THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Daily Bible I Reading I Br REV. HOWARD W.POPE & EtM elul ad BibU Tuchtr, Extmnon Otptrt p mtnt. Moodr UiUi Initituto of diiuco y T)3XT-alve Timothy 4:13. iittentlon to reading.-! How ono Bhall road the Hlblo de pends largely on what ho Is reading It for. Tlio Diblo ib an all-around book, and serves many purposes, but It la well to havo In mind Bomo doflnlto pur pose In all ono'a reading. Thoro Ib the de votional uso of the niblc. All stringed Instru ments quickly get out of tuno. The action of the at mosphere, and the constant vi bration In play ing, relaxes tho strings so that they need to bo retuned very often. No matter how good tho violin Is, It needs to bo tuned every day, and often many tlmcu n day. Man Is like a violin. Ho soon gets out of tuno with God. Tho wear nnd tear of life, and tho demoralizing at mosphere which sin creates, so af fects his disposition that he needs to bo brought into harmony with Cod svory morning. It Is not surprising, When wo consider the subtlety of sin, and tho weakness of tho llosh, rathor it' Is Strange that a Imrp "f a thousand Btrlngs, Should ltoci) In tuno bo lorn,'. Nothing will bring tho believer Into touch with God so soon as a llttlo tasto of tho Dlvlno Word. For devo tional purposes tho Psalms aro per haps tho best, becauso thoy cover so wldo a range of experience. Hero wo ilnd aspiration and confession, Joy and sorrow, adoration and pralso. Hero wo behold tho calm conlldonco which grows out of a sublimo faith. "Tho Lord is my shepherd; I shnll not want." Again wo meet tho bit ter anguish which comes from lngrat- ltudo, or. unrequited love, or tho ec Btaay of sin forgiven as in Psalm 32, or tho passlonnto plea for mercy In Psalm CI, or tho shout of triumph In Psalm G8. It la doubtful If thoro la any experience In life for which wo cannot find a duplicate in the psal ter, and, noting how tho man after God's own heart bohaved in similar emergencies, wo aro unconsciously led Into tho samo feeling. In tho morning read Psalm 10, and at even Psalm 8. If you nro go ing on a journey, psalm 121 Is ap propriate If it bo Sunday, 122. If In perplexity, read Psalm 37. It you aro gratoful, chooso, 105, or 10G, or 107. If your heart needs searching, Psalm 139 will accomplish it "O, Lord, thou haBt searched mo and known mo," aud aftor a sublime de scription of God's omnlBclenco, clos lng with tho prayor which only an honest heart can uttor: "Search mo, O God, and know my heart; try mo aud know my thoughts: and soo It thoro bo any wicked way In me, and load mo In tho way ovorlasttng." If It is comfort you need, you will llnd It in abundance in either of tho following Psalms, 34, 91 or 103. Tho goBpols aro also oxcollont fot devotional roadlug bocauso thoro wn como in contact with tho words and works of Josus. Wo see how ho lived In tho homo and by tho waysldo, In the carpontor'a shop, and by tho open grave Wo soo him In public Hfo and In prlvato ministry alwayo tho samo, novor hurried, nor worrlod, always thinking of others and novor ot him solf. Wo soo him playing with tho children, watching tho hens In the door yard, nnd tho birds on tho troos, tho growing grains and fading flowers. In everything ho saw God'B lovo and caro, nnd from all things natural he drew somo spiritual lesson for hlo own and others' comfort. It it bo UBkcd how much ono should road nt a tlmo for dovotlonal purposes, lot mo answer with nn llluelratlon. 1 onco saw a plcturo ot tho dlsulplcB on tho way to Emniaus. Tho master has Juut loft them and tho two nro looking at each other In glad astonlshmont Ono of them Ib holding both hands over his heart as ho says with rapture, "DM not our heart burn within us, whllo ho talked with us by tho way, and whllo ho opened to us tho scrip' turos7" Ho can almost fool hlB hoart burn still as ho recalls tho momory ot that blessed walk, i If you aBk how long ono shall read his Blblo for dovotlonal purposes, I answer, read until your heart burns, until your soul thrills with tho con Bclousness of God's npproval. You may road a chapter or a book or a Blnglo verso, no matter how much or how llttlo, but read If you can, until you aro consciously In touch with God, nnd then, with tho father's morning Idas upon your HpB, you nro ready to moot tho outsldo world. Somo pooplo foel that thoy cannot spare tho tlmo for tho morning watch, but I question whether any child ot God can afford to do without It. Our souls need to bo fed dally as well as our bodies, and tho Diblo la tho soul's proper foo', "Man shnll not Hvo by bread nlono, but by every word that proceodoth out ot the mouth ot God." CLEANING UP THE ORCHARD IN THE FALL Apple Tree Wrapped With Paper to my I. J. MATIIBWS, Michigan Agrl- cultural College.) Ono job about tho farm that should not bo put off until aprlng Is cleaning up tho orchard. If this is put off un til later, ono of tho greatest bcncilts which may accrue from It will bo lost. I rofor to that host of orchard pests and dIseaseB that Uvo over winter In piles of rubbish and decaying apples. Thoso limbs that havo been pruned off and thrown to ono side and which nro now in dry condition, aro just the shelter under which these orchard posts can remain dormant through tho cold blasts ot winter and como forth In tho spring, hale and hearty, ready to attack tho first shoots and buds of tho apples that appear. If thcro Is nothing to burn but old branches and trco pruningB, then burn ing la a good and satisfactory way of getting rid of thla brush. Hut whoro weeds havo boon cut In tho orchard and piled up outaldo tho area covorcd by tho treo limbs, it would certainly 1 bo n waste of valuablo plant food to ' burn this material. Thcro is just ono t ot two things to do In tho disposition of thla material. To burn It means that nil tho plant foods, except tho ' minerals aro lost. In tho faco of our shortage- in tho potash supply, this, of course, should bo saved, but why not , TILLAGE INFLUENCES FERTILITY OF SOILS More Food Is Matje Available for Growing Tree's Cover Crop Protects the Roots. Tho effect of tillago and cover crops on tho orchard aro similar In Bomo ro epocts, but tlllngo addB nothing to tho nmount of plnnt food In tho soil, thought It Influences tho fertility of tho land so that moro food Is made nvallablo fo'r tho growing trees. A wcll-mnnnged Bystem of cover crops will accomplish all that tillago can nnd nt tho snmo tlmo ndd to tho store of tho plant food that will bo nvallablo for tho troos. Fruit trees aro often Injured by root frcozlng during tho winters. In tho northom latitudes this Is ono of tho most Importnnt reasons for keeping tho soil covorcd in tho winter. Tho Influenco of a cover crop In protecting tho roots from frost Is very Important On soil that Is rolling or on hillsides It will bo found almost imposBlblo to maintain nny dogroo of fortuity In tho orchard without tho uso of cover crops. It will not only prevent tho soil from washing away, but will also hold tho fertilizers from washing and provont tho leaves from blowing nway. Tho saving of plant food is nlso an Important function of a covor crop. When tho cold wonthor arroatB tho growth of troos thoro la considerable nvallablo plant food that may bo wnBt cd on account of tho trees not being nblo to consumo it at that tlmo. Thla mny bo saved by tho covor crop and hold until such a tlmo ns It la desired to havo It give It up or when tho cover crop decays In tho following aprlng. Tho ideal ByBtoro. of mnnuglns or chard lands In tho northern and mid- dlo Btatoa la perhaps moBt nearly up- proacnou wnon tho soil Is stirred In tho early spring, as enrly as practlca bio nnd bb doop as It can bo nnd not Injuro.tho roots; cultivate In this man lier until tho trees nro budded, then seeded with a covor crop which will grow until nutumn and bo turned un dor tho following spring, and tho saino method practiced again. In Bomo sections ot tho applo coun try a covor crop la usod tho year that tho trooB aro duo to produco a largo crop, so as to form a bed for tho ap ples to full upon nnd kcop them clean and trco from mud Protect Against Rabbits and Mice. save tho nitrogen and phosphates also? If the ground is pjowed, by all means take this decaying mass and put it in the bottoms of the furrows. In all probability, these pesta will nevoi hatch out there, and even If thoy did thoy could not get up through tho soil In tho spring. Somo men who do not havo a great many trees collect this rubbish aud put it about tho base ot tho trees. Tho heap Is covered with dirt. This excludes tho air and In the deepening process so much heat la gen erated that all theso dormant forms of Insect life aro killed. I have seen this boating, howover, result In a scalded trunk for tho applo t'reo. By all means tho old Umbs should bo burned up nnd If tho land Ib plowed tho other refuse should bo plowed un der, but as to whether It would pay to compost this old rubbish whero the land is not plowed Is a question that will bo largely determined by the nmount of rubbish, tho numbor of trees nnd tho cost of labor In doing It. Whoro thcro Is only a small amount of this refuso, It may po eaalor and less expensive to 1koep the pests down by spraying, but whero thoro Is a wholo lot of It, it should certainly bo drawn away or othorwlso disposed of before tho snow comes on. COMMERCIAL VALUE OF STABLE MANURE Humus Supplied the Soils Is Worth More Than Accom panying Food Elements. What 13 tho real commercial value of common stable manure? Thrco con stituents of this wnsto aro much sought for and command good prices In tho worlds market today. Our follow farmers back Hast aro paying about 20 cents n pound for nitrogen, four cents for phosphoric acid, and Hvo cents for potash In commer cial fertilizers, that havo not near ly tho vnluo tho onnio food elements havo when found In stablo manure. Tho humus Bupplled tho soils by ma nuro is worth oven moro than tho accompanying food olomonts, bo causo humuB la tho maator key that unlocka tho potential fertility In our soils. Somo day wo will bo found en. lng to tho Btoro to buy this snmo fer tility wo nro now wasting. It will como hlghor, nnd no master koy will bo found In tho sack. Farmers in Now York aro paying today nt tho rato of not less than ?2.50 for tho sacked condensed plant food contnlnud In ono ton of tho manuro that now outrages our sonso of beauty and pro- Bonta us with swurma of lllea. Just add tho freight and don't bo behind tho times and forgot tho un-todntn prollts. DESTROY INSECTS BY THE FALL CLEAN-UP Plowing Is Generally Recognized as Good Method for the Pre vention of Injury. In tho war against farm and orchard pesta n fall clean-up Ib a good meaus of nttack. Fall plowing la generally recognized na a good mothod for tho prevention of Insoct injury; but rubbish left in piles nlong fences, or In tho orchard, or garden, mnko tho best kind of win tor qunrtors for Insoct pests In vari ous stages. Tra3h of this kind Bhould bo cleared nway and burned. Burning will do Btroy any insocta among tho rubbish. 'FARM' POULTRY WASHING MACHINE FOR EGGS Increased Profits Made by Putting Product of Hens In Neat and At tractive Packages. It has been found by thoao who han dlo foodstuffs that it pays to put tho goods up In attractive shape or pack ages. It is no uncommon thing to soo vegetables tied up In ribbons, and fruit, which formerly traveled In bar rels, la now packed In small boxes resembling confectionery in tho way they aro handled. Tho snmo applies Washing Eggs. to tho fruit of tho hennery. An egg farmer who gets a reputation for tho quality nnd appearance of his eggs will always get u premium abovo tho prlco for his product, and this in creased prico makca it worth while for him to exercise tho necessary care. Such persona not only examine each ogg before it ia shipped, but they aro also washed by hand, In order that they present an Immaculato appear ance when placed on view. Tho ma chlno shown In tho accompanying cut has been recently patented for tho purpose of washing eggs. It docs the work as well as If done by hand and much moro rapidly. FOWL WITH LARGE APPETITE May Be Picked Out on Roost at Night by Size of Crop Judge Capacity by Shape of Body. Tho hen with a largo appetite can bo picked out on tho roost at night by tho alzo of tho crop. Tho capacity ot a bird may bo judged by tho shape of tho body. Tho jointed ribs allow tho rear part of tho body to oxpand down ward, taking on a wedgo shape, as tho digestive system and reproductive or gans demand moro room. Thla spread may bo judged by tho distance be tween tho rear end of the breast bono and tho pelvic bonea. A bird spread from heavy production should not bo confused with one spread from being overfat. Tho high producer Invariably shows what wo might term as quality, that is, soft, pliablo skin over breast bono and abdominal cavity. Tho skin of tho honproducer or tho bird out of condition will havo a hard leathery or drawn feeling. Whllo tho shnpo of tho overfat hen may Indicate capacity, tho body cavity is filled with fat rather than organs of digestion and production, and tho skin io lacking In that quality which ap pears In tho high producer. MAKE NEST BOXES MOVABLE Easy Opportunity Afforded to Give House Thorough Cleaning and Fight Injurious Vermin. Everything in tho honhouso should bo movable nests, roosts, dust boxes, etc. This gives an easychanco to light vermin, and nlso to glvo tho houso a thorough cleaning. Tho old practlco of nailing nests, roosts and all fixtures to tho building was a bad mistake, and there la no wonder that Hco reigned Biipromo. T. W. Varo, Ilammonton. N. J has Common-Sense Nest Boxes. a novel nest method. Ordinary boxca aro UBcd; theso aro so placed that tho lower box provides n platform for tho upper nest, upon which tho hens can easily alight. Theso nests aro rendlly taken outdoors and thor oughly cleaned. Tho Illustration gives tho Idea very clearly. Farm Journal. HARD WORK HANDLING DUCKS Easier to Care for Fowls In Large Flocko Than Small Grower Turns Hlo Money Quickly. Ducks can bo handled in largo num bers better than most othor fowls and tho grower turna hla money quickly, for by tho ond of summer ho la cleaned out, having only a fow Bcoros or many hundreds of brecdors to carry through tho winter, tho number dopendlug on tho Blzo of .lis bualnoss Yot tho work is exceedingly exacting and most arduous whllo .ha busy sea son lasts. Pelvic Bones of Best Layers. Tho best layers usually havo slen der, pliable pelvic bones, whllo the poor layers have hard, rigid bones even though thoy aro Bpreud during production. florfi ICUUM SCIENCE IN HANDLING FRUIT Grower May Secure High Prices for Product by Exercising Care In Sorting and Packing. A great saving may bo offocted by tho scientific handling of fruit of all kinds. In this case "science" means right knowledge and caro. Tho fruit grower cannot always sell direct to the consumer, but he can, by aortlng and carefully packing his product, fcget a much better prico when selling to the rotuil dealer than ho can It no follows tho old-fashioned methods of dumping everything Into boxes, bas kets and narrels regardless of size and condition. Tho shrowd dealer will mako tho most of tho bad condition of tho stuff offered him, beating down the grower to tho lowest possible price and then add to his profits by tho work of a few boys In tho basement who ure Instructed In tho art of clean ing and repacking. Tho grower, him self, could got this added profit If he Dumping Apples Into Barrels Without Sorting Gives Middleman Greater Profits, Because He Grades and Sorts. would only take a llttlo more trouble In preparing his fruit for market. Some nssociations of fruit and veg etable growers have adopted this plan, and made certain brands famous. Tho fruit sold under theso various brands is carefully selected and packed under the supervision of tho manager employed by tho growers, and packages aro guaranteed to bo up to standard In every way. As most of tho apples grown in this country aro sent to market in barrels, it may bo well to set down here somo rules adopted by tho beat associa tions of fruit growers for tho barrel ing of tho frujt. In tho mm placo tho apples aro taken from tho treea and placad In baskets or bags slung around the shoulders of tho pickers, and somo very caroful growers insist that tho pickers wear gloves, In order that their fingernails may not cut tho fruit. It Is a well-known fact now that a tiny nbraslon made by tho fingernail will often admit harmful bacteria which will, In a short time, destroy tho apple. Tho apples are then brought to the packing tables, which aro covered with canvas or burlap under which 13 a padding of moss or straw In order to prevent bruising. Tho greatest care Is taken to provont tho apples from fall ing from tho tablo, or against one anothor in a way to causo the slight est bruise. Tho fruit Ib rapidly sorted into their proper grado and tho pack age whatever tho form of packing may be labolcd with tho growers' name, A barrel properly packed can bo shipped long distances without In jury to tho fruit. All good npple growora now under stand that apples keep bettor If thoy aro allowed to ripen upon tho trees and It Is soldom that green fruit la picked. Of courso always thoro Is just tho right day when tho apples should bo taken from tho tree, and this can bo learned only by close ob servation and experience. MAKE SUCCESS IN ORCHARDS Growers Should Noto That Thorough Tillage Is Most Profitable Method of Soil Management. (Uy DR. E. II. JENKINS, Director. Con necticut Experiment Station.) Certain sod orchards under special conditions, such as heavy manuro mulching, togethor with somo pastur ing to keop tho grass down, glvo good results porhaps as good as clean cul tlvatlon. But tho skillful fruit grow or can oxpect moro than tho law of avorageB will glvo. And oven the gen oral grower should noto that thorough tillago is tho most profitable method of soil management. BUSINESS IN CANADA IS GOOD Successful Crops and Big Yields Help tho Railway. Tho rcmarkablo flolda that aro re ported of tho wheat crop of Western Canada for 1915 benr out tho esti mate of an average yield over tho threo western provinces of upward of 25 bushels per acre. Thcro Is no portion of that great west of 21,000 squaro miles In which tho crop was not good nnd the yields abundant. An American farmer who was induced to placo under cultivation land that ho had been holding for flvo years for Bpcculativo purposes and higher prices, says that-ho mado tho prlco oC tho land out of this year's crop ot oata. No doubt, others, too, who took the advice of tho Department of tfto Interior to cultivato tho unoccupied lnnd, havo done as well. But tho atory of tho great crop that Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta produced this yenr Ib best told in tho language of tho railways In the added cars that It has been necessary to placo In commission, tho extra trains required to bo run, tho increased ton nage of tho grain steamers. , It Is found that railway earnings contlnuo to Improve. The C. P. It. earnings for tho second week of October showed nn increase of $762,000 over last year, the total being only $310,000 below tho gross earnings of tho corresponding week of 1913, when tho Western wheat crop mado a new record for that date. Tho lncreaso In C. P. R. earnings for tho corresponding week of that year was only $351,000, or less than half of tho Increase reported this year. Tho grain movement in tho West within tho past two weeks has taxed tho re sources of tho Canadian roads as never before, despite their Increased facilities. Tho C. P. R. is handling 2,000 cars per day, a now record. Tho G. T. R. and tho C. N. R. nro also mak ing now shipment records. Tho other day tho W. Grant Morden, of tho Can ada Steamships Company, tho largest freighter of tho Canadian fleet on tho Upper Lakes, brought down a cargo of 470,315 bushels, a now record for Canadian shipping. Records aro "go ing by the board" in all directions this fall, duo to Canada's record crop. Tho largest Canadian wheat movement through the port of Now York ever known is reported for tho period up to October 15th, when since shipments of tho new crop began in August, 4,2G5,791 bushels havo been reloaded for England, Franco and Italy. This Is over half as much as was shipped of Amorlcan wheat from the samo port In tho samo period. And, be it remem bered, Montreal, not New York, is tho main export gateway for Canadian wheat. New York gets the overflow in competition with Montreal. Ad vertisement. He Pleased the Baby. Restaurant Patron (caustically) I am glad to see your baby has shut up, madam. Mother Ye3, sir. You are tho only thing that's pleased him sinco he saw tho animals at tho zoo. Puck. For a really fins coffee at a mod erate price, drink Denison's Seminole Brand, 35c tho lb., in sealed cans. Only ono merchant in each town sells Seminole. If your grocer isn't tho one, write tho Denison Coffee Co., Chicago, for n souvenir and tho.namo of your Seminole dealer. ' Buy tho 3 lb. Canister Can for $1.00. Adv. It isn't so difficult for tho average man to stay married after ho gets used to it. It is seldom that tho husband and wife both entertain affection for an other woman. The Idea of "Preparedness" is a splendid one for the person to fol low whose stomach is weak, liver inac tive and bowels clogged. You can greatly assist these organs and prevent much suffering by the timely use of HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS Nebraska Directory OMAHA ROBE and TANNING CO., Inc. Manufacturers of ROBES, FUR COATS, mittens and caps, har ness and lace leathers. Phono So. 28S4i Factory 27b and N Sis, SO. OMAHA, NEB.