The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 07, 1915, Image 2

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Tilefish Is Rediscovered and Becomes Popular
WASHINGTON. Boston's sacred cod ban Its rival. Tlio bureau of Usher
If les at Washington announced the rediscovery of tho long-Iost tllonsh on
tho Now England coast, and simultaneously Undo Sam Issued a now cook.
book nilod exclusively with recipes
for preparing tho tllonsh for tho tabic
so appctlzingly that ho will leap Into
favor and threaten tho codfish's su
In lopholatllus chnmaoleontlccps,
which is tho biological name for the
tlloflsh,, tho government sees a now
sourco of mnrlno wealth for Now
England. Tho fish, after an absence
of thlrty-throo years, Is returning In
great numbors to tho banks near the
, . . hundred-fathom curve," south ol
S I'S 3CTiaTy nCd,lc1?' dur,ns a confownco with nowspapor mo
ni dnnii? S8UCC,0B wV?1 by,U, buraU of flBher,C8' wh,ch ns ndoi
his department. In advertising tho tlloflsh. Tho secretary was tolling how
Popular tho flsh were becoming, and how ho had advertised theA In wS
SSToSdS U, hUBCS f CUbInt mCOtB and other g32.
nnJZ!?Ih0 mcn told tho """rotary that the
served with samples NaUnnl PrS8 C,Ub Lad not bccD
nhnnTS Sni1,0 80m;" fald th sccrotary as ho reached for his tote
phono and called tho commissioner of fisheries.
..u "Ther aJ 8Cvcrnl hngry gentlemen In my office," said tho occrotarv
"They haven't had any breakfast, and they aro fierce enough to start toubTc
lu. : 0' J"0.0" y ? .can 8avo W" during tho next week is to aSy
Costumes for Skating Season
Skating, liko all
sports, happily finds
other outdoor
Its number of
them some of tho tlloflsh which thoy aro helping us to advertise
havo been ontiroly overlooked In tho distribution."
incn there was oomn pnnvorontinn ai.oni .1 j ... I j .
.,, , . 7. " """u- i"o ucmnnu now Doing targci uuvotoes increasing from vear to vnnr
than thoflupply, and tho secretary said tlm now.- t.... . . . year 10 car
nf thn flnii Thn. fioi,,i r . u.uOI, uiu u mum io interest in mo past me for those
nL ? 'hJ. discovered that who skato and to those who ZoZ
to tho Press club. ' ' wur orucTca ont Vly onlookers increases in proportion
to the variety and fitness which is evi-
D4 O , tl it n ..... uuncuu jn sKaung costumes. Tho skat-
nea men breet I heir Heap Great White Father" ,ng flc,,1'aKos a background for color
wiviuiuij iiuvo not ianeu
iu appreciate, and tho adoption of
beautiful colors for skating clothes
will mako it as fascinating as tho
dancing floor.
With theso things in mind costum
ers present a number of sport-coats,
sweaters, skating costumes, caps, muf
llors, and "headwraps" to meet tho re
quirements of those fortunate women
who tako to the ice. Opportunity to
look her prettlcBt knocks at tho door
of every 0110 of them.
UEAP GREAT WHITS FATHER." WILSON shook hands at the White
Jta.? t ?,thCr d?y ,W,th flV0 r th0 most bed Cheyenne
In,aB wh0 havo been hi theso parta for years. Accompanied
by their interpreter, they first visited
xituo Whito Father" Tumulty and
oxprcssod their yearnings to receive
a touch of tho hand of the groat white
Mr. Wilson loft his.exocutlvo du
ties in tho main Whlto Houso and
wont to tho oxocutivo offices, whoro
ho solemnly shook hands with Little
Man, sixty-nine yearB old, gray,
weazoned and warty; Goat Chief,
whoso parents, judging from his own
whlskors, mado no mistake in nnmlns-
Sjnim0n' Tn080, ,ambl,ko aPPcaranco did not bespeak a proper name; Rah
clothes Q BraP"Uy.Good; likewise tho interpreter, who wore modern
Ail tho great white fathor entered his offlcos tho red men placed their
Sitt&ET umt thoy had "B00d fcollnB8" t0
long pendant earrings, high headpieces mado of Travlv cnlnrTLZl C?'i'! ,
ers, ueau rul shawls which they Had great dimculty in keeping ; in place vari.
colored ribbons attached to all pieces of clothing, bright red tins that'fltfS
closely around their necks, storo-bought shirts, and, In addlt fon to " all this
SiKJJ! th0y P'P- ot Peace ana iiomemado
hsldA Zlil0t":i "CCU .omc? h everpresent photographer
orders --yu wuho no aniueu slides and gave Imperious
I1. th'.B waB. a.H ovor th0 r0(l "en took off their feathered head.
TZlZ1:1 ,n a ,nrB BU,tca8 and put on
baZimK l" 8trC0tS C th0 t0 h
Hydrographic Office Will Fight Fogs With Oil
T TEAI1 tho shroud of doath from tho Rpn-i . .
k miu uojmrwncni Hopes to UO With BUch n Fnmmnnnl.
wivuuuu ,iB a ionic or oil. It Is the
bollof now of tho exports of tho hy
drographic ofllco tho groat govern
ment buroau whoso duty it is to safe
guard ocoan travel that thoy can
savo tho appalling numbor of llvos
lost In accidonts at sea caused by fog
by literally "pouring oil on tho trou
bled waters."
Tho oil nB It sproads ovor the
surfaco of tho sea causes tho fog tc
cloar nway and prevents thn dnoin.
nira of oil keeps tho cold air from comlnln VM? f s banks' Tho t,,,n
water nnd thus hi;,rD .fcr;?.c dlrcct cotact with tho warraoi
"--.Hviau VUIIIIIUI Mil T 1 fl f 1 nr 1trnftH 1 I . 1. . . . .
So Important is this dlscoverv 7i7n '"rino 5auao 01 fB 1,10 got near. Anything that
of tho great liners that travel from Now York an i 27 ,mt th0 ,ano3 pm,,80B ,n cnflll' ado and pretty
protected from foe bv ihi- nd othor ADlorican ports be Gift Ib wolcomo.
-..u uiuuiuudi, ur uuuuoir cap, miB
ueaa wraps, with muff to match,
mane or velvet and trimmed with fur,
nro among tho most fotchinc of novel
tics. They nro soft turbans, with their
velvet arapery oxtended into a scarf
or mufllcr. The scarf portion is lined
with silk and usually tapers to a point
wiucu terminates In a tassel or a ball
of fur or some other ornament that
will serve to weight it a little. Tho
muff to match is Bmall and usually
Darrei Buaped.
Resides those of brilliant colors, all
white caps and mufflers and magpie
sets, Uko thoso shown above, look well
on the Ice. Thoy aro good examples
of current styles, and their usefulness
does not begin and end with tho skat
ing field. It covers all tho outdoor
recreations of the wintertime. Thoy
aro of knitted yarns, and similar oneB
aro mado In an endless variety of color
and color combinations.
Pretty Luxuries of Dress for Gifts
- - 1 i. . 1 , , j
Kay, how do you hoe your row, younc
Say, how do you boo your rowr
Do you hoo It fair,
Do you hoe It oquaro,
Do you lioe It the best you know?
Do you cut tho weeds ns you ought
to do,
And leave what's worth while thcro?
Tho harvest you'll Earner depends on
Aro you working on tho square?
This homely dish will anneal to tlm
tasto of thoso who liko tho old New
England dishes.
Fish Hash With Ba
con. Take ono-half pint
of raw salt flsh, Ave
mcuium-slzed potatoes
one-quarter of a pound
of bacon nnd a quarter
of a teaspoonful of pep
per. Shred the flsh nnd
pack solidly In a cup
Put tho peeled pota
toes into a saucepan, cover with
tho flsh and then add boiling water
t-ook until tender. Fry the bacon in
a pan until crisp and brown; mash
tho potatoes and flsh after draining
Now put the hash into the pan with
half of tho bncon fat, cook slowly un
til brown, then turn out on a platter
and garnish with tho fried bacon.
Mock Venison. Lay a saddle of
mutton, well trimmed of tho fat, In
a dish with two sliced onions, pepper,
salt, bay loaf, allspice, cloves and
tew crushed Juniper harries. These
last are tho flavor that gives tho meat
a gamy taste. Cover with diluted
cider vinegar and let stand In a cov
ered dish for four days. Then lard
and roast slowly with a little water in
tho pan.
Danish Stuffing for Turkey. Soak a
dozen and a half prunes over night
and boll them twenty minutes. Drain
from' their juice and stuff tho breatit
of the turkey with the prunes and
three or four apples pared and quar
tered. Stuff the rest of tho turkey
with bread crumbs, carefully sea
soned with salt, sweet marjoram, pep
per and finely chopped onion, moist
ened with molted butter and some
thick cream. Put the turkey into a
moderate oven early and baste often.
Mako a gravy with the giblets chopped
after cooking.
Orange Marmalade Icing. Take a
cupful of sugar and a quarter of a cup
ful of orango marmalade, moisten
with bollingi water until It is like a
thin paste. Boil until It makes a soft
ball when dropped in cold water. Beat
until creamy, then spread on the cake.
There aro so many Inquiries as to
amountB of food needed to serve a
numbor that tho follow
ing table will J10 a help
ful ono to pasto in your
cook book:
The naturo of tho en
tertainment nnd tlmo
for serving will greatly
modify tho amounts to
,rna, 1 " sorveu. Tiicso sug
gested aro tho maximum quantity and
may bo cut down to suit the various
Ton quarts of bouillon is ample to
servo fifty a generous amount, if
served in cups.
For Creamed Chicken. Six four
pound chickens or threo chickens and
the same amount of veal. For tho
cream sauce, three pints each of
cream nnd milk.
Chicken Croquettes. Five four
pound chickens, two quarts of milk,
six eggs, and six cans of peas to servo
with them.
Ham or Tongue to Serve Cold.
Eight pounds.
Ice Cream Two gallons, cakes,
four, or six dozen individual ones. If
strawberries aro to be served with tho
Ico cream, provldo soven quarts.
Sandwiches. An ordinary loaf
makes 20 largo sandwiches; these
may bo cut again making 40.
BlSCUlt Or R0II8 A lllimlrn.l .,,!
Butter for Sandwiches, White Sauce.
Etc. Five pounds.
Fish Tlmbales. Six nonnrla nt
ed fish.
serving this
It Is tho prlvllogo of women to wear
an sorts of pretty accessories of dress,
and thcro aro all sorts of airy and a!
I . . 1 .... .
wring innnca tnnt Insplro them to
maito thoso luxuries of apparel. Laces
and ribbons, nets nnd motallic gauzes
unu otnor transparent materials
aro translated into neckwear, head
woar, and othor finery that bespeaks
tho dainty woman. Interest In theso
things Is raoro keen than ovor when
of thAo So0 SiJXiT'- "J on to the surface
most dangerous shin tlVZ.u" u,a ,naK0' . sieved,
iu ,K
seas comparatively safe.
ono of tho
Severe Penalties for Violations of Food Law
FTnL? -I,, face heavier penalties
or both, if they persist along certain nn nf ? 'nB nn9 or nPronmcnt(
Ins conspiracy can bo shown X?" "n8 f vlo,atlo of tl10 and provid-
two or moro porsons in tho violation.
u Bemonces nnd honvy fines aro
iBomothlng which violators of pure
food nnd drugs law lmvo llttlo feared
up to tho presont tlmo.
In tho pnst, oven tho most seri
ous violations of tho law havo re
sulted In flncB of from $10 to $100.
tho lav settling tho maximum at $200
in tho states and $300 in tho District
of Columbia. A number of nianu
facturors of mlsbrandod nilfl fiflllltnrnt.
ed products havo continued In unlawful buBlnc
WOO FlflE aho
moro than prcttlnoss to rccommontl it
It Is a cheerful nnd most becoming bit
of finery that nny womnn may own,
unu is niways an acceptable gift, like
a protty pair of slh.nerB. Bosid
boudoir cap thorc aro thoso for trnv-
oung and thoso that nro worn at
night, nnd the most ossontlnl cap of
uh mo uustmg cap. This Inst ono
is mnuo of wnshablo cotton finished
with a rulllo of tho material. Travel
ing cnpB aro mado of wuahnblo silk
or of dark colors not easily soiled.
Thoy nro usunlly gathered ovor elas
tic cord or fulled on a ribbon run
through a casing about tho odgo of tho
crown. Tho ends nro drawn through
n slash In tho casing and tied in
a bow. This allows tho cap to bo
flattened out when It is pressed.
Tho picturo shows a group of thrco
breakfast or boudoir caps. Two of
mum mo 01 inco ami ono of not nnd
when largo profit w 1 .'T " 10B8' nd I' "taken a flyer" I cmb c A wo not top lace
caught by tho Kovernmn iwnliZ IViu. . 2 knowledge that If """" ",0 u' . 01 " Arst cap. . Tho
latry a small line would bo of chem- ' CI,E.
court. " " went against thorn In
Ther; is on mo m ", Promiod'
any person to consnlro with M7h 7m. "LU mni an ottaasu for
United States. This statute Tho . boon broug, 7 in TnS laW8 f th
have conspired to vlolato tho nuro-rZi i,., , a.pply t0 nor808 who
fines of 13,000 each o two viola ors of tlm T1 fa,rfdy,U ha8 ca
,d a flno of 5.000 on anofhor. th PUr-f00d aud druB a of 190C
IB tUrilOll innr
nbout tho faco nnd tho straight edgo
Is gathered Into a narrow lnco innnr.
tlon. This Insertion bordors a clrcu
Inr plcco at tho back, forming tho
crown, Tho lnco Is oxtondod Into a
tab, which hangs under a bow of soft
Batin ribbon, at tho back.
Tho second cap Is very simply con
etructed of a band of shadow laco
edged with val, and a puffed crown of
not with n frill of not across tho back
ol tho nock. Tho lnco band Is extend-
u into tans and tho net crown is
plaited about tho edgo and sowed into
tho band. It is trimmed with llttlo
nows and flowers of narrow satin rib-
Tho third cap is of laco scalloned
on both edges, such ns is mado for
corset covers. Tho scalloped "edge
about tho faco is turned back, and
satin, ribbon is threaded through the
sinsncs woven In tho laco. Tho full
ness at tho back Is gathered over an
elastic cord.
A Bit of Red.
u peops out or tho pockets of a
Scotch plaid frock and linos tho cuffs
and collar as woll. It omphaslzos In
braid tho very military closing of a
1)1 uo sorgo frock and matches tho
shiny belt of rod leathor and tho wrlBt
BtrapB of tho samo. A red flannel
vost and much-wrinkled collar aro to
bo seel) in a very stunning bluo caber-
Ulno suit. A turban of shirred rod vel
vet ngnts up an otherwise somber
costuino. Altogether, for tho woman
who can stand It, tho bit of red is in-
tnspoiiBaDio for tho dull colorings
which fashion Is forcing upon woman-
kind this season.
Freshening Ribbons.
Ribbons and silks can usually bo
mado to look fresher If thoy aro
washed In sonpy water, drlod and
Ironod. If thoy aro desired stiff thoy
should bo Ironed whllo wet. If thoy
aro to bo soft thoy must Ilrst bo dried,
nnd nny wrinkles which rcfuso to Iron
out without water can bo moistened
with n spongo wrung dry.
or fear there may bo yet a few
who do not know this delightfully flav
ored flsh which conu! to
us from tho Pacific, wo
will repeat. It is a white
flsh, not too rich, but
with a flavor much liko
turkey and has been
called tho turkey of tho
A few now ways ot
flsh may bo accentahle
Combined with cooked rlco, well sea
soned, and mado into flat cakej. then
browned in fat it is a most dainty dish
to servo at any meal.
A small portion of the flsh loft from
a proyiouB meal may bo combined
with chopped cabbage, a little green
popper and a mayonnaise dressing for
a salad
Served right from tho can, hot or
cold, with lemon quarters as a garnish
ami zest, the flsh Is simply served
and liked by every flsh lover.
Fish Omelet Beat four eggs until
light, separating tho whites and yolks:
add four tablespoonfuls of cold water
and a cupful of flsh, flaked, until light,
witn a fork. Turn into a hot omelet
pan which has been buttered with a
tablcspoonful of butter, and lift tho
edges whllo cooking, so that tho con
tor will bo well cooked. Season with
salt and pepper nnd roll out tho omelet
on to a hot plnttcr. Servo at once.
Tunny on Toast. Tako a rich cre-.m
sauce, using two tablespoonfuls each
of butter and flour and when well
mixed add a pint of rich milk; cook
until smooth, then add n can of tho
flaked flsh, stir and cook until hot.
then pour on slices of nicely browned
toast which havo been softened In hot
Tunny may bo served In n Btcnmed
loaf as ono doos salmon, combined
with mashed potatoes, baked or fried;
mado Into soup, chowder, salad, frit
ters, cutlets, In fact, any numbor of
dlshos which will occur to tho cook.
Lemon Sauce. Into a doublo boiler
strnin the Julco of n lomon, then add
four tablespoonfuls of butter, a dash
of salt and a dash of popper. When
tho butter and lemon Julco are hot add
tho beaten yolks of two eggs; mix
well aud servo at once.
Timbale Cases. SIxtv.
breakage. -
Fruit Salad Six nunptn f t.u
six cups of mayonnaise and ono pint
of whipping cream.
Sweetbread Salad. Five nnnui. t
sweetbreads, threo cans of peas or
four cucumbers. Six quarts will bo
Jelly. Four glasses. "
Candy. Two pounds. y J
Salted Nuts. Threo pounds. i"
Olives. Two quarts.
Punch. Two gallons, four in
carbonated water and two largo pieces
of Ice.
For Seasoning and Garnlshirmc
Two bunches of parsley, six lemons,
salt, pepper, paprika.
This is tho chestnut
there are manv tronri i.
maue with chestnuts.
Chestnut Stuffing
Blanch a pound of chest
nuts and boll until ten
dor, then put through a
meat chopper, then a
ricer or if soft, a ricer
will bo sufficient. Add a
cupful of bread crumbs,
one-half cupful of short
ening, ono nnd
tablespoonfuls of poultry dressing,
one-half cupful of seeded raisins with
salt, pepper, celery salt, sugar and
cayenno to tasto. Mix well and stuff
poultry or game.
Southern Apple Pone. Pare and coro
a dozen tart apples and place in a
pudding dish. Scald four cupfuls of
milk, add a quart of Indian meal, mix
ing and cooking for soveral mlnutea.
Add ono teaspoonful of salt, ono cup
ful each of molasses and suet, finely
chopped; bako slowly two hours.
Soft Molasses Cookies. Takn w
cupfuls of molnsses, ono cupful of
sour milk, one-half cupful of butter,
four and a half cupfuls of flour, ono
egg, ono tablespoonful of ginger, two
teaspoonfuls of soda. Put tho molas.
ses and butter Intn n ,ionr
w feiau-
ite saucepan and nut on thn n
to boll. Beat tho egg and when tho
molasses has boiled two minutes add
the ginger and soda and tako from tho
ro. Stir in tho sour milk nnd tho
beaten egg, then tho sifted flour. nnt
woll. Butter tin sheets or large pans
and drop tho batter on them In tea
spoonfuls, leaving space for tho cook
ies to spread. Uako In a oulok ovor,
Lard or roast drippings tako tho"
place of butter.
Apple Sandwich. Mix ono-hnlf run.
ful of sugar and tho crated rin.i r
half a lemon. Put a layer of cold
boiled rlco or bread crumbs in tho
bottom of a buttorod dish, then a inv.
er of chopped apple, a thin Invnr nr
currant Jelly and a sprinkling of the
lomon rind and sugar, Ropeat until
tho dish Is full. Pour ovor a half cup
ful of fruit Julco or cold water. Cover
and bake an hour In a modernto oven
jubi uuioro tailing from tho
spread with a mcrlnuuo.
Pockets Are Large.
The crnzo for pockets does not Boom
llkoly to dlo out. In fact, tho newest
niodols created by famoUB Paris dress
makers oxplolt pockets which are
largo, unexpected, and numerous.
With tho Idea of Improving a phono
graph's tono two Inventors havo pat
ented n horn composed of a metal
gloho terminating In a rectangular
wooden boll with slots cut In Its
A now power trnctor for farms is
provldod with transmission mecha
nism by which tho driving wheels can
bo driven In opposite directions, per
mitting It to bo turned In verv nlrmn
j quarters. '
vermiform nnnomliv nt nmn
slaughtered in tho municipal abbatolr
at Prague aro manufactured Into gold
beaters' skin, which is entenslvoiy em
Ployed In aoroplano manufacture.
Number of Continents.
Sorao of tho oldor atlases and ge
ographies count North and South
America as two continents. Most of
thd modern ones givo thorn as ono
contlnont. Australasia Is generally
given as tho fifth continent, to a
elude tho many Islands.