The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 30, 1915, Image 8

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    Semi-Weekly Tribune
IJU L. BAKE, Editor and Publisher.
One Year by Mall In Advnnco....$1.25
One Ycnr by Cnrrlcr In Advance. .$10
Entered at North Platte, Nebraska,
Postofllcc a8 Second Clas9 Matter.
tuksuay, kovemher :io, low
The Lutheran Girls' club will meet
Frldny evening with Mrs. E. B. Panc.
Mr. and Mrs. It. V. Cox returned
Sunday evening from Fremont where
they visited the lattcr's daughter, Mrs.
Fred Miller.
Machinist Falk, who had been em
ployed In the local U. P. round house
for several years, resigned last wook
nnd loft for Omaha.
Misses Ida and Louslse OttcnsteJn
are enjoying a visit from Miss Callie
Tenk of Los Angeles, who will be
their guest until Christmas.
Fred Wclngand returned to Omnha
Sunday evening after visiting his sis
ters, McsdamcB Charles Stamp and
Louis Peterson several days.
MIsbcb Esther Robinson and Gor
trudo Magnor, of Rawlins, who spent
the past month with tholr cousin Miss
Mildred Fitzpatrlck, loft last evening.
Miss Bertha Thoolocko came down
from her homestead at Melrose last
week and after spending a few days
with her brother, 0. H. Thoolocko,
left for Omaha Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Slmms, of Hast
i lngs camo to visit their son Dr. J. S.
Slmms last week. Tho former loft
Sunday evening and Mrs. Slmms will
remain for a week longer.
Tho lnfnnt son of Mr. and Mrs. Jos.
Haskins, who was born two months
ago, died Sunday ovenlng. Funoral
services wore hold from the residence
yesterday aftornoon.
Silk Velvet and Volvetlue for "dress
A marriage llconso was granted Sat
urday aftornoon to Metta,
ago 20, and Albert Oakley Swarthom,
ago 33, both of this city and they wore
later married by County JudgeFrench.
Floyd Edwards who was arrested
last week for assaulting Percy Loudon
nnd wns serving a Jail sentence, paid
his flno of $20.80' Saturday and was
relensed. lie left for his homo south
of town.
MIhs Hilda Anderson has resigned
her position as assistant In the county
Judge's office. She will bo succeeded
by Miss Esslo Wessburg, who has
been assisting the county superin
tendent. . tho bazaar and food sale the
Methodist ladles will hold Doc. 18th,
flinrn will lift nmnv now nnrl nnvftl
Christmas gifts also many woven rugs
In different sizes. Food sale will In
clude broad? P'cs, calces, doughnuts,1
baked beans, etc. The placo of sale
will bo anounced later. '
Tho Methodist aid society will moet
next Thursday afternoon with Mrs.
W. C. McDermott, 016 west 3rd street.
.Assisting In entertaining will bo Mes
dames Tout, Uayslip, Scott Reynolds
and C. L. Stewart. As this will bo tbo
Inst meeting before tho bazaar wo
hope thcro will bo a good attondanco
so as to help on w'th some unfinished
1 s ,
; $
How to Get Good Roads
When Caesar took a westward rldo
And grabbed tho Gauls for Rome,
What was tho first thing that ho did
To make thorn fool at homo?
Did ho lncreaso tho people's loads,
And liberty forbid?
No, ho dug in and built good roads
That's what old Caosar did.
Did Caesar put tho Iron heel
Upon tho focmnn's breast
Or did ho try to make them feel
That Roman's rule was host?
What did ho do to make them glad
Ho camo their lands amid?
Ho built good roads In placo of bad
That's what old Caesar did.
Ho built good roads from hill to hill,
Good roads from valo to valo:
Ho ran a good road movement
Till old Romo got all tho kalo.
He told tho folks to buy at home,
Build roads tholr ruts to rid,
Until all roads led up to Rome
That's what old Caesar did.
If any town would mako Itself
Tlio rnnlnr nf the man.
Whoro folks will como and settle down
And Hvo in plonty's lap;
If any town Its own abodes
Of nnvnrtv would rid.
Lot It go out and build good roads--
Just like old unesar uiu.
Ohio Motorist.
Tho Psychology of Practico.
The (mention of short versus lontt
periods of practice In training tho hu
man muscles for any particular kind
of work la obviously one having far
reaching nnpllentiiui. Somu Interesting
experiment) on this subject have boiii
carried out by Dr. K. S Laahlov of
Johns Hopkins university. Acquisition
of skill In arclicry was selected as tne
subject of observation. Twenty un
trained persons were divided into threo
groups. One group shot live arrows
with the English longbow per day;
another twenty shots per day and tho
third forty shots. The result showed
conclusively that the group shooting
only live times a day Improved In ac
curacy with loss expenditure of time
In practice than was required by either
of the other groups for the same
amount of Improvement. A report on
the experiments says: "The relntlvelv
greater elllcleney of short periods of
practice continuing for mnny days Is In
accordance with tho results' of the
ntudy of animals and of speech habits
In mnn'nnd Indicates that In training
to muscular feats, In botb.'anlmnls and
men, the length of practice periods re
quired Is usually too great, for max
imum efficiency." Philadelphia Rec
Cllmato Variety In Chile.
Ch'llb has a coast lino of L',000 miles
and the breadth of tho country varies
from only 100 to 2."0 miles. The crest
of tho Andes marks the enstern boun
dary nnd the Pacific ocean tho western.
Tlio const chain and the principal cor
dlllera of tho Andes traverse tho coun
try longitudinally.. Botwen thoui lies
the central valley, the great agricul
tural section of the country. In the
north nro tho arid deserts which con
tain the nitrates. In the south is the
Chllos archipelago and tho malnlnnd
where the rains are frequent and con
stant. The loug stretch of coast and
the variations due to the mountain
chains afford every variety of climate,
but tho greater section of the country
may bo said to have a tempernto cll
mnte. Tho mineral resources are the
nntural wonlth which furnish the ma
jor part of the purchasing power. New
York Suiu
A Glimpse of "Centra!"
Behind the Scenes.
AVE YOU ever visited a telephone con-
irai omccy nave you any idea what
goes on behind the scenes during those
few seconds between thn liftino- nf t.lin
receiver and the answering voice of your friend
or businesss acquaintance?
A trip through a telephone exchange is a
most interesting- experience. Our latch string
is always out and wo welcome the opportunity
to show our patrons how their tolephone calls
are handled.
There is a mutual advantage in a visit to one
of our central offices. It makes for better un
derstanding between, us. The knowledge you
gain of how to use the telephone and of our
methods of operation should make tho tele
phono more valuable to yoir and should aid us
m our efforts to furnish you with the best telo-,
phone service of which science is capable.
Mrs. Harry Mooro has returned
from Cheyenne whore she visited last
A daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Gus Polls the later part of last
Doll Bonnor, of tho Lincoln School
of Music, camo Inst week to visit his
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Norton, of Alll
nnco, spent last week hero with
Jay Smith and Paul Nolan returned
Friday from Omaha whoro thoy visited
last wock.
Mrs. Helen Whlto left tho latier
part of last week for Overton to vis
it friends.
Se our now nssortmont of ribbon?;
special on thorn at 22c.
Miss Irene McGoo and sister of
Brady, aro Bpondlng this week with
town friends.
Mrs. C. J. Perkins went to Northpcrt
Saturday morning to Bpcnd a few days
with friends.
. Misses Dorothy Hubbard and Esth r
Schwalgor spent Thanksgiving with
tho liomo folks.
Mrs. J. B. Hayes who was crltlca'ly
111 at the city hospital Is reported
very mucli improved.
Mrs. Mary Marovlsh, of Suthorland,
Is visiting hor daughter Mrs. A. J.
Frazlor tills wook.
Miss Agnes Hutcbinson roturn"d
yesterday from Donvor whoro she vis
ited relntlves last week.
Miss Creslo Bassett has returned
from Lexington where she visited rel
atives for several days.
Miss Mao Wilson, who teaches
school In the Paxton vicinity, spent
Thanksgiving with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McDermott who
visited friends In Grand Island last
week, camo homo yesterday.
Mosdames E. N. Ericson and Charles
Tederman of Gothenburg, visited In
town tho latter of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Johnson and
dnughtor have returned from a short
visit in Omaha and Grand Island."
Diamonds aro a safe investmen'.
They aro a superb Christmas
Our diamonds arc unexcelled In quali
ty and at the very lowest prices.
DIXON, The Jeweler.
Mlss Erma Barraclough and
Blancho Wright were visitors In Goth
enburg the latter part of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Carson of Goth
enburg, who visited their son Perry
for several days, went homo Saturday.
County Judgo French returned a
few days ago from Kansas City where
ho visited his daughter Mrs. Fredrick
son. James L. Hardwlck, of Dcs Moines,
has been visiting Miss Julia Mansfield
for several days past and loft yester
day. Harley Grefcson, of Falrbury, came
a few days ngo to visit Harold Lang
ford and other friends for several
If needing fire or life insurance, get
me nest, roiicics written uy isrott
& Goodman mean every word they
say. You can't afford to be without
Governor Inspector Gardner, of
Washington, spent tho later part of
last week horo anpV reports the local
Union Pacific yar'dsto bo In excellent
condition. w
. if.
Mrs. Robert DavSdson, of Ogde.i,
formerly a resident horo, will leave
tho later part of this week after a
pleasant visit with Mrs. Anna Shea
and other friends.
A. J. Winters of Eldorado Springs,
is spending a few days visiting his
sister Mrs. Earl Lambert. Mr. Winters
was formerly employed hero ns rail
road civil engineer.
For Kent.
4 room houso 21G cast B street 7
room houso 203 south Locust Btreot,
modern except heat.
84tf J. C. HOLLMAN.
Physician nnd Surgeon
Office B. & L. Building, Second Floor
Phono, Office, 83; Residence 38.
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention Given to Gynecology
Obstetrics and Children's Diseases.
Office McDonald State Bank Building.
Comer Sixth aud Dewey Streets.
Phones, Office 183, Residence 283
Successor to
Drs. Redfleld & Redfield
Office Phone 642 Res. Phono 67fi
Geo. B. Dent,
sician and Surgeon.
Special Attention given to Surgery
and Obstetrics.
Office: Building nnd Loan Building
Plb0 Office 130
Phones Residonco 115
Hospital Phono Black 633.
Houso Phono Black 633.
Graduate Veterinarian
Eight years a Government Veterinar
ian. Hospital 218 south Locust St.,
one-half block southwest of the
Court Houst.
Steam Heat, Running Hot and
Cold Water in all the rooms.
'rices Reasonable.
Corner 6th and Locust St.
I Am Paying More for
than anyone else. Before you
sell come and See me.
We are paying $10 Per ton
for Dry Bones.
North Platte Junk House
Lock's Old Barn.
Bought and highest mnrket
prices paid
Residence Red 63G Ofllco 459
Trobato Notlco
In tho Matter of tho Estate of James
Bolton. Deceased.
In tho County Court of Lincoln
County. Nebraska. November a, 1915,
Notlco Is hereby that tno crouitors
of said deceased will meet tho admin
istrator of said estate before tbo Coun
ty JudKo of Lincoln County, Nebraska,
at tho County Court room, in said
County, on tho 10th day of December,
1915. and on tho 10th day or June,
191C, at 9 o'clock A. M. each day, for
tho nurnoso of presenting uioir claims
for examination, naiustment ana allow
anco. Six months nro auowcu ror
creditors to present tholr' claims, and
ono year for tho administrator to Bet
tlo said estato, from tho 10th day or
December, 1915. This notlco will bo
published In tbo North Platto Tribune,
n legal nowspaper printed in said
County, for four weoks successively,
prior to Decdmbor 10, 1915.
n9-4w County Judge.
Sheriffs Sale.
By vlrtuo of an alias order of salo
Issued from tho District Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska, upon a decreo
of foreclosure rendered In said court,
whoroln C. S. Cadwallador is plaintiff
nnd James F. Rolnsralth, ot al,aro
dofendnnts, and to mo directed, I will,
on tho 11th day of December, 1916, at
two o'clock P. M., nt tho east front
door of tbo Court Houso. In North
Platto, Lincoln County. Nobraska, soil
at public "auction to tho hlgheBt bid
dor, for cash, to Batlsfy said docreo,
lntorost and costs, tho following des
cribed proporty, to-wlt:
East half, (E), of Northwest quar
tor, (NWU) of Section thirty (301,
Township fifteen, (15), Range twonty
uovon, (27), West of tho Sixth (Gth),
p. M.. Lincoln County. Nobraska.
Dated North Platto, Nebraska, No
Hogs an
vember 5th, 1915.
n9-5w A. J.x SALISBURY, Sheriff
Hcnl Estate and Insurance
Como and seo us for town lots In
different parts ot the city. Good In
vestments on easy tormB. Houses for
salo and rent. Wo have also good bar
gains in farms and ranches.
Cor. Front nnd Dowoy Sts.. upstairs.
112 Enst Third Street,
l'hoiio Red 101.
..General j Hospital..
(Incorporated) 'j
Phone 58 723 Locust Street
A modern institution for the
scientific treatment of medical,
surgical and confinement cases.
Completely equipped X-Ray
and diagnostic laboratories.
Geo. B. Dent, M. D. V. Lucas, M. D.
J. B. Redfield, M. D. J. S. SimmsM.D.
Miss Elise Sieman, Supt.
Office phone 241. Res. phone 217
L . C . DROST,
Osteopathic Physicinn.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
Licensed Embalnicrs
Undertakers nnd Eunernl Directors
Day Phono 234.
Night Phono Black 688.
Cigars in - the Home
For the next live months smokers
will spend their evenings indoors, nnd
what is nioro convenient nnd more
plcnsurcablo than n box of cigars nt
Home, easily accessible when you have
un inclination to smoke. Try n box
of our honic-inndc nnd hand. made cl
ears, tho kind that nro u little better
than you buy elsewhere tor the snino
"Wo also carry n full lino of to
bacco nnd smokers' articles.
J. F. Schmalzried.
To Charges Brlttingham, Joseph H.
BcntcK, josepn a. scmck, Auminis
trator of the Estate of Gusslo
Schick, deceased, Cathorino Lu-
cilo Schick, a minor; Joseph H,
Schick, father and natural guardian
of Catherine Lucilo Schick, a minor,
South Bend Chilled Plow Company,
a corporation; Racino Sattley Com
pany of Nebraska, a corporation;
Racino Sattley Company, a corpora
tion; Jool Turney & Company, a cor
noratlon: Challenge Company, a
corporrtlon; McFarlan Carriage
Company, a Corporation, Mrs,
Claudo L. Abbott, Mrs. John C,
Camp, Georgo F. Sawyer and Mrs.
George F. Sawyer, non-resident de
You and each of you will take no
tlco that on November 5, 1915, H. b.
Evans, Plaintiff, filed his certain pe
tition in tho District Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska, bringing suit
aaa nst you and each or you, lm
pleaded with others, tho object and
prayor of which said petition aro to
foreclose you and each of you of all
equity of redemption, claim, right, in
terest and title in and to tho follow-
intr described lands situato in Lin
coln County. Nobraska, to-wlt: South
west Quartor (SW) of Section Four
(4), Township Nino (9) and tho East
Half (EVj) and East uair or mo
Northwest Quarter (EMs & ENW14)
of Section Thirty-two (32), Town
ship Ton (10), North, all in Range
Twontv-soven (27) and west of tho
fith P M.. to satisfy a first lions claim
ed liv nlalntiff unon said promises by
vlrtuo of bolng tho owner of tax salo
certificate No. 47C5 and No. 4770 be
ing certificates of tho purcha of said
respectlvo tracts of land from the
Troasuror of said County at public
salo for tho taxes for tho year 1903
and by vlrtuo of subsequent taxes
patd thoroon by plaintiff, and accrued
intorest, and upon said tax certificate
No. 47G5 thcro is now duo tho sum of
$93.22 being a lien upon said South
west Quartor of Section four, and the
sum of $191.49 bolng a lien upon the
East Half and East Half ot tho North
west Quartor ot Section Ten, and if
said respectlvo Bums bo not paid to
gothor with accurlng interest thoroon
at tbo rato of 15 por cent per annum
and cost ot suit within thirty days
from dato of decreo had heroin that
sail rospectvo tracts bo sold in sat
isfaction thoroof.
You and each, of you will make
answer to said notltlon on or before
December. 20th, 1915, or decree ;w.IU,
bo taken against you as in saw peti
tion prayed.
H. S. EVANS. Plaintiff,
By E. H. EVANS, Hla Attorney.
Notlco of Special Election
Notlco is hereby given that on the
7th day of Dccombcr, 1915, a special
election will bo held in tho School Dis
trict of tho City of North Platto, in the
County of Lincoln, in tho Stato of No
braska; tho polling places to bo as
follows: For that portion of said Dis
trict north of tho tracks of tho Union
Pacific Railroad Company, at tho Hoso
Houso in tho Fourth Ward In tho City
of North Platto, Lincoln County, Ne
braska; for that portion of said Dis
trict south of tho tracks of tho Union
Pacific Railroad Company and west
of Dewey street, and public road No.
6, which is a continuation of Dewey
Street, at tho Hoso Houso In tho
Third Ward of said City of North
Platto; aud for that portion of said
District south of tho tracks of tho Un
ion (Pacific Railroad Company and
cast of said Dowoy Street and public
road No. 6, the samo being a continu
tlon of Dewey street, at Lloyd's Opora
Houso in tho First Ward in tho City
of North Platto.
At which said election tho following s
proposition will bo submitted to tho
voters of said School District:
"Shall tho School District of the
City of North Platto, in tho County of
Lincoln, In tho State of Nobraska, is
suo its negotiable bonds in tho sum
of Fifty Thousand Dollars, ($50,000.00)
in denominations of $1,000.00 each
dated on the first day of April, 191C,
bearing interest at tho rato of 5 per
cent per annum, payable semi-annually,
principal and interest payable
at tho fiscal agency of tho Stato of Ne
braska in tho City of Now York and
payable as follows, to-wlt: In twen- -ty
years from tho dato thereof, but
may bo pjald at any tlmo after ten
years from tho dato thereof at tho op
tion of the Board of Education of said
School District.
Said bonds to bo Issued for tho pur
pose of erecting and furnishing one
14 room school building in tho First
Ward of the City of North Platte, Ne
braska, on Block 144 in said ward.
And shall tho Board of Education of
the School District of the City of
North Platto, in tho County of Lin
coln, In the State of Nebraska, be
athorlzed to cause to be levied and
collected, a tax annually In amount
sufficient to pay tho intorest and prin
cipal of said bonds, as tho same ma
ture, In addition to the taxes now au
thorized to bo levied by law, on all
property within the said School Dis
trict. The ballots to bo used at said elec
tion shall have printed thereon:
For Issuing $50,000.00 of the
bonds of tho School District of
tho City of North Platto, in the County
of Lincoln, in the State of Nobraska,
for the purpose of erecting and fur
nishing one 14 room school building
on block 144 in tho First Ward of tho
City of North Platte, Nebraska, in said
District. Said bonds to bo negotiable
in fot u and to bear interest at the
rato of five per cent per annum, pay
able semi-annually, principal and in
terest payable at tho fiscal agency of
tho State of Nebraska, in the city o
New York and which said bonds shall
be duo as follows: In twenty years
from the date thereof, but may be
paid at any tlmo after ten years from
the date thereof, at the option of tho
Board of Education of said school
district; and for levying and collect
ing a tax annually in an amount suf
ficient to pay the interest and princi
pal of said bonds, as tho same mature,
in addition to the taxes now authorized
to bo levied by law, on all property
within, the said school district."
"Against issuing $50,000.00 of the
bonds of the School District of the
City of North Platte, in the County ot
Lincoln, In tho State of Nebraska, for
the purpose of erecting and furnishing
one 14 room school building on block
144 In tho First Ward of the City of
North Platto, Nebraska, within said
district. Said bonds to be negotiable
In form and to bear Interest at the
rato of five per cent per annum pay
able semi-annually, principal and in
terest payable at tho fiscal agency of
tho State of Nebraska in tho City of
New York, and wtflch Bald bonds
shnll be duo as follows: In twenty
years from the date thereof but may
bo paid at any tlmo after ten years
from tho date thereof, at tho option
of the Board of Education of said
School District; and against levying
and collecting a tax annually, in an
amount sufficient to pay the Inter
est and principal of said bonds, as
tho samo mature, In addition to the
taxes, now authorized by law, on all
proporty within tho said school dis
trict." Those voting in favor of said prop
osition shall mark their ballots with
an "X" after the paragraph beginning
"For issuing $50,000.00 of tho bonds
of tho School District of tho City of
North Platte, In tho County of Lincoln,
In tbo State of Nebraska."
Those voting against said proposi
tion shall mark their ballots with an
"X" after the paragraph beginning
"Against Issuing $50,000,00 of tho bonds
of tho School District of tho City of
North Platte, in the County of Lin
coln, in the Stato of Nebraska."
Said election to bo open at (8)
eight o'clock a. m. and continue open
until (C) six o'clock p. m. central
timo on said dato.
Dated this 1st day of November, 1915.
. By order of tho Board of Education.
E. T. TRAMP. President.
A. F. STREITZ, Secretary.
Probnto Notice.
In the Matter ot tho Estate of Charle3
Llerk, Sr, Deceased.
In tho County Court of Lincoln Coun
ty, Nobraska, Novcmbor 12, 1915.
Notlco is herby given, That tho cred
itors of said deceased will meet tho
Administrator ot' sajd Estate, bofore
tho County Judge of Lincoln County,
Nebraska, at tho County Court Room,
In said County, on tho 17th day of De
cember, 1915, and on tho 17th day of
Juno, 191G, at 9 o'colck a. m each
day, for tho purpose of presenting
their claims for examination, adjust
ment and allowance. Six months aro
allowed for credltqrs to present thoir
claims, and one year for tho Adminis
trator to settle said Estato, from tho
17th day of Decembor, 1915. This
notice will bo published in tho North
Platto Trlbuno a-newspaper printed in
said County, for four weeks succes
sively, preceding Dec 17, 1915.
nl6-4 County Judge.