The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 03, 1915, Image 9

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National, Political, Personal and Other
Matters In Brief Form for All
Classes of Readers.
A Turkish transport, carrying 500
soldiers, lias boon sunk by a nilno In
tho Sea of Marmora, says a news dis
patch from Zurich. Nearly all on
bonrd were drowned.
Tho German cruiser Fraunelob was
sunk In tho Baltic when the Undlno
recently was sent to the bottom by a
British submarine, It was ofllclally
stated In Petrogrnd.
Japan is willing to send a strong
army to, Europo If tho need arises, tho
Toklo correspondent of tho Petit
l'arlslen Bays. A statement to this
effect is credited to Baron Ishll, Jap
anese foreign minister.
"No ,beer before dinner, no work
before dinner," is tho city of the Lon
don trade unionists, who are organ
izing to resist tho new regulations
shortening the hours during which
saloons may bo kept open.
Russia Is now suffering only for
want of rifles, and when she Is prop
erly supplied, at least 2,000,000 addi
tional soldiers will be thrown into tho
field with results which only next
spring's campaign can tell.
The Russian minister of the Inter
ior has Issued' a communication which
foreshadows tho possible premature
Bummonlng to the colors of men born
In 1SD7, who normally are not liable
to military service until 1918.
Tho Dutch government has prohib
ited nny further exodus of metal work
srs to England. Early in the war,
numbers of Dutch workmen in metals
went to Germany, attracted by the
high wages offered in the munitions
According to reports from Vienna,
tho allies arc preparing to remain at
Salonikl. Greece, for an indefinite
period, as they are landing machinery
for an electric power station,, besides
awarding contracts for an extensive
and substantial barracks.
It is understood that the Greek re
ply to the note of the entente powers
agrees to a partial demobilization
with a view to relieving the strain
on tho country's finances, and that it
also undertakes to withdraw Greek
troops from Salonikl and distribute
them to other points on tho frontier.
Addressing tho Fabian society in
London on "Diplomacy After the
War," Bernard Shaw warned his
hearers that a crushing defeat of
Germany, leaving Great Britain tho
strongest naval and military power,
might drive Germany and tho United
States into a defensive alliance
against the combined naval power of
Great Britain and Japan.
Reports from Victoria, B. C, stato
that the Chilean full-rigged, four
masted iron ship Carol Carelmapu
has been lost with all hands, number
ing about twenty-five.
A tornado swept through the thick
ly settled farming section a mile west
of Hot Springs, Ark., recently, killing
ten persons and injuring 150. Prop
erty loss Is estimated at nearly
Work on a dirigible war balloon
for tho navy will begin on December
15 at the navy yard at Portsmouth,
N Y. Tho airship will bo 175 feet
long and fifty feet in diameter. It
will cost $30,000 and naval engineers
estimates tho work will be completed
in n month.
Predicting that tho United States is
to be tho industrial and financial
leader of tho world, Charles M.
Schwab head of the Bethlehem Steel
company, beforo an audience of ap
proximately ono thousand business
men at Pittsburgh, pleaded for tho
construction of American ships to
carry American products.
it was decided at a cabinot meeting
In Madrid, Spain, to recognize Gen
eral Vemistlano Carranza as head of
tho do facto government in Mexico
nt the request of tho agent of the
Mexican constitutionalists.
Tho Iowa supremo court at Des
Moines upheld tho constitutionality
of tho Iowa employers' liability and
workman's compensation act. Tho
court held that whero employers re
ject, tho compensation act they re
main under tho employers' liability
section of tho laws.
Tho manufacture of llnsocd oil may
bo revolutionized by a now production
of Luther Burbank's, the plant wizard
at Santa Rose, Cal. Ho has grown a
new whlto flax with soeds twice tho
ordinary slzo and more productive.
Vnlon Pacific cnrnlngs for October,
published In New York, showed tuo
greatest gains in gross and net reve
nues for that month of recent years.
The gross increase was $1,071,000
and tho net $8110,000.
Reports received nt Little Rock,
Ark., show that ten persons were
killed nnil about twenty-flvo Injured
outbldo the Hot Springs district in
tho recent tornndo. This, with tho ten
dead and thlrty-slx Injured near Hot
Springs, brought the total for tho
stnto, twenty dead and moro than
sixty Injured.
The lenders of tho progressive party
in Missouri favor entering the 11)10
campaign with full natlonnl, state and
county tickets, bonded by Theodore
Roosevelt and Hiram W. Johnson.
This attltudo was expressed In a res
olution adopted by the party's leaders
after an all-day conference at Kansas
Democratic sentiment. Judging from
reports received by William F. Mc
Combs at New York, chairman of the
national committee, favors an early
national convention. Mr. McCombs
said thnt from what he had gathered
from the members of his committee It
was likely that the convention would
bo held during the first two weeks In
Net revenues of all railroads oper
ating in Kansas with the exceptions
of tho Atchison, Topoka & Santa Fe
Rnilroad company and tho Union Pa
cific railroad wore less in July, Au
gust and September, 1915, thnn In the
same months of the preceding year,
according to reports filed with the
Kansas Public Utilities commission
at Topoka.
Ted ("Kid") Lewis put Jimmy Duf
fy, Lockport, out In a little over n
minute in Boston-Duffy went to. the
mnt eight times before taking the full
Nebraska's most brilliant football
season came to an end at Lincoln.
Tho Cornhuskors bent tho Iqwa state
team by nn overwhelming score of
52 to 7.
Cornell university football team de
feated Pennsylvania at Philadelphia,
24 to 0, but not until the claimants
for the enstern football championship
had been given a bad scare. It was
a desperate struggle nil the way.
Joseph Rivers of L03 Angeles
knocked out Leo Morrissey of Okla
homa City, at St. Anthony, Idaho, In
the fifth round of a scheduled twelve
round bout. Rivers put his opponent
out with a terrific left to the body.
The wen are lightweights.
Bobby Reynolds of Philadelphia,
who recently stayed out a slv-rouiul
bout with Featherweight Champion
Kilbane, was knocked out by George
Chancy of Baltimore In tho second
round of a scheduled ten-round bout
In that city.
Johnny Kilbane won over Packey
Hommey of New York in a ten-round
bout. Hommey weighed 130 pounds,
tho featherweight champion 124.
Neither made a strong effort to give a
real exhibition, but Kllbano was given
tho decision.
New high records in the foreign
trade of the United States continue to
pile up the greatest favorablo trndo
balance tho country has over known,
according to figures mado public by
tho Department of Commerce.
Senator Galllnger, republican sen
ate leader, has accepted President
Wilson's Invitation to confer on the
administration national defense plans.
Representative Mann., republican
house leader, also Invited, has also re
plied. Reopening of tho steel foundry at
the New York navy yard was ordered
by Secretary Daniels, because delays
in delivery of castings by steel com
panies aro hampering construction
work for the navy.
Twenty-flvo naval militia ofilcora
have qualified in examinations re
quired under tho new naval mllltla
act. Partial examinations have been
taken by man7 other ofilcera with
satisfactory results, according to a
statement issued by the Navy depart
ment. Efforts to win President Wilson's
support for a conference of neutrals
to initiate peace proposals In Europo
was made by Mme. Rosika Schwlm
mer of Hungary and Mrs. Ethel Snow
den, wife of a membor of tho British
parliament, who called at tho Whlto
House and made a personal appeal
to tho president to assist in the
Postal savings deposits during
October increased $2,150,000 over tho
preceding month, giving, according to
postal officials, "a clear reflection of
the great tide of prosperity and com
mercial activity that Is sot In over tho
Increases In Intornnl taxation, rath
er than Issuance of bonds to meet
tho first year's expenses of tho ad
ministration's defenso program are
advocated by Secretary McAdoo of
the treasury, In a formal statement
Just Issued.
Phone Record Made of Linen
A record for phono cnlls Is a con
venience that every man will nppro
clato and a gift that will last Indefi
nitely Tho dotalls for making a phono
list' are shown In tho picture nbovo.
Tho cover is mado of heavy, un
bleached linen, cut in a strip about
Bix inches wldo and twolvo long. This
Is edged with buttonhole Btltchlng In
black ombroldery silk. Four eyelet
holes aro worked near tho conter as
shown in the picture. A small spray
of red flowers, with green follngo Is
embroidered In ono cornor and a bor
der, scroll and "Phono Calls" aro dono
tn outllno stitch In black.
This linen cover encloses a tablet
on which names and numbers nro writ
ten. Narrow red ribbon strung through
tho eyelets holds cover und tablet to
gether and forms hangers for suspend
ing tho record.
Pin Cushion and Candle Shade
Certain patterns in Cretonne nro
suited to dresser scarfs, pin-cushion
c vers, slipper bags, candle shades
and other llttlo furnishings that aro
required for' men's rooms. In tho pic
ture a dresser set is shown, including
a senrf, pincushion and candlo shade.
Tho crotonno shows a red roso and
green foliago against a black and
white striped ground. So decided a
pattern is to bo most sparingly
used, and tho scarf 1b thoroforo only
bordered with tho crotonno. A
square plncushlor Is covered first on
ono sido with a small square of tho
cretonne sowed smoothly over 1L For
tho other sldo r. considerably larger
square is hemmed about tho edges and
pinned over tho cushion.
Tho candlo shado is mado over a
wlro frame and consists of a circu
lar pleco stretched over tho top and
sowed to place. A hemmed strip hangs
from tho edge of tho frame to which
It is sewed.
Pillow Cover and Dresser Scarf
Cretonne Is tho most ctTectlvo of
inexpensive materials for making
beautiful gifts. It Is at Its best in
furnishings for tho bedroom.
A pillow cover ot crotonno and a
dresecr scar' of Berlin bordered with
It are shown In tho picture Tho pil
low cover Is finished with a hem all
around, and bound with black braid
about tho edges. Tho open end fas
tens with snap fasteners.
Tho dresser scarf suggests tho way
In which thcBo strong, brilliant pat
terns should bo used. A baud of tho
cretonno is stitched along each side,
leaving most of tho surfaco whlto, as
a background for tho pincushion or
other articles that may bo covered
with the cretonno.
raw - mm i
Collar and Cuff Set for Christina?
f aTi
tjuakcr collar and tuff sets of or
gandlo aro easily mado and among tho
most fn8hlonnblo of dress accessories.
They mako charming Christmas gifts,
and may bo mado at small coat.
Sheer materials, in cotton or llnon,
aro used to mako them, with hem
stitching, narrow llngerlo laces or
embroidery In small sprays forming
tho decorative features. A qunhor set
edged with cluny laco Is shown In tho
Gauze Bag. Holding Puff Balls
Gauzo bags, mado to hold Individ
ual powder puff balls, aro among tho
popular now fndB that maka lovely
ChrlstmaB gifts. Thoy nro mado of
cljiffon, silk muslin or gauzo, gathered
over a silk-covered orabroldnry hoop.
Hangers of light satin ribbon nro
fastened at each sldo of tho hoop with
a rosctto.
Tho balls, of absorbent cotton, aro
finished with tiny bows of baby rib
bon matching tho hangers tn color.
As soon as used thoy aro thrown
Flowered silk muslin makes pretty
bags, with ribbon hangers matching
tho flowers In color. Tho llttlo bows
aro Bowed to tho balls. Tht bags hang
at tho sldo of tho dresslf-g caeo for
tho convonlcnco of guests.
Calendar and Hatpin Holder
i fllffl
An attractive calendar for a girl s
room and a hatpin holder aro shown
in tho plcturo above. Tho hatpin hold
er is merely a small pasteboard tubo
covorcd with molro rlbbqn with tiny
brass buckles, handle and straps of a
narrow ribbon. It simulates a gotf bng
and a hatpin imitating a golf stick
gOCB with it.
Tho calendar consists of a circular
piece having two small feet on ono
edge, cut from a sheet of collulold.
Two small oblong openings, ono long
er than tho other, aro cut opposlto tho
Tho faco of tho calondar is deco
rated with a painted holly wreath
and gilt lettorlng within It.
Two smaller circles swing on a
pivot back of ,tho calendar's faco, with
tho names ot tho months on ono and
numorals from 1 to 31 on tho othor.
Tho tiny pivot Is concealed by tho tot
tering. Tho calendar Is supported like an
easol by a strip fastened on at the
"Exporlonco hns shown thnt nny
variety ot lion will lay, and lay abun
dantly, it bred along tho right Hues.
If you nro satisfied as to shapo and
color of your fowls, do not change for
something elso in tho hope of got
ting moro eggs, such ns Leghorns for
Plymouth Rocks, or Wyandottca for
Mlnorcns or Brown Leghorns." This
is tho ndvlco given by a broodor, who
has found from oxporlenco thnt this
changing Is meroly a wasto ot tlmo
and patience.
"Ono frequently sees or henrs of a
Wholo Grain Is Entirely Too Fatten
ing and Liable to Cause Soma
Kind of Digestive Trouble,
Most farmers feed too much wholo
grain to their chickens; many feeding
nothing but grain. Tho feeding ot a
ration composed entirely of wholo
grain throws nn undue strain upon tho
organs of tho hens, which Is llkoly to
cnitso dlgcstlvo troubles. Besides,
wholo grain Is entirely too fattening
and lions receiving such a ration nro
nover thoroughly nourished, nor do
thoy prccolvo tho egg-making olomonts
in tho proportion to Induce a good egg
yield. In feeding poultry best results aro
obtained by focdlng ono-hnlt tho food
ground. Tho by-products of mills nro
usually richer In egg-making elements
than tho grains from which they nro
mado. Thus, wheat bran is much rich
er in protein, tho egg-making olomont,
than wholo wheat, und It Is much
cheaper. Tho samo can bo snld of mid
dllngs. Tho ground ration should bo bulky
In character, that la it should occupy
a rathor largo bulk in proportion to its
weight. A mash that has given good
rosults Is composed of two partB bran,
ono part each ot cornmeal, middlings,
cut clover, boot Bcrap and ground oats
(with hulls sifted out). This mash can
bo fed dry in self-feeding hoppers, or
as a wot mash. If skim milk or but
tormilk is to bo had in mixing tho
wot mash, tho proportion of beef Bcrap
can bo reduced ono-half.
Don't Sacrifice Vim and Ginger by
Keeping Dapper Little Male Birds
Size Is Desired.
Don't sacrlflco tho long, rangy cock
orol until you aro suro that ho Isn't
a bottor bird thnn some of his moro
"cocky" brothron. Soraetlmos tho
early maturing cockerel stops right
thoro -and makes llttlo further growth,
while tho bird that has gono to logs
and bono at first fills out and makes
tho larger and moro doslrablo bird for
tho farm flock.
Slzo Is usually dcslrablo In nny
flock, If vim and glngor go with It.
Don't sacrlflco It by kooplng only tho
dnppor llttlo malo birds, that looked
like tholr dads whon thoy woro only
four or flvo months old.
Massachusetts Mash Formula.
Mash formula, used by tho Massa
chusetts experimental station, with ex
cellent results: Mix thoroughly equal
wolght of cornmoal, ground oats, flour
middlings, gluten, bran, oil meal and
beof scraps; then ndd ono pound ot
salt to each 100 pounds ot tho mnsh.
This may bo fed dry or wet (mois
tened), not sloppy.
Hens Are Often Neglected.
Hons contribute enough to tho na
tion's wealth to warrant thorn having
buildings mado especially for them,
but thoy too often got whntovor can't
bo used for anything else.
Clean the Poultry House.
Drlvo nil Iioiib out of tho poultry
houso occasionally and, nftor cleaning
thoroughly, trent It with a llvo per
cent solution of coal tar disinfectant.
Splendid Investment.
A slnglo aottlng ot good purebred
eggs Is about tho best investment a
farmer can make.
Ideal Chicken House Floor.
Tho concroto floor Is tho Ideal ono
for tho poultry houso If proporly
Cleanliness Is Important.
Cleanliness Is much moro Important
with poultry than ornamental buildings.
poultry kcopor whoso birds lay pro
fusely and almost Incessantly, whllo
a neighbor across tho way has tho
samo variety, glvos his Just as much
attention, mid yet thoy scarcoly lay
nt nil," conttnuos this authority.
"Now, whllo this nolghbor has tho
samo variety or breed ot chickens ns
tho othor, ho has not nn ogg-laylng
strnln In thnt particular varloty
of breed, and that is just whore tho
troublo is. To got a largo egg yield
ono must havo birds which woro do
sconded from an ogg-produclng strnln."
Fowls Should Be Kept Away From
Chickens Furnish Supply of Ani
mal Food Avoid Dampness.
Ducks and geeso should always bo
kopt away from tho chlckonB. If al
lowed in tho Bnmo yards, tho ducks
and geeso would so befoul tho drink
ing water that tho health of tho chick
ens would alwnyn bo In constant dan
ger. Ducks and gocso should never bo
picked nftor tho cool daya of fall
como. To grow rapidly tho ration for
ducks should include a liberal quan
tity of anlmnl food. As long as tho
rnngo Is good, geeso roqulro little, it
any feeding. But when tho vegota
Hon on tho rnngo Is klllod, thoy should
bo fed liberally twlco n day. A good
mash for geoso 1b composed ot two
parts bran, ono part each of middlings
and cornmoal mid four parts chopped
vogotablos, cut clover or alfalfa. Wholo
grain should ,bo fed very Bparlngly.
Ducks and geeso aro subject to but
ono sorlous discauo rhoumatlsm,
caused by stooping in damp quarters.
Thoy can stand nny dogroo of damp
ness during tho day, when thoy aro ex
ercising, but at night thoy should bo
kopt comfortablo and dry. Tho sloop
ing room should bo kopt bedded with
clean, dry Btrnw.
Insanitary Conditions Have Done Mora
to Undermine Health of Poultry
Than Anything Else.
Always glvo tho broodors a fair
chanco to mako good. Don't shut
them up in a poorly vontllntod and in
sanitary pen, glvo them poor food and
attention and thon oxpoct them to lay
eggs filled with strong, vigorous llfo
germs. Thoy can't do it. Glvo thorn
a fair chanco and thoy will always
do their part.
Insanitary conditions1 have perhaps
dono moro to undormino tho hoalth
and vigor of poultry than any othor
ono thing. Certainly it is a groat han
dicap to tho fowls, and thoy should
not bo forced to onduro such condi
tions, Tholr battlo for llfo Is hard
enough, without making It harder. So
holp thom - by giving them n fair
chanco and you will bo well paid for
your tlmo and troublo:
Weed Out Poor Hens.
Thoro Is a greater dlfforonco in tho
ogg production of lions In tho samo
flock than most pcoplo realize. In
trap-nesting work with a small flock
of 10 Plymouth Rocks for a year in
Canada tho best ono laid 231 eggs and
tho poorest 71. It is a good thing to
weed out tho poor layers and consign
them to the pot.
Don't Harbor Scrub Roosters.
Thoro Is no reason or oxcuso for
harboring scrub roosters on any farm.
If you havo boon doing bo, send tho
scrubs to market now and got somd
purobrcd males to head your flocks
noxt season. Scrub poultry is a posi
tive abomination.
Pure Water Is Important.
An egg contains about CC per cent
of water, which shows that it is very
important for a flock to havo plenty
of pure water.
Feed Hens for Eggs.
Tho hen must feed her body first.
Unless sho has something loft after
hor body needs nro taken caro of no
oggs will bo forthcoming.
Winter Supply of Sand.
Provide tho winter Bupply of sand
boforo It Is too Into.; Whon put In tho
honhouso It should bo thoroughly dry.
Excellent Chicken Feed.
SwIbb chard makes oxcollcnt chick
on feed.