The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 03, 1915, Image 5

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    Tone Control, Record
Ejector and Volume
Are Special Grafanola Features
Grafanolas from
$25 to
Now on Display
Our Music Room is now
Complete! Your In
spection is Invited
See the Arrangement for Kcconls
KggH nre it Luxury
Fresh ckcs from the henneries tn
North I'lntto nre selling at forty conta
a dozen when ilplivercu at homes, hub
Is the highest arico egga have reached
In a number ofyonrs. One grocer anya
ho. docs not remember a tlmo when bo
f4w fresh oggs are being mnrUotod by
JS'imv Quarters for City Hospital
wJTho present quarters of tho City
Hospital In the Uratt building nro In
ndenuntu and a lease on tho second
Lstory of tho now Morseh building has
been taken. Theeo now quartors will
bo arranged Bpectflcally for hospital
purposes, and will bo nmplo to accom
modate tho growing number ot pa
tients treated.
Toucher Fatally Humeri
I'hone 200
Hound Steak por pound 17
Loin Stoak por pound 17',3
Short Cut Steak por pound HYz
T-Hono Steak per pound 20
Shoulder Stoak per pound li
l'ot Konst nor nound 12Atol5
Boiling Meat per pound 10 to 12 1.
Special Saturday
llccf Hearts 10 Cents per pound.
Phono 20(1.
Miss Mertlo May, a tcachor In a
school north of Mnywood. died Wed
nesday morning from burns rccolved
Monday Elicit io built a fire In tho
school house stove. Tho flro burned
slowly, and to hurry It along poured
coal oil from tho can. Tho oil In tho
can exploded, throwng tho burning
fluid upon hor and setting lire to her
clothing. Sho nttomptcd to extinguish
tho tlnmos, but was powerless, and
started to run for tho nearest house.
The draft created by hor movement
only served to Increase tho (lames and
she finally dropped In tho road, whore
sho was later found by a passer-by.
Shn was cimvovnd to a houflo and a
physician summoned vho,gavo tho re
lief ho could, but tho burns wore eo
deop that death camo early Wednes
day morning.
Mrs. R. L. Mlckoraou haa recovered
from her recent Illness.
I lowland will
Clinton Jowolry
Hev. lVlillo Arrives.
-Tmr T?nlm- WlltflV nf PlllrnPO. whf
y 11VII .VUUbl V- " - w ------ cl - .
accepted a call to become pastor of
the Presbyterian church, arrived yes
terday and will occupy the pulpit at
tho church Sunday morning and even
ing. Ills family will arrlvo soon and
they wll 1 occupy the manse.
It Is u sourco of congratulation on
the part of tho congregation that a
pastor has been secured and It Is pre
dicted that the church under tho pas
torate of Hev. White will take on now
We nre oftYr'Iiip (HtxlHii at comer of
Sixth and Locust for quick sale at a
price iliat will surely double In inlue
within the next iUvi years. In the
meantime the income from tho proper
ty will pny a fair rate of Interest on
the Investment. "Wo predict that
there will he more now business build-
Inirs built on Locust street tho next
live years than In nil tho rest of the
If you value economy don't fail to
ajtond tho HIg Year 13nd Closing Snlo
Miss Edith
work In tho
Dec. lGth.
Mrs. II. I. lllock, who had boon visit
ing In Hastings for n week Is cxncctrl
homo today.
North Platto (Jenernl Hospital N'otes,
Lloyd Pierce, ot Llsco, who was op
erated upon ton days ago has re
covered and returned homo.
It you value economy don't fall to
attend tho Hlg Year End Closing Salo
Mrs. H. L. Hylnnd returned to her
homo in Oshkosh yesterday having re
covered from an oporation for np-
pondicltls to which sho submitted a
couplo of weeks ago.
It. L. Hylnnd who underwent an op
eration recently recovorcd sufficiently
to return to Oshkosh a few days ago.
Tho four year old son of Mr. ana
Mrs. S. P. Menglo who has been very
ill Is Improving.
Graduate Dentist
Office over the McDonald
State Bank.
Vrank Hahler ot Sidney, is expected
i ti vat Ma narents Mr. and
BUUL tlj LV' w. w --.
Mrs. Julius Hahler.
Charles James, night baggage agent,
has been off duty for several nights on
account of illness.
Cashier Peterson, of the Stapleton
bank, spent Wednesday here on busi
Mr. JArthur Artz will enturtaln
the Eldeon club on Wednesday after
noon, Dec. 15th. at a Chrisitmas party.
'-Mri and Mrs. Grinnell who visited
tho former's brother Ernest Grinnell
here, for several days, returned homo
Master Robert Bybee has invited a
number of his little playmrjtes to
celebrate, his sixth birthday with him
C. T Hahn, of Lincoln, who visited
his daughter Miss Beryl Hahn last
week has returned home.
Our Christmas books arc now readv
for your inspection. We have a large
stoik of the leading books.
Tho Gibson water color art cards
are now on display at Hincker's. The
stock is very largo and very beautiful
Present Mr. Grcpg With n Tcnni.
Among those who lost a team in tho
recent livery barn llro was Cecil Gregg,
who IIycs twenty-ilvo miles northwest.
Mrs. Gregg drovo to town with a loal
of chickens which sho Intended to sell
in order to buy clothing for tho fam
ily. Not only were tho horses burned,
but tho chickens as woll. A subscrip
tion was taken and $150 raised to buy
tho Grcggs a team. Tho team burned
was tho only ono tho fnmlly hnd.
Through ono misfortune and nnothor
they lost seven bend of horses this
W. II. McDonald, Henry Waltomath
and Charles McNnniura wont to Kear
ney Wcdncsdny morning to inspect
tho paving being done. Thoy will in
spect paving in other Nebraska cities.
C. M. Wright, reportor for tho Now
York Call, visited hls brothor Harold
bright this week whllo onrouto from
tho labor convention at San Francisco.
Mr. Wright left Wednesday evening
and will sail with tho Henry Ford
pcaco commission Saturday morning.
Upon complaint of Truant Officer
Elliott, Officer Baker sorved papers
dn tho parent 8 of Forrest and E.
Vormylion and Julia Dlsbrow who
have notj Ikjcu atendlng school and are
given fivo days m wmcn to stnio mo
reason why thoy aro boing kept out
For Sale.
Ono Monarch Mallcablo Iron range,
ono Walnut Top Desk, Filing Cases
nnu Filing Boxes nt offlco on 5th St.,
opposlto post offlco or at houso west
of office on Ctli street. Jos. Horshoy.
Swedish Lutheran Imnnuel Congrega
tion. Kenneth A. Hescher, Pastor.
Scrvlcos will bo hold Sunday morn
ing 11:00 at tho K. P. hall. Kindly
remember that our services will, bo
hold at tho K. P. hall Instead of as
boforo In tho Advent church.
Tho Svea Society will hold its nicot
ine at tho homo of Mrs. Otto Amdoraon.
G20 east Sixth Btroet. Friday. Dec. 10,
in tho afternoon nt 3 o clock.
For Kent
A 14-roora rooming houso with all
modorn conveniences; Just cast of tho
Lloyd opora houso. Ront reasonable
Inquire at Mrs. R. D Thomson, 614
west Fifth. Ront reduced.
tomorrow, afternoon
G. H. Poulos, of Omaha, cousin of
John Poulos, of this city, came the
first of tihs week to assist In tho
North Platto Candy Kitchen.
Mrs. C. W. Drew and children, of
Omaha, who visited hor parents Mr.
and Mrs. Victor VonGoetz, Sr., re
turned homo a few days ago.
Tho mothers of tho local high school
Liu t will hold. ot ball team will, hold ajianquqt
1C Yeoman drill- team 1 hold j K p haU Qn
of their social dances at the Lloyd, l "
1 urauu; uvcinnfo,
Mr. and Mrs. John Raynor aro re
joicing over tho arrival of a baby girl
at their home Wednesday.
If you value economy don't fail to
attend tho Big Year End Closing Sale
opera houso this evening,
Miss Maude Warrington left Wed
nesday morning for Big Spring3 to
spend a week with relatives.
Mrs. G. F. Wisner left Wednesday
morning for Cheyenne to visit rela
tives for two weeks.
Luther Koons, of Mason City, Iowa,
camo a few days ago to visit his sister
Mrs. Magnolia Duke for some time.
TVIiss Helen Hoxle returned to Oga-
lalla yesterday morning after a very
pleasant visit with tho home folks.
E. B. Scannoll, division auditor of
tho Nobraska Telephone Co., spent the
first of this week checking the books
at the local office.
Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Meadows will
leave in tho near future for Omaha to
spend a couplo of weeks with rela
thn Columbia excoll. Let us demon
stratc in your homo or in our music
DIXON, Tho Jeweler.
The Eldcen club was entertained
You can save about half on your
Coat. Suit or Dress for Christinas
gifts by attending Block's Year End
Charles Peck, night transfer clerk
at tho American express office, was
taken ill with typhoid pneumonia Wed
nesday and is taking treatment at the
Brown Memorial Hospital.
Extra police protection has been re
quested for tho Dixon store on Satur
day while $100,000.00 worth or uia
monds nro on display in tho show win
dows and within tho store.
Mrs. Fred Plerson, of Sutherland,
who had returned home from Omaha
where sho took treatment in a hospital
for several months, suffered a relapso
a fow days ago and wna taken back to
Omaha. Mrs. Plerson is well known
in this city.
Three vital features for your Christ-
.1 y n i' ...... 1 . . . . m wi tnnn rttltrn!
I lllllD UlULUIlWlll 1UU IWilv, ..... w.
Miss Elaine Bundy will resumo hcr"ffn,i convenience. In thes'o features
uuties as tcacner in uisinci it .Mon
day after a two weeks' absence. Miss
Margaret Johnson has been acting as
Wm Rnilillnr fllnil aMt mmnat Alis-
...... .. - - o i nu iii i u i; i ii v. 1 1. ii " ii-' -
Mn n Qlinltnn In flin nnimtv nnnrf tllft tir-.i i nfnnn.. 1... ATra V W
first of this week for ono hundred and ohms. The ladies spent tho afternoon
twenty dollars which ho claimed was in Kensington work. Nicely prepared
duo on a sweet clover deal, ihe case refreshments were served. Guests or
was settled out of court Wednesday.
Both aro residents of Horshoy.
Tho middle aged man of from ZS to
50, without glasses, will bo tho old
man without good eyes; Optoraetiy ia
battering down tho old orroneous Im
pression that ono should postpone the
day of glass wearing Ju3t as long as
possible. HARRY DIXON, Optomet
rist and Jeweler, west sldo of Dewey
itho day wore Mesdamcs Gates and
" ' E. T. TRAMP & SONS.
Tho Elito Kensington club mot with
Mrs. Harry Johnston Tuesday after
noon and spent a couplo of hours In
fancy sowing. A dainty lunch was ser
ved at five-thirty. Tho next meeting
will be held at tho homo of Mrs. Rub-
sel Wymnn in two weeks
- PHONE 82
Wo are in a position to furnish competent nurses for physicians, on
short notice.
Call Phone 82 and stnte whether you want graduate or domestic nurse
nnu we will compioie an mo nrrunuiuuiiLi iui juu n,uuu
Sanitary Newly Furnished Fireproof
This institution is'now open for the Reception and Trentment of Surg
ical, Medical and Obstetrical cases.
A Strictly modern Hospital for the convenience of the physicians of
North Platte and country tributary thereto.
kland C
$ !3t Complete
. the Joy of Motoring
Have a convenient place for housing your car
and making the small repairs.
One of the first requirements of a complete garage is
the work bench-you need a place for the too s and acces
sories This bcnclt may be built along the side or m e
?cJr according to choice. Of course, you'll arrange for the
windows? Good lighting is first-aid to handy repair work.
A concrete floor provides good drainage and you can
wash the automobile in all kinds of weather.
' Build a garage now. It's a year 'round necessity.
We have just received a carload of the Oakland Cars, and they are
ready for your inspection. We will be glad to
demonstrate them to you.
Ste1 &.
xvmmximzimi m MBiin"
Oakland 38, 4 Cylinder ! Oakland 32, 6 Cylinder
Tke First and Only Car that has topped the New The New Model 8-Cylinder, 71 horse Power Oak
Buick hill south of Experimental Station. land has just reached Omaha.
G. M. TROTTER, Agency
Phone 153
215 East Sixth.