The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 03, 1915, Image 10

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    Special Sale of Ready-to-Wear Garments
Commencing Saturday,
until after Christmas.
Dec. 4th, and Continuing
Bargains that are Real.
We offer our entire stock of Ladies' Suits, Coats. Dresses, Skirts, Furs, Silk Petticoats, Ladies' Misses'
and Children's Raincoats, in fact everything in the line of women's readvto-wear Garments on our second i
U floor must be sold, no matter what the cost may be to us.
in ij. n . :
We have placed all our Ladies" Suits in two lots.
Lot 1 Your Choice of any Suit in this
Lot for-
Lot 2 Your choice of any Suit in
this lot for
Ladies9 Coats.
A Ladies' Black Zibeline Coats worth $12.00 and cheap at that fovj QO
price, sizes 16 to 44,' will be sold during this sale for iPvO
Ladies Plush Coats sizes 16 to 46, lined with the best of satin 2 1 O A 3
regular price $17.50, sale price W 1 iS.ftO
Sit $25.00 Salt's Plush Coats, lined with Skinner's satin, a gar- & 1 AO
Hi ' ment that is high class, sale price F lO.ffrO
20 Per Cent Discount
On all the Following:
Ladies' Fancy Coats Ladies' Dresses and Skirts,
Children's Coats, Misses5 and Children's Dresses
Ladies', Misses' and Children's Raincoats, -
' 'X f J'Ladies Misses' and Children's Furs,
Silk and Satin Underskirts, Ladies' Silk Waists,
Ladies', Misses' and Children's Muslin and Outing Gowns.
Twenty Per Cent Discount on all Ladies Silk Waists.
Here is your opportunity to buy suitable and serviceable Christmas gifts for lady rela
tives and friends at prices that cannot be duplicated in North Platte or elsewhere.
These Prices are Cash. , Alterations on Garments Free.
Semi-Weekly Tribune
UtA L. JJAltE, Editor nml Publisher.
subscription rates:
Ono Year by Mull In Advance.... $1.25
Ono Year by Carrier la Advance ,M
Entered nt North Platte, Nebraska,
Postolllco as Becoud Class Matter.
Onions ?1.00 a bushel, cabbngo $1.00
a hundred pounds. Phono 782F022, 9n-3
Mrs. JauiCB Kennedy has returned
from a visit with relatives In Willow
Miss Lona Ilaskins und Mrs. Frank
Sullivan are assisting in tho Solby
Dry Goods Store.
Miss Sarah Monlclo spont Tlianlcs-
gtvlng with relatives In Bluo II1I1,
Tho Club Novlta will bo ontortalned
on WodncBday afternoon by Mrs. Wal
tor A. Kockcn,
Mr. and Mrs. Bucktcl of Brady, apont
itho' past wcok with tholr daughter Mrs.
Arthur Horn.
Two comfortablo furnished rooms
for ront, 520 cast Fifth stroct.
Mrs. O. Wondllng loft Wednesday
ovonlug for Omaha to visit hor chil
dren for a few days.
l)on't fall to see tly now cropo-do-chiuo
waists at $1.08.
E. T. TllAMP & SONS.
J. 11. llogarty has roturned from
Grnnd Island whoro ho transacted
biiHtnoss this week.
A temporary fonco has boon built
around tho ruins of tho formor dopot
to prevent accldonts)
MrH. Edward Diotrlck and son Uavo
returned from an onjoynblo visit with
rolatlvcs in Sldnoy.
Mr. and Mrs. Win, Welch will bogln
housekeeping In tho Wolch house In
tho Fourth ward next week.
,Mrs. M. H. Douglas loft last ovon
lng for Lincoln whoro Bho will visit
relatives for several days.
Mrs. M. E. Crosby has returned
from n visit with relatives in tho
eastern part of tho Btato.
Mrs. Frcil Thompson cmtortainod the
Ladles Aid Society yestorday after
noon. A nlco lunch was Bcrvcd.
Josoph Foyo, o Douglas, Ariz.,
enmo Wednesday for a short visit with
his aunt Mrs. Bedolla Lonorgan.
Diamonds selected durinc tho Satur
day display will bo reserved (for
Christmas. DIXON. Tho Jewolur.
Mrs. Edith Qually. of Elk Moumttiln.
who has been vlsltlnt: her mother Mrs.
Connett for several weeks, will return
nomo next week.
Mr. and Mrs. Rny Bucktol. of Raw
lins, havo roturned homo aftor spend
ing a week hero with tho formar's
slstor, Mrs. Arthur Horn.
Houso and 2 lots In fruit for sala or
trado for. slock. Blaclc 460. 1203
north Locust. $g.,j
Miss Hnru Ynrnafiyl and father wlio
havo been associated with tho Palaco
Cafo . for sbveral years vlll lcr.vo
Jan. 7th for an extended visit in Japan.
Mr. and Mrs. Gill, of Garflold. who
Itavo bon visiting their daughter 'Mrs.
bam Derryborry for two weeks, will
loavo in a fow days for ensitcrn .Ne
braska to visit rolatives.
Mrs. Edward Rebhausen assisted by
Mrs. Georgo Tokulvo and Mrs. Thomas
Burgnor ontortoihed tho Catholic
ladles ye&torday afternoon. Tho attcn
danco was ono of tho largest of tho
Beason. f
You can save about halt on your
toat, Suit or Dross for Christmas
gifts by attending Block's Year End
Julius Pizer. 1
For Salo Cholco Iteclstored Here
ford Bulls, ono and two years old, at
reasonable prices. E. Soderman. 11U
miles southeast of North Platte. S9M
IIa1ng lost tho spaco which they
used in tho U. P. bagfraco room nr
vlous to tho depot fire, tho American
Express company has been crowded
for tho handling of exnross matt
and aro now uslug what was formerly
tho U. P. laundry for a store room.
Saturday, this week our New York
alamond merchant will bo with
and wo will havo on display $100,000
worth of diamonds and proclo
stonos. A gorgeous window dlspl;
has bo arrayed,
,DIXON, Tho Jeweler.
Mr. and Mrs. Qeorgo Brewer, for
merly of this city, returned hero Wed
nesday evening and tho former ac
copied a position at tho Dally Tol
graph this morning. For. boiiio time
past Mr. Browor has boon associated
Willi tno Dally News at Waukgan, 111
Wednesday, whllo Scott Shaner of
Maxwell, was driving over tho brldgo
south of town, whfch Is being repaired
tho lloorlng sagged, Mr. Shaner
realizing tho danger ofvtho wagon bo
lng thrown into tho river, urged the
team ito lnorcaso their speed and thus
avoided what might havo been
sorious. ncldent.
Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Walker returned
last night from tholr honeymoon trip
to eastern points.
In pursunnco to orders Issued by the
state rtro commissioner, the small
framo buldlngs cast of the Horrod
grocery aro being removed.
For Farm Loans seo or wrlto Gene
Crook, room 3, Waltemath building,
North Platte. 4itf
Tho adult members of tho Episcopal
church will hold a "got together"
meeting In tho church basoment this
evening. Supper will be served and
Informal talks made.
Thougli several cases of small -pox
havo existed north of tho river durlpg
tho past month, the first caso In town
developed this week. Tho patient Is
Helen Koontz, residing on south Lo-cuslt.
Local members of the Knights of tho
Maccabees whp havo reached tho age
of fifty-fivo havo received notice of a
raise of several hundred per cent In
their rate. Men who wcro paying $2.10
per month on $2,000 will after January
1st bo compelled to pay $6.00.
Thero Is such a heavy demand for
Columbia Grafanolas that tho factory
at Bridgeport, Conn., Is 4700 machines
behind In orders. Anticipating a big
demand wo bought early and can make
your homo musical for X'mas. Visit
our music room.
DIXON, The Jeweler.
The case of tho state of Nebraska
against Frank Scese was filed In tho
county court Wednesday. Wm. Bailey,
tho plaintiff claims that Seese was
using land In tho southeast part of this
cou,tiny without a right or lease and
fchat when ho moved from same, ap
propriated a barrel, water tank and
fifty posts which belonged to Bailey.
The cost of tho articles taken amount
ed to several dollars.
Tho Tlllikum Girls' club wore the
guests of Misses Sybil Gantt and Kath-
erlno Hall Wednesday evening at the
home of the .former. Tho early part
of the evening was spent in transact
ing business, after which tho young
ladles spent a couple of hours In
dancing. Dainty refreshments were
served. Misses Georgio Hoxlo and
Grace Ogler were taken into the mem
bership. It was decided to discontinue
tho meetings until after the holidays.
Tho literature department of the
Twentieth Century Club hel d an en-
oyable meeting at tho home of Mrs. J.
H. Hegarty Wednesday. Mrs. Forbes
acted as leader, and the following pro
gram was carried oufT Roll call, cur
rent events; book review, Mrs. F. N.
Buchanan; followed by discussion
The department presented Mrs. Jasper
Mahaffey witlr a hand-painted" plate. En
joyable refreshments were served by
the hostess!
. Sheriff Salisbury left last night for
Uocohontas, Iowa, to bring back Earl
Ihmnn, who will fnco tho charge of
having stolen an auto belongllng to
Henry Clark, of this city. On a Sunday
night early In 'October tho car was
taken from In front of tho Lutheran
church, and a week or sb after was
found In a wrecked condition In a
canyon in the south part' of tho county.
Suspicion pointed to Inmnn and Sher
iff Salisbury mailed out a number of
cards giving description of Iriman. It
was through ono of these cards that
the Iowa sheriff identified Innian as
tho mnn wanted, and arrested him
whllo holding down a Job of husking
To tho Public
Having niado settlement with tho In
surance company, I will start to re
move tho old barn. I will do business
in tho front part of tho old barn until
1 get tho new omo erected. Will
have all kinds of feed, flour, potatooa,
wheat oats corn anything in tho feed
lino at prices that will lnako you sit up
and notice. Call or phono mo, as I need
your business.
Will Consider Building Addition.
At tho next meeting of tho B. P. O.
Elks an open discussion will bo had
on the questfan of erecting a building
on ithe vacant forty-four feet north of
tho present building. This additional
building would correspond in stylo
with the existing one. Tho ground
floor would bo business rooms and tho
second and third floors for lodge pur
poses. A larger dining room is needed,
many, of the members would liko to
havo a bowling alley added, others
desire stationary and shower baths,
and an enlargement of the amusement
room is needed.
Remember all suits and coats at
absolutely cost, alterations free.
, Memorial Service Sunday Afternoon.
The annual memorial service of the
B. P. O. Elks will be held at the lodge
room beginning at 3:30. Dean J. J.
Bowkor will deliver the address. Vo
cal solos wil bo rendered by Miss Tro
vlllo and Mr. Kendall, and Stamp's
orchestra will render several selec
tions. In addition to theso there will
be the regula ritualistic ceremonIes
of tho order.
Miss Jessie Babbitt visited friends In
Denver tho first of the week.
For Kent.
4 room houso 216 cast B street 7
room houso 203 south Locust street,
modern except heat
84tf J. C. HOLLMAN.
Furs Wanted
Bring In your furs to us. Wo will
pay you the highest price. Don't ship
them until you seo us.
Dodge Brothers S-Passenger
Touring or 2-Passenger
Roadster for
Wyo linvo ninny purchasers in our city nnd our territory
in general. We will 1)0 glnrt to mail you heir names that
tlioy may personally tell you uJjout the merits of these cars.
Hendy-Ogier Auto Co.
In case of poisoning. First send for a physician; second in
duce vomiting by tickling throat with leather or linger; drink
lots of water, or strong mustard and water; swallow sweet oil
or white of egg. Acids are antidotes for alkalies and vice versa
are discovered every
Day. We keep abreast
with the Progress of Sci
ence and our Stock contains
some of the very newest
Drugs and Sundries. Besides
we put Brains into our work,
Honesty into our Material
and keep Faith with our
Customers. "If it's a Drug
we have it or we'll make it."