The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 07, 1915, Image 4

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a slow moving vehicle adequate in its day, that has dis
appeared because it could not meet the modern problem of
carrying many people over long distances.
Your Grandfather Had A Big Heavy Watch
not much of a timekeeper and very expensive in upkeep.
Perhaps for sentimental reasons you are wearing it today.
You arc wrong. You are risking the loss of a valued
hierloom without any resulting advantage. On the contrary,
hindered by its inaccuracy, you are handicapped in your use
ol many other modern facilities. Put your grandfather's
watch where it belongs in a safe place.
Buy one of our handsome $25.00 filled gold
they are light, durable, accurate and economical in upkeep.
We feature the Elgin watch
We have a large assortment of Bracelet Watches, they
make an Ideal Christmas Gift.
Clinton, The Jeweler.
Look for' the sign with big ring.
Mrs. T. C. Patterson returned Sun
day evening from a two weeks' visit
In Omaha. ,,
Miss Lota Atclilnson came up from
Kearnoy a few days ago to visit at
tho Pcrrlt homo.
Gcorgo Arnold lias accopted n posi
tion at tho Marti meat market and Lo
gan work yesterday.
For Exchango Good section of hill
land for North Platte lncomo property.
Phono Black COG. 92-2
Wm. Craig, of tho Fourth ward is
111 at tho North Platto Gcnoral hos
pital with typhoid fovor.
Never moro complete for Christmas
shoppors was our store.
DIXON, Tho Jowelor.
JamcB McNool purchased a ilvo paa-
scngor Ovorlnnd Car at tho Maxwell
garago Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. Edward Coker roturned to
Sutherland Sunday ovonlng aftor vis
iting with her sister Mrs. A. M. Lock
Tho Glbsoji water color art cards
are now on display at Rlnckcr'a". Tho
stock Is very largo nnd very beautiful
Architect lloynolds expects to leavo
tomorrow for Omaha and other east
ern points on business conectcd with
tho proposed now high school building
Dr. Brock, Dontlst, has moved his
office to tho Reynolds building ovor
Stone's Drug Store. 83tf
'Mrs. E. "W. Murphy, of Marengo,
Iowa, Jms beon visiting her daughters
Mrs. Ncal Turplo nnd Mrs. Frank
Turpio at tho ranch southeast of
town for a wcolc
Tho ladlos aid socioty of tho Pres
fy'tor'lan church will nicest Jin tho
church parlors Thursday afternoon
and bo entertained by McedamcB
Snyder, Iddtngs and Ilollman.
Byron Fisher, living on tho former
Comb's placo fourteen miles nortk
enst 'of town, will soil eight head of
horses, eight head of cattlo, nnd farm
machinery at public auction December
Buy useful Xnins gifts. Lot mo hnve
your ordor for an Electric Vncuum
Clcanor. Mr. M. V. Mltcholl, Phono
Red 104. 92t2
Tho Junior class hold un onjoynble
party at tho homo of Miss Ruth Eldor
Saturday evening'. Twonty-llvo wero
prosont and spent tho ovoning in
gamo3 and music. A delicious lunch
was sorved.
For Farm Loans aeo or write Gone
Crook, room 3, Waltomath building,
North Platto. 41tf .
Master Hobort Byboo ontortalncd
a Bcoro of Ills llttlo friends Saturday
nftornoon In honor of his Blxth birth
day. After a couplo of hours spent in
games tho guests woro sorved with a
nico lunch.
Tlio men writing for the '.Fidelity
Llfo Association In North l'lntto arc
llr. 11. It. Baker. President of tho Com
pnny. C. h Temple, who will bo hoc-
rotary niter tho first of tlio year, J. If.
Hcgarty, Agent, and V. Y. Shlnkle,
Agent, lou can miiko appointments
with any of these men by phoning tlio
offlco of J. H. Hcgarty or C. P. Temple.
Chairman Charles Boguo, of tho B.
of R. T. protcctlvo board of tho Union
Pacific, Is upending n fow days at
homo beforo loavlng for Chicago
whoro on Decombor ICth, ho will Bit in
conferonco with a commlttoo that rop-.
resents ovory mllo of railroad In tho
United States. Thla commlttoo, among
other matters, will dlscusB tho pro
posed eight-hour day for employes In
tho train and englno oorvico.
Rode in a
Horse Car
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Chamberlain and
son Robert left this morning for Sioux
Mrs. Arthur McMullen will enter
tain tho Ladies of tho B. or R. T. at
a konsington Friday afternoon.
Ira Cover, of North Platto and Marie
Schiorbaum, of Gothenburg, wero mar
ried last evening bv Countv .Tmlen
French and loft this morning for Ida
ho to locate
Wo have somo gilt-edge, first mort
gago loans, netting 7 and 8 Inter
est, not taxable. Nothing safer or
better for Idle money.
WcathcrforccaHt for North Platto
and vicinity: Fair tonight and Wed
nesday, colder tonight. Highest tom-
pornturo yesterday 03, a year ago 34;
lowest last night 32, a year ago 29.
Mcsdamos J. E. House and Emily
Garrison, of Chamborlaln, S. D aro
expected shortly to visit their brother,
John Lincoln, Sr. Mrs. Garrison was
formerly a resident of this city.
Tho Junior Auxiliary of the Chiircn
of Our Savior, held a successful en
tertainment in tho baBomont of tho
church Gnturdny nftornoon. Tlio at
tendance was large and tho characters
woll takqn.
Tho supremo court of Colorado yes
torday upheld tho statc-wldo nrohl
bitten, 'net passed by the legislature
and aftor January 1st next Denver will
bo a "dry" town( The Donvorltes took
the caso to tho supremo court on tho
contention thnt Donvor Is governed
under a Bpocial charter and therefore
did not como under tho statuatory
enactment in othor words Denver had
"homo rule" on thla as woll as on
other questions.
Tho meeting hold Friday afternoon
nt tlio Lincoln school by tho local
tonchors was a vory social and sue
cesBful one. Tho object of this meet
lng was to oncourngo tho co-oporatlon
of tho tonchors of tho high school and
tho grammar grades. Miss Noll Hart
man read a papor on "Dramatization
of tho Reading Lesson;" Miss Emma
Smith's BUbJect was "Pupils of th
Eighth Qrado and What thoy aro when
tlioy Finish itho Grammar Grades.
Misso E8(hor Balloy talked on "Ninth
Grndo Pupils." Each papor was fol
lowod by discussions.
Rratt & fioodninu pay the loss on
(lie Brick Ram. Aro you Insured I
Vou limy bo next. Sccuro one of their
"Safety First" policies today.
Brown .Memorial Hospltnl Notes
Homor Gray, who has boon taking
medical troatmont for somo timo,
Mrs. Louts Hublltz, of Wolllloot, wns
ablo to leavo tho hospital Friday.
0. A. Carlson, of Blunoll. who under.
wont an operation yestorday, 'is doing
Clins. Peck, who is Biifforlng wltli
pnoumonln, is doing as woll as can .bo
Auction Salo of School Lands
..Notlco 1b horoby given that on tho
29th day ot Decombor. 191G. at ono
o'clock p. m. at tho offlco of tho coun
ty treaBuror of Lincoln emmtv. thn
Commissioner ot Public Lands and
Buildings, or his authorized ropro-
sontoitivo, will offor for lcaso nt nun.
llo auction all educational lands with
in said county upon which forfolturo
of contract has beon declared ns fol
SEVi 3013-33, Gcorgo Lohmon.
Commissioner of Publlo Lands and
Dated December C, 191D". 92-3w
Your choice of
These extraordinary prices are made to close out eVery fall ouit in our stock. Our loss will be
your gain. These suits are all dur regular stock, made by the best makers in this country and are the
greatest bargains ever offered in this line in North Platte. Come early while we have your size.
Inman Pleads Guilty.
Sheriff Salisbury returned Saturday
night from Pocohontas, la., with .Earl
Inman, charged with stealing a Ford
car belonging to Henry Clark. Inman
was arraigned in tho county court be
fore Judge French yesterday forenoon
and pleading guilty was bound over to
tho district court. Tho penalty for In-
man's deed is from one to seven years
in tlio penitentiary.
Jailed for Breaking Parole.
Arthur McAteo who was sent to 'the
penitentiary for forgery, and was out
on parolo, was arrested yesterday for
breaking his promiso to bo good. He
secured work with Frank Strollberg,
living west of town, and attempted
to committ a crime that was most
beastly in its nature.
Ho will bo returned to tlio peniten
tiary. Brown Buys Apperson Eight.
E. M. Smith, local agent for tlio
Apperson car, and Engineer George
E. Brown returned from Omaha Satur
day evening driving nn Apperson
eight-cylinder, which Mr. Browni has
purchased. It Is "some" car 128-inch
woll base, seven passenger, and of
courso provided with all tho la.e3t
appliances. Its gait is anywhoro from
two to seventy miles per hour, tho
motor works noiselessly and the car
rides llko a Pullman. It Is a "thing of
beauty" and wo aro confident Gcorgo
will find it "a Joy forever."
Notice is. hereby given to all prop
erly owners and tenants that the prac
tice of depositing ashes and other
rcfuso in tho streets, Btreot ditches or
In aloys must be discontinued. Those
who continue this practico will bo
prosecuted under tho city ordinancu.
This notice is final.
Street Commissioner.
Judge Grimes Buys Land.
While holding court In Bridgeport
last week, Judgo Grimes of North
Platto, not only dispensed even-handed
Justlco to all litigants who appear
ed In his court, but, outsldo of busj
nes hours, tho Judgo quietly investi
gated a business proposition which
was submitted to Ivtm nnd rendored
a decision which tho peoplo of Bridge
port nnd Morrill county, without ex
ception, will heartily approve, says
tho Bridgoport Nows-Blado. Through
A. R. Rhino, representing tho Se'cur
ity Investment company, and M. B.
Smith as nttornoy for tho dofendant,
"Mort" having previously qualified as
an expert in Irrigated lands, negotia
tions woro concluded whereby Judge
Grimes becomes tho owner of 1G0
ncros of land in tho Bridgeport Irriga
tion district, nnd In that part ot tho
valloy known ns tho "Sllvorthorn
Money to loan on real estate.
('ongress Convenes.
The Sixty-fourth Congress convened
at noon yestorday and wont through
tho routino work. Much important
legislation 1b proposed. Proparedness
and war moasuros aro first. Tlioro aro
pcaco resolutions nnd measures for
govommont multions plants, and
many bills aro already Introduced.
Repreaontnlflvo Gardnclr proposes a
congressional investigation of both tho
proparedness and penco propagandas.
It is estimated by Secretary McAdoo
ot tho treasury that tho government
will need ono billion nnd a quarter
dollars for running oxponsos In 1917,
nn Increaso of ?1G7,831,401 ovor 1910.
Plans for military propnrcdnoss aro
tho principal causo of tho largo in-
creaso In estimates.
For Rent
A 14-room rooming houso with all
modern conveniences: Just cast of tho
Lloyd opera houso. Ront reasonablo.
Inquiro of Mrs. R. D Thomson, 514
west Fifth. Ront reduced.
For Sale,
Good ccntlo fnmllv tnllr-h inw r.m
south Willow. Phono Black 71G. 91tf
Houso and 2 lots In fruit for salo or
trndo for stock. Blaclc 4G0. 1203
north Locust. $8-4
any Ladies' Suit
Your choice of a lot of Ladies' Suits for
Regulations of the Board of Health,
Adopted Dec. fitli, 1915.
I. Whero the disease ot small pox
shall bo determined to exist in any
dwelling house, apartment or estab
lishment wijlhin the City of North
Platto or within ono mile of tho limits
thereof, such house, apartment or es
tablishment shall bo forthwith quar
antined and shall be under tho im
mediate and solo Jurisdiction of tho
Board of Health and any and all mem
bers of said household or establish
ment who have had opportunity to bo
exposed to said diseaso shall bo con
fined and held in quarantino therein
until such timo as the Physician of tho
City shall believe all danger of con
tracting said diseaso shall have passed.
Provided tho head of the family may
bo released after having been disin
fected by or under tho direction of
said City Physician and provided such
head of the family shall provldo him
self with quarters and accommodations
separate and apart from his establish
ment under quarantine.
II. Any person quarantined by the
Board of Health who shall leave such
quarantined establishment or violato
any directiona or instructions of the
Health Officers shall bo prosecuted
under tho ordinances of the City and
ho subject to the penalty impared to
wi't: A fine not to exceed S100.
III. Any person not undor quaran
tine, or any head of family or other
person who shall have been released,
who shall enter or frequent any es
tablishment under quarantino or per
mit himsolf to bo exposed to such dis
ease, shall bo placed under quaran
tine together Avith such other persons
as such party may have exposed to
such diseaso in tho Judgment of the
City Physician, and shall in addition
bo subject to tho penalty impared by
Attention Is called to tho fact that
nil cases of small pox or cases of symp-
jtoms should bo Immediately reported.
I Tho Common People.
I Coronets, miters, military display,
I the pomp of war, wide colonics nnd a
I huge emplro are, in my view, nil tri-
lies, light as air and not worth consid
ering, unless with them you can have
a fair share of comfort, contentment
and happiness among tho great body
of tho peoplo. Palaces, baronial cas
tles, great halls, stately mansions, do
not make a nation. Tho nation in ev
ery country dwells in tho cottage, and
unless the light of your constitution
can shine there, unless the beauty of
your legislation nnd tho excellence of
your statesmanship nt e impressed there
on the feelings and condition of tho
people, rely upon it, you have yet to
learn tho duties of government. John
Bright "
Boating Off a Dog.
If n dog springs for a man tho latter
should gunrd his face with his arm
and try to meet tlio nnlnial with his
forearm. With his right hand ho
should nttempt to catch one of the
animal's front paws. The paw of n
bulldog is ultra sensitive. If It enn bo
caught a vigorous squeeze will ninko
the nnlmnl howl for mercy nnd retiro
Oak Wood.
Tho oak Is a historic wood. As early
as tho eleventh century It beenmo tho
favorite wood of civilized Europe, nnd
specimens of carving and Interior fin
ish liavo como down to us from thnt
early day, their pristine beauty en
hanced by tho subduing linger of time.
Giving Due Credit.
'Willie, I hope your tencher appre
ciates how much I teach you at home."
"That's what I keep tollln' hor, inn.
Slio snld yesterday, 'I wonder whero
you learn your bad manners, Willie,'
and I said right away, 'Ma teaches 'em
to me.' " Clovelnnd Plain Dealer.
A Wiso Child.
"Johnny, do you know that your
mother has been looking for you?" nsk
cd tho neighbor next door.
"Suro I do," replied Johnny. "That's
tho reason sho enn't find me!" Judge.
The innocent seldom And on unensy
pillow. Cowper.
in our stock for 5k I II flli
I Willi
3 WA fmSSsSr .JSfmSSmS
The always welcome
The gift that keeps the picture story of every
youthful interest School days and sports, the win
ter and summer outings, the city hoy's trip to the
country and the country hoy's trip to the city. In
all these there is fun in the picture taking and af
terwards hoth fun and satisfaction in possession.
Our Christmas Stock ol Kodaks and Brownies
is t particularly complete. Let us show you.
The Rexall Drug Store
The Store that has everything
More Than One.
The clergyman of n country vlllnge,
reprehending ono of his parishioners
for quarreling with his wife so loudly
and frequently ns to bo a source of per
petual disturbance to tho neighborhood,
in tho course of his exhortation re
marked that tho Scriptures declared
that man nnd wife wero one.
"Aye, that may be, sir," answered
Hodge, "but if you wero to go by when
mo and my wifo nro at It you'd think
there wero twenty of us." London
Tho mistress, not wishing to offend
her cook, who had been with her but
two weeks, announced In a low, well
modulated voice, "I am sorry, Ellen,
but the mnRter found fault with your
cooking today."
"Lor', I don't take no notice of 'Im.
mum. It's his blessed iinturo to tlnd
fnult. Ain't ho always rinding fault
with you?" Argonaut.
Hospital Phono Black G33.
Houso Phono Black 633.
Graduate Veterinarian
Eight years a Government Veterinar
ian. Hospital 218 Bouth LocuBt St,
ono-half block southwest of tho
Court House.
Get a Policy on Your Home
and get It without delay, so that you
will feel easier In your mind in caso
an accidental fire should break out
and bum your belongings. .Wo Issue
policies on all kinds of property, and
the premiums aro very low in most
Instances. A Fire Iiisuranco Policy Is
your best protection, nnd a good asset
should you desire to sell your home.
Favor us with n call and wo will offer
you u good proposition.
Furs Wanted
Bring in your furs to us. Wo will
pay you tho highest price. Don't ship
them until you seo us.
I Am Paying More for
than anyone else. Before you
sell come and see me.
We are paying $10 Per ton
for Dry Bones.
North Platte Junk House
Lock's Old Barn.
Bought and highest market
pricei paid
KeildencelRed 630 Olllco 458