THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. flraJOTchdl. lM.Mgrs HAVE YOU A CHILD? Many women long for children, but because of come curable physical derangement are deprived of thla greatest of all happiness. The women whose names follow were restored to normal health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vcseta- 1 -i i nrji. t -t, .-M I. U1C vuill(JUUllu. iflltc uiu Msiv uicii. nuvuk ... "I took your Com pound nnd havo a fine, Btrontt baby. " Mrs. John Mitchell, Mas- sons, N. Y. "Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is a wonderful medicine for expectant mothers." Mrs. A. M. Myers, Gor- donville, Mo. " I highly recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound before child-birth, it has done so much for me." Mrs. E. M. Doehr, R. B. 1, Con shohocken, Pa. "I took Lydia E. Pink- ham'B Vegetablo Com pound to build up my system and havo tho dearest baby girl in tho world." Mrs. Mose BLAKELEY, Coalport, Pa. "I praise the Com pound whenever I havo a chance. It did so much for mo before my littlo girl was born." Mrs. E. W. Sanders, Rowle3- burg, W. Va. "I took your Com pound beforo baby was born and feel I owo my life to it" Mrs. Winnie Tillis, Winter Haven, Florida. Accenting Vogue of Rich Materials Whnt Started the Quarrel. Young Wife (at homo) Hollo, dear est. Young Husband (nt tho ofuco) Hel lo, who Is It? Puck. A Slow Fellow. Harold I think I will kiss you. Maude Don't you ever do things before you think? Running Wild. "Papa, whnt Is meant by the 'call of tho wild?' " " 'Honk-honk! " CLEAN SWEET SCALP May Be Kept So by Cutlcura Soap and Ointment. Trial Free. To havo cood hnlr clear the scalp of tlnndruff and ltclilnc with shampoos of Cutlcura Soap and touches of Cutl cura Ointment to dandruff spots and ltchlnc. Nothing Better than theso pure, fragrant, supercrenmy emol lients for skin and scalp troubles. Samnlo each free by mall with Skin Book. Address Cutlcurn, Dept. XY, ' Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. TWIT nr.WKST REMEDY FOR BACKACHE, RHEUMATISM AND DROPSY Kldnev. Olnddcr nnd Uric Acid trou bles bring mlsory to many. When vttl w nta n r wnnlr nr rilRnnnnri. iuu niuuv;o v " w. - theso natural flltors do not clcanso tho blood sufficiently, and tho poisons aro carried to an parts oi ino ooaj. Thoro follow depression, nehes and paltiB, heaviness, drowsiness. Irrita bility, headaches, chilliness and rhou matlsm. In somo pooplo thoro.aro sharp pains In tho back and loins, distressing bladder disorders and sometimes oosti nato dropsy. Tho uric acid sometimes forms into gravol or kldnoy stonos. When tho uric acid affects tho muscles and JolntB It causes lumbago, rheuma tism, gout or sciatica. This is tho tlmo to send Dr. Plorco, Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y 10c lor largo trial pack ago of "Anurlc." During digestion uric acid Is ab sorbed into tho system from moat eaten, nnd oven from somo vogctnblOB. TllO poor Kldnoys gCl uruu aim uuuu- acho begins. This Is a good tlmo to take "Anurlc," tho now dlscovory or Dr. Plorco for Kldnoy troublo and Back ache Neglected kldnoy trouoio is rosponslblo for many deaths, and In Buranco Company examining doctors always tost tho water of an applicant beforo a policy wjll bo Issued. Have you ever sot asldo a bottlo of wator for twenty-four hours? A heavy Bodl mont or Bottling somotlraos Indicates kldnoy troublo. If you wish to know your condition send a saniplo of your wator to Dr. Plorco'a Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., and describo symptoms. It will bo examined without any. ex pense to you, and Dr. Plorco or his medical staff will Inform you truthfully. Anurlc Is now for salo by dealers, In 60c pck'gs. ten! hnis Don't Persecute Your Bowels Cut out cathartics and purpatives. They are brutal, narsn. unnecessary, x i CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Purely vegetable. Act gently on tne liver, Eliminate Due, am soothe the delicate memDraneoiini- bowel. i.ur Constipation, BlUoutneii, r i .i. i, ..j. ?it""ViJt ..I .. milling know. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature Blr.ADTFR'f; W ; Altlinneh one may chooso almost shape In hats, tho progress of tho season has given preccdcnco to ccr-' tain types. Hats inspired ny mo run tun model aro many und smart. Small high-crowned shapes with narrow curving brims followed naturally In the wako of tho Puritan, and have been developed Into brilliant millin ery, combining rich brocades or vel vets, in covering tho shape, with fur In narrow bands outlining the brim edgo and crown. Tho small turban has blossomed out in wintry materials (velvet and fur and other rich stuffs) In styles more varied than over, and is the nemo of dash and grace. Trlmmine remains simple, oither for theso chic small hats or in tho wider-brimmed shapes. And It seems that every one strives for novelty in Either tho ilowcr or feather must bn sotnethine now and strange and hontitlftil or It must be oddly placed. An oxamplo of this is shown in two views of a dress hat which are Riven In tho photographs reproduced hero This model is made of velvet shirred in ono circular piece, to cover the unnor brim and side crown. The top crown Is a small scant puff of tho velvet, nnd tho underbrim lias a plain velvet facing. The shapo lifts to a point at tho front and Hares upward at the back, where tho brim widens. NEALOF COUNCIL BLUFFS rVAv DRINK and DRUG 3-DAY TREATMENT i oniifn1. Write for Booklet. Address NEAL INSTITUTE 21 Denton Street, COUNCIL BLUFFS, 1A Or oddrei J. S. MHY, Manager. Wataon V.. Coleman, Patent Lawyer.Wasnlngton, Ti I ' rlvlra unrt hnnVn frpp. tutc reasonable. Ulsbest referenceo. Best Bcrvlcta. Pim width neross tho back is grcatlj accentuated by a drapery of velvet lined with soft satin, wlilcu nas iuu iin-ii-nrnnpo of a hlch l)OW. Vnrv odd satin and silver poppies am sot over tho drapery at the back, and ono singlo blossom brightens tho brim nt tho front. in nnsslnir. it mav bo noticed that millinery blossoms aro vory brilliant, made mostly of silk or satin of bright liiatnr mill without protCUSC tO 00 inc faithful copios of their proio Ivnon j f . In tho plcturo a wldc-brimmcu snapu is shown with a round crown, n i rnvnrnd with hatter's plush. A fringe of ostrich feathers Is sot about tho mi 'mi bnth tho upper and unuor brim, and a fan, of ostrich fibers also, Is posed against tho crown, compiei- (hit llin mlnrnmnnt. MtiUnorv ccncrally Is characterized by better stylo this season than In the past. Women Insist upon simplicity In trimmings, and this results from n,i niivnncn in cood tasto. Good work mansliip Is another feature which tolls the samo story. Thf. Rtockina Pantalettes. a novoltv Is whlto silk stockings with three littlo frills above tho ankles i Qimnintinn nf nantalettcs. Theso in frills aro of silk, edged with lace. Fair Enounh. "Lend me your automobile this aft ernoon, will you? I want to take my girl out for a spin." "Sorrv. old man. but 1 couldn t trust anybody else to run that machine. I'll tell you what we'll Co, though, iou lend mo the girl." Shipping Fever Inflormv pink ore. cpliooUc.dlitomjier, and all nosn ndthroatdlf a8rsctireL Eisifa .,f.Sn a r?V. iSno M-cent bottlo miaranteeil to do . Host thin BIZ uosesimcn euro a raio. ir-v,-... uv"- -v-;, " ii.,Ti for briMid mnres. AcU on tho blood. Wo and II a botUc. nnrf tID at dbtfn bottlps, lirnwUta nd harness sbops. UlsiriDUiori-aiiL. nuui HALUimilUUIsra. SPOllN MKnlCAf. CO.. A Cbomlats nnd IlnctorloloRlsti, Ooslicu, lnil., U. S. A. The Only Way. "So you aro saving money?" "My, yes! I'm buying less than I can't afford than over boforo." Pleasant Work. "So ycz hov a folno Job, oh?" "Sure I haff! I was chief Uoslgnor I in a pretzel factory I" An Improved Quinine, Does not Cause Nervousness nor Kinging in Head Tho happy combination of laxatives In LAX ATIVE HHOMO QLMNINB make tho Quinine in this form huvo n fnr better effect thnn the ordinary Quinine, und it eim ou tHiien oy nny otio without HlTtjctlntr tho head. Kemnmberto call for the full iiiumi. Laxative UromoQuhilnoi Look for signature of K. V. drove. S3c. Enouah. "Still llvlnc out on Long Island? 1 supposo the mosquitoes aro all gono by this time." "Yes. but we still have tho Long Island railroad." FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON Tlmmlnn pnrpfllllv GVOrV bottlo Ol CASTOItIA, a safe and suro remedy for infantB and children, ana boo mat h S7 f uearsme Tfc' ,fT, . Signature of UiafyfeUU4 in TTno For Ovpr 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's CaBtoria Natural Affinity. "She's not a society belle, but sIic'b a duck of a girl." "Then sho ought to bo In tho swim." I Bespeak Comfort for Small Wearers Dr. Vierce's Pellets nrc best for liver, bowels nnd stomach. One little Pellet for a laxative three for a cathnrtic. Adv. Watched Her Step. Tho lawyer was cross-examining a witness. "Do you happen to know," ho asked, "what time it was when tne wuo oi tho defendant stopped into tho taxicab in front of tho National DanK .' -voa " ronilnd tho witness, "it was seventeen minutes past one." "Ah. it was seventeen minutes past ono, oh? Now will you pleaso tell tho jury how you happen to bo so positive that it was precisely seventeen mm iitna nnst one?" Portniniv." snid tho witness. "Tho lady was wearing an nnklo watch." Mean Catl "Algernon called on mo yesterday nftfirnoon." "Yes; ho told mo ho had somo time to kill." Kansas City Journal. it's well to appreciate the good things of life, but don't bo a tsood thing. Smile, smile, beautiful clear white clothes. Red Cross Ball Bluo, American "made, therefore best. All grocers. Adv. A wise woman never trios to enter tain her husband by singing to him In order to keep him homo nights. Write Murine Kyo Itctncdv Co., Chicago lor Illustrated Book ot tha Eye Free. Men laugh at feminine folly, but It fools them just Uao same. OF KNOWN QUALITY SOLD OH EASY PAYMENTS The reputation of the Brnndets Stores is your rjunrantee of piano satisfaction Write for full particulars and weekly bargain litt of u$ed instrument BFBARBDEIS PBAWO DEPT.1 BRANPEIS STORES OMAHA, NEBRASKA Bumper Grain Crops Good Bvlarkets-High pnce$ Prizes Awarded 1o Woof cm Canada foH Whoat, Oats, Barloy, Alfalfa and Graseam, The winnings of Western Canada at the Soil Product! lixposition at uenver were easily muue. tiiu an comprised Wheat, Oats, Barley and Grasses, the most important being the prizes for Wheat and Oata and sweep stake on Alfalfa. No less important than the splendid quality of Western Canada's wheat and other grains, it the excellence of the cattle fed and fattened on the grasses of that country. A recent shipment of cattle to Chicago topped the market in that city for quality and price. f.M.JA ....l.. Cm 101 nn.tMrfl milfTl VrllTlt tllllU ..DU.UU UIWUMklW Ill wmi. - - m - ... n n aha , 1 1 ill ot the United Mtei, or orr juu,uuu,uuu ouibcii. Canada in proportion to population has a greater AvnnrlnMi. olimlllQ nf ivlipnt tlli5 Vf.TT tllQIl HtlV country in the world, and at present pricea you jW can figure out the revenue for the producer. In Western Canada you will find good markets, splen did schools, exceptional social conditions, perfect 'Climate, and other great attractions. Thera Is no war lax on land and no conscription. Send for Illustrated pamphlet and ask for reduced railway rates, information as to best locations, etc a fmtritiTr.t Inn ntlnwa. f!nnnHa. nr nuuicwuuiiiuiuiu.iii ...... - W. V. Bennett, Room 4, Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Canadian Government Agent mm; I 1 nil II WIlillIT llM ir. P!nrrn'n Pleasant Pelleta are tho original littlo lfter pills put up 40 years . nn , . 1 1 i .nrl hnivpln Adv. Tho man who does his best will hold his Job longer than the man who could do better but doesn't. RestThose Worn Nerves "Every Picture Ttlls a Story" n 't nn. When vou feel all unstrung: when family carea seem too i J u.. nnH linrknrlir. aizzv licou- naiu uw..'. i . nnrl irrcmlar action acnes, tjucc, of the kidneys and bladder may mystify you. remember that such troubles often come from weaic Kiancyo u ii .1 . .. Ptnan Kidnev Pills mai you omy i T-j to make you well. When the kidneys ate weak theres danger or dropsy. gravel and Bright s disease, uon t ao. lay. 3ian usin uua DOAN'SW SO at all Stores BnalcivWIIburn Co.Pn.p.Duffa'Ny The outdoor garments mado for small lads and lasses In tho winter tlmo aro first designed for warmth. This essential Is taken care of and after that they achlevo whut meas ure of graco and stylo tho material and tho season's modes will allow. Overcoats for tho small boy aro cut a littlo shorter than In previous sea sons, of very heavy close-woven wool ens. Dark bluo Is a favorite color for them, but thero aro many dark mix tures, indistinct checks nnd a few crossbars. They aro double-breasted, with ample collars that may bo rolled un about tho neck and enrs. A vory good model is that shown in tho plc turo, which provides largo but incon- unlcuous natch pockets for tne con venience of tho most appreciative of all possessors of pocltots. a rnzv coat for a little gin. witn cap to match, Is pictured, with collar and cuffs of plush. It Is mado or a heavy wool-knitted material and Is Boft and warm. Tho stitched bolt, Bhaped to Includo pockets, reflects a popular treatment or the belt in coats for older girls. With cap to match, which may bo pulled down over tho ears, a trim, smart outllt makes tho youngster look as comfortable as sho feels. For tho littlo miss who has arrived at tho dlcnlty of going out to parties, pretty coats aro made and childish furs aro designed to re-oniorco mem. Whlto Iceland fox and other Inexpen alvo whlto furs aro prettiest for tho littlo girl. Tho next best choice for hor uro tho little gray squlrrol sets. There aro several other furs suited to children, and all oi uiom are in londed for tho littlo miss to wear up on 'dress-up" occasions. Tho warmth of furs goes without saying, and luck iiv thn fur sets for children aro mod- ost In price, so that all may havo them. For House Wear. . Whlto linen modified middles with collar and cuffs of color, and Just a littlo smock nu on each sldo to sup port tho necessary fullness will b worn In tho houso all winter. The smocked stitching nnd collar and cuffs may bo of horizon or delft bluo. ntnlc or lavender. A dainty negligee of fine nainsook wkh half sleoves and oton effect has a belt of threo narrow nink ribbons braided together. Val lnco and insertion nro used with dain ty empire wreaths In bluo, pink and green on each side. Another nain sook blouso has scalloped edges, trimmed with balls of two shades oi bluo silk and irregular motifs. Sweaters at All Hours. Oddlv enough, sweaters aro worn with frocks of whlto silk, as well as with all other frocks, and dainty enough are tho littlo affairs of knitted silk that as sweaters hold such an Im portant place In Palm Beach ward robes. Tho silk sweater has been pass'o In Deauvllle for olghteen months, but it Is being worn hero. All sweaters aro long enough to cover tho hips, and all aro mado with pock ets; skirts aro also pocketed. Sepa rate blouso coats are of heavy crope do chine. Vogue. Srnr1 tVip prmnoil below and learn how you can get a complete set of ONEIDA COMMUNITY PAR PLATE S1LVLKWAKL free by saving the trade-mark signature from Skinner packages. ' t, .. rinnronrwH trn VPflPS. BeaUtl- oiiverware ui quaiic. vjuanmivvu j ful Bridal Wreath pattern. m Skinner's products are made from the finest durum wheat, in tho West, cleanest and most sanitary macaroni factory in America. There are nine kinds of Skinner Products Macaroni, Spachetti, Ecd Noodles Cu Macaroni, Cut SpaEhetti, Elbows, Soup RinCs, Alphabetos, Vermicelli. These can De cookcu miy-eiym. umciciuwoj Combine with cheap cuts of meat into a ucligtutui cnsn, or with cheese, tomatoes, nsn.musnrooms.oysicra, cu;. Skinner's Products cut down wonderfully on meat bills. mm miri linttpr mr vour nen III IOU. WD win send you a fine recipe book telling how toroako many delicious dishes It you win as lor u. Save the Trade-Mark Signatures frnm nil Skinner packages and send the coupon today for full information how to cet a complete set of Oneida Com- munlty far fiaie ouvurwuru wim Skinner's Mncaroni Products. All flood grocers sell Skinner's Products Buy it by the case 24 packages SKINNER MFG. CO. TKt LarttA Macaroni Factory in Amtnca DcdLA Omuba.Neb ta ir)f jrmUlon how manlty l'r rtate Bllverwtxa sm by .vlns ilenaturei from BklDDcr'i lUcsronll'roducu. 1 I I W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 48-1915.