The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 03, 1915, Image 6

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Funston's Men Kill Forty Mexicans In
Fight at Nogales, Ariz. General Ob
regon Defeats Northern Leader's
Force and Occupies Town.
Nogales, Ariz., Nov. 20. Tlirco
American miners woro killed, two
American soldiers wcro probably
fatally shot and 0110 allghtly wounded
and forty Vlllistna woro killed by
American troons when Mm villn mir.
florin n t f tjnn ittl..lMA... .t... i, I
..u.,.. v l,.UU IVIUIUIUW II (Jill IIIU MUX-
lean town of Nogaloa on Friday before
an advancing foico of C.000 Carran
zlstas. Stephen Llttlo of Fairmont, N. C.
ono or three United States soldiers
wounded In a battle with Villa troop
ers in Nogales, Sonora, died hero. Uo
was shot through the head.
Seven Carranzlsta soldiers were shot
by American troops who mistook
them for Vlllistas as thoy wero ad
vancing on the town. Thrco Ameri
cans wcro wounded. ,
Tho Carranzlstas under den. Alvaro
Obrcgon occupy Nogales, while tho
Villlsta garrison Is scattered cast and
west along tho border lino. Many of
mo villa forco under Governor Han
doll sought rofugo on tho American
sido. Govornor Randall himself was
the first to cross tho lino.
Tho ovacuation of tho town began
at night It was preceded by wbolo-
saio looting. About 300 of the car
rison got away on tho first trains.
Tho last two trains on which nbout
900 soldiers woro crowded could not
bo moved for lack of fuel.
Trouble with American troops start
ed auout 11 a. m. when theso soldiers
after sacking tho town began to lire
across tho lino. Colonel Sago, com
manding tuo American troops, ordered
tho flro returned. Of a band of forty
seen firing across tho border dnly ono
Early in tho afternoon tho van
guard of tho Carranzlsta forco ap
peared In tho hills near tho American
lino west of Nogales. Mistaking thorn
or Villistna again aLout to flro on
them, the '.mecienn border guard
opened with a volloy. Tho Carran
zlstas replied and a sharp exchange
of shots ensued. Th nppcaranco of
a Carranza soldier with a white llag
was followed by oxplunntlons and mu
tual apologies,
As tho Curranzlstaa drew near tho
last of tho Villa garrison fled south
ward. Of theso thirty-two woro
killed by pursuing cavalrymen from
Obrogon's forco.
It wns by othors who lied In tho
sarao dlroctlon that tho threo Ameri
can miners, Adolfo Mongor, Lloyd
Forrest and Jamts 8. Walton wero re
ported killed twonly miles south of
tho town. News of tholr murder wns
brought horo by a Mexican rancher
who sayB ho witnessed tho shooting.
Ho adds that ho could not learn of
any reason for tho triple killing.
Washington, Nov. 2!). Thrco Amer
ican soldiers woro wounded, two of
thorn seriously, in a Imttlo with Car
ranza troops on tho boundary lino at
Nogales, Ariz., at noon, according to
dispatches to tho war department.
Gon. Frederick Fui.ston Is now on hla
way to Nognles from Fort Sam Hous
ton, Tox., to take personal chargo of
tno situation.
Tho roports to tlio war donartmont
Btatod that tho Carranza soldiers who
ontorcd Nogales, Moxlco, shortly after
vnitt iroops had Hod Into tho Interior,
opened nro by mltitake on tho Amort
can forces, The Amorlcans Immo
dlatoly returned the (Ire and aoverul
Carranza soldiers and oillcors wero
wounded. Tho wounded AmorlcaiiB
uro PrlvntcB Herbert L. Catos, Ste
phen Llttlo and Arthur L, Saute, all
or Company L, Twolfth Infnntry.
t'atoa and Llttlo woro sorlously
2,672-Ton Vessel Sunk by Submarine
Off 8outh oast of Sweden Car
rled Crew of 275 Men.
London, Nov. 20. An allied subma
rine has sunk tho Gorman protected
cruiser Frauonlob, according to n semi
ofliclal announcement at Potrograd,
says a Central Nou'a agoncy dispatch
on Friday.
Tho Frauonlob was a protected
cruiser of 2.G72 ton, and was built In
1901. Her sister nhlp. tho Undine,
was Blink, according to nn olllclal an
nouncement mado to Borlln, by two
torpedoes from a Hubmnrine on tho
uftcrnoon of November 7 whllo patrol
ling tho south SwedlBli coast. Nearly
tho ontlro crew was saved. Tho Frau
onlob and the Undlno cnrrlcd crown
consisting of 275 men each.
Intern German Deserter.
Now York, Nov. 29. Karl Scliultz,
tho Gorman deserter who arrived as a
stowaway, was ordered excluded by
the board of Inquiry at 12111s Island.
Scliultz will bo hold at Kills Island un
til tho close of the war.
Witness In Frank Case Held.
Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 29. W. W. Rog
ers, ono of thf) stntc'a witnesses In the
trial of Leo K. Frank, was bound ovjr
for murder. Jtogora waa charged with
hilling Mrs B. C. Mcintosh, whom too
utruck with bib auto.
Proprietor of Carnival Troupe In Burn
ing Debris Pleads With Train
men to Kill Him.
Columbus, Ga., Nov. 21. Ten per
sons nro known to bo uead and twelve
injured ns tho result or a colWslon on
tho Central of Georgia railroad about
oight miles from Columbus on Mon
day. Passenger train No. 2, from
Birmingham to Macon, collided head
on with a special train carrying tho
Con T. Kennedy Cnrnlval company
from Atlanta to Columbus.
Tho wreck caught flro Immediately
auor tho crash.
tno known -'oad Includo Fred
Kempr, proprietor of one of tho shows,
nnd his wlfo, who wero burned to
death whllo onlookers were poworlcss
to rescue thoni. Mrs. Kompf's body
was rocovorod. Resellers found Kempf
with his body half free He begged
tralnmon to kill him rather than let
him burn to death. Frantic efforts
woro mado to roscuo Mm. but without
Tho Konnody shown had complotod
a week's engagement in Atlanta and
woro to opon Tuesda) In Columbus.
Tho engineers ,,f both Ivulns mirac
ulously escaped dot'tU. Tho i.assongor
tram, It 1b said, had orders to tako a
siding and await tho carnlvnl special,
out by error ran In on the main lino
and started for Macon.
Chicago, Nov. 2-1. Cant. P.. D,
O'llrlon, chlof of dstoctlvoa. was sus
pended on Monday, following a prelim
inary Investlgntioi' by tho civil Borv-
Ice commission of a police slush fund
purported to havo been collected for
tho (lofcnso ot John J. Hatpin, former
iicad or tho dctoctlvo bureau, and Do
tectlvo Sorgcant W'altor O'llrlon. Chief
Uoaly In his susronslon order mado
Llout. Charles L. Larkln acting chior
of detectives, Walter O'llrlon. who Is
a nephow ol' tho captain, has been con
victed ot accepting monoy for protect
ing conlldenco men and Hatpin la on
trial on a bribery charge.
London, Nov. 23. Tho Evening
jnowb states that Tod Sloan, the fa
mous Amorlcan Joiiltey, and a French
actress havo been arrested in London
and that Sloan will bo deported.
Indianapolis, Ind., Nov. 2-1. Mrs
Thomas It. Marshall, wlfo of tho vice-
president of tho Unlf.od States, was on
orated upon for an abdominal aliment
at St. Vlncent'B hospital horo on Mon
day. Tho operation, nccordlng to tho
hospital authorities, wnB In every way
a bucccsb Dr. C. G. PfafT, tho attend
ing physician, Btatod that whllo Mrs.
Marshall's condition waa not serious,
tho operation wbb poiformod In order
to avoid possible futuro complications.
Coliseum, Chicago, Nov. 27. Law
rence and Hanloy won Chicago's sec
ond annual six-day race at tho Coll
Bourn on Thursday nlijht, scoring 32
points In a Horlln finish Ryan anil
Thomas woro second with 35 points.
Walker and Wnlthoui' woro third,
with 15 points, Mltton and Hansen
tlnlBhed fourth, with 51 points. Only
four teiiniu of tho original 15 Mulshed.
Teuton Ministers Threatened.
Goncvn, Nov. 29.-'lhe Munich Nou
csto Nnchrlchton utateB that tho mln
Istors of Germany, AustrlnilutiKarv
and Turkey nt Teheran Have been
compelled to loavo owing to threats ot
tho population to lynch them.
French Rush to Take Loan.
Paris'. Nov. 29. Subscriptions to the
Fronch government's "Loan of Vic
tory" uro exceeding all oxpoctatlonB.
It Is estimated In llnunclal circles that
Thursday's subscriptions In Paris
ttlono oxeceded $5,000,000,000.
Serb Victory Reported Near Mor.astlr
10,000 Bulgarians Killed and
Wounded In Battle.
London, Nov. 25. Italian troops
havo begun landing on Olbanlan terri
tory to go to the help of Serbia, ac
cording to a Clilasso dispatch to the
Journal Lo Suisse, forwarded on Tues
day by tho Central News correspond
ent at Zurich.
The Italian fleet Is bombarding Do
deagatch, the Bulgarian port on tho
Aegean sea. according to 'a Central
Nows dispatch from Home.
Serbian forces rallying at Mount
Zetovnty In central Serbia havo In
flicted a serious defeat upon tho Bui
gars and opened tho way to Loshovac,
according to a statement by tho Serb
ian legation nt Paris.
Simultaneous dispatches from
I-ronch headquarters nt , Kavadar,
Serbia, declare tho French are hold
ing tho Itajoc gorgo and tho Bojhar
stl brldgo head on tho Ccna against
liulgar attacks. Tho Fronch admit ro
trcat to tho right bank of tho Coma
after a bloody battlo with tho Bulgars
along tho Rajec river, a tributary.
Ten thousand Dulgars havo boon
killed anil wounded In lighting for
Monastlr. Tho liulgar forces attacked
tho town Saturday. Salonlkl advices
say. It was loarned lioro for tho first
tlmo that tho assault was repulsed.
Repeated earlier reports wero to tho
effect that tho town had fallen.
American Minister to Belgium
Reaches New York Refuses
to Discuss War.
Now York, Nov. 27. After fifteen
days spent on tho most turbulent of
trips, Brand Whltlock, Amorlcan min
ister to- Belgium, arrived horo on
Wednesday on tho steamship Ryndam.
Mr. Whitlock's connection with the
case of Edith Cavoll. the English
nurso, and tho efforts ho mado to
Havo her life, led to the report that
ho was coming homo for good. This
ho denied. "I am going back to Brua
sols," ho snld. "and I havo engaged
my passago on tho Rotterdam, sail
ing December 28." in tho light of
this stntomont Mr. Whltlock oxplnlncd
that ho could not discuss tho war from
nuy anglo.
Hamburg-Amerlcan Officials Accused
of Aiding ' German Commerce
Now York, Nov. 21. Four nfiini.,1
of tho Ilambnrg-Ainorlcan lino wont 1
on trial on Monday before Judgo Howo I
i.. ii... i . . . . " "-
il iuu tlllHlllIll UrnilC 1 Or thn fmlnml
district court. They nro charged with
making onth to falso clearances u
mnnlfosts. Tho govornnicnt alleges
tho real purposo of tho defendants wns
to coal and supply Gorman commerce
raiders. Tho defendants nro Dr. Karl
niiuin. uuorgo sooner, Ailolph I hick-
molstor and Joseph Popplnghaus Doc , nt C0,lvU'tlnK ,,nna Schmidt, tho
tor Buonz is managing director or tho r,ormu,r Now York "r,(!St- ' "'"r-Unmburc-Amnrlon.i
iim, .i lD I lcr of Anna Aumuller. waa upheld on
tho moat Influential Gorman residents I
of Amoricn.
- " - ....w in lllltl III
Australia Plans New Army.
Melbourne Nov. 27. Tho common.
wcnlth government has decided to
raise an additional 50,000 men. It was
nnnouncod horo. '''hla win hn,
tho Australian contingent for tho wur
to 300.000.
Italians Lose 1,000,000 Men?
Vienna, Nov. 27. A million
havo been klllod or wounded In light
lng with tho Austrians. it Is Btntnri
Tho losses represent nil the Italians
nro supposed to havo lost ou every
i run i.
Storm Sweeps Outskirts of Town
Noted as a Health Resort Visited
by $10,000,000 Fire In 1913 and Many
Buildings Were Destroyed.
Llttlo Rock, Ark., Nov. 27. lnforma
Hon obtained from passengers on a
Rock Island train which reached hero
on Thursday, placo tho death toll
reaped by a tornudo, which visited Hot
Springs Into Thursday afternoon, at 12
dead and 30 probably fatally Injured
and many others lesa serioUBly in
Tho known dead arc:
Mrs. E. E. Edwards and threo chll
Mrs. Georgo Turner.
Mrs. Paul Canada.
Ilayden Poo.
Two women nnd two children un
identified. Negro womnn unidentified.
It was reported that tho city of Hot
bprings proper did not suffer any dan
ago. but that the storm vswent tho out
skirts of tho town and also a farming
district, whero many farmhouses woro
Pate Hlto, a farm hand, Is reported
missing by a farmer.
Tho town Is yet cut off from all com
munication by wire. No attempt has
been mndo to eatlmato tho property
damage, but from reports received
liero it Is feared that It will run Into
hundreds of thousands of dollars.
The city Is famous as a health re
sort, having hot wators that flow from
72 springs In a spaco of ten acres on
tho west sido of Hot Springs moun
tain. Theso waters aro beneficial In a
multitude of diseases. Tho government
has an army and navy hospital there,
built at a large cost. Tho government
bathhouses aro of graceful design and
have attractive surroundings.
I ho city has over 100,000 visitors
every year, and consequently has
mnny fine hotels. In 1913 It was
swept by fire, which caused a $10,000.-
000 loss.
London Dispatch Says Announcement
Concerning Blockade Was
London. Nov. 25. Announcement
from tho foreign ollico on Tuesday
that no Greek ships aro being hold or
seized In ports of the United Kingdom,
In conjunction with dispatches from
Groek and Italinu sources, indicates
that tho diplomatic outlook In Greece
la Imtipmidin Im-. 1. tu l
v.iaiiu, uu uuempi win m mauo
to disarm tho allies," said D. G.
Rhallis, the Greek minister of justlco
and guiding spirit In tho Skouloudls
cabinet, in nn.intervicw with tbi Dally
flail's correspondent at Athens. "Thoy
can dig trenches and dofond them
solves if thoy must. Wo will even go
to tho extent of establishing a cordon
to safeguard tholr retreat.'"
German Delegates Give Notice Thcv
Will Not Attend Conference at
Berne, Switzerland.
Borne. Switzerland. Nov. 24. Pro
moters of tho congress which It has
been proposed to hold hero for tho
study of basis of n durablo peace havo
oilCOUllternil nnnMinr nhcinnln a-l...
(Jonna" 'lologates havo given nbtico
thoy will not attend tho meeting an-
nouncod for December 14. this follow-
lng tho oxamplo of tho Fronch ropro-
sentatlves. It Is understood hero tlm
Gormoii8 wero instructed by their cov-
eminent not to partlclnato In tho nro.
P03utl congress
All Judges of New York Court of Ap
peals Concur In Opinion Killed
Anna Aumuller.
Albany. N. Y.. Nov. 25. Tho judg-
U0R"n-'' "' 1110 of nppeals.
Judgo Cardoso wroto tho opinion, In
wuicn an tno judges concurred.
Mile. Renkln Convicted as Spy.
Amsterdam. Nov. 2!i. - Mile. Julletto
Uonliln Hlstor of the Belgian colonial
minister. Una been rled aa a spy at
BruaselB mid convicted Sentence has
not been Imposed saya a letter smug
gled out of Belgium.
To Honor Society Leader.
Washington. Nov. 2'J. Viscountess
BenolBt D'Azy has been recommended
for n wnr cross for service alio una
rendered In a hospital In Franco. She
waa a leader in Washington society
for year8.
'""'" "( """--a aianu- pionship when he threw, with ridlcn-
pc i nt. Italy hai; decided to send a i0Us ease, Yousiff Husaano, tho terrl
military expedition to tho Balkans to We Turk, at Lincoln. Steelier down
liolp the allies. I ed Hussano in two straight falls, the
The universal deduction is that tho first in four minutes and tho second
Greok government has satisfied tho jn flve,
British demands, submitted by Earl Four Hastings banks show increas
Kitchener. secretary for war. who was ed deposits over ono year ago, total
hi Athens last week. It Is assumed lng over $300,000, in spito of the fact
Greece has furnished .guarantees -of that scores of farmers aro holding
the safety of tho Anglo-French ex- their wheat for increased prices. Do
podiUonnry force , lts tota, ?li7B0(000 Bankers con.
Actual construction lias bcnun on
;tho monster sugar factory being built
at uonng.
Stops have been token by citizens
at Wanna for the formation of a far
mers' nnd merchants' club.
Tho German Lutheran hospital was
dedicated at York recently. It is a
two-story affair and cost $35,000.
A postofllce has been established nt
Lcat, Cherry county, with Miss Car
men M. Acoata as postmaster.
Immenso quantities of Nebraska hay
ire being nought by the French gov
ernment in western Nobraska.
Tho Dodgo County Poultry associa
tion will hold Us sixteenth annual
show at Fremont, December 13 to 17.
Art Workman raf Beatrice has pur
chased tho Hebron Champion, a news
paper published for years by H. A.
Brainard, and will tako possession
December 1.
Becauso of the anti-tuberculosis
campaign at Beatrice, the city commis
sioners have passed an ordinance de
manding an inspection of all milk sold
in the city, to go Into effect January 1.
The banner corn yield reported in
Jefferson county to dato coinos from
Endlcott precinct. Alex Shepherd
cribbed 475 bushels of corn from a
five-acre field, an average of ninety
live bushels an acre.
Having secured subscriptions ag
gregating $35,000 for tho erection of
a new church edifice, the buildini:
committee of tho German Lutheran
church of Hanover township, in Gago
county, will ask for bids soon.
C. D. Campbell, a drainage contrac
tor of Lincoln, died at St Joseph's hos
pital, Omaha, of a bullet wound re
ceived In an attempted holdun in that
city. The tragedy took place ono
block from the police station.
For rescuing a man from certain
death by crawling on the pilot of a
rrelght engine and pushing tho man
from tho track, It. L. Young, a Fre
mont brakeman, is expected to bo
awarded with a Carnegie hero medal.
A fish which had four legs was
caught in a slough near Ewing. It
crawla on nil four legs when placed
on tho floor. Such a species of fish
arc found in the lakes of Mexico and
how it got up hero in Nebraska is a
It lias been arranged to have thlrty-
flvo or moro of Kearney's representa
tive business and professional men go
tn masse to tho homo of Judge Hos
tetler ns soon as ho returns to tho
city and urge him to Jiecomo a can
didate for governor.
D. C. Campbell of Oklahoma City
wired tho Omaha police department
that 111? will nnv n tvirnr,l nf 41 ftilft
each, for the arrest and conviction of
tho two men who held up and killed
his brother, D. C. Campbell, of Lin
coln, who was killed by bandits in
that city.
Joo Steelier of Dodgo, retained his
claim to tho world's wrestling cham-
... "
n(inP tillH rf.mnrifn,i in , f f
the unusual agricultural condition.
Tho publication in tho state naners
of the picturo of Joseph Hillstroin
who was executed recently at Salt
Lake City, Utah, Immediately led to
tho discovery that Hlllstrom, or Joo
Hill, ns ho then gave his name, was
employed by Max Grconbergor, mer
chant tailor, in Grand Island.
On December 7 tho people of Con
cord will voto on tho proposition of
bonding tho village for $2,500 for
oleclrIc HSts, tho power to bo fur
Ytfl1in1 lt n hsv.. 1 n 4. n I T . . .. t
nlshed from tho now plant at Laurel
Tho proposition Is apparently meet
ing with favor and it Is believed tho
bonds will carry by a largo majority.
Word has been received at Ne
braska City that "W. M. Duncan, for
merly a resident of Unndilla, in west
ern Otoo county, but now of Manford,
OUla., has been offered 1G0.00O for his
0,1 stocl: Purchased several years ago.
For sev01'111 ynrs- Mr- Duncan was
the Unaclllhi agent for tho Duff Grain
A. J. Goodban, proprietor of a gar
age at Cortland, Gage county, Is ar
ranging to Install an olectric lighting
plant nt that placo In the near future.
He will put In a plant that will carry
live hundred lights, and will probably
extend his lines Into the country, a
number of farmers having expressed
a deslro for service.
Responding to tho appeal of Juno
Addams tho Hastings' AVomana' club
joined tho world'a peace move. Mra.
John Slaker, tho prosldent, sent tho
following telegram to President Wil
son: "The Hastings, Neb., Womnn's
club pleads for a conference of neu
tral nations, called for tho purpose
of finding a Just settlement of this
Stato Llvo Stock Commissioner Mc
Kim reports a hdrd of calves near Ne
braska City dlaensed with Infectious
pneumonia. Othera reported near Wy
nioro. Something now in cattlo dis
eases. Whllo hunting along tho Platto riv
er near Schuyler, Otto Krivojlavek
captured a spoonbill catfish weighing
twenty pounds, which ho found in
shallow water. Tho fish put up a
light when Krivojlavek tackled It Tho
finny monster was four and a half
feet lonp with a bill over eight inches
Tho new Masonic Templo at AnBley
was dodlcated recently
Total length of paving laid la
Omaha In 1915 Is 15.70 miles.
Democratic newspaper men of th
stnto will banquet at Lincoln Jan
uary 11.
Omaha, with $283,ClJy In her postal
savings bank, ranks twenty-eighth In.
postal savings cities.
A Kearney woman who was con
tinually infcBted with hoboes, got rid
of tllnm by hanging a smallpox card
at the kitchen door.
Flans are being prepared by a com
mittee of Monroo citizens for tho-
erection of a township hall, to cost!
$0,000, in that place.
A garago containing ten automobiles,
was completely destroyed by fire at
Gothenburg last week. The loss,
amounted to $11,000.
Bids for tho construction ot a fed
oral building at Aurora will be open
ed at the treasury department at
Washington, December 22.
The annual convention of tho Ne
braska Supervisors and Commission
ers' association will bo held In Co
lumbus December 14, 15 nnd 10.
m. G. Doerlng was chosen postmas
ter of Battle Creek recently over
Charles Zimmerman by a voto of 216
to 117 at a congressional primary.
Tho City National bank of Weeping
Water has been reorganized under a
stato charter and will hereafter bo
known as the Nebraska Stato bnk.
D. Corder of Elwood was killed mnl
A. Swinger was badly injured when
an automobile in which they were rid
ing skidded off a enibakmcnt near
Mrs. Hay Cassadv wns (natnntiiV
killed and Mr. Cassady, badly injured
near Lincoln, when tho automobile in.
which they were riding ran off a
Arthur L. Weatherly, pastor of tho
Unitarian church of Lincoln, has wir
ed his acceptance of tho invitation to
be a member of tho Henry Ford peace
delegation soon to sail for Europe.
Grand Island officers fined two auto
Bpeeders flvo and costs each. The
crusade for safety first is on at that
place. Many accidents and deaths
there recently havo encouraged it.
The committee In charge of tho so
liciting for threo years' membership
pledges for the supporl of the county
inrm uemonstralor work in Gago
county reports that it is meeting with,
Firo of an unknown orgin caused
the destruction of the Mogenscn liv
ery barn at North Platte. Thirty
seven horses, thirty-five tons of hay
and 000 bushels of grain burned. Tho
loss Is estimated at $10,000.
An experiment in convict road
building has Just been mado at Lin
coln, with the result that on a con
tract of $35,000 the stato gets about
$10,000 worth of services out of its
guests at the penitentiary.
Omaha ranks twenty-eighth among
tho cities, of the United States in
point of postal savings deposits. Tho
deposits rose to $283,018 in October.
Sixty-six cities have more than
$100,000 of postal savings deposits
Tho Nebraska Public Health asso
ciation will meet in Omaha somo tlmo
early in 1910. Public health officers oC
cities and towns, as well aa physi
cians throughout the state who aro
interested in public health questions,
will attend this meeting.
The Omaha Coursing club plans to
hold its first meeting December 1, 2
3 and 4. The sport marks contest8 be
tween doga, which are released in pur
suit of a rabbit. Valuable prizes and
trophies aro posted for tho various
events and fast dogs entered.
Omaha has the lowest rate of in
fant mortality under ono year of ago
of any city in tho country. Nebraska
Is tho only state In tho union whero
cream for butter must bo pasteurized.
Omaha uses moro cream for tablo
purposes than any other city in Uio
Superior Is to havo a municipal
Christmaa tree. At a meeting of tho
Commercial club It was decided to
have exorcises extending over threo
nights beforo Christmas, with band
concerto, free treats for tho children,
and everything that goea with tho
Christmas tree.
Governor Morehead nnd other influ
ential state business men believe 500,
000 acres of land in Gosper, Phelps
and Kearney counties can bo re
claimed by use of Biibsoll aa a water
resorvoir, and will ask tho federal
government far financial assistance to
attain this result.
Tho petition of traveling men for tho
now train service having been denied
by tho Burlington, tho state railway
commission will hold a hearing
on December 4 on tho application for
a local each way on that railroad be
tween Lincoln and Hastings to tako
tho placo of through traina taken off
in Uio fall.
Blank ballots for election of offlcera
of the Nebraska Stato Teachers' asao-i
elation wero mailed by Secretary E.
U. Graff of tho Omaha public schools,
to all teachers of the stato. Ballots
to be returned by mail and counted in
Lincoln December 11. Dr. G. W. A.
Luckoy of Lincoln and It. V. Clark of
Kearney aro candidates for president.
C. S. Hawk has resigned his position
as farm agent for Dawes county.
A petition Is in circulation for a now
court house building nt Columbus. Tho-
Platto county supervisors, assisted by
the Golumhus Commercial club havo
takon active part in the matter and
aro pushing the petitions If the pe
titions receive tho required per cont
needed, the law gives the county
board tho right to make a levy of tax
and tho erection of the court house
without calling for a special election,
tho total amount of such levy not O
execed $100,000.