The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 07, 1915, Image 7

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    Semi-Weeklv Tribune
IRA L. BARE, Editor and Publisher.
One Ycnr by Mall In Advance... $1.25
One Year by Carrier in Advance .$1.50
Entered at North Platte, Nobraska,
Postolllco rb Second Class Mattor.
Judgo II. M. Grimes spent Saturday
In Lexington on legal matters.
Miss Hoso McGlnley, of Paxton, Is
the guest of Mrs. Omar Huff.
Mrs. Albro has gone to Fremont to
visit friends for a couplo of weeks.
Mlsb Marlon Cross left Saturday
for Sidney to accept a position as
Miss Maudo Warrington has re
returned from Dig Springs where sht
spent a week.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hugh left a few
days ago for Gothenburg to visit the
Pease family.
Miss Hilda Auderson, who has been
ill for some time, is reported to bo
much Improved.
Homer Gray was taken to the Brown
Memorial Hospital Saturday morning
fcr treatment.
Tho Et-A-Virp club will be enter
tained this afternoon at tho home of
Mrs. Glen Ferguson.
Mrs. Dennis McMahan, of Lisco,
canio down Saturday to visit her als
ter Mrs. Henry Schott.
Mrs. M. H. Douglas returned Satur
day from Lincoln where she visited
friends for several days.
L. J. Toole, of Kearney, arrived Sat
urday evening to visit his daughter,
Mrs. Harry Boyle for a week.
Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Kidwoll, of Ar
thur, enmo Friday. The latter will
tako treatment at a local hospital.
Mike Sheedy, who is conducting a
harness shop at Pine Bluff3, is expec
ted to arrive shortly to visit his par
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Boyle will move
this week into their new home on
south Maple, which has Just been com
Dr. P'oote, of Omaha, is expeitod
here this week to perform six op
orations at the Brown Memorial hos
Mr. and Mrs. John Ellison, of Sheri
dan, Wyo., who have been visiting lo
cal friends will leave today for east
ern points.
President Mohler and Genl. Supt.
Jeffers, of the Union Pacific, went
through Saturday morning from Den
ver to Omaha.
Geo. W. Stroup, of the Payne Invest
ment Co., of Omaha, who formerly
lived here, spent the latter part of last
week in town.
Mrs. Ft, ii. we find bt1 of Grand
Island, returned home Friday evening
after spending a week with her moth
er, Mrs .Eves.
A marriage licesso was granted Sat
unlay morning to Louis E. Know and
Dorothy Ilecht, of Denver, and they
,vero la.or married by County Judgo
Arthur Anderson, of Sutherland, died
Saturday at the age of .twenty-three of
tuberculosis. The funeral was held
at tho Christian church in Sutherland
Sunday, conducted by H. G. Knowles
of this city.
Tho Knights Templar held a special
meeting Friday evening and conferrtd
tht black cross degree on several can
didates. Tho ceremonies were pre
ceded by a three course banquet serv
ed by tho Masonic ladies.
Fred Letts and W. A. McKeown, for.
merly of this city, came down from
Denver Sunday morning to spend a
few days with local friends. Tho for
mer has purchased a chicken ranch
near Denver and will take possession
in tho near future.
Ted Howard was fined seventy-five
dollars and costs In Justice Meyers
court Saturday. The plaintiff was P.
D. Jones who claimed that Howard
had boon practicing as a veterinary
burgeon and caused tho death of his
valuable cow two months ago.
Tho Lutheran Girls' club was enter
tained Fri''a evening at t:i3 E. B.
Payno home. Several contests v. ere
held and prizes awarded to Ml35eu
Dlstol and Ilustig. A two courso lunch
was served.. Arrangements aro being
in ado for tho fair which tho club will
hold December 16th.
Kay Welborn has just returned from
a trip to tho Panama oxposl.ln. While
in Frisco ho and Clark Holllngsworth.
who accompanied him, took a Joy rido
In an noroplano. They took a 10 mllo
ride 2000 feet in the air. Ho reports
a very good tlmo with plonty of sen
sation in being above the rest of tlie
Motes Into Now Office.
Dr. O. H. Cressler took possession
of his dental parlors Sunday. The
rooms used in his work have been
completely remodeled and a number
of changes made In their, arrange
ment. For several days E. II. Oakcj
of the Billings Dental Co. was hero to
Install th o new fixtures and decorato
tho walls. The suit Is now composed
of six npartments, each hnvlng new
rugs, hangings and walls tinted in
tan and green. Tho waiting room is
furnished in wicker and has mahog
ony doors with stained glass panels.
A buzzer mat Is used nt tho en
trance to announce tho entrance of
patients. A dressing room has bion
arranged and , fitted with panel mlr
The operating room contains an
electric switch board from whlrh
sjterlllzcd air passes through a plati
num coll. A sea coral oak
cabinet with cut glass knobs Is used
for tho Instruments, each drawor con.
tailnlsg separate white glass cases
Adjoining tho operating room Is an
extracting room where teeth are ex
tracted bv tho cautery method. The
work room is supplied with conveni
Ont cnblncts.v Large chandolicrcs fur
nlsh indirect light.
Jinny Sheep Being Fed.
Dr. Chns. S. Jones, of itho Depart
ment of Agriculture, with headnuart
ers at Mitchell, has propaied figures
wlilch show that sheep feeding In
Scotts Bluff county is considerably
on the Increase, and that more sheep
wcro shipped into the valley during
October of this year, than during all
tho feeding season one year ago. Re
colpts for tho month of October wore
as follows: At Scotts Bluff 215 cars;
Mitchell 120 cars; Morrill 71 cars,
MInataro 54 cars; Torrlngton 41 cars
Halg 39 cars; Bayard 31 cars; Goring
29 cars; Henry 14 cars, and McGrew
7 cars; This makes a total of G20 cars
or 120 more cars than tho entire num
her shipped in last) year, asd estimated
at 31.200 head. With the November
shipments coming In as they are
is apparent that the total number of
sheep fed in the valley this year will
exceed that of 1914-1915 by fifty per
A Roundabout
To tho Public
Having taado settlement with tho In
surance company, I will start to re
move the old barn. I will do business
in tho front part of tho old barn until
I get tho now one erected. Will
have all kinds of feed, flour, potatoes,
wheat oats corn anything In tho feed
lino at prices that will make you sit up
and notice. Call or phono me, as I need
your business.
School Entertainment.
The entertainment g'ven at the high
school auditorium was attended by a
large audience who were well pleased
with the prografn and heartily ap
plauded each numbor. Those taking
part wcro suited to the role given
them and proved to be excellent en
tertainers. Among those taking part were Miss
es Florence McKay and Dorothy Hin
man, Girls' Glee Club and Jack Hus
band. Tho Boys' Gleo Club gavo a two
act foot ball comedy in which tho prin
ciple roles were taken by John Lin
coln, George Thompson, Orley Reneau,
Glen Rltner, M. Overman, II. Jones,
C. Weingand, L. Hastings, C. Sluder
and H. Coates.
A banquet andhioeting wag held at
tho Rltner cafe Friday evening for
the purpose of re-organizing tho R. R
Y. M. C. A. Twenty-five local men re
sponded o the meeting which was in
charge of Dr. Munn, chairman
of the International It. R. Y. M. C. and
C. A. Mussolman, of Omaha, state
secretary. Supt. Brophy was also a
member of the party and expressed
Ills views on tho revival of this or
ganlzation. In addition to these speak
ers addresses wero delivered by
Messrs. Hoagland, Heeler, Grimes and
Crosby, tho latter acting as toas'mas
tor. All present wero In favor of the
subject under discussion and agreed
to co-opernte in securing a building
and members.
Contract for 10,000 31ulcs.
The French government has Just
awarded tho Grand Island Horse and
Mule Company of Grand Island, Neb.,
a contract for tho purchaso of ton
thousand army mules. Tho specifica
tions of this contract calls for fivo
thousand pnek mules, from 14-1 to 14
3 hands high. In ages they must range
from 4Vj to 10 years and all colors aro
acceptable. Inspection on tho now con
tract commenced last Monday and will
continuo daily or whenever there aro
mules thcro to bo shown.
Cuttle IHo of Unknown Rlscnse.
N. B. Spurrier, of Nichols, was In
town Saturday making arrangements
to have tho stato veterinarian come
out an examine a bunch of young cat-
tlo, some of which aro suffering from
a dlseaso that resembles lung trouble.
Ho has lost eight head out of a hunch
of sixty-five. Those affected with tho
disease linger for a week or two bo
foro dying.
Miss Lydla Eeves left a fow days ago
for Wallace to spend a week with
In tho olden tlmo when n dlvorco
was a rarity such n thing as a separa
tion between a young couplo but re
cently married was almost unknown.
Nowadays wo hear of these divorces
qulto frequently. Amy Goodrich nt
eighteen mnrrled Samuel Turner, aged
twenty-five, flirted with n former ad
mirer nud in three months they sep
arated. Turner, desiring to tnko nil
tho blnmo on himself, permitted tho
plea for divorce to go by default nud
willingly paid tho alimony fixed by tho
One day when a payment for nil
mony was duo Sam sent tho check by
mall with n bit of paper nttached stnt
lug that ho was Intending to sail the
next day for Italy, but hnd left In
structions with his brother to make
the payments regularly for him while
ho was absent.
Now, by this tlmo Amy had become
satisfied that sho had been very un
wise. Tho man with whom sho had
flirted was a worthless fellow with
nothing to recommend him but n hand
some, expressionless faco and Immacu
late clothes. Her affair with him was
Innocent, except that It should not
havo occurred at all, and scarcely, if
at all, caused nn interruption of her
love for her husband. Tho domestic
troubles had converted her from a
child into a woman, nnd for some tlmo
before tho receipt of this Inst alimony
payment she hnd regretted her action
nnd desired a reconciliation.
And now whcn sho was getting
tired of a long winter Snm was going
to snll for sunny Italy, while sho was
left behind to struggle with tho rest
of the cold season. Sho determined
to mako nn effort to bring about a
reconciliation and go with him.
But how?
Tho principal trouble was her pride.
All could bo arranged by her confess
lug that sho had been a foolish little
woman nnd asking his pardon for
what she hnd done.
But this was out of tho question.
Amy adopted n method which for
originality nnd indirectness was quite
astonishing oven for n young person
nineteen years old. She went to her
lawyer and told him that her husband
was nbout to go nbrond nnd sho fear
ed sho would not receive her alimony
What should sho do? Tho attorney
drew up a paper stating what sho had
told him nnd praying for Sam's do
tcntlou till be had given bonds for tile
payment of his obligations while In
foreign lands, where United States
law would not reach him. Amy sign
ed tho paper with tho stipulation that
when Sam was arrested he should be
brought to tho lawyer's olllco nud there
satisfy her in person Unit she would
receive tho alimony regulnrly. She
also stipulated Umt a clcrgymnn be
within call during the interview.
"A clergynuin!" exclaimed tho nston
lshed attorney.
"Yes, n clergyman!"
Tho lawyer looked ut her scrutlnlz
Ingly for n fow moments, then pro
cceded to finish drawing the docu
ment "The ways of woman aro some
times beyond tho ken of the most
crafty lawyer," bo muttered to him
Tho steamer on which Snm was to
sail was scheduled to leave tho dock
at 12 o'clock, and the meeting between
Mr. nnd Mrs. Turner, divorced, wns
appointed for 10 in tho morning. They
were left together in Uie lawyer's prl
vnto olllcc.
"Don't you think," said Amy, "that
this running nway to get rid of your
obligations to mo Is very mean?"
"Tell mo what security you require,
nnd I will glvo it, I am to sail ut
"Why should you who brought about
nil tho troublo between us havo all
this pleasure before you, whllo I re
main nt homo holding my hnnds?"
"I brought nil this troublo nbout?"
"Yes, by your Jealousy of that nddlc
pated Clarence Barker."
"Didn't you tell me that you pre
ferred him to mo nnd wns sorry you
had mnrrled mo?"
"Yes, nnd you wero silly enough to
believe me."
Sho stood looking nt tho celling, then
nt the tloor. then nt n picture of a su
premo court Judgo on tho wall any
whero. everywhere except nt Sam
Her hand was on n tnblo In tho center
of the office. Snm went to her and
laid his own hnnd on hers.
"Amy," ho said, "I do bellevo wo
havo been a couplo of fools."
"You mean you have. What tlmo
do you sail ?"
"At 12, in two hours from now."
"I'd Uko awfully to go too."
"Do you mean It?"
"Yes. I've nlwnys longed to spend
a spring In Italy."
"I'll defer my going till tho next
"There s no need of thnt I can tele
phono mother to throw what I need
Into n trunk" (her trunk wns already
packed) "nnd bring it In her car to tho
"But wo nro not mnn and wife."
"Wo might call n clcrgymnn."
A dominie wns brought In from tho
next room, nnd the couplo wero mar
rled. Tho trunk ncrlvod In plenty of
tlmo nt tho dock, for It hnd been sent
there early in tho morning.
"Who can tell." muttered tho nttor
noy. "what n woman is going to do?"
now ninny men havo asked that
question before with no better answer
thnn "Qulen snbo?"
3 dlC
The First National Bank
Member Federal Reserve Bank System.
One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars.
Our Lumber yard, but good lumber. Any
defective piece of lumber is sent to the discard
in this yard. We have always considered
the best policy, in fact, consider it the found
ation of our success in selling.
Coates Lumber and Coal Co.
The Home of Good Coal.
Phone 7.
Electrical Prosperity Week
It has been predicted that this Christmas will
be noticeablyan Electrical Christmas.
Never before, has so much money been spent
in advertising the usefulness of Electrical devices.
We, in turn, are striving to play our part in help
ing our Consumers give useful Electrical Gifts.
Call on us for assistance in solving that gift
North Platte Light & Power Co.
The Nurse Brown Memorial Hospital
1008 WEST 5th ST.
PHONE 110.
Ethical. Moral. Efficient.
This hospital is open for the reception and treat
ment ol Medical, Surgical, and Obstetrical cases.
This institution is modern, sanitary and well situated
away from the noises and discomfort which are attendant on
the city's center.
J. S. TWINEM, Physician and Surgeon.
Money to Loan
Lowest Rates and Best Terms.
Plenty of Money on hand to Close
Loans Promptly.
Buchanan & Patterson
Geo. B. Dent,
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention given to Surgery
and Obstetrics.
Office: Building and Loan Building
PUn. I Offlce 130
Phono' Residence 115
412 Kust Third Street.
I'liono Red 101.
..General Hospital..
Phone 58 723 Locust Street
A modern institution for the
veientiflc treatment of medical,
urglcal and confinement c.isos.
Completuly equipped X-Ray
and diagnostic laboratories.
Geo. B. Dent, M. D. V. Lucas, M. D.
J. B. Redfield, M. D. J. S.Simms, M.D.
Miss Elise Sicman, Supt.
Ofilco phone 241. Res. phono 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platto, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
Licensed Fmbulmcrs
Undertakers nnd Funeral Directors
Day Phono 234.
Night Phono Black 688.
Cigars in the Home
For tho next Hvo months smokers
will spend their evenings Indoors, and
what is more convenient nnd moro
plciisurcnhlo thnn n box of cigars at
homo, easily nccessiblo when yon havo
nn Inclination to smoke. Try a box
of our homo-iuado and hnnd-mndo ci
gars, tho kind Hint aro a littlo better
than you buy clHowhoro for tho samo
Wo also carry n full line of to
bacco and smokers' articles.
J. F, Schmolzried.
Physician and Surgeon
Ofllco B. & L. Building, Second Floor.
Phouo, Olllcc, 83; Rcsldcnco 38.
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention Given to Gynecology
Obstetrics nnd Children's Diseases.
Ofllco McDonald Stato Bank Building.
Cornor Sixth and Dowoy Streets.
Phones, Ofllco 183, Rosldcnco 283
Sheriff's Sale.
By vlrtuo of an alias order of salo
Issued from tho District Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska, upon a decree
of foreclosure rondored In said court,
wherein C. S. Cadwallador is plaintiff
and James F. Rolnsmlth, ot al, aro
defendants, and to mo directed, I will,
on tho 11th day of Decombor, 1015, at
two o'clock P. M., at tho cast front
door of the Court House. In North
Platto, Lincoln County, Nebraska, sell
at public auction to tho highest bid
dor, for cash, to satisfy said decree,
Interest and costs, tho following des
cribed property, to-wlt:
East half, (E1.), of Northwest quar
tor, (NWU) of Section thirty (30),
Township llftcon, (IB), Rango twenty-
seven, (27), west of tho Sixth (Gtu),
P. M., Lincoln County, Nebraska.
Dated North Platto, Nobraska, No
vember Gth, 1015.
nO-Bw A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff.
Probate Notice.
In tho Mattor of tho Estato of Charles
Liork, Sr, Deceased.
In tho County Court ot Lincoln Coun
ty, Nobraska, November 12, 1015.
Notice Is horby given. That tho cred
itors of said deceased will meet the
Administrator of said Estato, bofora
tho County Judgo ot Lincoln County,
Nebraska, at tho County Court Room,
In said County, on tho 17th day of Do
cembor, 1015, and on tho 17th day of
Juno, 101C, at 0 o'colck a. m each
day, for tho purpose ot presenting
their claims for examination, adjust
ment and allowance. Six months are
allowed for creditors to present their
claims, and ono year for tho Adminis
trator to settle said Estato, from the
17th day ot Decombor, 1015. This
notlco will bo published in tho North
Platto Trlbuno a nowBpapor printed In
sold County, for four weeks succes
sively, preceding Doc. 17, 1015.
nlC-4 County Judge.