THE 8EMIAVEEKLY TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. FOR IHE BUSY W NEWS EPITOME THAT CAN 800N BE COMPASSED. WHY EVENTS ARE MENTIONED Home and Foreign Intelligence Con. densed Into Two and Four Line Paragraphs. WAR NEWS. Colonel Heussler, a Swiss military statistician, calculates the totnl losses In killed In the present European war ut 5,000,000. Threo Austrian aeroplanes recently dropped bombs upon the principal square In Verona, Italy, killing thirty persons and seriously injuring thirty more. Reports from Berlin are that Ger many has all the cotton it needs for military purposes for several years and also has access to new supplies Vom Turkey. Eugene Bonneton, well known as a palntor of scenes of Old Paris, whoso Port St. Nicholas is on exhibition at San Francisco exposition, has been killed in action in the Argonne. Field Marshal von Mackensen will take command of tlio Turks' Darda nelles operations when he arrives in Constantinople, advices from the Turkish capital state. It Is predicted that this will be soon. Greece has intimated that it will disarm , the allied troops In the Bal kans if they arc forced to retreat into Greece from Serbia and Bulgaria. As a result, the allies are demanding that Greece give them a plain state ment of her attitude. A "finish fight" in the European war will mean utter ruin for Great Britain as well- as for Germany, which is prepared to fight six years, said C. P. Trevelyan, liberal, in the house of commons during discission of conduct of the war. The hospital ship Anglia, with about 300 wounded men aboard, In addition to the crew, nurses and at. tendants, bound from France for Do ver, England, struck a mine in mid channel, and sank. Nearly 100 men, most of them seriously wounded, lost their lives. GENERAL. Thirty-one men were killed under ground by a coal dust explosion in the coal mine of the Northwestern Im provement company at Ravensdale, Wash. 1 Three physicians who examined Al fred Jennings, a cattleman of Ells worth coanty, Kansas, who is ill with a disease which has been pronounced foot and mouth disease, have confirm ed the original diagnosis. Dr. Henry Jt. Carter, veteran yellow fever fighter of the United States pub lic health service, has been stricken In Porto Rico with denmuo, the malig nant tropical fever against which ho recently inaugurated a campaign on the island. Dr. Josephine Baker, director of the child hygiene board of health of Now York, is authority for the statement that the lives of more than 20,000 in fants have been saved In New York alone since the bureau began Its work eight years ago. District Attorney R. H. Jackson, at Pittsburgh, swore out warrants against forty-five persons accused of violating tho election laws in the pri mary election on September 21. Within a short time twenty-five ar rests had been made. A proclamation attributed to Villa, posted in Nogales, Ariz., refers to President Wilson as an '."evangelistic professor of philosophy," and declares that Mexico cannot be pacified by Carranza because the people will not accept a government forced upon them by the United States. Joseph . Hill3trom's execution at Salt Lake City, Utah, for the murder of J. J. Morrison and Morrison's son, January 10, 1914, was followed by Governor Spry's announcement that ho would "clear the state of the law less element that now infests It," A fuel oil tank with a capacity of 2,000,000 gallons is to bo constructed by the U. S. Navy department on tho shore at I ortmouth, near Newport, R. I., as a source of supply for battle chips and other naval vessels. Destruction of birds, according to Col. G. C. Shields, president of tho League of American Sportsmen, costs the United States $1,000,000,000 a year. Cpl. Shields made the asser tion In an address before tho Chicago chapter of tho Daughters of the Amer ican Revolution. Laying of tho four-ton comorstono of tho now state capltol of Oklahoma at Oklahoma City, on tho eighth anni versary of Oklahoma's statehood, was Attended by elaborate exercises and tho full Masonic ritual. Booker T. Washington, foremost teachor and leader of tho negro race, died at his home at Tuskegeo, Ala bama, near tho Tuskogee institute, of which ho wns founder and president The ilrst formal steps In a cam paign for tho creation of a world su premo court for tho Judicial settle ment of all International disputes wero taken at a luncheon given nt tho Hankers' club at New York, which was attended by men prominent In public life from all sections of tlto country. Six Chicago physicians, composing a coroner's Jury, held that Dr. II. J. Halselden, who permitted an Infant, Allan John Bollinger, to die when an operation might have saved him to a llfo of unhapplness as a defective, was morally and ethically Justified In re fusing to perform the operation which Ills conscience did not sanction. That the value of the poultry In terests In the United States now ap proximates 1,000,000,0(10, or moro than enough to buy out several of the live stock Industries, was tho state ment made by E. B. Thompson of Amenia, N. Y In an address which opened the convention at San Fran cisco of the American Poultry asso ciation Two thousand six hundred and seventy-seven persons walked down the sawdust trail In eight Billy Sunday meetings held In Syracuse, N. Y Sunday. November 14. Following the tabernacle sorvlce Sunday issued a statement, saying "this Is tho first time since Saint Peter preached at Pentecost 1,900 years ago that so many persons have been converted to Christianity In one day." SPORTING. Mike Gibbons and "Young" Ahem, mlddloweights will meet in a ten round contest at Milwaukee tho first week of December for a purse of $10,000. Jack Ness, Ilrst baseman of the Oak land, Cal., club, Coast league, and holder of tho world's record for hits mado in consecutive games, lias sign ed a contract, for next year with 'the Chicago American league club. Nebraska university's football team won the Missouri valley conference championship once more by swamping Kansas, 33 to 0, on their own campus at Lawrence. The victory was a clean-cut demonstration of superior ity by tho Nebraska men. Frank C. Zehrung o Lincoln, Neb., member of a theatrical syndicate that controls tho Brandeis of Omaha and theaters in St. Joseph, Wichita, To peka and Lincoln, has been elected president of the Western league to succeed "Tip" O'Neill, according to a message received at Lincoln. Charley White of Chicago, who was defeated two months ago by Mllburn Saylor of Indianapolis, turned on his conqueror at Boston and knocked him out a minute and a half after tho bout started. After being floored for a count of seven, Saylor struggled to his feet only to go down again for the full count. WASHINGTON. The Navy department announces that Commander Arthur MacArthur of tho battleship Nebraska has been assigned to command tho mincship San Francisco. A formal order was Issued by tho Postofflce department directing post masters hereafter to refuse to accept parcel post packages for Germany, Austria and Hungary. Democratic members of the ways and .means committee, It was an nounced will meet November 2!), to take up tho organization of tho now house of representatives. Assoclato Justice Hughes of the su preme court notified the secretary of state of Nebraska he would not bo a candidate at tho coming presidential primary olectlon and requested that Ills name be not placed upon the bal lot. Congress may be asked to place a temporary embargo on exports of structural steel to the European bel ligerents in order to afford a suffic ient supply of the metal for uso In tho construction of tho two battleships, It is said. Careful review of the private bids for tho hulls and machinery of tho two new Hupor-dreadnoughts author ized by the last congress has shown finally that none conies within tlio limit Bet by congress. Secretary Dan iels Is undecided whether new bids will bo asked or whether the govern ment will mko arrangements to build the ships It) Its own yards. Tentative plans are being consider ed, Secretary Daniels announces, for two !:C,000-ton battleships to bo In cluded In the first year's part of tho five-year building program congress will be asked to approve. There aro no warships so large afloat anywhero in tho world now. Moro than $100,000 is now held by tho Federal Reserve board In Its gold settlement fund to tho credit of tho reserve banks and reserve agents. The fund has now been in existence six months. IMPROVED QUALITY OF Showing Method of Connecting Up Cream Tank With Stock Tank. (By J. II. FRANDSEN, Professor of Dairy Husbandry, University ot Ne braska.) As n result of market investigations carried on by tho United States dairy division some timo ago to dotermlno tho quality of American butter, a largo amount of tho butter examined was found to bo of Inferior quality bo causo of tho poor cream from which it had been made. That such a state of affairs exists is bad enough but still moro discouraging Is tho fact that dur ing tho last fow years the amount of poor cream has not docreased. When wo stop to consider that tho production of cream and buttor Is one of the leading industries of tho nation, tlio ono industry that servos and has served the American farmer well, not only in years oi bountiful crops and high prices, but has been a faithful standby in years of crop failures anfl hard times, it is evident that p.tor quality in the production of cream must moan a needless loss of thou sands, of dollars to tho producors. Moreover, it gives foreign buttor Just tho chance it would llko to have to compete In our own markets. Although modern methods nnd ma chinery liavo done much to lmprovo tho quality of creamery buttor, tho most skillful buttermaking using tho best of machinery cannot overcome the evil effects arising from tho filthy methods followed by some cream pro ducers. ' Frequent experiments havo shown that low temperatures will greatly re tard tho growth of most germs and that cream quickly cooled will keep sweat much longer than when it is allowed to cool gradually. Tho prac tice of adding warm cream to cream that has been previously cooled is rec ognized as being extremely undesira bio because warm cream raisc3 tho tomporaturo of tho wholo mass suffi ciently to start the dormant bacteria to activity, causing them to multiply rapidly, producing largo amounts of acid and also undesirable fermenta tions before the cream is again cooled to a point where their growth is chocked. Warm cream should bo thor oughly cooled boforo it is added to tho cold cream. From these facts it appears that tho most practical moans at tho disposal of tho dairyman for checking bacte rial action tho spoiling of cream lies in tho universal application of low tem peratures in handling tho cream. Tho most satisfactory and practical moans of securing these desirable results has been by tho uso ot some form ot cool ing tank. Recognizing tho great importance of dovising a cooling tank that will bo at onco cheap, practical, and efficient, tho department of dairy husbandry of Ne braska In co-operation with Profs. G, L. McKay and F. W. Bouska of tho American Creamery Butter Manufac turers' association havo spent much timo Investigating this problom. An offort has been mado to perfect a tank that would bo both effective and con venient. Such a tank must bo sub stantlally mado of good insulating ma terial and ablo to stand up under haVd usago. It must havo a tight cover in order to prevent loss of efficiency duo to exposure of tho cooling water to the air. Tho plpo through which tho cooling water enters should dischargo COLD . CREAM A WA.RH CREArt ReoUngular Cream Cooling Tank. CREAMERY BUTTER near tho bottom of tho tank and the ovorflow near tho top and at the op poslto end and should bo of such size that thoro will bo no dangor of wator rising abovo tho tops of tho cans. With theso gonoral roquiromonts in mind tho committee, togethor with tho co-operation of roprosontatlvos of lo cal creameries, devised, constructed and experimcntod with a numbor of different kinds of tanks to dotormino their cost and efficiency. As a result tho rectangular tank shown in Fig. 1 gavo highly satisfac tory results. Lator a round tank shown in Fig. II embodying tho fea tures of tho roctangular tank, was found to glvo satisfactory results and has the advantago of being constructed chcapor than would bo possiblo for a rectangular tank. The committee is still working on a substantially built, woll-inBUlatod metal tank. Upon tho recommendation of tho commltteo tho Association of Ameri can Creamery Buttor Manufacturers adopted tho round nnd the rectangu lar tanks as shown In above cuts as tho official tanks ot tho association. This association has already taken steps to havo theso tanks manufac tured and distributed to partioB inter ested at tho lowest possiblo cost. To thoso desiring to build their own tanks plans and specifications will bo fur nished by tho American Creamery But ter Manufacturers' association. To sum up, it may bo said that the quality of cream produced depends largely upon tho conditions prevailing on tho farm. Cleanliness is essential nt every point. As somo ono has well said, "Clean cream, cool cream, rich cream aro essential factors in cream production." Tho responsibility, howovor, doos not Ho entirely with tho farmer. Tho samo caro that must bo exercised on tho farm must bo observed at the cream station and creamery. Tlio cream sta tion must be provided with proper cooling facilities and tho quarters used for tho cream station must bo sani tary, clean, and well ventilated, other wise tho work and caro of tho dairy man count for naught. Again, material Improvement muct como through co-operation with tho railways engaged in the hauling of cream, whoroby at their Junction points at least sholtor would bo pro vided which would protect tho croam from tho sun when loft on tho plat form. Somothlng, toq, could undoubt edly bo dono toward providing moro sanitary and bettor cooled cars for uso in shipping cream. In conclusion, permit mo to say that I anticipate but littlo troublo In get ting tho hearty and intelligent approv al of tho farmors on this bad cream propaganda, if, along with this do mand, will como a cream prlco based strictly on grade. As long as tho cream producer sees his indifferent neighbor producing poor cream and knows ho receives tho samo prlco for It, it will bo oxtromoly difficult to con vince him that quality really counts In tho making ot buttor. As o mutter of fact, howover, ono should not loso sight of tho fact that every additional can of good cream helps directly or Indirectly tho gonoral average of tho buttor mado as well as tho prlco se cured for it. SECURING EGGS DURING WINTER SEASON Well-Arranged Colony A good poultry house Is what you noed, Mr. Farmor, If you aro going to havo plenty of eggs to soli this wlntor. Somo farmors fool that wlntor eggs are too hard to got to mako It worth while to try tb produco thom. This Is a mlstako, according to R. M. Sher wood, poultry specialist In tho exten sion division of tho Kansas Stato Agri cultural college "If ono has a good poultry houso," commented Mr. Sherwood, "ho should havo littlo troublo. Early matured pullets properly housed nnd fed Winter House for Laying Hens. should produco a largo numbor of eggs." Tho houso, points out this oxpert, need not bo an oxpenslvo ono. It should furnish tho fowls protection from the winds and storms and should bo so constructed that it will havo proper ventilation. A chicken breathes threo or four times as much air in proportion to its weight as a human being. Ventilation makes a house Bomowhat coldor, but dryer, and dry, cold air Is much better for tho fowls than moist warm air. Tho houso should bo built with tho CARE AND FEEDING OF FOWLS Birds Which Have Beon Developed by Careful Attention Degenerate Quickly When Neglected. Poultry raising shows us that prog ress is mado in two ways by inher itance and by caro in tho dovolopmont of tho offspring. Or, in other words, a character which has doveloped In an animal, oven though It was not ftp parent In Its parent, Is likely to bo transmitted to its offspring. It is for this reason that closo attention and great caro should bo given to tho subjoct ot caro and feeding of fowls, for fowls which havo boon dovolopod by careful attontlon will quickly do gonorato when neglected. Our knowledge of thoso things leads to tho formulation of somo general ruloB which shouhl bo studlod and observed. 1. Tho land fowl should bo mado to, "Bcratch" or "pick" or "tear" Ub feed. 2. It should bo kopt dry. 3. Its fend must consist of animal, vegotablo and mineral matter, with Bulllclcnt water to moisten It. 4. Its reasoning powers being small, man must assist It by placing feeds beforo It. Tho waterfowl should havo acceas to running water. 1 know this Is an opposite opinion to that of a famous duck raiser, but waterfowls for breeding purposes will thrlvo bost whon thoy have freo access to running water. Oyster Shells Are Needed, Oyster sholla aro furnished tho chickens to stimulate tho production nt cggB. Tho hen that la laying freely will eat a lot of oyster shell as her body requires tho ingredients that mako up tho egg Bholl. For this rea' son oyster sholl should bo supplied all tho year around and In tho winter it Is especially nocossary to koop up tho supply ot high quality ogga when nigs aro high. Sand or Gravel Necessary. Fresh sand or gravel is absolutely necessary to tho comfort of tho hons this winter. Covor wooden or cement floors at least threo inches deep and earth floors from six to twelvo inches. I ON I Houses on Poultry Farm. west, north and oast Bides tight during tho winter months, while the south stdo should furnish the ventilation. Thoro may bo a fow glass windows on tho south sldo, but more.Bpace should bo loft open, oxcopt that curtnlnB may bo dropped down for tho nights, and on a fow very stormy dayc. On somo occasions theso openings may bo loft uncovered during tho night. Somo times curtains do not allow enough air to clrculnto. In thoso cases openings may bo mado Just undor tho roof to allow tho nir to circulate moro freoly. Whntovor tho system or venti lation rhny bo, it is ossentlnl that tho houso should bo dry and froo from bad odors. Tho houso should bo bo constructed that it can bo easily cleaned. Tho floor should bo smooth. Concreto is good for this reason. It Is truo, how ovor, that concreto floors built on damp ground aro damp. To avoid this troublo a concreto floor may bp built on a layer of oight or ten inches of rock or other material which will not carry tho molsturo from the ground. Somo poultrymcn uso floors mado ot hollow building tlio, nnd find thom very satisfactory. Whoro thoso are usod tho tlio aro laid on a smooth sur faco and tho crovIcoB filled with ce ment. Tho porches sh'ould bo built bo that thoro will bo as fow places for mltoa to breed as possiblo. If porches are romovablo, so much tho bettor. A board platform should bo placed about eight InchoB bolow tho porches to catch tho droppings. This makes o cleaner floor, and thus adds to the ca pacity of tho honhouso. It makes It easier to clean tho houso, and aids Id koeplng tho mltos In chock. Tho nosts also should be built bo thnt tho mites can easily bo combated. They could bo covered or protected so that tho fowls cannot roost on them. This is nocossary In the production of a good grade of market eggs, IMPORTANCE OF PURE WATER Hens Soon Learn to Enjoy Fresh, Cool Drink, Just as Human Beings Do Improves the Egg. Eggs aro mado un ot what hens nut and drink and tholr taato as well as general appoaranco can be chanced in a fow daya by Buch fooda as onions, garlic, fish, stagnant, muddy water, etc. Ab tho avorago egg la about 80 per cont wator, tho importance of plenty of puro, fresh wator la vory ovldent. Tho mudholo beside tho tank whoro tho othor stock aro watered or tho wallow In tho hog-lot are not "all right" for tho bona, though thoy may drink it and Hvo for a loner tlmn whon forced to by tho abaonco of a drinking placa ot their own. But bona will soon loam to enjoy a fresh, cool drink Just as human beings do. Tho Bquaro five-gallon tin can, in which much korosono is Bold, split in halves tno long way will mako a pair of nlco drinking places, that it set in tho Bhado and cloanod dally, aro vory good and in somo places vory cheap. Tho main essentials of these watc fronts should bo tightness, lightness, ensy cleaning, and not ovor llvo inches dopth when full. Substantial Henroost. Tho farm fowl, if glvon hor prefer ence in selecting a roost, would doubt loss cIioobo a substantial apple limb rounded Just right to allow hor to hold on with easo. A. good two by four with tho upper edges planod round llko nn npplo bough makes a strong, substantial roost Guaranteed Eggs. "Guaranteed oggs" are thoso laid by fowls Judiciously fed on tho purest o food, kept In tho cleanest ot bouses and always put on tho market in a fresh condition. Mako Hens Work for Grain. Much benefit is likely to result, with out any possiblo harm, if tho hens are compolled to work in clean litter for; tholr grain at alt seasons. Infertile Eggs Best. Infortilo eggs will withstand mar keting conditions much better thaqi fertile eggs.