The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 26, 1915, Image 6

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Associate of Former Senator Lorlmer
on Verge of Nervous Collapse as
Verdict Is Rendered Jurors Out
Six Hours Two Others Face Trial.
Morris, 111., Nov. 22. Lato Friday
Charles 0. Munduy was found guilty
of having conspired with former Sen
ator William 13. Lorlmor and others to
wreck tho La Sallo Street Trust and
Savings bank and Its four Chicago
Tho Jury fixed his punishment at
live years In tho penitentiary, tho
greatest sentence it could Impose.
Although tho Jurors wcro out for six
hours, it required only a few moments
for them to fix tho guilt of tho indicted
banker. Only two ballots was taken.
Thoy wore unanimous In tholr belief
that Munday, as vice-president of the
LaSallo1 Street bank, conspired with
William Lorlmor. ernfw)illn ITnltnd
States senator, and H. W. Huttlg of
juuscatino, la., to loot tho bank and
its allied concerns out of moro than
Munday was palo and nervous whon
mo vordlct was being read and gazed
pitiably at Judgo Stough. Ho refused
to discuss tho caso.
Arguments on tho motion for a now
trial will bo dofcrred for ten days it
was announced. Stato's Attornoy
Hoyno announcod that tho trials of
Lorlmor and Huttle on similar indict
mcnts will take placo tho first part of
next year.
Under double guard and behind
locked doors tho Jurors began tholr
deliberation shortly after 4 p. m. on
Tho ovldenco includod bank records
and letters between Munday, William
Lorlmor and II. W. Huttig. Tho lat
ter two woro Indicted with tho defend
ant on a chnrgo of conspiracy to do
fraud depositors and others out of
moro than $3,000,000.
Assistant Stato's Attorney Haydon
N. Dell closed his ploa for conviction
nt tho noon receBS. Ills addross con
tained tho stnrtllng chargo that not
only had Munday and his follow con
spirators wrecked tho La Sallo Trust
and Its subsidiary banks, but also that
$928,000 of tho alleged loot had been
traced directly into Munday's pockets
and npt a word of explanation had
boon offered as to Its whereabouts.
Following tho prosecutor's tinal
argument, Judgo Samuel CStouch
read his Instructions to tho Jury.
Tho Instructions woro in somo ro
spocts unfavorable to tho indicted
banker, whllo In othors tho proaocu
tlon was hit hard. It roqulrod near
ly two hours to read thoso instruc
tions, which covered every count in
tho Indictment.
Tho hoaviost blow dealt tho dofonso
Svas whon Judgo Stough declared that
tho law provides that tho capital
stock and surplus of bankB about to
bo organized muBt bo paid In cash
and not In notos or other securities.
Tho moro falluro of tho banks,
causing enormous louses to deposi
tors and othors, tho court declared,
would bo InBUfflcIent ovldenco upon
which to baso a vordlct of guilty.
London, Nov. 19. Tho British hos
pital ship Anglla struck a rulno in tho
English channel and sank with a loss
of 85 wounded soldlors.
Thoro woro 385 wounded soldlors
on board tho hospital ship, but tho
admiralty announcod that 300 woro
A vessol that was proceeding to
tho roscuo of thoso In tho Anglla
struck a nilno whllo on routo and also
Romo, Nov. 19. An Austrian sub
marine Iiub boon sunk by on allied
torpedo dostroyor in tho Mediterra
nean, it was announced.
OshkoBh, Wis., Nov. 19. Jack DI1
lln broko a lowor loft rib for Frank
Farraor in tho fourth round of tholr
scheduled ton-round bout hero, tho
defeated aBplrant to heavyweight hon
ors remaining on tho mat for fully
two minutes.
Dloonilngton, 111., Nov. 20. With
many relatives In attondanco Mtb.
Lydla Datkln of Homer, colebrated her
ono hundred and first birthday anni
versary. Sho is well proscrvod both
physically and mentally.
Pittsburgh, Nov. 20. Contracts for
tho construction of 03 locomotives to
cost $1,500,000 woro awarded by tho
Pennsylvania railroad. Fifty will bu
used on tho lines west of Pittsburgh,
and the balanco on tho Vnhdalla and
other subsidiaries.
Tariff Conference Called.
Chicago, Nov. 22. Tho UIIiioIb Man
ufacturers' association, believing tho
psychological moment has arrived for
actlvo co-oporatlon with congress, has
called a tariff conforonco for Decern
bor 7, to bo hold at Chicago.
Drya Win by 7-Voto Margin.
Alexandria, La., Nov. 22. Seven
votes majority for prohibition out of u
total voto of nearly 3,000 was an
nounced bero as tho result of tho offi
cial canvasB of Tuesday s local option
election in Rapides parish.
I 1 w I a
A t L IBS, "V
I join .you- y
I rvV" WIPE ,
Declared That Infant Was Deformed
and Braves Criticism for His Act
Big Problem.
Chicago, Nov. 19. Baby Bollinger la
dead. Deformed, partly paralyzed
and subnormal of brain, tho human
mlto, whoso Hfo was held In tho hand
of Dr. H. J. Halsoldon, was allowed to
slip hack poacofully Into tho shadowy
mystery whenco ho came.
Hvo days was tho span of his Hfo.
Ho camo as do all humanB, brenthed
tho breath of Hfo, partook of food,
then slopt tho uncndlnc sIood at tho
Gorman-American hospital.
iqt ho loft bohlnd him a nation nul-
tated by hla oxlBtonco to a dogrco fow
iuii uvea bring to pass.
His going crowded boforo tho eyes
of ovory living parent tho burning
Has a physician tho richt to hid en
whothor a Hfo appearing on earth huB,
oy reason of deformities nnd nhvsltml
handicaps, a right or no richt to be
Doctor Halsoldcn says ho could havo
saved tho baby by an onoratlon to
coraploto Its digestive system. But
uiu iiuruai paralysis, tno current mal
formations, ho declared", worx) so great
a bar to happiness or attainment that
ho did not feol Justified In saving tho
baby from tho death which nnturo or
dained. Chicago, Nov. 22. A 1urv of C.Mm.
go physicians decided on Friday that
society nas tho richt to roftisn Hfn tn
a baby born hopolossly defective Dr.
uarry J. Halsoldon was oxonorated
from blamo for normlttlntr thn ilnnth
of Baby Bollinger nftor deciding that
tho clilld, If allowed to llvo, would bo
doomod to a Hfo of misery and uso
Succumbs at His Home In Mlchlnan
After Notable Record In
America's Life.
Kalamazoo. Mich.. Nov. IS. Formnr
United StatoB Sonator ,'uIIiih f!nennr
Burrows died at his homo on Tuesday.
Kx-Sonator Burrows was horn In
Northeast, EriO county. Pcnnsvlvnnln.
In 1837, but spent most of his Hfo In
Kalamazoo, Mich.
With tho OXCOPtton Of two short
porlods he was In tho national houso
of roproBontatlvos until 1895, when ho
was appointed to 1111 out tho unexpired
tone of United States Sonator Stock
bridge, deceased. In 1899 ho was elect
ed to tho regular torm and aorvod In
tho Bonato until 1911. Ho wnn tnm.
porary chairman of tho Republican
national convention of 1908. Whon ho
r6t!rod from tho sonato ho wnn nn.
pointed to tho national monetary com
Gale Hits Old Penn.
Uniontown. Pa.. Nov. 20. A itv.
rallo galo swopt Fayotto county for
four hours Thursday nlcht.
lng bulldlngB, tearing down tolophono,
toiogrnpn ami electric lighting wlroa
and causing $100,000 damago.
Roosevelt Not Going to War.
Now York, Nov. 22. Col. Th nrtilnrn
Roosovclt Is not going to Europo to
ngni lor ino aiues. His aocrotary,
John McGruth, iBsued a statement rot
ntlvo to tho report from Canada that
ho would light.
Killed by Black Handera.
Now Or.eans. Nov 22, After ho had
rocolvod several black hand letters
In which ho was warned to "prepare
to go to holl," Vlnccncto Merclno, a
wealthy Italian, was waylaid and shot
to death.
Men Trapped 800 Feet Below the First
Level Flames Sweep the
Seattle, Wash.. Nov. IS. Thlrty-ono
men perished ns tho result of a dust
oxploslon on Tuesday In the North
western Improvement company's coal
mine at Ravensdalo, this county.
Forty woro Imprisoned.
Special Deputy Sheriff Allan Stark
telephoned the sheriff's office from
Ravensdalo that hope of rescuing tho
entombed miners had been abandoned.
Ho said tho explosion was caused by
coal dust.
Tho spot whero tho oxploslon oc
curred Is approximately 80 feet be
low tho first lovol, whore the rescuo
parties are working.
Justice Hughes of Supreme Court
Asks Name Be Left Off Ballot
In Nebraska..
Washington. Nov. 20. AsRoelnte.
Justico Hughas of the Supremo court
on Thursday notified tho secretary of
state of Nebraska he would not ho a
candidate at tho coming presidential
primary oloctlon and requested that
his namo bo not placed on tho ballot.
Tho uttornoy general of Nebraska
has been quoted ns saying Justico
Hughes could npt withdraw hlti namo
from tho primary ticket.
Tho potltlon stntod that Justico
Hughes' nnino was filed without hla
knowledge and that whllo tho petition
ers woro nwnro ho was opposed to any
consideration of his nnmo ns a candi
date thoy woro convinced "that thn
wolfnro of tho nation, In Its broadest
sonso, demands tho drafting of Ha
highest and most available tnlont to
load In tho appronchlng contest for
triumph or Republican principles, and
that tho emergency demands a resort
to conscription."
Aged Woman Asks Divorce and $10,000
AlimonyFormer Vice Investi
gator Called Poisoner.
South Bond, Nov. 19. Mrs. Marlnn
B. Miller Qullhot, aged Bovonty-llvo,
said to bo tho seventh wlfo of John H.
Qullhot, South Bend vlco Investigator
and head of tho so-called Hon hp. nf
Myotory at 180 Calhoun street, Battlo
Crook, Mich., filed n divorce suit horn
on Wednesday. In hor comnlnlnt nim
allegos: That Qullhot attomntod to
murder hor by placing poison in her
rooa: that ho dashed cold and hot wn.
ter on hor whllo sho was in a feeblo
condition: that ho constantly
her to drafts: that ho obtained hv trink
and fraud, for r.o consideration what
ever, real estate and property belong
ing to hor; that ho was unduly friend
ly with Mrs. Jules Dargusah at Battlo
Creek and othor womon. Assault and
battory Is also alleged. Mrs. Qullhot
asks for $10,000 alimony.
Make Russ Guns In Cleveland.
Cloveland. NOV. 22. A rnnlrnn fnr
tho manufacture of $20,000,000 worth
or rliios for tho Russian array has
neon practically closed bv Clnvninmt
capitalists nnd Now York munltlous
Signs Suffrage Petition.
Albany, N. Y Nov. 22. Governor
Whitman, at tho requost of prominent
suffragists, signed
gross requesting that body to euact
a ii-uorni law nrnvii!ini rn- rr.,,i
. " O biJUHl DU1-
Statement Issued at Washington Says
Important Information Was Ob
tained Concerning Activities of Aus
trian Consul Von Nuber.
Washington, Nov. 20. Attornoy
General Gregory officially announced
on Thursdny that A. Bruce Blelaskl,
chief of tho bureau of Investigation of
the department of Justice, at his con
ference in Now York with Dr. Josef
Goricnr, former Austrlun consul, "ob
tained much -aluablo Information'
concerning tho activities of Austrian
Consul General von Nuber and his as
A full report will bo transmitted
to tho stnto department. It Is ex
pected that tho cancellation of ex
equatur of Consul General von Nuber
and possibly of other consuls will bo
tho result.
John R. Rathon, editor of tho Provl-
denco Journal, with whom Blolaskl
also conferred, turned over to tho de
partment officials ovldenco In sub
stantiation of Doctor Gorlcar'a
Tho attorney general's statement
was as follows:
"Mr. Blelaskl, chlof of tho bureau
of Investigation of tho department of
Justico, returned after his visit to Now
York, during which ho conferred with
Mr. Rathon, editor of tho Provldenco
Journal, and Doctor Gorlcar.
"While Doctor Gorlcar may not be
able to testify directly to all matters
under Investigation, much Information
of a valuable nature was obtained con
cerning tho activity of tho Austrian
Consul General von Nuber and his
associates, tho details of which cannot
bo disclosed at present. Prompt in
vestigation, howovcr. will bo made.
Last City In Serbia Falls Into Hands
of Teutonic Allies Greece May
, Intern Serbs.
London, Nov. 20. Tho Bulgarians
who entered Prllop on Wednesday
occupied Monastlr on Thursday, tho
last city of any sizo in Serbia, accord
ing to a nows dispatch from Salonlkl.
Tho capture, which was conceded to
bo lnovltablo whon tho Serbs lost Ba-
buna pass nnd Prilop, means practical
ly tho end of tho Serbian defense. Ro-
treat for tho southern army into
Greece, whero It faces possible Intern
ment by tho Greeks, and retreat of tho
central army into Montenegro and Al
bania appears to bo an absolute neces
sity and is believed to have begun al
Monastlr is only 15 miles from tho
Greek border and Is tho second city In
Serbia In size. It Is tho laBt rail head
position to bo hold by tho Sorbs.
According to a news dispatch from
thons, tho French havo captured tho
town of Kasturlno and tho British
havo advanced on tho Valandovo-Raz-
rovo front.
According to nows recolvod by Ath
ens newspapers, tno French won a
striking victory ovor tho Bulgarians
on tho Tithirkowo-Schovo Krussovltza I
front. Tho battlo was wagod for two
days. Tho Bulgarians are said to havo
sustained such heavy losses that they
gavo up tho fight and retired north
ward to tho right bank of tho Vardar
Bulgarian troops operating south
ward of Nlsh occupied Grdeljlco, 32
miles from tho capital on tho Nlsh
Salonlkl railroad.
President Wilson's Plea to Governor
Spry Falls to Save the
I. W. W. Poet.
Salt Lako City, Utah, Nov. 19. Jo-
soph Hlllstrom, tho I. W. W. poet con
victed of tho murdor of J. G. Morrison
nnd tho latter's son Arlington, was shot
to death at 7:41 a. m. after efforts by
President Wilson to securo a reprieve
for tho condemned man had failed and
after tho stato board of pardons had
doclded that clevonth-hour evldenco
which hnd como to light was Insuf
ficient ground for a reprieve.
Hlllstrom staggered to tho chair
plainly a broken man. Ills head
drooped as ho waa blindfolded and
strapped In tho chair. Every ono of
tho four bullets plorcod his heart.
Thoro was no falter In tho plans.
Debs Declines Nomination.
Torro Haute, Ind.. Nov. 22. EtiRono
V. Debs, Socialist candldato for presi
dent of tho United States In 1900,
1904. 1908 nnd 1912. In a formal state
ment on Friday announced that ho had
docllncd tho fifth nomination for tho
presidency at tho hands of his party.
Astor's Pocket Is Picked.
Now York. Nov. 20. Barnov Woln-
stoln was arrested charged with pick
ing tho pocket of Vincent Astor, tho
richest young man in America, Just ns
Mr. Astor was leaving tho Bclasco
thcator, Mr. Astor lost $250.
Machinists Strike.
Philadelphia, Nov. 20. Machlno
shop workers employed nt tho Fayotto
R. Plumb tool works, Frankfort, nro
on strike. Tho mon say thoy aro get
ting 18 cents an hour, and thoy want
30 per cent moro.
The cornerstone of thn now JiK.non
" ' '
ichool house at Dunbar was laid last
Deshler Is asklntt to havo n. nnm
pany of the national guard Installed
At a special election held nt David
City a $GO,000 bond Issue for a now
high, school carried.
Oakland was dedicated recently. Thn
edifice cost $8,500.
William Schellack of Hastings,
whllo enjoying a hearty laugh with
nmrlr. rrln,l. .1 , ,
Tho annual meeting of the state
bottlers' association will be held it
Lincoln January 2fi ami 27
t. mi ,
IWO full CaHoadH of nnnltiv mn.
. . . ,,, ii election ai Table Hock for'
Fall Im trNew'v5 if' T' SeICtln f a -ndSeTor post
I alls Citj to New Wk points lust mater, Charles H. Carmlchael re-
An -,,,.,, ,.. , ..
.... .w; y.u.n ia oeing iuik
works nlnnV
rSrS W
Nebraska Wcsleyan won the col
legiate football chamnlonsliln nf ti,
rrlL b-y d'eaU"S Doa"e college at
TiwI r' r, . .
The Kearney Commercial club has
; ;" " avor or municipal concerts
In that city on Sundav aftomnona iinr.
i .. .. -
mg me winter months.
, -
from sparks from an engine, destroyed
- - r Swuniiv lu lull t; iti't'II MI II II f
uio union Pacific donnt n Mrtrfl.
rti . ... ..v..
ffif, entU,,,nE a 1098 est,mated at
Rev. .T u ni ...k ,
tor of the stone church. BBvn.T .n7.
. oi tviiu huh i mii rifiK
Z ? L0V5 f0
. . . .. '
.ministry 1 ltl
A most successful nnlnn ...
, ... . --....ii.
'S eG r"K r "1 "!de,
- v.....,,,,!,,, uuuiik
iJn ",le,I,B,Uy-n,n POr80ns
Four carloads of walnut lOM. hn
used I., th nlf,r,f " ' : "
for tl e "I"" flVK!
u.n.o, wuie louueu
at Spraguo and shipped to Kansas
vuy msi -vveeic. .
As the outcome of several nrellml.
nnrv n.llnn "
i r t"16 or a pmh ou8e to have two
--o "tam u umie cnorus
?.b COmpOSed.of 200 of th0 "est
A rnmmllf T t ,
A committee selected hv t in kVnr.
ney Commercial club hns been aaslep.
nil tn lnoi.- i , . "T
Ibillty of the location of another nl-
iaira meal mill In that city.
John M. Linden of Madison. Wis..
is conducting a very successful
vlval at Gothenburg. Meetings are
held In a warehouse which seats 1,500
people. It is crowded nightly.
Ministers of Fremont have denlilnd
to hold fifty union nraver meetlncR
ana preaching services during Decern
Der in preparation for the Fremont re
vlvnls which arc to open January 2.
Plans are being made for the build
lng of a community house at Adams,
when will provide an auditorium, II
- '
urary, reading rooms and a rest room
ior men nnu women of the community,
. . ..
For rescuing a man from certain
death by crawling on the nllot of a
freight engine and pushing tho man
rrom tho track, R. L. Young, a Fre
mont brakeman, Is expected to be
awarded with a Carnegie hero medal
Seven persons riding In a big tour
lng car miraculously escaned death
when their automobile plunged over a
1 rn i. t. a ... I
lou-iooi omuanKment on ureiiKneck
hill, near Llsco, crashing to pieces at
nin oouom. au were injured, hut
nono miaiiy.
Ino camnaiKn for members of th
Beatrice Y. W. C. A. is on. Committees
have so far secured n. larerp numlior nf
pledges for membership and also se-
uuiuu Buusciiimona umouniing to
about $1,000 toward tho expenses of
the organization.
Willi l,ctvrr o tmof lirtln r f
home In Kwins Alex Naplor unearthed
an old Indian rifle at a donth nf from
K. ... -
two to threo feet Tho rifio stock was
enureiy uecayea away, uuc mo uarrei,
nBlde from tho rust, was Intact and
gave uviuenco oi navng Deen in me
ground for many years.
' T .
hotel In Froninnt lmvo hppn lirlirlilpii.
i no nrosnects ror a new sif, .
od considerably by tho announcement
.r , i. r-.. . j . . i . . .1..... t. .. i
ui uiu ji.uu inujcti iiiui. moy nuvo ui- uiuuu me uoaru oi uireciors and engl
ready secured subscriptions for neers and the Incurring of the llabll
$50,000. If $100,000 Is subscribed an ity, the ballot for tho project was ai-
eirort will bo made to bond tho build-
lng for $50,000 additional.
liix Brothers, llvlncr fnnr inllpn
west of North Bend, lost four good
F C . .
horses nnd havo three more that aro
very sick irom overeating oi wneai.
rrliin lnn n m i ..... .1 1,,. n I . ..1. 1 1 .
x mo luua nun wuocu uj u lat
1 1 1 .. . I 1 . mi
, , --
wheat ran out nnd tho horses found It
i . ii ii t
iiir a niiin Liirniiirn inn nm. i iih
iih i nro nm nwner inn.
A movement is being talked of at
uio sown umana shock lurus ex-
change to havo the legislature sot
nsldo certain months of tho year as
an open season Tor dogs that Miave of the blood and in kicking and strlk
been in the habit of damaging sheep lng knocked Mr. Hathaway under its
ami biijck in uuuruiu imria ul uiu
Forty-six Protestant churches, rep'
resenting 75 per cent of the Omaha
churches affiliated with the Billy Sun
day campaign, reported to the Omuhu
ministerial union membership ncces'
slons of approximately 2,032 slnuo
tho campaign closed.
Tho seedling mllo of tho Lincoln
highway Just completed at Kearney,
will bo named "Watson boulevard" In
honor of H. D. Watson, who In tho
past years planted thousands of elms
along this highway which aro now
making abundant shade and beautify-
lnc tho stretch of road.
Plans for the new German Lutheran
church at Staplehurst have been com
pleted. The National Association of Hotel
Clerks will hold their annual conven
tion In Omaha, beginning December 7.
Steps have been taken by citizens
' . 11 .until " J lill4UUD
at Wausa for the formation of a far-
inurs' and merchants club.
A movement has been launched in
Fremont lo revive the llrpmens tour.
nament, formerly very popular In Ne.
The annual convention of the No.
braska State Irrlcatlon association
oitwtm nanuwHiLiui
Will lin hnlil nf
or 7, 8 nnd 9.
Omaha won tho contest for the next
ueetllR or tho Nebraska Christian uu-
at tUo stntc convention recently
llolll III N'nrfilti-
WnUSn, c,t,zens exPe(t to form n
com!,mnlt; which all peoplo
n U,B ylc,nlty wU1 Invited to In-
lerest themselves.
i- .. .1.... ..
ceLveU " '3t vtes.
- two blocks of blthulithlc navlii"
h Pi at Columbus, "it
g "Ie ,lr3t PaVillE 0f strcets wl"
U'Ut PrCe3S 111 t,,C StatC-
- Employes of the Dempster factory
n tln..r .... p8lcr Iac.tory
on a five-day, nine-hour basis for sov-
orul moll'B. Jiave returned to a six
day basis.
William Renneccus, residing eight
miio '.. llb. bllt
"-o rat.i. ui muuiBun. niew ntr tun nn
of hi l.nn.i i ' . "...
1 I 1 a ocuirmfwl n .1 . . . .
mm me coroners lnnuest
found death due to buIcMp
T .i .
i uiuuauuu peoDie attenupn rim
big .barbecue given by tl?e ! merchant
I fir sitnnnni T-ni t- i
r. "Z . xjuamess men or
i rna nttv n i n
Z' ' Zl? BTCaiest BaUl
I ... in auuciiurs insiorv.
M Predicted that ft. tabernacle
at HWard W,U have to be enlarged as
(.U6H.OO. uuuu urowus woro in attend-
at eacl' on of the begTnX
i wees.
..Tho athletic boal-d of the Beatrice
I I I Gl1mt l.nn .1..M..1 ..
upon. ay
r. as. me uato for
"I?. annual. f00t banquet, which
win ne held at tho Commercial clnl.
rooms. commercial club
rr,,. , .
rhurr.u .,rt 'Z . 1Bm?"
"l "-"v.c is manning on Ulo
stories and to be used for church en
tertalnments and other public Sher
T1, Pla,1B Cal1 Outlay of
Lhn,,t ema '
a oi .
. . u,,ufiC "'"--uuurier muo
long has Just been completed over tho
Platte river near Gibbon. This makes
a permanent structure In place of tho
former wooden affair, and affords
much greater safety than wns pn.
Joyed with the old bridge.
Loomis' third annual tn rmpra In.
stitute live stock and poultry show
will be held on December 2 and 3.
With good crons this season nml n
larger premium list than usual it is
expected that this year's exhibit will
eclipse any previously held.
The first opening of tho "saw dusL
trail" at Hamilton Union evangelistic
tahprilnr-ln nt TTnaf tnrro ..nanltrwl 1.. -to
converts fmm an omiinn n..
. r HbS'UbUl-
lng 7,200 peoplo. The "trail" was
opened at the end of the second week
In the six weeks' cnmpalgn.
Upon the urgent reauest of his nas-
tor, John Sheeley, Hastings saloon
keeper, agreed to allow a relgious
service held In his nlace of business.
Miss Cartright of tho Hamilton evan-
I - - - -O" w ItUttlUlUU VJ Y till
cellstlo. nnrtv ipmi Mi O trioottnrp ocelot
I J S -r v. vy i. (.iti, tO00
ed by othor women nml rimmii wnrir.
A party of four hunters who Just re
turned to Greeley, report the dlscov-
ery of two new lakes northwest, nf
I RnrMntt. In whimior i..i
. , , ... ' ' . v v. . . 1.UU1HJ. JVtDI
dents nf flint
i - w w v- v w VUllllUl (IV,UUllb
fnr tho nnnpnrnnnrt p inifAn
. -fi"-"v.l . uic uinco, U
they attained a depth of twenty or
miriy ieet and aro not receding,
Formation of the Master Builders'
organization of the state was nccom.
I nllclwwl In T t.
hundred of the leading construction
mon nnd pnntrnrfnra rt tiw
.uaat, u v. b v Vi. VI IU O HI I J.
Leaders In the movement plan to get
meso interests together for the good
of the business and for the betterment
or nuiming conultons.
In the election for tho north drain-
ncn i s r nt nrimn oi ni n.
I ' ' ....... ...nittll..,l I. . W 1 1 IHU
I T'lnlln rlu..r In ln nnriimm
...v.. ... uuoiKjiil iiumimiij
of Kearney county, on tho estimate
I ... i ...
most unanimous, G.438 acre votes
being cast for. and only 2S0-acre votes
nirnlnst thn nrntnni tv. ...m
. ' " tW.H A III. UllWU WIIL
ho moro than a mllo lonir.
Joseph Hathaway, a farmer, living.
near Murray, came near losing his
I II,. t. t . . . ....
I uiu iiujh Ut.'lUK irumpied anil KlCKeil
I. . . . .
i w.. .11, i i ui, 1 1 '
away had been butchorlng and hla
I . t . .....
i nv n Tiindiinnmi nnrao ht tt..i.
i nmrninrr wnn ninnf .rnii nn.u. i
with blood, and unon enlnp into thn.
... ...0 -' i'v 1,1 T UUIitLtM I'll
nam. wnero his team wns sinn.itno-
after dark, one of the horses became
excited, presumably from tho smell
ieei, wnero It tramnled h m In a vie-
lous manner.
The Intormouiitain Light and Power
company has a forco of men at work,
on tho" streets of Chadron, putting In
thO mains for the steam hentlnir nf
tho business part of that city.
Fire destroyed tho stock and tlx.
tures of tho Anselmo Alercantllo com
pany Of that Dlace. Shnrllv nflPr Mm
ftro was discovered nnd whllo tho
flrement wore working to subdue thn
flames,- another fire was discovered in
the Taylor meat market, ono block
irom tho first one. This was soon
subdued and the loss was confined to
fixtures, amounting to $500.