The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 07, 1915, Image 1

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    He 1 o rth
)lattc ani-Wtecltlu (Tribune.
No. 92
Prices Smashed to Smithereens! The Greatest
SALE Ever Attempted at this time of the Sea
son, original price completely forgotten at
p 1
nr weat iear mo ueanng oaie
Read just a few of the numberless bargains offeredjat this Sale, and don't forget, 'If it is ours it is genuine
Whatever Suits we have left they all go
? $5.00 $9.75
Dresses in Serge, Wool and Silk Pop
lin, Silk Crepe, in all the wanted
shades at wonderful low prices
$4.48 to $14.98
50 cent Aprons now
G5 cent aprons now
Lot 1 worth up to $9.50 QQ
Sale Price MrtiJU
Lot 2, Latest Fall Style Coats worth up
to $17.50, on QQ
Sale Price MUiJU
Lot 3, Plush, Ural and Baby Lamb
Coats worth up to $20, M 1 QQ
Sale Price ) I liUU
. .In separate Muffs or sets; Pillow or
Melon shape Muffs, reduced from one
fifth to one-third off regular price.
Flannelette Kimomas, worth up QQn
to $1.50, now UUb
Lot 1, worth up 'to $3.50, M QQ
Sale Price P liJU
Lot 2, All Wool Serge Skirts, worth up
to $4.50. CO IP
Sale Price $ili4Q
Lot 3, Poplin and Chudda cloth Skirts,
worth up to $G.50, jQ QQ
Sale Price ij0iJ0
Lot 1, Odds and Ends, values up OE
to $1.50, Clean-Up Price ub
Lot 2, new Fall Waists, worth Q0
up to $1.00, now fub
Lot 3, All -Silk Crepe waists in all
shades, Worth up to $3.50 M QQ
Sale Price J liJO
Every Item as advertis
ed. Your money back
if not entirely satisfied.
Ladies" Outfitting Store
Mail Orders filled same
day order is received.
All parcels sent any
where prepaid.
. Sylvester Houaer began work a few
days ago in tho ton cent store.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Murray are spend
ing this week In town with friends.
Arthur and Charles Nolan of Wood
Hlvor, nro expected here shortly to
visit the homo folks.
Mrs. Harry Bonnor, of Kansas City,
who has boon visiting tho Bonnor
and Yost fnnilllcs for a eouplo of
weoks, will leave it ho lator part of this
l'otor Spies, of Gllmor City, I1J., who
was tho guest of his brother Joseph
Splos, loft last evonlng to visit for a
fow days In Lexington while onrouto
On account of several of tho local
aid societies holding bazaars noxt
wcok, tho Kplscopat guild will hold
a social and fancy work salo in tho
church basement Thursday.
J. S. Davis loft Sunday ovojilng for
Omaha to spend a week on business.
Mrs. M. C. Rodgera, who was ser
iously 111 is reported to bo greatly
Tho case of tho stato against Whool
ock, which had been sot for last Sat
urday, was continued. It is charged
that Wheolock, while driving an oil
wagon over tho South Ulver brldgo, at
tempted Ho forco off tho brldgo tho car
drlvon by Dr. Geo. 13. Dent.
Dr. J. S. Slnima was called to May
flower this morning on professional
Tho B. P. O. Elks will hold ono of
tholr bi-monthly dances at their hall
Thursday ovcnlng.
W. A. Krausa formerly associated
with tho Maxwolt garage, catuo from
Hastings last evening to spend a few
days on business.
S. M. Thompson and Fred Carman,
of Paxton, aro spending a fow days
horo on business. Tho former was ono
of tho first to discover tho recent brick
burn llro and succeeded in removing
an nutomobtlo nn ono horso boforo
tho flames gained headway.
Tho Western Union Co. Is Install
ing now dynamo batteries to feed tho
telegraph lines. Tho chango Is neces
sary on account of tho Increasing work
and to dlspenso with tho oxtra tlmo re
quired by tho formor method. Tho
battorlcs will bo placod in what ha3
formorly been used ns tho roadiuas
tor's offlco and Mr. Sousor will uso
tho formor battery room.
Ono nice collage, modern except
heat, nt No. .120 west Third street.
A nice homo on west ith Btrcet. Oth
er houses and nice unfurnished rooms
closo In.
Storage room and safo deposit boxes.
11 This is a
North Platte has received additional
advertising through tho energy and
enterprlso of one of its citizens. Leo
Simon, of (this city, breeder of pet
stock and poultry, entered a number
of pens at the National Poultry ehow
held in San Francisco, and from re
ports received It is quite evident that
Mr. Simon's stock was among tho best
exhibited. He was awarded four first
prizes, Itwo special prizes, a silver cup,
one second prize and ono third prize.
This, too, at a show whero if the ex
hibitors pens were set end to end they
would reach a distanco of fivo miles.
This prize winning stock of Mr.
Simon will bo exhibited nt the Lincoln
county poultry show to be held next
Physical Examination for Pupils
Dr. J. B. Bedfleld was called to
Ilershey on professional business
Gus. Bullous was taken to tho Nortn
Platto General hospital for treatments
Mrs. Dan Roberts and baby went to
Omaha at noon yesterday to spend a
week with friends.
Mrs. J. B. Hayes, who was a patient
a!t tho City Hospital, returned homo
Saturday evening.
Guy Drake left last evening for
Grand Island' to visit friends for a few
For Sale Gas range, dresser, wash
stand, cement tools, surveying instru
ments. Phono Blacl? G97.
Tho Christian Endeavor will hold
a general meeting at tho homo of Mrs.
Roy Kelly Thursday evening.
Brakcman Tom Kerwood resumed
work Sunday after being off duty for
a week on account of illness.
Mrs. Bud Spies and baby, of Lexing
ton, who wern irucsts of Mr. and Mrs.
W. J. TIley left today for Burmood j h SplcSi returned homo last oven
to organize a Yeomen lodge. He will ,
The Royal Neighbors will hold their
regular meeting tomorrow afternoon
at 3 o'clock. All mdmbers aro urged
to bo present as an olectlon of officers
will bo held.
remain there for several days.
Let me have your Christmas maga
zine orders as soon as possible. Mrs.
M. V. Mitchell. Phono Red 104. ' .
Mrs. James Hart was called to Om
aha last evening by tho death of her visltors are weicomo in every de-
Supt. Tout, of the city schools, has ( hU8band.B fathei.( the lato Leo Hart,
sent to tho parents of each pupil In the
schools a circular letter advising them
to have their children of school age
taken to tho family physician for phy
sical examination. Tho findings of tho
physician will be placed on a blank
and forwarded to tho Superintendent.
If this advice is neglected, -tho chil
dren will bo examined by tho city phy
sician boforo they will bo allowed to
return to school. These reports from
tho examining physicians must bo sent
to Supt. Tout's office before December
Supt. Tout says that reports re
ceived from teachers of tho grndo
schools show that 127 pupils are af
flicted with oyo trouble, 122 whoso noso
or throat is affected, and almost as
many hnvo defective hearing. Tho
records of dther schools In Nebraska
and olsowhere show that tho condi
tions In tho North Platto scliools is not
unusual. Defects noted as abovo have
tho tendency to mako tho child nor
vous, inattentlvo and seemingly dull.
partmcnt of our new store.
DIXON, Tho Jowolor.
The case of Archie O'llill and Rob't
O'Hlll vs. Archie Jolllff occupied tho
attention of tho .county court for sev
eral days last week. Tho plaintiffs
sued tho defendant for ?197 for tho
rent of land and threshing grain. Jol
llff confessed Judgment for $75 and tho
jury brought In a verdict of ?G0 at
three o'clock Saturday aftornoon.
Beginning December lGth a number
of tho local business houses will bo
open until nino thirty in tho evening
to accommodate tho Christmas shoppers.
Clark LoDloyt, who has been visit
ing relatives for a week resumed work
on tho branch run yesterday morn
ing. Tho three year-old daughter of Mr.
and Mra. John Shank who liad been
seriously 111 for some tlmo is im
W. II. McDonald and Henry Walte
math returned Friday evening from
Kearney and Hastings whero they in
vestigated paving.
Diamonds aro an Ideal gift. They
always remain tho same. No wear, no
detorlation in appearance. They aro
a safo Investment.
DIXON, Tho Jowolor.
J. G. Beolor and J. C. Wilson loft
last night for Bridgoport to attend tho
meeting of tho stato Irrigation asso
ciation. Mr. Beolor is on (the program
for an address. ,
Tho Fidelity Insuranco Company
has rented room six in tho RoynoldB
building for Its offlco and Messrs.
Hegarty and Baker will havo their
headquarters there.
Kurrod Weston, who had been an
Inmate of itho county hospital, died
thoro Sunday. Tho remains wero re
moved to tho Howo & Malonoy morguo
and date of Interment has not been
Frank Williams was arrested Sat
urday evening for causing a distur
bance while' Intoxicated. Ycstorday ho
was fined ono dollar and costs In
police court and ordered to leave
Word was received yesterday of tho
death of Leo Hart, Sr., at St. Cather
ine's hospital In Omaha. He leaves
four sons: Charles of Omaha, Luko of
Phoenix, Ariz., Leo. Jr., of Brady and
James of this city.
The case of the stato of Nebraska
vs. Ted Howard for practicing as a
veterinary surgepn without a lawful
certificate or llcenso will come up In
the district court today. Tho complain
ing witness Is Dr. Prltchnrd.
A dozen or more carpenters, lath
ers, olcetrlclans and plumbers aro at
work on tho Intorlor of tho Ilotol Me
Cabo building pushing tho work with
all possiblo haste. Tho holler for tho
heating plant will arrlvo this week
Tho piped for boating and plumbing
will bo tried out before they aro on
Tho .Merry Minstrel Maids will open cioge(i.
a two-night engagement nt tho Keith
this evening. Papers In tho west part
of tho state say tho maids put on a
vory good cntortainment.
Tho following were elected to of
flco at a meeting of tho Ladles auxll
lary of tho B. of- R. T. Saturday af
tornoon: President, Mrs. Art McMul-
Tho banquot to be given tho foot ball lon. vice-president, Mrs. W. S. Leon;
team by tho high school girls will bo sccrctary Mr3i Harry Guthorless;
hold Saturday evening in tho base-1 treasurer, Mrs. Carl RltonourJ chap-
mcnt of tho J'resnytermn cnurcn in-, 1It, Mr iPloV(1 Qvonnan: (warden.
Ileal Estate and Insurance
Come and see us for town lots In
different parts of the city. Good In
vestments on easy terms. Houses for
sale and rent. We have also good bar
gains in farms and ranches.
Cor. Front and Dewey Sts upstairs.
If seeking life insurance, tnko out n
policy In it solid company that 1ms
millions of reserve behind 11, like the
Mutunl Life of New York. This is not
nn experimental company. Tho dlvl
dcuds go n long ways towards paying
premiums and every death claim Is
paid. j BKATT & G00B3L1N,
District Agents.
stead of tho Rltnor Cafe as an
nounced before.
Friends In town havo received an
nouncements of tho birth of a nino
pound girl on November 2Gth to Mr.
and Mrs. David "Stewart, of Denver.
Mrs. Stowart was formerly Miss Lucilo
Tho Lutheran aid society and glrla'
club will hold a bazaar at tho parish
houso December 10th and 17th. RugH,
quilts, aprons and fancy work will bo
on sale. Luncheon will also bo
Should you Invest hyv diamond for
Chrlstmna and at somo future dato de
sire to exchango for a larger ono or
somo other goods, wo will allow you
tho full purchaso price to apply on
tho larger stone.
DIXON, Tho Jowolor.
Miss Ruth Slxcmoro cntortaincd
twenty-threo of her friends on her
oloventh birthday yesterday. A very
ntco tlmo was reported after which
a dainty two courso lunch was served
Tho table was beautifully decorated
In pink and whlto and many nlco
presents wore received.
For Salo Cheap
G40 acres good grazing and farm
land near town. Will sacrifice for
cash or will consider small property
In payment.
Jewelry Christmas
Dnmc Fashion hus decreed this
Christmas lo a "Jewelry Xmas."
For once, Fashion is practial,
hecatise for gift purposes nothing
is as logical as Jewelry. Sucli a
gift is personal, is permanent,
reflects the giver's' taste, and is
ever remindful of one's friend
ship. Jewelry is being displayed this
year in larger assortments, in
designs, and lor more uses than
ever before. Tho Jewelers of
North Platte are doubly awake
to these facts because of this
vicinity's prosperity.
WA Jewelry Christmas
Dixon, The Jeweler
Mrs. Roy Murdoch: conductress, Mrs.
C. E. Wlllorton; Inner guard, Mrs
RIgg; outer guard, Mrs. E. Spcckt;
dologato to annual convention In May
at Detroit, Mich., Mrs. Murdock.
Tho domestic sclonco department of
tho Twentieth Century club met at tho
homo of Mrs. Frank Buchanan yester
day. Mrs. J. S. Stuart was leader. Tho
topic of tho aftornoon was "Tho Staff
of Life." Sub-topics wero "In Grand
ma's Day," "Tho Miracle of Yeast,"
'Digestibility and Nutrl'tlvo Valuo of
Broad." Tho members spent somo
tlmo sowing on children's garments
which tho dopartmont will donnto to
thu Associated Charities. Delicious
refreshments were served by tho host-
Visit our Grnfanola music room;
DIXON, Tho Jowolor.
J. B. Tolllion, Dr. Wilkinson, A. E.
McConnoll, Earl Hamilton, Frank Zlm-
mer, joiin waiters ana xneouoro. uus-
klrk loft this morning for Bridgoport
to attond tho state irrigation associ
ation convention. They aro tho dele
gates appointed to represent tho Platto
Valley irrigation district. Tho ap
pointments consist of farmers living
along tho lino of tho ditch and aro
vitally interested In all mattcrB per
taining to Irrigation but had novor bo
foro attended a convention of tho stato
It is hard to b cat an Electric Curling Iron as a Christmas
Gift. After using one, no one ever goes back to the dirty,
inconvenient, old iron. Make her happy with an Electric Curling
North Platte Light & Power Co.