The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 07, 1915, Image 10

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    Christmas Presents in
Wonderful Variety.
Rincker Book & Drug Co.
Presents to the Christmas shopper a wonderful variety of
articles especially adapted for gifts for men, women and chil
dren. These gifts range from a $250 Victrola down to the
cheapest toy. We have gifts to suit the pocketbook of each
purchaser. Here is found: ,
VicLrola and Eclison Diamond Pointed Phonographs and
Kodaks in all sizes and at a variety of prices.
All the latest Novels and Gift hooks for adults and children.
Complete line of Toilet Articles and Ivory Toilet Sets.
Perfumes in hoLLles especially for Gifts.
Games for Children and Dolls in Endless Variety.
Toys in all Shapes and Designs.
v Confections in Christmas boxes.
A Big Line of Pipes for Men.
We cannot enumerate all wtf have suitable for gifts we can
only ask you to call and inspect our stock.
Rincker Book & Drug Co. ,f
Semi-Weeklv Tribune
IltA L. HAKE, Editor nnd Publisher.
Ono Ycur by Mull hi Ailvnnco. . . .$1.25
One Ycur by Carrier lu Advance. .$1.50
Entered at North Platto, Nebraska,
Postolllce as Second Claas Matter.
TUESDAY, JIEL'KMlttilt 7, 1015.
Mrs. Orra Sullor entered the City
Hospital Sunday for treatments.
Tho Master degree will bo conferred
In Plntto Valley lodgo this evening.
Sojourning Masons' aro cordially In
vited. C. M. Trottor camo up from Urady
yostorday nnd left last night for Om
aha to arrange for another shipment
of Maxwell cars, having sold all ho
had In stock.
Sterling sllvor wara'that can bo used
In tho family ovory day, and some tlino
In tho futuro becomo a treasured heir
loom Is ono of tho vory finest gifts for
;tho wlfo and family. Our now pat
terns, "Tho Orleans," "Nolllo Custls,"
DIXON. Tho Jowolor.
Miss Lacy Lott who has been In
charge of tho Hub Mllllnory left yes
terday morning far her homo In
Mr. and Mrs. Al Tift and daughtor
camo Sunday ovonlng from Minnesota
whoro thoy liave mndo their homo for
a couple of years.
A son of Jolin Fowler, at tho experi
mental Btatlon, received a badly
sprain d anlclo. Saturday byjiavlng u
horse fall on hlm , r '
V. J. Landgraf, I J. Doran, Edward
Elliott, and Jack Carroll were among
thoso who attended tho Knights of
Columbus mooting at Kearney Sunday.
Ajnlol 'ljraub, 0f 118 cast Tenth
Btrcct, rocolved a fractured sliouldor
Saturday ovcnlng when an nutomoblle
struck tho rear of his wagon and
throw him upon tho railroad tracks.
Will McKcown and Fred Letts, of
Donvor, two veteran railroad men and
former Union Pacific officials, spent
yesterday In town. Both havo retired
from rallroud sorvlco and aro dovotlng
their time to tho enjoyment or life.
Thoy were accorded a hearty welcome
from tholr old North Platte frlonda.
For Kent.
4 room Iioubo 210 cast B strcot. 7
room Iioubo 203 south Locust stroot.
modorn oxcept heat
84tf J. C. HOLLMAN.
5 Dodge Brothers Tour
ing Cars Received to-day
Equipped with Stewart
Vacuum System.
Call anl See Them
Hendy-Ogier Auto Co.
There was a largo attendance at tho
Elks' memorial service Sunday after
noon and tho program rondered was
splendid, In fact Is was generally pro
nounced to havo been tho best of re
cent years. Denn Bowker deliver a
moht earnest address on "Immortal
ity;" an nppeal for a noble, Godly
life, so that death might bo considered
but an Incident and without fear the
gatoway to tho life otornal.
Tho music was a featuro of tho
meeting, Including threo selectonB by
tho Stamp orchestra, threo selections
by tho Elks' quartette, an exception
ally woll rendored solo by Miss Tro
vlllo and a solo by-E. II. Kendall. Miss
O'Haro was accompanist for Miss Tro
vlllo and Miss McKay for Mr. Kondall.
Many of tho Elks attending were
accompanied by tholr ladles.
Diamonds worth many thousands of
dollars wero on display In a window
of tho Dixon storo Saturday and at
tracted tho attention of all passera-by.
Bracolets, neck pieces and pins worth
up to $1500 each wero prominent,
there wero rings valued at from $300
to $1,000, and unmounted stones Hint
woro worth a wagon load of one dollar
bills. It was certainly a handsome
display of pieclous Btones. Mr. Dixon
roports tho sales for tho day very
largo. Tho stock was oxhlblted and
offored for sale through tho courtesy
of a Now York firm.
Tho Sonlor class hold a pre-nunUal
miscellaneous shower at tho homo of
Harold Burko Saturday ovonlng. Tho
guest of honor was Miss Ilulda Wol
born who will bo married after grad
uation to a ranchman of Durango,
Colo. Tho ovonlng was pleasantly
spont In playing gnmos. A nicely pro
pared lunch was sorved.
Eyes mako or mar a faco; tho other
foaturcs may bo ovor so comely, yet
a pair of weak, red Inflamed or twitch
ing oyes will spoil Its beauty. Properly
adjusted glasses -will rollovo most of
theso tioublos by removing tho cause.
HARRY DIXON, Jowolcr nnd Optome
trist, west sldo of Dewey street, North
Platto, Nob.
Miss Ruth Loan entertained tho
mombors of hor Sunday school class
at a Juvonllo party last ovonlng. A
numbor of contests and gnmes inado
up a pleasant ovonlng. Nicely pre
pared rofreshuibnta woro sorved. ,
Miss Gortrudo Hurd, who. has been
In chargo of tho MoVIcker mllllnory,
will leavo this week for Kansas City.
North Platte had another dlsas
trouIre tho third within threo weeks
Sunday night when tho brick barn
on east Front street was practically
destroyed. Thirteen horses perished,
and harness, hay grain and other!
equipment were consumed. Tho build
ing was owned by Mrs. John Bratt and
tho business was conducted by Noble
& Pyzer.
Twelve of the thirteen horses
burned were tho property of the firm,
tho other belonged to Martin Magnu-
son, who lives south of tho river. Tho
building was valued at $4,000 on which
there wns an Insurance of $2,500. Tho
Noblo & Pyzer loss will bo not loss
than $2,000, partly covered by Insur
Tho flro originated in tho hay loft
about 11:15,. and three men connected
with tho barn had closed tho door3,
had gone to bed and wero asleep. A
traveling man who had come In on a
night train and was going to the Tim
merman hotol wns tho first to ob
servo smoko Issuing from tho win
dows. Ho gave tho alarm, which at
tracted others and tho sleeping men
wore awakoncd. An attempt was made
to get out tho horses, but tho flames
had gained such headway that this
was Impossible. When the firemen ar
rived the upper portion of tho build
Ing was a mass of fire, and their ef
forts wero confined largely to saving a
rear building covered with corrugated
Iron nnd tho buildings adjacent. Only
tho brick walls of the main building
remain standng.
This is tho second time a livery
barn on this slto has been destroyed,
a frame building having burned In
1S80. At one time the leading hotel
In the city tho Cedar house occupied
tho site. Tho property was deeded to
Mrs. Bratt by her father when she was
but a child, and sho had continued
In possession all theso years.
Edward Cokor of Sutherland, spent
yostorday here while enrouto to Om
aha on business.
Miss Mary Kelllher, of Brady, camo
up Friday to visit at tho Fromont
Watts homo west of town;,
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Boardman, of
Glen Rose, are spending a week with
local friends.
Hugh Brogan, of Paxton, was tho
guest of local friends lust week and
left Saturday.
IVhnt Ih Life Insurance? It Is your
estate. Have you provided yours, t If
not, buy a policy In the Fidelity Life,
which win not only assure you an
estate, but will ulso protect your time
from sickness nnd nccldent. Make mi
appointment with one of our agents.
Bond Election Today.
North Platto Is having a school bond
electon today, tho proposition being
to Issue fifty thousand for a junior
high school. No campaign for the
bonds has been made, and up to eleven
o'clock tho vote cast was very light.
It Is expected that quite a numbe. of
women will cost their ballots this af
ternoon, Uiis being an election, at
which women who have children of
school ago or who have property as
sessed In their own name can
It is anticipated that tho vote cast;
will bo light compared with tho total
voting strongth, but that the bonds
will carry by a good majority. It is
tho duty, however, of all interested
in tho welfare of tho schools to go to
the polls and vote for tho bonds.
A Correction.
In Friday's Issue It was stated thot
tho second floor of the new Mnrsoh
butloing on Locust tireot haa been
leased by the Ciy HcEp'tal. It should
havo read the North I'latte General
Hospital at present located In tho
Fourth ward. The efheors of tab In
stitution illgnod a three-year lease
baturday evening, and will take pos
session ns soon ns the building is com
The Indian Card Club will bo enter
tained tomorrow afternon by Mrs. J. F.
Notlco Is heroby given by tho Mayor
nnd City Council that bids will bo re
ceived at tho office of C. F. Tempt?,
City Clork of tho City of North Platto,
Nebraska, on tho 28th dny of Decem
ber, 1915, for the purcliaso of Twelve
Thousand Dollars ($12,000.00) City of
North Platto Park Bonds, said bonds
boing numboreel from ono to six in
clusive nnd of the denomination of
Two Thousand Dollars ($2000.00) oacli
and bearing interest at tho rate) oCfivo
por cent per annum payablo annually
as evidenced by coupons thereto at
tached. All of said bonds aro of tho dato of
Octobor 1st, 1915, and bear Interest
nt tho rnto of fivo por cent por annum
from said date. Said bonds and said in
terest coupons aro to bo paid at tho
office of the State Treasurer of Ne
braska, nt Lincoln, Nobraska.
Bond number ono becomes duo and
payablo on tho 1st day of October,
1920, bond number two becomes duo
nnd pnynblo on tho 1st day of Octobor,
1921, bond numbor three becomes duo
and payatyg on tho 1st day of Octobor
1922, bond numbor four becomes duo
and pnyablo on tho 1st day of Octobor
1923, bond numbor flvo becomes duo
nnd payable on tho first day of Octo
ber, 1924, and bond number six be
comes duo nnd payablo on tho 1st day
Of iQotpbor 1925.
Tha Mayor and City Council resorvo
tho right to reject any and all bids.
C. F. TEMPLE, City Clerk.
The Irresistible
a Hartley manners
Unquestionably the Most
Successful Comedy in the World
Same Massive Production and Perfect Cast with Kitty O'Con
nor as Peg. Seat sale Saturday 10 a. m. Prices Orches
tra 81.00, $1.50; Balcony 50c, 75c and $1.00.
We are in a position to furnish competent nurses for physicians, on
short notice.
Call Phone 82 and state whether you want graduate or domestic nurse
and we will complete all the arrangements for you without charge.
Sanitary Newly Furnished Fireproof
This institution is now open for the Reception and Treatment of Surg
ical, Medical and Obstetrical cases.
A Strictly modern Hospital for the convenience of the physicians of
North Platte and country tributary thereto.
TKe''Wcmeler Car
Quiet Clutch Rons in Oil
The clutch of the new Maxwell operates in a
bath of oil. This makes it remarkably smooth
and velvety in engagement, and eliminates 80
per cent, of noise when the gears are shifted.
Designers of the highest-priced cars agree
that the clutch should run in oil.
The Maxwell clutch and transmission mech
enism is fully enclosed.
We are waiting to take you for a
test ride in the car that has broken
all low "First-Cost" records, and is
breaking all low "After-Cost" records.
"OneMan'MohairEp dh
Demountable Elms P
tytinMsion Windshield
9T mm mm
m mm ki a
magneto Ignition
ljjj 0ETR,O,T Ijlpj
C. M. TROTTER, Agent. North Platte.