birmingham Ago Her ald. A woman considers a hat becoming If It makes her look only a few days older than she says she is. Every time there Is a fire the wom en In tho neighborhood give a pretty good Imitation of a tea dansant. imiin a Reason 99 Sold by Grocers everywhere. Perfection The jj False and the True Dr REV.L.W. COSNELL & jj Supcrinltndratoi Mm, MoodV DM V y Irttilult i Quota 2 TEXT Not ns though I linil nlrcmly at tained, cither were already perfect. Let U3 therefore ns many ns bo perfect be thus mlndod.-Phll. 3:12, 15. . This text mako3 it clear that there Is a sonso in which Christians can not bo perfect and an othor sense in which they may bo perfect. Tho apostle states clearly that ho has not already attained, nelthe: 1b already perfect, 01 as tho Revised Version roads, " m a d o perfect.' Tho verso preced ing speaks of the resurrection o f tho dead, so that his disavowal evi dently hub to do with tho perfec tion which will como in tho future. It may seem to some unnecessary that a man should disavow this final per fection slnco ho is evidently not yot raised from tho dead; but the human mind Is capablo of very strange things, and this same apostle Paul speaks ot some in his day who taught that the resurrection Is past already. On somo such basis, It seems, that teach ers aroso who declared that oven now we may reach tho perfection which bo- longs to tho resurrection state. The apostle Is cloarly against such a doc trine. Bishop Moule, ono of the most saint ly men tho modern church has pro duced, in commenting upon this pas sago says: "As far as my own obser vation goes, bucIi viows (I. e. of per fection) aro not uncommonly attended, In those who hold them, by a certain oblivion to personal shortcomings and inconsistencies; by nn obscuration of consciousness, and of conscience, moro or loss marked, towards the sin fulness of ordinary, overyday viola tions of tho law of holiness in respect of meekness, humbleness of mind, long Bufforlng', sympathy, and other quiet graces." Indeed, tho saints of all the ages unlto with Paul in declaring that they nro not already perfect. Tho apostle, aftor suffering many things for Christ's sake so that ho bore In his body tho marks of tho Lord Jesus, writes of himself as "chief of sinners John Bunyan although ho spent twelve years in Bedford jail for his Lord calls his lifo story "Grace Abounding to tho Chief of Sinners." When John Wesley thought ho was dying, he re viewed his lnbors of sixty years, but could find no peg upon which to hang any hope of salvation; ho could only repeat the sentiment of the hymn, I the chief of sinners nm, But Jesus died for me. Tho same spirit was manifested by Charles Spurgeon, who said during tho serious illness, that If he got well ho would havo many things to preach, but Just at that time four words were enough for him, "Jesus died for mo." Dr. A. J. Gordon was n man of such saintly character that his very faco gave ovldenco of tho Indwelling light. But tho other portion of our text speaks of a sonso In which wo may bo perfect. t Tho context sIiowb that tho apostle is using tho flguro of n run ner in a race. Ho has not yet at tained the prize, but forgetting the things which aro behind and reaching forth unto those which are before, he presses toward tho mark. It Is this attitude to which tho word "perfect" is applied. Tho man has laid aside tho weights and tho easily besetting sin; he is not content with what ho has attained, but forgetting that which 1b behind, ho presses with neck Btretchod forth and every muscle strained, to tho goal. It will bo seen at onco that this sort of perfection Is, very Imperfect and 1b In no senso a finality. It only propares us to bo made porfoct In tho day of Christ's coming. Ncvortholcss wo aro bound by tho graco of Christ to fulfill this ideal and not to put him to shamo. Two matters aro Involved in tho ox hortation to bo "Uiub minded." FirBt of all if wo feel llko tho apostle, wo will havo tho lowly estimate of our selves of which wo havo spoken, tho fooling that wo havo not attained. Veiy far from Christian perfection Is pflflo; on tho contrary, humility is its rory essence Again, If wo aro per fect in tho sonso of which tho apostle !poaks, wo will emulate him Jn pressing forward for tho prlzo of final glory. ThlB ib tao Tory opposite of somplacency ns to our attainment. It Is said that Thonvaldscn onco wept becauso ho was satisfied with a Btatuo ho had mado. "Alas," ho said, "I shall novor Improve now, for I havo reached my Ideal." How ought they to bo lroused who, becauso thoy havo como to Christ and aro living with somo tonaistency, are satisfied! Llfo man! tests ltsolf by growth and ho who Is not growing may well examine him elf to seo whether ho bo in tho faith. EIow good it is that tho apostlo goes on to aBBuro us that "if in anything yo bo othorwlso minded, God will ro- voal ovon this unto you," May ho glvo an grace to walk in ttls light! NUT TREES THRIVE IN NORTH Hickory Is Most Popular and Is Found In Many States Little Time and Labor Required. Thoro aro very fow Boctlons ot tho northorn states whero tho shollbark, hickory and peenn trees cannot be grown. Tho hickory Is moro common ly found, and Is a native of many states. Tho poenn is usually found along river or creek bottoms, but can bo transplanted to nny soil, sand or clay, with fair success. Tho hickory does not stnnd trans planting so well ns tho pecan. Both can bo grown from tho nuts and the nut-grown treos glvo tho best results, producing nutB younger and forming fine trees, as tho growing in tho opon from tho start adapts tho tree to tho location and thero 1b no stunt from transplanting. Tho pecan or shollbark when grown In tho opon produco wonderful crops of nuts. If grown on high land tho trees will novor bo largo for forest trees, but when grown on nny low, rich, moist soil, tho trees mako rapid growth, soon growing Into largo flno shaped trees. Thoro Is always somo uncultivated spot on tho farm whoro a fow nut trees could bo grown. It requires but littlo time and Inbor to plant them and within a fow years tho homo will have a Bupply of flno sweet nuts, each year. TO PREVENT WINTERKILLING Alternate Froezlng and Thawing Causes Plants to Die Out Straw Mulch Is Recommended. Tho objoct of mulching strawberries In tho fall is to provont winterkilling. Winterkilling Is usually caused by tho plants dying out too much during tho winter months, or by nltornnto freezing and thawing. The best mulch matorlal to ubo Is clean straw; this Is placed on tho plants 4 to C Inches deop after tho ground has been frozen. In tho spring after tho ground Is thawed, tho Btraw Is worked around tho plants, writes F. F. McCuno In Farmers Mall and Broozo. ThlB Borvcs soveral purposes, such ns keeping tho patch froo from weeds, conserving tho moisture, and forming n clean mat for tho berries to ripen on. Aftor tho fruit has ripened, tho straw should bo romoved. PRUNING THE BERRY BUSHES Blackberries and Raspberries May Be Trimmed Any Time After Leaves Have1 Fallen. (By R. Q. WBATIIEHSTONE.) Tho question is often asked as to tho amount of pruning necessary for blackberry and raspberry bushes ai?8 when this should bo dono. This pruning of raspborry and black borry buBhes may bo dono at anytlme after tho leaves havo fallen. If I could have my choice as to tho date I would do tho pruning at tho closo of tho wintor. But thoso who have largo plantations aro obliged to do tho prun ing when thoy havo lelsuro tlmo, Unpruncd and Pruned Berry Bushes Plant at Right Shows Bush Proper ly Pruned Two at Left Show Bushes Unpruned. thoroforo to such people I recommend pruning any tlmo during vlntor. Whoro tho winters nro sovoro, the plants are bent down and each bush held down closely to tho ground for protection. I would not recommend pruning theso bushes thus protected until tho wintor Is past, and tho buds are beginning to Btart growth. EASY WAY OF PROPAGATING Cut 8hoots of New Growth of Currant Bushes Soon as Leaves Fall Soil Should Be Sandy. (Hy H. G. COOKE, Connecticut Kxperl mont Station.) As soon as tho loavos of tho currant bushes fall cut tho shoots of new growth Into lengths four or live Inches long; bunch as you do asparagus, and tlo firmly and placo In a tronch with tho small ends down; cover about one inch deep, nnd tho soil should bo qulto sandy, If possible Just before cold weather turn thorn over and let thorn remain until spring, when tho cuttings wl(l bo In flno aliupo for planting out. Prune Trees Gradually. Novor pruno young treos heavily In any ono year, but do tho work gradu SUDDEN Caused by Disease Tho closo connection which exists between tho heart and tho kidneys is well known nowadays. As Boon ao kldnoys aro dlsoasod, nrtorlal tension Is lncrcasod and tho heart functions aro attacked. When tho kldnoys no longer pour forth wasto, uromlc poi soning occurs, and tho porson dies and tho causo is often given as heart dis ease, or discaso of brain or lungs. It is a good lnsuranco against such a risk to sond W conts for a largo trial package of "Anurio" tho latost, dis covery of Dr. Plorco. Also send n samplo of your wator. This will bo examined without chargo by export chemists at Dr. Plorco's Invalids' Ho tel, Buffalo, N. Y. When you suffor from backache, frequent ' or sennty urlno, rhoumatlc pains horo or thero, or thai constant tired, worn-out fool ing, It's tlmo to wrlto Dr. Piorco, do scribo your symptoms and got his Both Unnecessary. Former Speaker Cannon tolls this story of his early Impecunious days: "Ono of my friends was a struggling physician. Nolthor fame nor fortuno had como to either of us, but wo wcro always hopeful. Tho years had weighed heavily upon my friend, how over, for ho Boon lost his hair, bolng quite bald. "Ono day I greeted htm with a beam ing countonanco and exclaimed: '"What do you think, Henry? 1 havo just bought nn oftlco Bnfe.' '"Tlion, Joe,' said ho, with tho ut most gravity, 'I shall buy a hnir brush.' " WONDERFUL HOW QUICKLY RESINOL STOPS ITCHING To thoso who havo endured for years tho itching torments of oczoma or othor such skin-eruptions, tho rollof that tho first uso ot roslnol olntmont and reslnol soap givos 1b porfectly incrodl ble. After all tho Buffering thoy wont through and all tho useless treatments thoy spont good monoy for, thoy cannot bellovo anything bo simple, mild and inexpensive can stop tho Itching and burning INSTANTLY! And they find it still moro wonderful that tho improvement Is permanent and that reslnol really drives away tho eruption completely in a very short tlmo. Porhaps thoro 1b n pleas ant surprlso llko this in storo for you. Reslnol olntmont and reslnol soap aro Bold by all druggists. Adv. And Tony Suffered. "Thoy say Tony's Injuries wore tho result of a practical Joke." "Yes. Tho chappies told him that n big, burly follow In tho Btnoklng room was dent and dumb, and Tony walked ovor to him with a Bwoot smllo mid told him ho wus a fool." "Woll?" "Tho man wnBn't dnaf and dumb." For a really flno coffee nt a mod erate prlco, drink Donlson's Sominolo Brand, 35c tho lb in sealed cans. Only ono merchant in each town Bolls Sominolo. If your grocer Isn't tho ono, wrlto tho Donlson Coffee Co., Chicago, for a souvenir and tho name of your Sominolo dealor. Buy tho 3 lb. Canister Can for $1.00. Adv. Criticism. "How woro the meals at the sum mer resort hotel you stopped at?" "Woll, aftor the first day we ceaBcd rlBklng our lives lu tho rush to bo first Into tho dining room." Detroit Froo Press. Important to Mothors Examluo carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a safo and auro remedy for infanta and children, and boo that It TJoo tci Mia Slgnaturo of UUsyYT&ZZ In Uso For Ovor 30 Years. Children Cry for Flotchor'fl Caatoria Misunderstood. The Customer Seo horo, thoso eggs you sold-tno aren't fit to oat. Tho Market Man Cortalnly not. Why didn't you say you wanted eating eggs? I thought you wanted eggs to lend tho neighbors, Judge. Used Whenever Quinine is Needed Docs Not Affect the Head llrcnufle of ltn tonlo and laxntlre effect LAX ATIVK UUOMO QUININE will be found better uan oruinury uuinine lor any purpose ior which Quinine Is uueil. Doen not caune ner- Touaness nor ringing In head. Kf member thero la only one "iiromo quinine." 'inui ib luxo tlve Iiromo Quinine. Look for Hlgnature of E. W. Urore. SSc When a political party holds a lovo feast that Indicates it hasn't much of a chance. Lots ot Infant industries novor grow up. Write niurlneIJyoHemedyoMClilcnjfo for Illustrated lloolc oi the Eye Free. Kissing may bo unhcalthful, nothing risked, nothing gained. but SPECIAL PIANO INDUCEMENTS FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON NEW PIANOS AND PLAYER PIANOS OF KNOWN QUALITY SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS The reputation of the Drandcia Stores ia your guarantee of piano satlafactlon Writ for full particular! and weekly bargain li't of u$ed instruments BRANDEIS PIANO DEPT. BRANDEIS STORES OMAHA, NEBRASKA DEATH of the Kidneys medical opinion, without chnrgo ab solutely frco. This "Anurio" of Dr. Plorco's is 37 tlmoB moro activo than Uthla, for It dissolves uric add in tho system, ao hot wator doos BUgar. Simply aBk for Dr. Plerco'a Anurio Tablots. Thoro can bo no Imitation. Every packago of "Anurio" 1b auro to bo Dr. plorco's. You will find tho slg naturo on tho packago Just as you do on Dr. Plorco's Favorite Proscription, tho over-famous friend to ailfns women. Worry la a frequent causo and sometimes n symptom of kldnoy dlB oaso. Thousands havo testified to Im mediate rollof from thoso symptoms after using Dr. Plorco's Anurio Tablota for tho kldnoys and bnckacho. Dr. Plcrco'B Favorlto Prescription makes weak womon strong, sick women woll. No alcohol. Sola in tablots or liquid. Subnormal. "I don't seo why thoy call it thu normal school." "Why not?" "Did you ovor boo tho products?"? University of Michigan Gargoyle. A woman hates tho nowspnpw that abusos her husband. It breaks up her monopoly of tho product. Always uo Red Ctom Ball Blue. Delights the laundress. At all good grocers. Adv. Thoso who dodgo work don't have to dodgo tho roward. ADVO JELL THE JELL THAT WHIPS Tho most faohlonoblo nnd popular TobloDossort. Makes your table oomploto. Boautlful Dooorotlvo Rool-P08--Dolloloua, Appotlzlng, Nourishing. Nothing so delightful for the tabloor elok room. Seven flavors and colore. At your grocers, or by mall, at SI.20 tho dozen. McCORD-BRADY CO. OMAHA MERCHANTS DON'T GO BANKRUPT My plan will save you. Beat of ref erence, write for further particulars, everythintr strictly confidential. Ad dress Lock Box 542, St. Joieph, Mo. N EALOF COUNCIL BLUFFS 0 nAV DRINK and DRUG d-DAY TREATMENT Alvrnya Succosaful. Write for llookUU Address NEAL INSTITUTE 21 Oenlon Street, COUNCIL BLUrTS, IZU Or address J. S. MAY, Manager Nebraska Directory Credit Association ' of Nebraska INCORPORATED FOR $500,000.00 An organization which Is eo-opora- tlvo In tho truest eenso and will nialto Ions time loans, 10-20-30 years, at low rato or interest on uio partial pay ment plan. Let us instruct you now to got tho benefits. OFFICERS R. V. McQrew. President: also presi dent of tho Stato Bank of Naponeo, Neb.; Stato Hank. Itlvorton. Nob.j Stato Dank, Republican City, Nob.; Stato Bank, Woodwortli, Kan. Chas. Rudon, Crofton, Nob.: Vice President (Stato Senator, Farmer, and Stockman). John Mattos, Nobraslta City, Nob., Vlco-Prcsldont (Stato Senator, Secre tary of Amorlcan-Qorman Alliance). C, J. Warner, Wavorly, Nob., Treas urer (Representative 27th, 28th and 29th Legislature, Farmer and Stock man). Frank B. Saunders, Secretary (Audi tor, Knno county, pubiio Accoun tant, Elgin. III.). Address n. T. DADNEY, Sales Mgr. Danker Life Dulldlns Lincoln, Nebraska A thoroughly reliable lo cal agent to roDreionl and look after tho business of tht United Farmers' Rural Crodlt Association ot Nebraska. A splendid opportunity fo tho man who can furnish unquestionable rofcronco. United Farmers' Rural Credit Assn. Bankers Life Bldg., Lincoln, Neb. Ask your Lumberman or wrlto us for free tnuivln. SUNDERLAND DUOS. CO., OMAHA THE PAXTON HOTEL Omaha, Nebraska EUROPEAN PLAN Room b from $1.00 up single, 76 ccntn up double. CAFE. PRICKS reasonable; ally from season to season.