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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1915)
THIRTIETH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB:,- NOVEMBER 26, L915. No. 89 JKEATTY AM) 80ULKS GIVEN LIVEItY BAItX BURNS; INDETERMINATE SENTENCES !I0 HOUSES 1'EIJISIl i Io shortly after twolvo o'clock Tuesday night gutted the Interior of the North Slilo livery barn, a frame building llfty-four feet wide und 136 feet long, and resulted in the dea-.h of thlrty-slx horses and the loss of GOO bushels of grain and thirty or moro tons of buy. Twenty-two of the horses that perished belonged to far mers principally residents oC Mc pherson county and tho others be longed to tho bam. At tho time of tho lire thero were thirty-eight aui- mals in the stalls, but owing to the rapidity with which tho names spread only two were rescued, and theso by a farmer who was sleeping in tho hay loft nnd who owned tho animnls. Tho building wns owned by Julius MotronSen. havinc purchased it three years ago of F. W. Ilermingbausen, and ho operated the stable. .Mr. Mogenoen says tho ilro started In the, west end of the building which w& stored with hay. and ho is certain that It was due to ueiecuvo cieciric wiring, or tnai the wires in some manner nau uecomo disarranged. Percy Loudon, tho niht man, first discovered the , fire. Ho awakened the farmer sloping in the loft, sent In an alarm, and attempted to rescue somo of the horses, but the flames spread with such vrnpldlty that the west end of tho barn, was quickly a mass of Are, and under theso condi tions, the animals, fcarfiil of fire ns horses always are, could not bo driven from tho stalls. The fire department so6n had water playing on tho building and succeed ed In eventually checking the flames, but not until the Interior was practic ally gutted, while tho walls of the building on all sides remains intact, tho salvage on tho building will bo slight in fact it will be, necessary to tear down tho structure and rebuild, which Mr. Mogensen announces he will dq as soon as ho gets matters adjusted. An insurance of $3,000 was carried on the building and tho horses and other property "belonging to tho barn were lightly Insured. Mr. Mo gensen's net loss, however, will be several thousand dollars. The loss to farmers whoso hordes were burned will, In most Instances, be keenly felt. In several cases tho animals lost wero all tho owners pos sessed. . 1 Among the McPherson county losers were: Stoddard four head, Blasee four head, Gregg two, and Juvldent three. Capt. Slvltts and son, living in Myrtle precinct lost four ihcad. Willie Beatty and Warren Soulcs, who wore found guilty of cattle steal ing wero given nn indeterminate sen tence of from one to ten years each by Judge Grimes Wednesday forenoon. Tuesday evening, at tho request of tho two young men, William Beatty, who was surety for them, surrendered the bond, and they wore turned over to Sheriff Salisbury. They then re quested that sentenco bo pronounced upon them nt tho earliest posslblo time, and In pursuance of this re quest thoy were taken before Judge Grimes tho following morning and sen tenco Imposed. That this shadow should cross the life of Colonel Beatty and his estim able wife Is to be regretted exceeding ly. Tho error of a son cannot, howev er, ostrange tho friendship entertained for the Colonel by his many old-tlmo acquaintances in North Platte; It will only tend to strengthen the bond. - LOCAL A3?D PEHSONAL. David Love, of Sutherland, Is trans acting business In town this week. Miss Cressle Bassett Is spending this week with relatives In Lexington. Miss Alta H of ft&r.'ioM, who was the guest of Mus Etri Bak ir, lm gine .ionic Miss Paulino Baldock has returned from a short visit with relatives In Pnxton. Deputy Sheriff Roy Wilson and wlfo visited relatives In Sutherland for sev eral days. , Attorney and Mrs. M. B. Crosby vis ited tho former's parents In Suther land yesterday. Tako your pick of our I1I5I1 grade Fall Suits priced 'from ?30 to $40 for 515 while they last, BLOCKS. Charles Martini, Jr., of Omaha, came yesterday morning to eat turkey with the homo folks. Miss Bess Crandall went to Kearney Wednesday evening to spend tho week end with relatives. Miss IMaud Rles left Wednesday evening for Kearney to spend me week end with relatives. Miss Ruby Manuel went to Kearney Wednesday evening to spend the week end with her parents. All Suits and Coats going at abso lutely cost. ,B. T. TRAMP& SONS. Master James Guyman went to Pax ton yesterday morning to visit rela tives until Monday. Mrs. Merryman, of San Francisco, is expected here shortly to visit her sister Mrs. F. C. Hoxlo. Bath Robes for ladles, misses and children, in all shades from 98t up at BLOCK'S. Mr iinil Mrs Rimer Coatos and son visited Mrs. Coatos' sister, Mrs. Put- off, in Sidney this week. Mrs. Gub Anderson and grand daughter left yesterday morning for Taxton to visit relatives. Mrs. James McEvoy and son went to Cheyenne Wednesday evening to visit friends for a week. ' For Rent Furnished room. Inquire 40G east Third street. .SS-2 Mrs. George Finn returned Tuesday evening from Denver where sho visit ed her sister last weeK. Mrs. Hord, of Grand Island, arrived hero yesterday to spend a fortnight with her mother Mrs. Eves. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Loudon and daughter Mary have gone to Roscoo to bo the guests of friends for a weoit or more. CQHY WILL HAVE OWN SHOW NEXT SEASON CITY AM) COUNTY NEWS. Tho Cody (Wyo.) Enterprise of No vember 18th says: Buffalo Bill will have his own show out noxt season. For two or three years Col. Cody has been connected with tho Sells-Floto shows, but his connection with these pcoplo was sov crcd at tho closo of tho present sea son. Colonel Cody arrived homo Monday evening, looking as young and strong as last year. Ills 70th birthday will occur next February, but tho old In dian fighter possesses tho strength and vitality of a man of fifty, and ho Is looking forward to tho opening of tho season with his own original wild west show. Ho will probably com mence tho season with a long engage ment at Madison Squaro garden In Now York City. Notwithstanding the now show will be along tho lines of tho original wild west show, Colonel Cody has several now and striking Ideas which ho will Incorporate In tho new outfit. Ho de clined to state what theso features will bo, but gives assuranco that his plans aro practically porfect along this line. Ho Is now busy with this work. Though ho expects to remain in Coly and vicinity for some tlmo ho may be called east any day. Wort man Buys Paper. A. V. Wortmnn, former roporter for Tho Tribune, has bought tho Hebron, tfMnl fli n tyt nlnn nnit'anrttini nlnrif nnd will take possesion noxt Wcdncs day. Hebron Is tho county scat of Thayer county, a good town, nnd tho plant ho has purchased is tho best of. the three in town. Mr. Wortmon has, long desired to purchase a newspaper,' and now that ho ho has succeeded he will no doubt put the full strength of his energetic personality Into It. Ho Is an excellent young man and we wish lii'm all kinds of success. I Court Takes nn Adjournment. j Judgo Grimes adjourned tho No vemer term of court Wednesday until Monday, December Gth. Tho out-of-town Jurors left for their respective home Wednesday after spending ton days in town. It will probably re quire two weeks to dispose of (he Jury cases yet on tho docket. 1 I 1 El Your ew Barn Build it now. Have your new barn earning for you just that much sooner. You will enjoy the win-' tcr more, knowing that the stock is properly housed. And they'll be in fine -condition to cam more for you next year. Take advantage of the fall months to complete all your building and re pair work. It's the best season to get your build ings in, ship-shape, and you won't -be interrupted during the rush spring work next year. W. W. BIRGE CO. Freeman Hansen, of (Jonncil Bluffs, come yesterday to visit his grand mother, Mrs. Emma Pulvon Miss Isabella Stafford, at tho local teaching force, Is spending a few days with rolatlves in Paxton. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Carson, of Goth enburg, came yesterday to visit their son Perry Carson and family. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Kelly w,ere among those who spent yesterday in York and attended the foot ball game. Miss Ruby MciMicheal left Wed nosday evening for Sidney to visit her sister Mrs. Jack Mann fpr a week. Mrs. Dakstrom and on will return tomorrow rrom Horshoywliero tney visited with relatives thjs,week. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Mct6,rmott went to Grand Island Wtdnosday morning to spend several days with relatives,. Mrs. Rose Garrison and daughter Katherlne went to Paxtoh yesterday raprning to visit at the McFadden nome. Miss Theo Schwaiger returned Wednesday evening from Kearney whero she visited for a' week with her Bister. a?Q5j5a Jasper Mahaffoy, of Omaha, spent yesterday hero with his wlfo who is vlyitlng her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. T. StuarL Attorneys Leslio Baskihd and R. P. Ilalligan acted ns reforeo"and umpire at the foot ball game at Gothenburg yesterday. Miss Mary O'Neill, of Lincoln, ar rived here Wednesday evening to visit her cousins Misses Mario and Florenco Stack. The Et-A-Virp club was entertained by Mrs. Leonard Dick "Tuesday aftor- noon at a kenslngton. A nlcoly pre pared lunch was served.' I Mr. and Mrs. Roy Spurrier and fam ily left n few days ago. for 'their home stead In South Dakota, .where they will rtsldo In tho future. . Anothor now sh'pmpht of Silk Waists just received;' boautiful nil silk crepo waists 'n all ' shades, high or low neck, long ileovMs; at $".50, at BLOCK'S. ' 1 Mrs. Harold Brlggs, of Minneapolis, Minn., who spent two months with her mother Mrs. Philip Drake, return ed home Tuesday ovenlng. -Mrs. James Keltner, or Gothenburg, who wns tho guest of her nleco Mrs. Charles McNeil for days, went homo Wednosday aftornoon. For Sale Cholco Registered Here ford Bulls, ono and two years old, at reasonablo prices. E. Soderman, 11 miles southeast of North Platte. BOH I Tho following menu will bo served at tho Christian church ""Monday: Roast turkey with dressing, cranborry sauce, maBhed potatoes with gravy, cabbage salad, creamed turnips, plum pud ding, coffee. Miss Mario Boatman, of eastern Il linois, who had been visiting her broth er B. B. Boatman for somo tlmo, has accepted a position la the local tele Mr. and Mrs. Maurlco Buckley and daughter-are spending this week with Mrs. Buckley's sister in Council Bluffs. Now shipment of Plush and Zlbe llno Coats Just received; fur trim med, with chin chin cellars, now on salo at greatly reduced prices at BLOCK'S. For Salo Pure bred Duroc-Jersey spring boars your cholco at $25.00 each. OGtf EXPERIMENTAL STATION. fcECRETAKY TEMPLE SUBMITS SEM I-ANN UAL It E I'O KT Tho monthly membership meeting of tho Chamber of Commerce wns hold Wednesday ovenlng with a rather small attendance of members. A report of the receipts and oxpondi tlures for tho past six months was submitted by Secretary Templo, show-; lng that $2,394.50 had been collected on tho publicity fund nnd $1301.75 on tho general or membership fund, and collections of $90.00 for advertising spneo on tho bulletin board at tho 1 farmers rest rooms, a total of $3,780. 25. Thero Is still duo on tho public ity fund $897 and on tho general fund $G03. ' j During tho six mouths tho expend itures woro $3,507.25. Tho principal appropriations made woro $700.00 for tho Fourth of July celebration, $500 for the ball team, $900 for tho county fair, $100 for tho gun club tournnmont,! $302 for rest room expenses and $500, for secretary's salary; tho remninder being expended for various advertis ing schemes, Lincoln Highway films, I boosting tho paving and park bonds, good roads and other publicity pur-, poses. Following this report, there wero discussions on associated charities, street lighting, paving and drainage. Upon motion $1C0 wns npproprlntcd to tho associated charities, $100 of which was for tho emergency fund and $00 for six months salary for Mrs. McKay whao dovotes a day or two each week to receiving, sorting and distributing wearing appareU At tho request of tho Lincoln Coun ty Poultry Association $150 Was ap propriated to that organization with which to buy, prizes for tho annual show to bo held n Jnnunry. A coinmllteo consisting of W. II. Mc Donald, Henry Waltcmath and City Engineer McNamara was appointed to visit different towns in tho stato and Investigate tho material used in pav ing, to the end that tho best and most satisfactory material hnay bo obtained for paving In this city. Tho traveling expenses of this commltteo will bo borne by tho Chamber of Commerce. Latest Hair Dress 25c, Coatos' par lor. Mrs. Henry Staples and daughter have gone to Potter to spend a week with friends. Mrs. William Calhoun and children enrao Wednesday evening to visit Mr. and Mrs. Edward Noble. Miss Mary Ford, of Madrid, who was the Kuost of Miss Hannah Young for two weeks, went homo Wednesday ev ening. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hayes at tho City Hospital Tuesday evening, which died shortly after birth. Tho mother Is In a critical condition. NORTH l'LATTE WINS HUSSANE EASY PICKING FROM YORK TO . FOR JOE STECHEK In tho tightest gamo In which thoy figured this season, the North Plntto high school foot ball team defeated; tho York team yesterday on tho Held' of tho latter by a scoro of six to three.' York's count was mado in tuo second quarter by a placo kick from tho thlr-j ty yard lino, and North Platto secured Its touch down on a forward pass In tho third quarter, but failed to kick goal. Soveral tlmoB during tho gamo each team had tho ball within a fow yards of tho goal lino, but through tho stub born resistance failed to put It over. While all tho North Platto boys played a very strong gamo, Cool proved tho bright star, tlmo and again, making end runs for good gains. Tho York team proved Jo bo by far tho strong est the locals havo been up ngulust this season. , By winning this gamo North 1'hUto comes through with a clean slato, and while Lincoln also camo through without n defeat, North Platto has just as much right to claim tho stato high school championship as has that team. Grand Island was eliminated us n contender for that honor yostor when Omaha dofcated them by a scoro of fourteen to six. A post season gamo betweon Lin coln and North Platto Is being con sidered In order that the stato cham pionship may bo decided. No Protest Filed. Tho thirty days in which to lllo a protest against tho organization of tho paving district has cxplrell and no protest has been filed. Tho district will stand ns organized by tho council. Proporty owners within tho district will now bo given thirty days to so-, lect tho material 4o bo used for tho ' paving, nnd when tho selection is mado arrangements will begin for asking for bids for construction work.' Tho purpose 1b to havo everything In readiness so that work on tho paving can be started as soon as the weather will permit next spring. Joo Steelier, Ncbraska'r. pride, dis posed of Youslff Hussane in a wrest ing match at Lincoln yestnrdny in nlno minutes, securing tho first fall In four minutes and the second in Ave. Four thousand pooplo paid ad mission to seo tho big go. At tho ring sido bets of flvo to 0110 and as hig.i as eight to ono woro mado on Steeli er. In speaking of tho ovent tho Bco says: "Without detracting ono whit from tho ability of Hussano aa a wrest ler, nor ovon intending to glvo tho lni prcsn'on thnt he failed to do a good day's work, It must bo stated la all falrnoss to Steelier thnt tho tigerish Bulgarian was like a war baby In Bel glum. You'vo all hoard of that tallow-logged terrier thnt was bolng pur sued by tho asbestos follno down in tho placo BUI Sunday talks of. Mister Hussano had tho samo opportunity for victory ns tho wax-footed canine." Attacked by 11 Hear. Report comes from Broadwator that Clauno Dolany was rather badly In jured yesterday when attacked by 11 supposedly tamo bear owned by Carl Wagner. Mr. Dolany was exhibiting the bear to a friond when tho animal pounced on Claude, got yim down and succeeded In biting and clawing him before rescued. Tho full ex tent of Mr. Dclany's Injuries was not,; learned. j Mrs. John Holcombo nnd children returned to Lnramlo this morning af ter visiting hero for several weeks. Mrs. and George Zont'moyor and children returned this morning from Omaha and Schuyler whoro they vis ited with relatives. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Announcement Thero will bo no moro mcotings of tho 500 club until aftor Christmas, Miss Cora Sotisor and sisters wont to. SIdnoy last cvonlng to visit friends for soveral days. Miss Tyrone Wlnkloman, of, Fre mont, Is tho guest of her sister Mrs. Jack Carroll this week. Mrs. Albort Koasch, at Schuyler, who visited with Mrs. Anna Seyforth this week, has gono to Scotts Bluff. Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Bonner, of Kan sas City, formerly resldonts hero, aro visiting tho Bonner and Yoat fami lies. Mrs. F. A. Woods entortalned at a six courso turkoy dinner yesterday in favor of a number of Gothenburg guests. Mr. and Mrs. Orn McVcy, of Hatsen, Idaho, who woro guests of tho form er's eiater Mrs. Throckmorton for a week, went homo yestorday.1 Mr. and Mrs. Victor VonGoots, Jr., left last evening for their homo In Portland, Oregon, aftor a week's visit at tho homo of Mr. VonGootz's par ents. Christian Science sorvlco Sunday 11 a. m., Wednesday ovenlng meetings every wook at 8 o'clock. All aro wel come. Building & Loan building, room 25. Mrs. Rathon and baby, who wero guests of Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Wurtelo this wcelcj loft last evening for their homo In Wyoming. For Kent. 4 room houso 210 cast B street. 7 room houso 203 south Locust street, modern except heat. 84tf J. C. HOLLMAN. The 1916 Maxwell Including Electric Starter, and Electric Lights I Want You to Take This Car Now! , Ride in it take the family out every Sundayr really enjoy the many fine days right now for auto riding. ' And I have arranged that you may buy this 1916 Maxwell the biggest auto value on the market by A Small Payment Down Balance Easy The 1916 Maxwell is complete in every detail electric starter and lights demountable rims one man top gracelul lines -full hve-passenger body everything that the high priced car has and you can buy it and Pay as You Ride. C. M. TROTTER, East Sixth Street, North Platte. Open Evenings and Sundays. phone ottice.