The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 03, 1915, Image 1

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No. 91
Mrs. John Welnborger lias returned
from Omaha where slio visited -relatives
for a week.
Mrs. Edward Forsythc, of Council
Bluffs, came last evening to visit for a
week or more with Mrs. George Loan.
Dr. Brook, Dentist, has moved his
office to the Reynolds building over
Stone's Drug Storo. 83tf
Mrs. S. C. Seilmer, of Alliance, who
has been tho guest of her sister Mrs.
Joseph Basklns for some time, will
leave Sunday.
Mrs. Joseph Koblotz, of St. Joe, who
spent sevoral weeks hero with hor
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Artz,
left last evening.
Miss Maymo Plzer, who has boon
visiting her cousin in Grand Island
for ton days, Is expected to return to
morrow evening.
Mrs. Leo Sarto and baby, of Savan
nah, Illinois, who spent several weeks
with hor mother Mrs. Johana McGraw,
left a few days ago.
Mrs. W1. B. Brown returned tho early
part of this week from Philadelphia,
where she had been visiting relatives
for two or three months.
During tho month of December 373
cars wero shipped out of Hershey. The
leading products wero beets and hay,
173 cars of the former and 185 of tho
You can save about half on your
Coat, Suit or Dress for Christmas
gifts by attending Block's Year End
Mr. and Mrs. John Ellison, of Sher
idan, Wyoming, formerly of, this city,
came a few days ag'o to visit Mrs.
Johanna McGraw and other' friends for
n week.
The villa re fire company of Hershey
netted $55 from a dance on Thanks
giving ovenlng, which is evidence that
the Hershey pe"ople appreciate its lire
R. A. Frame, living east of Hershey,
sold his personal property at public
auction Monday. Thirty head of
horses averaged $95 each, and 815 hogs
sold at an average of $6.00.
Tho Union Pacific Lane cut-off bridge
which was destroyed by fire, has been
replaced and service over that route
will be resumed tomorrow. Since the
fire trains have been operated over the
old route.
E. M. Smith and Geo. E. Brown went
to Omaha yesterday and will return
Saturday In a big eight cylinder, seven
passenger Apperson Jack Rabbit car,
which Mr. Brown has purchased, . It
will be the new tnree uoor styie.
The Zeta Zeta club met with Mrs
Harry Williams Thursday afternoon,
Tho ladies will take literary work af
ter the holidays. At four o'clock a
nice two course luncheon was served.
Mrs. Rlggs asssted Mrs. Williams.
A. W. Hoatson, manager of the Lln
mtn Hlrliwnv invratrft at Sutherland.
will install a private electric lighting
plant for use in tne garage out oi sui
ficent capacity to furnish tho business
nortion of town with lights if ttho mer
chants so desire.
Tho Presbyterian ladles held a fair
in the baseinent of tho church yester
day afternoon and beginning at 5:30
served an excellent chicken supper to
over 200 persons. Tho receipts from
the sale of fancy work, candy booth
and supper amounted to about $250.
A new lot of extra good Crepo-de
chlno waist regular $3.50 and $1.00
values at $1.98, do not fall to sec these
More wheat is being marketed in
North Platto this fall than ever be
foro in the history of the town. While
only a small part of tho crop in the
country tributary to town has so far
been marketed, yet the Coates elevator
has purchased and shipped over forty
thousand bushels.
The monthly meeting of the Twen
tieth Century Club will bo held in the
Chamber of Commorco rooms in tho
Building and Loan building, Tuesday
evening, December 7th, at 8:00 o'clock.
At this mooting tthojplans for tho club's
Christmas will bo completed and it Is
hoped that every member of tho club
will make an especial effort to bo present.
Mrs. Julia Todd went to Horshoy last
evening to visit friends for a week or
Corbln Jones has gono to Omaha to
accept a position with tho the M. E.
Smith Co.
Miss Mario Stack will spend Sunday
with her cousin Mrs. Wilfred Stuart
In Lexington.
Let mo have your mngazlno orders
as soon as possible this month. Mrs.
M. V. Mitchell, phono red 104.
Mrs. II. J. Hansen and Mrs. II. P.
Hansen left Wednesday ovenlng for
Omaha to spend a week or longer.
Tho W. C. T. U. will moot with Mrs.
Sanford Hartman, 310 west Sixth
street, Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
In a contest for a raincoat at tho1
Roxall drug storo Miss Mabel McFar
land and Master George Thayer wero
Tho county commissioners will meet
Jn session Monday for the monthly al
lowance of claims and for tho traBac
tion of such other business as may
como beforo them.
New Holiday Merchandise arriving
dally at
Julus Mogensen extends his thanks
to tho flro department for tho excel
lent work performed during tho lira
which practically destroped his livery
barn. Ho fools grateful to tho boys
for tho promptness with which they
reached, tho Are and their horoic ef
forts in extinguishing tho flames.
Steel work on tho now brdlge cast
of town has practically been complet
ed, but it is not expected thnt tho west
end approach to ttho bridge will be com
pleted this winter. However, this nil
will probably be in condition for use
by tho timo tho .roadway from North
Platto to tho bridge and from tho
bridge to Maxwell Is built.
Senator Hitchcock announces that
ho will introduce a bill in the senato
appropriating flvo million dollars for
tho plan of storing tho flood waters of
the Platto for irrigation purposes In
Phelps and Gosper counties. The wat
er would bo taken from tho river at a
point near Lexington.
You are invited to visit our stor3 on
Saturday, this week to inspect tho
finest line of diamonds and precious
ptono jewelry ever brought to our
city. All visitors welcome. .
DIXON, The Jeweler.
A divorce was granted yesterday af
ternoon t o Nora Crick from Sylvester
Crick on the grounds of desertion two
.years ago. They were married Feb
ruary loth, 1910, at Anthony, Kansas,
and later resided In Wallace Tho us
tody of tho children, Hazel ago 14, Oma
ago 13, Margaret ago 11, and Harold
age Qr was given to tho plaintiff.
.. North Platte, tfob., Pec. 2, 101.1.
..This is to show that. my nroloss
has been settled today by Itrutt &
(joodmun, Agents, to my entire satis,
fnctloiV mid I Inko this opportunity to
thank them and recommend them and
their companies to nil my friends.
I'cw Toll Line.
Tho Nebraska Tolephono Co. com
pleted a copper toll lino from Oga
lalla to Grant yesterday afternoon, and
tho lino Is now ready for service. Ser
vlco may now bo had to Grant and Ma
drid and undor favorablri conditions
to Elslo although tho lino from Madrid
to Elslo Is not such as would warrant
ft ho eervco being called first class.
This toll lino fills a long felt wnnt in
giving tho town of Grant, which is the
county seat of Perkins county, tole
phono connections with tho outsldo
world. Grant has had local tolephono
scrvlco for sevcrnl years but lond dls
tanco connections could not, be had
until today.
"What Julius .Mogensen says about
tho settlement of lis fire loss by limit
& (Joodiiiiin. Such satisfactory set
tlements of lire losses Is their rule. If
without one of tho limit & Ooodiuan
policies, get one today nnd lie safe.
Tho Indian Card Club was enter
tained yesterdny afternoon nt tho home
of Mrs. Thomas Healoy. Sho was as
sisted by Mesdamcs James Hart, Will
Hawley and G. B. Dent Prizes for
highest scoros were awarded to Mrs.
Fred Waltomath and Miss Alma Wal
temntli. Enjoyablo refreshments wero
served. Out of town guest was Miss
Callio Tenk, of Los Angeles.
Mrs. G. S. Huffman and Mrs. F. T.
Redmond entertained tho Harmony
Card Club last evening at the homo of
tho former. All members wero pres
ent and spent a pleasant evening. Nice
ly prepared refreshments wero served.
Guests of the club wero Dr. nnd Mrs.
Harry Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. L. P.
Following is tho menu which will
bo served at the Christian church base
ment Monday, December 0th, begin
ning at 11:30: Roast turkey and
dressing, cranberry sauce, mashed po
tatoes and gravy, sweet potatoes, cab
bage salad, black pudding and coffee.
Prico 30 cents.
Tho meetings which, are being hold
In tho north side Baptist mission arc
progressing nicely, the house being
comfortably ' filled each ovonlng. To
night at 7:30 a lecture will be given on)
tho topic, "What! Is a Christian?" Ev
ery one invited.'
Call for a demonstration of the Re
liable Electric Cleaner. It has tho
rotary brush which is far superior to
the stationary one. For sale or rent.
I also have the hand-running Domesfi
tic. Mrs. M. V. Mitchell. Red. 101.
Weather forecast for North Platto
and vicinity:' Fair tonight and warm
er tonight and Saturday. Highest tem
perature yesterday GO, a year ago 49 ;
jowest last, night 31, a year ago 27.
'A pair of lady's now"brown kid
gloves were taken by mlslako at tho
social at tho Rebhausen homo yester
day. Please return the same to Mrs
Tho P. E. O. will observe Decembor
4th as flower day, at which timo all
members aro supposed to Uo an act
of kindness by sending flowers to 301110
sick person.
For Sale.
Good gentle family milch cow. 504
south Willow. Phono Black 71G. Oltf
Only 23 Days
We would like to impress on your minds that it will
pay you to do your Christmas shopping early. You
get the pick of the new stock, and are not rushed. We
have never had such a complete stock since we have
been in business, and we started in North Plattein
! 1886, and we are very anxious to show your our new
Christmas Gifts.
Diamond, Pearl and Cameo LaValHers, Brooches,
Diamond Rings, Cuff Links, Stick Pins,
Bracelet Watches, not a fad, hut Reliable
Bracelet Watches that give Satisfaction.
We have a big line of high grae Toilet .Articles in Sterling
Silver and Ivory. We have so many, pretty gifts that' it
is impossible to describe them all. Just drop in
when you are down and look around.
CLINTON, The Jeweler.
Eight of the fourteen reasons why you should see Tho Merry Musical Maids at
the Keith Theatre, two nights starting Tuesday, Dec. 7th. Seats on sale box office
Tuesday. Price. 25c, 35c, SOc
Your choice of any Ladies' Suit in our stock for 30
Your choice of a lot of Ladies9 Suits for C 00
These extraordinary prices are made to close out every fall suit in our stock. Our loss will be
your gain. These suits are all our regular stock, made by the best makers in this country and are
the greatest bargains ever offered in this line in North Platte. Come early while we have your size
Mrs. Anntt Redmond has beqn seri
ously 111 for several days post.
Maurlco Fowlor, of Grand Island,
was In town yesterday on tho scout for
Miss Esther Norbeck left yesterday
afternoon for an extended visit In
Tho Entro Nous club will meet with
Mrs. James Dorram, G08 east Second
streot Wednesday afternoon, December
Tho ladles' aid socloty of tho Chris
tian church mot In regular mooting In
tho church parlors yestorday. Tho an
nual election of officers was hold with
tho following result: Prosldont, Mrs.
Dloncr; vlco president, Mrs. Earnest
Mills; trcasuror, Mrs. P. R. Elliott;
secretory, MrB. Orra DoFord-Walltor.
After tlio business meeting an elab
orate lunch was served by tho follow
ing cammltteo: Mrs. J. II. VanClcnve,
L. E. Miller, John White, Norman Wil
son nnd Mrs. Weber.
Make It A "Home"
Christmas ThisJYear
Willi Christians but three weeks away,
lis well to plan your lists and buying
nt once. r
Past experience will suggest two son
slhlo rules Spend within your means,
pay when you purchase.
Another safe rule for tho Christinas
shopping season lluy of our "home"
merchants. They stand back of every
mecliants. They stnnd back of every
sale. ' That Is your protection.
And last, but not of least mportancc,
luivo a checking account, pay for pur
chases by bank check. ,
Platte Valley State Bank,
North Platte, Nebraska.